package javaforce.service; /** * A simple Proxy Server * * Supports : SSL (CONNECT) * * jfproxy.cfg example: * [global] * port=3128 * allow= * [blockdomain] * .*youtube[.]com * [urlchange] * url = newURL * * Note : in [blockdomain] section the domains are in Regular Expression format * see : * * Note : in [urlchange] section the url is a regular expression * and the = MUST have a space before and after it. * * @author pquiring * */ import*; import*; import java.util.*; import javaforce.*; import javaforce.jbus.*; public class Proxy extends Thread { public final static String busPack = "net.sf.jfproxy"; public static String getConfigFile() { return JF.getConfigPath() + "/jfproxy.cfg"; } public static String getLogFile() { return JF.getLogPath() + "/jfproxy.log"; } private static class URLChange { public String url, newurl; } private ServerSocket ss; private Vector<Session> list = new Vector<Session>(); private ArrayList<String> blockedDomain = new ArrayList<String>(); private ArrayList<URLChange> urlChanges = new ArrayList<URLChange>(); private ArrayList<Integer> allow_net = new ArrayList<Integer>(); private ArrayList<Integer> allow_mask = new ArrayList<Integer>(); private int port = 3128; public void close() { JFLog.logTrace("proxy.close()"); try { ss.close(); } catch (Exception e) {} busClient.close(); //close list Session sess; while (list.size() > 0) { sess = list.get(0); sess.close(); } } public void run() { JFLog.init(getLogFile(), true); Socket s; Session sess; loadConfig(); busClient = new JBusClient(busPack, new JBusMethods()); busClient.setPort(getBusPort()); busClient.start(); //try to bind to port 5 times (in case restart() takes a while) for(int a=0;a<5;a++) { try { ss = new ServerSocket(port); } catch (Exception e) { if (a == 4) return; JF.sleep(1000); continue; } break; } try { JFLog.log("Starting proxy on port " + port); //read newJS while (!ss.isClosed()) { s = ss.accept(); sess = new Session(s); sess.start(); } } catch (Exception e) { JFLog.log(e); } } private static enum Section {None, Global, BlockDomain, URLChange}; private final static String defaultConfig = "[global]\n" + "port=3128\n" + "allow= #allow all\n" + "#allow= #allow subnet\n" + "#allow= #allow single ip\n" + "\n" + "[blockdomain]\n" + ".*youtube[.]com\n" + "\n" + "[urlchange]\n" + " =\n"; private void loadConfig() { Section section = Section.None; try { StringBuilder cfg = new StringBuilder(); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(getConfigFile())); while (true) { String ln = br.readLine(); if (ln == null) break; cfg.append(ln); cfg.append("\n"); ln = ln.trim().toLowerCase(); int idx = ln.indexOf('#'); if (idx != -1) ln = ln.substring(0, idx).trim(); if (ln.length() == 0) continue; if (ln.equals("[global]")) { section = Section.Global; continue; } if (ln.equals("[blockdomain]")) { section = Section.BlockDomain; continue; } if (ln.equals("[urlchange]")) { section = Section.URLChange; continue; } switch (section) { case Global: if (ln.startsWith("port=")) { port = JF.atoi(ln.substring(5)); } if (ln.startsWith("allow=")) { String net_mask = ln.substring(6); idx = net_mask.indexOf("/"); String net = net_mask.substring(0, idx); int addr = getIP(net); allow_net.add(addr); String mask = net_mask.substring(idx+1); int maskBits = getMask(mask); allow_mask.add(maskBits); } break; case BlockDomain: blockedDomain.add(ln); break; case URLChange: int eq = ln.indexOf(" = "); if (eq == -1) { JFLog.log("Bad URLChange:" + ln); break; } URLChange uc = new URLChange(); uc.url = ln.substring(0, eq); uc.newurl = ln.substring(eq+3); urlChanges.add(uc); break; } } config = cfg.toString(); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { //create default config try { FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(getConfigFile()); fos.write(defaultConfig.getBytes()); fos.close(); config = defaultConfig; } catch (Exception e2) { JFLog.log(e2); } } catch (Exception e) { JFLog.log(e); } } private int ba2int(byte ba[]) { int ret = 0; for(int a=0;a<4;a++) { ret <<= 8; ret += ((int)ba[a]) & 0xff; } return ret; } private int getIP(String ip) { String p[] = ip.split("[.]"); byte o[] = new byte[4]; for(int a=0;a<4;a++) { o[a] = (byte)JF.atoi(p[a]); } return ba2int(o); } private int getMask(String mask) { int bits = JF.atoi(mask); if (bits == 0) return 0; int ret = 0x80000000; bits--; while (bits > 0) { ret >>= 1; //signed shift will repeat the sign bit (>>>=1 would not) bits--; } return ret; } private class Session extends Thread { private Socket p, i; //proxy, internet private InputStream pis, iis; private OutputStream pos, ios; private boolean disconn = false; private int client_port; private String client_ip; public synchronized void close() { try { if ((p!=null) && (p.isConnected())) p.close(); p = null; } catch (Exception e1) {} try { if ((i!=null) && (i.isConnected())) i.close(); i = null; } catch (Exception e2) {} list.remove(this); } public Session(Socket s) { p = s; } public String toString(int ip) { long ip64 = ((long)ip) & 0xffffffffL; return Long.toString(ip64, 16); } private void log(String s) { JFLog.log(client_ip + ":" + client_port + ":" + s); } private void log(Exception e) { String s = e.toString(); StackTraceElement stack[] = e.getStackTrace(); for(int a=0;a<stack.length;a++) { s += "\r\n" + stack[a].toString(); } log(s); } public void run() { String req = ""; int ch; list.add(this); client_port = p.getPort(); client_ip = p.getInetAddress().getHostAddress(); log("Session Start"); try { boolean allowed = false; for(int a=0;a<allow_net.size();a++) { int net = allow_net.get(a); int mask = allow_mask.get(a); int host = getIP(p); if ((net & mask) == (host & mask)) { allowed = true; break; } } if (!allowed) throw new Exception("client not allowed"); pis = p.getInputStream(); pos = p.getOutputStream(); while (true) { req = ""; log("reading request"); do { ch =; if (ch == -1) throw new Exception("read error"); req += (char)ch; } while (!req.endsWith("\r\n\r\n")); proxy(req); if (disconn) { log("disconn"); break; } } p.close(); } catch (Exception e) { if (req.length() > 0) log(e); } close(); log("Session Stop"); } private int getIP(Socket s) { if (s.getInetAddress().isLoopbackAddress()) return 0x7f000001; //loopback may return IP6 address byte o[] = s.getInetAddress().getAddress(); return ba2int(o); } private void proxy(String req) throws Exception { String ln[] = req.split("\r\n"); log("Proxy:" + ln[0]); int hostidx = -1; if (ln[0].endsWith("1.0")) disconn = true; //HTTP/1.0 for(int a=0;a<ln.length;a++) { if (ln[a].regionMatches(true, 0, "Host: ", 0, 6)) hostidx = a; } if (hostidx == -1) { log("ERROR : No host specified : " + req); replyError(505, "No host specified"); return; } String hostln = ln[hostidx].substring(6); //"Host: " String host; try { String method = null, proto = null, url = null, http = null; int port; String f[] = ln[0].split(" "); method = f[0]; url = f[1]; http = f[2]; if (url.startsWith("http://")) { proto = "http://"; url = url.substring(7); port = 80; } else if (url.startsWith("ftp://")) { proto = "ftp://"; url = url.substring(6); port = 21; } else { proto = "http://"; //assume http port = 80; } int portidx = hostln.indexOf(':'); if (portidx != -1) { host = hostln.substring(0, portidx); port = Integer.valueOf(hostln.substring(portidx+1)); } else { host = hostln; } //check if host is blocked host = host.trim().toLowerCase(); for(int a=0;a<blockedDomain.size();a++) { if (host.matches(blockedDomain.get(a))) { replyError(505, "Access Denied"); return; } } if (method.equals("CONNECT")) { connectCommand(host, ln[0]); return; } //check if url is changed for(int a=0;a<urlChanges.size();a++) { URLChange uc = urlChanges.get(a); if (url.matches(uc.url)) { url = uc.newurl; ln[0] = method + " " + proto + url + " " + http; int iport = url.indexOf(":"); int iurl = url.indexOf("/"); if (iurl == -1) iurl = url.length(); if (iport == -1) { port = 80; host = url.substring(0, iurl); ln[hostidx] = "Host: " + host; } else { port = JF.atoi(url.substring(iport+1, iurl)); host = url.substring(0, iport); ln[hostidx] = "Host: " + host + ":" + port; } break; } } if (proto.equals("http://")) { connect(host, port); sendRequest(ln); if (method.equals("POST")) sendPost(ln); relayReply(proto + url); } else { ftp(host, port, url); } return; } catch (UnknownHostException uhe) { replyError(404, "Domain not found"); log(uhe); } catch (IOException ioe) { /*do nothing*/ log(ioe); } catch (Exception e) { replyError(505, "Exception:" + e); log(e); } } private void connect(String host, int port) throws UnknownHostException, IOException { log("connect:" + host + ":" + port); i = new Socket(host, port); iis = i.getInputStream(); ios = i.getOutputStream(); } private void ftp(String host, int port, String url) throws Exception { int idx = url.indexOf('/'); url = url.substring(idx); //remove host FTP ftp = new FTP(); log("ftp:" + url); try { ftp.connect(host, port); ftp.login("anonymous", ""); if (url.endsWith("/")) { //directory listing String ls =; String lns[] = ls.replaceAll("\r", "").split("\n"); StringBuffer content = new StringBuffer(); content.append("<html><head>"); //TODO : fix this for Firefox - only works with Chrome content.append("<style type=\"text/css\">\r\n"); content.append(".file\r\n {\r\nbackground :\r\n url('') left top no-repeat;\r\npadding-left : 24px;\r\n}\r\n"); content.append(".folder\r\n {\r\nbackground :\r\n url('') left top no-repeat;\r\npadding-left : 24px;\r\n}\r\n"); content.append(".up\r\n {\r\nbackground :\r\n url('') left top no-repeat;\r\npadding-left : 24px;\r\n}\r\n"); content.append("</style>\r\n"); content.append("</head><body>"); if (!url.equals("/")) { //add up link int upidx = url.substring(0, url.length() - 1).lastIndexOf("/"); String up = url.substring(0, upidx+1); content.append("<a class='up' href='" + up + "'>[parent folder]</a><br>\r\n"); } for(int a=0;a<lns.length;a++) { String f[] = lns[a].split(" ", -1); //drwxrwxrwx ? uid gid size month day time_or_year filename int last = f.length - 1; if (f[0].charAt(0) == 'd') { //folder content.append("<a class='folder' href='" + f[last] + "/'>[" + f[last] + "]</a><br>\r\n"); } else { //file content.append("<a class='file' href='" + f[last] + "'>" + f[last] + "</a><br>\r\n"); } } content.append("</body></html>"); int code = 200; String msg = "OK"; String headers = "HTTP/1.1 " + code + " " + msg + "\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\nContent-Length: " + content.length() + "\r\n\r\n"; pos.write(headers.getBytes()); pos.write(content.toString().getBytes()); pos.flush(); } else { //download file int code = 200; String msg = "OK"; String headers = "HTTP/1.0 " + code + " " + msg + "\r\n\r\n"; disconn = true; pos.write(headers.getBytes()); ftp.get(url, pos); pos.flush(); } } catch (Exception e) { replyError(505, "Exception:" + e); log(e); } } private void replyError(int code, String msg) throws Exception { log("Error:" + code); String content = "<h1>Error : " + code + " : " + msg + "</h1>"; String headers = "HTTP/1.1 " + code + " " + msg + "\r\nContent-Length: " + content.length() + "\r\n\r\n"; pos.write(headers.getBytes()); pos.write(content.getBytes()); pos.flush(); } private void sendRequest(String ln[]) throws Exception { String req = ""; for(int a=0;a<ln.length;a++) { if (a == 0) ln[a] = removeHost(ln[a]); req += ln[a]; req += "\r\n"; } req += "\r\n"; ios.write(req.getBytes()); ios.flush(); } private void sendPost(String ln[]) throws Exception { int length = -1; for(int a=0;a<ln.length;a++) { if (ln[a].regionMatches(true, 0, "Content-Length: ", 0, 16)) { length = Integer.valueOf(ln[a].substring(16, ln[a].length())); } } if (length == -1) throw new Exception("unknown post size"); log("sendPost data len=" + length); byte post[] = JF.readAll(pis, length); ios.write(post); ios.flush(); } private void relayReply(String fn) throws Exception { log("relayReply:" + fn); String tmp[]; String line = ""; String headers = ""; int length = -1; int contentLength = -1; int ch; boolean first = true; int code; String encoding = ""; do { ch =; if (ch == -1) throw new Exception("read error"); line += (char)ch; if (!line.endsWith("\r\n")) continue; if (line.regionMatches(true, 0, "Content-Length: ", 0, 16)) { length = Integer.valueOf(line.substring(16, line.length() - 2)); contentLength = length; } if (line.regionMatches(true, 0, "Connection: Close", 0, 17)) { disconn = true; } if (line.regionMatches(true, 0, "Transfer-Encoding:", 0, 18)) { encoding = line.substring(18).trim().toLowerCase(); } if (first == true) { //HTTP/1.1 CODE MSG if (line.startsWith("HTTP/1.0")) disconn = true; tmp = line.split(" "); code = Integer.valueOf(tmp[1]); log("reply=" + code + ":" + line); first = false; } headers += line; if (line.length() == 2) break; //blank line (double enter) line = ""; } while (true); pos.write(headers.getBytes()); pos.flush(); if (length == 0) { log("reply:done:content.length=0:headers.length=" + headers.length()); return; } if (length == -1) { if (encoding.equals("chunked")) { //read chunked format contentLength = 0; while (true) { //read chunk size followed by \r\n String chunkSize = ""; while (true) { ch =; if (ch == -1) throw new Exception("read error"); chunkSize += (char)ch; if (chunkSize.endsWith("\r\n")) break; } contentLength += chunkSize.length(); int idx = chunkSize.indexOf(";"); //ignore extensions if (idx == -1) idx = chunkSize.length() - 2; int chunkLength = Integer.valueOf(chunkSize.substring(0, idx), 16); pos.write(chunkSize.getBytes()); boolean zero = chunkLength == 0; //read chunk chunkLength += 2; // \r\n contentLength += chunkLength; int read , off = 0; byte buf[] = new byte[chunkLength]; while (chunkLength != 0) { read =, off, chunkLength); if (read == -1) throw new Exception("read error"); if (read > 0) { chunkLength -= read; off += read; } } pos.write(buf); pos.flush(); if (zero) break; } } else { contentLength = 0; //read until disconnected (HTTP/1.0) int read; byte buf[] = new byte[64 * 1024]; while (true) { read =, 0, 64 * 1024); if (read == -1) break; if (read > 0) { contentLength += read; pos.write(buf, 0, read); pos.flush(); } } } } else { //read content (length known) int read, off = 0; byte buf[] = new byte[length]; while (length != 0) { read =, off, length); if (read == -1) break; if (read > 0) { length -= read; off += read; } } pos.write(buf); pos.flush(); } log("reply:done:content.length=" + contentLength + ":headers.length=" + headers.length()); } private void connectCommand(String host, String req) throws Exception { String ln[] = req.split(" "); if (ln.length != 3) { replyError(505, "Bad CONNECT syntax"); return; } int portidx = ln[1].indexOf(':'); if (portidx != -1) { int port = Integer.valueOf(ln[1].substring(portidx+1)); if (port != 443) { replyError(505, "CONNECT is for port 443 only"); return; } } connect(host, 443); pos.write("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n\r\n".getBytes()); pos.flush(); ConnectRelay i2p = new ConnectRelay(iis, pos); ConnectRelay p2i = new ConnectRelay(pis, ios); i2p.start(); p2i.start(); i2p.join(); p2i.join(); disconn = true; //not HTTP/1.1 compatible? } private String removeHost(String req) throws Exception { //older webserver don't like the host in the request line //in fact I didn't even know that some would accept it String p[] = req.split(" "); if (p.length != 3) return req; URL url = new URL(p[1]); return p[0] + " " + url.getFile() + " " + p[2]; } private class ConnectRelay extends Thread { private InputStream is; private OutputStream os; private byte buf[] = new byte[4096]; private final int buflen = 4096; public ConnectRelay(InputStream is, OutputStream os) { = is; this.os = os; } public void run() { int read; try { while (true) { read =, 0, buflen); if (read == -1) break; if (read > 0) {os.write(buf, 0, read); os.flush();} } } catch (Exception e) {} } } } private static JBusServer busServer; private JBusClient busClient; private String config; public class JBusMethods { public void getConfig(String pack) {, "getConfig", busClient.quote(busClient.encodeString(config))); } public void setConfig(String cfg) { //write new file try { FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(getConfigFile()); fos.write(JBusClient.decodeString(cfg).getBytes()); fos.close(); } catch (Exception e) { JFLog.log(e); } } public void restart() { proxy.close(); proxy = new Proxy(); proxy.start(); } } public static int getBusPort() { if (JF.isWindows()) { return 33003; } else { return 777; } } public static void main(String args[]) { serviceStart(args); } //Win32 Service private static Proxy proxy; public static void serviceStart(String args[]) { if (JF.isWindows()) { busServer = new JBusServer(getBusPort()); busServer.start(); while (!busServer.ready) { JF.sleep(10); } } proxy = new Proxy(); proxy.start(); } public static void serviceStop() { JFLog.log("Stopping service"); busServer.close(); proxy.close(); } }