package com.jphonelite; /* import*; import android.os.*; import android.view.*; import android.widget.*; import android.util.*; import*; import android.database.*; import android.provider.*; import android.provider.Contacts.*; */ import android.content.*; import java.util.*; import javaforce.*; import javaforce.voip.*; /** * jPhoneLite for Android : Engine * * author : Peter Quiring (pquiring at gmail dot com) * * website : */ public class Engine implements SIPClientInterface, RTPInterface { private static Engine instance = null; private java.util.Timer timerKeepAlive, timerRegisterExpires, timerRegisterRetries; private int registerRetries; private int localport = 5061; private String lastDial; private Main main; private Context ctx; private String lastDialed = ""; public int line = -1; public PhoneLine lines[]; public Audio sound = new Audio(); public static boolean active = false; private Engine() {} public synchronized static Engine getInstance(Main main, Context ctx) { if (instance == null) { //JFLog.log("Engine.getInstance():create new"); instance = new Engine(); instance.main = main; instance.ctx = ctx; instance.init(); return instance; } //JFLog.log("Engine.getInstance():return old"); instance.main = main; instance.ctx = ctx; if (!active) instance.reinit(); for(int a=0;a<6;a++) instance.lines[a].clr = -1; //force color update return instance; } public void release() { main = null; instance = null; } private void init() { active = true; JFLogAndroid.init(0, "JAVAFORCE", "/sdcard/.jphone.log"); // JFLog.log("Engine.init()"); lines = new PhoneLine[6]; for(int a=0;a<6;a++) lines[a] = new PhoneLine(); Settings.loadSettings(); sound.init(lines, ctx); reRegisterAll(); keepAliveinit(); } public void uninit() { active = false; unRegisterAll(); sound.uninit(); PhoneLine newLines[] = new PhoneLine[6]; for(int a=0;a<6;a++) newLines[a] = new PhoneLine(); lines = newLines; } public void reinit() { active = true; reRegisterAll(); sound.init(lines, ctx); } public void do_xfr() { if (line == -1) return; PhoneLine pl = lines[line]; if (!pl.incall) return; if (pl.xfr) { if (pl.dial.length() == 0) { //cancel xfer pl.status = "Connected"; pl.xfr = false; } else { pl.sip.refer(pl.callid, pl.dial); pl.status = "XFER to " + pl.dial; pl.dial = ""; pl.xfr = false; endLine(line); } } else { pl.dial = ""; pl.status = "XFER : Enter dest and press XFER again"; pl.xfr = true; } } public void do_hld() { if (line == -1) return; PhoneLine pl = lines[line]; if (!pl.incall) return; pl.hld = !pl.hld; pl.sip.setHold(pl.callid, pl.hld); pl.sip.reinvite(pl.callid); } public void do_dnd() { if (line == -1) return; PhoneLine pl = lines[line]; if (pl.incall) return; if (pl.dnd) pl.dial = Settings.current.dndCodeOn; else pl.dial = Settings.current.dndCodeOff; pl.dnd = !pl.dnd; } public void do_cnf() { if (line == -1) return; PhoneLine pl = lines[line]; if (!pl.incall) return; pl.cnf = !pl.cnf; } public void do_call() { if (line == -1) return; PhoneLine pl = lines[line]; if (pl.incall) end(); else call(); } public void addDigit(char digit) { if (line == -1) return; PhoneLine pl = lines[line]; if (pl.sip == null) return; if (!pl.sip.isRegistered()) return; if (pl.incoming) return; if (digit == 'x') { if ((pl.incall)&&(!pl.xfr)) return; //delete digit int len = pl.dial.length(); if (len > 0) pl.dial = pl.dial.substring(0, len-1); } else { if ((pl.incall)&&(!pl.xfr)) { if (pl.dtmf == 'x') { // JFLog.log("DTMF:" + digit); pl.dtmfcnt = 7; //7 * 20ms = 140ms total pl.dtmf = digit; } return; } pl.dial += digit; } } public void selectLine(int newline) { //make sure line is valid if ((line != -1) && (lines[line].dtmf != 'x')) lines[line].dtmfend = true; //finish dtmf on current line line = newline; if (line == -1) return; sound.selectLine(line); if (main != null) main._updateScreen(); } /** Registers all SIP connections. */ public void reRegisterAll() { int idx; String host; int port; for(int a=0;a<6;a++) { lines[a].dial = ""; lines[a].status = ""; if ((a > 0) && (Settings.current.lines[a].same != -1)) continue; if (Settings.current.lines[a].host.length() == 0) continue; if (Settings.current.lines[a].user.length() == 0) continue; if (Settings.current.lines[a].pass.length() == 0) continue; lines[a].sip = new SIPClient(); idx = Settings.current.lines[a].host.indexOf(':'); if (idx == -1) { host = Settings.current.lines[a].host; port = 5060; } else { host = Settings.current.lines[a].host.substring(0,idx); port = JF.atoi(Settings.current.lines[a].host.substring(idx+1)); } // JFLog.log("registering:" + host + ":" + port); try { int b=0; while (!lines[a].sip.init(host, port, localport++, this, SIP.Transport.UDP)) {b++; if (b==10) throw new Exception("err");} lines[a].sip.register(Settings.current.lines[a].name, Settings.current.lines[a].user, Settings.current.lines[a].auth, Settings.getPassword(Settings.current.lines[a].pass)); } catch (Exception e) { lines[a].status = "SIP init failed (Exception)"; lines[a].sip = null; if (a == line) if (main != null) main._updateScreen(); } } for(int a=1;a<6;a++) { if (Settings.current.lines[a].same != -1) { if (Settings.current.lines[Settings.current.lines[a].same].same != -1) { lines[a].status = "Line#" + (a+1) + " (Invalid)"; } else { lines[a].sip = lines[Settings.current.lines[a].same].sip; } } } //setup reRegister timer (expires) timerRegisterExpires = new java.util.Timer(); timerRegisterExpires.scheduleAtFixedRate(new ReRegisterExpires(), 3595*1000, 3595*1000); //do it 5 seconds early just to be sure registerRetries = 0; timerRegisterRetries = new java.util.Timer(); timerRegisterRetries.schedule(new ReRegisterRetries(), 1000); if (main != null) main._updateScreen(); } /** Expires registration with all SIP connections. */ public void unRegisterAll() { if (timerRegisterExpires != null) { timerRegisterExpires.cancel(); timerRegisterExpires = null; } for(int a=0;a<6;a++) { if (lines[a].incall) { selectLine(a); end(); } lines[a].dial = ""; lines[a].status = ""; lines[a].unauth = false; if ((a > 0) && (Settings.current.lines[a].same != -1)) { lines[a].sip = null; continue; } if (lines[a].sip == null) continue; if (lines[a].sip.isRegistered()) { try { lines[a].sip.unregister(); } catch (Exception e) { } } } int maxwait; for(int a=0;a<6;a++) { if (lines[a].sip == null) continue; maxwait = 1000; while (lines[a].sip.isRegistered()) { JF.sleep(10); maxwait -= 10; if (maxwait == 0) break; } lines[a].sip.uninit(); lines[a].sip = null; } } /** Creates a timer to send keep-alives on all SIP connections. Keep alive are done every 30 seconds (many routers have a 60 second timeout). */ public void keepAliveinit() { timerKeepAlive = new java.util.Timer(); timerKeepAlive.scheduleAtFixedRate(new KeepAlive(),0,30*1000); } /** TimerTask to perform keep-alives. on all SIP connections. */ public class KeepAlive extends java.util.TimerTask { public void run() { //JFLog.log("KeepAlive start:" + System.currentTimeMillis()); for(int a=0;a<6;a++) { if (Settings.current.lines[a].same != -1) continue; if (lines[a].sip == null) continue; if (!lines[a].sip.isRegistered()) continue; lines[a].sip.keepalive(); } //JFLog.log("KeepAlive stop:" + System.currentTimeMillis()); } } /** TimerTask that reregisters all SIP connection after they expire (every 3600 seconds). */ public class ReRegisterExpires extends java.util.TimerTask { public void run() { //JFLog.log("Expires start:" + System.currentTimeMillis()); for(int a=0;a<6;a++) { if (Settings.current.lines[a].same != -1) continue; if (lines[a].sip == null) continue; lines[a].sip.reregister(); } registerRetries = 0; if (timerRegisterRetries != null) { timerRegisterRetries = new java.util.Timer(); timerRegisterRetries.schedule(new ReRegisterRetries(), 1000); } //JFLog.log("Expires stop:" + System.currentTimeMillis()); } } /** TimerTask that reregisters any SIP connections that have failed to register (checks every 1 second upto 5 attempts). */ public class ReRegisterRetries extends java.util.TimerTask { public void run() { //JFLog.log("ReRegister start:" + System.currentTimeMillis()); boolean again = false; for(int a=0;a<6;a++) { if (Settings.current.lines[a].same != -1) continue; if (lines[a].sip == null) continue; if (lines[a].unauth) continue; if (!lines[a].sip.isRegistered()) { lines[a].sip.reregister(); again = true; } } registerRetries++; if ((again) && (registerRetries < 5)) { timerRegisterRetries = new java.util.Timer(); timerRegisterRetries.schedule(new ReRegisterRetries(), 1000); } else { for(int a=0;a<6;a++) { if (Settings.current.lines[a].same != -1) continue; if (lines[a].sip == null) continue; if (lines[a].unauth) continue; if (!lines[a].sip.isRegistered()) { lines[a].unauth = true; //server not responding after 5 attempts to register } } timerRegisterRetries = null; } //JFLog.log("ReRegister stop:" + System.currentTimeMillis()); } } public void call() { if (line == -1) return; PhoneLine pl = lines[line]; if (pl.sip == null) return; if (!pl.sip.isRegistered()) return; if (pl.incall) return; //already in call if (pl.dial.length() == 0) return; if (pl.incoming) { callAccept(); } else { callInvite(); } if ( { if (!pl.cnf) do_cnf(); } } public void redial() { if (line == -1) return; PhoneLine pl = lines[line]; pl.dial = lastDialed; } public void resetStatus(int forLine) { PhoneLine pl = lines[forLine]; if ((pl.sip != null) && (!pl.unauth)) pl.status = "Line#" + (forLine+1) + " (" + pl.sip.getUser() + ")"; if (main != null) main._updateScreen(); } public void clearDial() { if (line == -1) return; PhoneLine pl = lines[line]; pl.dial = ""; if (!pl.incall) { resetStatus(line); } if (main != null) main.updateScreen(); //UI thread } /** Terminates a call. (may not be UI thread) */ public void end() { if (line == -1) return; PhoneLine pl = lines[line]; if (pl.incoming) { pl.sip.deny(pl.callid, "IGNORE", 480); pl.incoming = false; pl.ringing = false; pl.dial = ""; pl.status = "Hungup"; if (main != null) main._updateScreen(); return; } pl.dial = ""; if (!pl.incall) { //no call (update status) resetStatus(line); if (main != null) main._updateScreen(); return; } if (pl.talking) pl.sip.bye(pl.callid); else pl.sip.cancel(pl.callid); endLine(line); if (main != null) main._updateScreen(); } /** Cleanup after a call is terminated (call terminated local or remote). (may not be UI thread) */ public void endLine(int forLine) { PhoneLine pl = lines[forLine]; pl.dial = ""; pl.orgdial = ""; pl.status = "Hungup"; pl.trying = false; pl.ringing = false; pl.incoming = false; pl.cnf = false; pl.xfr = false; pl.incall = false; pl.talking = false; pl.audioRTP.stop(); pl.audioRTP = null; pl.callid = ""; pl.rtpStarted = false; if (Settings.current.usePublish) pl.sip.publish("open"); if (main != null) main._updateScreen(); } private byte[] genKey() { byte ret[] = new byte[16]; new Random().nextBytes(ret); return ret; } private byte[] genSalt() { byte ret[] = new byte[14]; new Random().nextBytes(ret); return ret; } private SDP getLocalSDPInvite(PhoneLine pl) { SDP sdp = new SDP(); SDP.Stream stream = sdp.addStream(; stream.content = "audio1"; stream.port = pl.audioRTP.getlocalrtpport(); /* if (pl.srtp) { stream.profile = SDP.Profile.SAVP; if (!pl.dtls) { stream.keyExchange = SDP.KeyExchange.SDP; stream.addKey("AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_80", genKey(), genSalt()); } else { stream.keyExchange = SDP.KeyExchange.DTLS; stream.sdp.fingerprint = fingerprintSHA256; stream.sdp.iceufrag = RTP.genIceufrag(); stream.sdp.icepwd = RTP.genIcepwd(); } } */ String enabledCodecs[] = Settings.current.getAudioCodecs(); for(int a=0;a<enabledCodecs.length;a++) { if (enabledCodecs[a].equals( stream.addCodec(RTP.CODEC_G729a); if (enabledCodecs[a].equals( stream.addCodec(RTP.CODEC_G711u); if (enabledCodecs[a].equals( stream.addCodec(RTP.CODEC_G711a); if (enabledCodecs[a].equals( stream.addCodec(RTP.CODEC_G722); } /* if (!pl.disableVideo && Settings.current.nativeVideo) { stream = sdp.addStream(; stream.content = "video1"; stream.port = pl.videoRTP.getlocalrtpport(); if (pl.srtp) { stream.profile = SDP.Profile.SAVP; if (!pl.dtls) { stream.keyExchange = SDP.KeyExchange.SDP; stream.addKey("AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_80", genKey(), genSalt()); } else { stream.keyExchange = SDP.KeyExchange.DTLS; stream.sdp.fingerprint = fingerprintSHA256; stream.sdp.iceufrag = RTP.genIceufrag(); stream.sdp.icepwd = RTP.genIcepwd(); } } enabledCodecs = Settings.current.getVideoCodecs(); for(int a=0;a<enabledCodecs.length;a++) { if (enabledCodecs[a].equals( stream.addCodec(RTP.CODEC_JPEG); if (Settings.hasFFMPEG) { if (enabledCodecs[a].equals( stream.addCodec(RTP.CODEC_H263); if (enabledCodecs[a].equals( stream.addCodec(RTP.CODEC_H263_1998); if (enabledCodecs[a].equals( stream.addCodec(RTP.CODEC_H263_2000); if (enabledCodecs[a].equals( stream.addCodec(RTP.CODEC_H264); if (enabledCodecs[a].equals( stream.addCodec(RTP.CODEC_VP8); } } } */ return sdp; } /** Returns the SDP Stream complementary mode (send <-> receive) */ private SDP.Mode complementMode(SDP.Mode mode) { switch (mode) { case recvonly: return SDP.Mode.sendonly; case sendonly: return SDP.Mode.recvonly; case inactive: //no break case sendrecv: return mode; } return null; } /* private void addVideoStream(PhoneLine pl, SDP sdp, SDP.Stream vstream, Codec codec) { SDP.Stream newVstream = sdp.addStream(; newVstream.port = pl.videoRTP.getlocalrtpport(); newVstream.mode = complementMode(vstream.mode); newVstream.addCodec(codec); if (pl.srtp) { newVstream.profile = SDP.Profile.SAVP; if (vstream.keyExchange == SDP.KeyExchange.SDP) { newVstream.keyExchange = SDP.KeyExchange.SDP; newVstream.addKey("AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_80", genKey(), genSalt()); } else { newVstream.keyExchange = SDP.KeyExchange.DTLS; newVstream.sdp.fingerprint = fingerprintSHA256; newVstream.sdp.iceufrag = RTP.genIceufrag(); newVstream.sdp.icepwd = RTP.genIcepwd(); } } } */ /** Returns SDP that matches requested SDP. */ private SDP getLocalSDPAccept(PhoneLine pl) { SDP sdp = new SDP(); SDP.Stream astream = pl.sdp.getFirstAudioStream(); SDP.Stream vstream = pl.sdp.getFirstVideoStream(); SDP.Stream newAstream = sdp.addStream(; newAstream.port = pl.audioRTP.getlocalrtpport(); newAstream.mode = complementMode(astream.mode); /* if (pl.srtp) { newAstream.profile = SDP.Profile.SAVP; if (astream.keyExchange == SDP.KeyExchange.SDP) { newAstream.keyExchange = SDP.KeyExchange.SDP; newAstream.addKey("AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_80", genKey(), genSalt()); } else { newAstream.keyExchange = SDP.KeyExchange.DTLS; newAstream.sdp.fingerprint = fingerprintSHA256; newAstream.sdp.iceufrag = RTP.genIceufrag(); newAstream.sdp.icepwd = RTP.genIcepwd(); } } */ String enabledCodecs[] = Settings.current.getAudioCodecs(); for(int a=0;a<enabledCodecs.length;a++) { if ((enabledCodecs[a].equals( && (astream.hasCodec(RTP.CODEC_G729a))) { newAstream.addCodec(RTP.CODEC_G729a); break; } if ((enabledCodecs[a].equals( && (astream.hasCodec(RTP.CODEC_G711u))) { newAstream.addCodec(RTP.CODEC_G711u); break; } if ((enabledCodecs[a].equals( && (astream.hasCodec(RTP.CODEC_G711a))) { newAstream.addCodec(RTP.CODEC_G711a); break; } if ((enabledCodecs[a].equals( && (astream.hasCodec(RTP.CODEC_G722))) { newAstream.addCodec(RTP.CODEC_G722); break; } } /* if (!pl.disableVideo && vstream != null) { enabledCodecs = Settings.current.getVideoCodecs(); for(int a=0;a<enabledCodecs.length;a++) { if ((enabledCodecs[a].equals( && (vstream.hasCodec(RTP.CODEC_JPEG))) { addVideoStream(pl, sdp, vstream, RTP.CODEC_JPEG); break; } if ((enabledCodecs[a].equals( && (vstream.hasCodec(RTP.CODEC_H263))) { addVideoStream(pl, sdp, vstream, RTP.CODEC_H263); break; } if ((enabledCodecs[a].equals( && (vstream.hasCodec(RTP.CODEC_H263_1998))) { addVideoStream(pl, sdp, vstream, RTP.CODEC_H263_1998); break; } if ((enabledCodecs[a].equals( && (vstream.hasCodec(RTP.CODEC_H263_2000))) { addVideoStream(pl, sdp, vstream, RTP.CODEC_H263_2000); break; } if ((enabledCodecs[a].equals( && (vstream.hasCodec(RTP.CODEC_H264))) { addVideoStream(pl, sdp, vstream, RTP.CODEC_H264); break; } if ((enabledCodecs[a].equals( && (vstream.hasCodec(RTP.CODEC_VP8))) { addVideoStream(pl, sdp, vstream, RTP.CODEC_VP8); break; } } } */ return sdp; } /** Starts a outbound call. (may!UI thread) */ public void callInvite() { PhoneLine pl = lines[line]; lastDialed = pl.dial; = pl.dial; pl.audioRTP = new RTP(); pl.audioRTP.init(this); pl.incall = true; pl.trying = false; pl.ringing = false; pl.talking = false; pl.incoming = false; pl.status = "Dialing"; lastDial = pl.dial; pl.localsdp = getLocalSDPInvite(lines[line]); pl.callid = pl.sip.invite(pl.dial, pl.localsdp); pl.orgdial = pl.dial; if (Settings.current.usePublish) pl.sip.publish("busy"); if (main != null) main._updateScreen(); } /** Accepts an inbound call. (may!UI thread) */ public void callAccept() { PhoneLine pl = lines[line]; = pl.dial; pl.audioRTP = new RTP(); pl.audioRTP.init(this); if (pl.sdp != null) { pl.localsdp = getLocalSDPAccept(pl); if (!startRTPinbound()) return; } else { //INVITE did not include SDP so start SDP negotiation on this side pl.localsdp = getLocalSDPInvite(pl); } pl.sip.accept(pl.callid, pl.localsdp); sound.flush(); pl.incall = true; pl.ringing = false; pl.incoming = false; pl.talking = true; pl.status = "Connected"; if (main != null) main._updateScreen(); } /** Triggered when an outbound call (INVITE) was accepted. (!UI thread) */ public void callInviteSuccess(int forLine, SDP sdp) { sound.flush(); PhoneLine pl = lines[forLine]; try { pl.sdp = sdp; if (!startRTPoutbound(forLine)) return; if (Settings.current.aa) selectLine(forLine); } catch (Exception e) { JFLog.log(e); pl.sip.bye(pl.callid); onCancel(pl.sip, pl.callid, 500); } } public void registered(SIPClient sip) { for(int a=0;a<6;a++) { if (lines[a].sip != sip) continue; if (lines[a].status.length() == 0) resetStatus(a); if (line == -1) { selectLine(a); } } sip.subscribe(sip.getUser(), "message-summary", 3600); //SUBSCRIBE to self for message-summary event (not needed with Asterisk but X-Lite does it) if (Settings.current.usePublish) lines[line].sip.publish("open"); } public void unauthorized(SIPClient sip) { for(int a=0;a<6;a++) { if (lines[a].sip == sip) { lines[a].status = "Unauthorized"; lines[a].unauth = true; if (line == a) selectLine(-1); } } } /** Changes SDP/RTP details. */ public void change(int xline, SDP sdp) { try { PhoneLine pl = lines[xline]; boolean used[] = new boolean[sdp.streams.length]; for(int c=0;c<pl.audioRTP.channels.size();) { RTPChannel channel = pl.audioRTP.channels.get(c); boolean ok = false; for(int s=0;s<sdp.streams.length;s++) { SDP.Stream stream = sdp.streams[s]; if (stream.content.equals( { channel.change(stream); ok = true; used[s] = true; break; } } if (!ok) { //RTPChannel no longer in use pl.audioRTP.removeChannel(channel); } else { c++; } } /* if (pl.videoRTP != null) { for(int c=0;c<pl.videoRTP.channels.size();) { RTPChannel channel = pl.videoRTP.channels.get(c); boolean ok = false; for(int s=0;s<sdp.streams.length;s++) { SDP.Stream stream = sdp.streams[s]; if (stream.content.equals( { channel.change(stream); ok = true; used[s] = true; break; } } if (!ok) { //RTPChannel no longer in use JFLog.log("Video Channel no longer in use:" +; pl.videoRTP.removeChannel(channel); RemoteCamera camera = findRemoteCamera(channel); if (camera != null) delRemoteCamera(pl, camera); } else { c++; } } } //check if new video stream's were added for(int s=0;s<sdp.streams.length;s++) { SDP.Stream stream = sdp.streams[s]; if (used[s]) continue; if (stream.type == continue; //ignore additional audio streams if (!stream.canRecv() || !stream.canSend()) continue; //ignore inactive streams if (pl.videoRTP == null) { //video never started yet pl.videoRTP = new RTP(); pl.videoRTP.start(); } RTPChannel channel = pl.videoRTP.createChannel(stream); if (channel == null) { JFLog.log("RTP.createChannel() failed"); continue; } if (stream.isSecure() && pl.sdp.getFirstVideoStream().keyExchange == SDP.KeyExchange.SDP) { //TODO : add crypto keys JFLog.log("Not implemented yet!"); continue; } if (!channel.start()) { JFLog.log("RTP start failed"); continue; } if (pl.videoWindow == null) continue; addRemoteCamera(pl, channel); } */ } catch (Exception e) { JFLog.log(e); } } /** Starts RTP after negotiation is complete (inbound call only). */ public boolean startRTPinbound() { PhoneLine pl = lines[line]; try { SDP.Stream astream = pl.sdp.getFirstAudioStream(); SDP.Stream vstream = pl.sdp.getFirstVideoStream(); /* String list[] = Settings.current.getAudioCodecs(); for(int a=0;a<list.length;a++) { JFLog.log("enabled[a]=" + list[a]); } Codec codecs[] = astream.codecs; for(int a=0;a<codecs.length;a++) { JFLog.log("offer[a]=" + codecs[a]); } */ if ( (!astream.hasCodec(RTP.CODEC_G729a) || !Settings.current.hasAudioCodec(RTP.CODEC_G729a)) && (!astream.hasCodec(RTP.CODEC_G711u) || !Settings.current.hasAudioCodec(RTP.CODEC_G711u)) && (!astream.hasCodec(RTP.CODEC_G711a) || !Settings.current.hasAudioCodec(RTP.CODEC_G711a)) && (!astream.hasCodec(RTP.CODEC_G722) || !Settings.current.hasAudioCodec(RTP.CODEC_G722)) ) { JFLog.log("err:callAccept() : No compatible audio codec offered"); pl.sip.deny(pl.callid, "NO_COMPATIBLE_CODEC", 415); onCancel(pl.sip, pl.callid, 415); return false; } astream.setCodec(pl.localsdp.getFirstAudioStream().codecs[0]); if (vstream != null) { if (pl.localsdp.hasVideo()) { vstream.setCodec(pl.localsdp.getFirstVideoStream().codecs[0]); } else { vstream = null; //no video codecs match } } if (!pl.audioRTP.start()) { throw new Exception("RTP.start() failed"); } if (pl.audioRTP.createChannel(astream) == null) { throw new Exception("RTP.createChannel() failed"); } if (pl.sdp.getFirstAudioStream().isSecure()) { SRTPChannel channel = (SRTPChannel)pl.audioRTP.getDefaultChannel(); if (pl.sdp.getFirstAudioStream().keyExchange == SDP.KeyExchange.SDP) { SDP.Stream local = pl.localsdp.getFirstAudioStream(); SDP.Key localKey = local.getKey("AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_80"); if (localKey == null) throw new Exception("Local SRTP keys not found"); channel.setLocalKeys(localKey.key, localKey.salt); SDP.Stream remote = pl.sdp.getFirstAudioStream(); SDP.Key remoteKey = remote.getKey("AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_80"); if (remoteKey == null) throw new Exception("Remote SRTP keys not found"); channel.setRemoteKeys(remoteKey.key, remoteKey.salt); } else { SDP.Stream local = pl.localsdp.getFirstAudioStream(); channel.setDTLS(true, local.sdp.iceufrag, local.sdp.icepwd); } } if (!pl.audioRTP.getDefaultChannel().start()) { throw new Exception("RTPChannel.start() failed"); } /* if (!pl.videoRTP.start()) { throw new Exception("RTP.start() failed"); } if (vstream != null) { if (pl.videoRTP.createChannel(vstream) == null) { throw new Exception("RTP.createChannel() failed"); } if (pl.sdp.getFirstVideoStream().isSecure()) { SRTPChannel channel = (SRTPChannel)pl.videoRTP.getDefaultChannel(); if (pl.sdp.getFirstVideoStream().keyExchange == SDP.KeyExchange.SDP) { SDP.Stream local = pl.localsdp.getFirstVideoStream(); SDP.Key localKey = local.getKey("AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_80"); if (localKey == null) throw new Exception("Local SRTP keys not found"); channel.setLocalKeys(localKey.key, localKey.salt); SDP.Stream remote = pl.sdp.getFirstVideoStream(); SDP.Key remoteKey = remote.getKey("AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_80"); if (remoteKey == null) throw new Exception("Remote SRTP keys not found"); channel.setRemoteKeys(remoteKey.key, remoteKey.salt); } else { SDP.Stream local = pl.localsdp.getFirstVideoStream(); channel.setDTLS(true, local.sdp.iceufrag, local.sdp.icepwd); } } if (!pl.videoRTP.getDefaultChannel().start()) { throw new Exception("RTPChannel.start() failed"); } } */ pl.rtpStarted = true; return true; } catch (Exception e) { JFLog.log(e); pl.sip.deny(pl.callid, "RTP_START_FAILED", 500); onCancel(pl.sip, pl.callid, 500); return false; } } public boolean startRTPoutbound(int xline) { PhoneLine pl = lines[xline]; try { SDP.Stream astream = pl.sdp.getFirstAudioStream(); SDP.Stream vstream = pl.sdp.getFirstVideoStream(); JFLog.log("note:callInviteSuccess():remotertpport=" + astream.port + ",remoteVrtport=" + (vstream != null ? vstream.port : -1)); if ( (!astream.hasCodec(RTP.CODEC_G729a) || !Settings.current.hasAudioCodec(RTP.CODEC_G729a)) && (!astream.hasCodec(RTP.CODEC_G711u) || !Settings.current.hasAudioCodec(RTP.CODEC_G711u)) && (!astream.hasCodec(RTP.CODEC_G711a) || !Settings.current.hasAudioCodec(RTP.CODEC_G711a)) && (!astream.hasCodec(RTP.CODEC_G722) || !Settings.current.hasAudioCodec(RTP.CODEC_G722)) ) { JFLog.log("err:callInviteSuccess() : No compatible audio codec returned"); pl.sip.bye(pl.callid); onCancel(pl.sip, pl.callid, 415); return false; } if (!pl.audioRTP.start()) { throw new Exception("RTP.start() failed"); } if (pl.audioRTP.createChannel(astream) == null) { throw new Exception("RTP.createChannel() failed"); } if (pl.sdp.getFirstAudioStream().isSecure()) { SRTPChannel channel = (SRTPChannel)pl.audioRTP.getDefaultChannel(); if (pl.sdp.getFirstAudioStream().keyExchange == SDP.KeyExchange.SDP) { SDP.Stream local = pl.localsdp.getFirstAudioStream(); SDP.Key localKey = local.getKey("AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_80"); if (localKey == null) throw new Exception("Local SRTP keys not found"); channel.setLocalKeys(localKey.key, localKey.salt); SDP.Stream remote = pl.sdp.getFirstAudioStream(); SDP.Key remoteKey = remote.getKey("AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_80"); if (remoteKey == null) throw new Exception("Remote SRTP keys not found"); channel.setRemoteKeys(remoteKey.key, remoteKey.salt); } else { SDP.Stream local = pl.localsdp.getFirstAudioStream(); channel.setDTLS(false, local.sdp.iceufrag, local.sdp.icepwd); } } if (!pl.audioRTP.getDefaultChannel().start()) { throw new Exception("RTPChannel.start() failed"); } /* if (!pl.videoRTP.start()) { throw new Exception("RTP.start() failed"); } if (vstream != null) { if (pl.videoRTP.createChannel(vstream) == null) { throw new Exception("RTP.createChannel() failed"); } if (pl.sdp.getFirstVideoStream().isSecure()) { SRTPChannel channel = (SRTPChannel)pl.videoRTP.getDefaultChannel(); if (pl.sdp.getFirstVideoStream().keyExchange == SDP.KeyExchange.SDP) { SDP.Stream local = pl.localsdp.getFirstVideoStream(); SDP.Key localKey = local.getKey("AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_80"); if (localKey == null) throw new Exception("Local SRTP keys not found"); channel.setLocalKeys(localKey.key, localKey.salt); SDP.Stream remote = pl.sdp.getFirstVideoStream(); SDP.Key remoteKey = remote.getKey("AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_80"); if (remoteKey == null) throw new Exception("Remote SRTP keys not found"); channel.setRemoteKeys(remoteKey.key, remoteKey.salt); } else { SDP.Stream local = pl.localsdp.getFirstVideoStream(); channel.setDTLS(false, local.sdp.iceufrag, local.sdp.icepwd); } } if (!pl.videoRTP.getDefaultChannel().start()) { throw new Exception("RTPChannel.start() failed"); } } */ pl.rtpStarted = true; return true; } catch (Exception e) { JFLog.log(e); pl.sip.deny(pl.callid, "RTP_START_FAILED", 500); onCancel(pl.sip, pl.callid, 500); return false; } } /** Send a reINVITE when the callee returns multiple codecs to select only most prefered codec (if reinvite is enabled). */ public boolean reinvite(PhoneLine pl) { SDP.Stream astream = pl.sdp.getFirstAudioStream(); SDP.Stream vstream = pl.sdp.getFirstVideoStream(); int acnt = 0; int vcnt = 0; if (SIP.hasCodec(astream.codecs, RTP.CODEC_G729a)) acnt++; if (SIP.hasCodec(astream.codecs, RTP.CODEC_G711u)) acnt++; if (SIP.hasCodec(astream.codecs, RTP.CODEC_G711a)) acnt++; if (SIP.hasCodec(astream.codecs, RTP.CODEC_G722)) acnt++; if (vstream != null) { if (SIP.hasCodec(vstream.codecs, RTP.CODEC_JPEG)) vcnt++; if (SIP.hasCodec(vstream.codecs, RTP.CODEC_H263)) vcnt++; if (SIP.hasCodec(vstream.codecs, RTP.CODEC_H263_1998)) vcnt++; if (SIP.hasCodec(vstream.codecs, RTP.CODEC_H263_2000)) vcnt++; if (SIP.hasCodec(vstream.codecs, RTP.CODEC_H264)) vcnt++; if (SIP.hasCodec(vstream.codecs, RTP.CODEC_VP8)) vcnt++; } if ((acnt > 1 || vcnt > 1) && (Settings.current.reinvite)) { //returned more than one audio codec, reinvite with only one codec //do NOT reINVITE from a 183 - server will respond with 491 (request pending) and abort the call pl.localsdp = getLocalSDPAccept(pl); pl.sip.reinvite(pl.callid, pl.localsdp); return true; } return false; } //SIPClientInterface interface /** SIPClientInterface : onRegister() : triggered when a SIPClient has successfully or failed to register with server. */ public void onRegister(SIPClient sip, boolean status) { if (status) registered(sip); else unauthorized(sip); } /** SIPClientInterface : onTrying() : triggered when an INVITE returns status code 100 (TRYING). */ public void onTrying(SIPClient sip, String callid) { //is a line trying to do an invite for(int a=0;a<6;a++) { if ((lines[a].incall)&&(!lines[a].trying)) { if (lines[a].callid.equals(callid)) { lines[a].trying = true; lines[a].status = "Trying"; if (line == a) if (main != null) main._updateScreen(); } } } } /** SIPClientInterface : onRinging() : triggered when an INVITE returns status code 180/183 (RINGING). */ public void onRinging(SIPClient sip, String callid) { //is a line trying to do an invite for(int a=0;a<6;a++) { if ((lines[a].incall)&&(!lines[a].ringing)) { if (lines[a].callid.equals(callid)) { lines[a].ringing = true; lines[a].status = "Ringing"; if (line == a) if (main != null) main._updateScreen(); } } } } /** SIPClientInterface : onSuccess() : triggered when an INVITE returns status code 200 (OK). */ public void onSuccess(SIPClient sip, String callid, SDP sdp, boolean complete) { if (!complete) { //183 - could start RTP and listen to ringback tone onRinging(sip,callid); return; } //is a line trying to do an invite or hold for(int a=0;a<6;a++) { if (!lines[a].incall) continue; if (!lines[a].callid.equals(callid)) continue; if (!lines[a].talking) { lines[a].sdp = sdp; if (reinvite(lines[a])) { JFLog.log("reINVITE"); return; } lines[a].status = "Connected"; if (line == a) if (main != null) main._updateScreen(); callInviteSuccess(a, sdp); lines[a].talking = true; lines[a].ringing = false; return; } else { //reINVITE accepted (200) lines[a].sdp = sdp; change(a, sdp); return; } } } /** SIPClientInterface : onBye() : triggered when server terminates a call. */ public void onBye(SIPClient sip, String callid) { for(int a=0;a<6;a++) { if (lines[a].incall) { if (lines[a].callid.equals(callid)) { if (main != null) { endLine(a); if ((main != null) && (! main.notify("Idle", false); } } } } } /** SIPClientInterface : onInvite() : triggered when server send an INVITE to jphonelite. */ public int onInvite(SIPClient sip, String callid, String fromid, String fromnumber, SDP sdp) { for(int a=0;a<6;a++) { PhoneLine pl = lines[a]; if (lines[a].sip == sip) { if (lines[a].sip.getUser().equals(fromnumber)) { return 486; //reply BUSY - attempt to call self (should goto voicemail now) } if (lines[a].callid.equals(callid)) { //reINVITEd (usually to change RTP host/port) (codec should not change since we only accept with 1 codec) if (sdp == null) { JFLog.log("onInvite: SDP null on reinvite"); return -1; //TODO : send an error and drop call??? } pl.sdp = sdp; change(a, sdp); pl.localsdp = getLocalSDPAccept(pl); pl.sip.reaccept(callid, pl.localsdp); //send 200 rely with new SDP return -1; //do not send a reply } if (pl.incall) continue; if (pl.incoming) continue; lines[a].dial = fromnumber; lines[a].callerid = fromid; if ((lines[a].callerid == null) || (lines[a].callerid.trim().length() == 0)) lines[a].callerid = "Unknown"; lines[a].status = fromid + " is calling"; lines[a].incoming = true; pl.sdp = sdp; lines[a].callid = callid; lines[a].ringing = true; if (Settings.current.aa) { selectLine(a); if (main != null) main._updateScreen(); call(); //this will send a reply return -1; //do NOT send a reply } else { if (line == a) if (main != null) main._updateScreen(); } if (main != null) { if ((main != null) && (! main.notify("" + fromnumber + " is calling.", true); } return 180; //reply RINGING } } return 486; //reply BUSY } /** SIPClientInterface : onCancel() : triggered when server send a CANCEL request after an INVITE. */ public void onCancel(SIPClient sip, String callid, int code) { for(int a=0;a<6;a++) { if (lines[a].callid.equals(callid)) { PhoneLine pl = lines[a]; pl.incall = false; pl.trying = false; if (pl.audioRTP != null) { pl.audioRTP.uninit(); pl.audioRTP = null; } pl.callid = ""; pl.dial = ""; pl.status = "Hungup (" + code + ")"; pl.ringing = false; pl.incoming = false; pl.rtpStarted = false; if (line == a) if (main != null) main._updateScreen(); } } } /** SIPClientInterface : onRefer() : triggered when the server signals a successful transfer (REFER). */ public void onRefer(SIPClient sip, String callid) { for(int a=0;a<6;a++) { if (lines[a].callid.equals(callid)) { if (line != a) selectLine(a); end(); } } } /** SIPClientInterface : onNotify() : processes SIP:NOTIFY messages. */ public void onNotify(SIPClient sip, String callid, String event, String content) { String contentLines[] = content.split("\r\n"); if (event.equals("message-summary")) { String msgwait = SIP.getHeader("Messages-Waiting:", contentLines); if (msgwait != null) { for(int a=0;a<6;a++) { if (lines[a].sip == sip) { lines[a].msgwaiting = msgwait.equalsIgnoreCase("yes"); } } } return; } /* //not supported in android release if (event.equals("presence")) { if (!content.startsWith("<?xml")) return; content = content.replaceAll("\r", "").replaceAll("\n", ""); XML xml = new XML(); //against my better judgement I'm going to use my own XML (un)marshaller to process the data ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(content.getBytes()); if (! return; XML.XMLTag contact = xml.getTag(new String[] { "presence", "tuple", "contact" }); if (contact == null) return; String fields[] = SIP.split("Unknown<" + contact.getContent() + ">"); if (fields == null) return; XML.XMLTag status = xml.getTag(new String[] { "presence", "tuple", "status", "basic" }); if (status == null) return; setStatus(fields[1], fields[2], status.getContent().trim()); return; } */ } /** SIPClientInterface : getResponse() : not used in jPhoneLite */ public String getResponse(SIPClient client, String realm, String cmd, String uri, String nonce, String qop, String nc, String cnonce) { return null; //not used } public void onAck(SIPClient client, String callid, SDP sdp) { if (sdp == null) return; for(int a=0;a<6;a++) { PhoneLine pl = lines[a]; if (pl.sip == client) { if (!pl.rtpStarted) { //RFC 3665 section 3.6 - ACK provides SDP instead of INVITE pl.sdp = sdp; startRTPinbound(); } } } } //interface RTPInterface (not used in android release) public void rtpSamples(RTPChannel rtp) {} public void rtpDigit(RTPChannel rtp, char digit) {} public void rtpPacket(RTPChannel rtp, byte[] data, int off, int len) {} public void rtcpPacket(RTPChannel rtp, byte[] data, int off, int len) {} public void rtpH263(RTPChannel rtp, byte[] data, int off, int len) {} public void rtpH263_1998(RTPChannel rtp, byte[] data, int off, int len) {} public void rtpH263_2000(RTPChannel rtp, byte[] data, int off, int len) {} public void rtpH264(RTPChannel rtp, byte[] data, int off, int len) {} public void rtpVP8(RTPChannel rtp, byte[] data, int off, int len) {} public void rtpJPEG(RTPChannel rtp, byte[] data, int off, int len) {} public void rtpInactive(RTPChannel rtp) {} }