package jfcontrols.panels; /** Panels * * @author pquiring */ import java.util.*; import javaforce.*; import javaforce.webui.*; import jfcontrols.sql.*; import jfcontrols.tags.*; public class Panels { public static int cellWidth = 32; public static int cellHeight = 32; public static PopupPanel getLoginPanel(WebUIClient client) { PopupPanel panel = (PopupPanel)getPanel(createPopupPanel("Login"), "jfc_login", client); panel.setName("login_panel"); return panel; } public static PopupPanel getMenuPanel(WebUIClient client) { PopupPanel panel = (PopupPanel)getPanel(createPopupPanel("Menu"), "jfc_main", client); panel.setName("menu_panel"); return panel; } public static Panel getTagsPanel(WebUIClient client) { return null; } public static Panel getPanelsPanel(WebUIClient client) { return null; } private static PopupPanel createPopupPanel(String title) { PopupPanel pp = new PopupPanel(title); pp.setTitleBarSize(cellHeight + "px"); return pp; } //... public static Panel getPanel(String pname, WebUIClient client) { return getPanel(new Panel(), pname, client); } public static Panel getPanel(Panel panel, String pname, WebUIClient client) { SQL sql = SQLService.getSQL(); String pid = sql.select1value("select id from panels where name=" + SQL.quote(pname)); if (pid == null) { JFLog.log("Error:Unable to find panel:" + pname); return null; } String popup = sql.select1value("select popup from panels where id=" + pid); String cells[][] ="select id,x,y,w,h,comp,name,text,tag,func,arg,style from cells where pid=" + pid); sql.close(); panel.add(getTable(cells, popup.equals("true"), client, -1, -1)); if (popup.equals("true")) return panel; panel.add(getLoginPanel(client)); panel.add(getMenuPanel(client)); return panel; } //id,x,y,w,h,name,text,tag,func,arg,style private final static int ID = 0; private final static int X = 1; private final static int Y = 2; private final static int W = 3; private final static int H = 4; private final static int COMP = 5; private final static int NAME = 6; private final static int TEXT = 7; private final static int TAG = 8; private final static int FUNC = 9; private final static int ARG = 10; private final static int STYLE = 11; private static Table getTable(String cells[][], boolean popup, WebUIClient client, int ix, int iy) { int mx = 1; if (ix != -1) mx = ix; int my = 1; if (iy != -1) my = iy; Component cs[] = new Component[cells.length]; Rectangle rs[] = new Rectangle[cells.length]; for(int a=0;a<cells.length;a++) { Rectangle r = new Rectangle(); rs[a] = r; r.x = Integer.valueOf(cells[a][X]); r.y = Integer.valueOf(cells[a][Y]); r.width = Integer.valueOf(cells[a][W]); r.height = Integer.valueOf(cells[a][H]); String comp = cells[a][COMP]; Component c = getCell(comp, cells[a], rs[a], client); if (c == null) { JFLog.log("Error:cell == null:" + comp); c = new Label("null"); } cs[a] = c; int x2 = rs[a].x + rs[a].width; if (x2 > mx) { mx = x2; } int y2 = rs[a].y + rs[a].height; if (y2 > my) { my = y2; } setCellSize(c, rs[a]); c.setProperty("id", cells[a][ID]); c.setName(cells[a][NAME]); String style = cells[a][STYLE]; if (style != null) { String styles[] = style.split(";"); for(int b=0;b<styles.length;b++) { if (styles[b].equals("readonly")) { c.setReadonly(true); } else if (styles[b].equals("disabled")) { c.setDisabled(true); } else { String f[] = styles[b].split("="); if (f.length == 2) { c.setStyle(f[0], f[1]); } } } } } Table table = new Table(cellWidth,cellHeight,mx,my); for(int a=0;a<cells.length;a++) { if (rs[a].width == 1 && rs[a].height == 1) table.add(cs[a], rs[a].x, rs[a].y); else table.add(cs[a], rs[a].x, rs[a].y, rs[a].width, rs[a].height); } if (!popup) { //add top components Button x = getButton(new String[] {null, null, null, null, null, "button", null, "X", null, "showMenu", null}); setCellSize(x, new Rectangle(0,0,1,1)); table.add(x, 0, 0); //TODO : [alarm status] : [title] } return table; } public static void setCellSize(Component c, Rectangle r) { c.setWidth(Integer.toString(cellWidth * r.width)); c.setHeight(Integer.toString(cellHeight * r.height)); c.setProperty("rect", r); } public static Component getCell(String name, String v[], Rectangle r, WebUIClient client) { switch (name) { case "label": return getLabel(v); case "button": return getButton(v); case "textfield": return getTextField(v); case "combobox": return getComboBox(v); case "table": return getTable(v, r, client); case "overlay": return getOverlay(v); default: JFLog.log("Unknown component:" + name); break; } return null; } private static Label getLabel(String v[]) { Label b = new Label(v[TEXT]); return b; } private static Button getButton(String v[]) { Button b = new Button(v[TEXT]); b.setProperty("func", v[FUNC]); b.setProperty("arg", v[ARG]); b.addClickListener((me, c) -> {; }); return b; } private static TextField getTextField(String v[]) { SQL sql = SQLService.getSQL(); String tag = v[TAG]; String text = null; if (tag != null) { if (tag.startsWith("jfc_")) { String f[] = tag.split("_"); //jfc_table_col_id String table = f[1]; String col = f[2]; String type = f[3]; String id = f[4]; text = sql.select1value("select " + col + " from " + table + " where id=" + id); } else { text =; } } if (text == null) text = ""; TextField b = new TextField(text); b.setProperty("tag", tag); b.addChangedListener((c) -> { Events.edit((TextField)c); }); sql.close(); return b; } private static ComboBox getComboBox(String v[]) { ComboBox cb = new ComboBox(); String tag = v[TAG]; String arg = v[ARG]; SQL sql = SQLService.getSQL(); String lid = sql.select1value("select id from lists where name=" + SQL.quote(arg)); String pairs[][] ="select value, text from listdata where lid=" + lid); String value = null; if (tag != null) { if (tag.startsWith("jfc_")) { String f[] = tag.split("_"); //jfc_table_col_id String table = f[1]; String col = f[2]; String type = f[3]; String id = f[4]; value = sql.select1value("select " + col + " from " + table + " where id=" + id); } else { value =; } } sql.close(); int selidx = -1; if (pairs != null) { for(int a=0;a<pairs.length;a++) { cb.add(pairs[a][0], pairs[a][1]); if (value != null && pairs[a][0].equals(value)) { selidx = a; } } } if (selidx != -1) { cb.setSelectedIndex(selidx); } cb.setProperty("tag", tag); cb.addChangedListener((c) -> { Events.changed((ComboBox)c); }); return cb; } private static String[] createCell(String id, int x, int y, int w, int h, String comp, String name, String text, String tag, String func, String arg, String style) { String cell[] = new String[12]; cell[0] = id; cell[1] = Integer.toString(x); cell[2] = Integer.toString(y); cell[3] = Integer.toString(w); cell[4] = Integer.toString(h); cell[5] = comp; cell[6] = name; cell[7] = text; cell[8] = tag; cell[9] = func; cell[10] = arg; cell[11] = style; return cell; } private static boolean empty(String [][] cells, int cx, int cy) { int cnt = cells.length; for(int a=0;a<cnt;a++) { String cell[] = cells[a]; int x = Integer.valueOf(cell[X]); int y = Integer.valueOf(cell[Y]); int w = Integer.valueOf(cell[W]) - 1; int h = Integer.valueOf(cell[H]) - 1; if ( (cx >= x && cx <= x + w) && (cy >= y && cy <= y + h) ) { return false; } } return true; } // cells[][] = "id,x,y,w,h,comp,name,text,tag,func,arg,style" private static Component getTable(String v[], Rectangle r, WebUIClient client) { String name = v[NAME]; String arg = v[ARG]; SQL sql = SQLService.getSQL(); ArrayList<String[]> cells = new ArrayList<String[]>(); Table table; switch (name) { case "jfc_ctrls" : { String data[][] ="select id,num,ip,type from ctrls"); if (data == null) data = new String[0][0]; for(int a=0;a<data.length;a++) { String style = data[a][1].equals("0") ? "disabled" : null; cells.add(createCell("", 0, a, 1, 1, "textfield", null, data[a][1], "jfc_ctrls_num_int_" + data[a][0], null, null, style)); cells.add(createCell("", 1, a, 3, 1, "textfield", null, data[a][2], "jfc_ctrls_ip_str_" + data[a][0], null, null, style)); cells.add(createCell("", 4, a, 2, 1, "combobox", null, null, "jfc_ctrls_type_int_" + data[a][0], null, "jfc_ctrl_type", style)); cells.add(createCell("", 6, a, 2, 1, "combobox", null, null, "jfc_ctrls_speed_int_" + data[a][0], null, "jfc_ctrl_speed", style)); cells.add(createCell("", 9, a, 2, 1, "button", null, "Tags", null, "jfc_ctrl_tags", data[a][0], null)); if (style == null) { cells.add(createCell("", 12, a, 2, 1, "button", null, "Delete", null, "jfc_ctrl_delete", data[a][1], null)); } } break; } case "jfc_tags": { String data[][] ="select id,cid,name,type from tags where cid=" + client.getProperty("ctrl")); if (data == null) data = new String[0][0]; for(int a=0;a<data.length;a++) { cells.add(createCell("", 0, a, 6, 1, "textfield", null, null, "jfc_tags_name_str_" + data[a][0], null, null, null)); cells.add(createCell("", 6, a, 3, 1, "combobox", null, null, "jfc_tags_type_int_" + data[a][0], null, "jfc_tag_type", null)); cells.add(createCell("", 10, a, 2, 1, "button", null, "Delete", null, "jfc_tags_delete", data[a][0], null)); } break; } case "jfc_panels": { String data[][] ="select id,name from panels where builtin=false"); if (data == null) data = new String[0][0]; for(int a=0;a<data.length;a++) { String style = data[a][1].equals("main") ? "disabled" : null; cells.add(createCell("", 0, a, 6, 1, "textfield", null, null, "jfc_panels_name_str_" + data[a][0], null, null, style)); cells.add(createCell("", 7, a, 2, 1, "button", null, "Edit", null, "jfc_panels_edit", data[a][0], null)); if (style == null) { cells.add(createCell("", 10, a, 2, 1, "button", null, "Delete", null, "jfc_panels_delete", data[a][0], null)); } } break; } case "jfc_panel_editor": { String pid = (String)client.getProperty("panel"); String data[][] ="select id,x,y,w,h,comp,name,text,tag,func,arg,style from cells where pid=" + pid); for(int a=0;a<data.length;a++) { cells.add(data[a]); } sql.close(); LayersPanel layers = new LayersPanel(); table = getTable(cells.toArray(new String[cells.size()][]), true, client, 64, 64); table.setName("t1"); r.width = table.getColumns(); r.height = table.getRows(); layers.add(table); cells.clear(); for(int a=0;a<data.length;a++) { String cell[] = data[a]; cell[ID] = null; cell[COMP] = "overlay"; cell[NAME] = ""; cell[TEXT] = ""; cell[TAG] = null; cell[FUNC] = null; cell[ARG] = null; cell[STYLE] = null; cells.add(data[a]); } String cellsArray[][] = cells.toArray(new String[cells.size()][]); for(int x=0;x<64;x++) { for(int y=0;y<64;y++) { if (empty(cellsArray,x,y)) { cells.add(createCell("", x, y, 1, 1, "overlay", null, null, null, null, null, null)); } } } table = getTable(cells.toArray(new String[cells.size()][]), true, client, 64, 64); table.setName("t2"); layers.add(table); return layers; } case "jfc_funcs": { String data[][] ="select id,name from funcs"); if (data == null) data = new String[0][0]; for(int a=0;a<data.length;a++) { String funcname = data[a][1]; String style = funcname.equals("main") || funcname.equals("init") ? "disabled" : null; cells.add(createCell("", 0, a, 6, 1, "textfield", null, null, "jfc_funcs_name_str_" + data[a][0], null, null, style)); cells.add(createCell("", 7, a, 2, 1, "button", null, "Edit", null, "jfc_funcs_edit", data[a][0], null)); if (style == null) { cells.add(createCell("", 10, a, 2, 1, "button", null, "Delete", null, "jfc_funcs_delete", data[a][0], null)); } } break; } default: { JFLog.log("Unknown table:" + name); } } sql.close(); table = getTable(cells.toArray(new String[cells.size()][]), true, client, -1, -1); r.width = table.getColumns(); r.height = table.getRows(); return table; } private static Component getOverlay(String v[]) { Block div = new Block(); div.setStyle("border", "3px solid"); div.setStyle("box-sizing", "border-box"); div.setBorderColor("#000000"); div.addClickListener((me, comp) -> { WebUIClient client = comp.getClient(); Block focus = (Block)client.getProperty("focus"); if (focus != null) { focus.setBorderColor("#000000"); } comp.setBorderColor("#00ff00"); client.setProperty("focus", comp); }); return div; } private static Component getOverlay(int x,int y) { Component c = getOverlay(null); Rectangle r = new Rectangle(x,y,1,1); setCellSize(c, r); return c; } public static void moveCell(WebUIClient client, int deltax, int deltay) { Block focus = (Block)client.getProperty("focus"); if (focus == null) { JFLog.log("Error:no focus"); return; } Rectangle fr = (Rectangle)focus.getProperty("rect"); //calc new position int x1 = fr.x + deltax; int x2 = fr.x + fr.width + deltax - 1; int y1 = fr.y + deltay; int y2 = fr.y + fr.height + deltay - 1; if ((x1 < 0) || (x2 > 63) || (y1 < 0) || (y2 > 63)) return; //off screen Table t1 = (Table)client.getPanel().getComponent("t1"); //components Component comp = t1.get(fr.x, fr.y, false); if (comp == null) { JFLog.log("Error:nothing there:" + fr.x + "," + fr.y); return; } Rectangle cr = (Rectangle)comp.getProperty("rect"); Table t2 = (Table)client.getPanel().getComponent("t2"); //overlays for(int x=x1;x<=x2;x++) { for(int y=y1;y<=y2;y++) { Component cell = t1.get(x, y, true); if (cell == null) continue; if ( == continue; JFLog.log("Error: something in the way:" + x + "," + y + ":" + t1.get(x, y, true).id); return; } } moveComponent(t1, fr.x, fr.y, x1, y1, false); moveComponent(t2, fr.x, fr.y, x1, y1, true); } private static void moveComponent(Table tbl, int sx, int sy, int dx, int dy, boolean fillOverlay) { Component c = tbl.get(sx, sy, false); Rectangle r = (Rectangle)c.getProperty("rect"); int x1 = r.x; int y1 = r.y; int x2 = x1 + r.width - 1; int y2 = y1 + r.height - 1; int x,y; //remove from src pos for(x = x1;x <= x2;x++) { for(y = y1;y <= y2;y++) { if (x == x1 && y == y1) { tbl.remove(x, y); if (fillOverlay) { tbl.add(getOverlay(x, y), x, y); } } else { if (fillOverlay) { tbl.add(getOverlay(x, y), x, y); } } } } int deltax = dx - sx; int deltay = dy - sy; x1 += deltax; x2 += deltax; y1 += deltay; y2 += deltay; r.x += deltax; r.y += deltay; //set to dest pos for(x = x1;x <= x2;x++) { for(y = y1;y <= y2;y++) { tbl.remove(x, y); if (x == x1 && y == y1) { tbl.add(c, x, y); tbl.setSpans(x, y, r.width, r.height); } } } } public static void resizeCell(WebUIClient client, int deltax, int deltay) { Block focus = (Block)client.getProperty("focus"); if (focus == null) { JFLog.log("Error:no focus"); return; } Rectangle fr = (Rectangle)focus.getProperty("rect"); //calc new position int x1 = fr.x; int x2 = fr.x + fr.width + deltax - 1; int y1 = fr.y; int y2 = fr.y + fr.height + deltay - 1; if ((x1 < 0) || (x2 > 63) || (y1 < 0) || (y2 > 63)) return; //off screen if (x2 < x1 || y2 < y1) return; //too small Table t1 = (Table)client.getPanel().getComponent("t1"); //components Component comp = t1.get(fr.x, fr.y, false); if (comp == null) { JFLog.log("Error:nothing there:" + fr.x + "," + fr.y); return; } Rectangle cr = (Rectangle)comp.getProperty("rect"); Table t2 = (Table)client.getPanel().getComponent("t2"); //overlays for(int x=x1;x<=x2;x++) { for(int y=y1;y<=y2;y++) { Component cell = t1.get(x, y, true); if (cell == null) continue; if ( == continue; JFLog.log("Error: something in the way:" + x + "," + y + ":" + t1.get(x, y, true).id); return; } } resizeComponent(t1, fr.x, fr.y, deltax, deltay, false); resizeComponent(t2, fr.x, fr.y, deltax, deltay, true); } private static void resizeComponent(Table tbl, int cx, int cy, int deltax, int deltay, boolean fillOverlay) { Component c = tbl.get(cx, cy, false); Rectangle r = (Rectangle)c.getProperty("rect"); int x1 = r.x; int y1 = r.y; int x2 = x1 + r.width - 1; int y2 = y1 + r.height - 1; int x,y; //remove from src pos for(x = x1;x <= x2;x++) { for(y = y1;y <= y2;y++) { if (x == x1 && y == y1) { tbl.remove(x, y); if (fillOverlay) { tbl.add(getOverlay(x, y), x, y); } } else { if (fillOverlay) { tbl.add(getOverlay(x, y), x, y); } } } } x2 += deltax; y2 += deltay; r.width += deltax; r.height += deltay; //set to dest pos for(x = x1;x <= x2;x++) { for(y = y1;y <= y2;y++) { tbl.remove(x, y); if (x == x1 && y == y1) { setCellSize(c, r); tbl.add(c, x, y); tbl.setSpans(x, y, r.width, r.height); } } } } }