/*--- formatted by Jindent 2.1, (www.c-lab.de/~jindent) ---*/ /* * *************************************************************** * The LEAP libraries, when combined with certain JADE platform components, * provide a run-time environment for enabling FIPA agents to execute on * lightweight devices running Java. LEAP and JADE teams have jointly * designed the API for ease of integration and hence to take advantage * of these dual developments and extensions so that users only see * one development platform and a * single homogeneous set of APIs. Enabling deployment to a wide range of * devices whilst still having access to the full development * environment and functionalities that JADE provides. * Copyright (C) 2001 Telecom Italia LAB S.p.A. * * GNU Lesser General Public License * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation, * version 2.1 of the License. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * ************************************************************** */ package jade.imtp.leap; import jade.core.*; import jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage; import jade.mtp.TransportAddress; import jade.util.leap.*; import jade.imtp.leap.JICP.JICPProtocol; import jade.imtp.leap.JICP.Connection; import jade.util.Logger; import java.io.IOException; /** * @author Giovanni Caire - Telecom Italia Lab */ public class LEAPIMTPManager implements IMTPManager { /** * Profile keys for LEAP-IMTP specific parameters */ static final String MAIN_URL = "main-url"; public static final String CHANGE_PORT_IF_BUSY = "jade_imtp_leap_LEAPIMTPManager_changeportifbusy"; private static final String ICPS = "icps"; private static final String ROUTER_URL = "router-url"; /** * Local pointer to the singleton command dispatcher in this JVM */ private CommandDispatcher theDispatcher = null; /** * The Profile holding the configuration for this IMTPManager */ private Profile theProfile = null; private String masterPMAddr; private String localAddr; private NodeLEAP localNode; Logger logger = Logger.getMyLogger(getClass().getName()); /** * Default constructor used to dynamically instantiate a new * LEAPIMTPManager object */ public LEAPIMTPManager() { } // //////////////////////////////// // IMTPManager Interface // //////////////////////////////// /** * Initialize the support for intra-platform communication */ public void initialize(Profile p) throws IMTPException { theProfile = p; // Get the CommandDispatcher for the local platform String platformName = p.getParameter(Profile.PLATFORM_ID, null); theDispatcher = CommandDispatcher.getDispatcher(platformName); // Add to the CommandDispatcher the ICPs specified in the Profile try { // Set defaults if not explicitly set. setDefaults(); List l = theProfile.getSpecifiers(ICPS); Iterator it = l.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Specifier s = (Specifier) it.next(); try { ICP peer = (ICP) Class.forName(s.getClassName()).newInstance(); String id = (s.getArgs() != null ? (String) (s.getArgs()[0]) : null); theDispatcher.addICP(peer, id, theProfile); } catch (Exception e) { if(logger.isLoggable(Logger.SEVERE)) logger.log(Logger.SEVERE,"Error adding ICP. "+e); } } // Initialize the local node localNode = new NodeLEAP("No-Name", theProfile.getBooleanProperty(Profile.MAIN, true), theDispatcher); Skeleton skel = new NodeSkel(localNode); theDispatcher.registerSkeleton(skel, localNode); } catch (ProfileException pe) { // Just print a warning if(logger.isLoggable(Logger.SEVERE)) logger.log(Logger.SEVERE,"Profile error. "+pe.getMessage()); } // Now check that some ICP is active. Note that, as a CommandDispatcher // can serve multiple IMTPManagers, some ICPs could be already active. List URLs = theDispatcher.getLocalURLs(); if (URLs.size() == 0) { throw new IMTPException("No ICP active"); } else { localAddr = (String) URLs.get(0); Iterator it = URLs.iterator(); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("Listening for intra-platform commands on address:\n"); while (it.hasNext()) { sb.append("- "+(String) it.next()+"\n"); } logger.log(Logger.INFO,sb.toString()); } // Be sure the mainURL uses the host address. Note that this must // be done after ICP installation adjustMainURL(); // Get the address of the master PlatformManager (if this is a backup main) if (theProfile.getBooleanProperty(Profile.MAIN, true)) { if (theProfile.getBooleanProperty(Profile.LOCAL_SERVICE_MANAGER, false)) { // This node hosts a real PlatformManager that is NOT the master PlatformManager // --> MAIN_URL points to the master PlatformManager masterPMAddr = theProfile.getParameter(MAIN_URL, null); } } // Finally, if a URL for the default router is specified in the // Profile, set it in the CommandDispatcher theDispatcher.setRouterAddress(theProfile.getParameter(ROUTER_URL, null)); } private void adjustMainURL() { //#MIDP_EXCLUDE_BEGIN try { String mainURL = theProfile.getParameter(MAIN_URL, null); TransportAddress ta = theDispatcher.stringToAddr(mainURL); java.net.InetAddress ad = java.net.InetAddress.getByName(ta.getHost()); TransportProtocol tp = theDispatcher.getProtocol(ta.getProto()); String hostAddr = ad.getHostAddress(); if (hostAddr.equals("")) { hostAddr = ad.getHostName(); } ta = tp.buildAddress(hostAddr, ta.getPort(), ta.getFile(), ta.getAnchor()); // DEBUG //System.out.println("MAIN URL set to "+tp.addrToString(ta)); theProfile.setParameter(MAIN_URL, tp.addrToString(ta)); } catch (Exception e) { // Ignore it } //#MIDP_EXCLUDE_END } public Node getLocalNode() throws IMTPException { return localNode; } //#MIDP_EXCLUDE_BEGIN public void exportPlatformManager(PlatformManager mgr) throws IMTPException { Skeleton skel = new PlatformManagerSkel(mgr, this); mgr.setLocalAddress(localAddr); theDispatcher.registerSkeleton(skel, mgr); // Attach to the original Platform manager, if any if (masterPMAddr != null) { PlatformManager masterPM = theDispatcher.getPlatformManagerStub(masterPMAddr); try { ((PlatformManagerImpl) mgr).setPlatformName(masterPM.getPlatformName()); logger.log(Logger.INFO, "Connecting to master Main Container at address "+masterPMAddr); mgr.addReplica(masterPMAddr, true); // Do as if it was a propagated info masterPM.addReplica(localAddr, false); } catch (ServiceException se) { throw new IMTPException("Cannot attach to the original PlatformManager.", se); } catch (IMTPException imtpe) { Throwable t = imtpe.getNested(); if ((t != null) && (t instanceof UnreachableException)) { // The master main container does not exist. Become the leader logger.log(Logger.INFO,"No master Main Container found at address "+masterPMAddr+". Take the leadership"); masterPMAddr = null; theProfile.setParameter(Profile.LOCAL_SERVICE_MANAGER, "false"); } else { throw imtpe; } } } } public void unexportPlatformManager(PlatformManager pm) throws IMTPException { theDispatcher.deregisterSkeleton(pm); } //#MIDP_EXCLUDE_END public PlatformManager getPlatformManagerProxy() throws IMTPException { return theDispatcher.getPlatformManagerProxy(theProfile); } public PlatformManager getPlatformManagerProxy(String addr) throws IMTPException { return theDispatcher.getPlatformManagerStub(addr); } public void reconnected(PlatformManager pm) { theDispatcher.setPlatformManagerProxy(pm); } // FIXME: this is not IMTP-dependent --> Should be moved elsewhere public Service.Slice createSliceProxy(String serviceName, Class itf, Node where) throws IMTPException { try { Class proxyClass = Class.forName(serviceName + "Proxy"); Service.Slice proxy = (Service.Slice) proxyClass.newInstance(); if (proxy instanceof SliceProxy) { ((SliceProxy) proxy).setNode(where); } //#DOTNET_EXCLUDE_BEGIN else if (proxy instanceof Service.SliceProxy) { ((Service.SliceProxy) proxy).setNode(where); } //#DOTNET_EXCLUDE_END else { throw new IMTPException("Class "+proxyClass.getName()+" is not a slice proxy."); } return proxy; } catch(Exception e) { throw new IMTPException("Error creating a slice proxy", e); } } /** * Release all resources of this LEAPIMTPManager */ public void shutDown() { try { if (localNode != null) { localNode.exit(); theDispatcher.deregisterSkeleton(localNode); } } catch (IMTPException imtpe) { // Should never happen since this is a local call imtpe.printStackTrace(); } } /** */ public List getLocalAddresses() { return theDispatcher.getLocalTAs(); } // ///////////////////////// // PRIVATE METHODS // ///////////////////////// /** In the Profile ICPS can be specified as follows. 1) If there is only one ICP --> icps = <icp-class-name> <param-key> = <param-value> ....... 2) In general (typically used when there are 2 or more ICPs) icps = <icp1-class-name>(<icp1-id>);<icp2-class-name>(<icp2-id>)... <icp1-id>-<param-key> = <param-value> ....... <icp2-id>-<param-key> = <param-value> ....... If there is no ICP indication set it as follows. a) Peripheral container / J2SE or PJAVA - There is at least 1 ICP already active --> Nothing - There are no ICPs already active --> JICPPeer b) Peripheral container / MIDP --> Throws a ProfileException c) Main container / J2SE or PJAVA --> JICPPeer */ private void setDefaults() throws ProfileException { // - MAIN URL (Useful for peripheral containers and backup main. Ignored otherwise String mainURL = theProfile.getParameter(MAIN_URL, null); if (mainURL == null) { String mainHost = getMainHost(); if (mainHost != null) { String mainProto = theProfile.getParameter(Profile.MAIN_PROTO, "jicp"); String mainPort = theProfile.getParameter(Profile.MAIN_PORT, null); mainPort = (mainPort != null) ? (":" + mainPort) : (":" + JICPProtocol.DEFAULT_PORT); mainURL = new String(mainProto + "://" + mainHost + mainPort); theProfile.setParameter(MAIN_URL, mainURL); } } if (!theProfile.getBooleanProperty(Profile.MAIN, true)) { // ICPS for a "Peripheral Container" if (theProfile.getParameter(ICPS, null) == null) { String jvm = theProfile.getParameter(Profile.JVM, null); if (Profile.MIDP.equals(jvm)) { // Should never happen throw new ProfileException("Stand-alone execution mode not supported in MIDP"); } else { // Set default ICPS for J2SE and PJAVA if (theDispatcher.getLocalURLs().size() == 0) { theProfile.setParameter(ICPS, "jade.imtp.leap.JICP.JICPPeer"); } } } } else { // ICPS for a Main Container if (theProfile.getParameter(ICPS, null) == null) { theProfile.setParameter(ICPS, "jade.imtp.leap.JICP.JICPPeer"); } } } /** */ private String getMainHost() { String host = theProfile.getParameter(Profile.MAIN_HOST, null); //#MIDP_EXCLUDE_BEGIN if (host == null) { host = Profile.getDefaultNetworkName(); } //#MIDP_EXCLUDE_END return host; } public TransportAddress stringToAddr(String addr) throws IMTPException { try { return theDispatcher.stringToAddr(addr); } catch (DispatcherException de) { throw new IMTPException(de.getMessage()); } } }