package jade.content.onto; //#MIDP_EXCLUDE_FILE import jade.content.abs.AbsAggregate; import jade.content.abs.AbsTerm; import; import jade.content.schema.ObjectSchema; import java.util.*; public class CFReflectiveIntrospector extends ReflectiveIntrospector { public AbsAggregate externalizeAggregate(String slotName, Object obj, ObjectSchema schema, Ontology referenceOnto) throws OntologyException { if (!(obj instanceof Collection)) { throw new NotAnAggregate(); } AbsAggregate absAggregate = null; Collection c = (Collection) obj; if (!c.isEmpty() || schema.isMandatory(slotName)) { // Note that we ignore the aggregateType specified in the slot schema and we use SET for java.util.Set and SEQUENCE for java.util.List String aggregateType = null; if (obj instanceof List) { aggregateType = SL0Vocabulary.SEQUENCE; } else if (obj instanceof Set) { aggregateType = SL0Vocabulary.SET; } else { throw new OntologyException("Wrong class "+c.getClass().getName()+" for aggregate slot "+slotName+" of object "+schema.getTypeName()); } absAggregate = externaliseCollection(c, referenceOnto, aggregateType); } return absAggregate; } public Object internalizeAggregate(String slotName, AbsAggregate absAggregate, ObjectSchema schema, Ontology referenceOnto) throws OntologyException { Collection c = internaliseCollection(absAggregate, referenceOnto); // FIXME: Here we should check for Long --> Integer casting, but how? return c; } private AbsAggregate externaliseCollection(Collection c, Ontology referenceOnto, String aggregateType) throws OntologyException { AbsAggregate ret = new AbsAggregate(aggregateType); try { Iterator it = c.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { ret.add((AbsTerm)Ontology.externalizeSlotValue(, this, referenceOnto)); } } catch (ClassCastException cce) { throw new OntologyException("Non term object in aggregate"); } return ret; } private Collection internaliseCollection(AbsAggregate absAggregate, Ontology referenceOnto) throws OntologyException { Collection ret = null; if (absAggregate.getTypeName().equals(SL0Vocabulary.SET)) { ret = new HashSet(absAggregate.size()); } else { ret = new ArrayList(absAggregate.size()); } for (int i = 0; i < absAggregate.size(); i++) { Object element = Ontology.internalizeSlotValue(absAggregate.get(i), this, referenceOnto); // Check if the element is a Term, a primitive an AID or a List Ontology.checkIsTerm(element); ret.add(element); } return ret; } }