/***************************************************************** JADE - Java Agent DEvelopment Framework is a framework to develop multi-agent systems in compliance with the FIPA specifications. Copyright (C) 2000 CSELT S.p.A. GNU Lesser General Public License This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.1 of the License. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. *****************************************************************/ package jade.core.management; import jade.core.HorizontalCommand; import jade.core.VerticalCommand; import jade.core.GenericCommand; import jade.core.Service; import jade.core.BaseService; import jade.core.ServiceException; import jade.core.Sink; import jade.core.Filter; import jade.core.Node; import jade.core.Profile; import jade.core.Agent; import jade.core.AgentState; import jade.core.AID; import jade.core.ContainerID; import jade.core.AgentContainer; import jade.core.MainContainer; import jade.core.ProfileException; import jade.core.IMTPException; import jade.core.NameClashException; import jade.core.NotFoundException; import jade.security.Credentials; import jade.security.JADEPrincipal; import jade.security.JADESecurityException; import jade.util.Logger; import jade.util.leap.Properties; //#J2ME_EXCLUDE_BEGIN import jade.util.ObjectManager; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.File; //#J2ME_EXCLUDE_END /** The JADE service to manage the basic agent life cycle: creation, destruction, suspension and resumption. @author Giovanni Rimassa - FRAMeTech s.r.l. */ public class AgentManagementService extends BaseService { public static final String NAME = AgentManagementSlice.NAME; // Class properties names public static final String CLASS_CODE = "code"; public static final String CLASS_STATE = "state"; /** The path where to search agent jar files */ public static final String AGENTS_PATH = "jade_core_management_AgentManagementService_agentspath"; private static final String[] OWNED_COMMANDS = new String[] { AgentManagementSlice.REQUEST_CREATE, AgentManagementSlice.REQUEST_KILL, AgentManagementSlice.REQUEST_STATE_CHANGE, AgentManagementSlice.INFORM_CREATED, AgentManagementSlice.INFORM_KILLED, AgentManagementSlice.INFORM_STATE_CHANGED, AgentManagementSlice.KILL_CONTAINER, AgentManagementSlice.ADD_TOOL, AgentManagementSlice.REMOVE_TOOL }; public void init(AgentContainer ac, Profile p) throws ProfileException { super.init(ac, p); myContainer = ac; //#J2ME_EXCLUDE_BEGIN // Initialize the agent-loader for "jar agents" and the CodeLocator agentsPath = p.getParameter(AGENTS_PATH, "."); ObjectManager.addLoader(ObjectManager.AGENT_TYPE, new ObjectManager.Loader() { public Object load(String className, Properties pp) throws ClassNotFoundException, IllegalAccessException, InstantiationException { String jarName = pp.getProperty(CLASS_CODE); boolean warnIfJarNotFound = true; if (jarName == null) { jarName = className.replace('.', '_') + ".jar"; warnIfJarNotFound = false; } jarName = agentsPath + File.separator + jarName; File file = new File(jarName); try { if (file.exists()) { JarClassLoader loader = new JarClassLoader(file, getClass().getClassLoader()); return (Agent) Class.forName(className, true, loader).newInstance(); } else if (warnIfJarNotFound) { myLogger.log(Logger.WARNING, "Jar file "+jarName+" for class "+className+" does not exist"); } } catch (IOException ioe) { myLogger.log(Logger.WARNING, "File "+file.getPath()+" is not a valid Jar file."); } return null; } }); codeLocator = new CodeLocator(); //#J2ME_EXCLUDE_END } public String getName() { return AgentManagementSlice.NAME; } public Class getHorizontalInterface() { try { return Class.forName(AgentManagementSlice.NAME + "Slice"); } catch(ClassNotFoundException cnfe) { return null; } } public Service.Slice getLocalSlice() { return localSlice; } public Filter getCommandFilter(boolean direction) { return null; } public Sink getCommandSink(boolean side) { if(side == Sink.COMMAND_SOURCE) { return senderSink; } else { return receiverSink; } } public String[] getOwnedCommands() { return OWNED_COMMANDS; } public void removeLocalAgent(AID target) { myContainer.removeLocalAgent(target); } //#J2ME_EXCLUDE_BEGIN public CodeLocator getCodeLocator() { return codeLocator; } //#J2ME_EXCLUDE_END // This inner class handles the messaging commands on the command // issuer side, turning them into horizontal commands and // forwarding them to remote slices when necessary. private class CommandSourceSink implements Sink { public void consume(VerticalCommand cmd) { String name = cmd.getName(); try { if(name.equals(AgentManagementSlice.REQUEST_CREATE)) { handleRequestCreate(cmd); } else if(name.equals(AgentManagementSlice.REQUEST_KILL)) { handleRequestKill(cmd); } else if(name.equals(AgentManagementSlice.REQUEST_STATE_CHANGE)) { handleRequestStateChange(cmd); } else if(name.equals(AgentManagementSlice.INFORM_CREATED)) { handleInformCreated(cmd); } else if(name.equals(AgentManagementSlice.INFORM_KILLED)) { handleInformKilled(cmd); } else if(name.equals(AgentManagementSlice.INFORM_STATE_CHANGED)) { handleInformStateChanged(cmd); } else if(name.equals(AgentManagementSlice.KILL_CONTAINER)) { handleKillContainer(cmd); } else if(name.equals(AgentManagementSlice.ADD_TOOL)) { handleAddTool(cmd); } else if(name.equals(AgentManagementSlice.REMOVE_TOOL)) { handleRemoveTool(cmd); } } catch (Throwable t) { cmd.setReturnValue(t); } } // Vertical command handler methods private void handleRequestCreate(VerticalCommand cmd) throws IMTPException, JADESecurityException, NotFoundException, NameClashException, ServiceException { Object[] params = cmd.getParams(); String name = (String)params[0]; String className = (String)params[1]; Object[]args = (Object[])params[2]; ContainerID cid = (ContainerID)params[3]; JADEPrincipal owner = (JADEPrincipal) params[4]; Credentials initialCredentials = (Credentials) params[5]; if(myLogger.isLoggable(Logger.CONFIG)) myLogger.log(Logger.CONFIG,"Source Sink consuming command REQUEST_CREATE. Name is "+name); MainContainer impl = myContainer.getMain(); if(impl != null) { AID agentID = new AID(name, AID.ISLOCALNAME); AgentManagementSlice targetSlice = (AgentManagementSlice)getSlice(cid.getName()); if (targetSlice != null) { try { targetSlice.createAgent(agentID, className, args, owner, initialCredentials, AgentManagementSlice.CREATE_AND_START, cmd); } catch(IMTPException imtpe) { // Try to get a newer slice and repeat... targetSlice = (AgentManagementSlice)getFreshSlice(cid.getName()); targetSlice.createAgent(agentID, className, args, owner, initialCredentials, AgentManagementSlice.CREATE_AND_START, cmd); } } else { throw new NotFoundException("Container "+cid.getName()+" not found"); } } else { // Do nothing for now, but could also route the command to the main slice, thus enabling e.g. AMS replication } } private void handleRequestKill(VerticalCommand cmd) throws IMTPException, JADESecurityException, NotFoundException, ServiceException { Object[] params = cmd.getParams(); AID agentID = (AID)params[0]; //log("Source Sink consuming command REQUEST_KILL. Name is "+agentID.getName(), 3); if(myLogger.isLoggable(Logger.CONFIG)) myLogger.log(Logger.CONFIG,"Source Sink consuming command REQUEST_KILL. Name is "+agentID.getName()); MainContainer impl = myContainer.getMain(); if(impl != null) { ContainerID cid = impl.getContainerID(agentID); // Note that since getContainerID() succeeded, targetSlice can't be null AgentManagementSlice targetSlice = (AgentManagementSlice)getSlice(cid.getName()); try { targetSlice.killAgent(agentID, cmd); } catch(IMTPException imtpe) { // Try to get a newer slice and repeat... targetSlice = (AgentManagementSlice)getFreshSlice(cid.getName()); targetSlice.killAgent(agentID, cmd); } } else { // Do nothing for now, but could also route the command to the main slice, thus enabling e.g. AMS replication } } private void handleRequestStateChange(VerticalCommand cmd) throws IMTPException, JADESecurityException, NotFoundException, ServiceException { Object[] params = cmd.getParams(); AID agentID = (AID)params[0]; AgentState as = (AgentState)params[1]; int newState = Agent.AP_MIN; if(as.equals(jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.AMSAgentDescription.SUSPENDED)) { newState = Agent.AP_SUSPENDED; } else if(as.equals(jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.AMSAgentDescription.WAITING)) { newState = Agent.AP_WAITING; } else if(as.equals(jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.AMSAgentDescription.ACTIVE)) { newState = Agent.AP_ACTIVE; } MainContainer impl = myContainer.getMain(); if(impl != null) { ContainerID cid = impl.getContainerID(agentID); // Note that since getContainerID() succeeded, targetSlice can't be null AgentManagementSlice targetSlice = (AgentManagementSlice)getSlice(cid.getName()); try { targetSlice.changeAgentState(agentID, newState); } catch(IMTPException imtpe) { // Try to get a newer slice and repeat... targetSlice = (AgentManagementSlice)getFreshSlice(cid.getName()); targetSlice.changeAgentState(agentID, newState); } } else { // Do nothing for now, but could also route the command to the main slice, thus enabling e.g. AMS replication } } private void handleInformCreated(VerticalCommand cmd) throws IMTPException, NotFoundException, NameClashException, JADESecurityException, ServiceException { Object[] params = cmd.getParams(); AID target = (AID)params[0]; Agent instance = (Agent)params[1]; if(myLogger.isLoggable(Logger.CONFIG)) { myLogger.log(Logger.CONFIG,"Source Sink consuming command INFORM_CREATED. Name is "+target.getName()); } initAgent(target, instance, cmd); } private void handleInformKilled(VerticalCommand cmd) throws IMTPException, NotFoundException, ServiceException { Object[] params = cmd.getParams(); AID target = (AID)params[0]; //log("Source Sink consuming command INFORM_KILLED. Name is "+target.getName(), 3); if(myLogger.isLoggable(Logger.CONFIG)) myLogger.log(Logger.CONFIG,"Source Sink consuming command INFORM_KILLED. Name is "+target.getName()); // Remove CodeLocator entry. //#J2ME_EXCLUDE_BEGIN codeLocator.removeAgent(target); //#J2ME_EXCLUDE_END // Remove the dead agent from the LADT of the container removeLocalAgent(target); // Notify the main container through its slice AgentManagementSlice mainSlice = (AgentManagementSlice)getSlice(MAIN_SLICE); try { mainSlice.deadAgent(target, cmd); } catch(IMTPException imtpe) { // Try to get a newer slice and repeat... mainSlice = (AgentManagementSlice)getFreshSlice(MAIN_SLICE); mainSlice.deadAgent(target, cmd); } } private void handleInformStateChanged(VerticalCommand cmd) { Object[] params = cmd.getParams(); AID target = (AID)params[0]; AgentState from = (AgentState)params[1]; AgentState to = (AgentState)params[2]; if (to.equals(jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.AMSAgentDescription.SUSPENDED)) { try { // Notify the main container through its slice AgentManagementSlice mainSlice = (AgentManagementSlice)getSlice(MAIN_SLICE); try { mainSlice.suspendedAgent(target); } catch(IMTPException imtpe) { // Try to get a newer slice and repeat... mainSlice = (AgentManagementSlice)getFreshSlice(MAIN_SLICE); mainSlice.suspendedAgent(target); } } catch(IMTPException re) { re.printStackTrace(); } catch(NotFoundException nfe) { nfe.printStackTrace(); } catch(ServiceException se) { se.printStackTrace(); } } else if (from.equals(jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.AMSAgentDescription.SUSPENDED)) { try { // Notify the main container through its slice AgentManagementSlice mainSlice = (AgentManagementSlice)getSlice(MAIN_SLICE); try { mainSlice.resumedAgent(target); } catch(IMTPException imtpe) { // Try to get a newer slice and repeat... mainSlice = (AgentManagementSlice)getFreshSlice(MAIN_SLICE); mainSlice.resumedAgent(target); } } catch(IMTPException re) { re.printStackTrace(); } catch(NotFoundException nfe) { nfe.printStackTrace(); } catch(ServiceException se) { se.printStackTrace(); } } } private void handleKillContainer(VerticalCommand cmd) throws IMTPException, ServiceException, NotFoundException { Object[] params = cmd.getParams(); ContainerID cid = (ContainerID)params[0]; if(myLogger.isLoggable(Logger.CONFIG)) { myLogger.log(Logger.CONFIG,"Source Sink consuming command KILL_CONTAINER. Container is "+cid.getName()); } // Forward to the correct slice AgentManagementSlice targetSlice = (AgentManagementSlice)getSlice(cid.getName()); try { try { targetSlice.exitContainer(); } catch(IMTPException imtpe) { // Try to get a newer slice and repeat... targetSlice = (AgentManagementSlice)getFreshSlice(cid.getName()); targetSlice.exitContainer(); } } catch (NullPointerException npe) { // targetSlice not found --> The container does not exist throw new NotFoundException("Container "+cid.getName()+" not found"); } } private void handleAddTool(VerticalCommand cmd) { Object[] params = cmd.getParams(); AID tool = (AID)params[0]; MainContainer impl = myContainer.getMain(); if(impl != null) { impl.toolAdded(tool); } else { // Do nothing for now, but could also route the command to the main slice, thus enabling e.g. AMS replication } } private void handleRemoveTool(VerticalCommand cmd) { Object[] params = cmd.getParams(); AID tool = (AID)params[0]; MainContainer impl = myContainer.getMain(); if(impl != null) { impl.toolRemoved(tool); } else { // Do nothing for now, but could also route the command to the main slice, thus enabling e.g. AMS replication } } } // End of CommandSourceSink class private class CommandTargetSink implements Sink { public void consume(VerticalCommand cmd) { String name = cmd.getName(); try { if(name.equals(AgentManagementSlice.REQUEST_CREATE)) { handleRequestCreate(cmd); } else if(name.equals(AgentManagementSlice.REQUEST_KILL)) { handleRequestKill(cmd); } else if(name.equals(AgentManagementSlice.REQUEST_STATE_CHANGE)) { handleRequestStateChange(cmd); } else if(name.equals(AgentManagementSlice.INFORM_KILLED)) { handleInformKilled(cmd); } else if(name.equals(AgentManagementSlice.INFORM_STATE_CHANGED)) { handleInformStateChanged(cmd); } else if(name.equals(AgentManagementSlice.INFORM_CREATED)) { handleInformCreated(cmd); } else if(name.equals(AgentManagementSlice.KILL_CONTAINER)) { handleKillContainer(cmd); } } catch (Throwable t) { cmd.setReturnValue(t); } } // Vertical command handler methods private void handleRequestCreate(VerticalCommand cmd) throws IMTPException, JADESecurityException, NotFoundException, NameClashException, ServiceException { Object[] params = cmd.getParams(); AID agentID = (AID)params[0]; String className = (String)params[1]; Object[] arguments = (Object[])params[2]; JADEPrincipal owner = (JADEPrincipal)params[3]; Credentials initialCredentials = (Credentials)params[4]; boolean startIt = ((Boolean) params[5]).booleanValue(); //log("Target sink consuming command REQUEST_CREATE: Name is "+agentID.getName(), 2); if(myLogger.isLoggable(Logger.FINE)) myLogger.log(Logger.FINE,"Target sink consuming command REQUEST_CREATE: Name is "+agentID.getName()); createAgent(agentID, className, arguments, owner, initialCredentials, startIt); } private void handleRequestKill(VerticalCommand cmd) throws IMTPException, JADESecurityException, NotFoundException, ServiceException { Object[] params = cmd.getParams(); AID agentID = (AID)params[0]; //log("Target sink consuming command REQUEST_KILL: Name is "+agentID.getName(), 2); if(myLogger.isLoggable(Logger.FINE)) myLogger.log(Logger.FINE,"Target sink consuming command REQUEST_KILL: Name is "+agentID.getName()); killAgent(agentID); } private void handleRequestStateChange(VerticalCommand cmd) throws IMTPException, JADESecurityException, NotFoundException, ServiceException { Object[] params = cmd.getParams(); AID agentID = (AID)params[0]; int newState = ((Integer)params[1]).intValue(); changeAgentState(agentID, newState); } private void handleInformCreated(VerticalCommand cmd) throws NotFoundException, NameClashException, ServiceException { Object[] params = cmd.getParams(); AID agentID = (AID)params[0]; ContainerID cid = (ContainerID)params[1]; if(myLogger.isLoggable(Logger.FINE)) { myLogger.log(Logger.FINE,"Target sink consuming command INFORM_CREATED: Name is "+agentID.getName()); } bornAgent(agentID, cid, cmd.getPrincipal(), cmd.getCredentials()); } private void handleInformKilled(VerticalCommand cmd) throws NotFoundException, ServiceException { Object[] params = cmd.getParams(); AID agentID = (AID)params[0]; //log("Target sink consuming command INFORM_KILLED: Name is "+agentID.getName(), 2); if(myLogger.isLoggable(Logger.FINE)) myLogger.log(Logger.FINE,"Target sink consuming command INFORM_KILLED: Name is "+agentID.getName()); deadAgent(agentID); } private void handleInformStateChanged(VerticalCommand cmd) throws NotFoundException { Object[] params = cmd.getParams(); AID agentID = (AID)params[0]; String newState = (String)params[1]; String oldState = (String)params[2]; if (newState.equals(jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.AMSAgentDescription.SUSPENDED)) { suspendedAgent(agentID); } else if(newState.equals(jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.AMSAgentDescription.ACTIVE)) { resumedAgent(agentID); } } private void handleKillContainer(VerticalCommand cmd) { if(myLogger.isLoggable(Logger.FINE)) { myLogger.log(Logger.FINE,"Target sink consuming command KILL_CONTAINER"); } exitContainer(); } private void createAgent(AID agentID, String className, Object arguments[], JADEPrincipal owner, Credentials initialCredentials, boolean startIt) throws IMTPException, NotFoundException, NameClashException, JADESecurityException { Agent agent = null; try { //#J2ME_EXCLUDE_BEGIN // Try to load the agent using an agent loader agent = (Agent) ObjectManager.load(className, ObjectManager.AGENT_TYPE); //#J2ME_EXCLUDE_END if (agent == null) { agent = (Agent)Class.forName(className).newInstance(); } agent.setArguments(arguments); myContainer.initAgent(agentID, agent, owner, initialCredentials); if (startIt) { myContainer.powerUpLocalAgent(agentID); } } catch(ClassNotFoundException cnfe) { throw new IMTPException("Class " + className + " for agent " + agentID + " not found", cnfe); } catch(InstantiationException ie) { throw new IMTPException("Class " + className + " for agent " + agentID + " cannot be instantiated", ie); } catch(IllegalAccessException iae) { throw new IMTPException("Illegal access exception in createAgent()", iae); } } private void killAgent(AID agentID) throws IMTPException, NotFoundException { Agent a = myContainer.acquireLocalAgent(agentID); if(a == null) throw new NotFoundException("Kill-Agent failed to find " + agentID); a.doDelete(); myContainer.releaseLocalAgent(agentID); } private void changeAgentState(AID agentID, int newState) throws IMTPException, NotFoundException { Agent a = myContainer.acquireLocalAgent(agentID); if(a == null) throw new NotFoundException("Change-Agent-State failed to find " + agentID); if(newState == Agent.AP_SUSPENDED) { a.doSuspend(); } else if(newState == Agent.AP_WAITING) { a.doWait(); } else if(newState == Agent.AP_ACTIVE) { int oldState = a.getState(); if(oldState == Agent.AP_SUSPENDED) { a.doActivate(); } else { a.doWake(); } } myContainer.releaseLocalAgent(agentID); } private void bornAgent(AID name, ContainerID cid, JADEPrincipal principal, Credentials credentials) throws NameClashException, NotFoundException { MainContainer impl = myContainer.getMain(); if(impl != null) { // Retrieve the ownership from the credentials String ownership = "NONE"; if (credentials != null) { JADEPrincipal ownerPr = credentials.getOwner(); if (ownerPr != null) { ownership = ownerPr.getName(); } } try { // If the name is already in the GADT, throws NameClashException impl.bornAgent(name, cid, principal, ownership, false); } catch(NameClashException nce) { //#CUSTOMJ2SE_EXCLUDE_BEGIN try { ContainerID oldCid = impl.getContainerID(name); if (oldCid != null) { Node n = impl.getContainerNode(oldCid).getNode(); // Perform a non-blocking ping to check... n.ping(false); // Ping succeeded: rethrow the NameClashException throw nce; } else { // The old agent is registered with the AMS, but does not live in the platform --> cannot check if it still exists throw nce; } } catch(NameClashException nce2) { // This is the re-thrown NameClashException --> let it through throw nce2; } catch(Exception e) { // Either the old agent disappeared in the meanwhile or the Ping failed: forcibly replace the old agent... impl.bornAgent(name, cid, principal, ownership, true); } //#CUSTOMJ2SE_EXCLUDE_END /*#CUSTOMJ2SE_INCLUDE_BEGIN try { //System.out.println("Replacing old agent "+name.getName()); if(myLogger.isLoggable(Logger.INFO)) myLogger.log(Logger.INFO,"Replacing old agent "+name.getName()); dyingAgents.add(name); ((jade.core.AgentManager) impl).kill(name, principal, credentials); waitUntilDead(name); impl.bornAgent(name, cid, principal, ownership, false); } catch (Exception e) { dyingAgents.remove(name); impl.bornAgent(name, cid, principal, ownership, true); } #CUSTOMJ2SE_INCLUDE_END*/ } } } /*#CUSTOMJ2SE_INCLUDE_BEGIN private jade.util.leap.List dyingAgents = new jade.util.leap.ArrayList(); private void waitUntilDead(AID id) { synchronized (dyingAgents) { while (dyingAgents.contains(id)) { try { dyingAgents.wait(); } catch (Exception e) {} } } } private void notifyDead(AID id) { synchronized (dyingAgents) { dyingAgents.remove(id); dyingAgents.notifyAll(); } } #CUSTOMJ2SE_INCLUDE_END*/ private void deadAgent(AID name) throws NotFoundException { MainContainer impl = myContainer.getMain(); if(impl != null) { impl.deadAgent(name, false); /*#CUSTOMJ2SE_INCLUDE_BEGIN notifyDead(name); #CUSTOMJ2SE_INCLUDE_END*/ } } private void suspendedAgent(AID name) throws NotFoundException { MainContainer impl = myContainer.getMain(); if(impl != null) { impl.suspendedAgent(name); } } private void resumedAgent(AID name) throws NotFoundException { MainContainer impl = myContainer.getMain(); if(impl != null) { impl.resumedAgent(name); } } private void exitContainer() { myContainer.shutDown(); } } // End of CommandTargetSink class /** Inner mix-in class for this service: this class receives commands from the service <code>Sink</code> and serves them, coordinating with remote parts of this service through the <code>Service.Slice</code> interface. */ private class ServiceComponent implements Service.Slice { // Implementation of the Service.Slice interface public Service getService() { return AgentManagementService.this; } public Node getNode() throws ServiceException { try { return AgentManagementService.this.getLocalNode(); } catch(IMTPException imtpe) { throw new ServiceException("Problem in contacting the IMTP Manager", imtpe); } } public VerticalCommand serve(HorizontalCommand cmd) { VerticalCommand result = null; try { String cmdName = cmd.getName(); Object[] params = cmd.getParams(); if(cmdName.equals(AgentManagementSlice.H_CREATEAGENT)) { GenericCommand gCmd = new GenericCommand(AgentManagementSlice.REQUEST_CREATE, AgentManagementSlice.NAME, null); AID agentID = (AID)params[0]; String className = (String)params[1]; Object[] arguments = (Object[])params[2]; JADEPrincipal owner = (JADEPrincipal)params[3]; Credentials initialCredentials = (Credentials)params[4]; Boolean startIt = (Boolean) params[5]; gCmd.addParam(agentID); gCmd.addParam(className); gCmd.addParam(arguments); gCmd.addParam(owner); gCmd.addParam(initialCredentials); gCmd.addParam(startIt); result = gCmd; } else if(cmdName.equals(AgentManagementSlice.H_KILLAGENT)) { GenericCommand gCmd = new GenericCommand(AgentManagementSlice.REQUEST_KILL, AgentManagementSlice.NAME, null); AID agentID = (AID)params[0]; gCmd.addParam(agentID); result = gCmd; } else if(cmdName.equals(AgentManagementSlice.H_CHANGEAGENTSTATE)) { GenericCommand gCmd = new GenericCommand(AgentManagementSlice.REQUEST_STATE_CHANGE, AgentManagementSlice.NAME, null); AID agentID = (AID)params[0]; Integer newState = (Integer)params[1]; gCmd.addParam(agentID); gCmd.addParam(newState); result = gCmd; } else if(cmdName.equals(AgentManagementSlice.H_BORNAGENT)) { GenericCommand gCmd = new GenericCommand(AgentManagementSlice.INFORM_CREATED, AgentManagementSlice.NAME, null); AID agentID = (AID)params[0]; ContainerID cid = (ContainerID)params[1]; gCmd.addParam(agentID); gCmd.addParam(cid); result = gCmd; } else if(cmdName.equals(AgentManagementSlice.H_DEADAGENT)) { GenericCommand gCmd = new GenericCommand(AgentManagementSlice.INFORM_KILLED, AgentManagementSlice.NAME, null); AID agentID = (AID)params[0]; gCmd.addParam(agentID); result = gCmd; } else if(cmdName.equals(AgentManagementSlice.H_SUSPENDEDAGENT)) { GenericCommand gCmd = new GenericCommand(AgentManagementSlice.INFORM_STATE_CHANGED, AgentManagementSlice.NAME, null); AID agentID = (AID)params[0]; gCmd.addParam(agentID); gCmd.addParam(jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.AMSAgentDescription.SUSPENDED); gCmd.addParam("*"); result = gCmd; } else if(cmdName.equals(AgentManagementSlice.H_RESUMEDAGENT)) { GenericCommand gCmd = new GenericCommand(AgentManagementSlice.INFORM_STATE_CHANGED, AgentManagementSlice.NAME, null); AID agentID = (AID)params[0]; gCmd.addParam(agentID); gCmd.addParam(jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.AMSAgentDescription.ACTIVE); gCmd.addParam(jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.AMSAgentDescription.SUSPENDED); result = gCmd; } else if(cmdName.equals(AgentManagementSlice.H_EXITCONTAINER)) { GenericCommand gCmd = new GenericCommand(AgentManagementSlice.KILL_CONTAINER, AgentManagementSlice.NAME, null); result = gCmd; } } catch(Throwable t) { cmd.setReturnValue(t); } return result; } } // End of AgentManagementSlice class private void initAgent(AID target, Agent instance, VerticalCommand vCmd) throws IMTPException, JADESecurityException, NameClashException, NotFoundException, ServiceException { //#J2ME_EXCLUDE_BEGIN // If the agent was loaded from a separate space, register it to the codeLocator if (isLoadedFromSeparateSpace(instance)) { try { codeLocator.registerAgent(target, instance.getClass().getClassLoader()); } catch (Exception e) { // Should never happen e.printStackTrace(); } } //#J2ME_EXCLUDE_END // Connect the new instance to the local container Agent old = myContainer.addLocalAgent(target, instance); if (instance == old) { // This is a re-addition of an existing agent to a recovered main container (FaultRecoveryService) old = null; } try { // Notify the main container through its slice AgentManagementSlice mainSlice = (AgentManagementSlice)getSlice(MAIN_SLICE); // We propagate the class-name to the main, but we don't want to keep it in the actual agent AID. AID cloned = (AID) target.clone(); cloned.addUserDefinedSlot(AID.AGENT_CLASSNAME, instance.getClass().getName()); try { mainSlice.bornAgent(cloned, myContainer.getID(), vCmd); } catch(IMTPException imtpe) { // Try to get a newer slice and repeat... mainSlice = (AgentManagementSlice)getFreshSlice(MAIN_SLICE); mainSlice.bornAgent(cloned, myContainer.getID(), vCmd); } customize(instance); } catch(NameClashException nce) { removeLocalAgent(target); if(old != null) { myContainer.addLocalAgent(target, old); } throw nce; } catch(IMTPException imtpe) { removeLocalAgent(target); throw imtpe; } catch(NotFoundException nfe) { removeLocalAgent(target); throw nfe; } catch(JADESecurityException ae) { removeLocalAgent(target); throw ae; } } //#J2ME_EXCLUDE_BEGIN private boolean isLoadedFromSeparateSpace(Object obj) { try { Class c = obj.getClass(); Class reloadedClass = Class.forName(c.getName(), true, getClass().getClassLoader()); if (c == reloadedClass) { return false; } } catch (Throwable t) { // Just do nothing } return true; } //#J2ME_EXCLUDE_END private void customize(Agent agent) { } // The concrete agent container, providing access to LADT, etc. private AgentContainer myContainer; // The local slice for this service private final ServiceComponent localSlice = new ServiceComponent(); // The command sink, source side private final CommandSourceSink senderSink = new CommandSourceSink(); // The command sink, target side private final CommandTargetSink receiverSink = new CommandTargetSink(); //#J2ME_EXCLUDE_BEGIN private String agentsPath = null; private CodeLocator codeLocator; //#J2ME_EXCLUDE_END // Work-around for PJAVA compilation protected Service.Slice getFreshSlice(String name) throws ServiceException { return super.getFreshSlice(name); } }