package jade.core; //#J2ME_EXCLUDE_FILE //#APIDOC_EXCLUDE_FILE import jade.core.behaviours.*; import jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage; import jade.lang.acl.MessageTemplate; import jade.util.leap.Properties; import jade.imtp.leap.JICP.PDPContextManager; import jade.imtp.leap.JICP.JICPProtocol; import*; public class ScalabilityTest { private static final String CONTENT_SIZE = "s"; private static final int DEFAULT_CONTENT_SIZE = 1000; private static final String TIME_INTERVAL = "t"; private static final long DEFAULT_TIME_INTERVAL = 1000; private static final long STEPBYSTEP_TIME_INTERVAL = -1; private static final String N_ITERATIONS = "i"; private static final int DEFAULT_N_ITERATIONS = -1; private static final String N_COUPLES = "n"; private static final int DEFAULT_N_COUPLES = 10; private static final String BASE = "base"; private static final int DEFAULT_BASE = 0; private static final String MODE = "mode"; private static final String FAST_MODE_S = "fast"; private static final String SLOW_MODE_S = "slow"; private static final String STEP_BY_STEP_MODE_S = "stepbystep"; private static final String READY_GO_MODE_S = "readygo"; private static final int FAST_MODE = 0; private static final int SLOW_MODE = 1; private static final int STEP_BY_STEP_MODE = 2; private static final int READY_GO_MODE = 3; private static final String MEASURE = "measure"; private static final String BITRATE_MEASURE_S = "bitrate"; private static final String RTT_MEASURE_S = "rtt"; private static final int BITRATE_MEASURE = 0; private static final int RTT_MEASURE = 1; private static Object terminatedLock = new Object(); private static Object readyLock = new Object(); private static Object semaphore = new Object(); private static byte[] content; private static long timeInterval; private static int nIterations; private static int nCouples; private static int base; private static int mode; private static int measure; private static int readyCnt = 0; private static int terminatedCnt = 0; private static long totalTime = 0; private static long totalTime2 = 0; private static Object lock = new Object(); private static BufferedReader inputReader; public static void main(String[] args) { Properties pp = parseArguments(args); int contentSize = DEFAULT_CONTENT_SIZE; try { contentSize = Integer.parseInt(pp.getProperty(CONTENT_SIZE)); } catch (Exception e) { // Keep default } content = new byte[contentSize]; timeInterval = DEFAULT_TIME_INTERVAL; try { timeInterval = Long.parseLong(pp.getProperty(TIME_INTERVAL)); } catch (Exception e) { // Keep default } nIterations = DEFAULT_N_ITERATIONS; try { nIterations = Integer.parseInt(pp.getProperty(N_ITERATIONS)); } catch (Exception e) { // Keep default } base = DEFAULT_BASE; try { base = Integer.parseInt(pp.getProperty(BASE)); } catch (Exception e) { // Keep default } mode = READY_GO_MODE; try { String modeStr = pp.getProperty(MODE); if (SLOW_MODE_S.equals(modeStr)) { mode = SLOW_MODE; } else if (FAST_MODE_S.equals(modeStr)) { mode = FAST_MODE; } else if (STEP_BY_STEP_MODE_S.equals(modeStr)) { mode = STEP_BY_STEP_MODE; } } catch (Exception e) { // Keep default } // Prepare the inputReader to get user inputs if necessary if (mode == READY_GO_MODE || mode == STEP_BY_STEP_MODE) { inputReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(; } nCouples = DEFAULT_N_COUPLES; try { nCouples = Integer.parseInt(pp.getProperty(N_COUPLES)); } catch (Exception e) { // Keep default } measure = BITRATE_MEASURE; try { String measureStr = pp.getProperty(MEASURE); if (RTT_MEASURE_S.equals(measureStr)) { measure = RTT_MEASURE; } } catch (Exception e) { // Keep default } String prefix = Profile.getDefaultNetworkName(); for (int i = base; i < base+nCouples; i++) { initCouple(pp.getProperty(MicroRuntime.HOST_KEY), pp.getProperty(MicroRuntime.PORT_KEY), pp.getProperty(MicroRuntime.CONN_MGR_CLASS_KEY), pp.getProperty(JICPProtocol.MEDIATOR_CLASS_KEY), pp.getProperty(JICPProtocol.MAX_DISCONNECTION_TIME_KEY), prefix, i); switch (mode) { case SLOW_MODE: waitABit(); break; case STEP_BY_STEP_MODE: prompt("Couple #"+i+" started. Press enter to continue"); break; default: Thread.currentThread().yield(); } } waitUntilReady(); if (mode == READY_GO_MODE) { prompt("All "+nCouples+" couples ready. Press enter to go"); } start(); if (nIterations > 0) { System.out.println("Measurement started...."); } if (timeInterval == STEPBYSTEP_TIME_INTERVAL) { int i = 0; while (true) { waitUntilReady(); prompt("Iteration # "+i+" terminated by all couples. Press enter to go"); ++i; start(); } } } private static void notifyReady() { synchronized (semaphore) { synchronized (readyLock) { readyCnt++; readyLock.notifyAll(); } try { semaphore.wait(); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { ie.printStackTrace(); } } } private static void waitUntilReady() { synchronized (readyLock) { while (readyCnt < nCouples) { try { readyLock.wait(); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { ie.printStackTrace(); } } } } private static void start() { synchronized (semaphore) { semaphore.notifyAll(); readyCnt = 0; } } private static void waitABit() { synchronized (lock) { try { lock.wait(1000); } catch (Exception e) {} } } private static void prompt(String msg) { System.out.println(msg); try { inputReader.readLine(); } catch (IOException ioe) { } } private static Properties parseArguments(String[] args) { Properties props = new Properties(); int i = 0; while (i < args.length) { if (args[i].startsWith("-")) { // Parse next option String name = args[i].substring(1); if (++i < args.length) { props.setProperty(name, args[i]); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("No value specified for property \""+name+"\""); } ++i; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid property \""+args[i]+"\". It does not start with '-'"); } } return props; } private static void initCouple(String host, String port, String connectionManager, String mediatorClass, String maxDiscTime, String prefix, int index) { String senderClass = "jade.core.ScalabilityTest$BitrateSenderAgent"; String receiverClass = "jade.core.ScalabilityTest$BitrateReceiverAgent"; if (measure == RTT_MEASURE) { senderClass = "jade.core.ScalabilityTest$RTTSenderAgent"; receiverClass = "jade.core.ScalabilityTest$RTTReceiverAgent"; } Properties pp = new Properties(); if (host != null) { pp.setProperty(MicroRuntime.HOST_KEY, host); } if (port != null) { pp.setProperty(MicroRuntime.PORT_KEY, port); } if (connectionManager != null) { pp.setProperty(MicroRuntime.CONN_MGR_CLASS_KEY, connectionManager); } if (mediatorClass != null) { pp.setProperty(JICPProtocol.MEDIATOR_CLASS_KEY, mediatorClass); } if (maxDiscTime != null) { pp.setProperty(JICPProtocol.MAX_DISCONNECTION_TIME_KEY, maxDiscTime); } String sName = "S-"+prefix+"-"+index; pp.setProperty(PDPContextManager.MSISDN, sName); String rName = "R-"+prefix+"-"+index; String prop = sName+":"+senderClass+"("+rName+")"; pp.setProperty(MicroRuntime.AGENTS_KEY, prop); pp.setProperty(JICPProtocol.KEEP_ALIVE_TIME_KEY, "-1"); FrontEndContainer fes = new FrontEndContainer(pp); pp = new Properties(); if (host != null) { pp.setProperty(MicroRuntime.HOST_KEY, host); } if (port != null) { pp.setProperty(MicroRuntime.PORT_KEY, port); } if (connectionManager != null) { pp.setProperty(MicroRuntime.CONN_MGR_CLASS_KEY, connectionManager); } if (mediatorClass != null) { pp.setProperty(JICPProtocol.MEDIATOR_CLASS_KEY, mediatorClass); } if (maxDiscTime != null) { pp.setProperty(JICPProtocol.MAX_DISCONNECTION_TIME_KEY, maxDiscTime); } pp.setProperty(PDPContextManager.MSISDN, rName); prop = rName+":"+receiverClass; pp.setProperty(MicroRuntime.AGENTS_KEY, prop); pp.setProperty(JICPProtocol.KEEP_ALIVE_TIME_KEY, "-1"); FrontEndContainer fer = new FrontEndContainer(pp); } private static void notifyTerminated(long time, long time2) { synchronized (terminatedLock) { totalTime += time; totalTime2 += time2; terminatedCnt++; if (terminatedCnt == nCouples) { // All couples have terminated. Compute the average round-trip time long n = nCouples * ((long) nIterations); if (measure == BITRATE_MEASURE) { double totBytes = n * ((double) content.length); double averageBitrate = totBytes / totalTime; System.out.println("----------------------------------\nTest completed successufully.\nAverage bitrate (Kbyte/s) = "+averageBitrate+"\n----------------------------------"); } else if (measure == RTT_MEASURE) { long averageRoundTripTime = totalTime / n; double avg = (double) averageRoundTripTime; double x = totalTime2 + n*avg*avg - 2*avg*totalTime; double standardDeviation = Math.sqrt(x / n); System.out.println("----------------------------------\nTest completed successufully.\nAverage round trip time = "+averageRoundTripTime+" ms\nStandard deviation = "+standardDeviation+"\n----------------------------------"); } System.exit(0); } } } /** Inner class BitrateSenderAgent */ public static class BitrateSenderAgent extends Agent { private ACLMessage msg = new ACLMessage(ACLMessage.INFORM); private AID myReceiver; protected void setup() { Object[] args = getArguments(); if (args != null && args.length == 1) { myReceiver = new AID((String) args[0], AID.ISLOCALNAME); } else { System.out.println("Missing receiver name !!!!!"); doDelete(); return; } msg.addReceiver(myReceiver); msg.setByteSequenceContent(content); System.out.println("Sender "+getName()+" ready: my receiver is "+myReceiver.getName()); notifyReady(); if (timeInterval > 0) { addBehaviour(new TickerBehaviour(this, timeInterval) { public void onTick() { job(); } } ); } else { addBehaviour(new CyclicBehaviour(this) { public void action() { job(); } } ); } } private void job() { send(msg); if (timeInterval == STEPBYSTEP_TIME_INTERVAL) { notifyReady(); } } } // END of inner class BitrateSenderAgent /** Inner class BitrateReceiverAgent */ public static class BitrateReceiverAgent extends Agent { private boolean firstReceived = false; private boolean terminated = false; private long startTime; private int cnt = 0; protected void setup() { addBehaviour(new CyclicBehaviour(this) { public void action() { ACLMessage msg = myAgent.receive(); if (msg != null) { if (!firstReceived) { firstReceived = true; startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); } if (!terminated) { if (nIterations > 0 && cnt >= nIterations) { long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); long totalCoupleTime = endTime - startTime; long totalCoupleTime2 = totalCoupleTime*totalCoupleTime; notifyTerminated(totalCoupleTime, totalCoupleTime2); terminated = true; } cnt++; } } else { block(); } } } ); } } // END of inner class BitrateReceiverAgent /** Inner class RTTSenderAgent */ public static class RTTSenderAgent extends Agent { private ACLMessage msg = new ACLMessage(ACLMessage.INFORM); private AID myReceiver; private MessageTemplate myTemplate; private long totalCoupleTime = 0; private long totalCoupleTime2 = 0; private boolean terminated = false; private int cnt = 0; protected void setup() { Object[] args = getArguments(); if (args != null && args.length == 1) { myReceiver = new AID((String) args[0], AID.ISLOCALNAME); } else { System.out.println("Missing receiver name !!!!!"); doDelete(); return; } msg.addReceiver(myReceiver); msg.setByteSequenceContent(content); myTemplate = MessageTemplate.MatchSender(myReceiver); notifyReady(); if (timeInterval > 0) { addBehaviour(new TickerBehaviour(this, timeInterval) { public void onTick() { job(); } } ); } else { addBehaviour(new CyclicBehaviour(this) { public void action() { job(); } } ); } } private void job() { long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); send(msg); blockingReceive(myTemplate); long time = System.currentTimeMillis() - start; if (!terminated) { totalCoupleTime += time; totalCoupleTime2 += (time*time); if (nIterations > 0 && (++cnt) >= nIterations) { notifyTerminated(totalCoupleTime, totalCoupleTime2); terminated = true; } } if (timeInterval == STEPBYSTEP_TIME_INTERVAL) { notifyReady(); } } } // END of inner class RTTSenderAgent /** Inner class RTTReceiverAgent */ public static class RTTReceiverAgent extends Agent { protected void setup() { addBehaviour(new CyclicBehaviour(this) { public void action() { ACLMessage msg = myAgent.receive(); if (msg != null) { ACLMessage reply = msg.createReply(); reply.setPerformative(ACLMessage.INFORM); reply.setByteSequenceContent(msg.getByteSequenceContent()); myAgent.send(reply); } else { block(); } } } ); } } // END of inner class RTTReceiverAgent }