package org.jacorb.test.orb.localinterceptors; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import static; import java.util.Properties; import org.jacorb.test.harness.ClientServerSetup; import org.jacorb.test.harness.ClientServerTestCase; import org.jacorb.test.harness.TestUtils; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import org.omg.CORBA.BAD_INV_ORDER; import org.omg.CORBA.BAD_PARAM; import org.omg.CORBA.CompletionStatus; import org.omg.CORBA.NO_RESOURCES; import org.omg.CORBA.Policy; import org.omg.CORBA.UNKNOWN; import org.omg.CORBA.ORBPackage.InvalidName; import org.omg.PortableInterceptor.Current; import org.omg.PortableInterceptor.ForwardRequest; import org.omg.PortableInterceptor.InvalidSlot; import org.omg.PortableServer.ImplicitActivationPolicyValue; import org.omg.PortableServer.POA; /** * This class tests the use of PortableInterceptors during a local * call. There are 3 client interceptors and 3 server interceptors * involved. Complete calls, calls with Exceptions and calls with * ForwardRequests are thrown. The ForwardRequests involve a remote * server object in the first instance and then replaced with the * original local object. */ public class LocalPITest extends ClientServerTestCase { private static PIServer serverRef = null; private static PIServer clientRef = null; private static org.omg.CORBA.Object remoteServerObj = null; private static final int TEST_SCID = 0x444f7F01; private static final int SERVER_MINOR = 0x999; private static final int CLIENTA_SEND_REQ = 0x1; private static final int CLIENTB_SEND_REQ = 0x2; private static final int CLIENTC_SEND_REQ = 0x4; private static final int CLIENTA_SEND_POLL = 0x8; private static final int CLIENTB_SEND_POLL = 0x16; private static final int CLIENTC_SEND_POLL = 0x24; private static final int CLIENTA_RECEIVE_REPLY = 0x32; private static final int CLIENTB_RECEIVE_REPLY = 0x40; private static final int CLIENTC_RECEIVE_REPLY = 0x48; private static final int CLIENTA_RECEIVE_EXCEPTION = 0x56; private static final int CLIENTB_RECEIVE_EXCEPTION = 0x64; private static final int CLIENTC_RECEIVE_EXCEPTION = 0x72; private static final int CLIENTA_RECEIVE_OTHER = 0x80; private static final int CLIENTB_RECEIVE_OTHER = 0x88; private static final int CLIENTC_RECEIVE_OTHER = 0x96; private static final int SERVERA_RECEIVE_REQUEST_SC = 0x104; private static final int SERVERB_RECEIVE_REQUEST_SC = 0x112; private static final int SERVERC_RECEIVE_REQUEST_SC = 0x120; private static final int SERVERA_RECEIVE_REQUEST = 0x128; private static final int SERVERB_RECEIVE_REQUEST = 0x136; private static final int SERVERC_RECEIVE_REQUEST = 0x144; private static final int SERVERA_SEND_REPLY = 0x152; private static final int SERVERB_SEND_REPLY = 0x160; private static final int SERVERC_SEND_REPLY = 0x168; private static final int SERVERA_SEND_EXCEPTION = 0x176; private static final int SERVERB_SEND_EXCEPTION = 0x184; private static final int SERVERC_SEND_EXCEPTION = 0x192; private static final int SERVERA_SEND_OTHER = 0x200; private static final int SERVERB_SEND_OTHER = 0x208; private static final int SERVERC_SEND_OTHER = 0x216; private static final int COMPLETE_PATH = CLIENTA_SEND_REQ | CLIENTB_SEND_REQ | CLIENTC_SEND_REQ | SERVERA_RECEIVE_REQUEST_SC | SERVERB_RECEIVE_REQUEST_SC | SERVERC_RECEIVE_REQUEST_SC | SERVERA_RECEIVE_REQUEST | SERVERB_RECEIVE_REQUEST | SERVERC_RECEIVE_REQUEST | SERVERA_SEND_REPLY | SERVERB_SEND_REPLY | SERVERC_SEND_REPLY | CLIENTA_RECEIVE_REPLY | CLIENTB_RECEIVE_REPLY | CLIENTC_RECEIVE_REPLY; private static int throwException = 0; private static int callsMade = 0; private static int throwForwardRequest = 0; private static int slotID; private static String operation = null; private static boolean forwardRequestThrown = false; private static boolean hasServiceContexts = false; private static org.omg.CORBA.Any any; private void init (String op) { callsMade = 0; throwException = 0; throwForwardRequest = 0; operation = op; hasServiceContexts = false; forwardRequestThrown = false; any = setup.getClientOrb().create_any(); any.insert_boolean (true); } @Before public void setUp() throws Exception { Properties props = new Properties(); props.setProperty( "org.omg.PortableInterceptor.ORBInitializerClass." + LocalPIInitializer.class.getName(), "" ); props.setProperty ("jacorb.codeSet", "on"); props.setProperty ("org.omg.PortableInterceptor.ORBInitializerClass.standard_init", "org.jacorb.orb.standardInterceptors.IORInterceptorInitializer"); setup = new ClientServerSetup( RemoteServer.class.getName(), RemotePIServerImpl.class.getName(), props, null); remoteServerObj = setup.getServerObject(); Policy [] policies = new Policy [1]; policies[0] = setup.getClientRootPOA().create_implicit_activation_policy (ImplicitActivationPolicyValue.IMPLICIT_ACTIVATION); POA childPOA = setup.getClientRootPOA().create_POA ("childPOA", setup.getClientRootPOA().the_POAManager (), policies); serverRef = ( new PIServerImpl (childPOA))._this (setup.getClientOrb()); setup.getClientRootPOA().the_POAManager().activate(); clientRef = PIServerHelper.narrow (serverRef); } @After public void tearDown() throws Exception { //FIXME : To get these tests to pass need to create separate clientserversetups // Tearing them down seems to cause hangs } /** * Test complete request call. This should call * SEND_REQUEST and RECEIVE_REPLY on all 3 client interceptors and * RECEIVE_REQUEST_SERVICE_CONTEXTS, RECEIVE_REQUEST SEND_REPLY and * RECEIVE_REPLY on all 3 Server interceptors in the order * * Client A SEND_REQUEST * Client B SEND_REQUEST * Client C SEND_REQUEST * Server A RECEIVE_REQUEST_SERVICE_CONTEXTS * Server B RECEIVE_REQUEST_SERVICE_CONTEXTS * Server C RECEIVE_REQUEST_SERVICE_CONTEXTS * Server A RECEIVE_REQUEST * Server B RECEIVE_REQUEST * Server C RECEIVE_REQUEST * Server C SEND_REPLY * Server B SEND_REPLY * Server A SEND_REPLY * Client C RECEIVE_REPLY * Client B RECEIVE_REPLY * Client A RECEIVE_REPLY */ @Test public void testCompleteCall() { TestUtils.getLogger().debug ("\ntestCompleteCall"); init ("sendMessage"); clientRef.sendMessage ("A Message from testCompleteCall()..."); assertEquals ("Calls to interceptors not as expected", COMPLETE_PATH, callsMade); } /** * Test complete request call with service contexts. */ @Test public void testCompleteCallWithSCs() { TestUtils.getLogger().debug ("\ntestCompleteCallWithScs"); init ("sendMessage"); try { Current curr = (Current) setup.getClientOrb().resolve_initial_references ("PICurrent"); curr.set_slot (slotID, any ); } catch (InvalidName in) { fail ("Got InvalidName exception"); } catch (InvalidSlot is) { fail ("Got InvalidSlot exception"); } hasServiceContexts = true; clientRef.sendMessage ("A message from testCompleteCallWithSCs()..."); assertEquals ("Calls to interceptors not as expected", COMPLETE_PATH, callsMade); callsMade = 0; operation = "returnMessage"; /** * This is a new request so we would need to set the current slot again * if we wanted service contexts */ hasServiceContexts = false; String msg = clientRef.returnMessage ("testCompleteCallWithSCs().."); assertEquals ("Calls to interceptors not as expected", COMPLETE_PATH, callsMade); assertTrue ("Returned message not as expected ", msg.indexOf ("testCompleteCallWithSCs()..") != -1); } /** * Tests an exception being thrown by the Server. The interception * points should be * * Client A SEND_REQUEST * Client B SEND_REQUEST * Client C SEND_REQUEST * Server A RECEIVE_REQUEST_SERVICE_CONTEXTS * Server B RECEIVE_REQUEST_SERVICE_CONTEXTS * Server C RECEIVE_REQUEST_SERVICE_CONTEXTS * Server A RECEIVE_REQUEST * Server B RECEIVE_REQUEST * Server C RECEIVE_REQUEST * Server C SEND_EXCEPTION * Server B SEND_EXCEPTION * Server A SEND_EXCETPION * Client C RECEIVE_EXCEPTION * Client B RECEIVE_EXCEPTION * Client A RECEIVE_EXCEPTION */ @Test public void testExceptionFromServer() { TestUtils.getLogger().debug ("\ntestExceptionFromServer"); init ("throwException"); int expectedCalls = CLIENTA_SEND_REQ | CLIENTB_SEND_REQ | CLIENTC_SEND_REQ | SERVERA_RECEIVE_REQUEST_SC | SERVERB_RECEIVE_REQUEST_SC | SERVERC_RECEIVE_REQUEST_SC | SERVERA_RECEIVE_REQUEST | SERVERB_RECEIVE_REQUEST | SERVERC_RECEIVE_REQUEST | SERVERA_SEND_EXCEPTION | SERVERB_SEND_EXCEPTION | SERVERC_SEND_EXCEPTION | CLIENTA_RECEIVE_EXCEPTION | CLIENTB_RECEIVE_EXCEPTION | CLIENTC_RECEIVE_EXCEPTION; String outMsg = "A message from testExceptionFromServer()..."; try { clientRef.throwException (outMsg); fail ("Expected an exception"); } catch (UNKNOWN un) { assertEquals ("Exception message does not match sent message", outMsg, un.getMessage()); assertEquals ("Minor not as expected ", SERVER_MINOR, un.minor); } assertEquals ("Calls to interceptors not as expected", expectedCalls, callsMade); } /** * Tests an exception being raised by each client interceptor at * the SEND_REQUEST point. Note that each call is separate */ @Test public void testClientInterceptorsRaiseExceptionAtSendRequest() { TestUtils.getLogger().debug ("\ntestClientInterceptorsRaiseExceptionAtSendRequest"); init ("sendMessage"); /* Test exception raised by ClientInterceptorA send_request */ String outMsg = "testClientIntercptorARaisesExceptionAtSendRequest"; throwException = CLIENTA_SEND_REQ; int expectedCalls = CLIENTA_SEND_REQ; try { clientRef.sendMessage (outMsg); fail ("Expected an exception"); } catch (UNKNOWN un) { assertEquals ("Exception not thrown in Client A interceptor send_request", CLIENTA_SEND_REQ, un.minor); } assertEquals ("Calls to interceptors not as expected", expectedCalls, callsMade); /* Test exception raised by ClientInterceptorA send_request */ outMsg = "testClientIntercptorBRaisesExceptionAtSendRequest"; throwException = CLIENTB_SEND_REQ; /* reset the callsMade as this is a new request */ callsMade = 0; expectedCalls = CLIENTA_SEND_REQ | CLIENTB_SEND_REQ |CLIENTA_RECEIVE_EXCEPTION; try { clientRef.sendMessage (outMsg); fail ("Expected an exception"); } catch (UNKNOWN un) { assertEquals ("Exception not thrown in Client B interceptor send_request", CLIENTB_SEND_REQ, un.minor); } assertEquals ("Calls to interceptors not as expected", expectedCalls, callsMade); /* Test exception raised by ClientInterceptorA send_request */ outMsg = "testClientIntercptorCRaisesExceptionAtSendRequest"; throwException = CLIENTC_SEND_REQ; /* reset the callsMade as this is a new request */ callsMade = 0; expectedCalls = CLIENTA_SEND_REQ | CLIENTB_SEND_REQ | CLIENTC_SEND_REQ | CLIENTA_RECEIVE_EXCEPTION | CLIENTB_RECEIVE_EXCEPTION; try { clientRef.sendMessage (outMsg); fail ("Expected an exception"); } catch (UNKNOWN un) { assertEquals ("Exception not thrown in Client C interceptor send_request", CLIENTC_SEND_REQ, un.minor); } assertEquals ("Calls to interceptors not as expected", expectedCalls, callsMade); } /** * Tests an exception being raised by each client interceptor at * the RECEIVE_REPLY point. Note that each call is separate */ @Test public void testClientInterceptorsRaiseExceptionAtReceiveReply() { TestUtils.getLogger().debug ("\ntestClientInterceptorsRaiseExceptionAtReceiveReply"); init ("sendMessage"); String outMsg = "testClientIntercptorCRaisesExceptionAtReceiveReply"; throwException = CLIENTC_RECEIVE_REPLY; int expectedCalls = CLIENTA_SEND_REQ | CLIENTB_SEND_REQ | CLIENTC_SEND_REQ | SERVERA_RECEIVE_REQUEST_SC | SERVERB_RECEIVE_REQUEST_SC | SERVERC_RECEIVE_REQUEST_SC | SERVERA_RECEIVE_REQUEST | SERVERB_RECEIVE_REQUEST | SERVERC_RECEIVE_REQUEST | SERVERA_SEND_REPLY | SERVERB_SEND_REPLY | SERVERC_SEND_REPLY | CLIENTA_RECEIVE_EXCEPTION | CLIENTB_RECEIVE_EXCEPTION | CLIENTC_RECEIVE_REPLY; try { clientRef.sendMessage (outMsg); fail ("Expected an exception"); } catch (UNKNOWN un) { assertEquals ("Exception not thrown in Client C interceptor receive_reply", CLIENTC_RECEIVE_REPLY, un.minor); } assertEquals ("Calls to interceptors not as expected", expectedCalls, callsMade); /* ClientInterceptorB */ outMsg = "testClientIntercptorBRaisesExceptionAtReceiveReply"; throwException = CLIENTB_RECEIVE_REPLY; callsMade = 0; expectedCalls = CLIENTA_SEND_REQ | CLIENTB_SEND_REQ | CLIENTC_SEND_REQ | SERVERA_RECEIVE_REQUEST_SC | SERVERB_RECEIVE_REQUEST_SC | SERVERC_RECEIVE_REQUEST_SC | SERVERA_RECEIVE_REQUEST | SERVERB_RECEIVE_REQUEST | SERVERC_RECEIVE_REQUEST | CLIENTA_RECEIVE_EXCEPTION | CLIENTB_RECEIVE_REPLY | CLIENTC_RECEIVE_REPLY; try { clientRef.sendMessage (outMsg); fail ("Expected an exception"); } catch (UNKNOWN un) { assertEquals ("Exception not thrown in Client B interceptor receive_reply", CLIENTB_RECEIVE_REPLY, un.minor); } assertEquals ("Calls to interceptors not as expected", expectedCalls, callsMade); /* ClientInterceptorA */ outMsg = "testClientIntercptorARaisesExceptionAtReceiveReply"; throwException = CLIENTA_RECEIVE_REPLY; callsMade = 0; expectedCalls = CLIENTA_SEND_REQ | CLIENTB_SEND_REQ | CLIENTC_SEND_REQ | SERVERA_RECEIVE_REQUEST_SC | SERVERB_RECEIVE_REQUEST_SC | SERVERC_RECEIVE_REQUEST_SC | SERVERA_RECEIVE_REQUEST | SERVERB_RECEIVE_REQUEST | SERVERC_RECEIVE_REQUEST | CLIENTA_RECEIVE_REPLY | CLIENTB_RECEIVE_REPLY | CLIENTC_RECEIVE_REPLY; try { clientRef.sendMessage (outMsg); fail ("Expected an exception"); } catch (UNKNOWN un) { assertEquals ("Exception not thrown in Client A interceptor receive_reply", CLIENTA_RECEIVE_REPLY, un.minor); } assertEquals ("Calls to interceptors not as expected", expectedCalls, callsMade); } /** * Tests an exception being raised by each client interceptor at * the RECEIVE_EXCEPTION point. Note that each call is separate */ @Test public void testClientInterceptorsRaiseExceptionAtReceiveException() { TestUtils.getLogger().debug ("\ntestClientInterceptorsRaiseExceptionAtReceiveException"); init ("throwException"); String outMsg = "testClientIntercptorCRaisesExceptionAtReceiveException"; throwException = CLIENTC_RECEIVE_EXCEPTION; int expectedCalls = CLIENTA_SEND_REQ | CLIENTB_SEND_REQ | CLIENTC_SEND_REQ | SERVERA_RECEIVE_REQUEST_SC | SERVERB_RECEIVE_REQUEST_SC | SERVERC_RECEIVE_REQUEST_SC | SERVERA_RECEIVE_REQUEST | SERVERB_RECEIVE_REQUEST | SERVERC_RECEIVE_REQUEST | SERVERA_SEND_EXCEPTION | SERVERB_SEND_EXCEPTION | SERVERC_SEND_EXCEPTION | CLIENTA_RECEIVE_EXCEPTION | CLIENTB_RECEIVE_EXCEPTION | CLIENTC_RECEIVE_EXCEPTION; try { clientRef.throwException (outMsg); fail ("Expected an exception"); } catch (UNKNOWN un) { assertEquals ("Exception not thrown in Client C interceptor receive_exception", CLIENTC_RECEIVE_EXCEPTION | SERVER_MINOR, un.minor); } assertEquals ("Calls to interceptors not as expected", expectedCalls, callsMade); /* ClientInterceptorB */ outMsg = "testClientIntercptorBRaisesExceptionAtReceiveException"; throwException = CLIENTB_RECEIVE_EXCEPTION; callsMade = 0; expectedCalls = CLIENTA_SEND_REQ | CLIENTB_SEND_REQ | CLIENTC_SEND_REQ | SERVERA_RECEIVE_REQUEST_SC | SERVERB_RECEIVE_REQUEST_SC | SERVERC_RECEIVE_REQUEST_SC | SERVERA_RECEIVE_REQUEST | SERVERB_RECEIVE_REQUEST | SERVERC_RECEIVE_REQUEST | SERVERA_SEND_EXCEPTION | SERVERB_SEND_EXCEPTION | SERVERC_SEND_EXCEPTION | CLIENTA_RECEIVE_EXCEPTION | CLIENTB_RECEIVE_EXCEPTION | CLIENTC_RECEIVE_EXCEPTION; try { clientRef.throwException (outMsg); fail ("Expected an exception"); } catch (UNKNOWN un) { assertEquals ("Exception not thrown in Client B interceptor receive_exception", CLIENTB_RECEIVE_EXCEPTION | SERVER_MINOR, un.minor); } assertEquals ("Calls to interceptors not as expected", expectedCalls, callsMade); /* ClientInterceptorA */ outMsg = "testClientIntercptorARaisesExceptionAtReceiveException"; throwException = CLIENTA_RECEIVE_EXCEPTION; callsMade = 0; expectedCalls = CLIENTA_SEND_REQ | CLIENTB_SEND_REQ | CLIENTC_SEND_REQ | SERVERA_RECEIVE_REQUEST_SC | SERVERB_RECEIVE_REQUEST_SC | SERVERC_RECEIVE_REQUEST_SC | SERVERA_RECEIVE_REQUEST | SERVERB_RECEIVE_REQUEST | SERVERC_RECEIVE_REQUEST | SERVERA_SEND_EXCEPTION | SERVERB_SEND_EXCEPTION | SERVERC_SEND_EXCEPTION | CLIENTA_RECEIVE_EXCEPTION | CLIENTB_RECEIVE_EXCEPTION | CLIENTC_RECEIVE_EXCEPTION; try { clientRef.throwException (outMsg); fail ("Expected an exception"); } catch (UNKNOWN un) { assertEquals ("Exception not thrown in Client A interceptor receive_exception", CLIENTA_RECEIVE_EXCEPTION | SERVER_MINOR, un.minor); } assertEquals ("Calls to interceptors not as expected", expectedCalls, callsMade); } /** * Tests an exception being raised by each server interceptor at * the RECEIVE_REQUEST_SERVICE_CONTEXTS point. Note that each call is separate */ @Test public void testServerInterceptorsRaiseExceptionAtReceiveRequestSC() { TestUtils.getLogger().debug ("\ntestServerInterceptorsRaiseExceptionAtReceiveRequestSC"); init ("sendMessage"); /* Test exception raised by ServerInterceptorA receive_request_service_contexts */ String outMsg = "testServerIntercptorARaisesExceptionAtReceiveRequestSC"; throwException = SERVERA_RECEIVE_REQUEST_SC; int expectedCalls = CLIENTA_SEND_REQ | CLIENTB_SEND_REQ | CLIENTC_SEND_REQ | SERVERA_RECEIVE_REQUEST_SC | CLIENTA_RECEIVE_EXCEPTION | CLIENTB_RECEIVE_EXCEPTION | CLIENTC_RECEIVE_EXCEPTION; try { clientRef.sendMessage (outMsg); fail ("Expected an exception"); } catch (UNKNOWN un) { assertEquals ("Exception not thrown in Server A interceptor receive_request_service_contexts", SERVERA_RECEIVE_REQUEST_SC, un.minor); } assertEquals ("Calls to interceptors not as expected", expectedCalls, callsMade); /* Test exception raised by ServerInterceptorB receive_request_service_contexts */ outMsg = "testServerIntercptorBRaisesExceptionAtReceiveRequestSC"; throwException = SERVERB_RECEIVE_REQUEST_SC; /* reset the callsMade as this is a new request */ callsMade = 0; expectedCalls = CLIENTA_SEND_REQ | CLIENTB_SEND_REQ | CLIENTC_SEND_REQ | SERVERA_RECEIVE_REQUEST_SC | SERVERB_RECEIVE_REQUEST_SC | SERVERA_SEND_EXCEPTION | CLIENTA_RECEIVE_EXCEPTION | CLIENTB_RECEIVE_EXCEPTION | CLIENTC_RECEIVE_EXCEPTION; try { clientRef.sendMessage (outMsg); fail ("Expected an exception"); } catch (UNKNOWN un) { assertEquals ("Exception not thrown in Server B interceptor receive_request_service_contexts", SERVERB_RECEIVE_REQUEST_SC, un.minor); } assertEquals ("Calls to interceptors not as expected", expectedCalls, callsMade); /* Test exception raised by ServerInterceptorC receive_request_service_contexts */ outMsg = "testClientIntercptorCRaisesExceptionAtReceiveRequestSC"; throwException = SERVERC_RECEIVE_REQUEST_SC; /* reset the callsMade as this is a new request */ callsMade = 0; expectedCalls = CLIENTA_SEND_REQ | CLIENTB_SEND_REQ | CLIENTC_SEND_REQ | SERVERA_RECEIVE_REQUEST_SC | SERVERB_RECEIVE_REQUEST_SC | SERVERC_RECEIVE_REQUEST_SC | SERVERA_SEND_EXCEPTION | SERVERB_SEND_EXCEPTION | CLIENTA_RECEIVE_EXCEPTION | CLIENTB_RECEIVE_EXCEPTION | CLIENTC_RECEIVE_EXCEPTION; try { clientRef.sendMessage (outMsg); fail ("Expected an exception"); } catch (UNKNOWN un) { assertEquals ("Exception not thrown in Server C interceptor receive_request_service_contexts", SERVERC_RECEIVE_REQUEST_SC, un.minor); } assertEquals ("Calls to interceptors not as expected", expectedCalls, callsMade); } /** * Tests an exception being raised by each server interceptor at * the RECEIVE_REQUEST point. Note that each call is separate */ @Test public void testServerInterceptorsRaiseExceptionAtReceiveRequest() { TestUtils.getLogger().debug ("\ntestServerInterceptorsRaiseExceptionAtReceiveRequest"); init ("sendMessage"); /* Test exception raised by ServerInterceptorA receive_request */ String outMsg = "testServerIntercptorARaisesExceptionAtReceiveRequest"; throwException = SERVERA_RECEIVE_REQUEST; int expectedCalls = CLIENTA_SEND_REQ | CLIENTB_SEND_REQ | CLIENTC_SEND_REQ | SERVERA_RECEIVE_REQUEST_SC | SERVERB_RECEIVE_REQUEST_SC | SERVERC_RECEIVE_REQUEST_SC | SERVERA_RECEIVE_REQUEST | SERVERC_SEND_EXCEPTION | SERVERB_SEND_EXCEPTION | SERVERA_SEND_EXCEPTION | CLIENTA_RECEIVE_EXCEPTION | CLIENTB_RECEIVE_EXCEPTION | CLIENTC_RECEIVE_EXCEPTION; try { clientRef.sendMessage (outMsg); fail ("Expected an exception"); } catch (UNKNOWN un) { assertEquals ("Exception not thrown in Server A interceptor receive_request", SERVERA_RECEIVE_REQUEST, un.minor); } assertEquals ("Calls to interceptors not as expected", expectedCalls, callsMade); /* Test exception raised by ServerInterceptorB receive_request */ outMsg = "testServerIntercptorBRaisesExceptionAtReceiveRequest"; throwException = SERVERB_RECEIVE_REQUEST; /* reset the callsMade as this is a new request */ callsMade = 0; expectedCalls = CLIENTA_SEND_REQ | CLIENTB_SEND_REQ | CLIENTC_SEND_REQ | SERVERA_RECEIVE_REQUEST_SC | SERVERB_RECEIVE_REQUEST_SC | SERVERC_RECEIVE_REQUEST_SC | SERVERA_RECEIVE_REQUEST | SERVERB_RECEIVE_REQUEST | SERVERC_SEND_EXCEPTION | SERVERB_SEND_EXCEPTION | SERVERA_SEND_EXCEPTION | CLIENTA_RECEIVE_EXCEPTION | CLIENTB_RECEIVE_EXCEPTION | CLIENTC_RECEIVE_EXCEPTION; try { clientRef.sendMessage (outMsg); fail ("Expected an exception"); } catch (UNKNOWN un) { assertEquals ("Exception not thrown in Server B interceptor receive_request", SERVERB_RECEIVE_REQUEST, un.minor); } assertEquals ("Calls to interceptors not as expected", expectedCalls, callsMade); /* Test exception raised by ServerInterceptorC receive_request */ outMsg = "testClientIntercptorCRaisesExceptionAtReceiveRequest"; throwException = SERVERC_RECEIVE_REQUEST; /* reset the callsMade as this is a new request */ callsMade = 0; expectedCalls = CLIENTA_SEND_REQ | CLIENTB_SEND_REQ | CLIENTC_SEND_REQ | SERVERA_RECEIVE_REQUEST_SC | SERVERB_RECEIVE_REQUEST_SC | SERVERC_RECEIVE_REQUEST_SC | SERVERA_RECEIVE_REQUEST | SERVERB_RECEIVE_REQUEST | SERVERC_RECEIVE_REQUEST | SERVERC_SEND_EXCEPTION | SERVERA_SEND_EXCEPTION | SERVERB_SEND_EXCEPTION | CLIENTA_RECEIVE_EXCEPTION | CLIENTB_RECEIVE_EXCEPTION | CLIENTC_RECEIVE_EXCEPTION; try { clientRef.sendMessage (outMsg); fail ("Expected an exception"); } catch (UNKNOWN un) { assertEquals ("Exception not thrown in Server C interceptor receive_request", SERVERC_RECEIVE_REQUEST, un.minor); } assertEquals ("Calls to interceptors not as expected", expectedCalls, callsMade); } /** * Tests an exception being raised by each server interceptor at * the SEND_REPLY point. Note that each call is separate */ @Test public void testServerInterceptorsRaiseExceptionAtSendReply() { TestUtils.getLogger().debug ("\ntestServerInterceptorsRaiseExceptionAtSendReply"); init ("sendMessage"); String outMsg = "testServerIntercptorARaisesExceptionAtSendReply"; throwException = SERVERA_SEND_REPLY; int expectedCalls = CLIENTA_SEND_REQ | CLIENTB_SEND_REQ | CLIENTC_SEND_REQ | SERVERA_RECEIVE_REQUEST_SC | SERVERB_RECEIVE_REQUEST_SC | SERVERC_RECEIVE_REQUEST_SC | SERVERA_RECEIVE_REQUEST | SERVERB_RECEIVE_REQUEST | SERVERC_RECEIVE_REQUEST | SERVERC_SEND_REPLY | SERVERB_SEND_REPLY | SERVERA_SEND_REPLY | CLIENTA_RECEIVE_EXCEPTION | CLIENTB_RECEIVE_EXCEPTION | CLIENTC_RECEIVE_EXCEPTION; try { clientRef.sendMessage (outMsg); fail ("Expected an exception"); } catch (UNKNOWN un) { assertEquals ("Exception not thrown in Server A interceptor send_reply", SERVERA_SEND_REPLY, un.minor); } assertEquals ("Calls to interceptors not as expected", expectedCalls, callsMade); /* ServerInterceptorB */ outMsg = "testServerIntercptorBRaisesExceptionAtSendReply"; throwException = SERVERB_SEND_REPLY; callsMade = 0; expectedCalls = CLIENTA_SEND_REQ | CLIENTB_SEND_REQ | CLIENTC_SEND_REQ | SERVERA_RECEIVE_REQUEST_SC | SERVERB_RECEIVE_REQUEST_SC | SERVERC_RECEIVE_REQUEST_SC | SERVERA_RECEIVE_REQUEST | SERVERB_RECEIVE_REQUEST | SERVERC_RECEIVE_REQUEST | SERVERC_SEND_REPLY | SERVERB_SEND_REPLY | SERVERA_SEND_EXCEPTION | CLIENTA_RECEIVE_EXCEPTION | CLIENTB_RECEIVE_EXCEPTION | CLIENTC_RECEIVE_EXCEPTION; try { clientRef.sendMessage (outMsg); fail ("Expected an exception"); } catch (UNKNOWN un) { assertEquals ("Exception not thrown in Server B interceptor send_reply", SERVERB_SEND_REPLY, un.minor); } assertEquals ("Calls to interceptors not as expected", expectedCalls, callsMade); /* ServerInterceptorC */ outMsg = "testServerIntercptorCRaisesExceptionAtSendReply"; throwException = SERVERC_SEND_REPLY; callsMade = 0; expectedCalls = CLIENTA_SEND_REQ | CLIENTB_SEND_REQ | CLIENTC_SEND_REQ | SERVERA_RECEIVE_REQUEST_SC | SERVERB_RECEIVE_REQUEST_SC | SERVERC_RECEIVE_REQUEST_SC | SERVERA_RECEIVE_REQUEST | SERVERB_RECEIVE_REQUEST | SERVERC_RECEIVE_REQUEST | SERVERA_SEND_EXCEPTION | SERVERB_SEND_EXCEPTION | SERVERC_SEND_REPLY | CLIENTA_RECEIVE_EXCEPTION | CLIENTB_RECEIVE_EXCEPTION | CLIENTC_RECEIVE_EXCEPTION; try { clientRef.sendMessage (outMsg); fail ("Expected an exception"); } catch (UNKNOWN un) { assertEquals ("Exception not thrown in Server C interceptor send_reply", SERVERC_SEND_REPLY, un.minor); } assertEquals ("Calls to interceptors not as expected", expectedCalls, callsMade); } /** * Tests an exception being raised by each server interceptor at * the SEND_EXCEPTION point. Note that each call is separate */ @Test public void testServerInterceptorsRaiseExceptionAtSendException() { TestUtils.getLogger().debug ("\ntestServerInterceptorsRaiseExceptionAtSendException"); init ("sendMessage"); String outMsg = "testServerIntercptorARaisesExceptionAtSendException"; throwException = SERVERA_SEND_EXCEPTION; int expectedCalls = CLIENTA_SEND_REQ | CLIENTB_SEND_REQ | CLIENTC_SEND_REQ | SERVERA_RECEIVE_REQUEST_SC | SERVERB_RECEIVE_REQUEST_SC | SERVERC_RECEIVE_REQUEST_SC | SERVERA_RECEIVE_REQUEST | SERVERC_SEND_EXCEPTION | SERVERB_SEND_EXCEPTION | SERVERA_SEND_EXCEPTION | CLIENTA_RECEIVE_EXCEPTION | CLIENTB_RECEIVE_EXCEPTION | CLIENTC_RECEIVE_EXCEPTION; try { clientRef.sendMessage (outMsg); fail ("Expected an exception"); } catch (UNKNOWN un) { assertEquals ("Exception not thrown in Server A interceptor send_exception", SERVERA_SEND_EXCEPTION | SERVERA_RECEIVE_REQUEST, un.minor); } assertEquals ("Calls to interceptors not as expected", expectedCalls, callsMade); /* ServerInterceptorB */ outMsg = "testServerIntercptorBRaisesExceptionAtSendException"; throwException = SERVERB_SEND_EXCEPTION; callsMade = 0; expectedCalls = CLIENTA_SEND_REQ | CLIENTB_SEND_REQ | CLIENTC_SEND_REQ | SERVERA_RECEIVE_REQUEST_SC | SERVERB_RECEIVE_REQUEST_SC | SERVERC_RECEIVE_REQUEST_SC | SERVERA_RECEIVE_REQUEST | SERVERB_RECEIVE_REQUEST | SERVERC_SEND_EXCEPTION | SERVERB_SEND_EXCEPTION | SERVERA_SEND_EXCEPTION | CLIENTA_RECEIVE_EXCEPTION | CLIENTB_RECEIVE_EXCEPTION | CLIENTC_RECEIVE_EXCEPTION; try { clientRef.sendMessage (outMsg); fail ("Expected an exception"); } catch (UNKNOWN un) { assertEquals ("Exception not thrown in Server B interceptor send_exception", SERVERB_SEND_EXCEPTION | SERVERB_RECEIVE_REQUEST, un.minor); } assertEquals ("Calls to interceptors not as expected", expectedCalls, callsMade); /* ServerInterceptorC */ outMsg = "testServerIntercptorCRaisesExceptionAtSendException"; throwException = SERVERC_SEND_EXCEPTION; callsMade = 0; expectedCalls = CLIENTA_SEND_REQ | CLIENTB_SEND_REQ | CLIENTC_SEND_REQ | SERVERA_RECEIVE_REQUEST_SC | SERVERB_RECEIVE_REQUEST_SC | SERVERC_RECEIVE_REQUEST_SC | SERVERA_RECEIVE_REQUEST | SERVERB_RECEIVE_REQUEST | SERVERC_RECEIVE_REQUEST | SERVERA_SEND_EXCEPTION | SERVERB_SEND_EXCEPTION | SERVERC_SEND_EXCEPTION | CLIENTA_RECEIVE_EXCEPTION | CLIENTB_RECEIVE_EXCEPTION | CLIENTC_RECEIVE_EXCEPTION; try { clientRef.sendMessage (outMsg); fail ("Expected an exception"); } catch (UNKNOWN un) { assertEquals ("Exception not thrown in Server C interceptor send_exception", SERVERC_SEND_EXCEPTION | SERVERC_RECEIVE_REQUEST, un.minor); } assertEquals ("Calls to interceptors not as expected", expectedCalls, callsMade); } /** * Tests an ForwardRequest being raised by Client A interceptor at * the SEND_REQUEST point. As the ForwardRequest is thrown before * the invocation is made a new call is made by the Stub to the * new server object without being returned to the client. The * new server object is actually remote and the call is successful. * There are no interceptors registered with the remote object so * only the local client interceptors are called. */ @Test public void testClientInterceptorARaisesForwardRequestAtSendRequest() { TestUtils.getLogger().debug ("\ntestClientInterceptorARaisesForwardRequestAtSendRequest"); init ("returnMessage"); /* Test ForwardRequest raised by ClientInterceptorA send_request */ String outMsg = "testClientIntercptorARaisesFRAtSendRequest"; throwForwardRequest = CLIENTA_SEND_REQ; /* The call to ClientInterceptorA send_request is made twice as it is made for * the initial call and then called again as part of the call to the ForwardRequest */ int expectedCalls = CLIENTA_SEND_REQ | CLIENTA_SEND_REQ | CLIENTB_SEND_REQ | CLIENTC_SEND_REQ | CLIENTA_RECEIVE_REPLY | CLIENTB_RECEIVE_REPLY | CLIENTC_RECEIVE_REPLY; String response = clientRef.returnMessage (outMsg); assertTrue ("Call not forwarded to RemoteServer", response.indexOf ("Remote") > -1); assertEquals ("Calls to interceptors not as expected", expectedCalls, callsMade); } @Test public void testClientInterceptorBRaisesForwardRequestAtSendRequest() { TestUtils.getLogger().debug ("\ntestClientInterceptorBRaisesForwardRequestAtSendRequest"); init ("returnMessage"); /* Test ForwardRequest raised by ClientInterceptorB send_request */ String outMsg = "testClientIntercptorBRaisesFRAtSendRequest"; throwForwardRequest = CLIENTB_SEND_REQ; /* The call to ClientInterceptorA send_request is made twice as it is made for * the initial call and then called again as part of the call to the ForwardRequest */ int expectedCalls = CLIENTA_SEND_REQ | CLIENTB_SEND_REQ | CLIENTA_RECEIVE_OTHER | CLIENTA_SEND_REQ | CLIENTB_SEND_REQ | CLIENTC_SEND_REQ | CLIENTA_RECEIVE_REPLY | CLIENTB_RECEIVE_REPLY | CLIENTC_RECEIVE_REPLY; String response = clientRef.returnMessage (outMsg); assertTrue ("Call not forwarded to RemoteServer", response.indexOf ("Remote") > -1); assertEquals ("Calls to interceptors not as expected", expectedCalls, callsMade); } @Test public void testClientInterceptorCRaisesForwardRequestAtSendRequest() { TestUtils.getLogger().debug ("\ntestClientInterceptorCRaisesForwardRequestAtSendRequest"); init ("returnMessage"); /* Test ForwardRequest raised by ClientInterceptorC send_request */ String outMsg = "testClientIntercptorCRaisesFRAtSendRequest"; throwForwardRequest = CLIENTC_SEND_REQ; /* The call to ClientInterceptors send_request are made twice as it is made for * the initial call and then called again as part of the call to the ForwardRequest */ int expectedCalls = CLIENTA_SEND_REQ | CLIENTB_SEND_REQ |CLIENTC_SEND_REQ | CLIENTA_RECEIVE_OTHER | CLIENTB_RECEIVE_OTHER | CLIENTA_SEND_REQ | CLIENTB_SEND_REQ | CLIENTC_SEND_REQ | CLIENTA_RECEIVE_REPLY | CLIENTB_RECEIVE_REPLY | CLIENTC_RECEIVE_REPLY; String response = clientRef.returnMessage (outMsg); assertTrue ("Call not forwarded to RemoteServer", response.indexOf ("Remote") > -1); assertEquals ("Calls to interceptors not as expected", expectedCalls, callsMade); } @Test public void testServerInterceptorARaisesForwardRequestAtRRSC() { TestUtils.getLogger().debug ("\ntestServerInterceptorARaisesForwardRequestAtRRSC"); init ("returnMessage"); String outMsg = "testServerInterceptorARaisesFRAtRRSC"; throwForwardRequest = SERVERA_RECEIVE_REQUEST_SC; int expectedCalls = CLIENTA_SEND_REQ | CLIENTB_SEND_REQ |CLIENTC_SEND_REQ | SERVERA_RECEIVE_REQUEST_SC | CLIENTA_RECEIVE_OTHER | CLIENTB_RECEIVE_OTHER | CLIENTC_RECEIVE_OTHER | CLIENTA_SEND_REQ | CLIENTB_SEND_REQ | CLIENTC_SEND_REQ | CLIENTA_RECEIVE_REPLY | CLIENTB_RECEIVE_REPLY | CLIENTC_RECEIVE_REPLY; String response = clientRef.returnMessage (outMsg); assertTrue ("Call not forwarded to RemoteServer", response.indexOf ("Remote") > -1); assertEquals ("Calls to interceptors not as expected", expectedCalls, callsMade); } @Test public void testServerInterceptorBRaisesForwardRequestAtRRSC() { TestUtils.getLogger().debug ("\ntestServerInterceptorBRaisesForwardRequestAtRRSC"); init ("returnMessage"); String outMsg = "testServerInterceptorBRaisesFRAtRRSC"; throwForwardRequest = SERVERB_RECEIVE_REQUEST_SC; int expectedCalls = CLIENTA_SEND_REQ | CLIENTB_SEND_REQ |CLIENTC_SEND_REQ | SERVERA_RECEIVE_REQUEST_SC | SERVERB_RECEIVE_REQUEST_SC | SERVERA_SEND_OTHER | CLIENTA_RECEIVE_OTHER | CLIENTB_RECEIVE_OTHER | CLIENTC_RECEIVE_OTHER | CLIENTA_SEND_REQ | CLIENTB_SEND_REQ | CLIENTC_SEND_REQ | CLIENTA_RECEIVE_REPLY | CLIENTB_RECEIVE_REPLY | CLIENTC_RECEIVE_REPLY; String response = clientRef.returnMessage (outMsg); assertTrue ("Call not forwarded to RemoteServer", response.indexOf ("Remote") > -1); assertEquals ("Calls to interceptors not as expected", expectedCalls, callsMade); } @Test public void testServerInterceptorCRaisesForwardRequestAtRRSC() { TestUtils.getLogger().debug ("\ntestServerInterceptorCRaisesForwardRequestAtRRSC"); init ("returnMessage"); String outMsg = "testServerInterceptorCRaisesFRAtRRSC"; throwForwardRequest = SERVERC_RECEIVE_REQUEST_SC; int expectedCalls = CLIENTA_SEND_REQ | CLIENTB_SEND_REQ |CLIENTC_SEND_REQ | SERVERA_RECEIVE_REQUEST_SC | SERVERB_RECEIVE_REQUEST_SC | SERVERC_RECEIVE_REQUEST_SC | SERVERA_SEND_OTHER | SERVERB_SEND_OTHER | CLIENTA_RECEIVE_OTHER | CLIENTB_RECEIVE_OTHER | CLIENTC_RECEIVE_OTHER | CLIENTA_SEND_REQ | CLIENTB_SEND_REQ | CLIENTC_SEND_REQ | CLIENTA_RECEIVE_REPLY | CLIENTB_RECEIVE_REPLY | CLIENTC_RECEIVE_REPLY; String response = clientRef.returnMessage (outMsg); assertTrue ("Call not forwarded to RemoteServer", response.indexOf ("Remote") > -1); assertEquals ("Calls to interceptors not as expected", expectedCalls, callsMade); } @Test public void testServerInterceptorARaisesForwardRequestAtRR() { TestUtils.getLogger().debug ("\ntestServerInterceptorARaisesForwardRequestAtRR"); init ("returnMessage"); String outMsg = "testServerInterceptorARaisesFRAtRR"; throwForwardRequest = SERVERA_RECEIVE_REQUEST; int expectedCalls = CLIENTA_SEND_REQ | CLIENTB_SEND_REQ |CLIENTC_SEND_REQ | SERVERA_RECEIVE_REQUEST_SC | SERVERB_RECEIVE_REQUEST_SC | SERVERC_RECEIVE_REQUEST_SC | SERVERA_RECEIVE_REQUEST | SERVERA_SEND_OTHER | SERVERB_SEND_OTHER | SERVERC_SEND_OTHER | CLIENTA_RECEIVE_OTHER | CLIENTB_RECEIVE_OTHER | CLIENTC_RECEIVE_OTHER | CLIENTA_SEND_REQ | CLIENTB_SEND_REQ | CLIENTC_SEND_REQ | CLIENTA_RECEIVE_REPLY | CLIENTB_RECEIVE_REPLY | CLIENTC_RECEIVE_REPLY; String response = clientRef.returnMessage (outMsg); assertTrue ("Call not forwarded to RemoteServer", response.indexOf ("Remote") > -1); assertEquals ("Calls to interceptors not as expected", expectedCalls, callsMade); } @Test public void testServerInterceptorBRaisesForwardRequestAtRR() { TestUtils.getLogger().debug ("\ntestServerInterceptorBRaisesForwardRequestAtRR"); init ("returnMessage"); String outMsg = "testServerInterceptorBRaisesFRAtRR"; throwForwardRequest = SERVERB_RECEIVE_REQUEST; int expectedCalls = CLIENTA_SEND_REQ | CLIENTB_SEND_REQ |CLIENTC_SEND_REQ | SERVERA_RECEIVE_REQUEST_SC | SERVERB_RECEIVE_REQUEST_SC | SERVERC_RECEIVE_REQUEST_SC | SERVERA_RECEIVE_REQUEST | SERVERB_RECEIVE_REQUEST | SERVERC_SEND_OTHER | SERVERB_SEND_OTHER | SERVERA_SEND_OTHER | CLIENTA_RECEIVE_OTHER | CLIENTB_RECEIVE_OTHER | CLIENTC_RECEIVE_OTHER | CLIENTA_SEND_REQ | CLIENTB_SEND_REQ | CLIENTC_SEND_REQ | CLIENTA_RECEIVE_REPLY | CLIENTB_RECEIVE_REPLY | CLIENTC_RECEIVE_REPLY; String response = clientRef.returnMessage (outMsg); assertTrue ("Call not forwarded to RemoteServer", response.indexOf ("Remote") > -1); assertEquals ("Calls to interceptors not as expected", expectedCalls, callsMade); } @Test public void testServerInterceptorCRaisesForwardRequestAtRR() { TestUtils.getLogger().debug ("\ntestServerInterceptorCRaisesForwardRequestAtRR"); init ("returnMessage"); String outMsg = "testServerInterceptorCRaisesFRAtRR"; throwForwardRequest = SERVERC_RECEIVE_REQUEST; int expectedCalls = CLIENTA_SEND_REQ | CLIENTB_SEND_REQ |CLIENTC_SEND_REQ | SERVERA_RECEIVE_REQUEST_SC | SERVERB_RECEIVE_REQUEST_SC | SERVERC_RECEIVE_REQUEST_SC | SERVERA_RECEIVE_REQUEST | SERVERB_RECEIVE_REQUEST | SERVERC_RECEIVE_REQUEST | SERVERA_SEND_OTHER | SERVERB_SEND_OTHER | SERVERC_SEND_OTHER | CLIENTA_RECEIVE_OTHER | CLIENTB_RECEIVE_OTHER | CLIENTC_RECEIVE_OTHER | CLIENTA_SEND_REQ | CLIENTB_SEND_REQ | CLIENTC_SEND_REQ | CLIENTA_RECEIVE_REPLY | CLIENTB_RECEIVE_REPLY | CLIENTC_RECEIVE_REPLY; String response = clientRef.returnMessage (outMsg); assertTrue ("Call not forwarded to RemoteServer", response.indexOf ("Remote") > -1); assertEquals ("Calls to interceptors not as expected", expectedCalls, callsMade); } @Test public void testServerInterceptorARaisesForwardRequestAtSE() { TestUtils.getLogger().debug ("\ntestServerInterceptorARaisesForwardRequestAtSE"); init ("returnMessage"); String outMsg = "testServerInterceptorARaisesFRAtSE"; throwForwardRequest = SERVERA_SEND_EXCEPTION; throwException = SERVERC_SEND_REPLY; int expectedCalls = CLIENTA_SEND_REQ | CLIENTB_SEND_REQ |CLIENTC_SEND_REQ | SERVERA_RECEIVE_REQUEST_SC | SERVERB_RECEIVE_REQUEST_SC | SERVERC_RECEIVE_REQUEST_SC | SERVERA_RECEIVE_REQUEST | SERVERB_RECEIVE_REQUEST | SERVERC_RECEIVE_REQUEST | SERVERC_SEND_REPLY | SERVERB_SEND_EXCEPTION | SERVERA_SEND_EXCEPTION | CLIENTA_RECEIVE_OTHER | CLIENTB_RECEIVE_OTHER | CLIENTC_RECEIVE_OTHER; try { clientRef.returnMessage (outMsg); fail ("Expected ForwardRequest"); } catch (Exception ex) { Throwable t = ex.getCause(); if (t instanceof org.omg.PortableInterceptor.ForwardRequest) { org.omg.CORBA.Object fwdObj = ( (org.omg.PortableInterceptor.ForwardRequest ) t).forward; assertEquals ("ForwardRequest and remoteServer do not match ", remoteServerObj, fwdObj); } else { fail ("Expected a ForwardRequest and got " + ex); } } assertEquals ("Calls to interceptors not as expected", expectedCalls, callsMade); } @Test public void testServerInterceptorBRaisesForwardRequestAtSE() { TestUtils.getLogger().debug ("\ntestServerInterceptorBRaisesForwardRequestAtSE"); init ("returnMessage"); String outMsg = "testServerInterceptorBRaisesFRAtSE"; throwForwardRequest = SERVERB_SEND_EXCEPTION; throwException = SERVERC_SEND_REPLY; int expectedCalls = CLIENTA_SEND_REQ | CLIENTB_SEND_REQ |CLIENTC_SEND_REQ | SERVERA_RECEIVE_REQUEST_SC | SERVERB_RECEIVE_REQUEST_SC | SERVERC_RECEIVE_REQUEST_SC | SERVERA_RECEIVE_REQUEST | SERVERB_RECEIVE_REQUEST | SERVERC_RECEIVE_REQUEST | SERVERC_SEND_REPLY | SERVERC_SEND_EXCEPTION | SERVERB_SEND_EXCEPTION | SERVERA_SEND_OTHER | CLIENTA_RECEIVE_OTHER | CLIENTB_RECEIVE_OTHER | CLIENTC_RECEIVE_OTHER; try { clientRef.returnMessage (outMsg); fail ("Expected ForwardRequest"); } catch (Exception ex) { Throwable t = ex.getCause(); if (t instanceof org.omg.PortableInterceptor.ForwardRequest) { org.omg.CORBA.Object fwdObj = ( (org.omg.PortableInterceptor.ForwardRequest ) t).forward; assertEquals ("ForwardRequest and remoteServer do not match ", remoteServerObj, fwdObj); } else { fail ("Expected a ForwardRequest and got " + ex); } } assertEquals ("Calls to interceptors not as expected", expectedCalls, callsMade); } @Test public void testClientInterceptorARaisesForwardRequestAtRE() { TestUtils.getLogger().debug ("\ntestClientInterceptorARaisesForwardRequestAtRE"); init ("returnMessage"); String outMsg = "testClientInterceptorARaisesFRAtRE"; throwForwardRequest = CLIENTA_RECEIVE_EXCEPTION; throwException = SERVERC_SEND_REPLY; int expectedCalls = CLIENTA_SEND_REQ | CLIENTB_SEND_REQ |CLIENTC_SEND_REQ | SERVERA_RECEIVE_REQUEST_SC | SERVERB_RECEIVE_REQUEST_SC | SERVERC_RECEIVE_REQUEST_SC | SERVERA_RECEIVE_REQUEST | SERVERB_RECEIVE_REQUEST | SERVERC_RECEIVE_REQUEST | SERVERC_SEND_REPLY | SERVERC_SEND_EXCEPTION | SERVERB_SEND_EXCEPTION | SERVERA_SEND_EXCEPTION | CLIENTC_RECEIVE_EXCEPTION | CLIENTB_RECEIVE_EXCEPTION | CLIENTA_RECEIVE_EXCEPTION; try { clientRef.returnMessage (outMsg); fail ("Expected ForwardRequest"); } catch (Exception ex) { Throwable t = ex.getCause(); if (t instanceof org.omg.PortableInterceptor.ForwardRequest) { org.omg.CORBA.Object fwdObj = ( (org.omg.PortableInterceptor.ForwardRequest ) t).forward; assertEquals ("ForwardRequest and remoteServer do not match ", remoteServerObj, fwdObj); } else { fail ("Expected a ForwardRequest and got " + ex); } } assertEquals ("Calls to interceptors not as expected", expectedCalls, callsMade); } @Test public void testClientInterceptorBRaisesForwardRequestAtRE() { TestUtils.getLogger().debug ("\ntestClientInterceptorBRaisesForwardRequestAtRE"); init ("returnMessage"); String outMsg = "testClientInterceptorBRaisesFRAtRE"; throwForwardRequest = CLIENTB_RECEIVE_EXCEPTION; throwException = SERVERC_SEND_REPLY; int expectedCalls = CLIENTA_SEND_REQ | CLIENTB_SEND_REQ |CLIENTC_SEND_REQ | SERVERA_RECEIVE_REQUEST_SC | SERVERB_RECEIVE_REQUEST_SC | SERVERC_RECEIVE_REQUEST_SC | SERVERA_RECEIVE_REQUEST | SERVERB_RECEIVE_REQUEST | SERVERC_RECEIVE_REQUEST | SERVERC_SEND_REPLY | SERVERC_SEND_EXCEPTION | SERVERB_SEND_EXCEPTION | SERVERA_SEND_EXCEPTION | CLIENTC_RECEIVE_EXCEPTION | CLIENTB_RECEIVE_EXCEPTION | CLIENTA_RECEIVE_OTHER; try { clientRef.returnMessage (outMsg); fail ("Expected ForwardRequest"); } catch (Exception ex) { Throwable t = ex.getCause(); if (t instanceof org.omg.PortableInterceptor.ForwardRequest) { org.omg.CORBA.Object fwdObj = ( (org.omg.PortableInterceptor.ForwardRequest ) t).forward; assertEquals ("ForwardRequest and remoteServer do not match ", remoteServerObj, fwdObj); } else { fail ("Expected a ForwardRequest and got " + ex); } } assertEquals ("Calls to interceptors not as expected", expectedCalls, callsMade); } @Test public void testClientInterceptorCRaisesForwardRequestAtRE() { TestUtils.getLogger().debug ("\ntestClientInterceptorCRaisesForwardRequestAtRE"); init ("returnMessage"); String outMsg = "testClientInterceptorCRaisesFRAtRE"; throwForwardRequest = CLIENTC_RECEIVE_EXCEPTION; throwException = SERVERC_SEND_REPLY; int expectedCalls = CLIENTA_SEND_REQ | CLIENTB_SEND_REQ |CLIENTC_SEND_REQ | SERVERA_RECEIVE_REQUEST_SC | SERVERB_RECEIVE_REQUEST_SC | SERVERC_RECEIVE_REQUEST_SC | SERVERA_RECEIVE_REQUEST | SERVERB_RECEIVE_REQUEST | SERVERC_RECEIVE_REQUEST | SERVERC_SEND_REPLY | SERVERC_SEND_EXCEPTION | SERVERB_SEND_EXCEPTION | SERVERA_SEND_EXCEPTION | CLIENTC_RECEIVE_EXCEPTION | CLIENTB_RECEIVE_OTHER | CLIENTA_RECEIVE_OTHER; try { clientRef.returnMessage (outMsg); fail ("Expected ForwardRequest"); } catch (Exception ex) { Throwable t = ex.getCause(); if (t instanceof org.omg.PortableInterceptor.ForwardRequest) { org.omg.CORBA.Object fwdObj = ( (org.omg.PortableInterceptor.ForwardRequest ) t).forward; assertEquals ("ForwardRequest and remoteServer do not match ", remoteServerObj, fwdObj); } else { fail ("Expected a ForwardRequest and got " + ex); } } assertEquals ("Calls to interceptors not as expected", expectedCalls, callsMade); } @Test public void testServerInterceptorARaisesForwardRequestAtSO() { TestUtils.getLogger().debug ("\ntestServerInterceptorARaisesForwardRequestAtSO"); init ("returnMessage"); String outMsg = "testServerInterceptorARaisesFRAtSO"; throwForwardRequest = SERVERA_SEND_OTHER; throwException = SERVERC_SEND_REPLY; int expectedCalls = CLIENTA_SEND_REQ | CLIENTB_SEND_REQ |CLIENTC_SEND_REQ | SERVERA_RECEIVE_REQUEST_SC | SERVERB_RECEIVE_REQUEST_SC | SERVERC_RECEIVE_REQUEST_SC | SERVERA_RECEIVE_REQUEST | SERVERB_RECEIVE_REQUEST | SERVERC_RECEIVE_REQUEST | SERVERC_SEND_REPLY | SERVERB_SEND_EXCEPTION | SERVERA_SEND_OTHER | CLIENTA_RECEIVE_OTHER | CLIENTB_RECEIVE_OTHER | CLIENTC_RECEIVE_OTHER; try { clientRef.returnMessage (outMsg); fail ("Expected ForwardRequest"); } catch (Exception ex) { Throwable t = ex.getCause(); if (t instanceof org.omg.PortableInterceptor.ForwardRequest) { org.omg.CORBA.Object fwdObj = ( (org.omg.PortableInterceptor.ForwardRequest ) t).forward; assertEquals ("ForwardRequest and remoteServer do not match ", serverRef, fwdObj); } else { fail ("Expected a ForwardRequest and got " + ex); } } assertEquals ("Calls to interceptors not as expected", expectedCalls, callsMade); } @Test public void testClientInterceptorBRaisesForwardRequestAtRO() { TestUtils.getLogger().debug ("\ntestClientInterceptorBRaisesForwardRequestAtRO"); init ("returnMessage"); String outMsg = "testClientInterceptorBRaisesFRAtRO"; throwForwardRequest = CLIENTB_RECEIVE_OTHER; throwException = SERVERC_SEND_REPLY; int expectedCalls = CLIENTA_SEND_REQ | CLIENTB_SEND_REQ |CLIENTC_SEND_REQ | SERVERA_RECEIVE_REQUEST_SC | SERVERB_RECEIVE_REQUEST_SC | SERVERC_RECEIVE_REQUEST_SC | SERVERA_RECEIVE_REQUEST | SERVERB_RECEIVE_REQUEST | SERVERC_RECEIVE_REQUEST | SERVERC_SEND_REPLY | SERVERB_SEND_EXCEPTION | SERVERA_SEND_EXCEPTION | CLIENTA_RECEIVE_OTHER | CLIENTB_RECEIVE_OTHER | CLIENTC_RECEIVE_OTHER; try { clientRef.returnMessage (outMsg); fail ("Expected ForwardRequest"); } catch (Exception ex) { Throwable t = ex.getCause(); if (t instanceof org.omg.PortableInterceptor.ForwardRequest) { org.omg.CORBA.Object fwdObj = ( (org.omg.PortableInterceptor.ForwardRequest ) t).forward; assertEquals ("ForwardRequest and remoteServer do not match ", serverRef, fwdObj); } else { fail ("Expected a ForwardRequest and got " + ex); } } assertEquals ("Calls to interceptors not as expected", expectedCalls, callsMade); } public static class PIServerImpl extends PIServerPOA { private POA poa; public PIServerImpl( POA poa ) { this.poa = poa; } public void sendMessage (String msg) { TestUtils.getLogger().debug ("Server got " + msg); } public String returnMessage (String msg) { return "Local server got message " + msg; } public void throwException (String msg) { throw new UNKNOWN (msg, SERVER_MINOR, CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_YES); } public POA _default_POA() { return poa; } public void shutdown() { } } /** * An ORB initializer class. */ public static class LocalPIInitializer extends org.omg.CORBA.LocalObject implements org.omg.PortableInterceptor.ORBInitializer { /** * Called before init of the actual ORB. * * @param info The ORB init info. */ public void pre_init (org.omg.PortableInterceptor.ORBInitInfo info) { try { slotID = info.allocate_slot_id(); info.add_server_request_interceptor (new LocalServerInterceptorA()); info.add_server_request_interceptor (new LocalServerInterceptorB()); info.add_server_request_interceptor (new LocalServerInterceptorC()); info.add_client_request_interceptor (new LocalClientInterceptorA()); info.add_client_request_interceptor (new LocalClientInterceptorB()); info.add_client_request_interceptor (new LocalClientInterceptorC()); info.add_ior_interceptor( new LocalIORInterceptor() ); } catch ( org.omg.PortableInterceptor.ORBInitInfoPackage.DuplicateName ex ) { fail ("unexpected exception received: " + ex); } } /** * Called after init of the actual ORB. * * @param info The ORB init info. */ public void post_init (org.omg.PortableInterceptor.ORBInitInfo info) { } } static class LocalIORInterceptor extends org.omg.CORBA.LocalObject implements org.omg.PortableInterceptor.IORInterceptor { public String name() { return ""; } public void destroy() { } public void establish_components (org.omg.PortableInterceptor.IORInfo info) { info.add_ior_component (new org.omg.IOP.TaggedComponent (TEST_SCID, new byte[ 0 ])); } } static class LocalClientInterceptorA extends org.omg.CORBA.LocalObject implements org.omg.PortableInterceptor.ClientRequestInterceptor { public String name() { return ""; } public void destroy() { } public void send_request( org.omg.PortableInterceptor.ClientRequestInfo ri ) throws org.omg.PortableInterceptor.ForwardRequest { TestUtils.getLogger().debug ("LocalClientInterceptorA :: send_request"); callsMade = callsMade | CLIENTA_SEND_REQ; if (throwException == CLIENTA_SEND_REQ) { throw new UNKNOWN (CLIENTA_SEND_REQ, CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO ); } if (throwForwardRequest == CLIENTA_SEND_REQ && ! forwardRequestThrown) { forwardRequestThrown = true; throw new ForwardRequest (remoteServerObj); } // add service context. try { ri.get_slot (slotID); ri.get_slot (slotID).type (); ri.get_slot (slotID).type ().kind (); if (ri.get_slot (slotID).type().kind() != org.omg.CORBA.TCKind.tk_null) { ri.add_request_service_context( new org.omg.IOP.ServiceContext( TEST_SCID, new byte[ 0 ] ), true ); } } catch (org.omg.PortableInterceptor.InvalidSlot ex) { fail (ex.toString()); } // request information. ri.request_id(); assertEquals ("Operation name not correct", operation, ri.operation()); assertTrue ("No response expected for request with response", ri.response_expected()); if (!forwardRequestThrown && ! ri.operation().equals ("shutdown")) { assertEquals ("Incorrect sync scope", 3, ri.sync_scope()); } try { ri.get_request_service_context (TEST_SCID); } catch (BAD_PARAM ex) { /** * If a reply_service_context is not found for the request then * a BAD_PARAM is thrown. This is OK for tests that don't have a * service context but not for tests where a service context should * have been found. */ if (hasServiceContexts) { fail ("Got a BAD_PARAM getting reply service contexts"); } assertTrue ("Minor code incorrect " + ex.minor, ex.minor == 26); } // target information; ri.effective_target(); ri.effective_profile(); ri.get_effective_component (org.omg.IOP.TAG_CODE_SETS.value); ri.get_effective_components (org.omg.IOP.TAG_CODE_SETS.value); try { ri.arguments(); fail ("Expected NO_RESOURCES exception"); } catch ( NO_RESOURCES ex ) { // test retrieving request parameters. These will always fail } try { ri.exceptions(); fail ("Expected NO_RESOURCES exception"); } catch ( NO_RESOURCES ex ) { // test retrieving request parameters. These will always fail } try { ri.contexts(); fail ("Expected NO_RESOURCES exception"); } catch ( NO_RESOURCES ex ) { // test retrieving request parameters. These will always fail } try { ri.operation_context(); fail ("Expected NO_RESOURCES exception"); } catch ( NO_RESOURCES ex ) { // test retrieving request parameters. These will always fail } try { ri.result(); fail ("Expected BAD_INV_ORDER"); } catch (BAD_INV_ORDER bio) { // OK expected this exception } try { ri.reply_status(); fail ("Expected BAD_INV_ORDER"); } catch (BAD_INV_ORDER bio) { // OK expected this exception } try { ri.forward_reference(); } catch (BAD_INV_ORDER bio) { // OK expected this exception } try { ri.get_reply_service_context (TEST_SCID); fail ("Expected BAD_INV_ORDER"); } catch (BAD_INV_ORDER bio) { // OK expected this exception } try { ri.received_exception(); fail ("Expected BAD_INV_ORDER"); } catch (BAD_INV_ORDER bio) { // OK expected this exception } try { ri.received_exception_id(); fail ("Expected BAD_INV_ORDER"); } catch (BAD_INV_ORDER bio) { // OK expected this exception } } public void send_poll( org.omg.PortableInterceptor.ClientRequestInfo ri ) { TestUtils.getLogger().debug ("LocalClientInterceptorA :: send_poll"); callsMade = callsMade | CLIENTA_SEND_POLL; } public void receive_reply (org.omg.PortableInterceptor.ClientRequestInfo ri ) { TestUtils.getLogger().debug ("LocalClientInterceptorA :: receive_reply"); callsMade = callsMade | CLIENTA_RECEIVE_REPLY; if (throwException == CLIENTA_RECEIVE_REPLY) { throw new UNKNOWN (CLIENTA_RECEIVE_REPLY, CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_YES); } try { ri.get_reply_service_context (TEST_SCID); } catch (BAD_PARAM ex ) { /** * If a reply_service_context is not found for the request then * a BAD_PARAM is thrown. This is OK for tests that don't have a * service context but not for tests where a service context should * have been found. */ if (hasServiceContexts) { fail ("Got a BAD_PARAM getting reply service contexts"); } assertTrue ("Minor code incorrect " + ex.minor, ex.minor == 26); } try { ri.result(); } catch ( NO_RESOURCES ex ) { // test retrieving request results. These will always fail } } public void receive_other( org.omg.PortableInterceptor.ClientRequestInfo ri ) throws org.omg.PortableInterceptor.ForwardRequest { TestUtils.getLogger().debug ("LocalClientInterceptorA :: receive_other"); callsMade = callsMade | CLIENTA_RECEIVE_OTHER; if (throwException == CLIENTA_RECEIVE_OTHER) { throw new UNKNOWN (CLIENTA_RECEIVE_OTHER, CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO); } } public void receive_exception( org.omg.PortableInterceptor.ClientRequestInfo ri ) throws org.omg.PortableInterceptor.ForwardRequest { TestUtils.getLogger().debug ("LocalClientInterceptorA :: receive_exception"); callsMade = callsMade | CLIENTA_RECEIVE_EXCEPTION; if (throwForwardRequest == CLIENTA_RECEIVE_EXCEPTION && ! forwardRequestThrown) { forwardRequestThrown = true; throw new ForwardRequest (remoteServerObj); } if ( ri.received_exception_id().equals ( && throwException == CLIENTA_RECEIVE_EXCEPTION) { UNKNOWN uex = org.omg.CORBA.UNKNOWNHelper.extract( ri.received_exception() ); uex.minor = uex.minor | CLIENTA_RECEIVE_EXCEPTION; throw uex; } } } static class LocalClientInterceptorB extends org.omg.CORBA.LocalObject implements org.omg.PortableInterceptor.ClientRequestInterceptor { static boolean receiveOtherFRThrown = false; public String name() { return ""; } public void destroy() { } public void send_request( org.omg.PortableInterceptor.ClientRequestInfo ri ) throws org.omg.PortableInterceptor.ForwardRequest { TestUtils.getLogger().debug ("LocalClientInterceptorB :: send_request"); callsMade = callsMade | CLIENTB_SEND_REQ; if (throwException == CLIENTB_SEND_REQ) { throw new UNKNOWN (CLIENTB_SEND_REQ, CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO ); } if (throwForwardRequest == CLIENTB_SEND_REQ && ! forwardRequestThrown) { forwardRequestThrown = true; throw new ForwardRequest (remoteServerObj); } // request information. ri.request_id(); assertEquals ("Operation name not correct", operation, ri.operation()); assertTrue ("No response expected for request with response", ri.response_expected()); if (!forwardRequestThrown && ! ri.operation().equals ("shutdown") ) { assertEquals ("Incorrect sync scope", 3, ri.sync_scope()); } // target information; ri.effective_target(); ri.effective_profile(); ri.get_effective_component (org.omg.IOP.TAG_CODE_SETS.value); ri.get_effective_components (org.omg.IOP.TAG_CODE_SETS.value); try { ri.arguments(); } catch ( NO_RESOURCES ex ) { // test retrieving request parameters. These will always fail } try { ri.exceptions(); } catch ( NO_RESOURCES ex ) { // test retrieving request parameters. These will always fail } try { ri.contexts(); } catch ( NO_RESOURCES ex ) { // test retrieving request parameters. These will always fail } try { ri.operation_context(); } catch ( NO_RESOURCES ex ) { // test retrieving request parameters. These will always fail } } public void send_poll( org.omg.PortableInterceptor.ClientRequestInfo ri ) { TestUtils.getLogger().debug ("LocalClientInterceptorB :: send_poll"); callsMade = callsMade | CLIENTB_SEND_POLL; } public void receive_reply (org.omg.PortableInterceptor.ClientRequestInfo ri ) { TestUtils.getLogger().debug ("LocalClientInterceptorB :: receive_reply"); callsMade = callsMade | CLIENTB_RECEIVE_REPLY; if (throwException == CLIENTB_RECEIVE_REPLY) { throw new UNKNOWN (CLIENTB_RECEIVE_REPLY, CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_YES); } try { ri.get_reply_service_context( TEST_SCID ); } catch (BAD_PARAM ex ) { /** * If a reply_service_context is not found for the request then * a BAD_PARAM is thrown. This is OK for tests that don't have a * service context but not for tests where a service context should * have been found. */ if (hasServiceContexts) { fail ("Got a BAD_PARAM getting reply service contexts"); } assertTrue ("Minor code incorrect " + ex.minor, ex.minor == 26); } try { ri.result(); } catch ( NO_RESOURCES ex ) { // test retrieving request results. These will always fail } } public void receive_other( org.omg.PortableInterceptor.ClientRequestInfo ri ) throws org.omg.PortableInterceptor.ForwardRequest { TestUtils.getLogger().debug ("LocalClientInterceptorB :: receive_other"); callsMade = callsMade | CLIENTB_RECEIVE_OTHER; if (throwForwardRequest == CLIENTB_RECEIVE_OTHER && ! receiveOtherFRThrown) { receiveOtherFRThrown = true; throw new ForwardRequest (serverRef); } if (throwException == CLIENTB_RECEIVE_OTHER) { throw new UNKNOWN (CLIENTB_RECEIVE_OTHER, CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO); } } public void receive_exception( org.omg.PortableInterceptor.ClientRequestInfo ri ) throws org.omg.PortableInterceptor.ForwardRequest { TestUtils.getLogger().debug ("LocalClientInterceptorB :: receive_exception"); callsMade = callsMade | CLIENTB_RECEIVE_EXCEPTION; if (throwForwardRequest == CLIENTB_RECEIVE_EXCEPTION && ! forwardRequestThrown) { forwardRequestThrown = true; throw new ForwardRequest (remoteServerObj); } if ( ri.received_exception_id().equals ( && throwException == CLIENTB_RECEIVE_EXCEPTION) { UNKNOWN uex = org.omg.CORBA.UNKNOWNHelper.extract( ri.received_exception() ); uex.minor = uex.minor | CLIENTB_RECEIVE_EXCEPTION; throw uex; } } } static class LocalClientInterceptorC extends org.omg.CORBA.LocalObject implements org.omg.PortableInterceptor.ClientRequestInterceptor { public String name() { return ""; } public void destroy() { } public void send_request( org.omg.PortableInterceptor.ClientRequestInfo ri ) throws org.omg.PortableInterceptor.ForwardRequest { TestUtils.getLogger().debug ("LocalClientInterceptorC :: send_request"); callsMade = callsMade | CLIENTC_SEND_REQ; if (throwException == CLIENTC_SEND_REQ) { throw new UNKNOWN (CLIENTC_SEND_REQ, CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO ); } if (throwForwardRequest == CLIENTC_SEND_REQ && ! forwardRequestThrown) { forwardRequestThrown = true; throw new ForwardRequest (remoteServerObj); } // request information. ri.request_id(); assertEquals ("Operation name not correct", operation, ri.operation()); assertTrue ("No response expected for request with response", ri.response_expected()); if (!forwardRequestThrown && ! ri.operation().equals ("shutdown")) { assertEquals ("Incorrect sync scope", 3, ri.sync_scope()); } // target information; ri.effective_target(); ri.effective_profile(); ri.get_effective_component (org.omg.IOP.TAG_CODE_SETS.value); ri.get_effective_components (org.omg.IOP.TAG_CODE_SETS.value); try { ri.arguments(); } catch ( NO_RESOURCES ex ) { // test retrieving request parameters. These will always fail } try { ri.exceptions(); } catch ( NO_RESOURCES ex ) { // test retrieving request parameters. These will always fail } try { ri.contexts(); } catch ( NO_RESOURCES ex ) { // test retrieving request parameters. These will always fail } try { ri.operation_context(); } catch ( NO_RESOURCES ex ) { // test retrieving request parameters. These will always fail } } public void send_poll( org.omg.PortableInterceptor.ClientRequestInfo ri ) { TestUtils.getLogger().debug ("LocalClientInterceptorC :: send_poll"); callsMade = callsMade | CLIENTC_SEND_POLL; } public void receive_reply (org.omg.PortableInterceptor.ClientRequestInfo ri ) { TestUtils.getLogger().debug ("LocalClientInterceptorC :: receive_reply"); callsMade = callsMade | CLIENTC_RECEIVE_REPLY; if (throwException == CLIENTC_RECEIVE_REPLY) { throw new UNKNOWN (CLIENTC_RECEIVE_REPLY, CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_YES); } try { ri.get_reply_service_context( TEST_SCID ); } catch (BAD_PARAM ex ) { /** * If a reply_service_context is not found for the request then * a BAD_PARAM is thrown. This is OK for tests that don't have a * service context but not for tests where a service context should * have been found. */ if (hasServiceContexts) { fail ("Got a BAD_PARAM getting reply service contexts"); } assertTrue ("Minor code incorrect " + ex.minor, ex.minor == 26); } try { ri.result(); } catch ( NO_RESOURCES ex ) { // test retrieving request results. These will always fail } } public void receive_other( org.omg.PortableInterceptor.ClientRequestInfo ri ) throws org.omg.PortableInterceptor.ForwardRequest { TestUtils.getLogger().debug ("LocalClientInterceptorC :: receive_other"); callsMade = callsMade | CLIENTC_RECEIVE_OTHER; if (throwException == CLIENTC_RECEIVE_OTHER) { throw new UNKNOWN (CLIENTC_RECEIVE_OTHER, CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO); } } public void receive_exception( org.omg.PortableInterceptor.ClientRequestInfo ri ) throws org.omg.PortableInterceptor.ForwardRequest { TestUtils.getLogger().debug ("LocalClientInterceptorC :: receive_exception"); callsMade = callsMade | CLIENTC_RECEIVE_EXCEPTION; if (throwForwardRequest == CLIENTC_RECEIVE_EXCEPTION && ! forwardRequestThrown) { forwardRequestThrown = true; throw new ForwardRequest (remoteServerObj); } if ( ri.received_exception_id().equals ( && throwException == CLIENTC_RECEIVE_EXCEPTION) { UNKNOWN uex = org.omg.CORBA.UNKNOWNHelper.extract( ri.received_exception() ); uex.minor = uex.minor | CLIENTC_RECEIVE_EXCEPTION; throw uex; } } } static class LocalServerInterceptorA extends org.omg.CORBA.LocalObject implements org.omg.PortableInterceptor.ServerRequestInterceptor { static boolean sendOtherFRThrown = false; public java.lang.String name() { return ""; } public void destroy() { } public void receive_request_service_contexts( org.omg.PortableInterceptor.ServerRequestInfo ri ) throws org.omg.PortableInterceptor.ForwardRequest { TestUtils.getLogger().debug ("LocalServerInterceptorA - receive_request_service_contexts"); callsMade = callsMade | SERVERA_RECEIVE_REQUEST_SC; if (throwException == SERVERA_RECEIVE_REQUEST_SC) { throw new UNKNOWN (SERVERA_RECEIVE_REQUEST_SC, CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO); } if (throwForwardRequest == SERVERA_RECEIVE_REQUEST_SC && ! forwardRequestThrown) { forwardRequestThrown = true; throw new ForwardRequest (remoteServerObj); } // request information. ri.request_id(); assertEquals ("Operation name not correct", operation, ri.operation()); assertTrue ("No response expected for request with response", ri.response_expected() ); assertEquals ("Incorrect sync scope", 3, ri.sync_scope()); try { ri.get_request_service_context (TEST_SCID); ri.set_slot (slotID, any); } catch (BAD_PARAM ex) { if (hasServiceContexts) { fail ("Got a BAD_PARAM getting request service contexts"); } assertTrue ("Minor code incorrect " + ex.minor, ex.minor == 26); } catch (org.omg.PortableInterceptor.InvalidSlot ex) { fail ("unexpected exception received: " + ex); } } public void receive_request( org.omg.PortableInterceptor.ServerRequestInfo ri ) throws org.omg.PortableInterceptor.ForwardRequest { TestUtils.getLogger().debug ("LocalServerInterceptorA - receive_request"); callsMade = callsMade | SERVERA_RECEIVE_REQUEST; if (throwException == SERVERA_RECEIVE_REQUEST || throwException == SERVERA_SEND_EXCEPTION) { throw new UNKNOWN (SERVERA_RECEIVE_REQUEST, CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO ); } if (throwForwardRequest == SERVERA_RECEIVE_REQUEST && ! forwardRequestThrown) { forwardRequestThrown = true; throw new ForwardRequest (remoteServerObj); } // request information byte []oi = ri.object_id(); assertTrue (oi != null); byte []aid = ri.adapter_id(); assertTrue (aid != null); assertTrue (aid.length != 0); String adapters [] = ri.adapter_name (); assertTrue (adapters != null); assertTrue (adapters[0].equals ("RootPOA")); assertTrue (adapters[1].equals ("childPOA")); ri.target_most_derived_interface(); assertTrue ("target does not implement object", ri.target_is_a( "")); try { ri.arguments(); } catch ( NO_RESOURCES ex ) { // test retrieving request parameters. These will always fail } try { ri.exceptions(); } catch ( NO_RESOURCES ex ) { // test retrieving request parameters. These will always fail } try { ri.contexts(); } catch ( NO_RESOURCES ex ) { // test retrieving request parameters. These will always fail } try { ri.operation_context(); } catch ( NO_RESOURCES ex ) { // test retrieving request parameters. These will always fail } } public void send_reply( org.omg.PortableInterceptor.ServerRequestInfo ri ) { TestUtils.getLogger().debug ("LocalServerInterceptorA - send_reply"); callsMade = callsMade | SERVERA_SEND_REPLY; if (throwException == SERVERA_SEND_REPLY) { throw new UNKNOWN (SERVERA_SEND_REPLY, CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_YES); } } public void send_exception( org.omg.PortableInterceptor.ServerRequestInfo ri ) throws org.omg.PortableInterceptor.ForwardRequest { TestUtils.getLogger().debug ("LocalServerInterceptorA - send_exception"); callsMade = callsMade | SERVERA_SEND_EXCEPTION; if ((throwForwardRequest == SERVERA_SEND_EXCEPTION || throwForwardRequest == CLIENTB_RECEIVE_OTHER ) && ! forwardRequestThrown) { forwardRequestThrown = true; throw new ForwardRequest (remoteServerObj); } org.omg.CORBA.Any any = ri.sending_exception(); try { if ( any.type().id().equals( org.omg.CORBA.UNKNOWNHelper.type().id() ) && throwException == SERVERA_SEND_EXCEPTION) { UNKNOWN uex = org.omg.CORBA.UNKNOWNHelper.extract( ri.sending_exception() ); uex.minor = uex.minor | SERVERA_SEND_EXCEPTION; uex.completed = CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_YES; throw uex; } } catch (org.omg.CORBA.TypeCodePackage.BadKind bk) { fail ("Got an unexpected BadKind exception"); } } public void send_other( org.omg.PortableInterceptor.ServerRequestInfo ri ) throws org.omg.PortableInterceptor.ForwardRequest { TestUtils.getLogger().debug ("LocalServerInterceptorA - send_other"); callsMade = callsMade | SERVERA_SEND_OTHER; if (throwForwardRequest == SERVERA_SEND_OTHER && ! sendOtherFRThrown) { sendOtherFRThrown = true; throw new ForwardRequest (serverRef); } if (throwException == SERVERA_SEND_OTHER) { throw new UNKNOWN (SERVERA_SEND_OTHER, CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO); } } } static class LocalServerInterceptorB extends org.omg.CORBA.LocalObject implements org.omg.PortableInterceptor.ServerRequestInterceptor { public java.lang.String name() { return ""; } public void destroy() { } public void receive_request_service_contexts( org.omg.PortableInterceptor.ServerRequestInfo ri ) throws org.omg.PortableInterceptor.ForwardRequest { TestUtils.getLogger().debug ("LocalServerInterceptorB - receive_request_service_contexts"); callsMade = callsMade | SERVERB_RECEIVE_REQUEST_SC; if (throwException == SERVERB_RECEIVE_REQUEST_SC) { throw new UNKNOWN (SERVERB_RECEIVE_REQUEST_SC, CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO); } if (throwForwardRequest == SERVERB_RECEIVE_REQUEST_SC && ! forwardRequestThrown) { forwardRequestThrown = true; throw new ForwardRequest (remoteServerObj); } // request information. ri.request_id(); assertEquals ("Operation name not correct", operation, ri.operation()); assertTrue ("No response expected for request with response", ri.response_expected() ); assertEquals ("Incorrect sync scope", 3, ri.sync_scope()); try { ri.get_request_service_context (TEST_SCID); ri.set_slot (slotID, any ); } catch (BAD_PARAM ex) { if (hasServiceContexts) { fail ("Got a BAD_PARAM getting request service contexts"); } assertTrue ("Minor code incorrect " + ex.minor, ex.minor == 26); } catch (org.omg.PortableInterceptor.InvalidSlot ex) { fail ("unexpected exception received: " + ex); } } public void receive_request( org.omg.PortableInterceptor.ServerRequestInfo ri ) throws org.omg.PortableInterceptor.ForwardRequest { TestUtils.getLogger().debug ("LocalServerInterceptorB - receive_request"); callsMade = callsMade | SERVERB_RECEIVE_REQUEST; if (throwException == SERVERB_RECEIVE_REQUEST || throwException == SERVERB_SEND_EXCEPTION) { throw new UNKNOWN (SERVERB_RECEIVE_REQUEST, CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO ); } if (throwForwardRequest == SERVERB_RECEIVE_REQUEST && ! forwardRequestThrown) { forwardRequestThrown = true; throw new ForwardRequest (remoteServerObj); } // request information byte []oi = ri.object_id(); assertTrue (oi != null); byte []aid = ri.adapter_id(); assertTrue (aid != null); assertTrue (aid.length != 0); String adapters [] = ri.adapter_name (); assertTrue (adapters != null); assertTrue (adapters[0].equals ("RootPOA")); assertTrue (adapters[1].equals ("childPOA")); ri.target_most_derived_interface(); assertTrue ("target does not implement object", ri.target_is_a( "")); try { ri.arguments(); } catch ( NO_RESOURCES ex ) { // test retrieving request parameters. These will always fail } try { ri.exceptions(); } catch ( NO_RESOURCES ex ) { // test retrieving request parameters. These will always fail } try { ri.contexts(); } catch ( NO_RESOURCES ex ) { // test retrieving request parameters. These will always fail } try { ri.operation_context(); } catch ( NO_RESOURCES ex ) { // test retrieving request parameters. These will always fail } } public void send_reply( org.omg.PortableInterceptor.ServerRequestInfo ri ) { TestUtils.getLogger().debug ("LocalServerInterceptorB - send_reply"); callsMade = callsMade | SERVERB_SEND_REPLY; if (throwException == SERVERB_SEND_REPLY) { throw new UNKNOWN (SERVERB_SEND_REPLY, CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_YES); } } public void send_exception( org.omg.PortableInterceptor.ServerRequestInfo ri ) throws org.omg.PortableInterceptor.ForwardRequest { TestUtils.getLogger().debug ("LocalServerInterceptorB - send_exception"); callsMade = callsMade | SERVERB_SEND_EXCEPTION; if ((throwForwardRequest == SERVERB_SEND_EXCEPTION || throwForwardRequest == SERVERA_SEND_OTHER) && ! forwardRequestThrown) { forwardRequestThrown = true; throw new ForwardRequest (remoteServerObj); } org.omg.CORBA.Any any = ri.sending_exception(); try { if ( any.type().id().equals( org.omg.CORBA.UNKNOWNHelper.type().id() ) && throwException == SERVERB_SEND_EXCEPTION) { UNKNOWN uex = org.omg.CORBA.UNKNOWNHelper.extract( ri.sending_exception() ); uex.minor = uex.minor | SERVERB_SEND_EXCEPTION; uex.completed = CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_YES; throw uex; } } catch (org.omg.CORBA.TypeCodePackage.BadKind bk) { fail ("Got an unexpected BadKind exception"); } } public void send_other( org.omg.PortableInterceptor.ServerRequestInfo ri ) throws org.omg.PortableInterceptor.ForwardRequest { TestUtils.getLogger().debug ("LocalServerInterceptorB - send_other"); callsMade = callsMade | SERVERB_SEND_OTHER; if (throwException == SERVERB_SEND_OTHER) { throw new UNKNOWN (SERVERB_SEND_OTHER, CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO); } } } static class LocalServerInterceptorC extends org.omg.CORBA.LocalObject implements org.omg.PortableInterceptor.ServerRequestInterceptor { public java.lang.String name() { return ""; } public void destroy() { } public void receive_request_service_contexts( org.omg.PortableInterceptor.ServerRequestInfo ri ) throws org.omg.PortableInterceptor.ForwardRequest { TestUtils.getLogger().debug ("LocalServerInterceptorC - receive_request_service_contexts"); callsMade = callsMade | SERVERC_RECEIVE_REQUEST_SC; if (throwException == SERVERC_RECEIVE_REQUEST_SC) { throw new UNKNOWN (SERVERC_RECEIVE_REQUEST_SC, CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO); } if (throwForwardRequest == SERVERC_RECEIVE_REQUEST_SC && ! forwardRequestThrown) { forwardRequestThrown = true; throw new ForwardRequest (remoteServerObj); } // request information. ri.request_id(); assertEquals ("Operation name not correct", operation, ri.operation()); assertTrue ("No response expected for request with response", ri.response_expected() ); assertEquals ("Incorrect sync scope", 3, ri.sync_scope()); try { ri.get_request_service_context (TEST_SCID); ri.set_slot (slotID, any ); } catch (BAD_PARAM ex) { if (hasServiceContexts) { fail ("Got a BAD_PARAM getting request service contexts"); } assertTrue ("Minor code incorrect " + ex.minor, ex.minor == 26); } catch (org.omg.PortableInterceptor.InvalidSlot ex) { fail ("unexpected exception received: " + ex); } } public void receive_request( org.omg.PortableInterceptor.ServerRequestInfo ri ) throws org.omg.PortableInterceptor.ForwardRequest { TestUtils.getLogger().debug ("LocalServerInterceptorC - receive_request"); callsMade = callsMade | SERVERC_RECEIVE_REQUEST; if (throwException == SERVERC_RECEIVE_REQUEST || throwException == SERVERC_SEND_EXCEPTION) { throw new UNKNOWN (SERVERC_RECEIVE_REQUEST, CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO ); } if (throwForwardRequest == SERVERC_RECEIVE_REQUEST && ! forwardRequestThrown) { forwardRequestThrown = true; throw new ForwardRequest (remoteServerObj); } // request information byte []oi = ri.object_id(); assertTrue (oi != null); byte []aid = ri.adapter_id(); assertTrue (aid != null); assertTrue (aid.length != 0); String adapters [] = ri.adapter_name (); assertTrue (adapters != null); assertTrue (adapters[0].equals ("RootPOA")); assertTrue (adapters[1].equals ("childPOA")); ri.target_most_derived_interface(); assertTrue ("target does not implement object", ri.target_is_a( "")); try { ri.arguments(); } catch ( NO_RESOURCES ex ) { // test retrieving request parameters. These will always fail } try { ri.exceptions(); } catch ( NO_RESOURCES ex ) { // test retrieving request parameters. These will always fail } try { ri.contexts(); } catch ( NO_RESOURCES ex ) { // test retrieving request parameters. These will always fail } try { ri.operation_context(); } catch ( NO_RESOURCES ex ) { // test retrieving request parameters. These will always fail } } public void send_reply( org.omg.PortableInterceptor.ServerRequestInfo ri ) { TestUtils.getLogger().debug ("LocalServerInterceptorC - send_reply"); callsMade = callsMade | SERVERC_SEND_REPLY; if (throwException == SERVERC_SEND_REPLY) { throw new UNKNOWN (SERVERC_SEND_REPLY, CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_YES); } try { if (ri.get_slot( slotID ).type().kind() != org.omg.CORBA.TCKind.tk_null) { ri.add_reply_service_context (new org.omg.IOP.ServiceContext (TEST_SCID, new byte[ 0 ]), true); } } catch ( org.omg.PortableInterceptor.InvalidSlot ex ) { fail (ex.toString()); } } public void send_exception( org.omg.PortableInterceptor.ServerRequestInfo ri ) throws org.omg.PortableInterceptor.ForwardRequest { TestUtils.getLogger().debug ("LocalServerInterceptorC - send_exception"); callsMade = callsMade | SERVERC_SEND_EXCEPTION; if (throwForwardRequest == SERVERC_SEND_EXCEPTION && ! forwardRequestThrown) { forwardRequestThrown = true; throw new ForwardRequest (remoteServerObj); } org.omg.CORBA.Any any = ri.sending_exception(); try { if ( any.type().id().equals( org.omg.CORBA.UNKNOWNHelper.type().id() ) && throwException == SERVERC_SEND_EXCEPTION) { UNKNOWN uex = org.omg.CORBA.UNKNOWNHelper.extract( ri.sending_exception() ); uex.minor = uex.minor | SERVERC_SEND_EXCEPTION; uex.completed = CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_YES; throw uex; } } catch (org.omg.CORBA.TypeCodePackage.BadKind bk) { fail ("Got an unexpected BadKind exception"); } } public void send_other( org.omg.PortableInterceptor.ServerRequestInfo ri ) throws org.omg.PortableInterceptor.ForwardRequest { TestUtils.getLogger().debug ("LocalServerInterceptorC - send_other"); callsMade = callsMade | SERVERC_SEND_OTHER; if (throwException == SERVERC_SEND_OTHER) { throw new UNKNOWN (SERVERC_SEND_OTHER, CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO); } } } }