package org.jacorb.idl; /* * JacORB - a free Java ORB * * Copyright (C) 1997-2014 Gerald Brose / The JacORB Team. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ import java.util.HashMap; /** * Based on the MathEvaluator class by The-Son LAI, * <a href=""></a> * * <i>Expression evaluator for IDL constant expression</i> * * Supports the following functions: * <code>+, -, *, /, ^, %, ^, | , t {@literal <<},{@literal >>}</code><br> * * When the getValue() is called, a Double object is returned. * If it returns null, an error occured.<p> * @author Gerald Brose, * The-Son LAI <a href=""></a> */ public class ConstExprEvaluator { private static Operator[] operators = null; private Node node = null; private String expression = null; /** * creates a ConstExprEvaluator and assign the expression string. */ public ConstExprEvaluator(String s) { if ( operators == null ) { initializeOperators(); } expression = s; } /** * evaluates and returns the value of the expression */ public Double getValue() { if (expression == null) { return null; } try { node = new Node(expression); return evaluate(node); } catch (Exception e) { lexer.emit_error("unexpected exception: " + e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); // TODO throw exception? return null; } } private static Double evaluate(Node n) { if ( n.hasOperator() && n.hasChild() ) { if ( n.getOperator().getType() == 1 ) n.setValue ( evaluateExpression( n.getOperator(), evaluate( n.getLeft() ), null ) ); else if ( n.getOperator().getType() == 2 ) { n.setValue( evaluateExpression( n.getOperator(), evaluate( n.getLeft() ), evaluate( n.getRight() ) ) ); } } return n.getValue(); } private static Double evaluateExpression( Operator o, Double f1, Double f2) { String op = o.getOperator(); Double res = null; if ( "+".equals(op) ) res = new Double( f1.doubleValue() + f2.doubleValue() ); else if ( "-".equals(op) ) res = new Double( f1.doubleValue() - f2.doubleValue() ); else if ( "*".equals(op) ) res = new Double( f1.doubleValue() * f2.doubleValue() ); else if ( "/".equals(op) ) res = new Double( f1.doubleValue() / f2.doubleValue() ); else if ( "%".equals(op) ) res = new Double( f1.doubleValue() % f2.doubleValue() ); else if ( "|".equals(op) ) res = new Double(Double.longBitsToDouble( Double.doubleToLongBits( f1.doubleValue()) | Double.doubleToLongBits( f2.doubleValue() ) )); else if ( "&".equals(op) ) res = new Double( Double.longBitsToDouble( Double.doubleToLongBits( f1.doubleValue() ) & Double.doubleToLongBits( f2.doubleValue() ) )); else if ( "^".equals(op) ) res = new Double( Double.longBitsToDouble( Double.doubleToLongBits( f1.doubleValue() ) ^ Double.doubleToLongBits( f2.doubleValue() ) )); else if ( "<<".equals(op) ) res = new Double( Double.longBitsToDouble( Double.doubleToLongBits( f1.doubleValue() ) << Double.doubleToLongBits( f2.doubleValue() ) )); else if ( ">>".equals(op) ) res = new Double( Double.longBitsToDouble( Double.doubleToLongBits( f1.doubleValue() ) >> Double.doubleToLongBits( f2.doubleValue() ) )); return res; } private void initializeOperators() { operators = new Operator[10]; // bit-wise operators operators[0] = new Operator("|" , 2, 0); operators[1] = new Operator("^" , 2, 2); operators[2] = new Operator("&" , 2, 4); operators[3] = new Operator(">>" , 2, 6); operators[4] = new Operator("<<" , 2, 6); // arithmetic operators operators[5] = new Operator("+" , 2, 8); operators[6] = new Operator("-" , 2, 8); operators[7] = new Operator("*" , 2, 10); operators[8] = new Operator("/" , 2, 10); operators[9] = new Operator("%" , 2, 10); } private Double getDouble(String s) { if ( s == null ) return null; Double res = null; try { res = new Double(Double.parseDouble(s)); } catch(Exception e) { } return res; } static protected class Operator { private String op; private int type; private int priority; public Operator(String o, int t, int p) { op = o; type = t; priority = p; } public String getOperator() { return op; } public void setOperator(String o) { op = o; } public int getType() { return type; } public int getPriority() { return priority; } } protected class Node { public String nString = null; public Operator nOperator = null; public Node nLeft = null; public Node nRight = null; public Node nParent = null; public int nLevel = 0; public Double nValue = null; public Node(String s) throws Exception { init(null, s, 0); } public Node(Node parent, String s, int level) throws Exception { init(parent, s, level); } private void init(Node parent, String s, int level) throws Exception { s = removeIllegalCharacters(s); s = removeBrackets(s); s = addZero(s); if ( checkBrackets(s) != 0 ) throw new Exception("Wrong number of brackets in [" + s + "]"); nParent = parent; nString = s; nValue = getDouble(s); nLevel = level; int sLength = s.length(); int inBrackets = 0; int startOperator = 0; for (int i=0; i<sLength; i++) { if ( s.charAt(i) == '(' ) inBrackets++; else if ( s.charAt(i) == ')' ) inBrackets--; else { // the expression must be at "root" level if ( inBrackets == 0 ) { Operator o = getOperator(nString,i); if ( o != null ) { // if first operator or lower priority operator if ( nOperator == null || nOperator.getPriority() >= o.getPriority() ) { nOperator = o; startOperator = i; } } } } } if ( nOperator != null ) { // one operand, should always be at the beginning if ( startOperator==0 && nOperator.getType() == 1 ) { // the brackets must be ok if ( checkBrackets( s.substring( nOperator.getOperator().length() ) ) == 0 ) { nLeft = new Node( this, s.substring( nOperator.getOperator().length() ) , nLevel + 1); nRight = null; return; } throw new Exception("Error during parsing... missing brackets in [" + s + "]"); } // two operands else if ( startOperator > 0 && nOperator.getType() == 2 ) { nLeft = new Node( this, s.substring(0, startOperator), nLevel + 1 ); nRight = new Node( this, s.substring(startOperator + nOperator.getOperator().length()), nLevel + 1); } } } private Operator getOperator(String s, int start) { String temp = s.substring(start); temp = getNextWord(temp); for (int i=0; i<operators.length; i++) { if ( temp.startsWith(operators[i].getOperator()) ) return operators[i]; } return null; } private String getNextWord(String s) { int sLength = s.length(); for (int i=1; i<sLength; i++) { char c = s.charAt(i); if ( (c > 'z' || c < 'a') && (c > '9' || c < '0') ) return s.substring(0, i); } return s; } /** * checks if there is any missing brackets * @return true if s is valid */ protected int checkBrackets(String s) { int sLength = s.length(); int inBracket = 0; for (int i=0; i<sLength; i++) { if ( s.charAt(i) == '(' && inBracket >= 0 ) inBracket++; else if ( s.charAt(i) == ')' ) inBracket--; } return inBracket; } /** * returns a string that doesnt start with a + or a - */ protected String addZero(String s) { if ( s.startsWith("+") || s.startsWith("-") ) { int sLength = s.length(); for (int i=0; i<sLength; i++) { if ( getOperator(s, i) != null ) return "0" + s; } } return s; } protected boolean hasChild() { return ( nLeft != null || nRight != null ); } protected boolean hasOperator() { return ( nOperator != null ); } protected boolean hasLeft() { return ( nLeft != null ); } protected Node getLeft() { return nLeft; } protected boolean hasRight() { return ( nRight != null ); } protected Node getRight() { return nRight; } protected Operator getOperator() { return nOperator; } protected int getLevel() { return nLevel; } protected Double getValue() { return nValue; } protected void setValue(Double f) { nValue = f; } protected String getString() { return nString; } /** * Removes spaces, tabs and brackets at the begining */ public String removeBrackets(String s) { String res = s; if ( s.length() > 2 && res.startsWith("(") && res.endsWith(")") && checkBrackets(s.substring(1,s.length()-1)) == 0 ) { res = res.substring(1, res.length()-1 ); } if ( res != s ) return removeBrackets(res); else return res; } /** * Removes illegal characters */ public String removeIllegalCharacters(String s) { char[] illegalCharacters = { ' ' }; String res = s; for ( int j=0; j<illegalCharacters.length; j++) { int i = res.lastIndexOf(illegalCharacters[j], res.length()); while ( i != -1 ) { String temp = res; res = temp.substring(0,i); res += temp.substring(i + 1); i = res.lastIndexOf(illegalCharacters[j], s.length()); } } return res; } } }