package org.jacorb.notification.filter.impl; /* * JacORB - a free Java ORB * * Copyright (C) 1999-2014 Gerald Brose / The JacORB Team. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * */ import org.jacorb.config.*; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.jacorb.notification.filter.ETCLEvaluator; import org.jacorb.notification.filter.EvaluationContext; import org.jacorb.notification.filter.EvaluationException; import org.jacorb.notification.filter.EvaluationResult; import org.omg.CORBA.Any; import org.omg.CORBA.ORB; import org.omg.CORBA.TCKind; import org.omg.CORBA.TypeCode; import org.omg.CORBA.TypeCodePackage.BadKind; import org.omg.CORBA.TypeCodePackage.Bounds; import org.omg.CosNotification.Property; import org.omg.DynamicAny.DynAny; import org.omg.DynamicAny.DynAnyFactory; import org.omg.DynamicAny.DynSequence; import org.omg.DynamicAny.DynSequenceHelper; import org.omg.DynamicAny.DynStruct; import org.omg.DynamicAny.DynStructHelper; import org.omg.DynamicAny.DynUnion; import org.omg.DynamicAny.DynUnionHelper; import org.omg.DynamicAny.DynAnyFactoryPackage.InconsistentTypeCode; import org.omg.DynamicAny.DynAnyPackage.InvalidValue; import org.omg.DynamicAny.DynAnyPackage.TypeMismatch; /** * Provide the Basic operations needed to evaluate filter expressions on Anys. * * @author Alphonse Bendt */ public class DefaultETCLEvaluator implements ETCLEvaluator { private static final String NAME = "name"; private static final String VALUE = "value"; //////////////////////////////////////// private final Logger logger_; private final DynAnyFactory dynAnyFactory_; private final ORB orb_; private final Any TRUE_ANY; private final Any FALSE_ANY; //////////////////////////////////////// public DefaultETCLEvaluator(ORB orb, Configuration config, DynAnyFactory dynAnyFactory) { orb_ = orb; logger_ = ((org.jacorb.config.Configuration) config).getLogger(getClass().getName()); dynAnyFactory_ = dynAnyFactory; TRUE_ANY = orb_.create_any(); FALSE_ANY = orb_.create_any(); TRUE_ANY.insert_boolean(true); FALSE_ANY.insert_boolean(false); } //////////////////////////////////////// public boolean hasDefaultDiscriminator(Any any) throws EvaluationException { try { return (any.type().default_index() != -1); } catch (BadKind e) { throw newEvaluationException(e); } } public Any evaluateExistIdentifier(Any value, String identifier) throws EvaluationException { try { evaluateIdentifier(value, identifier); return TRUE_ANY; } catch (EvaluationException e) { return FALSE_ANY; } } public Any evaluateTypeName(Any value) throws EvaluationException { try { TypeCode _tc = value.type(); Any _ret = orb_.create_any(); _ret.insert_string(; return _ret; } catch (BadKind e) { throw newEvaluationException(e); } } public Any evaluateRepositoryId(Any value) throws EvaluationException { try { TypeCode _tc = value.type(); Any _ret = orb_.create_any(); _ret.insert_string(; return _ret; } catch (BadKind e) { throw newEvaluationException(e); } } public Any evaluateListLength(Any value) throws EvaluationException { final int _length; switch (value.type().kind().value()) { case TCKind._tk_array: DynAny _dynAny = toDynAny(value); _length = _dynAny.component_count(); break; case TCKind._tk_sequence: DynSequence _dynSequence = toDynSequence(value); _length = _dynSequence.get_length(); break; default: throw new EvaluationException("Neither array nor sequence"); } Any _any = orb_.create_any(); _any.insert_long(_length); return _any; } private String getDefaultUnionMemberName(TypeCode unionTypeCode) throws EvaluationException { try { int _defaultIndex = unionTypeCode.default_index(); if (_defaultIndex != -1) { return unionTypeCode.member_name(_defaultIndex); } } catch (BadKind e) { throw newEvaluationException(e); } catch (Bounds e) { throw newEvaluationException(e); } throw new EvaluationException(); } private String getUnionMemberNameFromDiscriminator(TypeCode unionTypeCode, int discriminator) throws EvaluationException { try { Any _any = orb_.create_any(); switch (unionTypeCode.discriminator_type().kind().value()) { case TCKind._tk_long: _any.insert_long(discriminator); break; case TCKind._tk_ulong: _any.insert_ulong(discriminator); break; case TCKind._tk_short: _any.insert_short((short) discriminator); break; case TCKind._tk_double: _any.insert_double(discriminator); break; case TCKind._tk_ushort: _any.insert_ushort((short) discriminator); break; } int _memberCount = unionTypeCode.member_count(); try { for (int _x = 0; _x < _memberCount; _x++) { if (_any.equal(unionTypeCode.member_label(_x))) { return unionTypeCode.member_name(_x); } } } catch (Bounds b) { // this should never happen as _x should be always < _memberCount. throw new RuntimeException(); } } catch (BadKind e) { throw newEvaluationException(e); } throw new EvaluationException(); } public Any evaluateUnion(Any value) throws EvaluationException { String _defaultMemberName = getDefaultUnionMemberName(value.type()); return evaluateIdentifier(value, _defaultMemberName); } public Any evaluateUnion(Any value, int position) throws EvaluationException { final DynUnion _dynUnion = toDynUnion(value);; if (logger_.isDebugEnabled()) { logger_.debug("extract idx: " + position + " from Union " + _dynUnion.type()); } String _discrimName = getUnionMemberNameFromDiscriminator(value.type(), position); return evaluateIdentifier(_dynUnion, _discrimName); } public Any evaluatePropertyList(Property[] list, String name) { if (logger_.isDebugEnabled()) { logger_.debug("evaluatePropertyList " + list); logger_.debug("list length: " + list.length); } for (int x = 0; x < list.length; ++x) { if (logger_.isDebugEnabled()) { logger_.debug(x + ": " + list[x].name + " => " + list[x].value); } if (name.equals(list[x].name)) { return list[x].value; } } return null; } public Any evaluateNamedValueList(Any any, String name) throws EvaluationException { try { if (logger_.isDebugEnabled()) { logger_.debug("evaluateNamedValueList(" + any + ", " + name + ")"); } final DynAny _dynAny = toDynAny(any); final int _count = _dynAny.component_count(); DynAny _cursor; Any _ret = null; _dynAny.rewind(); if (logger_.isDebugEnabled()) { logger_.debug("Entries: " + _count); } for (int _x = 0; _x < _count; _x++) {; _cursor = _dynAny.current_component(); _ret = evaluateNamedValue(_cursor, name); if (_ret != null) { break; } } return _ret; } catch (TypeMismatch e) { throw newEvaluationException(e); } } private Any evaluateNamedValue(DynAny any, String name) throws EvaluationException { if (logger_.isDebugEnabled()) { logger_.debug("evaluate assoc " + name + " on a Any of type: " + any.type()); } final Any _result; final String _anyName = evaluateIdentifier(any, NAME).extract_string(); if (logger_.isDebugEnabled()) { logger_.debug("test if " + name + " == " + _anyName); } if (name.equals(_anyName)) { logger_.debug("YES"); _result = evaluateIdentifier(any, VALUE); } else { _result = null; } return _result; } public Any evaluateArrayIndex(Any any, int index) throws EvaluationException { try { if (logger_.isDebugEnabled()) { logger_.debug("evaluate array idx " + index + " on a Any of type: " + any.type()); } DynAny _dynAny = toDynAny(any); DynAny _cursor; _dynAny.rewind();; _cursor = _dynAny.current_component(); if (logger_.isDebugEnabled()) { logger_.debug("evaluation result is of type: " + _cursor.type()); } return _cursor.to_any(); } catch (TypeMismatch e) { throw newEvaluationException(e); } } private Any evaluateIdentifier(DynAny any, int position) throws EvaluationException { try { final DynAny _result; switch (any.type().kind().value()) { case TCKind._tk_struct:; _result = any.current_component(); break; default: throw new EvaluationException("attempt to access member on non-struct"); } return _result.to_any(); } catch (TypeMismatch e) { throw newEvaluationException(e); } } public Any evaluateIdentifier(Any any, int position) throws EvaluationException { if (logger_.isDebugEnabled()) { logger_.debug("evaluate idx " + position + " on Any"); } DynAny _dynAny = toDynAny(any); return evaluateIdentifier(_dynAny, position); } public Any evaluateDiscriminator(Any any) throws EvaluationException { switch (any.type().kind().value()) { case TCKind._tk_union: DynUnion _dynUnion = toDynUnion(any); return _dynUnion.get_discriminator().to_any(); default: throw new EvaluationException("any does not contain member _d"); } } public EvaluationResult evaluateElementInSequence(EvaluationContext context, EvaluationResult element, Any sequence) throws EvaluationException { try { final DynSequence _dynSequence = DynSequenceHelper.narrow(toDynAny(sequence)); _dynSequence.rewind(); do { final DynAny _currentComponent = _dynSequence.current_component(); final EvaluationResult _currentElement = EvaluationResult.fromAny(_currentComponent.to_any()); if (element.compareTo(_currentElement) == 0) { return EvaluationResult.BOOL_TRUE; } } while (; return EvaluationResult.BOOL_FALSE; } catch (TypeMismatch e) { throw newEvaluationException(e); } } /** * expensive */ public Any evaluateIdentifier(Any any, String identifier) throws EvaluationException { // expensive call DynAny _dynAny = toDynAny(any); // expensive call return evaluateIdentifier(_dynAny, identifier); } private Any evaluateIdentifier(DynAny any, String identifier) throws EvaluationException { try { final String _strippedIdentifier = stripBackslash(identifier); if (logger_.isDebugEnabled()) { logger_.debug("evaluate " + _strippedIdentifier + " on Any"); } DynAny _cursor = any; SWITCH_LABEL: switch (any.type().kind().value()) { case TCKind._tk_struct: logger_.debug("Any is a struct"); final DynStruct _dynStruct = DynStructHelper.narrow(any); String _currentName; _dynStruct.rewind(); do { _currentName = _dynStruct.current_member_name(); if (logger_.isDebugEnabled()) { logger_.debug(" => " + _currentName); } if (_currentName.equals(_strippedIdentifier)) { // expensive operation _cursor = _dynStruct.current_component(); break SWITCH_LABEL; } } while (; throw new EvaluationException("struct has no member " + _strippedIdentifier); case TCKind._tk_union: if (logger_.isDebugEnabled()) { logger_.debug("Any is a Union"); } DynUnion _dynUnion = toDynUnion(any); if (_dynUnion.member_name().equals(_strippedIdentifier)) { _cursor = _dynUnion.member(); } else { if (logger_.isDebugEnabled()) { logger_.debug(_dynUnion.member_name() + " != " + _strippedIdentifier); } throw new EvaluationException("member " + _strippedIdentifier + " is not active on struct"); } break; case TCKind._tk_any: logger_.debug("encapsulated any"); return evaluateIdentifier(any.get_any(), _strippedIdentifier); default: logger_.debug("unknown " + any.type()); return null; } if (logger_.isDebugEnabled()) { logger_.debug("Result: " + _cursor); } if (_cursor != null && logger_.isDebugEnabled()) { logger_.debug("evaluation result is of type: " + _cursor.type()); } if (_cursor == null) { logger_.debug("Member not found"); throw new EvaluationException("member not found"); } return _cursor.to_any(); } catch (InvalidValue e) { throw newEvaluationException(e); } catch (TypeMismatch e) { throw newEvaluationException(e); } } //////////////////////////////////////// private DynAny toDynAny(Any any) throws EvaluationException { try { return dynAnyFactory_.create_dyn_any(any); } catch (InconsistentTypeCode e) { throw newEvaluationException(e); } } private DynUnion toDynUnion(Any any) throws EvaluationException { return DynUnionHelper.narrow(toDynAny(any)); } private DynUnion toDynUnion(DynAny dynAny) { return DynUnionHelper.narrow(dynAny); } private DynSequence toDynSequence(Any any) throws EvaluationException { return DynSequenceHelper.narrow(toDynAny(any)); } private static String stripBackslash(String identifier) { StringBuffer _buffer = new StringBuffer(); int _length = identifier.length(); for (int _x = 0; _x < _length; _x++) { if (identifier.charAt(_x) != '\\') { _buffer.append(identifier.charAt(_x)); } } return _buffer.toString(); } private static EvaluationException newEvaluationException(Exception e) { return new EvaluationException(e.toString()); } }