package org.jacorb.test.notification.node; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull; import static; import org.jacorb.notification.MessageFactory; import org.jacorb.notification.filter.EvaluationContext; import org.jacorb.notification.filter.EvaluationException; import org.jacorb.notification.filter.EvaluationResult; import org.jacorb.notification.filter.FilterConstraint; import org.jacorb.notification.filter.ParseException; import org.jacorb.notification.filter.etcl.AbstractTCLNode; import org.jacorb.notification.filter.etcl.ETCLComponentName; import org.jacorb.notification.filter.etcl.ETCLFilterConstraint; import org.jacorb.notification.filter.etcl.StaticTypeChecker; import org.jacorb.notification.filter.etcl.StaticTypeException; import org.jacorb.notification.filter.etcl.TCLCleanUp; import org.jacorb.notification.filter.etcl.TCLParser; import org.jacorb.notification.impl.DefaultMessageFactory; import org.jacorb.notification.interfaces.Message; import org.jacorb.test.notification.Address; import org.jacorb.test.notification.NamedValue; import org.jacorb.test.notification.NamedValueSeqHelper; import org.jacorb.test.notification.Person; import org.jacorb.test.notification.PersonHelper; import org.jacorb.test.notification.Profession; import org.jacorb.test.notification.TestUnion; import org.jacorb.test.notification.TestUnionHelper; import org.jacorb.test.notification.common.NotificationTestCase; import org.jacorb.test.notification.common.NotificationTestUtils; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import org.omg.CORBA.Any; import org.omg.CosNotification.EventHeader; import org.omg.CosNotification.EventType; import org.omg.CosNotification.FixedEventHeader; import org.omg.CosNotification.Property; import org.omg.CosNotification.PropertySeqHelper; import org.omg.CosNotification.StructuredEvent; import org.omg.CosNotification.StructuredEventHelper; import org.omg.TimeBase.UtcT; import org.omg.TimeBase.UtcTHelper; /** * JUnit TestCase. Test Parsing and Evaluation of various ETCL Expressions. * * @author Alphonse Bendt */ public class TCLTest extends NotificationTestCase { private NotificationTestUtils testUtils_; ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // the testdata private Any testPerson_; private Any testUnion_; private Any testUnion1_; private Any testUnion2_; private Any testUnion3_; private Any testUnion4_; private Any testUnion5_; private final String[] visitorTestExpressions_ = new String[] { "$.value < 1", "$.value != 1", "$.value <= 1", "$.value > 1", "$.value >= 1", "$.value == 1", "$.value + 1", "$.value - 1", "$.value * 1", "$.value / 1", "$.value ~ $.x" }; private void setUpTestUnion(Person person) { TestUnion _t1, _t2, _t3, _t4, _t5, _t; _t = new TestUnion(); _t.default_person(person); _t1 = new TestUnion(); _t1.long_(100); _t2 = new TestUnion(); _t2.string_("String"); _t3 = new TestUnion(); _t3.named_value_(new NamedValue("this is the name", "this is the value")); _t4 = new TestUnion(); _t4.person_(person); _t5 = new TestUnion(); NamedValue[] lonv = new NamedValue[1]; lonv[0] = new NamedValue("name", "value"); _t5.named_value_array(lonv); testUnion_ = getORB().create_any(); testUnion1_ = getORB().create_any(); testUnion2_ = getORB().create_any(); testUnion3_ = getORB().create_any(); testUnion4_ = getORB().create_any(); testUnion5_ = getORB().create_any(); TestUnionHelper.insert(testUnion_, _t); TestUnionHelper.insert(testUnion1_, _t1); TestUnionHelper.insert(testUnion2_, _t2); TestUnionHelper.insert(testUnion3_, _t3); TestUnionHelper.insert(testUnion4_, _t4); TestUnionHelper.insert(testUnion5_, _t5); } private Person setUpPerson() { Person _person = new Person(); Address _address = new Address(); NamedValue _nv1 = new NamedValue(); NamedValue _nv2 = new NamedValue(); Profession _p = Profession.STUDENT; _person.first_name = "Firstname"; _person.last_name = "Lastname"; _person.age = 29; _person.phone_numbers = new String[2]; _person.phone_numbers[0] = "32132132"; _person.phone_numbers[1] = ""; _person.nv = new NamedValue[2]; _person.person_profession = _p; _address.street = "Takustr."; _address.number = 9; = "Berlin"; _person.home_address = _address; = "priority"; _nv1.value = "Very High"; _person.nv[0] = _nv1; = "stuff"; _nv2.value = "not important"; _person.nv[1] = _nv2; _person.aliases = new String[] { "Alias0", "Alias1", "Alias2" }; _person.numbers = new int[] { 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 }; testPerson_ = getORB().create_any(); PersonHelper.insert(testPerson_, _person); return _person; } @Before public void setUp() throws Exception { testUtils_ = new NotificationTestUtils(getORB()); Person _person = setUpPerson(); setUpTestUnion(_person); } //////////////////// // Helper functions private void runStaticTypeCheck(String expr) throws Exception { runStaticTypeCheck(expr, true); } private void runStaticTypeCheck(String expr, boolean shouldFail) throws Exception { try { AbstractTCLNode _root = TCLParser.parse(expr); StaticTypeChecker _checker = new StaticTypeChecker(); _checker.check(_root); if (shouldFail) { fail("static type error should have occcured"); } } catch (StaticTypeException ste) { // expected } } /** * parse both strings, evaluate the resulting tree and compare the results. the results are * expected to be equal. * * @param expect * an ETCL expression * @param expression * an ETCL expression * @throws Exception * if parsing fails */ private void runEvaluation(String expect, String expression) throws Exception { AbstractTCLNode fstNode = TCLParser.parse(expect); AbstractTCLNode sndNode = TCLParser.parse(expression); EvaluationContext _context = new EvaluationContext(getEvaluator()); EvaluationResult pre_res = fstNode.evaluate(_context); EvaluationResult pst_res = sndNode.evaluate(_context); assertEquals("expected " + fstNode.toStringTree() + " == " + sndNode.toStringTree(), pre_res, pst_res); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // and now some testing @Test public void testPLUS() throws Exception { runEvaluation("2", "1 + 1"); runEvaluation("0", "1 + -1"); runEvaluation("0", "-1 + 1"); runEvaluation("2", "1 + 1.0"); runEvaluation("2.0", "1 + 1"); } @Test public void testMINUS() throws Exception { runEvaluation("0", "1 - 1"); runEvaluation("2", "1 - -1"); runEvaluation("-2", "-1 - 1"); runEvaluation("0", "1 - 1.0"); runEvaluation("0.0", "1 - 1"); } @Test public void testDIV() throws Exception { runEvaluation("5", "10/2"); runEvaluation("1/3", "10/30"); runEvaluation("0.25", "1.0/4"); } @Test public void testMULT() throws Exception { runEvaluation("100", "10*10"); runEvaluation("1", "1 * 1"); runEvaluation("1", "0.25 * 4"); runEvaluation("-1", "1 * -1"); } @Test public void testSimpleNumbers() throws Exception { runEvaluation("5", "5"); runEvaluation("-1", "-1"); runEvaluation("1", "+1"); runEvaluation("1", "1.0"); runEvaluation("1", "+1.0"); runEvaluation("-1", "-1.0"); runEvaluation(".1", "+.1"); runEvaluation("-0.1", "-.1"); } @Test public void testFloatNumbers() throws Exception { runEvaluation("1000", "10e+2"); runEvaluation("100", "10e+1"); runEvaluation("10", "10e+0"); runEvaluation("1", "10e-1"); runEvaluation(".1", "10e-2"); runEvaluation(".01", "10e-3"); runEvaluation("-.01", "-10e-3"); } @Test public void testSimpleOperations() throws Exception { runEvaluation("0", "1-1"); runEvaluation("2", "1+1"); runEvaluation("1", "1*1"); runEvaluation("1", "1/1"); } @Test public void testParentheses() throws Exception { runEvaluation("7", "1+2*3"); runEvaluation("7", "1+(2*3)"); runEvaluation("1+2*3", "1+(2*3)"); runEvaluation("9", "(1+2)*3"); runEvaluation("1+(2+(3+(4+5)))", "(((1+2)+3)+4)+5"); runEvaluation("1*(2*(3*(4*5)))", "(((1*2)*3)*4)*5"); } @Test public void testGT() throws Exception { runEvaluation("TRUE", "1>0"); runEvaluation("TRUE", "0.2 > 0.1"); runEvaluation("TRUE", "1.1 > 1"); runEvaluation("FALSE", "0>1"); runEvaluation("TRUE", "TRUE > FALSE"); runEvaluation("FALSE", "FALSE > TRUE"); runEvaluation("TRUE", "'bbb' > 'aaa'"); runEvaluation("FALSE", "'bbb' > 'ccc'"); } @Test public void testLT() throws Exception { runEvaluation("FALSE", "1<0"); runEvaluation("FALSE", "0.2 < 0.1"); runEvaluation("FALSE", "1.1 < 1"); runEvaluation("TRUE", "0<1"); runEvaluation("FALSE", "TRUE < FALSE"); runEvaluation("TRUE", "FALSE < TRUE"); runEvaluation("FALSE", "'bbb' < 'aaa'"); runEvaluation("TRUE", "'bbb' < 'ccc'"); } @Test public void testLTE() throws Exception { runEvaluation("TRUE", "0<=1"); runEvaluation("TRUE", "0<=0"); runEvaluation("FALSE", "1<=0"); runEvaluation("TRUE", "'abc'<='abc'"); runEvaluation("TRUE", "'abc'<='dbc'"); runEvaluation("FALSE", "'bbc'<='abc'"); } @Test public void testGTE() throws Exception { runEvaluation("FALSE", "0>=1"); runEvaluation("TRUE", "0>=0"); runEvaluation("TRUE", "1>=0"); runEvaluation("TRUE", "'abc'>='abc'"); runEvaluation("FALSE", "'abc'>='dbc'"); runEvaluation("TRUE", "'bbc'>='abc'"); } @Test public void testEQ() throws Exception { runEvaluation("TRUE", "TRUE == TRUE"); runEvaluation("TRUE", "FALSE == FALSE"); runEvaluation("FALSE", "FALSE == TRUE"); runEvaluation("FALSE", "TRUE == FALSE"); } @Test public void testNEQ() throws Exception { runEvaluation("TRUE", "0!=1"); runEvaluation("FALSE", "1!=1"); runEvaluation("TRUE", "'bla'!='blubb'"); runEvaluation("FALSE", "'bla'!='bla'"); runEvaluation("TRUE", "TRUE!=FALSE"); runEvaluation("TRUE", "FALSE!=TRUE"); runEvaluation("FALSE", "TRUE!=TRUE"); runEvaluation("FALSE", "FALSE!=FALSE"); } @Test public void testAND() throws Exception { runEvaluation("TRUE", "TRUE and TRUE"); runEvaluation("FALSE", "TRUE and FALSE"); runEvaluation("FALSE", "FALSE and TRUE"); runEvaluation("FALSE", "FALSE and FALSE"); } @Test public void testOR() throws Exception { runEvaluation("TRUE", "TRUE or TRUE"); runEvaluation("TRUE", "TRUE or FALSE"); runEvaluation("TRUE", "FALSE or TRUE"); runEvaluation("FALSE", "FALSE or FALSE"); } @Test public void testNOT() throws Exception { runEvaluation("TRUE", "not FALSE"); runEvaluation("FALSE", "not TRUE"); } @Test public void testLazyEval() throws Exception { try { runEvaluation("TRUE", "1/0"); fail("Division by zero should cause an exception"); } catch (EvaluationException e) { // expected } runEvaluation("TRUE", "TRUE or (1/0)"); runEvaluation("FALSE", "FALSE and (1/0)"); } @Test public void testTwiddle() throws Exception { runEvaluation("TRUE", "'substr' ~ 'substring'"); runEvaluation("FALSE", "'not' ~ 'substring'"); } @Test public void testCast() throws Exception { runEvaluation("FALSE", "2/3 > 0"); runEvaluation("TRUE", "(1.0 * 2/3) > 0"); } @Test public void testTypeConversion() throws Exception { runEvaluation("TRUE", "'H' + 1 > 32"); } @Test public void testStaticTypeCheck() throws Exception { runStaticTypeCheck("5 + 'al'"); runStaticTypeCheck("5 + 'a'", false); runStaticTypeCheck("5 ~ 'a'"); runStaticTypeCheck("TRUE + 'a'"); runStaticTypeCheck("'a' and 'b'"); runStaticTypeCheck("1 * (TRUE and TRUE)", false); } @Test public void testEnum() throws Exception { runEvaluation(testPerson_, "$.person_profession == STUDENT"); } @Test public void testImplicit() throws Exception { runEvaluation(testPerson_, "$._type_id == 'Person'"); runEvaluation(testPerson_, "$._repos_id == ''"); runEvaluation(testPerson_, "$.nv._length == 2"); try { runEvaluation(testPerson_, "$.first_name._length == 2"); fail(); } catch (EvaluationException e) { // expected } runEvaluation(testPerson_, "$.phone_numbers._length == 2"); runEvaluation(testPerson_, "$.4._length == 2"); runEvaluation(testUnion5_, "$.named_value_array._length == 1"); runEvaluation(testUnion5_, "$.(5)._length == 1"); } @Test public void testDefault() throws Exception { runEvaluation(testUnion_, "default $._d and $.().first_name == 'Firstname'"); } @Test public void testExist() throws Exception { runEvaluation(testPerson_, "exist $._type_id"); runEvaluation(testPerson_, "exist $._type_id and $._type_id =='Person'"); runEvaluation(testPerson_, "exist $._repos_id"); runEvaluation(testUnion1_, "not exist $.1"); runEvaluation(testUnion1_, "not exist $.0"); runEvaluation(testUnion1_, "exist $.(0)"); runEvaluation(testUnion1_, "exist $.(1)"); runEvaluation(testPerson_, "exist $.first_name"); runEvaluation(testPerson_, "not exist $.third_name"); runEvaluation(testUnion1_, "exist $._d"); runEvaluation(testPerson_, "not exist $._d"); runEvaluation(testPerson_, "exist $.nv._length"); runEvaluation(testPerson_, "exist $.5._length"); runEvaluation(testPerson_, "not exist $.home_address._length"); runEvaluation(testUnion1_, "exist $.long_"); runEvaluation(testUnion1_, "exist $.(1)"); runEvaluation(testUnion2_, "exist $.string_"); runEvaluation(testUnion2_, "exist $.(2)"); runEvaluation(testUnion3_, "exist $.named_value_"); runEvaluation(testUnion3_, "exist $.(3)"); runEvaluation(testUnion4_, "exist $.person_"); runEvaluation(testUnion4_, "exist $.(4)"); runEvaluation(testUnion4_, "exist $.(4).first_name"); runEvaluation(testUnion4_, "exist $.(4).phone_numbers[0]"); runEvaluation(testUnion_, "exist $.()"); runEvaluation(testUnion_, "exist $.default_person"); } @Test public void testUnion() throws Exception { runEvaluation(testUnion1_, "$.long_ > 54"); runEvaluation(testUnion1_, "$._d == 1 and $.(0) == 100"); runEvaluation(testUnion1_, "$._d == 1 and $.(1) == 100"); try { runEvaluation(testUnion1_, "$.string_"); fail(); } catch (EvaluationException e) { // expected } runEvaluation(testUnion1_, "$.(1) > 54"); runEvaluation(testUnion1_, "$.(0) > 54"); runEvaluation(testUnion2_, "$.string_", "'String'"); runEvaluation(testUnion2_, "$.(2)", "'String'"); runEvaluation(testUnion3_, "$", "'this is the name'"); runEvaluation(testUnion3_, "$.(3).name", "'this is the name'"); runEvaluation(testUnion4_, "$.person_.home_address.street == 'Takustr.'"); runEvaluation(testUnion4_, "$.(4).home_address.street == 'Takustr.'"); runEvaluation(testUnion4_, "$.(4).3.street == 'Takustr.'"); runEvaluation(testUnion4_, "$.(4).3.0 == 'Takustr.'"); runEvaluation(testUnion4_, "$.(4).home_address.0 == 'Takustr.'"); runEvaluation(testUnion5_, "$.named_value_array(name)", "'value'"); runEvaluation(testUnion5_, "$.(5)(name)", "'value'"); runEvaluation(testUnion_, "$.().first_name", "'Firstname'"); runEvaluation(testUnion_, "$.default_person.first_name", "'Firstname'"); } @Test public void testComponent() throws Exception { runEvaluation(testPerson_, "$.first_name", "'Firstname'"); try { runEvaluation(testPerson_, "$.third_name", "'does not exist'"); fail(); } catch (EvaluationException e) { // expected } runEvaluation(testPerson_, "$.0", "'Firstname'"); runEvaluation(testPerson_, "$.home_address.street", "'Takustr.'"); runEvaluation(testPerson_, "$.3.0", "'Takustr.'"); runEvaluation(testPerson_, "$.first_name == 'Firstname'"); runEvaluation(testPerson_, "$.age > 30", "FALSE"); runEvaluation(testPerson_, "$.age > 20 and $.first_name =='Firstname'"); runEvaluation(testPerson_, "$.age < 30 or $.first_name == 'Adalbert'"); runEvaluation(testPerson_, "$.phone_numbers[0]", "'32132132'"); runEvaluation(testPerson_, "$.4[0]", "'32132132'"); runEvaluation(testPerson_, "'321' ~ $.phone_numbers[0]"); runEvaluation(testPerson_, "$.nv(priority)", "'Very High'"); runEvaluation(testPerson_, "$.5(priority)", "'Very High'"); runEvaluation(testPerson_, "$.nv[0].name == 'priority' and $.nv[0].value == 'Very High'"); runEvaluation(testPerson_, "$.nv(stuff) > 'aaa'"); } @Test public void testDynamicTypeExceptions() throws Exception { // provoke some Dynamic Type Errors try { runEvaluation(testPerson_, "$.first_name + 1 == 10"); fail(); } catch (EvaluationException e) { // expected } try { runEvaluation(testPerson_, "$.age == '29'"); fail(); } catch (EvaluationException e) { // expected } try { runEvaluation(testPerson_, "$.age and true"); fail(); } catch (EvaluationException e) { // expected } } @Test public void testParse() throws Exception { try { TCLParser.parse("$.."); fail(); } catch (ParseException e) { // expected } try { TCLParser.parse("ab +-/ abc"); fail(); } catch (ParseException e) { // expected } } @Test public void testShorthandNotation() throws Exception { Any _testData = testUtils_.getStructuredEventAny(); runEvaluation(_testData, "$domain_name == 'TESTING'"); runEvaluation(_testData, "$type_name == 'TESTING'"); runEvaluation(_testData, "$event_name == 'ALARM'"); StructuredEvent _structuredEvent = testUtils_.getStructuredEvent(); runEvaluation(_structuredEvent, "$domain_name == 'TESTING'"); runEvaluation(_structuredEvent, "$type_name == 'TESTING'"); runEvaluation(_structuredEvent, "$event_name == 'ALARM'"); } @Test public void testShorthandVariableHeader() throws Exception { StructuredEvent _structuredEvent = testUtils_.getStructuredEvent(); Any _any = getORB().create_any(); _structuredEvent.header.variable_header = new Property[2]; _any.insert_long(10); _structuredEvent.header.variable_header[0] = new Property("long", _any); _any = getORB().create_any(); _any.insert_string("text"); _structuredEvent.header.variable_header[1] = new Property("string", _any); runEvaluation(_structuredEvent, "$long == 10"); runEvaluation(_structuredEvent, "$long == $.header.variable_header(long)"); runEvaluation(_structuredEvent, "$string == 'text'"); runEvaluation(_structuredEvent, "$string == $.header.variable_header(string)"); } @Test public void testShorthandFilterableData() throws Exception { StructuredEvent _structuredEvent = testUtils_.getStructuredEvent(); Any _any = getORB().create_any(); Property[] _props = new Property[2]; _any.insert_long(10); _props[0] = new Property("long", _any); _any = getORB().create_any(); _any.insert_string("text"); _props[1] = new Property("string", _any); _structuredEvent.filterable_data = _props; runEvaluation(_structuredEvent, "$long == 10"); runEvaluation(_structuredEvent, "$long == $.filterable_data(long)"); runEvaluation(_structuredEvent, "$string == 'text'"); runEvaluation(_structuredEvent, "$string == $.filterable_data(string)"); } @Test public void testShorthandDefault() throws Exception { runEvaluation(testPerson_, "$first_name == $.first_name"); } @Test public void testShorthandDefaultAny() throws Exception { NamedValue[] _nv = new NamedValue[2]; _nv[0] = new NamedValue("name1", "value1"); _nv[1] = new NamedValue("name2", "value2"); Any _a = getORB().create_any(); NamedValueSeqHelper.insert(_a, _nv); runEvaluation(_a, "$name1 == $(name1)"); runEvaluation(_a, "$name2 == $(name2)"); } @Test public void testInsertComponentName() throws Exception { ETCLComponentName _comp = (ETCLComponentName) TCLParser.parse("$.first_name.last_name"); _comp.acceptInOrder(new TCLCleanUp()); assertEquals("$.first_name.last_name", _comp.getComponentName()); AbstractTCLNode _root = TCLParser.parse("$.first_name.value + 5"); _root.acceptInOrder(new TCLCleanUp()); _comp = (ETCLComponentName) _root.getFirstChild(); assertEquals("$.first_name.value", _comp.getComponentName()); _comp = (ETCLComponentName) TCLParser.parse("$domain_name"); _comp.acceptInOrder(new TCLCleanUp()); assertEquals("$domain_name", _comp.getComponentName()); _comp = (ETCLComponentName) TCLParser.parse("$domain_name._type_id"); _comp.acceptInOrder(new TCLCleanUp()); assertEquals("$domain_name._type_id", _comp.getComponentName()); _comp = (ETCLComponentName) TCLParser.parse("$.(1)"); _comp.acceptInOrder(new TCLCleanUp()); assertEquals("$.(1)", _comp.getComponentName()); _comp = (ETCLComponentName) TCLParser.parse("$.()"); _comp.acceptInOrder(new TCLCleanUp()); assertEquals("$.(default)", _comp.getComponentName()); } @Test public void testInOperator() throws Exception { runEvaluation(testPerson_, "'Alias0' in $.aliases"); runEvaluation(testPerson_, "'Alias1' in $.aliases"); runEvaluation(testPerson_, "'Alias2' in $.aliases"); runEvaluation(testPerson_, "not ('AliasXYZ' in $.aliases)"); runEvaluation(testPerson_, "10 in $.numbers"); runEvaluation(testPerson_, "not (25 in $.numbers)"); } @Test public void testPassOverUnnamedLayers() throws Exception { Any _any = getORB().create_any(); _any.insert_any(testPerson_); runEvaluation(_any, "$.first_name == 'Firstname'"); Any _any2 = getORB().create_any(); _any2.insert_any(_any); runEvaluation(_any, "$.first_name == 'Firstname'"); runEvaluation(_any, "$ == 'FirstName'", "FALSE"); Any _any3 = getORB().create_any(); _any3.insert_long(10); runEvaluation(_any3, "$ == 10"); try { runEvaluation(_any3, "$ == '10'"); fail(); } catch (EvaluationException e) { // expected } } @Test public void testVariableCurtime() throws Exception { runEvaluation(testPerson_, "$curtime._repos_id == ''"); Any _timeAny = getORB().create_any(); UtcT _time = org.jacorb.util.Time.corbaTime(); UtcTHelper.insert(_timeAny, _time); runEvaluation(_timeAny, "$curtime._repos_id == $._repos_id"); runEvaluation(_timeAny, "$.time <= $curtime.time"); runEvaluation(_timeAny, "$.time + 1 >= $.time"); runEvaluation(_timeAny, "$.time - 1 <= $.time"); } @Test public void testBug671() throws Exception { Any _any = getORB().create_any(); _any.insert_longlong(139192928000000000l); runEvaluation(_any, "$ >= 139192928000000000"); } @Test public void testAccessNonExistingStructMember() throws Exception { try { runEvaluation(testPerson_, "$.not_exist"); fail(); } catch (EvaluationException e) { // expected } } @Test public void testAccessNonExistingRuntimeVariable() throws Exception { try { runEvaluation(testPerson_, "$not_exist"); fail(); } catch (EvaluationException e) { // expected } } @Test public void testAccessNonExistingProperty() throws Exception { StructuredEvent event = testUtils_.getStructuredEvent(); try { runEvaluation(event, "$.filterable_data(PROPERTY) == 1"); fail(); } catch (EvaluationException e) { // expected } try { runEvaluation(event, "$.filterable_data(PROPERTY) < 5"); fail(); } catch (EvaluationException e) { // expected } } @Test public void testLTEforwardsVisitorBug() throws Exception { String _expr = "$.time <= 1"; AbstractTCLNode _root = TCLParser.parse(_expr); _root.acceptPostOrder(new TCLCleanUp()); ETCLComponentName _n = (ETCLComponentName) _root.left(); assertEquals("$.time", _n.getComponentName()); } @Test public void testAcceptPostOrder() throws Exception { for (int x = 0; x < visitorTestExpressions_.length; ++x) { AbstractTCLNode _root = TCLParser.parse(visitorTestExpressions_[x]); _root.acceptPostOrder(new TCLCleanUp()); ETCLComponentName _n = (ETCLComponentName) _root.left(); assertEquals(visitorTestExpressions_[x] + " failed", "$.value", _n.getComponentName()); } } @Test public void testAcceptInOrder() throws Exception { for (int x = 0; x < visitorTestExpressions_.length; ++x) { AbstractTCLNode _root = TCLParser.parse(visitorTestExpressions_[x]); _root.acceptInOrder(new TCLCleanUp()); ETCLComponentName _n = (ETCLComponentName) _root.left(); assertEquals(visitorTestExpressions_[x] + " failed", "$.value", _n.getComponentName()); } } @Test public void testAcceptPreOrder() throws Exception { for (int x = 0; x < visitorTestExpressions_.length; ++x) { AbstractTCLNode _root = TCLParser.parse(visitorTestExpressions_[x]); _root.acceptPreOrder(new TCLCleanUp()); ETCLComponentName _n = (ETCLComponentName) _root.left(); assertEquals(visitorTestExpressions_[x] + " failed", "$.value", _n.getComponentName()); } } @Test public void testWhiteboardExpr() throws Exception { Any _any = getORB().create_any(); StructuredEvent _event = testUtils_.getStructuredEvent(); _event.header.variable_header = new Property[1]; Any _anyInt = getORB().create_any(); _anyInt.insert_long(10); _event.header.variable_header[0] = new Property("workgroup_id", _anyInt); StructuredEventHelper.insert(_any, _event); runEvaluation(_any, "$.header.variable_header(workgroup_id) != 20"); } @Test public void testNewLexer() throws Exception { assertNotNull(TCLParser.parse(".1")); assertNotNull(TCLParser.parse("$.1")); } @Test public void testTypedEvent() throws Exception { Property[] _props = new Property[] { new Property("operation", toAny("operationName")), new Property("value1", toAny(100)), new Property("value2", toAny(200)) }; Any _any = getORB().create_any(); PropertySeqHelper.insert(_any, _props); runEvaluation(_any, "$operation == 'operationName'"); runEvaluation(_any, "$value1 > 50 and $value2 > 50"); } @Test public void testStringMayContainSpecialChars() throws Exception { TCLParser.parse("'noti*server'"); TCLParser.parse("'noti{}server'"); TCLParser.parse("'noti\"server'"); TCLParser.parse("'noti|server'"); TCLParser.parse("'noti;server'"); TCLParser.parse("'noti^server'"); TCLParser.parse("'noti~server'"); TCLParser.parse("'noti=server'"); TCLParser.parse("'noti,server'"); TCLParser.parse("'noti$server'"); TCLParser.parse("'noti#server'"); TCLParser.parse("'noti%server'"); } @Test public void testParserIgnoresWhitespace() throws Exception { TCLParser.parse("\t\n\r "); runEvaluation("TRUE", "\t\n\r TRUE\n\r \t "); runEvaluation("2", "\t1\r+\n\r1\t"); } @Test public void testBug748() throws Exception { EventType type = new EventType("Finance", "StockQuote"); FixedEventHeader fixed = new FixedEventHeader(type, "10"); StructuredEvent quoteEvent = new StructuredEvent(); // Complete header date Property variable[] = new Property[0]; quoteEvent.header = new EventHeader(fixed, variable); quoteEvent.filterable_data = new Property[2]; Any idAny = getORB().create_any(); idAny.insert_string("stockQuotes"); quoteEvent.filterable_data[0] = new Property("stock_id", idAny); Any priceAny = getORB().create_any(); priceAny.insert_double(200.0); quoteEvent.filterable_data[1] = new Property("stock_price", priceAny); quoteEvent.remainder_of_body = getORB().create_any(); runEvaluation(quoteEvent, "$stock_price >= 200.00", "TRUE"); runEvaluation(quoteEvent, "$stock_price <= 200.00", "TRUE"); runEvaluation(quoteEvent, "$stock_price == 200.00", "TRUE"); } private void runEvaluation(Any any, String expr) throws Exception { runEvaluation(any, expr, "TRUE"); } private void runEvaluation(Any any, String expr, String expect) throws Exception { MessageFactory _notificationEventFactory = new DefaultMessageFactory(getORB(), getConfiguration()); Message _event = _notificationEventFactory.newMessage(any); try { runEvaluation(_event, expr, expect); } finally { _event.dispose(); } } private void runEvaluation(StructuredEvent event, String expr) throws Exception { runEvaluation(event, expr, "TRUE"); } private void runEvaluation(StructuredEvent event, String expr, String expect) throws Exception { // TODO factor out MessageFactory to NotificationTestCase (all tests) MessageFactory _notificationEventFactory = new DefaultMessageFactory(getORB(), getConfiguration()); Message _event = _notificationEventFactory.newMessage(event); runEvaluation(_event, expr, expect); } private void runEvaluation(Message event, String expr, String expect) throws Exception { AbstractTCLNode _root = TCLParser.parse(expr); AbstractTCLNode _expect = TCLParser.parse(expect); FilterConstraint _evaluator = new ETCLFilterConstraint(_root); EvaluationResult _res; _root.acceptPostOrder(new TCLCleanUp()); EvaluationContext _context = new EvaluationContext(getEvaluator()); _res = _evaluator.evaluate(_context, event); assertEquals("expected " + _root.toStringTree() + " == " + _expect.toStringTree(), _expect .evaluate(null), _res); } }