package org.jacorb.test.listenendpoints.echo_corbaloc; import; import; import; import; public class CmdArgs { protected final static int DEFAULT_DELAY = 1000; protected final static int DEFAULT_NTIMES = -1; protected final String defaultMsg = new String(InetAddress.getLocalHost() + " is hailing server!"); protected String appName = "AppName"; protected String[] args = null; protected String echoMsg = null; protected String iorFile = null; protected String iorString = null; protected String corbalocString = null; protected int delayMilliSec = DEFAULT_DELAY; protected int ntimes = DEFAULT_NTIMES; protected int nthreads = 1; protected boolean loop = false; protected boolean verbose = false; protected boolean testMode = false; protected String testType = "A"; public CmdArgs (String appName, String[] args) throws Exception { this.args = args; this.appName = appName; if (appName == null) { this.appName = "AppName"; } processArgs(); } public boolean processArgs() throws Exception { try { if (args == null || args.length < 1) { return false; } for(int i=0; i < args.length; i++) { if (args[i] == null) { continue; } String cmd = args[i].trim(); if("-help".equals(cmd) || "--help".equals(cmd)) { help(); return false; } if ("-iorfile".equals(cmd) || "--iorfile".equals(cmd)) { if ((i+1) < args.length && args[i+1] != null) { iorFile = args[++i].trim(); // System.out.println("Got " + cmd + ": " + iorFile); File f = new File( iorFile); if ("Client".equals(appName) && (! f.exists() || f.isDirectory())) { System.err.println("File " + iorFile + " does not exist or is a directory."); return false; } if ("Client".equals(appName)) { BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader( new FileReader( f )); iorString = br.readLine(); br.close(); } continue; } else { System.err.println("Commandline argument " + cmd + " <value> is missing the value"); help(); return false; } } if ("-iorstr".equals(cmd) || "--iorstr".equals(cmd)) { if ((i+1) < args.length && args[i+1] != null) { iorString = args[++i].trim(); // System.out.println("Got " + cmd + ": " + iorString); continue; } else { System.err.println("Commandline argument " + cmd + " <value> is missing the value"); help(); return false; } } if("-corbaloc".equals(cmd) || "--corbaloc".equals(cmd)) { if ((i+1) < args.length && args[i+1] != null) { corbalocString = args[++i].trim(); // System.out.println("Got " + cmd + ": " + corbalocString); continue; } else { System.err.println("Commandline argument " + cmd + " <value> is missing the value"); help(); return false; } } if("-msg".equals(cmd) || "--msg".equals(cmd)) { if ((i+1) < args.length && args[i+1] != null) { echoMsg = args[++i]; // System.out.println("Got " + cmd + ": " + echoMsg); if (echoMsg.length() == 0) { echoMsg = defaultMsg; } continue; } } if("-delay".equals(cmd) || "--delay".equals(cmd)) { if ((i+1) < args.length && args[i+1] != null) { delayMilliSec = Integer.parseInt(args[++i]); System.out.println("Got " + cmd + ": " + delayMilliSec + " mSec"); continue; } } if("-ntimes".equals(cmd) || "--ntimes".equals(cmd)) { if ((i+1) < args.length && args[i+1] != null) { ntimes = Integer.parseInt(args[++i]); // System.out.println("Got " + cmd + ": " + ntimes); continue; } } if ("-nthreads".equals(cmd) || "--nthreads".equals(cmd)) { if ((i+1) < args.length && args[i+1] != null) { nthreads = Integer.parseInt(args[++i]); if (nthreads <= 0) { nthreads = 1; } //System.out.println("Got " + cmd + ": " + nthreads); continue; } } if ("-loop".equals(cmd) || "--loop".equals(cmd)) { loop = true; // System.out.println("Got " + cmd + ": " + Boolean.toString(loop)); continue; } if ("-testmode".equals(cmd) || "--testmode".equals(cmd)) { testMode = true; if ((i+1) < args.length && args[i+1] != null) { testType = args[++i].trim(); // System.out.println("Got " + cmd + ": " + corbalocString); if (!"P".equalsIgnoreCase(testType) && !"T".equalsIgnoreCase(testType)) { System.err.println("Commandline argument " + cmd + " <value> maybe P (permanent) or T (transient)"); } continue; } else { System.err.println("Commandline argument " + cmd + " <value> is missing the value"); // help(); return false; } // System.out.println("Got " + cmd + ": " + Boolean.toString(loop)); } if ("-verbose".equals(cmd) || "--verbose".equals(cmd)) { verbose = true; // System.out.println("Got " + cmd + ": " + Boolean.toString(loop)); continue; } } if (delayMilliSec <= 0) { delayMilliSec = DEFAULT_DELAY; } return true; } catch(Exception e) { throw new Exception (e.getMessage()); } } public void help() { System.out.println(appName + " [-help]"); System.out.println(appName + " <-iorfile filename> [-msg quoted message] [-delay mSec] [-ntimes ntimes] [-nthreads nthreads] [-loop]"); System.out.println(appName + " <-iorstr IOR string> [-msg quoted message] [-delay mSec] [-ntimes ntimes] [-nthreads nthreads] [-loop]"); System.out.println(appName + " <-corbaloc corbaloc string> <-msg quoted message> [-delay mSec] [-ntimes ntimes] [-nthreads nthreads] [-loop]"); } public String[] getCmdArgs() { return args; } public String getIORString() { return iorString; } public String getIORFile() { return iorFile; } public String getCorbalocString() { return corbalocString; } public int getDelay() { return delayMilliSec; } public String getEchoMsg() { if (echoMsg != null) { return echoMsg; } else { return defaultMsg; } } public int getnThreads() { return nthreads; } public int getnTimes() { return ntimes; } public boolean getLoop() { return loop; } public boolean getTestMode() { return testMode; } public String getTestType() { return testType; } public void show() { System.out.println("CmdArgs.appName: <" + (appName==null? "is null" : appName) + ">"); System.out.println("CmdArgs.echoMsg: <" + (echoMsg==null? "is null" : echoMsg) + ">"); System.out.println("CmdArgs.iorFile: <" + (iorFile == null? "is null" : iorFile) + ">"); System.out.println("CmdArgs.iorString: <" + (iorString==null? "is null" : iorString) + ">"); System.out.println("CmdArgs.corbalocString: <" + (corbalocString==null? "is null" : corbalocString) + ">"); System.out.println("CmdArgs.delayMilliSec: <" + delayMilliSec + ">"); System.out.println("CmdArgs.ntimes: <" + ntimes + ">"); System.out.println("CmdArgs.nthreads: <" + nthreads + ">"); System.out.println("CmdArgs.loop: <" + loop + ">"); } }