package org.jacorb.orb.miop; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import org.jacorb.config.Configuration; import org.jacorb.config.ConfigurationException; import org.jacorb.orb.CDRInputStream; import org.omg.CORBA.COMM_FAILURE; import org.omg.CORBA.MARSHAL; import org.omg.CORBA.SystemException; import org.omg.ETF.BufferHolder; import org.omg.ETF.Profile; /** * Listen to a specified group port and class D IP address for messages * addressed to this group. * * @author Alysson Neves Bessani * @author Nick Cross * @version 1.0 * @see MIOPConnection MIOPListener */ public class ServerMIOPConnection extends MIOPConnection implements Runnable { /** This socket */ private MulticastSocket socket = null; /** This thread */ private Thread groupListener = null; /** the complete messages (of byte[] arrays] */ private LinkedList<byte[]> fullMessages = new LinkedList<byte[]> (); /** * Incomplete messages. When a message is complete it is transfered to * the fullMessage list */ private HashMap<String, FragmentedMessage> incompleteMessages = null; /** Current read message */ private byte[] current = null; /** read pos in the current message */ private int currentPos = 0; /** socket and connection configuration parameters */ private int socketTimeout; private int timeToLive; private int incompleteMessagesThreshold; private short packetMaxSize; /** * Creates a new server MIOP connection that listen to the specified group. */ public ServerMIOPConnection () { super (); groupListener = new Thread (this); groupListener.setDaemon (true); } /** * Connect the socket. Called by MIOPListener. * * @param profile * @param time_out unused, we use SO_TIMEOUT */ @Override public void connect (Profile profile, long time_out) { if ( ! is_connected()) { if (profile instanceof MIOPProfile) { this.profile = (MIOPProfile) profile; } else { throw new org.omg.CORBA.BAD_PARAM ( "attempt to connect an MIOP connection " + "to a non-MIOP profile: " + profile.getClass()); } try { socket = new MulticastSocket (((MIOPProfile)profile).getUIPMCProfile ().the_port); socket.setSoTimeout (socketTimeout); socket.setTimeToLive (timeToLive); socket.joinGroup (((MIOPProfile)profile).getGroupInetAddress ()); connection_info = socket.toString (); } catch (Exception e) { if (socket != null) { socket.close (); } throw new RuntimeException ("Can't create multicast socket: " + profile); } connected = true; groupListener.start (); } } /** * Tests if there is data available on this connection. * * @return true if there are data available. */ @Override public boolean is_data_available () { return (current != null && currentPos < current.length) || !fullMessages.isEmpty (); } /** * Wait until there is some complete message ready data to be read from * connection. * * @param timeout unused. * @return always true. */ @Override public synchronized boolean wait_next_data (long timeout) { while (fullMessages.isEmpty ()) { try { wait (); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { } } current = fullMessages.removeFirst (); currentPos = 0; return true; } /** * Read data from the connection. * * * @param buffer the buffer holder. * @param offset the buffer offset. * @param minLength the minimum length to be read. * @param maxLength the maximum length to be read. * @param timeout unused */ @Override public synchronized int read (BufferHolder buffer, int offset, int minLength, int maxLength, long timeout) { if (current == null) { wait_next_data (0); } int writen = 0; do { int toRead = Math.min (current.length - currentPos, maxLength); System.arraycopy (current, currentPos, buffer.value, offset + writen, toRead); writen += toRead; currentPos += toRead; if (currentPos == current.length) { current = null; } if (current == null && writen < minLength) { wait_next_data (0); } } while (writen < minLength); return writen; } /** * Close this connection. */ @Override public synchronized void close () { if (!connected) { return; } // Finish with the multicast socket try { socket.leaveGroup (((MIOPProfile)profile).getGroupInetAddress ()); } catch (IOException ex) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug ("Exception when closing the socket", ex); } } try { socket.close (); //this will cause exceptions when trying to read from //the streams. Better than "nulling" them. if( in_stream != null ) { in_stream.close(); } if( out_stream != null ) { out_stream.close(); } } catch (IOException ex) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug ("Exception when closing the socket", ex); } } connected = false; } /** * Run method. Inherited from runnable, this method is used to stay listening * to the socket for new messages. */ @Override public void run () { // create incomplete table if doesn't exist if (incompleteMessages == null) { incompleteMessages = new HashMap<String, FragmentedMessage> (); } // allocates a buffer byte[] buffer = new byte [packetMaxSize]; while (connected) { try { // if the number of messages in incomplete table is greater than a // specified threshold we inspect this table to clear incomplete packets // collections. if (incompleteMessages.size () > incompleteMessagesThreshold) { dropIncompleteMessages (); } // creates a new datagram to be read DatagramPacket packet = new DatagramPacket (buffer, buffer.length); try { // wait for the datagram socket.receive (packet); } catch (SocketTimeoutException ste) { continue; } catch( InterruptedIOException e ) { throw new org.omg.CORBA.TRANSIENT ("Interrupted I/O: " + e); } catch (IOException se) { throw to_COMM_FAILURE (se); } // the packet was received successfully. CDRInputStream in = new CDRInputStream (configuration.getORB (), packet.getData ()); // Read the header // // Manually read in the stream rather than using the generated // PacketHeader_1_0Helper // as we may need to alter endian half way through. org.omg.MIOP.PacketHeader_1_0 header = new org.omg.MIOP.PacketHeader_1_0 (); header.magic = new char[4]; in.read_char_array (header.magic, 0, 4); // Verify the message is MIOP if ( ! MulticastUtil.matchMIOPMagic (header.magic)) { // if it isn't a MIOP message I can ignore it continue; } // We know it is MIOP from now on. header.hdr_version = in.read_octet (); header.flags = in.read_octet (); // Set endian for the stream in.setLittleEndian ((0x01 & header.flags) != 0); header.packet_length = in.read_ushort (); header.packet_number = in.read_ulong (); header.number_of_packets = in.read_ulong (); header.Id = (in); int pos = in.get_pos (); // difference to next MulticastUtil.BOUNDARY (which is an 8 byte boundary) int header_padding = MulticastUtil.BOUNDARY - (pos % MulticastUtil.BOUNDARY); header_padding = (header_padding == MulticastUtil.BOUNDARY) ? 0 : header_padding; // skip header_padding bytes anyway, because if no body is // present, nobody will try to read it in.skip (header_padding); // read the GIOP data byte data[] = new byte[header.packet_length]; if (in.available () < data.length) { throw new MARSHAL ( "Impossible length in MIOP header. Header denotes length of " + header.packet_length + " but only " + in.available () + " is available." ); } in.read_octet_array (data, 0, header.packet_length); String messageId = new String (header.Id); FragmentedMessage message = incompleteMessages.get (messageId); // verify if it's the first message to arrive if (message == null) { // If this is the first fragment of the message create a fragmented message message = new FragmentedMessage (); try { message.configure (configuration); } catch (ConfigurationException e) { logger.error("couldn't create a Fragmented message", e); throw new IllegalArgumentException("wrong configuration: " + e); } incompleteMessages.put (messageId, message); } if (logger.isDebugEnabled ()) { logger.debug ("Received message number " + (header.packet_number + 1) + " out of " + header.number_of_packets + " and adding fragment of size " + data.length); } message.addFragment (header, data); // verify if it's the last message to arrive if (message.isComplete ()) { synchronized (this) { incompleteMessages.remove (messageId); fullMessages.addLast (message.buildMessage ()); notifyAll (); } } } catch (COMM_FAILURE e) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Transport to " + connection_info + ": stream closed " + e.getMessage() ); } if (connected) { close(); } } catch (SystemException e) { if (logger.isWarnEnabled ()) { logger.warn ("ServerMIOPConnection caught exception.", e); } } catch (Throwable e) { if (logger.isErrorEnabled ()) { logger.error ("ServerMIOPConnection caught exception.", e); } } } } /** * Remove all incomplete messages that can be deleted from the incomplete * messages table. */ private final synchronized void dropIncompleteMessages () { Iterator<String> ids = incompleteMessages.keySet ().iterator (); while (ids.hasNext ()) { Object id = (); if (incompleteMessages.get (id).canBeDiscarded ()) { incompleteMessages.remove (id); } } } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see org.jacorb.orb.etf.ConnectionBase#getTimeout() */ @Override protected int getTimeout () { try { return socket.getSoTimeout(); } catch (SocketException se) { throw to_COMM_FAILURE (se); } } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see org.jacorb.orb.etf.ConnectionBase#setTimeout(int) */ @Override protected void setTimeout (int timeout) { if (socket != null) { try { if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) { ("Socket timeout set to " + timeout + " ms"); } socket.setSoTimeout(timeout); } catch( SocketException se ) { if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {"SocketException", se); } } } } @Override public void configure(Configuration config) throws ConfigurationException { super.configure(config); socketTimeout = config.getAttributeAsInteger("jacorb.miop.timeout", MulticastUtil.SO_TIMEOUT); timeToLive = config.getAttributeAsInteger("jacorb.miop.time_to_live", MulticastUtil.TIME_TO_LIVE); incompleteMessagesThreshold = config.getAttributeAsInteger("jacorb.miop.incomplete_messages_threshold", MulticastUtil.INCOMPLETE_MESSAGES_THRESHOULD); packetMaxSize = (short) config.getAttributeAsInteger ("jacorb.miop.packet_max_size", MulticastUtil.PACKET_MAX_SIZE); } }