package jass.generators; import jass.engine.*; import java.util.*; /** Mixer UG. Also allows conversion to stereo. @author Kees van den Doel ( */ public class Mixer extends InOut { // gains of sources protected float[] gains; // pans of sources protected float[] pans; protected int nChannels = 1; protected float[] tmp_buf; // scratchpad /** Set input gain control vector. @param k index of gain @param gains input gain */ public void setGain(int k, float g) { if(k<0 || k >= gains.length) { return; } else { gains[k] = g; } } /** Set input pan @param k index of pan @param pan pan */ public void setPan(int k, float pan) { if(k<0 || k >= pans.length) { return; } else { this.pans[k] = pan; } } /** Set nchannels @param n nchannels */ public void setNChannels(int n) { nChannels = n; } /** Get nchannels @return n nchannels */ public int getNChannels() { return this.nChannels; } /** Get input gain control vector. @param gains input gains */ public float[] getGains() { return gains; } /** Get input pan control vector. @param gains input gains */ public float[] getPans() { return pans; } /** Clear gains ato zero and pans to middle */ public void clear() { for(int i=0;i<gains.length;i++) { gains[i] = 0; pans[i] = 0.5f; } } /** Create mono mixer @param bufferSize Buffer size used for real-time rendering. @param n no inputs */ public Mixer(int bufferSize,int n) { super(bufferSize); gains = new float[n]; pans = new float[n]; nChannels = 1; clear(); tmp_buf = new float[bufferSize]; } /** Create stereo mixer @param bufferSize Buffer size used for real-time rendering. For stereo must be 2X input buffersize @param n no inputs @parm nChannels number of channels (1 or 2) */ public Mixer(int bufferSize,int n,int nChannels) { super(bufferSize); gains = new float[n]; this.nChannels = nChannels; pans = new float[n]; clear(); tmp_buf = new float[bufferSize]; } /** Create. For superclasses @param bufferSize Buffer size used for real-time rendering. */ public Mixer(int bufferSize) { super(bufferSize); } /** Compute the next buffer and store in member float[] buf. Note if stereo then output buf[] is twice as big as input buffers */ protected void computeBuffer() { int bufsz = getBufferSize(); int nsrc = sourceContainer.size(); if(nsrc > gains.length) { nsrc = gains.length; System.out.println("Warning: Mixer has more sources than allowed"); } for(int k=0;k<bufsz;k++) { // can't overwrite buf[] yet as one of the srcBuffers may be pointing to it! tmp_buf[k] = 0; } for(int i=0;i<nsrc;i++) { float[] tmpsrc = srcBuffers[i]; //System.out.println("i= "+i+ "src[] = " + srcBuffers[i][5]); float g = gains[i]; if(nChannels == 1) { for(int k=0;k<bufsz;k++) { tmp_buf[k] += g*tmpsrc[k]; } } else if(nChannels == 2) { int inbufsz = bufsz/2; int iout = 0; float p = pans[i]; for(int k=0;k<inbufsz;k++) { tmp_buf[iout++] += g*(1-p)*tmpsrc[k]; tmp_buf[iout++] += g*p*tmpsrc[k]; } } } for(int k=0;k<bufsz;k++) { buf[k] = tmp_buf[k]; } } }