import edu.uci.ics.jung.graph.DirectedSparseGraph; import edu.uci.ics.jung.graph.util.Pair; import processing.core.PApplet; import processing.core.PVector; import saito.objloader.Face; import saito.objloader.OBJModel; import saito.objloader.Segment; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Random; import java.util.TreeMap; public class Model<T extends Double> extends OBJModel { // should be done somewhere else public static double speedOfSound = 343.2; // could be altered? public static double epsilon = 1.0 / 0.0037;// should be frequency dependent public static double airAbsoption(double distance, double sample) { //System.out.println("sdfsdf "+(float)(Math.exp(-distance/epsilon))+" s "+sample); //double ret = (((Double) sample) * Math.exp((-1.0) * distance / epsilon)); double ret = (((Double) sample) * Math.exp((-1.0) * distance / epsilon)); //float ret = 0; //ret = 0.3f* sample*(float)(1.0/distance); return ret; //return (float)(decibel(sample)-20.0*Math.log(distance)); //return sample*(float)(1.0/distance); } private final static double minDB = 1.e-10; public static double decibel(double a) { double y; double abs_a = Math.abs(a); if (abs_a < minDB) { y = minDB; } else { y = abs_a; } return 20 * Math.log(abs_a) / Math.log(10); } private static float[] azimuthAndElevation(PVector p1, PVector p2) { PVector diff = PVector.sub(p2, p1); //PVector ret = cartesianToPolar(diff); float elev = PApplet.atan2(diff.y, diff.x); float azimuth = PApplet.atan2(diff.z, diff.x); return new float[]{azimuth, elev}; } // x = len; y = angleY -> elevation, z = angleZ -> azimuth public static PVector cartesianToPolar(PVector theVector) { PVector res = new PVector(); res.x = theVector.mag(); if (res.x > 0) { res.y = -PApplet.atan2(theVector.z, theVector.x); res.z = PApplet.asin(theVector.y / res.x); } else { res.y = 0f; res.z = 0f; } return res; } ///// public class GraphModelData<X extends Double> { public LinkedList<Node> listenerNodes; public LinkedList<Node> sourceNodes; public LinkedList<Double> azimuth; public LinkedList<Double> elevation; public DirectedSparseGraph<Node, Edge<X>> graph; public GraphModelData(DirectedSparseGraph<Node, Edge<X>> g, LinkedList<Node> s, LinkedList<Node> l) { this.listenerNodes = l; this.sourceNodes = s; this.graph = g; } } private LinkedList<Face> faceList = new LinkedList<Face>(); private PVector minBounds; private PVector maxBounds; private double size; //private DirectedSparseGraph<Node, Edge<T>> graph = new DirectedSparseGraph<Node, Edge<T>>(); private DirectedSparseGraph<Node, Edge<T>> graph = new DirectedSparseGraph<Node, Edge<T>>(); /** * * Model variables set by the RendererConfig-File * * **/ private int numVolNodes = HypertronVelodyne.getRendererConfig().getNumVolNodes(); private int numWallNodes = HypertronVelodyne.getRendererConfig().getNumWallNodes(); private int numWallNodesRandom = HypertronVelodyne.getRendererConfig().getNumWallNodesRandom(); private double stretchFactor = HypertronVelodyne.getRendererConfig().getStretchFactor(); private int numSourceNodes = HypertronVelodyne.getSourceListenerConfig().getNumSources(); private int numListenerNodes = HypertronVelodyne.getSourceListenerConfig().getNumListeners(); private LinkedList<Node> listenerNodes = new LinkedList<Node>(); private LinkedList<Node> sourceNodes = new LinkedList<Node>(); public Model(PApplet parent, String fileName, String texturePathMode, int shapeMode) { super(parent, fileName, texturePathMode, shapeMode); faceList = new LinkedList<Face>(); float xmin = Float.MAX_VALUE; float ymin = Float.MAX_VALUE; float zmin = Float.MAX_VALUE; float xmax = Float.MIN_VALUE; float ymax = Float.MIN_VALUE; float zmax = Float.MIN_VALUE; for (int j = 0; j < this.getSegmentCount(); j++) { Segment segment = this.getSegment(j); Face[] faces = segment.getFaces(); for (Face f : faces) { faceList.add(f); // bounds PVector center = f.getCenter(); if (center.x < xmin) { xmin = center.x; } if (center.y < ymin) { ymin = center.y; } if (center.z < zmin) { zmin = center.z; } if (center.x >= xmax) { xmax = center.x; } if (center.y >= ymax) { ymax = center.y; } if (center.z >= zmax) { zmax = center.z; } } minBounds = new PVector(xmin, ymin, zmin); maxBounds = new PVector(xmax, ymax, zmax); size = Math.abs(minBounds.dist(maxBounds)); } System.out.println("Bounds: min " + minBounds + " " + maxBounds); this.createGraph(); } public DirectedSparseGraph<Node, Edge<T>> getGraph() { return this.graph; } public GraphModelData<T> getModelData() { return new GraphModelData<T>(this.graph, this.sourceNodes, this.listenerNodes); } private void createGraph() { System.out.println("Creating mesh with " + numWallNodes + " wall Nodes and " + numVolNodes + " volume Nodes"); createListenerAndSources(); createVolumeMesh(); createWallToVolumeScoreMap(); createWallMesh(numWallNodes); createWallMeshRandomized(2*numWallNodes); /*for (Node w1 : this.getGraph().getVertices()) { if (w1.type == Node.NodeType.wall) { for (Node w2 : this.getGraph().getVertices()) { if (w2.type == Node.NodeType.wall && w1 != w2) { double dist = w2.pos.dist(w2.pos); this.getGraph().addEdge(new Edge(dist), w1, w2); this.getGraph().addEdge(new Edge(dist), w2, w1); } } } } */ // set pos & buffers for rendering for (Node n : this.listenerNodes) { LinkedList<float[]> azAndEl = new LinkedList<float[]>(); Collection<Edge<T>> inEdges = this.graph.getInEdges(n); for (Edge e : inEdges) { Node dst = n; Node src = this.graph.getSource(e); azAndEl.add(azimuthAndElevation(dst.pos, src.pos)); } n.createInputChannels(inEdges.size()); n.azimuthAndElevation = azAndEl; } double delayLineLength = 0.0; for (Edge e : graph.getEdges()) { delayLineLength = delayLineLength + e.dist; } for (Node n: this.graph.getVertices()) { Collection<Edge<T>> ins = this.graph.getInEdges(n); Collection<Edge<T>> outs = this.graph.getOutEdges(n); if(ins.size() >= 1 && outs.size() >= 1) { for(Edge<T> eout: outs) { float[] gains = new float[ins.size()]; float gsum = 0.0f; Node outSrcNode = n; Node outDstNode = this.graph.getDest(eout); PVector outDir = PVector.sub(outSrcNode.pos, outDstNode.pos); int inEdgeCntr = 0; for(Edge<T> ein: ins) { Node inSrcNode = this.graph.getSource(ein); Node inDstNode = this.graph.getDest(ein); PVector inDir = PVector.sub(inSrcNode.pos, inDstNode.pos); //cosine similarity float g = (, inDir))/ (outDir.mag()*inDir.mag()); g = (g +1)/2; //System.err.println(g); gains[inEdgeCntr] = g; gsum = gsum + g; inEdgeCntr++; } for(int j=0; j < gains.length; j++) { gains[j] = 5*gains[j]/gsum; } n.edgeGainMap.put((Object) eout, gains); } } } System.out.println("Overall delay line length: " + delayLineLength + " = " + (delayLineLength / this.speedOfSound) + " seconds\nNum. of Lines: " + graph.getEdgeCount()); //System.out.println(graph); } private void createListenerAndSources() { Listener[] listeners = HypertronVelodyne.getSourceListenerConfig().getListeners(); Source[] sources = HypertronVelodyne.getSourceListenerConfig().getSources(); for(Listener l: listeners) { PVector position = new PVector(l.x, l.y, l.z); Node listener = new Node(position, Node.NodeType.listener); =; graph.addVertex(listener); listenerNodes.add(listener); } for(Source s: sources) { PVector position = new PVector(s.x, s.y, s.z); Node source = new Node(position, Node.NodeType.source); =; //source.wavFileReader = new WavFileReader(s.fileName); graph.addVertex(source); listenerNodes.add(source); } } private void createVolumeMesh() { for (int i = 0; i < numVolNodes; i++) { graph.addVertex(new Node(this.getRandomPointInVolume(), Node.NodeType.volume)); } double dist; // fully connected graph for the volume mesh, snd-source is feedforward, listner is feedback // not correct since listener->source is also possible? for (Node src : graph.getVertices()) { for (Node dst : graph.getVertices()) { if (src != dst) { dist = distanceFromVectors(src.pos,dst.pos); if (src.type == Node.NodeType.source) { //if(dst.type == Node.NodeType.listener) continue; graph.addEdge(new Edge(dist), src, dst); } else if (src.type == Node.NodeType.listener) { graph.addEdge(new Edge(dist), dst, src); } else { // feedforward Edge e = new Edge(dist); e.feedforward = true; graph.addEdge(e, src, dst); //TODO fixme??? // feedback /*e = new Edge(dist); e.feedforward = false; graph.addEdge(e, dst, src);*/ } } } } } // Use something serious here... // and take care of similar scores... TreeMap<Double, Pair<Node>> wallToVolumeMap = new TreeMap<Double, Pair<Node>>(); private void createWallToVolumeScoreMap() { for (Node volNode : graph.getVertices()) { if (volNode.type != Node.NodeType.wall) { for (Face face : faceList) { // not correct, should overwrite only if score for specific node is better wallToVolumeMap.put(directionalDistanceScore(face, volNode.pos), new Pair(new Node(face.getCenter(), Node.NodeType.wall), volNode)); } } } } private double distanceFromVectors(PVector a, PVector b) { return (double) Math.abs(PVector.dist(a,b)) * stretchFactor; } private void createWallMesh(int numFaces) { // use k-best faces int cntrAddedFaces = 0; double distance = 0; for (Entry<Double, Pair<Node>> e : wallToVolumeMap.entrySet()) { if (numFaces == cntrAddedFaces) { break; } Pair<Node> nodes = e.getValue(); Node wall = nodes.getFirst(); graph.addVertex(wall); Node vol = nodes.getSecond(); //graph.addVertex(vol); System.err.println("www "+graph.containsVertex(vol)+ " --- wall "+graph.containsVertex(wall)); distance = distanceFromVectors(wall.pos, vol.pos); System.err.println("wall node"+distance+" "); //graph.addEdge(new Edge(distance), wall, vol); graph.addEdge(new Edge(distance), vol, wall); for(Node nv: graph.getVertices()) { if(nv != wall && nv != vol && nv.type != Node.NodeType.wall && nv.type != Node.NodeType.source) { double nvd = distanceFromVectors(wall.pos, nv.pos); graph.addEdge(new Edge(nvd), wall, nv); } } cntrAddedFaces++; } } private void createWallMeshRandomized(int numFaces) { int nodeCounter = 0; while(nodeCounter != numFaces) { int index = (int)Math.floor(random(0, numFaces)); if(index < 0 || index >= faceList.size()) { continue; } Face face = faceList.get(index); //TODO: possible bug, lookup if wall node already exists PVector center = face.getCenter(); Node wall = null; for (Node n: graph.getVertices()) { if(n.pos.x == center.x && n.pos.y == center.y && n.pos.z == center.z) { wall = n; } } if(wall == null) { wall = new Node(face.getCenter(), Node.NodeType.wall); graph.addVertex(wall); } Collection<Node> c = graph.getVertices(); for(Node nv: c) { if(nv != wall && nv.type != Node.NodeType.wall && nv.type != Node.NodeType.source) { double nvd = distanceFromVectors(wall.pos, nv.pos); graph.addEdge(new Edge(nvd), wall, nv); } } nodeCounter++; } } private double directionalDistanceScore(Face f, PVector pos) { // score = normalized distance + inv cos alpha PVector fc = f.getCenter(); double distance = Math.abs(fc.dist(pos)) / this.size; PVector direction = fc.sub(fc, pos); PVector fNorm = f.getNormal().get(); fNorm.normalize(); direction.normalize(); double invCosA = 1.0 -; return distance + invCosA; } public LinkedList<Face> getFaceList() { return this.faceList; } private Random rndm = new Random(); private float random(float lo, float hi) { float dist = Math.abs(hi - lo); return (dist * rndm.nextFloat()) + lo; } public PVector getRandomPointInsideBounds() { float xrnd = random(minBounds.x, maxBounds.x); float yrnd = random(minBounds.y, maxBounds.y); float zrnd = random(minBounds.z, maxBounds.z); return new PVector(xrnd, yrnd, zrnd); } public PVector getRandomPointInVolume() { boolean insideVolume = false; PVector pos = null; while (!insideVolume) { insideVolume = true; pos = this.getRandomPointInsideBounds(); //System.out.println(pos); for (Face f : faceList) { if (!f.isFacingPosition(pos)) { insideVolume = false; } } } return pos; } }