import javax.swing.JFrame; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.awt.geom.*; import java.util.*; import jass.generators.*; import jass.render.*; import jass.engine.*; /** Capture mouse speed, filter it to remove worst jitter, and use vertical and horizontal components of the mouse speed to drive a modal resonance model. This is a prototype of an inhomogeneous scratchable surface. I experimented with various Ramez filters and left traces of these experiments in the source code. */ public class DemoMouseScrape extends Thread implements MouseMotionListener, ComponentListener { public static final int DIM = 2; /** component over which mouse events are gathered */ Component component; /** current mouse position */ int x = 0, y = 0; /** dimension of component, in pixels. Changed if component is resized */ Dimension size; /** true if input is scaled to [0,1] */ boolean scaled = true; /** Contruct input source, which produces mouse (x,y) positions * from dragging on <code>component</code>. * * @param component Active component on which to drag * @param scaled if true, input is scaled to [0,1] in the component */ DemoMouseScrape( Component component, boolean scaled) { this.component = component; this.scaled = scaled; size = component.getSize(); drawDisplay(); } /** Initialize resources and start capture. Must call {@link #read} at <code>inputRate</code> to consume input data. @return true if successfully started. */ public boolean mystart() { component.addMouseMotionListener(this); if (scaled) { component.addComponentListener(this); } return true; } /** Stop collecting data and free resources public void stop() { component.removeMouseMotionListener(this); if (scaled) { component.removeComponentListener(this); } } */ /** read next input. A client of this class should arrange to read the data out at the inputRate. Returns the latest mouse position. */ public void read(float[] u) { if (scaled) { u[0] = (float) x / size.width ; u[1] = (float) y / size.height ; } else { u[0] = x; u[1] = y; } } /** return raw mouse position, even if scaled values are being returned by read. Note, this is the current value and may be different than what is returned by read */ public void readRaw(float[] rawU) { rawU[0] = x; rawU[1] = y; } /** return input dimension */ public int getDimension() { return DIM; } private void drawDisplay() { Graphics g = component.getGraphics(); int nhor=35,nvert=35,x1,x2,y1,y2; int wi=size.width/nhor,hi=size.height/nvert; y2= size.height; y1=0; for(int i=0;i<=nhor;i++) { x1=x2=i*(size.width/nhor); g.drawLine(x1,y1,x2,y2); } //System.out.println("drawDisplay\n"); } //////////////////////////////////////// ///Implement ComponentListener public void componentResized(ComponentEvent e) { size = component.getSize(); drawDisplay(); } public void componentHidden(ComponentEvent e) { drawDisplay(); } public void componentMoved(ComponentEvent e) { drawDisplay(); } public void componentShown(ComponentEvent e) { drawDisplay(); } //////////////////////////////////////// ///implement MouseMotionListener /** save current mouse position */ public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e) { //x = e.getX(); //y = e.getY(); //System.out.println("drag\n"); //drawDisplay(); } //int lastx=0,lasty=0; //long lastt=0; //float vx,vy; public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e) { x = e.getX(); y = e.getY(); } static ModalObjectWithOneContact sob; static LoopNBuffers af; static float vvx=0; static float vvy=0; static float vvv=0; public static void main (String[] args) { float srate = 44100; int bufferSize = 32; int bufferSizeJavaSound = 8*1024; if(args.length != 4) { System.out.println("Usage: java DemoMouseScrape 30 ../data/ ../data/grid.wav ../data/white.wav"); return; } final SourcePlayer sp = new SourcePlayer(bufferSize,bufferSizeJavaSound,srate); sp.setUseNativeSound(true); sp.setNumRtAudioBuffersNative(512/bufferSize); try { sob = new ModalObjectWithOneContact(new ModalModel(args[1]),srate,bufferSize); } catch ( ee) { System.out.println("Modes file not found\n"); } af = new LoopNBuffers(srate,bufferSize,new String[] {args[2],args[3]}); try { sob.addSource(af); sp.addSource(sob); } catch(SinkIsFullException ee) { System.out.println(ee); System.exit(0); } sp.start(); final int rate = Integer.parseInt(args[0]); // Hz //Create the top-level container and add viewer JFrame frame = new JFrame(); //Finish setting up the frame, and show it. frame.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() { public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) { System.out.println("Stopping SourcePlayer"); sp.stopPlaying(); try{ sleep(500); } catch(Exception e3) { } System.exit(0); } }); frame.setSize(new Dimension(400,400)); frame.setVisible(true); final DemoMouseScrape mi = new DemoMouseScrape(frame, true); Timer timer = new Timer(); TimerTask task = new TimerTask() { float[] u = new float[mi.getDimension()]; int ibegin=0,iend=0; // begin and end pointers in ubuf float[] xbuf; float[] ybuf; final float[] bRamez20 = { 0.3831f, 0.0407f, 0.0436f, 0.0485f, 0.0557f, 0.0659f, 0.0814f, 0.1075f, 0.1600f, 0.3187f, 0, -0.3187f, -0.1600f, -0.1075f, -0.0814f, -0.0659f, -0.0557f, -0.0485f, -0.0436f, -0.0407f, -0.3831f }; final float[] bRamez10 = { 0.4033f, 0.0877f, 0.1108f, 0.1627f, 0.3205f, 0, -0.3205f, -0.1627f, -0.1108f, -0.0877f, -0.4033f, }; final float[] bRamez5 = { 0.4436f, 0.2839f, 0.2225f, -0.2225f, -0.2839f, -0.4436f }; final float[] bRamez4 = { 0.4678f, 0.3278f, 0, -0.3278f, -0.4678f }; final float[] bRamez3 = { 0.5913f, 0.2137f, -0.2137f, -0.5913f }; float[] bRamez; void insert(float x, float y) { int newend = iend+1; if(newend>=bRamez.length) { newend = 0; } if(newend == ibegin) { // was full ibegin++; if(ibegin>=bRamez.length) { ibegin = 0; } iend = newend; } else { // was not full iend = newend; } xbuf[iend] = x; ybuf[iend] = y; } float firDiff(float[] x) { int j=0; float ret=0; if(ibegin<iend) { for(int i=iend;i>=ibegin;i--) { ret += bRamez[j]*x[i]; //System.out.println(j); j++; } } else { for(int i=iend;i>=0;i--) { ret += bRamez[j]*x[i]; //System.out.println(j); j++; } for(int i=bRamez.length-1;i>=ibegin;i--) { ret += bRamez[j]*x[i]; //System.out.println(j); j++; } } return ret; } public void clearHist() { for(int i=0;i<bRamez.length;i++) { xbuf[i] = ybuf[i] = 1.f; } } { bRamez = bRamez3; xbuf = new float[bRamez.length]; ybuf = new float[bRamez.length]; clearHist(); } public void run() { float[] v = {1,1};; insert(u[0],u[1]); vvx = firDiff(xbuf); vvy = firDiff(ybuf); vvv = (float)(5*Math.sqrt(vvx*vvx+vvy*vvy)); v[0] = (float)(5*Math.abs(vvx)); v[1] = (float)(5*Math.abs(vvy)); double realTime = jass.render.MicroTime.getTime(); System.out.println(realTime); af.setSpeed(v); } }; mi.mystart(); timer.scheduleAtFixedRate(task, 0, (long) (1000.0/rate)); } }