import*; import jass.render.*; import jass.engine.*; import jass.generators.*; /** Testing that a source can be attached to multiple sinks. Kinda superfluous as examples/delay also has the Mixer attached to itself and the SourcePlayer. */ public class ShareSourceTest extends Thread { public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException{ int bufferSize = 128; float srate = 44100/8; SourcePlayer sp1 = new SourcePlayer(bufferSize,8*1024,srate); LoopBuffer af = new LoopBuffer(srate,bufferSize,"../../data/neytone2.wav"); ModalModel mm1 = null, mm2 = null; try { mm1 = new ModalModel("../../data/"); mm2 = new ModalModel("../../data/"); } catch(FileNotFoundException e) { System.out.println(e); System.exit(0); } ModalObjectWithOneContact mo1 = new ModalObjectWithOneContact(mm1,srate,bufferSize); ModalObjectWithOneContact mo2 = new ModalObjectWithOneContact(mm2,srate,bufferSize); try { mo1.addSource(af); mo2.addSource(af); sp1.addSource(mo1); sp1.addSource(mo2); } catch(SinkIsFullException e) { System.out.println(e); System.exit(0); } sp1.start(); } }