import*; import java.util.*; /* String s1="Hello World!"; int a = s1.length(); a will be set to 12 System.out.println(s1.substring(6)); Will print out "World!" remember, we count from 0 (goes all the way to end) System.out.println(s1.substring(6,8)); Will output "Wo" (exclusive of 8) String s2 = s1.toUpperCase(); // s2 <-- "HELLO WORLD!" String s1.indexOf(" ") will print out location of " " (ie: 5) */ public class StringStuff{ public String capitalize(String name){ String firstcap = name.substring(0,1).toUpperCase(); String wordA = firstcap + name.substring(1,name.indexOf(" ")); String secondcap = name.substring((name.indexOf(" ")+1),(name.indexOf(" ")+2)).toUpperCase(); String wordB = secondcap + name.substring((name.indexOf(" ")+2)); return wordA + " " + wordB; } public String bondify(String name){ String wordA = name.substring(0,name.indexOf(" ")); String wordB = name.substring(name.indexOf(" ")+1); return wordB + " " + wordA + " " + wordB; } public String pigLatinify(String name){ String firstlet = name.substring(0,1); String first2let = name.substring(0,2); String rest1 = name.substring(1); String rest2 = name.substring(2); if (firstlet.indexOf("a") == 0 || firstlet.indexOf("e") == 0 || firstlet.indexOf("i") == 0 || firstlet.indexOf("o") == 0 || firstlet.indexOf("u") == 0 || firstlet.indexOf("y") == 0) { return name + "ay"; } else if (first2let.indexOf("th") == 0 || first2let.indexOf("sh") == 0 || first2let.indexOf("ch") == 0) { return rest2 + first2let + "ay"; } else { return rest1 + firstlet + "ay"; } } }