import*; import java.util.*; public class Coingame{ private Coinpurse p1 = new Coinpurse(500); private Coinpurse p2 = new Coinpurse(500); private int pot = 0; private Coin c1 = new Coin(); public void potHelper(int amt){ pot = pot + (2*amt); p1.removeAmt(amt); p2.removeAmt(amt); } public void setPot(){ Random r = new Random(); int x = r.nextInt(5); while (x >= 0){ int y = r.nextInt(4); if (y == 0) potHelper(1); else if (y == 1) potHelper(5); else if (y == 2) potHelper(10); else potHelper(20); x = x - 1; } } public void flipCoins(){ c1.setCoin(); c1.coinFlip(); c1.coinFlip(); int h = c1.getHeads(); if (h == 2) givePot(p1); else if (h == 0) givePot(p2); else {} } public void givePot(Coinpurse winner){ winner.addAmt(pot); pot = 0; } public void winner(){ int one = p1.getAmount(); int two = p2.getAmount(); if (one > two) System.out.println("Player One is winning with $" + one + " and Player Two has $" + two + "."); else if (two > one) System.out.println("Player Two is winning with $" + two + " and Player One has $" + one + "."); else System.out.println("It is a tie with both at $" + one + "."); } public void turn(){ setPot(); System.out.println("The pot is $" + pot + "."); flipCoins(); System.out.println("Head(s) flipped: " + c1.getHeads()); winner(); } public void turn(int x){ while (x > 0){ turn(); x = x - 1; } } }