import*; import java.util.*; public class StringStuff { private int indx; private String first, last; public String capitalize (String name){ indx = name.indexOf(" "); first= name.substring(0,1).toUpperCase() + name.substring(1,indx); last= name.substring(indx+1,indx+2).toUpperCase() + name.substring(indx+2); return first+" "+ last; } public String bondify (String name){ indx= name.indexOf(" "); last= name.substring(indx+1); return last+", "+ name;} /*took pig latin froms stone, was my partner; lost my code when i had to make the new git clone*/ public String pigLatinify(String lword){ String flet,end,llet; flet = lword.substring(0,1); end = lword.substring(1); llet = lword.substring(lword.length() - 1); if (flet == "a" || flet == "e" || flet == "i" || flet == "o" || flet == "u"){ if (llet == "a" || llet == "e" || llet == "i" || llet == "o" || llet == "u"){ return lword + "yay"; } else{ return lword + "ay"; } } else{ return end + flet + "ay"; } } }