import*; import java.util.*; public class CoinGame{ Coin c1 = new Coin(); Coin c2 = new Coin(); BankAccount p1 = new BankAccount("Alicia",123,500.00); BankAccount p2 = new BankAccount("Christina",456,500.00); double pot = 0; double amt = 0; public void addToPot(){ amt = Math.random() * 10; p1.withdraw(amt); p2.withdraw(amt); pot = (amt * 2) + pot; } public String getBalances(){ String r = "Player 1: " + p1.getBalance() + "\n" + "Player 2: " + p2.getBalance(); return r; } public void turn(){ addToPot(); c1.flip(); c2.flip(); if (c1.getFace() == c2.getFace()) { if (c1.getFace() == "Heads") { p1.deposit(pot); System.out.println("Pot Amount:" + pot); System.out.println("Both coins were heads, p1 gets the pot"); System.out.println(getBalances()); pot = 0.00; } else { p2.deposit (pot); System.out.println("Pot Amount:" + pot); System.out.println("Both coins were tails, p2 gets the pot"); System.out.println(getBalances()); pot = 0.00; } } else { System.out.println("Coins were different. No one gets the pot"); } } public void play (int n){ while( n > 0) { turn(); n = n-1; } } public String winner (){ if (p1.getBalance() > p2.getBalance()) { return "Congratulations! Player 1 wins"; } else if (p1.getBalance () == p2.getBalance()) { return "Tie"; } else { return "Congratulations! Player 2 wins"; } } }