//Andrew Fischer import java.io.*; import java.util.*; public class stringStuff { String firstCap; String lastCap; String afterFirst; String afterLast; public String capatalize(String name){ int len = name.length(); int space = name.indexOf(" "); firstCap = name.substring(0,1); lastCap = name.substring(space + 1, space + 2); afterFirst = name.substring(1, space); afterLast = name.substring((space + 2), len); return firstCap.toUpperCase() + afterFirst + " " + lastCap.toUpperCase() + afterLast; } public String bondify(String name){ int space = name.indexOf(" "); int len = name.length(); int lastInit = space + 1; String firstName = name.substring(0, space); String lastName = name.substring(lastInit, len); return lastName + ", " + firstName + " " + lastName + "."; } public String pigLatinify(String name){ String firstLet = name.substring(0,1); int len = name.length(); String wordEnd = name.substring(1,len); String word2End = name.substring(2,len); String first2 = name.substring(0,2); String vows = "a e i o u"; String result; if(firstLet == "a"){ result = name + "yay"; } if(firstLet == "e"){ result = name + "yay"; } if(firstLet == "i"){ result = name + "yay"; } if(firstLet == "o"){ result = name + "yay"; } if(firstLet == "u"){ result = name + "yay"; } else if(first2 == "ch"){ result = word2End + "chay"; } else if(first2 == "th"){ result = word2End + "thay"; } else if(first2 == "sh"){ result = word2End + "shay"; } else{ result = wordEnd + firstLet + "ay"; } return result; } } //String capitalize(String name) – this will accept a String representing a name (assume names are sent in all lower case, two names, first and last, with one space in between). The method will return a new String representing the name capitalized. So capitalize(“mike zamansky”) will return the String “Mike Zamansky”. //String bondify(String name) – this will accept a String specifying a name (using the same assumptions as in the previous question) and will return a String in the form “last, first last” as James Bond might do. So, bondify(“James Bond”) would return “Bond, James Bond” and bondify(“Mike Zamansky”) would return “Zamansky, Mike Zamansky.”