/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.hbase; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.SortedMap; import java.util.TreeMap; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.Cell; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.HTableInterface; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.conf.HiveConf; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.StatObjectConverter; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.AggrStats; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.ColumnStatistics; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.ColumnStatisticsData; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.ColumnStatisticsDesc; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.ColumnStatisticsObj; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.DecimalColumnStatsData; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.DoubleColumnStatsData; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.FieldSchema; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.LongColumnStatsData; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.Partition; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.SerDeInfo; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.StorageDescriptor; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.StringColumnStatsData; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.Table; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import org.mockito.Mock; import org.mockito.MockitoAnnotations; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; public class TestHBaseAggregateStatsExtrapolation { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory .getLogger(TestHBaseAggregateStatsExtrapolation.class.getName()); @Mock HTableInterface htable; private HBaseStore store; SortedMap<String, Cell> rows = new TreeMap<>(); // NDV will be 3 for the bitVectors String bitVectors = "{0, 4, 5, 7}{0, 1}{0, 1, 2}{0, 1, 4}{0}{0, 2}{0, 3}{0, 2, 3, 4}{0, 1, 4}{0, 1}{0}{0, 1, 3, 8}{0, 2}{0, 2}{0, 9}{0, 1, 4}"; @Before public void before() throws IOException { MockitoAnnotations.initMocks(this); HiveConf conf = new HiveConf(); conf.setBoolean(HBaseReadWrite.NO_CACHE_CONF, true); store = MockUtils.init(conf, htable, rows); store.backdoor().getStatsCache().resetCounters(); } private static interface Checker { void checkStats(AggrStats aggrStats) throws Exception; } @Test public void allPartitionsHaveBitVectorStatusLong() throws Exception { String dbName = "default"; String tableName = "snp"; long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); List<FieldSchema> cols = new ArrayList<>(); cols.add(new FieldSchema("col1", "long", "nocomment")); SerDeInfo serde = new SerDeInfo("serde", "seriallib", null); StorageDescriptor sd = new StorageDescriptor(cols, "file:/tmp", "input", "output", false, 0, serde, null, null, Collections.<String, String> emptyMap()); List<FieldSchema> partCols = new ArrayList<>(); partCols.add(new FieldSchema("ds", "string", "")); Table table = new Table(tableName, dbName, "me", (int) now, (int) now, 0, sd, partCols, Collections.<String, String> emptyMap(), null, null, null); store.createTable(table); List<List<String>> partVals = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { List<String> partVal = Arrays.asList("" + i); partVals.add(partVal); StorageDescriptor psd = new StorageDescriptor(sd); psd.setLocation("file:/tmp/default/hit/ds=" + partVal); Partition part = new Partition(partVal, dbName, tableName, (int) now, (int) now, psd, Collections.<String, String> emptyMap()); store.addPartition(part); ColumnStatistics cs = new ColumnStatistics(); ColumnStatisticsDesc desc = new ColumnStatisticsDesc(false, dbName, tableName); desc.setLastAnalyzed(now); desc.setPartName("ds=" + partVal); cs.setStatsDesc(desc); ColumnStatisticsObj obj = new ColumnStatisticsObj(); obj.setColName("col1"); obj.setColType("long"); ColumnStatisticsData data = new ColumnStatisticsData(); LongColumnStatsData dcsd = new LongColumnStatsData(); dcsd.setHighValue(1000 + i); dcsd.setLowValue(-1000 - i); dcsd.setNumNulls(i); dcsd.setNumDVs(10 * i + 1); dcsd.setBitVectors(bitVectors); data.setLongStats(dcsd); obj.setStatsData(data); cs.addToStatsObj(obj); store.updatePartitionColumnStatistics(cs, partVal); } Checker statChecker = new Checker() { @Override public void checkStats(AggrStats aggrStats) throws Exception { Assert.assertEquals(10, aggrStats.getPartsFound()); Assert.assertEquals(1, aggrStats.getColStatsSize()); ColumnStatisticsObj cso = aggrStats.getColStats().get(0); Assert.assertEquals("col1", cso.getColName()); Assert.assertEquals("long", cso.getColType()); LongColumnStatsData lcsd = cso.getStatsData().getLongStats(); Assert.assertEquals(1009, lcsd.getHighValue(), 0.01); Assert.assertEquals(-1009, lcsd.getLowValue(), 0.01); Assert.assertEquals(45, lcsd.getNumNulls()); Assert.assertEquals(3, lcsd.getNumDVs()); } }; List<String> partNames = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { partNames.add("ds=" + i); } AggrStats aggrStats = store.get_aggr_stats_for(dbName, tableName, partNames, Arrays.asList("col1")); statChecker.checkStats(aggrStats); } @Test public void allPartitionsHaveBitVectorStatusDecimal() throws Exception { String dbName = "default"; String tableName = "snp"; long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); List<FieldSchema> cols = new ArrayList<>(); cols.add(new FieldSchema("col1_decimal", "decimal", "nocomment")); SerDeInfo serde = new SerDeInfo("serde", "seriallib", null); StorageDescriptor sd = new StorageDescriptor(cols, "file:/tmp", "input", "output", false, 0, serde, null, null, Collections.<String, String> emptyMap()); List<FieldSchema> partCols = new ArrayList<>(); partCols.add(new FieldSchema("ds", "string", "")); Table table = new Table(tableName, dbName, "me", (int) now, (int) now, 0, sd, partCols, Collections.<String, String> emptyMap(), null, null, null); store.createTable(table); List<List<String>> partVals = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { List<String> partVal = Arrays.asList("" + i); partVals.add(partVal); StorageDescriptor psd = new StorageDescriptor(sd); psd.setLocation("file:/tmp/default/hit/ds=" + partVal); Partition part = new Partition(partVal, dbName, tableName, (int) now, (int) now, psd, Collections.<String, String> emptyMap()); store.addPartition(part); ColumnStatistics cs = new ColumnStatistics(); ColumnStatisticsDesc desc = new ColumnStatisticsDesc(false, dbName, tableName); desc.setLastAnalyzed(now); desc.setPartName("ds=" + partVal); cs.setStatsDesc(desc); ColumnStatisticsObj obj = new ColumnStatisticsObj(); obj.setColName("col1_decimal"); obj.setColType("decimal"); ColumnStatisticsData data = new ColumnStatisticsData(); DecimalColumnStatsData dcsd = new DecimalColumnStatsData(); dcsd.setHighValue(StatObjectConverter.createThriftDecimal("" + (1000 + i))); dcsd.setLowValue(StatObjectConverter.createThriftDecimal("" + (-1000 - i))); dcsd.setNumNulls(i); dcsd.setNumDVs(10 * i + 1); dcsd.setBitVectors(bitVectors); data.setDecimalStats(dcsd); obj.setStatsData(data); cs.addToStatsObj(obj); store.updatePartitionColumnStatistics(cs, partVal); } Checker statChecker = new Checker() { @Override public void checkStats(AggrStats aggrStats) throws Exception { Assert.assertEquals(10, aggrStats.getPartsFound()); Assert.assertEquals(1, aggrStats.getColStatsSize()); ColumnStatisticsObj cso = aggrStats.getColStats().get(0); Assert.assertEquals("col1_decimal", cso.getColName()); Assert.assertEquals("decimal", cso.getColType()); DecimalColumnStatsData lcsd = cso.getStatsData().getDecimalStats(); Assert.assertEquals(1009, HBaseUtils.getDoubleValue(lcsd.getHighValue()), 0.01); Assert.assertEquals(-1009, HBaseUtils.getDoubleValue(lcsd.getLowValue()), 0.01); Assert.assertEquals(45, lcsd.getNumNulls()); Assert.assertEquals(3, lcsd.getNumDVs()); } }; List<String> partNames = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { partNames.add("ds=" + i); } AggrStats aggrStats = store.get_aggr_stats_for(dbName, tableName, partNames, Arrays.asList("col1_decimal")); statChecker.checkStats(aggrStats); } @Test public void allPartitionsHaveBitVectorStatusDouble() throws Exception { String dbName = "default"; String tableName = "snp"; long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); List<FieldSchema> cols = new ArrayList<>(); cols.add(new FieldSchema("col1_double", "double", "nocomment")); SerDeInfo serde = new SerDeInfo("serde", "seriallib", null); StorageDescriptor sd = new StorageDescriptor(cols, "file:/tmp", "input", "output", false, 0, serde, null, null, Collections.<String, String> emptyMap()); List<FieldSchema> partCols = new ArrayList<>(); partCols.add(new FieldSchema("ds", "string", "")); Table table = new Table(tableName, dbName, "me", (int) now, (int) now, 0, sd, partCols, Collections.<String, String> emptyMap(), null, null, null); store.createTable(table); List<List<String>> partVals = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { List<String> partVal = Arrays.asList("" + i); partVals.add(partVal); StorageDescriptor psd = new StorageDescriptor(sd); psd.setLocation("file:/tmp/default/hit/ds=" + partVal); Partition part = new Partition(partVal, dbName, tableName, (int) now, (int) now, psd, Collections.<String, String> emptyMap()); store.addPartition(part); ColumnStatistics cs = new ColumnStatistics(); ColumnStatisticsDesc desc = new ColumnStatisticsDesc(false, dbName, tableName); desc.setLastAnalyzed(now); desc.setPartName("ds=" + partVal); cs.setStatsDesc(desc); ColumnStatisticsObj obj = new ColumnStatisticsObj(); obj.setColName("col1_double"); obj.setColType("double"); ColumnStatisticsData data = new ColumnStatisticsData(); DoubleColumnStatsData dcsd = new DoubleColumnStatsData(); dcsd.setHighValue(1000 + i); dcsd.setLowValue(-1000 - i); dcsd.setNumNulls(i); dcsd.setNumDVs(10 * i + 1); dcsd.setBitVectors(bitVectors); data.setDoubleStats(dcsd); obj.setStatsData(data); cs.addToStatsObj(obj); store.updatePartitionColumnStatistics(cs, partVal); } Checker statChecker = new Checker() { @Override public void checkStats(AggrStats aggrStats) throws Exception { Assert.assertEquals(10, aggrStats.getPartsFound()); Assert.assertEquals(1, aggrStats.getColStatsSize()); ColumnStatisticsObj cso = aggrStats.getColStats().get(0); Assert.assertEquals("col1_double", cso.getColName()); Assert.assertEquals("double", cso.getColType()); DoubleColumnStatsData lcsd = cso.getStatsData().getDoubleStats(); Assert.assertEquals(1009, lcsd.getHighValue(), 0.01); Assert.assertEquals(-1009, lcsd.getLowValue(), 0.01); Assert.assertEquals(45, lcsd.getNumNulls()); Assert.assertEquals(3, lcsd.getNumDVs()); } }; List<String> partNames = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { partNames.add("ds=" + i); } AggrStats aggrStats = store.get_aggr_stats_for(dbName, tableName, partNames, Arrays.asList("col1_double")); statChecker.checkStats(aggrStats); } @Test public void allPartitionsHaveBitVectorStatusString() throws Exception { String dbName = "default"; String tableName = "snp"; long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); List<FieldSchema> cols = new ArrayList<>(); cols.add(new FieldSchema("col1_string", "string", "nocomment")); SerDeInfo serde = new SerDeInfo("serde", "seriallib", null); StorageDescriptor sd = new StorageDescriptor(cols, "file:/tmp", "input", "output", false, 0, serde, null, null, Collections.<String, String> emptyMap()); List<FieldSchema> partCols = new ArrayList<>(); partCols.add(new FieldSchema("ds", "string", "")); Table table = new Table(tableName, dbName, "me", (int) now, (int) now, 0, sd, partCols, Collections.<String, String> emptyMap(), null, null, null); store.createTable(table); List<List<String>> partVals = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { List<String> partVal = Arrays.asList("" + i); partVals.add(partVal); StorageDescriptor psd = new StorageDescriptor(sd); psd.setLocation("file:/tmp/default/hit/ds=" + partVal); Partition part = new Partition(partVal, dbName, tableName, (int) now, (int) now, psd, Collections.<String, String> emptyMap()); store.addPartition(part); ColumnStatistics cs = new ColumnStatistics(); ColumnStatisticsDesc desc = new ColumnStatisticsDesc(false, dbName, tableName); desc.setLastAnalyzed(now); desc.setPartName("ds=" + partVal); cs.setStatsDesc(desc); ColumnStatisticsObj obj = new ColumnStatisticsObj(); obj.setColName("col1_string"); obj.setColType("string"); ColumnStatisticsData data = new ColumnStatisticsData(); StringColumnStatsData dcsd = new StringColumnStatsData(); dcsd.setAvgColLen(i + 1); dcsd.setMaxColLen(i + 10); dcsd.setNumNulls(i); dcsd.setNumDVs(10 * i + 1); dcsd.setBitVectors(bitVectors); data.setStringStats(dcsd); obj.setStatsData(data); cs.addToStatsObj(obj); store.updatePartitionColumnStatistics(cs, partVal); } Checker statChecker = new Checker() { @Override public void checkStats(AggrStats aggrStats) throws Exception { Assert.assertEquals(10, aggrStats.getPartsFound()); Assert.assertEquals(1, aggrStats.getColStatsSize()); ColumnStatisticsObj cso = aggrStats.getColStats().get(0); Assert.assertEquals("col1_string", cso.getColName()); Assert.assertEquals("string", cso.getColType()); StringColumnStatsData lcsd = cso.getStatsData().getStringStats(); Assert.assertEquals(10, lcsd.getAvgColLen(), 0.01); Assert.assertEquals(19, lcsd.getMaxColLen(), 0.01); Assert.assertEquals(45, lcsd.getNumNulls()); Assert.assertEquals(3, lcsd.getNumDVs()); } }; List<String> partNames = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { partNames.add("ds=" + i); } AggrStats aggrStats = store.get_aggr_stats_for(dbName, tableName, partNames, Arrays.asList("col1_string")); statChecker.checkStats(aggrStats); } @Test public void noPartitionsHaveBitVectorStatus() throws Exception { String dbName = "default"; String tableName = "snp"; long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); List<FieldSchema> cols = new ArrayList<>(); cols.add(new FieldSchema("col2", "long", "nocomment")); SerDeInfo serde = new SerDeInfo("serde", "seriallib", null); StorageDescriptor sd = new StorageDescriptor(cols, "file:/tmp", "input", "output", false, 0, serde, null, null, Collections.<String, String> emptyMap()); List<FieldSchema> partCols = new ArrayList<>(); partCols.add(new FieldSchema("ds", "string", "")); Table table = new Table(tableName, dbName, "me", (int) now, (int) now, 0, sd, partCols, Collections.<String, String> emptyMap(), null, null, null); store.createTable(table); List<List<String>> partVals = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { List<String> partVal = Arrays.asList("" + i); partVals.add(partVal); StorageDescriptor psd = new StorageDescriptor(sd); psd.setLocation("file:/tmp/default/hit/ds=" + partVal); Partition part = new Partition(partVal, dbName, tableName, (int) now, (int) now, psd, Collections.<String, String> emptyMap()); store.addPartition(part); ColumnStatistics cs = new ColumnStatistics(); ColumnStatisticsDesc desc = new ColumnStatisticsDesc(false, dbName, tableName); desc.setLastAnalyzed(now); desc.setPartName("ds=" + partVal); cs.setStatsDesc(desc); ColumnStatisticsObj obj = new ColumnStatisticsObj(); obj.setColName("col2"); obj.setColType("long"); ColumnStatisticsData data = new ColumnStatisticsData(); LongColumnStatsData dcsd = new LongColumnStatsData(); dcsd.setHighValue(1000 + i); dcsd.setLowValue(-1000 - i); dcsd.setNumNulls(i); dcsd.setNumDVs(10 * i); data.setLongStats(dcsd); obj.setStatsData(data); cs.addToStatsObj(obj); store.updatePartitionColumnStatistics(cs, partVal); } Checker statChecker = new Checker() { @Override public void checkStats(AggrStats aggrStats) throws Exception { Assert.assertEquals(10, aggrStats.getPartsFound()); Assert.assertEquals(1, aggrStats.getColStatsSize()); ColumnStatisticsObj cso = aggrStats.getColStats().get(0); Assert.assertEquals("col2", cso.getColName()); Assert.assertEquals("long", cso.getColType()); LongColumnStatsData lcsd = cso.getStatsData().getLongStats(); Assert.assertEquals(1009, lcsd.getHighValue(), 0.01); Assert.assertEquals(-1009, lcsd.getLowValue(), 0.01); Assert.assertEquals(45, lcsd.getNumNulls()); Assert.assertEquals(90, lcsd.getNumDVs()); } }; List<String> partNames = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { partNames.add("ds=" + i); } AggrStats aggrStats = store.get_aggr_stats_for(dbName, tableName, partNames, Arrays.asList("col2")); statChecker.checkStats(aggrStats); } @Test public void TwoEndsOfPartitionsHaveBitVectorStatus() throws Exception { String dbName = "default"; String tableName = "snp"; long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); List<FieldSchema> cols = new ArrayList<>(); cols.add(new FieldSchema("col3", "long", "nocomment")); SerDeInfo serde = new SerDeInfo("serde", "seriallib", null); StorageDescriptor sd = new StorageDescriptor(cols, "file:/tmp", "input", "output", false, 0, serde, null, null, Collections.<String, String> emptyMap()); List<FieldSchema> partCols = new ArrayList<>(); partCols.add(new FieldSchema("ds", "string", "")); Table table = new Table(tableName, dbName, "me", (int) now, (int) now, 0, sd, partCols, Collections.<String, String> emptyMap(), null, null, null); store.createTable(table); List<List<String>> partVals = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { List<String> partVal = Arrays.asList("" + i); partVals.add(partVal); StorageDescriptor psd = new StorageDescriptor(sd); psd.setLocation("file:/tmp/default/hit/ds=" + partVal); Partition part = new Partition(partVal, dbName, tableName, (int) now, (int) now, psd, Collections.<String, String> emptyMap()); store.addPartition(part); if (i < 2 || i > 7) { ColumnStatistics cs = new ColumnStatistics(); ColumnStatisticsDesc desc = new ColumnStatisticsDesc(false, dbName, tableName); desc.setLastAnalyzed(now); desc.setPartName("ds=" + partVal); cs.setStatsDesc(desc); ColumnStatisticsObj obj = new ColumnStatisticsObj(); obj.setColName("col3"); obj.setColType("long"); ColumnStatisticsData data = new ColumnStatisticsData(); LongColumnStatsData dcsd = new LongColumnStatsData(); dcsd.setHighValue(1000 + i); dcsd.setLowValue(-1000 - i); dcsd.setNumNulls(i); dcsd.setNumDVs(10 * i); dcsd.setBitVectors(bitVectors); data.setLongStats(dcsd); obj.setStatsData(data); cs.addToStatsObj(obj); store.updatePartitionColumnStatistics(cs, partVal); } } Checker statChecker = new Checker() { @Override public void checkStats(AggrStats aggrStats) throws Exception { Assert.assertEquals(4, aggrStats.getPartsFound()); Assert.assertEquals(1, aggrStats.getColStatsSize()); ColumnStatisticsObj cso = aggrStats.getColStats().get(0); Assert.assertEquals("col3", cso.getColName()); Assert.assertEquals("long", cso.getColType()); LongColumnStatsData lcsd = cso.getStatsData().getLongStats(); Assert.assertEquals(1010, lcsd.getHighValue(), 0.01); Assert.assertEquals(-1010, lcsd.getLowValue(), 0.01); Assert.assertEquals(45, lcsd.getNumNulls()); Assert.assertEquals(3, lcsd.getNumDVs()); } }; List<String> partNames = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { partNames.add("ds=" + i); } AggrStats aggrStats = store.get_aggr_stats_for(dbName, tableName, partNames, Arrays.asList("col3")); statChecker.checkStats(aggrStats); } @Test public void MiddleOfPartitionsHaveBitVectorStatus() throws Exception { String dbName = "default"; String tableName = "snp"; long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); List<FieldSchema> cols = new ArrayList<>(); cols.add(new FieldSchema("col4", "long", "nocomment")); SerDeInfo serde = new SerDeInfo("serde", "seriallib", null); StorageDescriptor sd = new StorageDescriptor(cols, "file:/tmp", "input", "output", false, 0, serde, null, null, Collections.<String, String> emptyMap()); List<FieldSchema> partCols = new ArrayList<>(); partCols.add(new FieldSchema("ds", "string", "")); Table table = new Table(tableName, dbName, "me", (int) now, (int) now, 0, sd, partCols, Collections.<String, String> emptyMap(), null, null, null); store.createTable(table); List<List<String>> partVals = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { List<String> partVal = Arrays.asList("" + i); partVals.add(partVal); StorageDescriptor psd = new StorageDescriptor(sd); psd.setLocation("file:/tmp/default/hit/ds=" + partVal); Partition part = new Partition(partVal, dbName, tableName, (int) now, (int) now, psd, Collections.<String, String> emptyMap()); store.addPartition(part); if (i > 2 && i < 7) { ColumnStatistics cs = new ColumnStatistics(); ColumnStatisticsDesc desc = new ColumnStatisticsDesc(false, dbName, tableName); desc.setLastAnalyzed(now); desc.setPartName("ds=" + partVal); cs.setStatsDesc(desc); ColumnStatisticsObj obj = new ColumnStatisticsObj(); obj.setColName("col4"); obj.setColType("long"); ColumnStatisticsData data = new ColumnStatisticsData(); LongColumnStatsData dcsd = new LongColumnStatsData(); dcsd.setHighValue(1000 + i); dcsd.setLowValue(-1000 - i); dcsd.setNumNulls(i); dcsd.setNumDVs(10 * i); dcsd.setBitVectors(bitVectors); data.setLongStats(dcsd); obj.setStatsData(data); cs.addToStatsObj(obj); store.updatePartitionColumnStatistics(cs, partVal); } } Checker statChecker = new Checker() { @Override public void checkStats(AggrStats aggrStats) throws Exception { Assert.assertEquals(4, aggrStats.getPartsFound()); Assert.assertEquals(1, aggrStats.getColStatsSize()); ColumnStatisticsObj cso = aggrStats.getColStats().get(0); Assert.assertEquals("col4", cso.getColName()); Assert.assertEquals("long", cso.getColType()); LongColumnStatsData lcsd = cso.getStatsData().getLongStats(); Assert.assertEquals(1006, lcsd.getHighValue(), 0.01); Assert.assertEquals(-1006, lcsd.getLowValue(), 0.01); Assert.assertEquals(45, lcsd.getNumNulls()); Assert.assertEquals(3, lcsd.getNumDVs()); } }; List<String> partNames = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { partNames.add("ds=" + i); } AggrStats aggrStats = store.get_aggr_stats_for(dbName, tableName, partNames, Arrays.asList("col4")); statChecker.checkStats(aggrStats); } @Test public void TwoEndsAndMiddleOfPartitionsHaveBitVectorStatusLong() throws Exception { String dbName = "default"; String tableName = "snp"; long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); List<FieldSchema> cols = new ArrayList<>(); cols.add(new FieldSchema("col5", "long", "nocomment")); SerDeInfo serde = new SerDeInfo("serde", "seriallib", null); StorageDescriptor sd = new StorageDescriptor(cols, "file:/tmp", "input", "output", false, 0, serde, null, null, Collections.<String, String> emptyMap()); List<FieldSchema> partCols = new ArrayList<>(); partCols.add(new FieldSchema("ds", "string", "")); Table table = new Table(tableName, dbName, "me", (int) now, (int) now, 0, sd, partCols, Collections.<String, String> emptyMap(), null, null, null); store.createTable(table); List<List<String>> partVals = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { List<String> partVal = Arrays.asList("" + i); partVals.add(partVal); StorageDescriptor psd = new StorageDescriptor(sd); psd.setLocation("file:/tmp/default/hit/ds=" + partVal); Partition part = new Partition(partVal, dbName, tableName, (int) now, (int) now, psd, Collections.<String, String> emptyMap()); store.addPartition(part); if (i == 0 || i == 2 || i == 3 || i == 5 || i == 6 || i == 8) { ColumnStatistics cs = new ColumnStatistics(); ColumnStatisticsDesc desc = new ColumnStatisticsDesc(false, dbName, tableName); desc.setLastAnalyzed(now); desc.setPartName("ds=" + partVal); cs.setStatsDesc(desc); ColumnStatisticsObj obj = new ColumnStatisticsObj(); obj.setColName("col5"); obj.setColType("long"); ColumnStatisticsData data = new ColumnStatisticsData(); LongColumnStatsData dcsd = new LongColumnStatsData(); dcsd.setHighValue(1000 + i); dcsd.setLowValue(-1000 - i); dcsd.setNumNulls(i); dcsd.setNumDVs(10 * i); dcsd.setBitVectors(bitVectors); data.setLongStats(dcsd); obj.setStatsData(data); cs.addToStatsObj(obj); store.updatePartitionColumnStatistics(cs, partVal); } } Checker statChecker = new Checker() { @Override public void checkStats(AggrStats aggrStats) throws Exception { Assert.assertEquals(6, aggrStats.getPartsFound()); Assert.assertEquals(1, aggrStats.getColStatsSize()); ColumnStatisticsObj cso = aggrStats.getColStats().get(0); Assert.assertEquals("col5", cso.getColName()); Assert.assertEquals("long", cso.getColType()); LongColumnStatsData lcsd = cso.getStatsData().getLongStats(); Assert.assertEquals(1010, lcsd.getHighValue(), 0.01); Assert.assertEquals(-1010, lcsd.getLowValue(), 0.01); Assert.assertEquals(40, lcsd.getNumNulls()); Assert.assertEquals(3, lcsd.getNumDVs()); } }; List<String> partNames = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { partNames.add("ds=" + i); } AggrStats aggrStats = store.get_aggr_stats_for(dbName, tableName, partNames, Arrays.asList("col5")); statChecker.checkStats(aggrStats); } @Test public void TwoEndsAndMiddleOfPartitionsHaveBitVectorStatusDouble() throws Exception { String dbName = "default"; String tableName = "snp"; long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); List<FieldSchema> cols = new ArrayList<>(); cols.add(new FieldSchema("col5_double", "double", "nocomment")); SerDeInfo serde = new SerDeInfo("serde", "seriallib", null); StorageDescriptor sd = new StorageDescriptor(cols, "file:/tmp", "input", "output", false, 0, serde, null, null, Collections.<String, String> emptyMap()); List<FieldSchema> partCols = new ArrayList<>(); partCols.add(new FieldSchema("ds", "string", "")); Table table = new Table(tableName, dbName, "me", (int) now, (int) now, 0, sd, partCols, Collections.<String, String> emptyMap(), null, null, null); store.createTable(table); List<List<String>> partVals = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { List<String> partVal = Arrays.asList("" + i); partVals.add(partVal); StorageDescriptor psd = new StorageDescriptor(sd); psd.setLocation("file:/tmp/default/hit/ds=" + partVal); Partition part = new Partition(partVal, dbName, tableName, (int) now, (int) now, psd, Collections.<String, String> emptyMap()); store.addPartition(part); if (i == 0 || i == 2 || i == 3 || i == 5 || i == 6 || i == 8) { ColumnStatistics cs = new ColumnStatistics(); ColumnStatisticsDesc desc = new ColumnStatisticsDesc(false, dbName, tableName); desc.setLastAnalyzed(now); desc.setPartName("ds=" + partVal); cs.setStatsDesc(desc); ColumnStatisticsObj obj = new ColumnStatisticsObj(); obj.setColName("col5_double"); obj.setColType("double"); ColumnStatisticsData data = new ColumnStatisticsData(); DoubleColumnStatsData dcsd = new DoubleColumnStatsData(); dcsd.setHighValue(1000 + i); dcsd.setLowValue(-1000 - i); dcsd.setNumNulls(i); dcsd.setNumDVs(10 * i); dcsd.setBitVectors(bitVectors); data.setDoubleStats(dcsd); obj.setStatsData(data); cs.addToStatsObj(obj); store.updatePartitionColumnStatistics(cs, partVal); } } Checker statChecker = new Checker() { @Override public void checkStats(AggrStats aggrStats) throws Exception { Assert.assertEquals(6, aggrStats.getPartsFound()); Assert.assertEquals(1, aggrStats.getColStatsSize()); ColumnStatisticsObj cso = aggrStats.getColStats().get(0); Assert.assertEquals("col5_double", cso.getColName()); Assert.assertEquals("double", cso.getColType()); DoubleColumnStatsData lcsd = cso.getStatsData().getDoubleStats(); Assert.assertEquals(1010, lcsd.getHighValue(), 0.01); Assert.assertEquals(-1010, lcsd.getLowValue(), 0.01); Assert.assertEquals(40, lcsd.getNumNulls()); Assert.assertEquals(3, lcsd.getNumDVs()); } }; List<String> partNames = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { partNames.add("ds=" + i); } AggrStats aggrStats = store.get_aggr_stats_for(dbName, tableName, partNames, Arrays.asList("col5_double")); statChecker.checkStats(aggrStats); } }