/* * Copyright 2004-2011 H2 Group. Multiple-Licensed under the H2 License, * Version 1.0, and under the Eclipse Public License, Version 1.0 * (http://h2database.com/html/license.html). * Initial Developer: H2 Group */ package org.h2.build; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import java.net.InetAddress; import java.net.InetSocketAddress; import java.net.ServerSocket; import java.net.Socket; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.Map.Entry; import org.h2.build.code.SwitchSource; import org.h2.build.doc.XMLParser; /** * The build definition. */ public class Build extends BuildBase { private boolean filesMissing; /** * Run the build. * * @param args the command line arguments */ public static void main(String... args) { new Build().run(args); } /** * Run the benchmarks. */ public void benchmark() { downloadUsingMaven("ext/hsqldb-2.0.0.jar", "hsqldb", "hsqldb", "2.0.0", "c9d525ce1a464185e6b01c7de872127a06092673"); downloadUsingMaven("ext/derby-", "org/apache/derby", "derby", "", "01137cd636b0e3c22f0d273478adb58aa30e984a"); downloadUsingMaven("ext/derbyclient-", "org/apache/derby", "derbyclient", "", "e7c6fbaca2ef4dbcad27fa7d8a9cd1ac0d1e4b00"); downloadUsingMaven("ext/derbynet-", "org/apache/derby", "derbynet", "", "d5d9d7b783eeaef016be85c34d5c65d1e7cec764"); downloadUsingMaven("ext/postgresql-8.3-603.jdbc3.jar", "postgresql", "postgresql", "8.3-603.jdbc3", "33d531c3c53055ddcbea3d88bfa093466ffef924"); downloadUsingMaven("ext/mysql-connector-java-5.1.6.jar", "mysql", "mysql-connector-java", "5.1.6", "380ef5226de2c85ff3b38cbfefeea881c5fce09d"); compile(); String cp = "temp" + File.pathSeparator + "bin/h2" + getJarSuffix() + File.pathSeparator + "ext/hsqldb.jar" + File.pathSeparator + "ext/hsqldb-2.0.0.jar" + File.pathSeparator + "ext/derby-" + File.pathSeparator + "ext/derbyclient-" + File.pathSeparator + "ext/derbynet-" + File.pathSeparator + "ext/postgresql-8.3-603.jdbc3.jar" + File.pathSeparator + "ext/mysql-connector-java-5.1.6.jar"; StringList args = args("-Xmx128m", "-cp", cp, "org.h2.test.bench.TestPerformance"); exec("java", args.plus("-init", "-db", "1")); exec("java", args.plus("-db", "2")); exec("java", args.plus("-db", "3", "-out", "pe.html")); exec("java", args.plus("-init", "-db", "4")); exec("java", args.plus("-db", "5", "-exit")); exec("java", args.plus("-db", "6")); exec("java", args.plus("-db", "7")); exec("java", args.plus("-db", "8", "-out", "ps.html")); } /** * Clean all jar files, classes, and generated documentation. */ public void clean() { delete("temp"); delete("docs"); mkdir("docs"); mkdir("bin"); delete(files(".").keep("*/Thumbs.db")); } /** * Compile all classes */ public void compile() { compile(true, false, false); } private void compileTools() { FileList files = files("src/tools").keep("src/tools/org/h2/build/*"); StringList args = args("-d", "temp", "-sourcepath", "src/tools" + File.pathSeparator + "src/test" + File.pathSeparator + "src/main"); mkdir("temp"); javac(args, files); } /** * Run the Emma code coverage. */ public void coverage() { downloadTest(); downloadUsingMaven("ext/emma-2.0.5312.jar", "emma", "emma", "2.0.5312", "30a40933caf67d88d9e75957950ccf353b181ab7"); String cp = "temp" + File.pathSeparator + "bin" + File.pathSeparator + "ext/emma-2.0.5312.jar" + File.pathSeparator + "ext/postgresql-8.3-603.jdbc3.jar" + File.pathSeparator + "ext/servlet-api-2.4.jar" + File.pathSeparator + "ext/" + getLuceneJar() + File.pathSeparator + "ext/h2mig_pagestore_addon.jar" + File.pathSeparator + "ext/org.osgi.core-1.2.0.jar" + File.pathSeparator + "ext/slf4j-api-1.6.0.jar" + File.pathSeparator + "ext/slf4j-nop-1.6.0.jar" + File.pathSeparator + System.getProperty("java.home") + "/../lib/tools.jar"; exec("java", args("-Xmx128m", "-cp", cp, "emma", "run", "-cp", "temp", "-sp", "src/main", "-r", "html,txt", "-ix", "-org.h2.test.*,-org.h2.dev.*,-org.h2.jaqu.*,-org.h2.mode.*", "org.h2.test.TestAll")); } /** * Switch the source code to the current JDK. */ public void switchSource() { switchSource(true); } private static void switchSource(boolean enableCheck) { try { String version = System.getProperty("version"); String check = enableCheck ? "+CHECK" : "-CHECK"; if (version == null) { SwitchSource.main("-dir", "src", "-auto", check); } else { SwitchSource.main("-dir", "src", "-version", version, check); } SwitchSource.main("-dir", "src", "-LUCENE2", "-LUCENE3", "+LUCENE" + getLuceneVersion()); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } private void compile(boolean debugInfo, boolean clientOnly, boolean basicResourcesOnly) { switchSource(debugInfo); clean(); mkdir("temp"); download(); String classpath = "temp" + File.pathSeparator + "ext/servlet-api-2.4.jar" + File.pathSeparator + "ext/" + getLuceneJar() + File.pathSeparator + "ext/slf4j-api-1.6.0.jar" + File.pathSeparator + "ext/org.osgi.core-1.2.0.jar" + File.pathSeparator + "ext/commons-logging-1.1.1.jar" + File.pathSeparator + "ext/druid-0.2.11.jar" + File.pathSeparator + System.getProperty("java.home") + "/../lib/tools.jar"; FileList files; if (clientOnly) { files = files("src/main/org/h2/Driver.java"); files.addAll(files("src/main/org/h2/jdbc")); files.addAll(files("src/main/org/h2/jdbcx")); } else { files = files("src/main"); } StringList args = args(); if (System.getProperty("version") != null) { String bcp = System.getProperty("bcp"); // /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.4/Classes/classes.jar args = args.plus("-source", "1.5", "-target", "jsr14", "-bootclasspath", bcp); } if (debugInfo) { args = args.plus("-Xlint:unchecked", "-d", "temp", "-sourcepath", "src/main", "-classpath", classpath); } else { args = args.plus("-Xlint:unchecked", "-g:none", "-d", "temp", "-sourcepath", "src/main", "-classpath", classpath); } args = args.plus("-XDignore.symbol.file=true"); javac(args, files); files = files("src/main/META-INF/services"); copy("temp", files, "src/main"); if (!clientOnly) { files = files("src/test"); files.addAll(files("src/tools")); args = args("-Xlint:unchecked", "-d", "temp", "-sourcepath", "src/test" + File.pathSeparator + "src/tools", "-classpath", classpath); javac(args, files); files = files("src/test"). exclude("*.java"). exclude("*/package.html"); copy("temp", files, "src/test"); } resources(clientOnly, basicResourcesOnly); } private static void filter(String source, String target, String old, String replacement) { String text = new String(readFile(new File(source))); text = replaceAll(text, old, replacement); writeFile(new File(target), text.getBytes()); } /** * Create the documentation from the documentation sources. API Javadocs are * created as well. */ public void docs() { javadoc(); copy("docs", files("src/docsrc/index.html"), "src/docsrc"); java("org.h2.build.doc.XMLChecker", null); java("org.h2.build.code.CheckJavadoc", null); java("org.h2.build.code.CheckTextFiles", null); java("org.h2.build.doc.GenerateDoc", null); java("org.h2.build.doc.GenerateHelp", null); java("org.h2.build.i18n.PrepareTranslation", null); java("org.h2.build.indexer.Indexer", null); java("org.h2.build.doc.MergeDocs", null); java("org.h2.build.doc.WebSite", null); java("org.h2.build.doc.LinkChecker", null); java("org.h2.build.doc.XMLChecker", null); java("org.h2.build.doc.SpellChecker", null); java("org.h2.build.code.CheckTextFiles", null); beep(); } /** * Download all required jar files. Actually those are only compile time * dependencies. The database can be used without any dependencies. */ public void download() { downloadOrVerify(false); } private void downloadOrVerify(boolean offline) { downloadOrVerify("ext/servlet-api-2.4.jar", "javax/servlet", "servlet-api", "2.4", "3fc542fe8bb8164e8d3e840fe7403bc0518053c0", offline); if (getLuceneVersion() == 3) { downloadOrVerify("ext/lucene-core-3.0.2.jar", "org/apache/lucene", "lucene-core", "3.0.2", "c2b48995ab855c1b9ea13867a0f976c994e0105d", offline); } else { downloadOrVerify("ext/lucene-core-2.2.0.jar", "org/apache/lucene", "lucene-core", "2.2.0", "47b6eee2e17bd68911e7045896a1c09de0b2dda8", offline); } downloadOrVerify("ext/slf4j-api-1.6.0.jar", "org/slf4j", "slf4j-api", "1.6.0", "b353147a7d51fcfcd818d8aa6784839783db0915", offline); downloadOrVerify("ext/org.osgi.core-1.2.0.jar", "org/apache/felix", "org.osgi.core", "1.2.0", "3006beb1ca6a83449def6127dad3c060148a0209", offline); downloadOrVerify("ext/commons-logging-1.1.1.jar", "commons-logging", "commons-logging", "1.1.1", "5043bfebc3db072ed80fbd362e7caf00e885d8ae", offline); downloadOrVerify("ext/druid-0.2.11.jar", "com/alibaba", "druid", "0.2.11", "70c22231d152a5e312076cdbd01d4d55464b5b68", offline); } private void downloadOrVerify(String target, String group, String artifact, String version, String sha1Checksum, boolean offline) { if (offline) { File targetFile = new File(target); if (targetFile.exists()) { return; } println("Missing file: " + target); filesMissing = true; } else { downloadUsingMaven(target, group, artifact, version, sha1Checksum); } } private void downloadTest() { // for TestUpgrade download("ext/h2mig_pagestore_addon.jar", "http://h2database.com/h2mig_pagestore_addon.jar", "6dfafe1b86959c3ba4f7cf03e99535e8b9719965"); // for TestOldVersion downloadUsingMaven("ext/h2-1.2.127.jar", "com/h2database", "h2", "1.2.127", "056e784c7cf009483366ab9cd8d21d02fe47031a"); // for TestPgServer downloadUsingMaven("ext/postgresql-8.3-603.jdbc3.jar", "postgresql", "postgresql", "8.3-603.jdbc3", "33d531c3c53055ddcbea3d88bfa093466ffef924"); // for TestTraceSystem downloadUsingMaven("ext/slf4j-nop-1.6.0.jar", "org/slf4j", "slf4j-nop", "1.6.0", "4da67bb4a6eea5dc273f99c50ad2333eadb46f86"); } private static String getVersion() { return getStaticValue("org.h2.engine.Constants", "getVersion"); } private static String getLuceneJar() { return "lucene-core-" + (getLuceneVersion() == 2 ? "2.2.0" : "3.0.2") + ".jar"; } private static int getLuceneVersion() { // use Lucene 2 for H2 1.2.x, and Lucene 3 for H2 1.3.x. String s = new String(readFile(new File("src/main/org/h2/engine/Constants.java"))); int idx = s.indexOf("VERSION_MINOR") + "VERSION_MINOR".length() + 3; int version = Integer.parseInt(s.substring(idx, idx + 1)); return Integer.parseInt(System.getProperty("lucene", "" + version)); } private static String getJarSuffix() { return "-" + getVersion() + ".jar"; } /** * Create the h2.zip file and the Windows installer. */ public void installer() { delete(files("bin").keep("*.jar")); jar(); docs(); exec("soffice", args("-invisible", "macro:///Standard.Module1.H2Pdf")); copy("docs", files("../h2web/h2.pdf"), "../h2web"); delete("docs/html/onePage.html"); FileList files = files("../h2").keep("../h2/build.*"); files.addAll(files("../h2/bin").keep("../h2/bin/h2*")); files.addAll(files("../h2/docs").exclude("*.jar")); files.addAll(files("../h2/service")); files.addAll(files("../h2/src")); zip("../h2web/h2.zip", files, "../", false, false); boolean installer = false; try { exec("makensis", args("/v2", "src/installer/h2.nsi")); installer = true; } catch (Exception e) { print("NSIS is not available: " + e); } String buildDate = getStaticField("org.h2.engine.Constants", "BUILD_DATE"); byte[] data = readFile(new File("../h2web/h2.zip")); String sha1Zip = getSHA1(data), sha1Exe = null; writeFile(new File("../h2web/h2-" + buildDate + ".zip"), data); if (installer) { data = readFile(new File("../h2web/h2-setup.exe")); sha1Exe = getSHA1(data); writeFile(new File("../h2web/h2-setup-" + buildDate + ".exe"), data); } updateChecksum("../h2web/html/download.html", sha1Zip, sha1Exe); } private static void updateChecksum(String fileName, String sha1Zip, String sha1Exe) { String checksums = new String(readFile(new File(fileName))); checksums = replaceAll(checksums, "<!-- sha1Zip -->", "(SHA1 checksum: " + sha1Zip + ")"); if (sha1Exe != null) { checksums = replaceAll(checksums, "<!-- sha1Exe -->", "(SHA1 checksum: " + sha1Exe + ")"); } writeFile(new File(fileName), checksums.getBytes()); } /** * Create the regular h2.jar file. */ public void jar() { compile(); manifest("H2 Database Engine", "org.h2.tools.Console"); FileList files = files("temp"). exclude("temp/android/*"). exclude("temp/org/h2/android/*"). exclude("temp/org/h2/build/*"). exclude("temp/org/h2/dev/*"). exclude("temp/org/h2/jcr/*"). exclude("temp/org/h2/jaqu/*"). exclude("temp/org/h2/java/*"). exclude("temp/org/h2/jcr/*"). exclude("temp/org/h2/mode/*"). exclude("temp/org/h2/samples/*"). exclude("temp/org/h2/server/ftp/*"). exclude("temp/org/h2/test/*"). exclude("*.bat"). exclude("*.sh"). exclude("*.txt"); jar("bin/h2" + getJarSuffix(), files, "temp"); filter("src/installer/h2.sh", "bin/h2.sh", "h2.jar", "h2" + getJarSuffix()); filter("src/installer/h2.bat", "bin/h2.bat", "h2.jar", "h2" + getJarSuffix()); filter("src/installer/h2w.bat", "bin/h2w.bat", "h2.jar", "h2" + getJarSuffix()); } /** * Create the file h2android.jar. This only contains the embedded database, * plus the H2 Android API. Debug information is disabled. */ public void jarAndroid() { compile(false, false, true); FileList files = files("temp"). exclude("temp/org/h2/bnf/*"). exclude("temp/org/h2/build/*"). exclude("temp/org/h2/dev/*"). exclude("temp/org/h2/fulltext/*"). exclude("temp/org/h2/jaqu/*"). exclude("temp/org/h2/java/*"). exclude("temp/org/h2/jdbcx/*"). exclude("temp/org/h2/jcr/*"). exclude("temp/org/h2/jmx/*"). exclude("temp/org/h2/mode/*"). exclude("temp/org/h2/samples/*"). exclude("temp/org/h2/server/*"). exclude("temp/org/h2/test/*"). exclude("temp/org/h2/tools/*"). exclude("*.bat"). exclude("*.sh"). exclude("*.txt"); files.add(new File("temp/org/h2/tools/DeleteDbFiles.class")); files.add(new File("temp/org/h2/tools/CompressTool.class")); jar("bin/h2android" + getJarSuffix(), files, "temp"); } /** * Create the h2client.jar. This only contains the remote JDBC * implementation. */ public void jarClient() { compile(true, true, false); FileList files = files("temp"). exclude("temp/org/h2/build/*"). exclude("temp/org/h2/dev/*"). exclude("temp/org/h2/jaqu/*"). exclude("temp/org/h2/java/*"). exclude("temp/org/h2/jcr/*"). exclude("temp/org/h2/mode/*"). exclude("temp/org/h2/samples/*"). exclude("temp/org/h2/test/*"). exclude("*.bat"). exclude("*.sh"). exclude("*.txt"); long kb = jar("bin/h2client" + getJarSuffix(), files, "temp"); if (kb < 350 || kb > 450) { throw new RuntimeException("Expected file size 350 - 450 KB, got: " + kb); } } /** * Create the file h2small.jar. This only contains the embedded database. * Debug information is disabled. */ public void jarSmall() { compile(false, false, true); FileList files = files("temp"). exclude("temp/android/*"). exclude("temp/org/h2/android/*"). exclude("temp/org/h2/build/*"). exclude("temp/org/h2/dev/*"). exclude("temp/org/h2/jcr/*"). exclude("temp/org/h2/jaqu/*"). exclude("temp/org/h2/java/*"). exclude("temp/org/h2/jcr/*"). exclude("temp/org/h2/mode/*"). exclude("temp/org/h2/samples/*"). exclude("temp/org/h2/server/ftp/*"). exclude("temp/org/h2/test/*"). exclude("temp/org/h2/bnf/*"). exclude("temp/org/h2/fulltext/*"). exclude("temp/org/h2/jdbcx/*"). exclude("temp/org/h2/jmx/*"). exclude("temp/org/h2/server/*"). exclude("temp/org/h2/tools/*"). exclude("*.bat"). exclude("*.sh"). exclude("*.txt"); files.add(new File("temp/org/h2/tools/DeleteDbFiles.class")); files.add(new File("temp/org/h2/tools/CompressTool.class")); jar("bin/h2small" + getJarSuffix(), files, "temp"); } /** * Create the file h2jaqu.jar. This only contains the JaQu (Java Query) * implementation. All other jar files do not include JaQu. */ public void jarJaqu() { compile(true, false, true); manifest("H2 JaQu", ""); FileList files = files("temp/org/h2/jaqu"); files.addAll(files("temp/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF")); jar("bin/h2jaqu" + getJarSuffix(), files, "temp"); } /** * Create the Javadocs of the API (including the JDBC API) and tools. */ public void javadoc() { compileTools(); delete("docs"); mkdir("docs/javadoc"); javadoc("-sourcepath", "src/main", "org.h2.jdbc", "org.h2.jdbcx", "org.h2.tools", "org.h2.api", "org.h2.constant", "org.h2.fulltext", "-classpath", "ext/" + getLuceneJar(), "-docletpath", "bin" + File.pathSeparator + "temp", "-doclet", "org.h2.build.doclet.Doclet"); copy("docs/javadoc", files("src/docsrc/javadoc"), "src/docsrc/javadoc"); } /** * Create the Javadocs of the implementation. */ public void javadocImpl() { compileTools(); mkdir("docs/javadocImpl2"); javadoc("-sourcepath", "src/main" + File.pathSeparator + "src/test" + File.pathSeparator + "src/tools" , "-noindex", "-tag", "h2.resource", "-d", "docs/javadocImpl2", "-classpath", System.getProperty("java.home") + "/../lib/tools.jar" + File.pathSeparator + "ext/slf4j-api-1.6.0.jar" + File.pathSeparator + "ext/servlet-api-2.4.jar" + File.pathSeparator + "ext/" + getLuceneJar() + File.pathSeparator + "ext/org.osgi.core-1.2.0.jar", "-subpackages", "org.h2", "-exclude", "org.h2.test.jaqu:org.h2.jaqu"); System.setProperty("h2.interfacesOnly", "false"); System.setProperty("h2.javadocDestDir", "docs/javadocImpl"); javadoc("-sourcepath", "src/main" + File.pathSeparator + "src/test" + File.pathSeparator + "src/tools", "-classpath", System.getProperty("java.home") + "/../lib/tools.jar" + File.pathSeparator + "ext/slf4j-api-1.6.0.jar" + File.pathSeparator + "ext/servlet-api-2.4.jar" + File.pathSeparator + "ext/" + getLuceneJar() + File.pathSeparator + "ext/org.osgi.core-1.2.0.jar", "-subpackages", "org.h2", "-exclude", "org.h2.test.jaqu:org.h2.jaqu", "-package", "-docletpath", "bin" + File.pathSeparator + "temp", "-doclet", "org.h2.build.doclet.Doclet"); copy("docs/javadocImpl", files("src/docsrc/javadoc"), "src/docsrc/javadoc"); } private static void manifest(String title, String mainClassName) { String manifest = new String(readFile(new File("src/main/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF"))); manifest = replaceAll(manifest, "${title}", title); manifest = replaceAll(manifest, "${version}", getVersion()); manifest = replaceAll(manifest, "${buildJdk}", getJavaSpecVersion()); String createdBy = System.getProperty("java.runtime.version") + " (" + System.getProperty("java.vm.vendor") + ")"; manifest = replaceAll(manifest, "${createdBy}", createdBy); String mainClassTag = manifest == null ? "" : "Main-Class: " + mainClassName; manifest = replaceAll(manifest, "${mainClassTag}", mainClassTag); writeFile(new File("temp/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF"), manifest.getBytes()); } /** * This will build a release of the H2 .jar file and upload it to * file:///data/h2database/m2-repo. This is only required when * a new H2 version is made. */ public void mavenDeployCentral() { // generate and deploy h2*-sources.jar file FileList files = files("src/main"); copy("docs", files, "src/main"); files = files("docs").keep("docs/org/*").keep("*.java"); files.addAll(files("docs").keep("docs/META-INF/*")); String manifest = new String(readFile(new File("src/installer/source-manifest.mf"))); manifest = replaceAll(manifest, "${version}", getVersion()); writeFile(new File("docs/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF"), manifest.getBytes()); jar("docs/h2-" + getVersion() + "-sources.jar", files, "docs"); delete("docs/org"); delete("docs/META-INF"); // the option -DgeneratePom=false doesn't work with some versions of // Maven because of bug http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MDEPLOY-84 // as a workaround we generate the pom, but overwrite it later on // (that's why the regular jar is created at the very end) execScript("mvn", args( "deploy:deploy-file", "-Dfile=docs/h2-" + getVersion() + "-sources.jar", "-Durl=file:///data/h2database/m2-repo", "-Dpackaging=jar", "-Dclassifier=sources", "-Dversion=" + getVersion(), "-DartifactId=h2", "-DgroupId=com.h2database" // ,"-DgeneratePom=false" )); // generate and deploy the h2*-javadoc.jar file javadocImpl(); files = files("docs/javadocImpl2"); jar("docs/h2-" + getVersion() + "-javadoc.jar", files, "docs/javadocImpl2"); execScript("mvn", args( "deploy:deploy-file", "-Dfile=docs/h2-" + getVersion() + "-javadoc.jar", "-Durl=file:///data/h2database/m2-repo", "-Dpackaging=jar", "-Dclassifier=javadoc", "-Dversion=" + getVersion(), "-DartifactId=h2", "-DgroupId=com.h2database" // ,"-DgeneratePom=false" )); // generate and deploy the h2*.jar file jar(); String pom = new String(readFile(new File("src/installer/pom-template.xml"))); pom = replaceAll(pom, "@version@", getVersion()); writeFile(new File("bin/pom.xml"), pom.getBytes()); execScript("mvn", args( "deploy:deploy-file", "-Dfile=bin/h2" + getJarSuffix(), "-Durl=file:///data/h2database/m2-repo", "-Dpackaging=jar", "-Dversion=" + getVersion(), "-DpomFile=bin/pom.xml", "-DartifactId=h2", "-DgroupId=com.h2database")); } /** * This will build a 'snapshot' H2 .jar file and upload it the to the local * Maven 2 repository. */ public void mavenInstallLocal() { jar(); String pom = new String(readFile(new File("src/installer/pom-template.xml"))); pom = replaceAll(pom, "@version@", "1.0-SNAPSHOT"); writeFile(new File("bin/pom.xml"), pom.getBytes()); execScript("mvn", args( "install:install-file", "-Dversion=1.0-SNAPSHOT", "-Dfile=bin/h2" + getJarSuffix(), "-Dpackaging=jar", "-DpomFile=bin/pom.xml", "-DartifactId=h2", "-DgroupId=com.h2database")); } /** * Build the jar file without downloading any files over the network. If the * required files are missing, they are are listed, and the jar file is not * built. */ public void offline() { downloadOrVerify(true); if (filesMissing) { println("Required files are missing"); println("Both Lucene 2 and 3 are supported using -Dlucene=x (x=2 or 3)"); } else { jar(); } } private void resources(boolean clientOnly, boolean basicOnly) { if (!clientOnly) { java("org.h2.build.doc.GenerateHelp", null); javadoc("-sourcepath", "src/main", "org.h2.tools", "org.h2.jmx", "-docletpath", "bin" + File.pathSeparator + "temp", "-doclet", "org.h2.build.doclet.ResourceDoclet"); } FileList files = files("src/main"). exclude("*.MF"). exclude("*.java"). exclude("*/package.html"). exclude("*/java.sql.Driver"); if (basicOnly) { files = files.keep("src/main/org/h2/res/_messages_en.*"); } if (clientOnly) { files = files.exclude("src/main/org/h2/res/javadoc.properties"); files = files.exclude("src/main/org/h2/server/*"); } zip("temp/org/h2/util/data.zip", files, "src/main", true, false); } /** * Just run the spellchecker. */ public void spellcheck() { java("org.h2.build.doc.SpellChecker", null); } /** * Compile and run all tests. This does not include the compile step. */ public void test() { downloadTest(); // String cp = "temp" + File.pathSeparator + "bin/h2" + getJarSuffix() + File.pathSeparator + // "ext/hsqldb.jar" + File.pathSeparator + // "ext/hsqldb-2.0.0.jar" + File.pathSeparator + // "ext/derby-" + File.pathSeparator + // "ext/derbyclient-" + File.pathSeparator + // "ext/derbynet-" + File.pathSeparator + // "ext/postgresql-8.3-603.jdbc3.jar" + File.pathSeparator + // "ext/mysql-connector-java-5.1.6.jar"; String cp = "temp" + File.pathSeparator + "ext/servlet-api-2.4.jar" + File.pathSeparator + "ext/" + getLuceneJar() + File.pathSeparator + "ext/slf4j-api-1.6.0.jar" + File.pathSeparator + "ext/org.osgi.core-1.2.0.jar" + File.pathSeparator + "ext/commons-logging-1.1.1.jar" + File.pathSeparator + "ext/druid-0.2.11.jar"; String testClass = System.getProperty("test", "org.h2.test.TestAll"); StringList args = args("-Xmx128m", "-cp", cp, testClass); exec("java", args); } /** * Print the system properties */ public void testSysProperties() { System.out.println("environment settings:"); for (Entry<Object, Object> e : new TreeMap<Object, Object>(System.getProperties()).entrySet()) { System.out.println(e); } } /** * Test the local network of this machine. */ public void testNetwork() { try { long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); System.out.println("localhost:"); System.out.println(" " + InetAddress.getByName("localhost")); for (InetAddress address : InetAddress.getAllByName("localhost")) { System.out.println(" " + address); } InetAddress localhost = InetAddress.getLocalHost(); System.out.println("getLocalHost:" + localhost); for (InetAddress address : InetAddress.getAllByName(localhost.getHostAddress())) { System.out.println(" " + address); } InetAddress address = InetAddress.getByName(localhost.getHostAddress()); System.out.println("byName:" + address); ServerSocket serverSocket; try { serverSocket = new ServerSocket(0); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); serverSocket = new ServerSocket(0); } System.out.println(serverSocket); int port = serverSocket.getLocalPort(); final ServerSocket accept = serverSocket; start = System.currentTimeMillis(); Thread thread = new Thread() { public void run() { try { System.out.println("server accepting"); Socket s = accept.accept(); Thread.sleep(100); System.out.println("server accepted:" + s); System.out.println("server read:" + s.getInputStream().read()); Thread.sleep(200); s.getOutputStream().write(234); Thread.sleep(100); System.out.println("server closing"); s.close(); System.out.println("server done"); } catch (Throwable t) { t.printStackTrace(); } } }; thread.start(); System.out.println("time: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start)); Thread.sleep(1000); start = System.currentTimeMillis(); final Socket socket = new Socket(); socket.setSoTimeout(2000); final InetSocketAddress socketAddress = new InetSocketAddress(address, port); System.out.println("client:" + socketAddress); try { Thread t = new Thread() { public void run() { try { socket.connect(socketAddress, 2000); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }; t.start(); t.join(5000); if (!socket.isConnected()) { final InetSocketAddress localhostAddress = new InetSocketAddress("localhost", port); System.out.println("not connected, trying localhost:" + socketAddress); socket.connect(localhostAddress, 2000); } System.out.println("time: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start)); Thread.sleep(200); start = System.currentTimeMillis(); System.out.println("client:" + socket.toString()); socket.getOutputStream().write(123); System.out.println("time: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start)); Thread.sleep(100); start = System.currentTimeMillis(); System.out.println("client read:" + socket.getInputStream().read()); socket.close(); } catch (Throwable t) { t.printStackTrace(); } thread.join(5000); System.out.println("time: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start)); if (thread.isAlive()) { System.out.println("thread is still alive, interrupting"); thread.interrupt(); } Thread.sleep(100); System.out.println("done"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * This build target is used for the automated build. It copies the result * of the automated build (including test results, newsfeed, code coverage) * to the public web site. */ public void uploadBuild() { String password = System.getProperty("h2.ftpPassword"); if (password == null) { throw new RuntimeException("h2.ftpPassword not set"); } downloadTest(); FileList files = files("src/tools").keep("*/UploadBuild.java"); StringList args = args("-d", "temp", "-sourcepath", "src/tools" + File.pathSeparator + "src/test" + File.pathSeparator + "src/main"); mkdir("temp"); javac(args, files); String cp = "bin" + File.pathSeparator + "temp" + File.pathSeparator + "ext/h2mig_pagestore_addon.jar"; exec("java", args("-Xmx128m", "-cp", cp, "-Dh2.ftpPassword=" + password, "org.h2.build.doc.UploadBuild")); } /** * Build the h2console.war file. */ public void warConsole() { jar(); copy("temp/WEB-INF", files("src/tools/WEB-INF/web.xml"), "src/tools/WEB-INF"); copy("temp", files("src/tools/WEB-INF/console.html"), "src/tools/WEB-INF"); copy("temp/WEB-INF/lib", files("bin/h2" + getJarSuffix()), "bin"); FileList files = files("temp").exclude("temp/org*").exclude("temp/META-INF*"); jar("bin/h2console.war", files, "temp"); } protected String getLocalMavenDir() { String userHome = System.getProperty("user.home", ""); File file = new File(userHome, ".m2/settings.xml"); if (!file.exists()) { return super.getLocalMavenDir(); } XMLParser p = new XMLParser(new String(BuildBase.readFile(file))); HashMap<String, String> prop = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (String name = ""; p.hasNext();) { int event = p.next(); if (event == XMLParser.START_ELEMENT) { name += "/" + p.getName(); } else if (event == XMLParser.END_ELEMENT) { name = name.substring(0, name.lastIndexOf('/')); } else if (event == XMLParser.CHARACTERS) { String text = p.getText().trim(); if (text.length() > 0) { prop.put(name, text); } } } String local = prop.get("/settings/localRepository"); if (local == null) { local = "${user.home}/.m2/repository"; } local = replaceAll(local, "${user.home}", userHome); return local; } }