/* * Copyright 2004-2011 H2 Group. Multiple-Licensed under the H2 License, * Version 1.0, and under the Eclipse Public License, Version 1.0 * (http://h2database.com/html/license.html). * Initial Developer: H2 Group */ package org.h2.engine; import java.io.IOException; import java.net.Socket; import java.sql.Connection; import java.util.ArrayList; import org.h2.api.DatabaseEventListener; import org.h2.command.CommandInterface; import org.h2.command.CommandRemote; import org.h2.command.dml.SetTypes; import org.h2.constant.ErrorCode; import org.h2.constant.SysProperties; import org.h2.jdbc.JdbcSQLException; import org.h2.message.DbException; import org.h2.message.Trace; import org.h2.message.TraceSystem; import org.h2.store.DataHandler; import org.h2.store.FileStore; import org.h2.store.LobStorage; import org.h2.store.fs.FileUtils; import org.h2.util.MathUtils; import org.h2.util.NetUtils; import org.h2.util.New; import org.h2.util.SmallLRUCache; import org.h2.util.StringUtils; import org.h2.util.TempFileDeleter; import org.h2.util.Utils; import org.h2.value.Transfer; /** * The client side part of a session when using the server mode. This object * communicates with a Session on the server side. */ public class SessionRemote extends SessionWithState implements DataHandler { public static final int SESSION_PREPARE = 0; public static final int SESSION_CLOSE = 1; public static final int COMMAND_EXECUTE_QUERY = 2; public static final int COMMAND_EXECUTE_UPDATE = 3; public static final int COMMAND_CLOSE = 4; public static final int RESULT_FETCH_ROWS = 5; public static final int RESULT_RESET = 6; public static final int RESULT_CLOSE = 7; public static final int COMMAND_COMMIT = 8; public static final int CHANGE_ID = 9; public static final int COMMAND_GET_META_DATA = 10; public static final int SESSION_PREPARE_READ_PARAMS = 11; public static final int SESSION_SET_ID = 12; public static final int SESSION_CANCEL_STATEMENT = 13; public static final int SESSION_CHECK_KEY = 14; public static final int SESSION_SET_AUTOCOMMIT = 15; public static final int SESSION_UNDO_LOG_POS = 16; public static final int LOB_READ = 17; public static final int STATUS_ERROR = 0; public static final int STATUS_OK = 1; public static final int STATUS_CLOSED = 2; public static final int STATUS_OK_STATE_CHANGED = 3; private static SessionFactory sessionFactory; private TraceSystem traceSystem; private Trace trace; private ArrayList<Transfer> transferList = New.arrayList(); private int nextId; private boolean autoCommit = true; private CommandInterface autoCommitFalse, autoCommitTrue; private ConnectionInfo connectionInfo; private String databaseName; private String cipher; private byte[] fileEncryptionKey; private Object lobSyncObject = new Object(); private String sessionId; private int clientVersion; private boolean autoReconnect; private int lastReconnect; private SessionInterface embedded; private DatabaseEventListener eventListener; private LobStorage lobStorage; private boolean cluster; public SessionRemote(ConnectionInfo ci) { this.connectionInfo = ci; } private Transfer initTransfer(ConnectionInfo ci, String db, String server) throws IOException { Socket socket = NetUtils.createSocket(server, Constants.DEFAULT_TCP_PORT, ci.isSSL()); Transfer trans = new Transfer(this); trans.setSocket(socket); trans.setSSL(ci.isSSL()); trans.init(); trans.writeInt(Constants.TCP_PROTOCOL_VERSION_6); trans.writeInt(Constants.TCP_PROTOCOL_VERSION_12); trans.writeString(db); trans.writeString(ci.getOriginalURL()); trans.writeString(ci.getUserName()); trans.writeBytes(ci.getUserPasswordHash()); trans.writeBytes(ci.getFilePasswordHash()); String[] keys = ci.getKeys(); trans.writeInt(keys.length); for (String key : keys) { trans.writeString(key).writeString(ci.getProperty(key)); } try { done(trans); clientVersion = trans.readInt(); trans.setVersion(clientVersion); trans.writeInt(SessionRemote.SESSION_SET_ID); trans.writeString(sessionId); done(trans); } catch (DbException e) { trans.close(); throw e; } autoCommit = true; return trans; } public int getUndoLogPos() { if (clientVersion < Constants.TCP_PROTOCOL_VERSION_10) { return 1; } for (int i = 0, count = 0; i < transferList.size(); i++) { Transfer transfer = transferList.get(i); try { traceOperation("SESSION_UNDO_LOG_POS", 0); transfer.writeInt(SessionRemote.SESSION_UNDO_LOG_POS); done(transfer); return transfer.readInt(); } catch (IOException e) { removeServer(e, i--, ++count); } } return 1; } public void cancel() { // this method is called when closing the connection // the statement that is currently running is not canceled in this case // however Statement.cancel is supported } /** * Cancel the statement with the given id. * * @param id the statement id */ public void cancelStatement(int id) { for (Transfer transfer : transferList) { try { Transfer trans = transfer.openNewConnection(); trans.init(); trans.writeInt(clientVersion); trans.writeInt(clientVersion); trans.writeString(null); trans.writeString(null); trans.writeString(sessionId); trans.writeInt(SessionRemote.SESSION_CANCEL_STATEMENT); trans.writeInt(id); trans.close(); } catch (IOException e) { trace.debug(e, "could not cancel statement"); } } } private void checkClusterDisableAutoCommit(String serverList) { if (autoCommit && transferList.size() > 1) { setAutoCommitSend(false); CommandInterface c = prepareCommand("SET CLUSTER " + serverList, Integer.MAX_VALUE); // this will set autoCommit to false c.executeUpdate(); // so we need to switch it on autoCommit = true; cluster = true; } } public boolean getAutoCommit() { return autoCommit; } public void setAutoCommit(boolean autoCommit) { if (!cluster) { setAutoCommitSend(autoCommit); } this.autoCommit = autoCommit; } public void setAutoCommitFromServer(boolean autoCommit) { if (cluster) { if (autoCommit) { // the user executed SET AUTOCOMMIT TRUE setAutoCommitSend(false); this.autoCommit = true; } } else { this.autoCommit = autoCommit; } } private void setAutoCommitSend(boolean autoCommit) { if (clientVersion >= Constants.TCP_PROTOCOL_VERSION_8) { for (int i = 0, count = 0; i < transferList.size(); i++) { Transfer transfer = transferList.get(i); try { traceOperation("SESSION_SET_AUTOCOMMIT", autoCommit ? 1 : 0); transfer.writeInt(SessionRemote.SESSION_SET_AUTOCOMMIT).writeBoolean(autoCommit); done(transfer); } catch (IOException e) { removeServer(e, i--, ++count); } } } else { if (autoCommit) { if (autoCommitTrue == null) { autoCommitTrue = prepareCommand("SET AUTOCOMMIT TRUE", Integer.MAX_VALUE); } autoCommitTrue.executeUpdate(); } else { if (autoCommitFalse == null) { autoCommitFalse = prepareCommand("SET AUTOCOMMIT FALSE", Integer.MAX_VALUE); } autoCommitFalse.executeUpdate(); } } } /** * Calls COMMIT if the session is in cluster mode. */ public void autoCommitIfCluster() { if (autoCommit && cluster) { // server side auto commit is off because of race conditions // (update set id=1 where id=0, but update set id=2 where id=0 is // faster) for (int i = 0, count = 0; i < transferList.size(); i++) { Transfer transfer = transferList.get(i); try { traceOperation("COMMAND_COMMIT", 0); transfer.writeInt(SessionRemote.COMMAND_COMMIT); done(transfer); } catch (IOException e) { removeServer(e, i--, ++count); } } } } private String getFilePrefix(String dir) { StringBuilder buff = new StringBuilder(dir); buff.append('/'); for (int i = 0; i < databaseName.length(); i++) { char ch = databaseName.charAt(i); if (Character.isLetterOrDigit(ch)) { buff.append(ch); } else { buff.append('_'); } } return buff.toString(); } public int getPowerOffCount() { return 0; } public void setPowerOffCount(int count) { throw DbException.getUnsupportedException("remote"); } /** * Open a new (remote or embedded) session. * * @param openNew whether to open a new session in any case * @return the session */ public SessionInterface connectEmbeddedOrServer(boolean openNew) { ConnectionInfo ci = connectionInfo; if (ci.isRemote()) { connectServer(ci); return this; } // create the session using reflection, // so that the JDBC layer can be compiled without it boolean autoServerMode = Boolean.valueOf(ci.getProperty("AUTO_SERVER", "false")).booleanValue(); ConnectionInfo backup = null; try { if (autoServerMode) { backup = (ConnectionInfo) ci.clone(); connectionInfo = (ConnectionInfo) ci.clone(); } if (openNew) { ci.setProperty("OPEN_NEW", "true"); } if (sessionFactory == null) { sessionFactory = (SessionFactory) Class.forName("org.h2.engine.Engine").newInstance(); } return sessionFactory.createSession(ci); } catch (Exception re) { DbException e = DbException.convert(re); if (e.getErrorCode() == ErrorCode.DATABASE_ALREADY_OPEN_1) { if (autoServerMode) { String serverKey = ((JdbcSQLException) e.getSQLException()).getSQL(); if (serverKey != null) { backup.setServerKey(serverKey); // OPEN_NEW must be removed now, otherwise // opening a session with AUTO_SERVER fails // if another connection is already open backup.removeProperty("OPEN_NEW", null); connectServer(backup); return this; } } } throw e; } } private void connectServer(ConnectionInfo ci) { String name = ci.getName(); if (name.startsWith("//")) { name = name.substring("//".length()); } int idx = name.indexOf('/'); if (idx < 0) { throw ci.getFormatException(); } databaseName = name.substring(idx + 1); String server = name.substring(0, idx); traceSystem = new TraceSystem(null); String traceLevelFile = ci.getProperty(SetTypes.TRACE_LEVEL_FILE, null); if (traceLevelFile != null) { int level = Integer.parseInt(traceLevelFile); String prefix = getFilePrefix(SysProperties.CLIENT_TRACE_DIRECTORY); try { traceSystem.setLevelFile(level); if (level > 0) { String file = FileUtils.createTempFile(prefix, Constants.SUFFIX_TRACE_FILE, false, false); traceSystem.setFileName(file); } } catch (IOException e) { throw DbException.convertIOException(e, prefix); } } String traceLevelSystemOut = ci.getProperty(SetTypes.TRACE_LEVEL_SYSTEM_OUT, null); if (traceLevelSystemOut != null) { int level = Integer.parseInt(traceLevelSystemOut); traceSystem.setLevelSystemOut(level); } trace = traceSystem.getTrace(Trace.JDBC); String serverList = null; if (server.indexOf(',') >= 0) { serverList = StringUtils.quoteStringSQL(server); ci.setProperty("CLUSTER", Constants.CLUSTERING_ENABLED); } autoReconnect = Boolean.valueOf(ci.getProperty("AUTO_RECONNECT", "false")).booleanValue(); // AUTO_SERVER implies AUTO_RECONNECT boolean autoServer = Boolean.valueOf(ci.getProperty("AUTO_SERVER", "false")).booleanValue(); if (autoServer && serverList != null) { throw DbException.getUnsupportedException("autoServer && serverList != null"); } autoReconnect |= autoServer; if (autoReconnect) { String className = ci.getProperty("DATABASE_EVENT_LISTENER"); if (className != null) { className = StringUtils.trim(className, true, true, "'"); try { eventListener = (DatabaseEventListener) Utils.loadUserClass(className).newInstance(); } catch (Throwable e) { throw DbException.convert(e); } } } cipher = ci.getProperty("CIPHER"); if (cipher != null) { fileEncryptionKey = MathUtils.secureRandomBytes(32); } String[] servers = StringUtils.arraySplit(server, ',', true); int len = servers.length; transferList.clear(); sessionId = StringUtils.convertBytesToHex(MathUtils.secureRandomBytes(32)); // TODO cluster: support more than 2 connections boolean switchOffCluster = false; try { for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { String s = servers[i]; try { Transfer trans = initTransfer(ci, databaseName, s); transferList.add(trans); } catch (IOException e) { if (len == 1) { throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.CONNECTION_BROKEN_1, e, e + ": " + s); } switchOffCluster = true; } } checkClosed(); if (switchOffCluster) { switchOffCluster(); } checkClusterDisableAutoCommit(serverList); } catch (DbException e) { traceSystem.close(); throw e; } } private void switchOffCluster() { CommandInterface ci = prepareCommand("SET CLUSTER ''", Integer.MAX_VALUE); ci.executeUpdate(); } /** * Remove a server from the list of cluster nodes and disables the cluster * mode. * * @param e the exception (used for debugging) * @param i the index of the server to remove * @param count the retry count index */ public void removeServer(IOException e, int i, int count) { transferList.remove(i); if (transferList.size() == 0 && autoReconnect(count)) { return; } checkClosed(); switchOffCluster(); } public synchronized CommandInterface prepareCommand(String sql, int fetchSize) { checkClosed(); return new CommandRemote(this, transferList, sql, fetchSize); } /** * Automatically re-connect if necessary and if configured to do so. * * @param count the retry count index * @return true if reconnected */ private boolean autoReconnect(int count) { if (!isClosed()) { return false; } if (!autoReconnect) { return false; } if (!cluster && !autoCommit) { return false; } if (count > SysProperties.MAX_RECONNECT) { return false; } lastReconnect++; while (true) { try { embedded = connectEmbeddedOrServer(false); break; } catch (DbException e) { if (e.getErrorCode() != ErrorCode.DATABASE_IS_IN_EXCLUSIVE_MODE) { throw e; } // exclusive mode: re-try endlessly try { Thread.sleep(500); } catch (Exception e2) { // ignore } } } if (embedded == this) { // connected to a server somewhere else embedded = null; } else { // opened an embedded connection now - // must connect to this database in server mode // unfortunately connectEmbeddedOrServer(true); } recreateSessionState(); if (eventListener != null) { eventListener.setProgress(DatabaseEventListener.STATE_RECONNECTED, databaseName, count, SysProperties.MAX_RECONNECT); } return true; } /** * Check if this session is closed and throws an exception if so. * * @throws DbException if the session is closed */ public void checkClosed() { if (isClosed()) { throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.CONNECTION_BROKEN_1, "session closed"); } } public void close() { RuntimeException closeError = null; if (transferList != null) { synchronized (this) { for (Transfer transfer : transferList) { try { traceOperation("SESSION_CLOSE", 0); transfer.writeInt(SessionRemote.SESSION_CLOSE); done(transfer); transfer.close(); } catch (RuntimeException e) { trace.error(e, "close"); closeError = e; } catch (Exception e) { trace.error(e, "close"); } } } transferList = null; } traceSystem.close(); if (embedded != null) { embedded.close(); embedded = null; } if (closeError != null) { throw closeError; } } public Trace getTrace() { return traceSystem.getTrace(Trace.JDBC); } public int getNextId() { return nextId++; } public int getCurrentId() { return nextId; } /** * Called to flush the output after data has been sent to the server and * just before receiving data. This method also reads the status code from * the server and throws any exception the server sent. * * @param transfer the transfer object * @throws DbException if the server sent an exception * @throws IOException if there is a communication problem between client * and server */ public void done(Transfer transfer) throws IOException { transfer.flush(); int status = transfer.readInt(); if (status == STATUS_ERROR) { String sqlstate = transfer.readString(); String message = transfer.readString(); String sql = transfer.readString(); int errorCode = transfer.readInt(); String stackTrace = transfer.readString(); JdbcSQLException s = new JdbcSQLException(message, sql, sqlstate, errorCode, null, stackTrace); if (errorCode == ErrorCode.CONNECTION_BROKEN_1) { // allow re-connect IOException e = new IOException(s.toString()); e.initCause(s); throw e; } throw DbException.convert(s); } else if (status == STATUS_CLOSED) { transferList = null; } else if (status == STATUS_OK_STATE_CHANGED) { sessionStateChanged = true; } else if (status == STATUS_OK) { // ok } else { throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.CONNECTION_BROKEN_1, "unexpected status " + status); } } /** * Returns true if the connection was opened in cluster mode. * * @return true if it is */ public boolean isClustered() { return cluster; } public boolean isClosed() { return transferList == null || transferList.size() == 0; } /** * Write the operation to the trace system if debug trace is enabled. * * @param operation the operation performed * @param id the id of the operation */ public void traceOperation(String operation, int id) { if (trace.isDebugEnabled()) { trace.debug("{0} {1}", operation, id); } } public void checkPowerOff() { // ok } public void checkWritingAllowed() { // ok } public String getDatabasePath() { return ""; } public String getLobCompressionAlgorithm(int type) { return null; } public int getMaxLengthInplaceLob() { return SysProperties.LOB_CLIENT_MAX_SIZE_MEMORY; } public FileStore openFile(String name, String mode, boolean mustExist) { if (mustExist && !FileUtils.exists(name)) { throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.FILE_NOT_FOUND_1, name); } FileStore store; if (cipher == null) { store = FileStore.open(this, name, mode); } else { store = FileStore.open(this, name, mode, cipher, fileEncryptionKey, 0); } store.setCheckedWriting(false); try { store.init(); } catch (DbException e) { store.closeSilently(); throw e; } return store; } public DataHandler getDataHandler() { return this; } public Object getLobSyncObject() { return lobSyncObject; } public SmallLRUCache<String, String[]> getLobFileListCache() { return null; } public int getLastReconnect() { return lastReconnect; } public TempFileDeleter getTempFileDeleter() { return TempFileDeleter.getInstance(); } public boolean isReconnectNeeded(boolean write) { return false; } public SessionInterface reconnect(boolean write) { return this; } public void afterWriting() { // nothing to do } public LobStorage getLobStorage() { if (lobStorage == null) { lobStorage = new LobStorage(this); } return lobStorage; } public Connection getLobConnection() { return null; } public synchronized int readLob(long lobId, byte[] hmac, long offset, byte[] buff, int off, int length) { for (int i = 0, count = 0; i < transferList.size(); i++) { Transfer transfer = transferList.get(i); try { traceOperation("LOB_READ", (int) lobId); transfer.writeInt(SessionRemote.LOB_READ); transfer.writeLong(lobId); if (clientVersion >= Constants.TCP_PROTOCOL_VERSION_12) { transfer.writeBytes(hmac); } transfer.writeLong(offset); transfer.writeInt(length); done(transfer); length = transfer.readInt(); if (length <= 0) { return length; } transfer.readBytes(buff, off, length); return length; } catch (IOException e) { removeServer(e, i--, ++count); } } return 1; } }