/* * Copyright 2004-2011 H2 Group. Multiple-Licensed under the H2 License, * Version 1.0, and under the Eclipse Public License, Version 1.0 * (http://h2database.com/html/license.html). * Initial Developer: H2 Group */ package org.h2.expression; import java.util.Arrays; import org.h2.constant.SysProperties; import org.h2.engine.Database; import org.h2.engine.Session; import org.h2.index.IndexCondition; import org.h2.message.DbException; import org.h2.table.ColumnResolver; import org.h2.table.TableFilter; import org.h2.util.New; import org.h2.value.Value; import org.h2.value.ValueBoolean; import org.h2.value.ValueNull; /** * Example comparison expressions are ID=1, NAME=NAME, NAME IS NULL. */ public class Comparison extends Condition { /** * This is a flag meaning the comparison is null safe (meaning never returns * NULL even if one operand is NULL). Only EQUAL and NOT_EQUAL are supported * currently. */ public static final int NULL_SAFE = 16; /** * The comparison type meaning = as in ID=1. */ public static final int EQUAL = 0; /** * The comparison type meaning ID IS 1 (ID IS NOT DISTINCT FROM 1). */ public static final int EQUAL_NULL_SAFE = EQUAL | NULL_SAFE; /** * The comparison type meaning >= as in ID>=1. */ public static final int BIGGER_EQUAL = 1; /** * The comparison type meaning > as in ID>1. */ public static final int BIGGER = 2; /** * The comparison type meaning <= as in ID<=1. */ public static final int SMALLER_EQUAL = 3; /** * The comparison type meaning < as in ID<1. */ public static final int SMALLER = 4; /** * The comparison type meaning <> as in ID<>1. */ public static final int NOT_EQUAL = 5; /** * The comparison type meaning ID IS NOT 1 (ID IS DISTINCT FROM 1). */ public static final int NOT_EQUAL_NULL_SAFE = NOT_EQUAL | NULL_SAFE; /** * The comparison type meaning IS NULL as in NAME IS NULL. */ public static final int IS_NULL = 6; /** * The comparison type meaning IS NOT NULL as in NAME IS NOT NULL. */ public static final int IS_NOT_NULL = 7; /** * This is a pseudo comparison type that is only used for index conditions. * It means the comparison will always yield FALSE. Example: 1=0. */ public static final int FALSE = 8; /** * This is a pseudo comparison type that is only used for index conditions. * It means equals any value of a list. Example: IN(1, 2, 3). */ public static final int IN_LIST = 9; /** * This is a pseudo comparison type that is only used for index conditions. * It means equals any value of a list. Example: IN(SELECT ...). */ public static final int IN_QUERY = 10; private final Database database; private int compareType; private Expression left; private Expression right; public Comparison(Session session, int compareType, Expression left, Expression right) { this.database = session.getDatabase(); this.left = left; this.right = right; this.compareType = compareType; } public String getSQL() { String sql; switch (compareType) { case IS_NULL: sql = left.getSQL() + " IS NULL"; break; case IS_NOT_NULL: sql = left.getSQL() + " IS NOT NULL"; break; default: sql = left.getSQL() + " " + getCompareOperator(compareType) + " " + right.getSQL(); } return "(" + sql + ")"; } /** * Get the comparison operator string ("=", ">",...). * * @param compareType the compare type * @return the string */ static String getCompareOperator(int compareType) { switch (compareType) { case EQUAL: return "="; case EQUAL_NULL_SAFE: return "IS"; case BIGGER_EQUAL: return ">="; case BIGGER: return ">"; case SMALLER_EQUAL: return "<="; case SMALLER: return "<"; case NOT_EQUAL: return "<>"; case NOT_EQUAL_NULL_SAFE: return "IS NOT"; default: throw DbException.throwInternalError("compareType=" + compareType); } } public Expression optimize(Session session) { left = left.optimize(session); if (right != null) { right = right.optimize(session); if (right instanceof ExpressionColumn) { if (left.isConstant() || left instanceof Parameter) { Expression temp = left; left = right; right = temp; compareType = getReversedCompareType(compareType); } } if (left instanceof ExpressionColumn) { if (right.isConstant()) { Value r = right.getValue(session); if (r == ValueNull.INSTANCE) { if ((compareType & NULL_SAFE) == 0) { return ValueExpression.getNull(); } } } else if (right instanceof Parameter) { ((Parameter) right).setColumn(((ExpressionColumn) left).getColumn()); } } } if (compareType == IS_NULL || compareType == IS_NOT_NULL) { if (left.isConstant()) { return ValueExpression.get(getValue(session)); } } else { if (SysProperties.CHECK && (left == null || right == null)) { DbException.throwInternalError(); } if (left == ValueExpression.getNull() || right == ValueExpression.getNull()) { // TODO NULL handling: maybe issue a warning when comparing with // a NULL constants if ((compareType & NULL_SAFE) == 0) { return ValueExpression.getNull(); } } if (left.isConstant() && right.isConstant()) { return ValueExpression.get(getValue(session)); } } return this; } public Value getValue(Session session) { Value l = left.getValue(session); if (right == null) { boolean result; switch (compareType) { case IS_NULL: result = l == ValueNull.INSTANCE; break; case IS_NOT_NULL: result = !(l == ValueNull.INSTANCE); break; default: throw DbException.throwInternalError("type=" + compareType); } return ValueBoolean.get(result); } if (l == ValueNull.INSTANCE) { if ((compareType & NULL_SAFE) == 0) { return ValueNull.INSTANCE; } } Value r = right.getValue(session); if (r == ValueNull.INSTANCE) { if ((compareType & NULL_SAFE) == 0) { return ValueNull.INSTANCE; } } int dataType = Value.getHigherOrder(left.getType(), right.getType()); l = l.convertTo(dataType); r = r.convertTo(dataType); boolean result = compareNotNull(database, l, r, compareType); return ValueBoolean.get(result); } /** * Compare two values, given the values are not NULL. * * @param database the database * @param l the first value * @param r the second value * @param compareType the compare type * @return the result of the comparison (1 if the first value is bigger, -1 * if smaller, 0 if both are equal) */ static boolean compareNotNull(Database database, Value l, Value r, int compareType) { boolean result; switch (compareType) { case EQUAL: case EQUAL_NULL_SAFE: result = database.areEqual(l, r); break; case NOT_EQUAL: case NOT_EQUAL_NULL_SAFE: result = !database.areEqual(l, r); break; case BIGGER_EQUAL: result = database.compare(l, r) >= 0; break; case BIGGER: result = database.compare(l, r) > 0; break; case SMALLER_EQUAL: result = database.compare(l, r) <= 0; break; case SMALLER: result = database.compare(l, r) < 0; break; default: throw DbException.throwInternalError("type=" + compareType); } return result; } private int getReversedCompareType(int type) { switch (compareType) { case EQUAL: case EQUAL_NULL_SAFE: case NOT_EQUAL: case NOT_EQUAL_NULL_SAFE: return type; case BIGGER_EQUAL: return SMALLER_EQUAL; case BIGGER: return SMALLER; case SMALLER_EQUAL: return BIGGER_EQUAL; case SMALLER: return BIGGER; default: throw DbException.throwInternalError("type=" + compareType); } } private int getNotCompareType() { switch (compareType) { case EQUAL: return NOT_EQUAL; case EQUAL_NULL_SAFE: return NOT_EQUAL_NULL_SAFE; case NOT_EQUAL: return EQUAL; case NOT_EQUAL_NULL_SAFE: return EQUAL_NULL_SAFE; case BIGGER_EQUAL: return SMALLER; case BIGGER: return SMALLER_EQUAL; case SMALLER_EQUAL: return BIGGER; case SMALLER: return BIGGER_EQUAL; case IS_NULL: return IS_NOT_NULL; case IS_NOT_NULL: return IS_NULL; default: throw DbException.throwInternalError("type=" + compareType); } } public Expression getNotIfPossible(Session session) { int type = getNotCompareType(); return new Comparison(session, type, left, right); } public void createIndexConditions(Session session, TableFilter filter) { ExpressionColumn l = null; if (left instanceof ExpressionColumn) { l = (ExpressionColumn) left; if (filter != l.getTableFilter()) { l = null; } } if (right == null) { if (l != null) { switch (compareType) { case IS_NULL: if (session.getDatabase().getSettings().optimizeIsNull) { filter.addIndexCondition(IndexCondition.get(Comparison.EQUAL_NULL_SAFE, l, ValueExpression.getNull())); } } } return; } ExpressionColumn r = null; if (right instanceof ExpressionColumn) { r = (ExpressionColumn) right; if (filter != r.getTableFilter()) { r = null; } } // one side must be from the current filter if (l == null && r == null) { return; } if (l != null && r != null) { return; } if (l == null) { ExpressionVisitor visitor = ExpressionVisitor.getNotFromResolverVisitor(filter); if (!left.isEverything(visitor)) { return; } } else if (r == null) { ExpressionVisitor visitor = ExpressionVisitor.getNotFromResolverVisitor(filter); if (!right.isEverything(visitor)) { return; } } else { // if both sides are part of the same filter, it can't be used for // index lookup return; } boolean addIndex; switch (compareType) { case NOT_EQUAL: case NOT_EQUAL_NULL_SAFE: addIndex = false; break; case EQUAL: case EQUAL_NULL_SAFE: case BIGGER: case BIGGER_EQUAL: case SMALLER_EQUAL: case SMALLER: addIndex = true; break; default: throw DbException.throwInternalError("type=" + compareType); } if (addIndex) { if (l != null) { filter.addIndexCondition(IndexCondition.get(compareType, l, right)); } else if (r != null) { int compareRev = getReversedCompareType(compareType); filter.addIndexCondition(IndexCondition.get(compareRev, r, left)); } } return; } public void setEvaluatable(TableFilter tableFilter, boolean b) { left.setEvaluatable(tableFilter, b); if (right != null) { right.setEvaluatable(tableFilter, b); } } public void updateAggregate(Session session) { left.updateAggregate(session); if (right != null) { right.updateAggregate(session); } } public void addFilterConditions(TableFilter filter, boolean outerJoin) { if (compareType == IS_NULL && outerJoin) { // can not optimize: // select * from test t1 left join test t2 on t1.id = t2.id where t2.id is null // to // select * from test t1 left join test t2 on t1.id = t2.id and t2.id is null return; } super.addFilterConditions(filter, outerJoin); } public void mapColumns(ColumnResolver resolver, int level) { left.mapColumns(resolver, level); if (right != null) { right.mapColumns(resolver, level); } } public boolean isEverything(ExpressionVisitor visitor) { return left.isEverything(visitor) && (right == null || right.isEverything(visitor)); } public int getCost() { return left.getCost() + (right == null ? 0 : right.getCost()) + 1; } /** * Get the other expression if this is an equals comparison and the other * expression matches. * * @param match the expression that should match * @return null if no match, the other expression if there is a match */ Expression getIfEquals(Expression match) { if (compareType == EQUAL) { String sql = match.getSQL(); if (left.getSQL().equals(sql)) { return right; } else if (right.getSQL().equals(sql)) { return left; } } return null; } /** * Get an additional condition if possible. Example: given two conditions * A=B AND B=C, the new condition A=C is returned. Given the two conditions * A=1 OR A=2, the new condition A IN(1, 2) is returned. * * @param session the session * @param other the second condition * @param and true for AND, false for OR * @return null or the third condition */ Expression getAdditional(Session session, Comparison other, boolean and) { if (compareType == other.compareType && compareType == EQUAL) { boolean lc = left.isConstant(), rc = right.isConstant(); boolean l2c = other.left.isConstant(), r2c = other.right.isConstant(); String l = left.getSQL(); String l2 = other.left.getSQL(); String r = right.getSQL(); String r2 = other.right.getSQL(); if (and) { // a=b AND a=c // must not compare constants. example: NOT(B=2 AND B=3) if (!(rc && r2c) && l.equals(l2)) { return new Comparison(session, EQUAL, right, other.right); } else if (!(rc && l2c) && l.equals(r2)) { return new Comparison(session, EQUAL, right, other.left); } else if (!(lc && r2c) && r.equals(l2)) { return new Comparison(session, EQUAL, left, other.right); } else if (!(lc && l2c) && r.equals(r2)) { return new Comparison(session, EQUAL, left, other.left); } } else { // a=b OR a=c Database db = session.getDatabase(); if (rc && r2c && l.equals(l2)) { return new ConditionIn(db, left, New.arrayList(Arrays.asList(right, other.right))); } else if (rc && l2c && l.equals(r2)) { return new ConditionIn(db, left, New.arrayList(Arrays.asList(right, other.left))); } else if (lc && r2c && r.equals(l2)) { return new ConditionIn(db, right, New.arrayList(Arrays.asList(left, other.right))); } else if (lc && l2c && r.equals(r2)) { return new ConditionIn(db, right, New.arrayList(Arrays.asList(left, other.left))); } } } return null; } /** * Get the left or the right sub-expression of this condition. * * @param getLeft true to get the left sub-expression, false to get the right * sub-expression. * @return the sub-expression */ public Expression getExpression(boolean getLeft) { return getLeft ? this.left : right; } }