package edu.ucdavis.cstars.client.tasks; import; import; import edu.ucdavis.cstars.client.Util; import edu.ucdavis.cstars.client.geometry.Geometry; import edu.ucdavis.cstars.client.tasks.GeometryService.UnitType; /** * Sets the lengthunits other parameters for Lengths operation. * * @author Justin Merz */ public class LengthsParameters extends JavaScriptObject { protected LengthsParameters() {} /** * Creates a new LengthsParameter object. * * @return LengthsParameters */ public native static LengthsParameters create() /*-{ return new $wnd.esri.tasks.LengthsParameters(); }-*/; /** * If polylines are in geographic coordinate system, then geodesic needs to be set to true in order to * calculate the ellipsoidal shortest path distance between each pair of the vertices in the polylines. * The output if lengthUnit if not specified is returned in meters. * * @return boolean */ public final native boolean isGeodesic() /*-{ return this.geodesic; }-*/; /** * Set the geodesic parameter * * @param geodesic - If polylines are in geographic coordinate system, then geodesic needs to be set to true in order to * calculate the ellipsoidal shortest path distance between each pair of the vertices in the polylines. * The output if lengthUnit if not specified is returned in meters. */ public final native void setGeodesic(boolean geodesic) /*-{ this.geodesic = geodesic; }-*/; /** * The length unit in which perimeters of polygons will be calculated. It can be any esriUnits constant. If unit is not * specified, the units are derived from sr * * @return UnitType */ public final UnitType getLengthUnit() { String lu = _getLengthUnit(); for( int i = 0 ; i < UnitType.values().length; i++ ){ if( UnitType.values()[i].getValue().contentEquals(lu) ) return UnitType.values()[i]; } return UnitType.NOT_SET; } private final native String _getLengthUnit() /*-{ return this.lengthUnit; }-*/; /** * Set the length unit parameter. * * @param lengthUnit - The length unit in which perimeters of polygons will be calculated. It can be any esriUnits * constant. If unit is not specified, the units are derived from sr */ public final void setLengthUnit(UnitType lengthUnit) { _setLengthUnit( lengthUnit.getValue() ); } private final native void _setLengthUnit(String lengthUnit) /*-{ this.lengthUnit = lengthUnit; }-*/; /** * The array of polylines whose lengths are to be computed. The spatial reference of the polylines is specified by sr. * The structure of each polyline in the array is same as the structure of the JSON polyline objects returned by the * ArcGIS REST API. * * @return JsArray<Geometry> */ public final native JsArray<Geometry> getPolylines() /*-{ return this.polylines; }-*/; /** * Set the polylines parameter. * * @param polylines - The array of polylines whose lengths are to be computed. The spatial reference of the polylines * is specified by sr. The structure of each polyline in the array is same as the structure of the JSON polyline objects * returned by the ArcGIS REST API. */ public final void setPolylines(Geometry[] polylines) { _setPolylines(Util.objectArrayToJSO(polylines)); } private final native void _setPolylines(JavaScriptObject polylines) /*-{ this.polylines = polylines; }-*/; }