package edu.ucdavis.cstars.client.tasks; import; import edu.ucdavis.cstars.client.JSObject; import edu.ucdavis.cstars.client.SpatialReference; import edu.ucdavis.cstars.client.callback.CheckJobStatusCallback; import edu.ucdavis.cstars.client.callback.GeoprocessorExecuteCallback; import edu.ucdavis.cstars.client.callback.GetResultDataCallback; import edu.ucdavis.cstars.client.callback.GetResultImageCallback; import edu.ucdavis.cstars.client.callback.GetResultImageLayerCallback; import edu.ucdavis.cstars.client.callback.SubmitJobCallback; import edu.ucdavis.cstars.client.dojo.Deferred; import edu.ucdavis.cstars.client.event.CheckJobStatusHandler; import edu.ucdavis.cstars.client.event.ErrorHandler; import edu.ucdavis.cstars.client.event.GeoprocessorExecuteHandler; import edu.ucdavis.cstars.client.event.GeoprocessorJobHandler; import edu.ucdavis.cstars.client.event.GetResultDataHandler; import edu.ucdavis.cstars.client.event.GetResultImageHandler; import edu.ucdavis.cstars.client.event.GetResultImageLayerHandler; import edu.ucdavis.cstars.client.layers.ImageParameters; /** * Represents a GP Task resource exposed by the ArcGIS Server REST API. A GP Task resource represents a single task in a GP service published using the * ArcGIS Server and it supports one of the following operations: * * "execute" - performed on a GP Task resource when the execution type is synchronous. * "submitJob" - performed on an asynchronous GP Task resource. * * @author Justin Merz */ public class Geoprocessor extends JavaScriptObject { protected Geoprocessor() {} /** * Creates a new Geoprocessor object that represents the GP Task identifed by a URL. * * @param url - URL to the ArcGIS Server REST resource that represents a geoprocessing service. * @return Geoprocessor */ public static native Geoprocessor create(String url) /*-{ return new $wnd.esri.tasks.Geoprocessor(url); }-*/; /** * * @deprecated - Use outSpatialReference instead. * @return SpatialReference */ public final native SpatialReference getOutputSpatialReference() /*-{ return this.outputSpatialReference; }-*/; /** * The spatial reference of the output geometries. If not specified, the output geometries are in the spatial reference of the input * geometries. If processSpatialReferencew is specified and outSpatialReference is not specified, the output geometries are in the * spatial reference of the process spatial reference. * * @return SpatialReference */ public final native SpatialReference getOutSpatialReference() /*-{ return this.outSpatialReference; }-*/; /** * The spatial reference that the model will use to perform geometry operations. If processSpatialReference is specified and outputSpatialReference is not * specified, the output geometries are in the spatial reference of the process spatial reference. * * @return SpatialReference */ public final native SpatialReference getProcessSpatialReference() /*-{ return this.processSpatialReference; }-*/; /** * The time interval in milliseconds between each job status request sent to an asynchronous GP task. Default value: 1000 * * @return int */ public final native int getUpdateDelay() /*-{ return this.updateDelay; }-*/; /** * ArcGIS Server Rest API endpoint to the resource that receives the geoprocessing request. * * @return String */ public final native String getUrl() /*-{ return this.url; }-*/; /** * Cancels the periodic job status updates initiated automatically when submitJob() is invoked for the job identified by jobId. You can still obtain the status of * this job by calling the checkStatus() method at your own discretion. * * @param jobId - A string that uniquely identifies the job for which the job updates are cancelled. */ public final native void cancelJobStatusUpdates(String jobId) /*-{ this.cancelJobStatusUpdates(jobId); }-*/; /** * Sends a request to the GP Task for the current state of the job identified by jobId. Upon receiving the response, the onStatusUpdate event is * fired and the optional callback function is invoked. * * @param jobId - A string that uniquely identifies a job on the server. It is created when a job is submitted for execution and later used to check its status * and retrieve the results. * @param callback - The function to call when the method has completed. */ public final native void checkJobStatus(String jobId, CheckJobStatusCallback callback) /*-{ this.checkJobStatus(jobId, function(status) { callback.@edu.ucdavis.cstars.client.callback.CheckJobStatusCallback::onStatusUpdate(Ledu/ucdavis/cstars/client/tasks/JobInfo;)(status); }, function(error) { callback.@edu.ucdavis.cstars.client.callback.CheckJobStatusCallback::onError(Ledu/ucdavis/cstars/client/Error;)(error); } ); }-*/; /** * Sends a request to the GP Task for the current state of the job identified by jobId. Upon receiving the response, the onStatusUpdate event is * fired and the optional callback function is invoked. * * @param jobId - A string that uniquely identifies a job on the server. It is created when a job is submitted for execution and later used to check its status * and retrieve the results. */ public final native void checkJobStatus(String jobId) /*-{ this.checkJobStatus(jobId); }-*/; /** * Sends a request to the server to execute a synchronous GP task. On completion, the onExecuteComplete event is fired and the optional callback function is invoked. * * @param params - The inputParameters argument specifies the input parameters accepted by the task and their corresponding values. * @param callback - The function to call when the method has completed. * @return Deferred */ public final native Deferred execute(JSObject params, GeoprocessorExecuteCallback callback) /*-{ return this.execute(params, function(params, message) { callback.@edu.ucdavis.cstars.client.callback.GeoprocessorExecuteCallback::onExecuteComplete(Lcom/google/gwt/core/client/JsArray;Ledu/ucdavis/cstars/client/tasks/GPMessage;)(params, message); }, function(error) { callback.@edu.ucdavis.cstars.client.callback.GeoprocessorExecuteCallback::onError(Ledu/ucdavis/cstars/client/Error;)(error); } ); }-*/; /** * Sends a request to the server to execute a synchronous GP task. * * @param params - The inputParameters argument specifies the input parameters accepted by the task and their corresponding values. * @return Deferred */ public final native Deferred execute(JSObject params) /*-{ return this.execute(params); }-*/; /** * Sends a request to the GP Task to get the task result identified by jobId and resultParameterName. * * @param jobId - The jobId returned from JobInfo. * @param parameterName - The name of the result parameter as defined in Services Directory. * @param callback - The function to call when the method has completed. * @return Deferred */ public final native Deferred getResultData(String jobId, String parameterName, GetResultDataCallback callback) /*-{ return this.getResultData(jobId, parameterName, function(result) { callback.@edu.ucdavis.cstars.client.callback.GetResultDataCallback::onGetResultDataComplete(Ledu/ucdavis/cstars/client/tasks/ParameterValue;)(result); }, function(error) { callback.@edu.ucdavis.cstars.client.callback.GetResultDataCallback::onError(Ledu/ucdavis/cstars/client/Error;)(error); } ); }-*/; /** * Sends a request to the GP Task to get the task result identified by jobId and resultParameterName. * * @param jobId - The jobId returned from JobInfo. * @param parameterName - The name of the result parameter as defined in Services Directory. * @return Deferred */ public final native Deferred getResultData(String jobId, String parameterName) /*-{ return this.getResultData(jobId, parameterName); }-*/; /** * Sends a request to the GP Task to get the task result identified by jobId and resultParameterName as an image. * * @param jobId - The jobId returned from JobInfo. * @param parameterName - The name of the result parameter as defined in Services Directory. * @param parameters - Specifies the properties of the result image. * @param callback - The function to call when the method has completed. * @return Deferred */ public final native Deferred getResultImage(String jobId, String parameterName, ImageParameters parameters, GetResultImageCallback callback) /*-{ return this.getResultImage(jobId, parameterName, parameters, function(mapImage) { callback.@edu.ucdavis.cstars.client.callback.GetResultImageCallback::onGetResultImageComplete(Ledu/ucdavis/cstars/client/layers/MapImage;)(mapImage); }, function(error) { callback.@edu.ucdavis.cstars.client.callback.GetResultImageCallback::onError(Ledu/ucdavis/cstars/client/Error;)(error); } ); }-*/; /** * Sends a request to the GP Task to get the task result identified by jobId and resultParameterName as an image. * * @param jobId - The jobId returned from JobInfo. * @param parameterName - The name of the result parameter as defined in Services Directory. * @param parameters - Specifies the properties of the result image. * @return Deferred */ public final native Deferred getResultImage(String jobId, String parameterName, ImageParameters parameters) /*-{ return this.getResultImage(jobId, parameterName, parameters); }-*/; /** * Sends a request to the GP Task to get the task result identified by jobId and resultParameterName as an ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer. * * @param jobId - The jobId returned from JobInfo. * @param parameterName - The name of the result parameter as defined in Services Directory. * @param parameters - Contains various options that can be specified when generating a dynamic map image. * @param callback - The function to call when the method has completed. */ public final native void getResultImageLayer(String jobId, String parameterName, ImageParameters parameters, GetResultImageLayerCallback callback) /*-{ this.getResultImageLayer(jobId, parameterName, parameters, function(layer) { callback.@edu.ucdavis.cstars.client.callback.GetResultImageLayerCallback::onGetResultImageLayerComplete(Ledu/ucdavis/cstars/client/layers/ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer;)(layer); }, function(error) { callback.@edu.ucdavis.cstars.client.callback.GetResultImageLayerCallback::onError(Ledu/ucdavis/cstars/client/Error;)(error); } ); }-*/; /** * Sends a request to the GP Task to get the task result identified by jobId and resultParameterName as an ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer. * * @param jobId - The jobId returned from JobInfo. * @param parameterName - The name of the result parameter as defined in Services Directory. * @param parameters - Contains various options that can be specified when generating a dynamic map image. */ public final native void getResultImageLayer(String jobId, String parameterName, ImageParameters parameters) /*-{ this.getResultImageLayer(jobId, parameterName, parameters); }-*/; /** * * @deprecated - Use outSpatialReference instead. * @param spatialReference */ public final native void setOutputSpatialReference(SpatialReference spatialReference) /*-{ this.setOutputSpatialReference(spatialReference); }-*/; /** * Set the outSpatialReference parameter. * * @param outSpatialReference - The spatial reference of the output geometries. If not specified, the output geometries are in the spatial reference of the input * geometries. If processSpatialReferencew is specified and outSpatialReference is not specified, the output geometries are in the * spatial reference of the process spatial reference. */ public final native void setOutSpatialReference(SpatialReference outSpatialReference) /*-{ this.outSpatialReference = outSpatialReference; }-*/; /** * Set the processSpatialReference parameter. * * @param processSpatialReference - The spatial reference that the model will use to perform geometry operations. If processSpatialReference is specified and outputSpatialReference is not * specified, the output geometries are in the spatial reference of the process spatial reference. */ public final native void setProcessSpatialReference(SpatialReference processSpatialReference) /*-{ this.outSpatialReference = outSpatialReference; }-*/; /** * Sets the time interval in milliseconds between each job status request sent to an asynchronous GP task. * * @param delay - The value in milliseconds. One second equals 1000 milliseconds. */ public final native void setUpdateDelay(int delay) /*-{ this.setUpdateDelay(delay); }-*/; /** * Submits a job to the server for asynchronous processing by the GP task. Once the job is submitted and until it is completed, the * onStatusUpdate event is fired and the optional statusCallback() function is invoked at regular intervals, the duration of which is * specified by the updateDelay property. Upon completion of the job, the onJobComplete event is fired and the callback * function is invoked. * * The task execution results can be retrieved using getResultData(), getResultImage() or getResultImageLayer() methods. * * @param inputParameters - The inputParameters argument specifies the input parameters accepted by the task and their * corresponding values. These input parameters are listed in the parameters field of the associated GP Task resource. * @param callback - The function to call when the method has completed and on update of status. */ public final native void submitJob(JSObject inputParameters, SubmitJobCallback callback) /*-{ this.submitJob(inputParameters, function(jobInfo) { callback.@edu.ucdavis.cstars.client.callback.SubmitJobCallback::onJobComplete(Ledu/ucdavis/cstars/client/tasks/JobInfo;)(jobInfo); }, function(jobInfo) { callback.@edu.ucdavis.cstars.client.callback.SubmitJobCallback::onStatusUpdate(Ledu/ucdavis/cstars/client/tasks/JobInfo;)(jobInfo); }, function(error) { callback.@edu.ucdavis.cstars.client.callback.SubmitJobCallback::onError(Ledu/ucdavis/cstars/client/Error;)(error); } ); }-*/; /** * Submits a job to the server for asynchronous processing by the GP task. Once the job is submitted and until it is completed, the * onStatusUpdate event is fired and the optional statusCallback() function is invoked at regular intervals, the duration of which is * specified by the updateDelay property. Upon completion of the job, the onJobComplete event is fired and the callback * function is invoked. * * The task execution results can be retrieved using getResultData(), getResultImage() or getResultImageLayer() methods. * * @param inputParameters - The inputParameters argument specifies the input parameters accepted by the task and their * corresponding values. These input parameters are listed in the parameters field of the associated GP Task resource. */ public final native void submitJob(JSObject inputParameters) /*-{ this.submitJob(inputParameters); }-*/; /** * Add event handler for errors. * * @param handler - Fires when an error occurs when executing the task. */ public final native void addErrorHandler(ErrorHandler handler) /*-{ $wnd.dojo.connect(this, "onError", function(error) { handler.@edu.ucdavis.cstars.client.event.ErrorHandler::onError(Ledu/ucdavis/cstars/client/Error;)(error); } ); }-*/; /** * Add event handler for execute. * * @param handler - Fires when a synchronous GP task is completed. */ public final native void addExecuteHandler(GeoprocessorExecuteHandler handler) /*-{ $wnd.dojo.connect(this, "onExecuteComplete", function(results, messages) { handler.@edu.ucdavis.cstars.client.event.GeoprocessorExecuteHandler::onExecuteComplete(Lcom/google/gwt/core/client/JsArray;Ledu/ucdavis/cstars/client/tasks/GPMessage;)(results, messages); } ); }-*/; /** * Add event handler for getResultDataHandler. * * @param handler - Fires when the result of an asynchronous GP task execution is available. */ public final native void addGetResultDataHandler(GetResultDataHandler handler) /*-{ $wnd.dojo.connect(this, "onGetResultDataComplete", function(result) { handler.@edu.ucdavis.cstars.client.event.GetResultDataHandler::onGetResultDataComplete(Ledu/ucdavis/cstars/client/tasks/ParameterValue;)(result); } ); }-*/; /** * Add event handler for getResultImage * * @param handler - Fires when a map image is generated by invoking the getResultImage() method. */ public final native void addGetResultImageHandler(GetResultImageHandler handler) /*-{ $wnd.dojo.connect(this, "onGetResultImageComplete", function(mapImage) { handler.@edu.ucdavis.cstars.client.event.GetResultImageHandler::onGetResultImageComplete(Ledu/ucdavis/cstars/client/layers/MapImage;)(mapImage); } ); }-*/; /** * Add event handler for getResultImageLayer * * @param handler - Fires when getResultImageLayer() has completed. */ public final native void addGetResultImageLayerHandler(GetResultImageLayerHandler handler) /*-{ $wnd.dojo.connect(this, "onGetResultImageLayerComplete", function(layer) { handler.@edu.ucdavis.cstars.client.event.GetResultImageLayerHandler::onGetResultImageLayerComplete(Ledu/ucdavis/cstars/client/layers/ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer;)(layer); } ); }-*/; /** * Add event handler for when job is complete. * * @param handler - Fires when an asynchronous GP task using submitJob is complete. */ public final native void addJobHandler(GeoprocessorJobHandler handler) /*-{ $wnd.dojo.connect(this, "onJobComplete", function(status) { handler.@edu.ucdavis.cstars.client.event.GeoprocessorJobHandler::onJobComplete(Ledu/ucdavis/cstars/client/tasks/JobInfo;)(status); } ); }-*/; /** * Add event handler for checkJobStatus. * * @param handler - Fires when a job status update is available. */ public final native void addCheckJobStatusHandler(CheckJobStatusHandler handler) /*-{ $wnd.dojo.connect(this, "onStatusUpdate", function(status) { handler.@edu.ucdavis.cstars.client.event.CheckJobStatusHandler::onStatusUpdate(Ledu/ucdavis/cstars/client/tasks/JobInfo;)(status); } ); }-*/; }