package edu.ucdavis.cstars.client.dijits; import; import edu.ucdavis.cstars.client.Graphic; import edu.ucdavis.cstars.client.OperationBase; import edu.ucdavis.cstars.client.layers.FeatureLayer; /** * The esri.dijit.editing namespace contains editing related opertions that inherit from OperationBase. * These operations are used with the UndoManager to provide undo/redo functionality. * * @author Justin Merz */ public class Cut extends OperationBase { protected Cut() {} /** * Create a new Cut operation. Cut is a combination of the Add and Update operations. * * @param addedGraphics - The feature(s) added to the feature layer by the cut operation. * @param featureLayer - The feature layer that contains the cut feature(s). * @param postUpdatedGraphics - The updated feature(s). * @param preUpdatedGraphics - The feature(s) before the cut operation is performed. * @return Cut */ public static Cut create(Graphic[] addedGraphics, FeatureLayer featureLayer, Graphic[] postUpdatedGraphics, Graphic[] preUpdatedGraphics) { if( !assertLoaded() ) return JavaScriptObject.createObject().cast(); return _create(addedGraphics, featureLayer, postUpdatedGraphics, preUpdatedGraphics); } private static native Cut _create(Graphic[] addedGraphics, FeatureLayer featureLayer, Graphic[] postUpdatedGraphics, Graphic[] preUpdatedGraphics) /*-{ return $wnd.esri.dijit.editing.editOperation.Cut({ addedGraphics: addedGraphics, featureLayer: featureLayer, preUpdatedGraphics: preUpdatedGraphics, postUpdatedGraphics: postUpdatedGraphics }); }-*/; /** * Check that the esri.dijit.editing.editOperation has been loaded * * @return boolean */ public static native boolean assertLoaded() /*-{ if( $wnd.esri.dijit.editing.editOperation ) return true; $wnd.alert("The ESRI_DIJIT_EDITING_EDITOPERATION package has not been loaded"); return false; }-*/; }