package edu.ucdavis.cstars.client.layers; import; /** * An ArcGISTiledMapServiceLayer has a number of LODs (Levels of Detail). Each LOD corresponds to a map at a given scale or resolution. * * @author Justin Merz */ public class LOD extends JavaScriptObject { protected LOD() {} public static native LOD create(int level, double resolution, double scale) /*-{ return {"level": level, "resolution": resolution, "scale": scale }; }-*/; /** * ID for each level. The top most level is 0. The ID is returned in Map.getLevel() and set in Map.setLevel(). * * @return in */ public final native int getLevel() /*-{ return this.level; }-*/; /** * Resolution in map units of each pixel in a tile for each level. * * @return float */ public final native double getResolution() /*-{ return this.resolution; }-*/; /** * Scale for each level. * * @return float */ public final native double getScale() /*-{ return this.scale; }-*/; }