package edu.ucdavis.cstars.client.symbol; import; import edu.ucdavis.cstars.client.dojo.Color; /** * Text symbols are used to add text on the graphics layer. * * @author Justin Merz */ public class TextSymbol extends Symbol { public static enum AlignType { NOT_SET(""), ALIGN_END("end"), ALIGN_MIDDLE("middle"), ALIGN_START("start"); private String val; private AlignType(String value){ val = value; } public String getValue(){ return val; } } public static enum DecorationType { NOT_SET(""), DECORATION_LINETHROUGH("line-through"), DECORATION_NONE("none"), DECORATION_OVERLINE("overline"), DECORATION_UNDERLINE("underline"); private String val; private DecorationType(String value){ val = value; } public String getValue(){ return val; } } protected TextSymbol() {} /** * Creates a new TextSymbol object that includes only the text. * * @param text - Text string for display in the graphics layer. * @return TextSymbol */ public static native TextSymbol create(String text) /*-{ return new $wnd.esri.symbol.TextSymbol(text); }-*/; /** * Creates a new TextSymbol object. * * @param text - Text string for display in the graphics layer. * @param font - Font for displaying text. * @param color - Symbol color. * @return TextSymbol */ public static native TextSymbol create(String text, Font font, Color color) /*-{ return new $wnd.esri.symbol.TextSymbol(text, font, color); }-*/; /** * Creates a new TextSymbol object using a JSON object. * * @param json - JSON object representing the text symbol. * @return TextSymbol */ public static native TextSymbol create(JavaScriptObject json) /*-{ return new $wnd.esri.symbol.TextSymbol(json); }-*/; /** * The text alignment in relation to the point. Default value: ALIGN_MIDDLE * * @return AlignType */ public final AlignType getAlign() { String a = _getAlign(); for( int i = 0; i < AlignType.values().length; i++ ){ if( AlignType.values()[i].getValue().contentEquals(a) ){ return AlignType.values()[i]; } } return AlignType.NOT_SET; } private final native String _getAlign() /*-{ return this.align; }-*/; /** * Text angle. 0 is horizontal and the angle moves clockwise. * * @return int */ public final native int getAngle() /*-{ return this.angle; }-*/; /** * The decoration on the text. Default value: DECORATION_NONE * * @return DecorationType */ public final DecorationType getDecoration() { String d = _getDecoration(); for( int i = 0; i < DecorationType.values().length; i++ ){ if( DecorationType.values()[i].getValue().contentEquals(d) ){ return DecorationType.values()[i]; } } return DecorationType.NOT_SET; } private final native String _getDecoration() /*-{ return this.decoration; }-*/; /** * Font for displaying text. * * @return Font */ public final native Font getFont() /*-{ return this.font; }-*/; /** * Determines whether to adjust the spacing between characters in the text string. Default value: true * * @return boolean */ public final native boolean hasKerning() /*-{ return this.kerning; }-*/; /** * Determines whether every character in the text string is rotated. * * @return boolean */ public final native boolean isRotated() /*-{ return this.rotated; }-*/; /** * Text string for display in the graphics layer. * * @return String */ public final native String getText() /*-{ return this.text; }-*/; /** * The offset on the x-axis in pixels from the point. Default value: 0 * * @return int */ public final native int getXOffset() /*-{ return this.xoffset; }-*/; /** * The offset on the y-axis in pixels from the point. Default value: 0 * * @return int */ public final native int getYOffset() /*-{ return this.yoffset; }-*/; /** * Sets the alignment of the text. * * @param align - The text alignment. * @return TextSymbol */ public final TextSymbol setAlign(AlignType align) { return _setAlign(align.getValue()); }; private final native TextSymbol _setAlign(String align) /*-{ return this.setAlign(align); }-*/; /** * Sets the angle of the text. * * @param angle - Angle value between 0 and 359. * @return TextSymbol */ public final native TextSymbol setAngle(int angle) /*-{ return this.setAngle(angle); }-*/; /** * Sets the decoration for the text.Many browsers including Internet Explorer 7, Firefox and Opera 9 * do not support the decoration properties for text symbols. * * @param decoration - The decoration on the text. * @return TextSymbol */ public final TextSymbol setDecoration(DecorationType decoration) { return _setDecoration(decoration.getValue()); } private final native TextSymbol _setDecoration(String decoration) /*-{ return this.setDecoration(decoration); }-*/; /** * Sets the text font. * * @param font - Text font. * @return TextSymbol */ public final native TextSymbol setFont(Font font) /*-{ return this.setFont(font); }-*/; /** * Sets whether to adjust the spacing between characters in the text string. * * @param kerning - Set to true for kerning. * @return TextSymbol */ public final native TextSymbol setKerning(boolean kerning) /*-{ return this.setKerning(kerning); }-*/; /** * Sets the x and y offset of the text. * * @param x - X offset value in pixels. * @param y - Y offset value in pixels. * @return TextSymbol */ public final native TextSymbol setOffset(int x, int y) /*-{ return this.setOffset(x, y); }-*/; /** * Sets whether every character in the text string is rotated. Many browsers including Internet * Explorer 7, Firefox and Opera 9 do not support rotated for text symbols. * * @param rotated - Set to true to rotate all characters in the string. * @return TextSymbol */ public final native TextSymbol setRotated(boolean rotated) /*-{ return this.setRotated(rotated); }-*/; /** * Sets the text string. * * @param text - The text string. * @return TextSymbol */ public final native TextSymbol setText(String text) /*-{ return this.setText(text); }-*/; }