package edu.ucdavis.cstars.client.arcgis; import; import; import; import edu.ucdavis.cstars.client.callback.PortalGroupMembersCallback; import edu.ucdavis.cstars.client.callback.PortalQueryItemsCallback; import edu.ucdavis.cstars.client.dojo.Deferred; /** * Execute a query against the Portal to return a deferred that when resolved returns PortalQueryResult that * contain a results array of PortalGroup ojbects for all the groups that match the input query. * * @author Justin Merz */ public class PortalGroup extends JavaScriptObject { public static enum Access { NOT_SET(""), PUBLIC("public"), PRIVATE("private"), ORG("org"); private String val; private Access(String value){ val = value; } public String getValue(){ return val; } public static Access get(String a) { for( int i = 0; i < Access.values().length; i++ ) { if( Access.values()[i].getValue().contentEquals(a) ) { return Access.values()[i]; } } return Access.NOT_SET; } } protected PortalGroup() {} /** * The access privileges on the group which determines who can see and access the group. Can be: private, org, or public. * * @return Access */ public final native Access getAccess() /*-{ return @edu.ucdavis.cstars.client.arcgis.Portal.Access::get(Ljava/lang/String;)(this.access); }-*/; /** *The date the group was created. * * @return JsDate */ public final native JsDate getCreated() /*-{ return this.created; }-*/; /** * A detailed description of the group. * * @return String */ public final native String getDescription() /*-{ return this.description; }-*/; /** * The id for the group. * * @return String */ public final native String getId() /*-{ return; }-*/; /** * If this is set to true, then users will not be able to apply to join the group. * * @return boolean */ public final native boolean isInvitationOnly() /*-{ return this.isInvitationOnly; }-*/; /** * The date the group was last modified. * * @return JsDate */ public final native JsDate getModified() /*-{ return this.modified; }-*/; /** * The username of the group's owner. * * @return String */ public final native String getOwner() /*-{ return this.owner; }-*/; /** * The portal for the group. * * @return Portal */ public final native Portal getPortal() /*-{ return this.portal; }-*/; /** * A short summary that describes the group. * * @return String */ public final native String getSnippet() /*-{ return this.snippet; }-*/; /** * User defined tags that describe the group. * * @return JsArrayString */ public final native JsArrayString getTags() /*-{ return this.tags; }-*/; /** * The url to the thumbnail used for the group. * * @return String */ public final native String getThumbnailUrl() /*-{ return this.thumbnailUrl; }-*/; /** * The title for the group. This is the name that is displayed to users and by which they * refer to the group. Every group must have a title and it must be unique for a user. * * @return String */ public final native String getTitle() /*-{ return this.title; }-*/; /** * The url to the group. * * @return */ public final native String getUrl() /*-{ return this.url; }-*/; /** * Get the current members for the group. Returns a deferred that when resolved provides access to a PortalGroupMembers object. * * @param callback - handler to fire when members are returned * @return Deferred */ public final native Deferred getMembers(PortalGroupMembersCallback callback) /*-{ var defer = this.getMembers(); defer.then(function(members) { callback.@edu.ucdavis.cstars.client.callback.PortalGroupMembersCallback::onMembersReturn(Ledu/ucdavis/cstars/client/arcgis/PortalGroupMembers;)(members); }); return defer; }-*/; /** * Execute a query against the group to return a deferred that when resolved returns PortalQueryResults that * contain a results array of PortalItem objects that match the input query. * * @param queryParams - The input query parameters. * @param callback - function to fire when query completes * @return Deferred */ public final native Deferred queryItem(PortalQueryParams queryParams, PortalQueryItemsCallback callback) /*-{ var defer = this.queryItems(queryParams); defer.then(function(items) { callback.@edu.ucdavis.cstars.client.callback.PortalQueryItemsCallback::onQueryComplete(Ledu/ucdavis/cstars/client/arcgis/PortalQueryResult;)(items); }); return defer; }-*/; }