/* * Geotoolkit - An Open Source Java GIS Toolkit * http://www.geotoolkit.org * * (C) 2008 - 2009, Geomatys * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. */ package org.geotoolkit.wms.xml.v111; import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlRegistry; /** * This object contains factory methods for each * Java content interface and Java element interface * generated in the generated package. * <p>An ObjectFactory allows you to programatically * construct new instances of the Java representation * for XML content. The Java representation of XML * content can consist of schema derived interfaces * and classes representing the binding of schema * type definitions, element declarations and model * groups. Factory methods for each of these are * provided in this class. * * @module */ @XmlRegistry public class ObjectFactory { /** * Create a new ObjectFactory that can be used to create new instances of schema derived classes for package: generated * */ public ObjectFactory() { } /** * Create an instance of {@link Extent } * */ public Extent createExtent() { return new Extent(); } /** * Create an instance of {@link UserDefinedSymbolization } * */ public UserDefinedSymbolization createUserDefinedSymbolization() { return new UserDefinedSymbolization(); } /** * Create an instance of {@link Get } * */ public Get createGet() { return new Get(); } /** * Create an instance of {@link DataURL } * */ public DataURL createDataURL() { return new DataURL(); } /** * Create an instance of {@link LegendURL } * */ public LegendURL createLegendURL() { return new LegendURL(); } /** * Create an instance of {@link Dimension } * */ public Dimension createDimension() { return new Dimension(); } /** * Create an instance of {@link LogoURL } * */ public LogoURL createLogoURL() { return new LogoURL(); } /** * Create an instance of {@link Identifier } * */ public Identifier createIdentifier() { return new Identifier(); } /** * Create an instance of {@link Request } * */ public Request createRequest() { return new Request(); } /** * Create an instance of {@link Exception } * */ public Exception createException() { return new Exception(); } /** * Create an instance of {@link Keyword } * */ public Keyword createKeyword() { return new Keyword(); } /** * Create an instance of {@link ContactPersonPrimary } * */ public ContactPersonPrimary createContactPersonPrimary() { return new ContactPersonPrimary(); } /** * Create an instance of {@link WMTMSCapabilities } * */ public WMT_MS_Capabilities createWMTMSCapabilities() { return new WMT_MS_Capabilities(); } /** * Create an instance of {@link KeywordList } * */ public KeywordList createKeywordList() { return new KeywordList(); } /** * Create an instance of {@link Format } * */ public Format createFormat() { return new Format(); } /** * Create an instance of {@link StyleSheetURL } * */ public StyleSheetURL createStyleSheetURL() { return new StyleSheetURL(); } /** * Create an instance of {@link Attribution } * */ public Attribution createAttribution() { return new Attribution(); } /** * Create an instance of {@link ScaleHint } * */ public ScaleHint createScaleHint() { return new ScaleHint(); } /** * Create an instance of {@link DCPType } * */ public DCPType createDCPType() { return new DCPType(); } /** * Create an instance of {@link HTTP } * */ public HTTP createHTTP() { return new HTTP(); } /** * Create an instance of {@link OnlineResource } * */ public OnlineResource createOnlineResource() { return new OnlineResource(); } /** * Create an instance of {@link GetCapabilities } * */ public GetCapabilities createGetCapabilities() { return new GetCapabilities(); } /** * Create an instance of {@link VendorSpecificCapabilities } * */ public VendorSpecificCapabilities createVendorSpecificCapabilities() { return new VendorSpecificCapabilities(); } /** * Create an instance of {@link Post } * */ public Post createPost() { return new Post(); } /** * Create an instance of {@link MetadataURL } * */ public MetadataURL createMetadataURL() { return new MetadataURL(); } /** * Create an instance of {@link GetLegendGraphic } * */ public GetLegendGraphic createGetLegendGraphic() { return new GetLegendGraphic(); } /** * Create an instance of {@link ContactAddress } * */ public ContactAddress createContactAddress() { return new ContactAddress(); } /** * Create an instance of {@link FeatureListURL } * */ public FeatureListURL createFeatureListURL() { return new FeatureListURL(); } /** * Create an instance of {@link ContactInformation } * */ public ContactInformation createContactInformation() { return new ContactInformation(); } /** * Create an instance of {@link Layer } * */ public Layer createLayer() { return new Layer(); } /** * Create an instance of {@link BoundingBox } * */ public BoundingBox createBoundingBox() { return new BoundingBox(); } /** * Create an instance of {@link StyleURL } * */ public StyleURL createStyleURL() { return new StyleURL(); } /** * Create an instance of {@link AuthorityURL } * */ public AuthorityURL createAuthorityURL() { return new AuthorityURL(); } /** * Create an instance of {@link Service } * */ public Service createService() { return new Service(); } /** * Create an instance of {@link GetFeatureInfo } * */ public GetFeatureInfo createGetFeatureInfo() { return new GetFeatureInfo(); } /** * Create an instance of {@link GetStyles } * */ public GetStyles createGetStyles() { return new GetStyles(); } /** * Create an instance of {@link Capability } * */ public Capability createCapability() { return new Capability(); } /** * Create an instance of {@link PutStyles } * */ public PutStyles createPutStyles() { return new PutStyles(); } /** * Create an instance of {@link DescribeLayer } * */ public DescribeLayer createDescribeLayer() { return new DescribeLayer(); } /** * Create an instance of {@link Style } * */ public Style createStyle() { return new Style(); } /** * Create an instance of {@link LatLonBoundingBox } * */ public LatLonBoundingBox createLatLonBoundingBox() { return new LatLonBoundingBox(); } /** * Create an instance of {@link GetMap } * */ public GetMap createGetMap() { return new GetMap(); } }