package g5.c.ref; import g5.c.def.Single; public class RefSingle { // Test constructors calls to a generic parameterized with Object void testObject() { Single<Object> gs = new Single<Object>(new Object()); new <Throwable>Single<Object>(new Object(), new Throwable()); new Single<Object>(gs); new <Exception>Single<Object>(new Exception(), gs); } // Test constructors calls to a generic parameterized with Exception void testException() { Single<Exception> gs = new Single<Exception>(new Exception()); new <Exception>Single<Exception>(new Exception(), new Exception()); new Single<Exception>(gs); new <Exception>Single<Exception>(new Exception(), gs); } // Test constructors calls to a generic parameterized with RuntimeException void testRuntimeException() { Single<RuntimeException> gs = new Single<RuntimeException>(new RuntimeException()); new <RuntimeException>Single<RuntimeException>(new RuntimeException(), new RuntimeException()); new Single<RuntimeException>(gs); new <RuntimeException>Single<RuntimeException>(new RuntimeException(), gs); } }