/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2000, 2016 IBM Corporation and others. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * * Contributors: * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation *******************************************************************************/ package org.eclipse.jdt.core.tests.model; import java.util.Hashtable; import junit.framework.Test; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.CompletionProposal; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.ICompilationUnit; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IJavaProject; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.JavaCore; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.JavaModelException; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.eval.IEvaluationContext; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.codeassist.CompletionEngine; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.codeassist.RelevanceConstants; @SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes", "unchecked"}) public class CompletionTests_1_5 extends AbstractJavaModelCompletionTests { static { // TESTS_NAMES = new String[]{"test0040"}; } public CompletionTests_1_5(String name) { super(name); } public void setUpSuite() throws Exception { if (COMPLETION_PROJECT == null) { COMPLETION_PROJECT = setUpJavaProject("Completion", "1.5"); } else { setUpProjectCompliance(COMPLETION_PROJECT, "1.5"); } super.setUpSuite(); } public static Test suite() { return buildModelTestSuite(CompletionTests_1_5.class); } private ICompilationUnit[] getExternalQQTypes() throws JavaModelException { ICompilationUnit[] units = new ICompilationUnit[6]; units[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/pkgstaticimport/QQType1.java", "package pkgstaticimport;\n"+ "\n"+ "public class QQType1 {\n"+ " public class Inner1 {}\n"+ " public static class Inner2 {}\n"+ " protected class Inner3 {}\n"+ " protected static class Inner4 {}\n"+ " private class Inner5 {}\n"+ " private static class Inner6 {}\n"+ " class Inner7 {}\n"+ " static class Inner8 {}\n"+ "}"); units[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/pkgstaticimport/QQType3.java", "package pkgstaticimport;\n"+ "\n"+ "public class QQType3 extends QQType1 {\n"+ " \n"+ "}"); units[2] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/pkgstaticimport/QQType4.java", "package pkgstaticimport;\n"+ "\n"+ "public class QQType4 {\n"+ " public int zzvarzz1;\n"+ " public static int zzvarzz2;\n"+ " protected int zzvarzz3;\n"+ " protected static int zzvarzz4;\n"+ " private int zzvarzz5;\n"+ " private static int zzvarzz6;\n"+ " int zzvarzz7;\n"+ " static int zzvarzz8;\n"+ "}"); units[3] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/pkgstaticimport/QQType6.java", "package pkgstaticimport;\n"+ "\n"+ "public class QQType6 extends QQType4 {\n"+ " \n"+ "}"); units[4] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/pkgstaticimport/QQType7.java", "package pkgstaticimport;\n"+ "\n"+ "public class QQType7 {\n"+ " public void zzfoozz1(){};\n"+ " public static void zzfoozz2(){};\n"+ " protected void zzfoozz3(){};\n"+ " protected static void zzfoozz4(){};\n"+ " private void zzfoozz5(){};\n"+ " private static void zzfoozz6(){};\n"+ " void zzfoozz7(){};\n"+ " static void zzfoozz8(){};\n"+ "}"); units[5] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/pkgstaticimport/QQType9.java", "package pkgstaticimport;\n"+ "\n"+ "public class QQType9 extends QQType7 {\n"+ " \n"+ "}"); return units; } public void test0001() throws JavaModelException { CompletionTestsRequestor requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor(); ICompilationUnit cu = getCompilationUnit("Completion", "src3", "test0001", "Test.java"); String str = cu.getSource(); String completeBehind = "X<St"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); cu.codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor); assertEquals("should have one class", "element:String completion:String relevance:"+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_EXPECTED_TYPE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED), requestor.getResults()); } public void test0002() throws JavaModelException { CompletionTestsRequestor requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor(); ICompilationUnit cu = getCompilationUnit("Completion", "src3", "test0002", "Test.java"); String str = cu.getSource(); String completeBehind = "X<Ob"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); cu.codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor); assertEquals("should have one class", "element:Object completion:Object relevance:"+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_EXACT_EXPECTED_TYPE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED), requestor.getResults()); } public void test0003() throws JavaModelException { CompletionTestsRequestor requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor(); ICompilationUnit cu = getCompilationUnit("Completion", "src3", "test0003", "Test.java"); String str = cu.getSource(); String completeBehind = "X<St"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); cu.codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor); assertEquals("should have one class", "element:String completion:String relevance:"+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_EXACT_EXPECTED_TYPE + R_NON_RESTRICTED), requestor.getResults()); } public void test0004() throws JavaModelException { CompletionTestsRequestor requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor(); ICompilationUnit cu = getCompilationUnit("Completion", "src3", "test0004", "Test.java"); String str = cu.getSource(); String completeBehind = "X<XZ"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); cu.codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor); assertEquals("should have one class", "element:XZX completion:XZX relevance:"+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED)+"\n"+ "element:XZXSuper completion:XZXSuper relevance:"+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_EXACT_EXPECTED_TYPE + R_NON_RESTRICTED), requestor.getResults()); } public void test0005() throws JavaModelException { CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0005/Test.java", "package test0005;\n" + "\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " void foo() {\n" + " X<Object>.Y<St\n" + " }\n" + "}\n" + "\n" + "class X<T> {\n" + " public class Y<U> {\n" + " }\n" + "}", "Y<St"); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures={Ljava.lang.Object;}\n" + "expectedTypesKeys={Ljava/lang/Object;}", result.context); assertResults( "String[TYPE_REF]{String, java.lang, Ljava.lang.String;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_EXPECTED_TYPE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED)+"}", result.proposals); } public void test0006() throws JavaModelException { CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0006/Test.java", "package test0006;\n" + "\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " void foo() {\n" + " X<String>.Y<Ob\n" + " }\n" + "}\n" + "\n" + "class X<T> {\n" + " public class Y<U> {\n" + " }\n" + "}", "Y<Ob"); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures={Ljava.lang.Object;}\n" + "expectedTypesKeys={Ljava/lang/Object;}", result.context); assertResults( "Object[TYPE_REF]{Object, java.lang, Ljava.lang.Object;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_EXACT_EXPECTED_TYPE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) +"}", result.proposals); } public void test0007() throws JavaModelException { CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0007/Test.java", "package test0007;\n" + "\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " void foo() {\n" + " X<Object>.Y<St\n" + " }\n" + "}\n" + "\n" + "class X<T> {\n" + " public class Y<U extends String> {\n" + " }\n" + "}", "Y<St"); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures={Ljava.lang.String;}\n" + "expectedTypesKeys={Ljava/lang/String;}", result.context); assertResults( "String[TYPE_REF]{String, java.lang, Ljava.lang.String;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_EXACT_EXPECTED_TYPE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) +"}", result.proposals); } public void test0008() throws JavaModelException { CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0008/Test.java", "package test0008;\n" + "\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " void foo() {\n" + " X<Object>.Y<XY\n" + " }\n" + "}\n" + "\n" + "class X<T> {\n" + " public class Y<U extends XYXSuper> {\n" + " }\n" + "}\n" + "class XYX {\n" + " \n" + "}\n" + "class XYXSuper {\n" + " \n" + "}", "Y<XY"); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures={Ltest0008.XYXSuper;}\n" + "expectedTypesKeys={Ltest0008/Test~XYXSuper;}", result.context); assertResults( "XYX[TYPE_REF]{XYX, test0008, Ltest0008.XYX;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED)+"}\n"+ "XYXSuper[TYPE_REF]{XYXSuper, test0008, Ltest0008.XYXSuper;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_EXACT_EXPECTED_TYPE + R_NON_RESTRICTED)+"}", result.proposals); } public void test0009() throws JavaModelException { CompletionTestsRequestor requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor(); ICompilationUnit cu = getCompilationUnit("Completion", "src3", "test0009", "Test.java"); String str = cu.getSource(); String completeBehind = "/**/T_"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); cu.codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor); assertEquals("should have one class", "element:T_1 completion:T_1 relevance:"+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED)+"\n"+ "element:T_2 completion:T_2 relevance:"+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED), requestor.getResults()); } public void test0010() throws JavaModelException { CompletionTestsRequestor requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor(); ICompilationUnit cu = getCompilationUnit("Completion", "src3", "test0010", "Test.java"); String str = cu.getSource(); String completeBehind = "/**/T_"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); cu.codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor); assertEquals("should have one class", "element:T_1 completion:T_1 relevance:"+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED)+"\n"+ "element:T_2 completion:T_2 relevance:"+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED)+"\n"+ "element:T_3 completion:T_3 relevance:"+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED)+"\n"+ "element:T_4 completion:T_4 relevance:"+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED), requestor.getResults()); } public void test0011() throws JavaModelException { CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0011/Test.java", "package test0011;\n"+ "\n"+ "public class Test <T extends Z0011<Object>.Y001> {\n"+ "\n"+ "}\n"+ "class Z0011<T0011> {\n"+ " public class Y0011 {\n"+ " }\n"+ "}", ".Y001"); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures=null\n" + "expectedTypesKeys=null", result.context); assertResults( "Z0011<java.lang.Object>.Y0011[TYPE_REF]{Y0011, test0011, Ltest0011.Z0011<Ljava.lang.Object;>.Y0011;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED)+"}", result.proposals); } public void test0012() throws JavaModelException { CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0012/Test.java", "package test0012;\n"+ "\n"+ "public class Test {\n"+ " public Z0012<Object>.Y001\n"+ "}\n"+ "class Z0012<T0012> {\n"+ " public class Y0012 {\n"+ " }\n"+ "}", ".Y001"); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures=null\n" + "expectedTypesKeys=null", result.context); assertResults( "Z0012<java.lang.Object>.Y0012[TYPE_REF]{Y0012, test0012, Ltest0012.Z0012<Ljava.lang.Object;>.Y0012;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) +"}", result.proposals); } public void test0013() throws JavaModelException { CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0013/Test.java", "package test0013;\n"+ "\n"+ "public class Test {\n"+ " public Z0013<Object>.Y001 foo() {}\n"+ "}\n"+ "class Z0013<T0013> {\n"+ " public class Y0013 {\n"+ " }\n"+ "}", ".Y001"); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures=null\n" + "expectedTypesKeys=null", result.context); assertResults( "Z0013<java.lang.Object>.Y0013[TYPE_REF]{Y0013, test0013, Ltest0013.Z0013<Ljava.lang.Object;>.Y0013;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) +"}", result.proposals); } public void test0014() throws JavaModelException { CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0014/Test.java", "package test0014;\n" + "\n" + "public class Test extends Z0014<Object>.Y001 {\n" + "}\n" + "class Z0014<T0014> {\n" + " public class Y0014 {\n" + " }\n" + "}", ".Y001"); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures=null\n" + "expectedTypesKeys=null", result.context); assertResults( "Z0014<java.lang.Object>.Y0014[TYPE_REF]{Y0014, test0014, Ltest0014.Z0014<Ljava.lang.Object;>.Y0014;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_CLASS + R_NON_RESTRICTED) +"}", result.proposals); } public void test0015() throws JavaModelException { CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0015/Test.java", "package test0015;\n" + "\n" + "public class Test implements Z0015<Object>.Y001 {\n" + "}\n" + "class Z0015<T0015> {\n" + " public class Y0015 {\n" + " }\n" + " public interface Y0015I {\n" + " }\n" + "}", ".Y001"); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures=null\n" + "expectedTypesKeys=null", result.context); assertResults( "Z0015<java.lang.Object>.Y0015[TYPE_REF]{Y0015, test0015, Ltest0015.Z0015<Ljava.lang.Object;>.Y0015;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", result.proposals); } public void test0016() throws JavaModelException { CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0016/Test.java", "package test0016;\n" + "\n" + "public class Test implements {\n" + " void foo(Z0016<Object>.Y001) {\n" + " \n" + " }\n" + "}\n" + "class Z0016<T0016> {\n" + " public class Y0016 {\n" + " }\n" + "}", ".Y001"); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures=null\n" + "expectedTypesKeys=null", result.context); assertResults( "Z0016<java.lang.Object>.Y0016[TYPE_REF]{Y0016, test0016, Ltest0016.Z0016<Ljava.lang.Object;>.Y0016;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) +"}", result.proposals); } public void test0017() throws JavaModelException { CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0017/Test.java", "package test0017;\n" + "\n" + "public class Test implements {\n" + " void foo() throws Z0017<Object>.Y001{\n" + " \n" + " }\n" + "}\n" + "class Z0017<T0017> {\n" + " public class Y0017 {\n" + " }\n" + "}", ".Y001"); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures=null\n" + "expectedTypesKeys=null", result.context); assertResults( "Z0017<java.lang.Object>.Y0017[TYPE_REF]{Y0017, test0017, Ltest0017.Z0017<Ljava.lang.Object;>.Y0017;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) +"}", result.proposals); } public void test0018() throws JavaModelException { CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0018/Test.java", "package test0018;\n" + "\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " <T extends Z0018<Object>.Y001> void foo() {\n" + " \n" + " }\n" + "}\n" + "class Z0018<T0018> {\n" + " public class Y0018 {\n" + " }\n" + "}", ".Y001"); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures=null\n" + "expectedTypesKeys=null", result.context); assertResults( "Z0018<java.lang.Object>.Y0018[TYPE_REF]{Y0018, test0018, Ltest0018.Z0018<Ljava.lang.Object;>.Y0018;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) +"}", result.proposals); } public void test0019() throws JavaModelException { CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0019/Test.java", "package test0019;\n" + "\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " <T extends Z0019<Object>.Y001\n" + "}\n" + "class Z0019<T0019> {\n" + " public class Y0019 {\n" + " }\n" + "}", ".Y001"); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures=null\n" + "expectedTypesKeys=null", result.context); assertResults( "Z0019<java.lang.Object>.Y0019[TYPE_REF]{Y0019, test0019, Ltest0019.Z0019<Ljava.lang.Object;>.Y0019;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) +"}", result.proposals); } public void test0020() throws JavaModelException { CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0020/Test.java", "package test0020;\n"+ "\n"+ "public class Test {\n"+ " void foo() {\n"+ " Z0020<Object>.Y002\n"+ " }\n"+ "}\n"+ "class Z0020<T0020> {\n"+ " public class Y0020 {\n"+ " }\n"+ "}", ".Y002"); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures=null\n" + "expectedTypesKeys=null", result.context); assertResults( "Z0020<java.lang.Object>.Y0020[TYPE_REF]{Y0020, test0020, Ltest0020.Z0020<Ljava.lang.Object;>.Y0020;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) +"}", result.proposals); } public void test0021() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[1]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0021/Test.java", "package test0021;\n" + "\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " <T extends Z0021Z> void foo() {\n" + " this.<Z0021>foo();\n" + " }\n" + "}\n" + "class Z0021Z {\n" + " \n" + "}\n" + "class Z0021ZZ {\n" + " \n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "<Z0021"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "Z0021Z[TYPE_REF]{Z0021Z, test0021, Ltest0021.Z0021Z;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "Z0021ZZ[TYPE_REF]{Z0021ZZ, test0021, Ltest0021.Z0021ZZ;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } public void test0022() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[1]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0022/Test.java", "package test0022;\n" + "\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " void foo() {\n" + " new Z0022<Z0022Z>foo();\n" + " }\n" + "}\n" + "class Z0022<T extends Z0022ZZ> {\n" + " \n" + "}\n" + "class Z0022ZZ {\n" + " \n" + "}\n" + "class Z0022ZZZ {\n" + " \n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "<Z0022Z"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "Z0022ZZZ[TYPE_REF]{Z0022ZZZ, test0022, Ltest0022.Z0022ZZZ;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "Z0022ZZ[TYPE_REF]{Z0022ZZ, test0022, Ltest0022.Z0022ZZ;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_EXACT_EXPECTED_TYPE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } public void test0023() throws JavaModelException { CompletionTestsRequestor requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor(); ICompilationUnit cu = getCompilationUnit("Completion", "src3", "test0023", "Test.java"); String str = cu.getSource(); String completeBehind = "<St"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); cu.codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor); assertEquals("should have one class", "", requestor.getResults()); } public void test0024() throws JavaModelException { CompletionTestsRequestor requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor(); ICompilationUnit cu = getCompilationUnit("Completion", "src3", "test0024", "Test.java"); String str = cu.getSource(); String completeBehind = "<St"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); cu.codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor); assertEquals("should have one class", "", requestor.getResults()); } public void test0025() throws JavaModelException { CompletionTestsRequestor requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor(); ICompilationUnit cu = getCompilationUnit("Completion", "src3", "test0025", "Test.java"); String str = cu.getSource(); String completeBehind = "<St"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); cu.codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor); assertEquals("should have one class", "element:String completion:String relevance:"+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_EXPECTED_TYPE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED), requestor.getResults()); } public void test0026() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[1]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0026/Test.java", "package test0026;\n" + "\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " Z0026<String, String>.Z0026Z.Z0026ZZ<St, String> var;\n" + "}\n" + "class Z0026 <T1 extends String, T2 extends String>{\n" + " public class Z0026Z {\n" + " public class Z0026ZZ <T3, T4 extends String>{\n" + " \n" + " }\n" + " } \n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "Z<St"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "String[TYPE_REF]{String, java.lang, Ljava.lang.String;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_EXPECTED_TYPE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } public void test0027() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[1]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0026/Test.java", "package test0027;\n" + "\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " Z0027<St, String>.Z0027Z.Z0027ZZ<String, String> var;\n" + "}\n" + "class Z0027 <T1, T2 extends String>{\n" + " public class Z0027Z {\n" + " public class Z0027ZZ <T3 extends String, T4 extends String>{\n" + " \n" + " }\n" + " } \n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "7<St"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "String[TYPE_REF]{String, java.lang, Ljava.lang.String;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_EXPECTED_TYPE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } public void test0028() throws JavaModelException { CompletionTestsRequestor requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor(); ICompilationUnit cu = getCompilationUnit("Completion", "src3", "test0028", "Test.java"); String str = cu.getSource(); String completeBehind = "<St"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); cu.codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor); assertEquals("should have one class", "element:String completion:String relevance:"+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_EXACT_EXPECTED_TYPE + R_NON_RESTRICTED), requestor.getResults()); } public void test0029() throws JavaModelException { CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0029/Test.java", "package test0029;\n"+ "\n"+ "public class Test {\n"+ " public class Inner {\n"+ " /**/Inner2<Inner2<Object>> stack= new Inner2<Inner2<Object>>();\n"+ " }\n"+ " class Inner2<T>{\n"+ " }\n"+ "}", "/**/Inner2"); assertResults( "Inner2[POTENTIAL_METHOD_DECLARATION]{Inner2, Ltest0029.Test$Inner;, ()V, Inner2, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_NON_RESTRICTED)+"}\n"+ "Test.Inner2<T>[TYPE_REF]{Inner2, test0029, Ltest0029.Test$Inner2<TT;>;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_EXACT_NAME + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED)+"}", result.proposals); } public void test0030() throws JavaModelException { CompletionTestsRequestor requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor(); ICompilationUnit cu = getCompilationUnit("Completion", "src3", "test0030", "Test.java"); String str = cu.getSource(); String completeBehind = "ZZ"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); cu.codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor); assertEquals("unexpected result", "element:ZZX completion:ZZX relevance:"+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED)+ "\n" + "element:ZZY completion:ZZY relevance:"+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED), requestor.getResults()); } /* * https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=72501 */ public void test0031() throws JavaModelException { CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0031/Test.java", "package test0031;\n" + "\n" + "public class Test <T> {\n" + " class Y {}\n" + " void foo(){\n" + " Test<T>.Y<Stri\n" + " }\n" + " }\n" + "}", "Stri"); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures=null\n" + "expectedTypesKeys=null", result.context); assertResults( "", result.proposals); } /* * https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=59082 */ public void test0032() throws JavaModelException { CompletionTestsRequestor requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor(); ICompilationUnit cu = getCompilationUnit("Completion", "src3", "test0032", "Test.java"); String str = cu.getSource(); String completeBehind = "Stri"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); cu.codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor); assertEquals("unexpected result", "element:String completion:String relevance:"+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_EXPECTED_TYPE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED), requestor.getResults()); } /* * https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=59082 */ public void test0033() throws JavaModelException { CompletionTestsRequestor requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor(); ICompilationUnit cu = getCompilationUnit("Completion", "src3", "test0033", "Test.java"); String str = cu.getSource(); String completeBehind = "Stri"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); cu.codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor); assertEquals("unexpected result", "element:String completion:String relevance:"+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_EXPECTED_TYPE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED), requestor.getResults()); } /* * https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=59082 */ public void test0034() throws JavaModelException { CompletionTestsRequestor requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor(); ICompilationUnit cu = getCompilationUnit("Completion", "src3", "test0034", "Test.java"); String str = cu.getSource(); String completeBehind = "Stri"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); cu.codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor); assertEquals("unexpected result", "", requestor.getResults()); } /* * https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=59082 */ public void test0035() throws JavaModelException { CompletionTestsRequestor requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor(); ICompilationUnit cu = getCompilationUnit("Completion", "src3", "test0035", "Test.java"); String str = cu.getSource(); String completeBehind = "Stri"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); cu.codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor); assertEquals("unexpected result", "", requestor.getResults()); } /* * https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=59082 */ public void test0036() throws JavaModelException { CompletionTestsRequestor requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor(); ICompilationUnit cu = getCompilationUnit("Completion", "src3", "test0036", "Test.java"); String str = cu.getSource(); String completeBehind = "Stri"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); cu.codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor); assertEquals("unexpected result", "", requestor.getResults()); } /* * https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=59082 */ public void test0037() throws JavaModelException { CompletionTestsRequestor requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor(); ICompilationUnit cu = getCompilationUnit("Completion", "src3", "test0037", "Test.java"); String str = cu.getSource(); String completeBehind = "Stri"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); cu.codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor); assertEquals("unexpected result", "", requestor.getResults()); } /* * https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=59082 */ public void test0038() throws JavaModelException { CompletionTestsRequestor requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor(); ICompilationUnit cu = getCompilationUnit("Completion", "src3", "test0038", "Test.java"); String str = cu.getSource(); String completeBehind = "Stri"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); cu.codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor); assertEquals("unexpected result", "", requestor.getResults()); } /* * https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=59082 */ public void test0039() throws JavaModelException { CompletionTestsRequestor requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor(); ICompilationUnit cu = getCompilationUnit("Completion", "src3", "test0039", "Test.java"); String str = cu.getSource(); String completeBehind = "Stri"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); cu.codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor); assertEquals("unexpected result", "", requestor.getResults()); } /* * https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=59082 */ public void test0040() throws JavaModelException { CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0040/Test.java", "package test0040;\n" + "\n" + "public class Test <T> {\n" + " public class Y {\n" + " public class Z <U>{\n" + " \n" + " }\n" + " }\n" + " Test<Object>.Y.Z<Stri\n" + "}", "Stri"); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures={Ljava.lang.Object;}\n" + "expectedTypesKeys={Ljava/lang/Object;}", result.context); assertResults( "String[TYPE_REF]{String, java.lang, Ljava.lang.String;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_EXPECTED_TYPE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) +"}", result.proposals); } /* * https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=59082 */ public void test0041() throws JavaModelException { CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0041/Test.java", "package test0041;\n" + "\n" + "public class Test <T> {\n" + " public class Y {\n" + " public class Z <U> {\n" + " \n" + " }\n" + " }\n" + " void foo() {\n" + " Test<Object>.Y.Z<Stri\n" + " }\n" + "}", "Stri"); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures={Ljava.lang.Object;}\n" + "expectedTypesKeys={Ljava/lang/Object;}", result.context); assertResults( "String[TYPE_REF]{String, java.lang, Ljava.lang.String;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_EXPECTED_TYPE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) +"}", result.proposals); } /* * https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=59082 */ public void test0042() throws JavaModelException { CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0042/Test.java", "package test0042;\n" + "\n" + "public class Test <T> {\n" + " public class Y {\n" + " public class Z {\n" + " \n" + " }\n" + " }\n" + " Test<Object>.Y.Z<Stri\n" + "}", "Stri"); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures=null\n" + "expectedTypesKeys=null", result.context); assertResults( "", result.proposals); } /* * https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=59082 */ public void test0043() throws JavaModelException { CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0043/Test.java", "package test0043;\n" + "\n" + "public class Test <T> {\n" + " public class Y {\n" + " public class Z {\n" + " \n" + " }\n" + " }\n" + " void foo() {\n" + " Test<Object>.Y.Z<Stri\n" + " }\n" + "}", "Stri"); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures=null\n" + "expectedTypesKeys=null", result.context); assertResults( "", result.proposals); } /* * https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=59082 */ public void test0044() throws JavaModelException { CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0044/Test.java", "package test0044;\n" + "\n" + "public class Test <T> {\n" + " public class Y {\n" + " public class Z <U>{\n" + " \n" + " }\n" + " }\n" + " Test<Object>.Y.Z<Object, Stri\n" + "}", "Stri"); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures=null\n" + "expectedTypesKeys=null", result.context); assertResults( "", result.proposals); } /* * https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=59082 */ public void test0045() throws JavaModelException { CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0045/Test.java", "package test0045;\n" + "\n" + "public class Test <T> {\n" + " public class Y {\n" + " public class Z <U>{\n" + " \n" + " }\n" + " }\n" + " void foo() {\n" + " Test<Object>.Y.Z<Object, Stri\n" + " }\n" + "}", "Stri"); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures=null\n" + "expectedTypesKeys=null", result.context); assertResults( "", result.proposals); } /* * https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=59082 */ public void test0046() throws JavaModelException { CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0046/Test.java", "package test0046;\n" + "\n" + "public class Test <T> {\n" + " public class Y {\n" + " public class Z <U>{\n" + " \n" + " }\n" + " }\n" + " Test<Object>.Y.Z<Object, Stri, Object> x;\n" + "}", "Stri"); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures=null\n" + "expectedTypesKeys=null", result.context); assertResults( "", result.proposals); } /* * https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=59082 */ public void test0047() throws JavaModelException { CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0047/Test.java", "package test0047;\n" + "\n" + "public class Test <T> {\n" + " public class Y {\n" + " public class Z <U>{\n" + " \n" + " }\n" + " }\n" + " void foo() {\n" + " Test<Object>.Y.Z<Object, Stri, Object> x;\n" + " }\n" + "}", "Stri"); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures=null\n" + "expectedTypesKeys=null", result.context); assertResults( "", result.proposals); } /* * https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=75455 */ public void test0048() throws JavaModelException { CompletionTestsRequestor requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor(); ICompilationUnit cu = getCompilationUnit("Completion", "src3", "test0048", "Test.java"); String str = cu.getSource(); String completeBehind = "l.ba"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); cu.codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor); assertEquals("unexpected result", "element:bar completion:bar() relevance:"+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_STATIC + R_NON_RESTRICTED), requestor.getResults()); } /* * https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=75455 */ public void test0049() throws JavaModelException { CompletionTestsRequestor requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor(); ICompilationUnit cu = getCompilationUnit("Completion", "src3", "test0049", "Test.java"); String str = cu.getSource(); String completeBehind = "l.ba"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); cu.codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor); assertEquals("unexpected result", "element:bar completion:bar() relevance:"+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_STATIC + R_NON_RESTRICTED), requestor.getResults()); } /* * https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=74753 */ public void test0050() throws JavaModelException { CompletionTestsRequestor requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor(); ICompilationUnit cu = getCompilationUnit("Completion", "src3", "test0050", "Test.java"); String str = cu.getSource(); String completeBehind = "Test<T_0050"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); cu.codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor); assertEquals("unexpected result", "element:T_0050 completion:T_0050 relevance:"+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_EXACT_NAME + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED), requestor.getResults()); } public void test0051() throws JavaModelException { this.oldOptions = JavaCore.getOptions(); ICompilationUnit[] qqTypes = null; try { Hashtable options = new Hashtable(this.oldOptions); options.put(JavaCore.CODEASSIST_VISIBILITY_CHECK, JavaCore.ENABLED); JavaCore.setOptions(options); qqTypes = getExternalQQTypes(); this.wc = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0051/Test.java", "package test0051;\n"+ "import static pkgstaticimport.QQType1.*;\n"+ "public class Test {\n"+ " void foo() {\n"+ " Inner\n"+ " }\n"+ "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(); String str = this.wc.getSource(); String completeBehind = "Inner"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.wc.codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "QQType1.Inner1[TYPE_REF]{pkgstaticimport.QQType1.Inner1, pkgstaticimport, Lpkgstaticimport.QQType1$Inner1;, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "QQType1.Inner2[TYPE_REF]{Inner2, pkgstaticimport, Lpkgstaticimport.QQType1$Inner2;, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } finally { discardWorkingCopies(qqTypes); JavaCore.setOptions(this.oldOptions); } } public void test0052() throws JavaModelException { this.oldOptions = JavaCore.getOptions(); ICompilationUnit[] qqTypes = null; ICompilationUnit qqType2 = null; try { Hashtable options = new Hashtable(this.oldOptions); options.put(JavaCore.CODEASSIST_VISIBILITY_CHECK, JavaCore.ENABLED); JavaCore.setOptions(options); qqTypes = getExternalQQTypes(); qqType2 = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0052/QQType2.java", "package test0052;\n"+ "public class QQType2 {\n"+ " public class Inner1 {}\n"+ " public static class Inner2 {}\n"+ " protected class Inner3 {}\n"+ " protected static class Inner4 {}\n"+ " private class Inner5 {}\n"+ " private static class Inner6 {}\n"+ " class Inner7 {}\n"+ " static class Inner8 {}\n"+ "}"); this.wc = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0052/Test.java", "package test0052;\n"+ "import static test0052.QQType2.*;\n"+ "public class Test {\n"+ " void foo() {\n"+ " Inner\n"+ " }\n"+ "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(); String str = this.wc.getSource(); String completeBehind = "Inner"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.wc.codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "QQType1.Inner1[TYPE_REF]{pkgstaticimport.QQType1.Inner1, pkgstaticimport, Lpkgstaticimport.QQType1$Inner1;, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "QQType1.Inner2[TYPE_REF]{pkgstaticimport.QQType1.Inner2, pkgstaticimport, Lpkgstaticimport.QQType1$Inner2;, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "QQType2.Inner1[TYPE_REF]{test0052.QQType2.Inner1, test0052, Ltest0052.QQType2$Inner1;, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "QQType2.Inner3[TYPE_REF]{test0052.QQType2.Inner3, test0052, Ltest0052.QQType2$Inner3;, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "QQType2.Inner7[TYPE_REF]{test0052.QQType2.Inner7, test0052, Ltest0052.QQType2$Inner7;, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "QQType2.Inner2[TYPE_REF]{Inner2, test0052, Ltest0052.QQType2$Inner2;, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "QQType2.Inner4[TYPE_REF]{Inner4, test0052, Ltest0052.QQType2$Inner4;, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "QQType2.Inner8[TYPE_REF]{Inner8, test0052, Ltest0052.QQType2$Inner8;, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } finally { discardWorkingCopies(qqTypes); if(qqType2 != null) { qqType2.discardWorkingCopy(); } JavaCore.setOptions(this.oldOptions); } } public void test0053() throws JavaModelException { this.oldOptions = JavaCore.getOptions(); ICompilationUnit[] qqTypes = null; try { Hashtable options = new Hashtable(this.oldOptions); options.put(JavaCore.CODEASSIST_VISIBILITY_CHECK, JavaCore.ENABLED); JavaCore.setOptions(options); qqTypes = getExternalQQTypes(); this.wc = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0053/Test.java", "package test0053;\n"+ "import static pkgstaticimport.QQType1.*;\n"+ "public class Test extends pkgstaticimport.QQType1 {\n"+ " void foo() {\n"+ " Inner\n"+ " }\n"+ "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(); String str = this.wc.getSource(); String completeBehind = "Inner"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.wc.codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "QQType1.Inner1[TYPE_REF]{Inner1, pkgstaticimport, Lpkgstaticimport.QQType1$Inner1;, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "QQType1.Inner2[TYPE_REF]{Inner2, pkgstaticimport, Lpkgstaticimport.QQType1$Inner2;, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "QQType1.Inner3[TYPE_REF]{Inner3, pkgstaticimport, Lpkgstaticimport.QQType1$Inner3;, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "QQType1.Inner4[TYPE_REF]{Inner4, pkgstaticimport, Lpkgstaticimport.QQType1$Inner4;, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } finally { discardWorkingCopies(qqTypes); JavaCore.setOptions(this.oldOptions); } } public void test0054() throws JavaModelException { this.oldOptions = JavaCore.getOptions(); ICompilationUnit[] qqTypes = null; try { Hashtable options = new Hashtable(this.oldOptions); options.put(JavaCore.CODEASSIST_VISIBILITY_CHECK, JavaCore.ENABLED); JavaCore.setOptions(options); qqTypes = getExternalQQTypes(); this.wc = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0054/Test.java", "package test0054;\n"+ "import static pkgstaticimport.QQType1.Inner2;\n"+ "public class Test {\n"+ " void foo() {\n"+ " Inner\n"+ " }\n"+ "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(); String str = this.wc.getSource(); String completeBehind = "Inner"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.wc.codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "QQType1.Inner1[TYPE_REF]{pkgstaticimport.QQType1.Inner1, pkgstaticimport, Lpkgstaticimport.QQType1$Inner1;, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "QQType1.Inner2[TYPE_REF]{Inner2, pkgstaticimport, Lpkgstaticimport.QQType1$Inner2;, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } finally { discardWorkingCopies(qqTypes); JavaCore.setOptions(this.oldOptions); } } public void test0055() throws JavaModelException { this.oldOptions = JavaCore.getOptions(); ICompilationUnit[] qqTypes = null; try { Hashtable options = new Hashtable(this.oldOptions); options.put(JavaCore.CODEASSIST_VISIBILITY_CHECK, JavaCore.ENABLED); JavaCore.setOptions(options); qqTypes = getExternalQQTypes(); this.wc = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0055/Test.java", "package test0055;\n"+ "import static pkgstaticimport.QQType1.*;\n"+ "import static pkgstaticimport.QQType1.Inner2;\n"+ "public class Test {\n"+ " void foo() {\n"+ " Inner\n"+ " }\n"+ "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(); String str = this.wc.getSource(); String completeBehind = "Inner"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.wc.codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "QQType1.Inner1[TYPE_REF]{pkgstaticimport.QQType1.Inner1, pkgstaticimport, Lpkgstaticimport.QQType1$Inner1;, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "QQType1.Inner2[TYPE_REF]{Inner2, pkgstaticimport, Lpkgstaticimport.QQType1$Inner2;, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } finally { discardWorkingCopies(qqTypes); JavaCore.setOptions(this.oldOptions); } } public void test0056() throws JavaModelException { this.oldOptions = JavaCore.getOptions(); ICompilationUnit[] qqTypes = null; try { Hashtable options = new Hashtable(this.oldOptions); options.put(JavaCore.CODEASSIST_VISIBILITY_CHECK, JavaCore.ENABLED); JavaCore.setOptions(options); qqTypes = getExternalQQTypes(); this.wc = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0056/Test.java", "package test0056;\n"+ "import static pkgstaticimport.QQType1.Inner2;\n"+ "import static pkgstaticimport.QQType1.*;\n"+ "public class Test {\n"+ " void foo() {\n"+ " Inner\n"+ " }\n"+ "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(); String str = this.wc.getSource(); String completeBehind = "Inner"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.wc.codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "QQType1.Inner1[TYPE_REF]{pkgstaticimport.QQType1.Inner1, pkgstaticimport, Lpkgstaticimport.QQType1$Inner1;, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "QQType1.Inner2[TYPE_REF]{Inner2, pkgstaticimport, Lpkgstaticimport.QQType1$Inner2;, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } finally { discardWorkingCopies(qqTypes); JavaCore.setOptions(this.oldOptions); } } public void test0057() throws JavaModelException { this.oldOptions = JavaCore.getOptions(); ICompilationUnit[] qqTypes = null; try { Hashtable options = new Hashtable(this.oldOptions); options.put(JavaCore.CODEASSIST_VISIBILITY_CHECK, JavaCore.ENABLED); JavaCore.setOptions(options); qqTypes = getExternalQQTypes(); this.wc = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0056/Test.java", "package test0057;\n"+ "import static pkgstaticimport.QQType3.*;\n"+ "public class Test {\n"+ " void foo() {\n"+ " Inner\n"+ " }\n"+ "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(); String str = this.wc.getSource(); String completeBehind = "Inner"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.wc.codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "QQType1.Inner1[TYPE_REF]{pkgstaticimport.QQType1.Inner1, pkgstaticimport, Lpkgstaticimport.QQType1$Inner1;, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "QQType1.Inner2[TYPE_REF]{Inner2, pkgstaticimport, Lpkgstaticimport.QQType1$Inner2;, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } finally { discardWorkingCopies(qqTypes); JavaCore.setOptions(this.oldOptions); } } public void test0058() throws JavaModelException { this.oldOptions = JavaCore.getOptions(); ICompilationUnit[] qqTypes = null; try { Hashtable options = new Hashtable(this.oldOptions); options.put(JavaCore.CODEASSIST_VISIBILITY_CHECK, JavaCore.ENABLED); JavaCore.setOptions(options); qqTypes = getExternalQQTypes(); this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[1]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0058/Test.java", "package test0058;\n"+ "import static pkgstaticimport.QQType4.*;\n"+ "public class Test {\n"+ " void foo() {\n"+ " zzvarzz\n"+ " }\n"+ "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "zzvarzz"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "zzvarzz2[FIELD_REF]{zzvarzz2, Lpkgstaticimport.QQType4;, I, zzvarzz2, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } finally { discardWorkingCopies(qqTypes); JavaCore.setOptions(this.oldOptions); } } public void test0059() throws JavaModelException { this.oldOptions = JavaCore.getOptions(); ICompilationUnit[] qqTypes = null; ICompilationUnit qqType5 = null; try { Hashtable options = new Hashtable(this.oldOptions); options.put(JavaCore.CODEASSIST_VISIBILITY_CHECK, JavaCore.ENABLED); JavaCore.setOptions(options); qqTypes = getExternalQQTypes(); qqType5 = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0059/QQType5.java", "package test0059;\n"+ "\n"+ "public class QQType5 {\n"+ " public int zzvarzz1;\n"+ " public static int zzvarzz2;\n"+ " protected int zzvarzz3;\n"+ " protected static int zzvarzz4;\n"+ " private int zzvarzz5;\n"+ " private static int zzvarzz6;\n"+ " int zzvarzz7;\n"+ " static int zzvarzz8;\n"+ "}"); this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[1]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0059/Test.java", "package test0059;\n"+ "import static test0059.QQType5.*;\n"+ "public class Test {\n"+ " void foo() {\n"+ " zzvarzz\n"+ " }\n"+ "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "zzvarzz"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "zzvarzz2[FIELD_REF]{zzvarzz2, Ltest0059.QQType5;, I, zzvarzz2, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "zzvarzz4[FIELD_REF]{zzvarzz4, Ltest0059.QQType5;, I, zzvarzz4, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "zzvarzz8[FIELD_REF]{zzvarzz8, Ltest0059.QQType5;, I, zzvarzz8, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } finally { discardWorkingCopies(qqTypes); if(qqType5 != null) { qqType5.discardWorkingCopy(); } JavaCore.setOptions(this.oldOptions); } } public void test0060() throws JavaModelException { this.oldOptions = JavaCore.getOptions(); ICompilationUnit[] qqTypes = null; try { Hashtable options = new Hashtable(this.oldOptions); options.put(JavaCore.CODEASSIST_VISIBILITY_CHECK, JavaCore.ENABLED); JavaCore.setOptions(options); qqTypes = getExternalQQTypes(); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(); ICompilationUnit cu= getCompilationUnit("Completion", "src3", "test0060", "Test.java"); String str = cu.getSource(); String completeBehind = "zzvarzz"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); cu.codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "zzvarzz1[FIELD_REF]{zzvarzz1, Lpkgstaticimport.QQType4;, I, zzvarzz1, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "zzvarzz2[FIELD_REF]{zzvarzz2, Lpkgstaticimport.QQType4;, I, zzvarzz2, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "zzvarzz3[FIELD_REF]{zzvarzz3, Lpkgstaticimport.QQType4;, I, zzvarzz3, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "zzvarzz4[FIELD_REF]{zzvarzz4, Lpkgstaticimport.QQType4;, I, zzvarzz4, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } finally { discardWorkingCopies(qqTypes); JavaCore.setOptions(this.oldOptions); } } public void test0061() throws JavaModelException { this.oldOptions = JavaCore.getOptions(); ICompilationUnit[] qqTypes = null; try { Hashtable options = new Hashtable(this.oldOptions); options.put(JavaCore.CODEASSIST_VISIBILITY_CHECK, JavaCore.ENABLED); JavaCore.setOptions(options); qqTypes = getExternalQQTypes(); this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[1]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0061/Test.java", "package test0061;\n" + "import static pkgstaticimport.QQType4.zzvarzz2;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " void foo() {\n" + " zzvarzz\n" + " }\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "zzvarzz"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "zzvarzz2[FIELD_REF]{zzvarzz2, Lpkgstaticimport.QQType4;, I, zzvarzz2, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } finally { discardWorkingCopies(qqTypes); JavaCore.setOptions(this.oldOptions); } } public void test0062() throws JavaModelException { this.oldOptions = JavaCore.getOptions(); ICompilationUnit[] qqTypes = null; try { Hashtable options = new Hashtable(this.oldOptions); options.put(JavaCore.CODEASSIST_VISIBILITY_CHECK, JavaCore.ENABLED); JavaCore.setOptions(options); qqTypes = getExternalQQTypes(); this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[1]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0062/Test.java", "package test0062;\n" + "import static pkgstaticimport.QQType4.*;\n" + "import static pkgstaticimport.QQType4.zzvarzz2;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " void foo() {\n" + " zzvarzz\n" + " }\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "zzvarzz"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "zzvarzz2[FIELD_REF]{zzvarzz2, Lpkgstaticimport.QQType4;, I, zzvarzz2, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } finally { discardWorkingCopies(qqTypes); JavaCore.setOptions(this.oldOptions); } } public void test0063() throws JavaModelException { this.oldOptions = JavaCore.getOptions(); ICompilationUnit[] qqTypes = null; try { Hashtable options = new Hashtable(this.oldOptions); options.put(JavaCore.CODEASSIST_VISIBILITY_CHECK, JavaCore.ENABLED); JavaCore.setOptions(options); qqTypes = getExternalQQTypes(); this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[1]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0063/Test.java", "package test0063;\n" + "import static pkgstaticimport.QQType4.zzvarzz2;\n" + "import static pkgstaticimport.QQType4.*;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " void foo() {\n" + " zzvarzz\n" + " }\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "zzvarzz"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "zzvarzz2[FIELD_REF]{zzvarzz2, Lpkgstaticimport.QQType4;, I, zzvarzz2, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } finally { discardWorkingCopies(qqTypes); JavaCore.setOptions(this.oldOptions); } } public void test0064() throws JavaModelException { this.oldOptions = JavaCore.getOptions(); ICompilationUnit[] qqTypes = null; try { Hashtable options = new Hashtable(this.oldOptions); options.put(JavaCore.CODEASSIST_VISIBILITY_CHECK, JavaCore.ENABLED); JavaCore.setOptions(options); qqTypes = getExternalQQTypes(); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(); ICompilationUnit cu= getCompilationUnit("Completion", "src3", "test0064", "Test.java"); String str = cu.getSource(); String completeBehind = "zzvarzz"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); cu.codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "zzvarzz2[FIELD_REF]{zzvarzz2, Lpkgstaticimport.QQType4;, I, zzvarzz2, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } finally { discardWorkingCopies(qqTypes); JavaCore.setOptions(this.oldOptions); } } public void test0065() throws JavaModelException { this.oldOptions = JavaCore.getOptions(); ICompilationUnit[] qqTypes = null; try { Hashtable options = new Hashtable(this.oldOptions); options.put(JavaCore.CODEASSIST_VISIBILITY_CHECK, JavaCore.ENABLED); JavaCore.setOptions(options); qqTypes = getExternalQQTypes(); this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[1]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0065/Test.java", "package test0065;\n" + "import static pkgstaticimport.QQType7.*;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " void foo() {\n" + " zzfoozz\n" + " }\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "zzfoozz"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "zzfoozz2[METHOD_REF]{zzfoozz2(), Lpkgstaticimport.QQType7;, ()V, zzfoozz2, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } finally { discardWorkingCopies(qqTypes); JavaCore.setOptions(this.oldOptions); } } public void test0066() throws JavaModelException { this.oldOptions = JavaCore.getOptions(); ICompilationUnit[] qqTypes = null; ICompilationUnit qqType8 = null; try { Hashtable options = new Hashtable(this.oldOptions); options.put(JavaCore.CODEASSIST_VISIBILITY_CHECK, JavaCore.ENABLED); JavaCore.setOptions(options); qqTypes = getExternalQQTypes(); qqType8 = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0066/QQType8.java", "package test0066;\n"+ "\n"+ "public class QQType8 {\n"+ " public void zzfoozz1(){};\n"+ " public static void zzfoozz2(){};\n"+ " protected void zzfoozz3(){};\n"+ " protected static void zzfoozz4(){};\n"+ " private void zzfoozz5(){};\n"+ " private static void zzfoozz6(){};\n"+ " void zzfoozz7(){};\n"+ " static void zzfoozz8(){};\n"+ "}"); this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[1]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0066/Test.java", "package test0066;\n" + "import static test0066.QQType8.*;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " void foo() {\n" + " zzfoozz\n" + " }\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "zzfoozz"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "zzfoozz2[METHOD_REF]{zzfoozz2(), Ltest0066.QQType8;, ()V, zzfoozz2, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "zzfoozz4[METHOD_REF]{zzfoozz4(), Ltest0066.QQType8;, ()V, zzfoozz4, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "zzfoozz8[METHOD_REF]{zzfoozz8(), Ltest0066.QQType8;, ()V, zzfoozz8, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } finally { discardWorkingCopies(qqTypes); if(qqType8 != null) { qqType8.discardWorkingCopy(); } JavaCore.setOptions(this.oldOptions); } } public void test0067() throws JavaModelException { this.oldOptions = JavaCore.getOptions(); ICompilationUnit[] qqTypes = null; try { Hashtable options = new Hashtable(this.oldOptions); options.put(JavaCore.CODEASSIST_VISIBILITY_CHECK, JavaCore.ENABLED); JavaCore.setOptions(options); qqTypes = getExternalQQTypes(); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(); ICompilationUnit cu= getCompilationUnit("Completion", "src3", "test0067", "Test.java"); String str = cu.getSource(); String completeBehind = "zzfoozz"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); cu.codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "zzfoozz1[METHOD_REF]{zzfoozz1(), Lpkgstaticimport.QQType7;, ()V, zzfoozz1, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "zzfoozz2[METHOD_REF]{zzfoozz2(), Lpkgstaticimport.QQType7;, ()V, zzfoozz2, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "zzfoozz3[METHOD_REF]{zzfoozz3(), Lpkgstaticimport.QQType7;, ()V, zzfoozz3, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "zzfoozz4[METHOD_REF]{zzfoozz4(), Lpkgstaticimport.QQType7;, ()V, zzfoozz4, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } finally { discardWorkingCopies(qqTypes); JavaCore.setOptions(this.oldOptions); } } public void test0068() throws JavaModelException { this.oldOptions = JavaCore.getOptions(); ICompilationUnit[] qqTypes = null; try { Hashtable options = new Hashtable(this.oldOptions); options.put(JavaCore.CODEASSIST_VISIBILITY_CHECK, JavaCore.ENABLED); JavaCore.setOptions(options); qqTypes = getExternalQQTypes(); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(); ICompilationUnit cu= getCompilationUnit("Completion", "src3", "test0068", "Test.java"); String str = cu.getSource(); String completeBehind = "zzfoozz"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); cu.codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "zzfoozz2[METHOD_REF]{zzfoozz2(), Lpkgstaticimport.QQType7;, ()V, zzfoozz2, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } finally { discardWorkingCopies(qqTypes); JavaCore.setOptions(this.oldOptions); } } /* * https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=74295 */ public void test0069() throws JavaModelException { CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); ICompilationUnit cu= getCompilationUnit("Completion", "src3", "test0069", "Test.java"); String str = cu.getSource(); String completeBehind = "icell.p"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); cu.codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor); assertResults( "putValue[METHOD_REF]{putValue(), Ltest0069.Test<Ljava.lang.String;>;, (Ljava.lang.String;)V, putValue, (value), " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_STATIC + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } /* * https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=77573 */ public void test0070() throws JavaModelException { ICompilationUnit importedClass = null; try { importedClass = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0070/p/ImportedClass.java", "package test0070.p;\n"+ "\n"+ "public class ImportedClass {\n"+ " \n"+ "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); ICompilationUnit cu= getCompilationUnit("Completion", "src3", "test0070", "Test.java"); String str = cu.getSource(); String completeBehind = "test0070"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); cu.codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "test0070.p[PACKAGE_REF]{test0070.p., test0070.p, null, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "test0070[PACKAGE_REF]{test0070., test0070, null, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_EXACT_NAME + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } finally { if(importedClass != null) { importedClass.discardWorkingCopy(); } } } /* * https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=77573 * https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=94303 */ public void test0071() throws JavaModelException { ICompilationUnit importedClass = null; try { importedClass = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0071/p/ImportedClass.java", "package test0071.p;\n"+ "\n"+ "public class ImportedClass {\n"+ " \n"+ "}"); CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0071/Test.java", "package test0071;\n" + "\n" + "import static test0071.p.Im\n" + "\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " \n" + "}", "test0071.p.Im"); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures=null\n" + "expectedTypesKeys=null", result.context); assertResults( "ImportedClass[TYPE_REF]{ImportedClass., test0071.p, Ltest0071.p.ImportedClass;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", result.proposals); } finally { if(importedClass != null) { importedClass.discardWorkingCopy(); } } } /* * https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=77573 */ public void test0072() throws JavaModelException { ICompilationUnit importedClass = null; try { importedClass = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0072/p/ImportedClass.java", "package test0072.p;\n"+ "\n"+ "public class ImportedClass {\n"+ " public static int ZZZ1;\n"+ " public static void ZZZ2() {}\n"+ " public static void ZZZ2(int i) {}\n"+ "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true, false, true); ICompilationUnit cu= getCompilationUnit("Completion", "src3", "test0072", "Test.java"); String str = cu.getSource(); String completeBehind = "test0072.p.ImportedClass.ZZ"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); cu.codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); int end = cursorLocation; int start = end - "ZZ".length(); assertResults( "ZZZ1[FIELD_REF]{ZZZ1;, Ltest0072.p.ImportedClass;, I, ZZZ1, null, ["+start+", "+end+"], " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "ZZZ2[METHOD_NAME_REFERENCE]{ZZZ2;, Ltest0072.p.ImportedClass;, ()V, ZZZ2, null, ["+start+", "+end+"], " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "ZZZ2[METHOD_NAME_REFERENCE]{ZZZ2;, Ltest0072.p.ImportedClass;, (I)V, ZZZ2, (i), ["+start+", "+end+"], " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } finally { if(importedClass != null) { importedClass.discardWorkingCopy(); } } } /* * https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=77573 */ public void test0073() throws JavaModelException { ICompilationUnit importedClass = null; try { importedClass = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0073/p/ImportedClass.java", "package test0073.p;\n"+ "\n"+ "public class ImportedClass {\n"+ " public static class Inner {\n"+ " public static int ZZZ1;\n"+ " public static void ZZZ2() {}\n"+ " public static void ZZZ2(int i) {}\n"+ " }\n"+ "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true, false, true); ICompilationUnit cu= getCompilationUnit("Completion", "src3", "test0073", "Test.java"); String str = cu.getSource(); String completeBehind = "test0073.p.ImportedClass.Inner.ZZ"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); cu.codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); int end = cursorLocation; int start = end - "ZZ".length(); assertResults( "ZZZ1[FIELD_REF]{ZZZ1;, Ltest0073.p.ImportedClass$Inner;, I, ZZZ1, null, ["+start+", "+end+"], " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "ZZZ2[METHOD_NAME_REFERENCE]{ZZZ2;, Ltest0073.p.ImportedClass$Inner;, ()V, ZZZ2, null, ["+start+", "+end+"], " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "ZZZ2[METHOD_NAME_REFERENCE]{ZZZ2;, Ltest0073.p.ImportedClass$Inner;, (I)V, ZZZ2, (i), ["+start+", "+end+"], " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } finally { if(importedClass != null) { importedClass.discardWorkingCopy(); } } } /* * https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=77573 */ public void test0074() throws JavaModelException { ICompilationUnit importedClass = null; try { importedClass = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0074/p/ImportedClass.java", "package test0074.p;\n"+ "\n"+ "public class ImportedClass {\n"+ " public class Inner {\n"+ " public static int ZZZ1;\n"+ " public static void ZZZ2() {}\n"+ " public static void ZZZ2(int i) {}\n"+ " }\n"+ "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true, false, true); ICompilationUnit cu= getCompilationUnit("Completion", "src3", "test0074", "Test.java"); String str = cu.getSource(); String completeBehind = "test0074.p.ImportedClass.Inner.ZZ"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); cu.codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); int end = cursorLocation; int start = end - "ZZ".length(); assertResults( "ZZZ1[FIELD_REF]{ZZZ1;, Ltest0074.p.ImportedClass$Inner;, I, ZZZ1, null, ["+start+", "+end+"], " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "ZZZ2[METHOD_NAME_REFERENCE]{ZZZ2;, Ltest0074.p.ImportedClass$Inner;, ()V, ZZZ2, null, ["+start+", "+end+"], " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "ZZZ2[METHOD_NAME_REFERENCE]{ZZZ2;, Ltest0074.p.ImportedClass$Inner;, (I)V, ZZZ2, (i), ["+start+", "+end+"], " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } finally { if(importedClass != null) { importedClass.discardWorkingCopy(); } } } public void test0075() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[2]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0075/Test.java", "package test0075;\n" + "public @QQAnnot class Test {\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/pkgannotations/QQAnnotation.java", "package pkgannotations;"+ "public @interface QQAnnotation {\n"+ "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "@QQAnnot"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "QQAnnotation[TYPE_REF]{pkgannotations.QQAnnotation, pkgannotations, Lpkgannotations.QQAnnotation;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_ANNOTATION + R_TARGET + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } public void test0076() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[2]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0076/Test.java", "package test0076;\n" + "public @QQAnnot class Test\n" + ""); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/pkgannotations/QQAnnotation.java", "package pkgannotations;"+ "public @interface QQAnnotation {\n"+ "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "@QQAnnot"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "QQAnnotation[TYPE_REF]{pkgannotations.QQAnnotation, pkgannotations, Lpkgannotations.QQAnnotation;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_ANNOTATION + R_TARGET + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } public void test0077() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[2]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0077/Test.java", "package test0077;\n" + "public @QQAnnot\n" + ""); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/pkgannotations/QQAnnotation.java", "package pkgannotations;"+ "public @interface QQAnnotation {\n"+ "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "@QQAnnot"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "QQAnnotation[TYPE_REF]{pkgannotations.QQAnnotation, pkgannotations, Lpkgannotations.QQAnnotation;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_ANNOTATION + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } public void test0078() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[2]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0078/Test.java", "package test0078;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " public @QQAnnot void foo() {\n" + " }\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/pkgannotations/QQAnnotation.java", "package pkgannotations;"+ "public @interface QQAnnotation {\n"+ "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "@QQAnnot"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "QQAnnotation[TYPE_REF]{pkgannotations.QQAnnotation, pkgannotations, Lpkgannotations.QQAnnotation;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_ANNOTATION + R_TARGET + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } public void test0079() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[2]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0078/Test.java", "package test0078;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " public @QQAnnot void foo(\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/pkgannotations/QQAnnotation.java", "package pkgannotations;"+ "public @interface QQAnnotation {\n"+ "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "@QQAnnot"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "QQAnnotation[TYPE_REF]{pkgannotations.QQAnnotation, pkgannotations, Lpkgannotations.QQAnnotation;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_ANNOTATION + R_TARGET + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } public void test0080() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[2]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0078/Test.java", "package test0078;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " public @QQAnnot int var;\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/pkgannotations/QQAnnotation.java", "package pkgannotations;"+ "public @interface QQAnnotation {\n"+ "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "@QQAnnot"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "QQAnnotation[TYPE_REF]{pkgannotations.QQAnnotation, pkgannotations, Lpkgannotations.QQAnnotation;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_ANNOTATION + R_TARGET + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } public void test0081() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[2]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0078/Test.java", "package test0078;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " public @QQAnnot int var\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/pkgannotations/QQAnnotation.java", "package pkgannotations;"+ "public @interface QQAnnotation {\n"+ "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "@QQAnnot"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "QQAnnotation[TYPE_REF]{pkgannotations.QQAnnotation, pkgannotations, Lpkgannotations.QQAnnotation;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_ANNOTATION + R_TARGET + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } public void test0082() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[2]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0078/Test.java", "package test0078;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " void foo(@QQAnnot int i) {}\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/pkgannotations/QQAnnotation.java", "package pkgannotations;"+ "public @interface QQAnnotation {\n"+ "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "@QQAnnot"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "QQAnnotation[TYPE_REF]{pkgannotations.QQAnnotation, pkgannotations, Lpkgannotations.QQAnnotation;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_ANNOTATION + R_TARGET + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } public void test0083() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[2]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0078/Test.java", "package test0078;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " void foo() {@QQAnnot int i}\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/pkgannotations/QQAnnotation.java", "package pkgannotations;"+ "public @interface QQAnnotation {\n"+ "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "@QQAnnot"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "QQAnnotation[TYPE_REF]{pkgannotations.QQAnnotation, pkgannotations, Lpkgannotations.QQAnnotation;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_ANNOTATION + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } public void test0084() throws JavaModelException { ICompilationUnit imported = null; try { imported = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/pkgstaticimport/MyClass0084.java", "package pkgstaticimport;\n" + "public class MyClass0084 {\n" + " public static int foo() {return 0;}\n" + " public static int foo(int i) {return 0;}\n" + "}"); CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0084/Test.java", "package test0084;\n" + "import static pkgstaticimport.MyClass0084.foo;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " void bar() {\n" + " int i = foo\n" + " }\n" + "}", "foo"); assertResults( "foo[METHOD_REF]{foo(), Lpkgstaticimport.MyClass0084;, ()I, foo, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_EXACT_NAME + R_EXACT_EXPECTED_TYPE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "foo[METHOD_REF]{foo(), Lpkgstaticimport.MyClass0084;, (I)I, foo, (i), " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_EXACT_NAME + R_EXACT_EXPECTED_TYPE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", result.proposals); } finally { if(imported != null) { imported.discardWorkingCopy(); } } } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=85290 public void test0085() throws JavaModelException { this.wc = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0085/TestAnnotation.java", "package test0085;\n" + "public @interface TestAnnotation {\n" + "}\n" + "@TestAnnotati\n" + "class Test2 {\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.wc.getSource(); String completeBehind = "@TestAnnotati"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.wc.codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor); assertResults( "TestAnnotation[TYPE_REF]{TestAnnotation, test0085, Ltest0085.TestAnnotation;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_ANNOTATION + R_TARGET + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_UNQUALIFIED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=85290 public void test0086() throws JavaModelException { this.wc = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/TestAnnotation.java", "public @interface TestAnnotation {\n" + "}\n" + "@TestAnnotati\n" + "class Test2 {\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.wc.getSource(); String completeBehind = "@TestAnnotati"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.wc.codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor); assertResults( "TestAnnotation[TYPE_REF]{TestAnnotation, , LTestAnnotation;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_ANNOTATION + R_TARGET + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_UNQUALIFIED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=85402 public void test0087() throws JavaModelException { this.wc = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0087/TestAnnotation.java", "package test0087;\n" + "public @interface TestAnnotation {\n" + "}\n" + "@\n" + "class Test2 {\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.wc.getSource(); String completeBehind = "@"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.wc.codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor); if(CompletionEngine.NO_TYPE_COMPLETION_ON_EMPTY_TOKEN) { assertResults( "", requestor.getResults()); } else { assertResults( "interface[KEYWORD]{interface, null, null, interface, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_ANNOTATION + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "YAAnnot[TYPE_REF]{testxxx.YAAnnot, testxxx, Ltestxxx.YAAnnot;, null, null, " + (R_NAME_PREFIX + R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_ANNOTATION + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "_ConfigurationData[TYPE_REF]{test325481._ConfigurationData, test325481, Ltest325481._ConfigurationData;, null, null, " + (R_NAME_PREFIX + R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_ANNOTATION + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "_Path[TYPE_REF]{test325481._Path, test325481, Ltest325481._Path;, null, null, " + (R_NAME_PREFIX + R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_ANNOTATION + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "Deprecated[TYPE_REF]{Deprecated, java.lang, Ljava.lang.Deprecated;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_ANNOTATION + R_TARGET + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_UNQUALIFIED) + "}\n" + "TestAnnotation[TYPE_REF]{TestAnnotation, test0087, Ltest0087.TestAnnotation;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_ANNOTATION + R_TARGET + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_UNQUALIFIED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } } public void test0088() throws JavaModelException { this.wc = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0088/TestAnnotation.java", "package test0088;\n" + "public @interface TestAnnotation {\n" + " String foo1();\n" + "}\n" + "@TestAnnotation(foo)\n" + "class Test2 {\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.wc.getSource(); String completeBehind = "foo"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.wc.codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor); assertResults( "foo1[ANNOTATION_ATTRIBUTE_REF]{foo1, Ltest0088.TestAnnotation;, Ljava.lang.String;, foo1, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_UNQUALIFIED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } public void test0089() throws JavaModelException { this.wc = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0089/TestAnnotation.java", "package test0089;\n" + "public @interface TestAnnotation {\n" + " String foo1();\n" + "}\n" + "class Test2 {\n" + " @TestAnnotation(foo)\n" + " void bar(){}\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.wc.getSource(); String completeBehind = "foo"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.wc.codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor); assertResults( "foo1[ANNOTATION_ATTRIBUTE_REF]{foo1, Ltest0089.TestAnnotation;, Ljava.lang.String;, foo1, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_UNQUALIFIED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } public void test0090() throws JavaModelException { this.wc = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0090/TestAnnotation.java", "package test0090;\n" + "public @interface TestAnnotation {\n" + " String foo1();\n" + "}\n" + "class Test2 {\n" + " @TestAnnotation(foo)\n" + " int var;\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.wc.getSource(); String completeBehind = "foo"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.wc.codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor); assertResults( "foo1[ANNOTATION_ATTRIBUTE_REF]{foo1, Ltest0090.TestAnnotation;, Ljava.lang.String;, foo1, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_UNQUALIFIED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } public void test0091() throws JavaModelException { this.wc = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0091/TestAnnotation.java", "package test0091;\n" + "public @interface TestAnnotation {\n" + " String foo1();\n" + "}\n" + "class Test2 {\n" + " void bar(){\n" + " @TestAnnotation(foo)\n" + " int var;\n" + " }\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.wc.getSource(); String completeBehind = "foo"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.wc.codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor); assertResults( "foo1[ANNOTATION_ATTRIBUTE_REF]{foo1, Ltest0091.TestAnnotation;, Ljava.lang.String;, foo1, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_UNQUALIFIED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } public void test0092() throws JavaModelException { this.wc = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0092/TestAnnotation.java", "package test0092;\n" + "public @interface TestAnnotation {\n" + " String foo1();\n" + "}\n" + "class Test2 {\n" + " void bar(int var1, @TestAnnotation(foo) int var2){\n" + " }\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.wc.getSource(); String completeBehind = "foo"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.wc.codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor); assertResults( "foo1[ANNOTATION_ATTRIBUTE_REF]{foo1, Ltest0092.TestAnnotation;, Ljava.lang.String;, foo1, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_UNQUALIFIED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } public void test0093() throws JavaModelException { this.wc = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0093/TestAnnotation.java", "package test0093;\n" + "public @interface TestAnnotation {\n" + " String foo1();\n" + "}\n" + "class Test2 {\n" + " @TestAnnotation(foo)\n" + " Test2(){\n" + " }\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.wc.getSource(); String completeBehind = "foo"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.wc.codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor); assertResults( "foo1[ANNOTATION_ATTRIBUTE_REF]{foo1, Ltest0093.TestAnnotation;, Ljava.lang.String;, foo1, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_UNQUALIFIED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } public void test0094() throws JavaModelException { this.wc = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0094/TestAnnotation.java", "package test0094;\n" + "public @interface TestAnnotation {\n" + " String foo1();\n" + "}\n" + "@TestAnnotation(foo\n" + "class Test2 {\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.wc.getSource(); String completeBehind = "foo"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.wc.codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor); assertResults( "foo1[ANNOTATION_ATTRIBUTE_REF]{foo1, Ltest0094.TestAnnotation;, Ljava.lang.String;, foo1, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_UNQUALIFIED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } public void test0095() throws JavaModelException { this.wc = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0095/TestAnnotation.java", "package test0095;\n" + "public @interface TestAnnotation {\n" + " String foo1();\n" + "}\n" + "class Test2 {\n" + " @TestAnnotation(foo\n" + " void bar(){}\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.wc.getSource(); String completeBehind = "foo"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.wc.codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor); assertResults( "foo1[ANNOTATION_ATTRIBUTE_REF]{foo1, Ltest0095.TestAnnotation;, Ljava.lang.String;, foo1, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_UNQUALIFIED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } public void test0096() throws JavaModelException { this.wc = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0096/TestAnnotation.java", "package test0096;\n" + "public @interface TestAnnotation {\n" + " String foo1();\n" + "}\n" + "class Test2 {\n" + " @TestAnnotation(foo\n" + " int var;\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.wc.getSource(); String completeBehind = "foo"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.wc.codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor); assertResults( "foo1[ANNOTATION_ATTRIBUTE_REF]{foo1, Ltest0096.TestAnnotation;, Ljava.lang.String;, foo1, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_UNQUALIFIED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } public void test0097() throws JavaModelException { this.wc = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0097/TestAnnotation.java", "package test0097;\n" + "public @interface TestAnnotation {\n" + " String foo1();\n" + "}\n" + "class Test2 {\n" + " void bar(){\n" + " @TestAnnotation(foo\n" + " int var;\n" + " }\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.wc.getSource(); String completeBehind = "foo"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.wc.codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor); assertResults( "foo1[ANNOTATION_ATTRIBUTE_REF]{foo1, Ltest0097.TestAnnotation;, Ljava.lang.String;, foo1, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_UNQUALIFIED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } public void test0098() throws JavaModelException { this.wc = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0098/TestAnnotation.java", "package test0098;\n" + "public @interface TestAnnotation {\n" + " String foo1();\n" + "}\n" + "class Test2 {\n" + " void bar(int var1, @TestAnnotation(foo int var2){\n" + " }\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.wc.getSource(); String completeBehind = "foo"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.wc.codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor); assertResults( "foo1[ANNOTATION_ATTRIBUTE_REF]{foo1, Ltest0098.TestAnnotation;, Ljava.lang.String;, foo1, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_UNQUALIFIED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } public void test0099() throws JavaModelException { this.wc = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0099/TestAnnotation.java", "package test0099;\n" + "public @interface TestAnnotation {\n" + " String foo1();\n" + "}\n" + "class Test2 {\n" + " @TestAnnotation(foo\n" + " Test2(){\n" + " }\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.wc.getSource(); String completeBehind = "foo"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.wc.codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor); assertResults( "foo1[ANNOTATION_ATTRIBUTE_REF]{foo1, Ltest0099.TestAnnotation;, Ljava.lang.String;, foo1, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_UNQUALIFIED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } public void test0100() throws JavaModelException { this.wc = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0100/TestAnnotation.java", "package test0100;\n" + "public @interface TestAnnotation {\n" + " String foo1();\n" + "}\n" + "@TestAnnotation(foo=\"\")\n" + "class Test2 {\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.wc.getSource(); String completeBehind = "foo"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.wc.codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor); assertResults( "foo1[ANNOTATION_ATTRIBUTE_REF]{foo1, Ltest0100.TestAnnotation;, Ljava.lang.String;, foo1, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_UNQUALIFIED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } public void test0101() throws JavaModelException { this.wc = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0101/TestAnnotation.java", "package test00101;\n" + "public @interface TestAnnotation {\n" + " String foo1();\n" + "}\n" + "class Test2 {\n" + " @TestAnnotation(foo=\"\")\n" + " void bar(){}\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.wc.getSource(); String completeBehind = "foo"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.wc.codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor); assertResults( "foo1[ANNOTATION_ATTRIBUTE_REF]{foo1, Ltest0101.TestAnnotation;, Ljava.lang.String;, foo1, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_UNQUALIFIED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } public void test0102() throws JavaModelException { this.wc = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0102/TestAnnotation.java", "package test0102;\n" + "public @interface TestAnnotation {\n" + " String foo1();\n" + "}\n" + "class Test2 {\n" + " @TestAnnotation(foo=\"\")\n" + " int var;\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.wc.getSource(); String completeBehind = "foo"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.wc.codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor); assertResults( "foo1[ANNOTATION_ATTRIBUTE_REF]{foo1, Ltest0102.TestAnnotation;, Ljava.lang.String;, foo1, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_UNQUALIFIED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } public void test0103() throws JavaModelException { this.wc = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0103/TestAnnotation.java", "package test00103;\n" + "public @interface TestAnnotation {\n" + " String foo1();\n" + "}\n" + "class Test2 {\n" + " void bar(){\n" + " @TestAnnotation(foo=\"\")\n" + " int var;\n" + " }\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.wc.getSource(); String completeBehind = "foo"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.wc.codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor); assertResults( "foo1[ANNOTATION_ATTRIBUTE_REF]{foo1, Ltest0103.TestAnnotation;, Ljava.lang.String;, foo1, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_UNQUALIFIED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } public void test0104() throws JavaModelException { this.wc = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0104/TestAnnotation.java", "package test0104;\n" + "public @interface TestAnnotation {\n" + " String foo1();\n" + "}\n" + "class Test2 {\n" + " void bar(int var1, @TestAnnotation(foo=\"\") int var2){\n" + " }\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.wc.getSource(); String completeBehind = "foo"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.wc.codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor); assertResults( "foo1[ANNOTATION_ATTRIBUTE_REF]{foo1, Ltest0104.TestAnnotation;, Ljava.lang.String;, foo1, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_UNQUALIFIED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } public void test0105() throws JavaModelException { this.wc = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0105/TestAnnotation.java", "package test0105;\n" + "public @interface TestAnnotation {\n" + " String foo1();\n" + "}\n" + "class Test2 {\n" + " @TestAnnotation(foo=\"\")\n" + " Test2(){\n" + " }\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.wc.getSource(); String completeBehind = "foo"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.wc.codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor); assertResults( "foo1[ANNOTATION_ATTRIBUTE_REF]{foo1, Ltest0105.TestAnnotation;, Ljava.lang.String;, foo1, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_UNQUALIFIED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } public void test0106() throws JavaModelException { this.wc = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0106/TestAnnotation.java", "package test0106;\n" + "public @interface TestAnnotation {\n" + " String foo1();\n" + "}\n" + "@TestAnnotation(foo=\"\"\n" + "class Test2 {\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.wc.getSource(); String completeBehind = "foo"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.wc.codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor); assertResults( "foo1[ANNOTATION_ATTRIBUTE_REF]{foo1, Ltest0106.TestAnnotation;, Ljava.lang.String;, foo1, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_UNQUALIFIED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } public void test0107() throws JavaModelException { this.wc = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0107/TestAnnotation.java", "package test0107;\n" + "public @interface TestAnnotation {\n" + " String foo1();\n" + "}\n" + "class Test2 {\n" + " @TestAnnotation(foo=\"\"\n" + " void bar(){}\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.wc.getSource(); String completeBehind = "foo"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.wc.codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor); assertResults( "foo1[ANNOTATION_ATTRIBUTE_REF]{foo1, Ltest0107.TestAnnotation;, Ljava.lang.String;, foo1, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_UNQUALIFIED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } public void test0108() throws JavaModelException { this.wc = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0108/TestAnnotation.java", "package test0108;\n" + "public @interface TestAnnotation {\n" + " String foo1();\n" + "}\n" + "class Test2 {\n" + " @TestAnnotation(foo=\"\"\n" + " int var;\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.wc.getSource(); String completeBehind = "foo"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.wc.codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor); assertResults( "foo1[ANNOTATION_ATTRIBUTE_REF]{foo1, Ltest0108.TestAnnotation;, Ljava.lang.String;, foo1, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_UNQUALIFIED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } public void test0109() throws JavaModelException { this.wc = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0109/TestAnnotation.java", "package test0109;\n" + "public @interface TestAnnotation {\n" + " String foo1();\n" + "}\n" + "class Test2 {\n" + " void bar(){\n" + " @TestAnnotation(foo=\"\"\n" + " int var;\n" + " }\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.wc.getSource(); String completeBehind = "foo"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.wc.codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor); assertResults( "foo1[ANNOTATION_ATTRIBUTE_REF]{foo1, Ltest0109.TestAnnotation;, Ljava.lang.String;, foo1, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_UNQUALIFIED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } public void test0110() throws JavaModelException { this.wc = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0110/TestAnnotation.java", "package test0110;\n" + "public @interface TestAnnotation {\n" + " String foo1();\n" + "}\n" + "class Test2 {\n" + " void bar(int var1, @TestAnnotation(foo=\"\" int var2){\n" + " }\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.wc.getSource(); String completeBehind = "foo"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.wc.codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor); assertResults( "foo1[ANNOTATION_ATTRIBUTE_REF]{foo1, Ltest0110.TestAnnotation;, Ljava.lang.String;, foo1, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_UNQUALIFIED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } public void test0111() throws JavaModelException { this.wc = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0111/TestAnnotation.java", "package test0111;\n" + "public @interface TestAnnotation {\n" + " String foo1();\n" + "}\n" + "class Test2 {\n" + " @TestAnnotation(foo=\"\"\n" + " Test2(){\n" + " }\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.wc.getSource(); String completeBehind = "foo"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.wc.codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor); assertResults( "foo1[ANNOTATION_ATTRIBUTE_REF]{foo1, Ltest0111.TestAnnotation;, Ljava.lang.String;, foo1, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_UNQUALIFIED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } public void test0112() throws JavaModelException { this.wc = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0112/TestAnnotation.java", "package test0112;\n" + "public @interface TestAnnotation {\n" + " String foo1();\n" + " String foo2();\n" + "}\n" + "@TestAnnotation(foo1=\"\", foo)\n" + "class Test2 {\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.wc.getSource(); String completeBehind = "foo"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.wc.codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor); assertResults( "foo2[ANNOTATION_ATTRIBUTE_REF]{foo2, Ltest0112.TestAnnotation;, Ljava.lang.String;, foo2, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_UNQUALIFIED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } public void test0113() throws JavaModelException { this.wc = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0113/TestAnnotation.java", "package test0113;\n" + "public @interface TestAnnotation {\n" + " String foo1();\n" + " String foo2();\n" + "}\n" + "class Test2 {\n" + " @TestAnnotation(foo1=\"\", foo)\n" + " void bar(){}\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.wc.getSource(); String completeBehind = "foo"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.wc.codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor); assertResults( "foo2[ANNOTATION_ATTRIBUTE_REF]{foo2, Ltest0113.TestAnnotation;, Ljava.lang.String;, foo2, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_UNQUALIFIED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } public void test0114() throws JavaModelException { this.wc = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0114/TestAnnotation.java", "package test0114;\n" + "public @interface TestAnnotation {\n" + " String foo1();\n" + " String foo2();\n" + "}\n" + "class Test2 {\n" + " @TestAnnotation(foo1=\"\", foo)\n" + " int var;\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.wc.getSource(); String completeBehind = "foo"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.wc.codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor); assertResults( "foo2[ANNOTATION_ATTRIBUTE_REF]{foo2, Ltest0114.TestAnnotation;, Ljava.lang.String;, foo2, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_UNQUALIFIED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } public void test0115() throws JavaModelException { this.wc = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0115/TestAnnotation.java", "package test0115;\n" + "public @interface TestAnnotation {\n" + " String foo1();\n" + " String foo2();\n" + "}\n" + "class Test2 {\n" + " void bar(){\n" + " @TestAnnotation(foo1=\"\", foo)\n" + " int var;\n" + " }\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.wc.getSource(); String completeBehind = "foo"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.wc.codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor); assertResults( "foo2[ANNOTATION_ATTRIBUTE_REF]{foo2, Ltest0115.TestAnnotation;, Ljava.lang.String;, foo2, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_UNQUALIFIED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } public void test0116() throws JavaModelException { this.wc = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0116/TestAnnotation.java", "package test0116;\n" + "public @interface TestAnnotation {\n" + " String foo1();\n" + " String foo2();\n" + "}\n" + "class Test2 {\n" + " void bar(int var1, @TestAnnotation(foo1=\"\", foo) int var2){\n" + " }\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.wc.getSource(); String completeBehind = "foo"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.wc.codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor); assertResults( "foo2[ANNOTATION_ATTRIBUTE_REF]{foo2, Ltest0116.TestAnnotation;, Ljava.lang.String;, foo2, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_UNQUALIFIED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } public void test0117() throws JavaModelException { this.wc = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0117/TestAnnotation.java", "package test0117;\n" + "public @interface TestAnnotation {\n" + " String foo1();\n" + " String foo2();\n" + "}\n" + "class Test2 {\n" + " @TestAnnotation(foo1=\"\", foo)\n" + " Test2(){\n" + " }\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.wc.getSource(); String completeBehind = "foo"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.wc.codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor); assertResults( "foo2[ANNOTATION_ATTRIBUTE_REF]{foo2, Ltest0117.TestAnnotation;, Ljava.lang.String;, foo2, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_UNQUALIFIED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } public void test0118() throws JavaModelException { this.wc = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0118/TestAnnotation.java", "package test0118;\n" + "public @interface TestAnnotation {\n" + " String foo1();\n" + " String foo2();\n" + "}\n" + "@TestAnnotation(foo1=\"\", foo\n" + "class Test2 {\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.wc.getSource(); String completeBehind = "foo"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.wc.codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor); assertResults( "foo2[ANNOTATION_ATTRIBUTE_REF]{foo2, Ltest0118.TestAnnotation;, Ljava.lang.String;, foo2, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_UNQUALIFIED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } public void test0119() throws JavaModelException { this.wc = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0119/TestAnnotation.java", "package test0119;\n" + "public @interface TestAnnotation {\n" + " String foo1();\n" + " String foo2();\n" + "}\n" + "class Test2 {\n" + " @TestAnnotation(foo1=\"\", foo\n" + " void bar(){}\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.wc.getSource(); String completeBehind = "foo"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.wc.codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor); assertResults( "foo2[ANNOTATION_ATTRIBUTE_REF]{foo2, Ltest0119.TestAnnotation;, Ljava.lang.String;, foo2, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_UNQUALIFIED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } public void test0120() throws JavaModelException { this.wc = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0120/TestAnnotation.java", "package test0120;\n" + "public @interface TestAnnotation {\n" + " String foo1();\n" + " String foo2();\n" + "}\n" + "class Test2 {\n" + " @TestAnnotation(foo1=\"\", foo\n" + " int var;\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.wc.getSource(); String completeBehind = "foo"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.wc.codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor); assertResults( "foo2[ANNOTATION_ATTRIBUTE_REF]{foo2, Ltest0120.TestAnnotation;, Ljava.lang.String;, foo2, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_UNQUALIFIED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } public void test0121() throws JavaModelException { this.wc = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0121/TestAnnotation.java", "package test0121;\n" + "public @interface TestAnnotation {\n" + " String foo1();\n" + " String foo2();\n" + "}\n" + "class Test2 {\n" + " void bar(){\n" + " @TestAnnotation(foo1=\"\", foo\n" + " int var;\n" + " }\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.wc.getSource(); String completeBehind = "foo"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.wc.codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor); assertResults( "foo2[ANNOTATION_ATTRIBUTE_REF]{foo2, Ltest0121.TestAnnotation;, Ljava.lang.String;, foo2, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_UNQUALIFIED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } public void test0122() throws JavaModelException { this.wc = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0122/TestAnnotation.java", "package test0122;\n" + "public @interface TestAnnotation {\n" + " String foo1();\n" + " String foo2();\n" + "}\n" + "class Test2 {\n" + " void bar(int var1, @TestAnnotation(foo1=\"\", foo int var2){\n" + " }\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.wc.getSource(); String completeBehind = "foo"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.wc.codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor); assertResults( "foo2[ANNOTATION_ATTRIBUTE_REF]{foo2, Ltest0122.TestAnnotation;, Ljava.lang.String;, foo2, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_UNQUALIFIED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } public void test0123() throws JavaModelException { this.wc = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0123/TestAnnotation.java", "package test0123;\n" + "public @interface TestAnnotation {\n" + " String foo1();\n" + " String foo2();\n" + "}\n" + "class Test2 {\n" + " @TestAnnotation(foo1=\"\", foo\n" + " Test2(){\n" + " }\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.wc.getSource(); String completeBehind = "foo"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.wc.codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor); assertResults( "foo2[ANNOTATION_ATTRIBUTE_REF]{foo2, Ltest0123.TestAnnotation;, Ljava.lang.String;, foo2, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_UNQUALIFIED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } public void test0124() throws JavaModelException { this.wc = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0124/TestAnnotation.java", "package test0124;\n" + "public @interface TestAnnotation {\n" + " String foo1();\n" + " String foo2();\n" + "}\n" + "@TestAnnotation(foo1=\"\", foo=\"\")\n" + "class Test2 {\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.wc.getSource(); String completeBehind = "foo"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.wc.codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor); assertResults( "foo2[ANNOTATION_ATTRIBUTE_REF]{foo2, Ltest0124.TestAnnotation;, Ljava.lang.String;, foo2, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_UNQUALIFIED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } public void test0125() throws JavaModelException { this.wc = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0125/TestAnnotation.java", "package test0125;\n" + "public @interface TestAnnotation {\n" + " String foo1();\n" + " String foo2();\n" + "}\n" + "class Test2 {\n" + " @TestAnnotation(foo1=\"\", foo=\"\")\n" + " void bar(){}\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.wc.getSource(); String completeBehind = "foo"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.wc.codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor); assertResults( "foo2[ANNOTATION_ATTRIBUTE_REF]{foo2, Ltest0125.TestAnnotation;, Ljava.lang.String;, foo2, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_UNQUALIFIED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } public void test0126() throws JavaModelException { this.wc = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0126/TestAnnotation.java", "package test0126;\n" + "public @interface TestAnnotation {\n" + " String foo1();\n" + " String foo2();\n" + "}\n" + "class Test2 {\n" + " @TestAnnotation(foo1=\"\", foo=\"\")\n" + " int var;\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.wc.getSource(); String completeBehind = "foo"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.wc.codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor); assertResults( "foo2[ANNOTATION_ATTRIBUTE_REF]{foo2, Ltest0126.TestAnnotation;, Ljava.lang.String;, foo2, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_UNQUALIFIED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } public void test0127() throws JavaModelException { this.wc = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0127/TestAnnotation.java", "package test0127;\n" + "public @interface TestAnnotation {\n" + " String foo1();\n" + " String foo2();\n" + "}\n" + "class Test2 {\n" + " void bar(){\n" + " @TestAnnotation(foo1=\"\", foo=\"\")\n" + " int var;\n" + " }\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.wc.getSource(); String completeBehind = "foo"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.wc.codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor); assertResults( "foo2[ANNOTATION_ATTRIBUTE_REF]{foo2, Ltest0127.TestAnnotation;, Ljava.lang.String;, foo2, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_UNQUALIFIED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } public void test0128() throws JavaModelException { this.wc = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0128/TestAnnotation.java", "package test0128;\n" + "public @interface TestAnnotation {\n" + " String foo1();\n" + " String foo2();\n" + "}\n" + "class Test2 {\n" + " void bar(int var1, @TestAnnotation(foo1=\"\", foo=\"\") int var2){\n" + " }\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.wc.getSource(); String completeBehind = "foo"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.wc.codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor); assertResults( "foo2[ANNOTATION_ATTRIBUTE_REF]{foo2, Ltest0128.TestAnnotation;, Ljava.lang.String;, foo2, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_UNQUALIFIED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } public void test0129() throws JavaModelException { this.wc = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0129/TestAnnotation.java", "package test0129;\n" + "public @interface TestAnnotation {\n" + " String foo1();\n" + " String foo2();\n" + "}\n" + "class Test2 {\n" + " @TestAnnotation(foo1=\"\", foo=\"\")\n" + " Test2(){\n" + " }\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.wc.getSource(); String completeBehind = "foo"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.wc.codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor); assertResults( "foo2[ANNOTATION_ATTRIBUTE_REF]{foo2, Ltest0129.TestAnnotation;, Ljava.lang.String;, foo2, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_UNQUALIFIED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } public void test0130() throws JavaModelException { this.wc = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0130/TestAnnotation.java", "package test0130;\n" + "public @interface TestAnnotation {\n" + " String foo1();\n" + " String foo2();\n" + "}\n" + "@TestAnnotation(foo1=\"\", foo=\"\"\n" + "class Test2 {\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.wc.getSource(); String completeBehind = "foo"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.wc.codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor); assertResults( "foo2[ANNOTATION_ATTRIBUTE_REF]{foo2, Ltest0130.TestAnnotation;, Ljava.lang.String;, foo2, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_UNQUALIFIED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } public void test0131() throws JavaModelException { this.wc = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0131/TestAnnotation.java", "package test0131;\n" + "public @interface TestAnnotation {\n" + " String foo1();\n" + " String foo2();\n" + "}\n" + "class Test2 {\n" + " @TestAnnotation(foo1=\"\", foo=\"\"\n" + " void bar(){}\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.wc.getSource(); String completeBehind = "foo"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.wc.codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor); assertResults( "foo2[ANNOTATION_ATTRIBUTE_REF]{foo2, Ltest0131.TestAnnotation;, Ljava.lang.String;, foo2, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_UNQUALIFIED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } public void test0132() throws JavaModelException { this.wc = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0132/TestAnnotation.java", "package test0132;\n" + "public @interface TestAnnotation {\n" + " String foo1();\n" + " String foo2();\n" + "}\n" + "class Test2 {\n" + " @TestAnnotation(foo1=\"\", foo=\"\"\n" + " int var;\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.wc.getSource(); String completeBehind = "foo"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.wc.codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor); assertResults( "foo2[ANNOTATION_ATTRIBUTE_REF]{foo2, Ltest0132.TestAnnotation;, Ljava.lang.String;, foo2, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_UNQUALIFIED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } public void test0133() throws JavaModelException { this.wc = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0133/TestAnnotation.java", "package test0133;\n" + "public @interface TestAnnotation {\n" + " String foo1();\n" + " String foo2();\n" + "}\n" + "class Test2 {\n" + " void bar(){\n" + " @TestAnnotation(foo1=\"\", foo=\"\"\n" + " int var;\n" + " }\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.wc.getSource(); String completeBehind = "foo"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.wc.codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor); assertResults( "foo2[ANNOTATION_ATTRIBUTE_REF]{foo2, Ltest0133.TestAnnotation;, Ljava.lang.String;, foo2, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_UNQUALIFIED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } public void test0134() throws JavaModelException { this.wc = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0134/TestAnnotation.java", "package test0134;\n" + "public @interface TestAnnotation {\n" + " String foo1();\n" + " String foo2();\n" + "}\n" + "class Test2 {\n" + " void bar(int var1, @TestAnnotation(foo1=\"\", foo=\"\" int var2){\n" + " }\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.wc.getSource(); String completeBehind = "foo"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.wc.codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor); assertResults( "foo2[ANNOTATION_ATTRIBUTE_REF]{foo2, Ltest0134.TestAnnotation;, Ljava.lang.String;, foo2, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_UNQUALIFIED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } public void test0135() throws JavaModelException { CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0135/TestAnnotation.java", "package test0135;\n" + "public @interface TestAnnotation {\n" + " String foo1();\n" + " String foo2();\n" + "}\n" + "class Test2 {\n" + " @TestAnnotation(foo1=\"\", foo=\"\"\n" + " Test2(){\n" + " }\n" + "}", "foo"); assertResults( "foo2[ANNOTATION_ATTRIBUTE_REF]{foo2, Ltest0135.TestAnnotation;, Ljava.lang.String;, foo2, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_UNQUALIFIED) + "}", result.proposals); } // https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=84554 public void test0136() throws JavaModelException { ICompilationUnit enumeration = null; try { enumeration = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0136/Colors.java", "package test0136;\n" + "public enum Colors {\n" + " RED, BLUE, WHITE;\n" + "}"); CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0136/Test.java", "package test0136;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " void bar(Colors c) {\n" + " switch(c) {\n" + " case RED :\n" + " break;\n" + " }\n" + " }\n" + "}", "RED"); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures={Ltest0136.Colors;}\n" + "expectedTypesKeys={Ltest0136/Colors;}", result.context); assertResults( "RED[FIELD_REF]{RED, Ltest0136.Colors;, Ltest0136.Colors;, RED, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_EXACT_NAME + R_EXACT_EXPECTED_TYPE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_ENUM + R_ENUM_CONSTANT + R_RESOLVED) + "}", result.proposals); } finally { if(enumeration != null) { enumeration.discardWorkingCopy(); } } } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=84554 public void test0137() throws JavaModelException { ICompilationUnit enumeration = null; try { enumeration = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0137/Colors.java", "package test0137;\n" + "public enum Colors {\n" + " RED, BLUE, WHITE;\n" + "}"); CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0137/Test.java", "package test0137;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " void bar(Colors c) {\n" + " switch(c) {\n" + " case BLUE :\n" + " case RED :\n" + " break;\n" + " }\n" + " }\n" + "}", "RED"); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures={Ltest0137.Colors;}\n" + "expectedTypesKeys={Ltest0137/Colors;}", result.context); assertResults( "RED[FIELD_REF]{RED, Ltest0137.Colors;, Ltest0137.Colors;, RED, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_EXACT_NAME + R_EXACT_EXPECTED_TYPE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_ENUM + R_ENUM_CONSTANT + R_RESOLVED) + "}", result.proposals); } finally { if(enumeration != null) { enumeration.discardWorkingCopy(); } } } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=84554 public void test0138() throws JavaModelException { ICompilationUnit enumeration = null; try { enumeration = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0138/Colors.java", "package test0138;\n" + "public enum Colors {\n" + " RED, BLUE, WHITE;\n" + "}"); CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0138/Test.java", "package test0138;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " void bar(Colors c) {\n" + " switch(c) {\n" + " case BLUE :\n" + " break;\n" + " case RED :\n" + " break;\n" + " }\n" + " }\n" + "}", "RED"); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures={Ltest0138.Colors;}\n" + "expectedTypesKeys={Ltest0138/Colors;}", result.context); assertResults( "RED[FIELD_REF]{RED, Ltest0138.Colors;, Ltest0138.Colors;, RED, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_EXACT_NAME + R_EXACT_EXPECTED_TYPE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_ENUM + R_ENUM_CONSTANT + R_RESOLVED) + "}", result.proposals); } finally { if(enumeration != null) { enumeration.discardWorkingCopy(); } } } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=84554 public void test0139() throws JavaModelException { ICompilationUnit enumeration = null; try { enumeration = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0139/Colors.java", "package test0139;\n" + "public enum Colors {\n" + " RED, BLUE, WHITE;\n" + "}"); CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0139/Test.java", "package test0139;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " void bar(Colors c) {\n" + " switch(c) {\n" + " case BLUE :\n" + " break;\n" + " case RED :\n" + " }\n" + " }\n" + "}", "RED"); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures={Ltest0139.Colors;}\n" + "expectedTypesKeys={Ltest0139/Colors;}", result.context); assertResults( "RED[FIELD_REF]{RED, Ltest0139.Colors;, Ltest0139.Colors;, RED, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_EXACT_NAME + R_EXACT_EXPECTED_TYPE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_ENUM + R_ENUM_CONSTANT + R_RESOLVED) + "}", result.proposals); } finally { if(enumeration != null) { enumeration.discardWorkingCopy(); } } } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=84554 public void test0140() throws JavaModelException { ICompilationUnit enumeration = null; try { enumeration = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0140/Colors.java", "package test0140;\n" + "public enum Colors {\n" + " RED, BLUE, WHITE;\n" + "}"); CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0140/Test.java", "package test0140;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " void bar(Colors c) {\n" + " switch(c) {\n" + " case BLUE :\n" + " break;\n" + " case RED\n" + " }\n" + " }\n" + "}", "RED"); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures={Ltest0140.Colors;}\n" + "expectedTypesKeys={Ltest0140/Colors;}", result.context); assertResults( "RED[FIELD_REF]{RED, Ltest0140.Colors;, Ltest0140.Colors;, RED, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_EXACT_NAME + R_EXACT_EXPECTED_TYPE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_ENUM + R_ENUM_CONSTANT + R_RESOLVED) + "}", result.proposals); } finally { if(enumeration != null) { enumeration.discardWorkingCopy(); } } } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=84554 public void test0141() throws JavaModelException { ICompilationUnit enumeration = null; try { enumeration = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0141/Colors.java", "package test0141;\n" + "public class Colors {\n" + " public final static int RED = 0, BLUE = 1, WHITE = 3;\n" + "}"); CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0141/Test.java", "package test0141;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " void bar(Colors c) {\n" + " switch(c) {\n" + " case BLUE :\n" + " break;\n" + " case RED :\n" + " break;\n" + " }\n" + " }\n" + "}", "RED"); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures={Ltest0141.Colors;}\n" + "expectedTypesKeys={Ltest0141/Colors;}", result.context); assertResults( "", result.proposals); } finally { if(enumeration != null) { enumeration.discardWorkingCopy(); } } } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=84554 //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=88295 public void test0142() throws JavaModelException { ICompilationUnit enumeration = null; try { enumeration = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0142/Colors.java", "package test0142;\n" + "public enum Colors {\n" + " RED, BLUE, WHITE;\n" + " public static final int RED2 = 0;\n" + "}"); CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0142/Test.java", "package test0142;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " void bar(Colors REDc) {\n" + " switch(REDc) {\n" + " case BLUE :\n" + " break;\n" + " case RED:\n" + " break;\n" + " }\n" + " }\n" + "}", "RED"); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures={Ltest0142.Colors;}\n" + "expectedTypesKeys={Ltest0142/Colors;}", result.context); assertResults( "RED[FIELD_REF]{RED, Ltest0142.Colors;, Ltest0142.Colors;, RED, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_EXACT_NAME + R_EXACT_EXPECTED_TYPE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_ENUM + R_ENUM_CONSTANT + R_RESOLVED) + "}", result.proposals); } finally { if(enumeration != null) { enumeration.discardWorkingCopy(); } } } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=88756 public void test0143() throws JavaModelException { Hashtable oldCurrentOptions = JavaCore.getOptions(); ICompilationUnit enumeration = null; try { Hashtable options = new Hashtable(oldCurrentOptions); options.put(JavaCore.CODEASSIST_VISIBILITY_CHECK, JavaCore.DISABLED); JavaCore.setOptions(options); enumeration = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0143/Colors.java", "package test0143;\n" + "public enum Colors {\n" + " RED, BLUE, WHITE;\n" + " private Colors(){};\n" + "}"); CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0143/Test.java", "package test0143;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " void bar() {\n" + " new Colors(\n" + " }\n" + "}", "Colors("); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures=null\n" + "expectedTypesKeys=null", result.context); assertResults( "", result.proposals); } finally { if(enumeration != null) { enumeration.discardWorkingCopy(); } JavaCore.setOptions(oldCurrentOptions); } } // https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=88845 public void test0144() throws JavaModelException { ICompilationUnit aClass = null; Hashtable oldCurrentOptions = JavaCore.getOptions(); try { Hashtable options = new Hashtable(oldCurrentOptions); options.put(JavaCore.CODEASSIST_VISIBILITY_CHECK, JavaCore.ENABLED); JavaCore.setOptions(options); aClass = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0144/X.java", "package test0144;\n" + "public class X {\n" + " public class Y {}\n" + " private class Y2 {}\n" + "}"); CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0144/Test.java", "package test0144;\n" + "public class Test extends X.\n" + "{}", "X."); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures=null\n" + "expectedTypesKeys=null", result.context); assertResults( "X.Y[TYPE_REF]{Y, test0144, Ltest0144.X$Y;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_CLASS + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", result.proposals); } finally { if(aClass != null) { aClass.discardWorkingCopy(); } JavaCore.setOptions(oldCurrentOptions); } } // complete annotation attribute value public void test0145() throws JavaModelException { ICompilationUnit anAnnotation = null; ICompilationUnit aClass = null; try { anAnnotation = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0145/ZZAnnotation.java", "package test0145;\n" + "public @interface ZZAnnotation {\n" + " int foo1();\n" + " int foo2();\n" + "}"); aClass = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0145/ZZClass.java", "package test0145;\n" + "public class ZZClass {\n" + "}"); CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0145/Test.java", "package test0145;\n" + "@ZZAnnotation(foo1=ZZ)\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " public static final int zzint = 0;\n" + "}", "ZZ"); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures={I}\n" + "expectedTypesKeys={I}", result.context); assertResults( "ZZAnnotation[TYPE_REF]{ZZAnnotation, test0145, Ltest0145.ZZAnnotation;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "ZZClass[TYPE_REF]{ZZClass, test0145, Ltest0145.ZZClass;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", result.proposals); } finally { if(anAnnotation != null) { anAnnotation.discardWorkingCopy(); } if(aClass != null) { aClass.discardWorkingCopy(); } } } // complete annotation attribute value public void test0146() throws JavaModelException { ICompilationUnit anAnnotation = null; ICompilationUnit aClass = null; try { anAnnotation = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0146/ZZAnnotation.java", "package test0146;\n" + "public @interface ZZAnnotation {\n" + " int foo1();\n" + " int foo2();\n" + "}"); aClass = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0146/ZZClass.java", "package test0146;\n" + "public class ZZClass {\n" + "}"); CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0146/Test.java", "package test0146;\n" + "@ZZAnnotation(foo1= 0 + ZZ)\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " public static final int zzint = 0;\n" + "}", "ZZ"); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures={S,I,J,F,D,C,B,Ljava.lang.String;}\n" + "expectedTypesKeys={S,I,J,F,D,C,B,Ljava/lang/String;}", result.context); assertResults( "ZZAnnotation[TYPE_REF]{ZZAnnotation, test0146, Ltest0146.ZZAnnotation;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "ZZClass[TYPE_REF]{ZZClass, test0146, Ltest0146.ZZClass;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", result.proposals); } finally { if(anAnnotation != null) { anAnnotation.discardWorkingCopy(); } if(aClass != null) { aClass.discardWorkingCopy(); } } } // complete annotation attribute value public void test0147() throws JavaModelException { ICompilationUnit anAnnotation = null; ICompilationUnit aClass = null; try { anAnnotation = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0147/ZZAnnotation.java", "package test0147;\n" + "public @interface ZZAnnotation {\n" + " int[] foo1();\n" + " int foo2();\n" + "}"); aClass = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0147/ZZClass.java", "package test0147;\n" + "public class ZZClass {\n" + "}"); CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0147/Test.java", "package test0147;\n" + "@ZZAnnotation(foo1= {ZZ})\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " public static final int zzint = 0;\n" + "}", "ZZ"); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures=null\n" + "expectedTypesKeys=null", result.context); assertResults( "ZZAnnotation[TYPE_REF]{ZZAnnotation, test0147, Ltest0147.ZZAnnotation;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "ZZClass[TYPE_REF]{ZZClass, test0147, Ltest0147.ZZClass;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", result.proposals); } finally { if(anAnnotation != null) { anAnnotation.discardWorkingCopy(); } if(aClass != null) { aClass.discardWorkingCopy(); } } } // complete annotation attribute value public void test0148() throws JavaModelException { ICompilationUnit anAnnotation = null; ICompilationUnit aClass = null; try { anAnnotation = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0148/ZZAnnotation.java", "package test0148;\n" + "public @interface ZZAnnotation {\n" + " int foo1();\n" + " int foo2();\n" + "}"); aClass = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0148/ZZClass.java", "package test0148;\n" + "public class ZZClass {\n" + "}"); CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0148/Test.java", "package test0148;\n" + "@ZZAnnotation(foo1=ZZ\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " public static final int zzint = 0;\n" + "}", "ZZ"); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures={I}\n" + "expectedTypesKeys={I}", result.context); assertResults( "ZZAnnotation[TYPE_REF]{ZZAnnotation, test0148, Ltest0148.ZZAnnotation;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "ZZClass[TYPE_REF]{ZZClass, test0148, Ltest0148.ZZClass;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", result.proposals); } finally { if(anAnnotation != null) { anAnnotation.discardWorkingCopy(); } if(aClass != null) { aClass.discardWorkingCopy(); } } } // complete annotation attribute value public void test0149() throws JavaModelException { ICompilationUnit anAnnotation = null; ICompilationUnit aClass = null; try { anAnnotation = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0149/ZZAnnotation.java", "package test0149;\n" + "public @interface ZZAnnotation {\n" + " int foo1();\n" + " int foo2();\n" + "}"); aClass = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0149/ZZClass.java", "package test0149;\n" + "public class ZZClass {\n" + "}"); CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0149/Test.java", "package test0149;\n" + "@ZZAnnotation(foo1= 0 + ZZ\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " public static final int zzint = 0;\n" + "}", "ZZ"); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures={S,I,J,F,D,C,B,Ljava.lang.String;}\n" + "expectedTypesKeys={S,I,J,F,D,C,B,Ljava/lang/String;}", result.context); assertResults( "ZZAnnotation[TYPE_REF]{ZZAnnotation, test0149, Ltest0149.ZZAnnotation;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "ZZClass[TYPE_REF]{ZZClass, test0149, Ltest0149.ZZClass;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", result.proposals); } finally { if(anAnnotation != null) { anAnnotation.discardWorkingCopy(); } if(aClass != null) { aClass.discardWorkingCopy(); } } } // complete annotation attribute value public void test0150() throws JavaModelException { ICompilationUnit anAnnotation = null; ICompilationUnit aClass = null; try { anAnnotation = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0150/ZZAnnotation.java", "package test0150;\n" + "public @interface ZZAnnotation {\n" + " int[] foo1();\n" + " int foo2();\n" + "}"); aClass = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0150/ZZClass.java", "package test0150;\n" + "public class ZZClass {\n" + "}"); CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0150/Test.java", "package test0150;\n" + "@ZZAnnotation(foo1= {ZZ}\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " public static final int zzint = 0;\n" + "}", "ZZ"); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures=null\n" + "expectedTypesKeys=null", result.context); assertResults( "ZZAnnotation[TYPE_REF]{ZZAnnotation, test0150, Ltest0150.ZZAnnotation;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "ZZClass[TYPE_REF]{ZZClass, test0150, Ltest0150.ZZClass;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", result.proposals); } finally { if(anAnnotation != null) { anAnnotation.discardWorkingCopy(); } if(aClass != null) { aClass.discardWorkingCopy(); } } } // complete annotation attribute value public void test0151() throws JavaModelException { ICompilationUnit anAnnotation = null; ICompilationUnit aClass = null; try { anAnnotation = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0151/ZZAnnotation.java", "package test0151;\n" + "public @interface ZZAnnotation {\n" + " int[] foo1();\n" + " int foo2();\n" + "}"); aClass = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0151/ZZClass.java", "package test0151;\n" + "public class ZZClass {\n" + "}"); CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0151/Test.java", "package test0151;\n" + "@ZZAnnotation(foo1= {ZZ\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " public static final int zzint = 0;\n" + "}", "ZZ"); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures=null\n" + "expectedTypesKeys=null", result.context); assertResults( "ZZAnnotation[TYPE_REF]{ZZAnnotation, test0151, Ltest0151.ZZAnnotation;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "ZZClass[TYPE_REF]{ZZClass, test0151, Ltest0151.ZZClass;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", result.proposals); } finally { if(anAnnotation != null) { anAnnotation.discardWorkingCopy(); } if(aClass != null) { aClass.discardWorkingCopy(); } } } // complete annotation attribute value public void test0152() throws JavaModelException { ICompilationUnit anAnnotation = null; ICompilationUnit aClass = null; try { anAnnotation = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0152/ZZAnnotation.java", "package test0152;\n" + "public @interface ZZAnnotation {\n" + " int foo1();\n" + " int foo2();\n" + "}"); aClass = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0152/ZZClass.java", "package test0152;\n" + "public class ZZClass {\n" + "}"); CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0152/Test.java", "package test0152;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " public static final int zzint = 0;\n" + " @ZZAnnotation(foo1=ZZ)\n" + " void bar(){}\n" + "}", "ZZ"); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures={I}\n" + "expectedTypesKeys={I}", result.context); assertResults( "ZZAnnotation[TYPE_REF]{ZZAnnotation, test0152, Ltest0152.ZZAnnotation;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "ZZClass[TYPE_REF]{ZZClass, test0152, Ltest0152.ZZClass;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "zzint[FIELD_REF]{zzint, Ltest0152.Test;, I, zzint, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_EXACT_EXPECTED_TYPE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", result.proposals); } finally { if(anAnnotation != null) { anAnnotation.discardWorkingCopy(); } if(aClass != null) { aClass.discardWorkingCopy(); } } } // complete annotation attribute value public void test0153() throws JavaModelException { ICompilationUnit anAnnotation = null; ICompilationUnit aClass = null; try { anAnnotation = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0153/ZZAnnotation.java", "package test0153;\n" + "public @interface ZZAnnotation {\n" + " int foo1();\n" + " int foo2();\n" + "}"); aClass = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0153/ZZClass.java", "package test0153;\n" + "public class ZZClass {\n" + "}"); CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0153/Test.java", "package test0153;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " public static final int zzint = 0;\n" + " @ZZAnnotation(foo1= 0 + ZZ)\n" + " void bar(){}\n" + "}", "ZZ"); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures={S,I,J,F,D,C,B,Ljava.lang.String;}\n" + "expectedTypesKeys={S,I,J,F,D,C,B,Ljava/lang/String;}", result.context); assertResults( "ZZAnnotation[TYPE_REF]{ZZAnnotation, test0153, Ltest0153.ZZAnnotation;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "ZZClass[TYPE_REF]{ZZClass, test0153, Ltest0153.ZZClass;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "zzint[FIELD_REF]{zzint, Ltest0153.Test;, I, zzint, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_EXACT_EXPECTED_TYPE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", result.proposals); } finally { if(anAnnotation != null) { anAnnotation.discardWorkingCopy(); } if(aClass != null) { aClass.discardWorkingCopy(); } } } // complete annotation attribute value public void test0154() throws JavaModelException { ICompilationUnit anAnnotation = null; ICompilationUnit aClass = null; try { anAnnotation = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0154/ZZAnnotation.java", "package test0154;\n" + "public @interface ZZAnnotation {\n" + " int[] foo1();\n" + " int foo2();\n" + "}"); aClass = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0154/ZZClass.java", "package test0154;\n" + "public class ZZClass {\n" + "}"); CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0154/Test.java", "package test0154;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " public static final int zzint = 0;\n" + " @ZZAnnotation(foo1= {ZZ})\n" + " void bar(){}\n" + "}", "ZZ"); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures=null\n" + "expectedTypesKeys=null", result.context); assertResults( "zzint[FIELD_REF]{zzint, Ltest0154.Test;, I, zzint, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "ZZAnnotation[TYPE_REF]{ZZAnnotation, test0154, Ltest0154.ZZAnnotation;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "ZZClass[TYPE_REF]{ZZClass, test0154, Ltest0154.ZZClass;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", result.proposals); } finally { if(anAnnotation != null) { anAnnotation.discardWorkingCopy(); } if(aClass != null) { aClass.discardWorkingCopy(); } } } // complete annotation attribute value public void test0155() throws JavaModelException { ICompilationUnit anAnnotation = null; ICompilationUnit aClass = null; try { anAnnotation = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0155/ZZAnnotation.java", "package test0155;\n" + "public @interface ZZAnnotation {\n" + " int foo1();\n" + " int foo2();\n" + "}"); aClass = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0155/ZZClass.java", "package test0155;\n" + "public class ZZClass {\n" + "}"); CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0155/Test.java", "package test0155;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " public static final int zzint = 0;\n" + " @ZZAnnotation(foo1=ZZ\n" + " void bar(){}\n" + "}", "ZZ"); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures={I}\n" + "expectedTypesKeys={I}", result.context); assertResults( "ZZAnnotation[TYPE_REF]{ZZAnnotation, test0155, Ltest0155.ZZAnnotation;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "ZZClass[TYPE_REF]{ZZClass, test0155, Ltest0155.ZZClass;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "zzint[FIELD_REF]{zzint, Ltest0155.Test;, I, zzint, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_EXACT_EXPECTED_TYPE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", result.proposals); } finally { if(anAnnotation != null) { anAnnotation.discardWorkingCopy(); } if(aClass != null) { aClass.discardWorkingCopy(); } } } // complete annotation attribute value public void test0156() throws JavaModelException { ICompilationUnit anAnnotation = null; ICompilationUnit aClass = null; try { anAnnotation = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0156/ZZAnnotation.java", "package test0156;\n" + "public @interface ZZAnnotation {\n" + " int foo1();\n" + " int foo2();\n" + "}"); aClass = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0156/ZZClass.java", "package test0156;\n" + "public class ZZClass {\n" + "}"); CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0156/Test.java", "package test0156;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " public static final int zzint = 0;\n" + " @ZZAnnotation(foo1= 0 + ZZ\n" + " void bar(){}\n" + "}", "ZZ"); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures={S,I,J,F,D,C,B,Ljava.lang.String;}\n" + "expectedTypesKeys={S,I,J,F,D,C,B,Ljava/lang/String;}", result.context); assertResults( "ZZAnnotation[TYPE_REF]{ZZAnnotation, test0156, Ltest0156.ZZAnnotation;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "ZZClass[TYPE_REF]{ZZClass, test0156, Ltest0156.ZZClass;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "zzint[FIELD_REF]{zzint, Ltest0156.Test;, I, zzint, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_EXACT_EXPECTED_TYPE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", result.proposals); } finally { if(anAnnotation != null) { anAnnotation.discardWorkingCopy(); } if(aClass != null) { aClass.discardWorkingCopy(); } } } // complete annotation attribute value public void test0157() throws JavaModelException { ICompilationUnit anAnnotation = null; ICompilationUnit aClass = null; try { anAnnotation = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0157/ZZAnnotation.java", "package test0157;\n" + "public @interface ZZAnnotation {\n" + " int[] foo1();\n" + " int foo2();\n" + "}"); aClass = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0157/ZZClass.java", "package test0157;\n" + "public class ZZClass {\n" + "}"); CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0157/Test.java", "package test0157;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " public static final int zzint = 0;\n" + " @ZZAnnotation(foo1= {ZZ}\n" + " void bar(){}\n" + "}", "ZZ"); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures=null\n" + "expectedTypesKeys=null", result.context); assertResults( "zzint[FIELD_REF]{zzint, Ltest0157.Test;, I, zzint, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "ZZAnnotation[TYPE_REF]{ZZAnnotation, test0157, Ltest0157.ZZAnnotation;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "ZZClass[TYPE_REF]{ZZClass, test0157, Ltest0157.ZZClass;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", result.proposals); } finally { if(anAnnotation != null) { anAnnotation.discardWorkingCopy(); } if(aClass != null) { aClass.discardWorkingCopy(); } } } // complete annotation attribute value public void test0158() throws JavaModelException { ICompilationUnit anAnnotation = null; ICompilationUnit aClass = null; try { anAnnotation = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0158/ZZAnnotation.java", "package test0158;\n" + "public @interface ZZAnnotation {\n" + " int[] foo1();\n" + " int foo2();\n" + "}"); aClass = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0158/ZZClass.java", "package test0158;\n" + "public class ZZClass {\n" + "}"); CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0158/Test.java", "package test0158;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " public static final int zzint = 0;\n" + " @ZZAnnotation(foo1= {ZZ\n" + " void bar(){}\n" + "}", "ZZ"); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures=null\n" + "expectedTypesKeys=null", result.context); assertResults( "zzint[FIELD_REF]{zzint, Ltest0158.Test;, I, zzint, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "ZZAnnotation[TYPE_REF]{ZZAnnotation, test0158, Ltest0158.ZZAnnotation;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "ZZClass[TYPE_REF]{ZZClass, test0158, Ltest0158.ZZClass;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", result.proposals); } finally { if(anAnnotation != null) { anAnnotation.discardWorkingCopy(); } if(aClass != null) { aClass.discardWorkingCopy(); } } } // complete annotation attribute value public void test0159() throws JavaModelException { ICompilationUnit anAnnotation = null; ICompilationUnit aClass = null; try { anAnnotation = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0159/ZZAnnotation.java", "package test0159;\n" + "public @interface ZZAnnotation {\n" + " int foo1();\n" + " int foo2();\n" + "}"); aClass = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0159/ZZClass.java", "package test0159;\n" + "public class ZZClass {\n" + "}"); CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0159/Test.java", "package test0159;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " public static final int zzint = 0;\n" + " @ZZAnnotation(foo1=ZZ)\n" + " int bar;\n" + "}", "ZZ"); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures={I}\n" + "expectedTypesKeys={I}", result.context); assertResults( "ZZAnnotation[TYPE_REF]{ZZAnnotation, test0159, Ltest0159.ZZAnnotation;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "ZZClass[TYPE_REF]{ZZClass, test0159, Ltest0159.ZZClass;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "zzint[FIELD_REF]{zzint, Ltest0159.Test;, I, zzint, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_EXACT_EXPECTED_TYPE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", result.proposals); } finally { if(anAnnotation != null) { anAnnotation.discardWorkingCopy(); } if(aClass != null) { aClass.discardWorkingCopy(); } } } // complete annotation attribute value public void test0160() throws JavaModelException { ICompilationUnit anAnnotation = null; ICompilationUnit aClass = null; try { anAnnotation = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0160/ZZAnnotation.java", "package test0160;\n" + "public @interface ZZAnnotation {\n" + " int foo1();\n" + " int foo2();\n" + "}"); aClass = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0160/ZZClass.java", "package test0160;\n" + "public class ZZClass {\n" + "}"); CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0160/Test.java", "package test0160;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " public static final int zzint = 0;\n" + " @ZZAnnotation(foo1= 0 + ZZ)\n" + " int bar;\n" + "}", "ZZ"); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures={S,I,J,F,D,C,B,Ljava.lang.String;}\n" + "expectedTypesKeys={S,I,J,F,D,C,B,Ljava/lang/String;}", result.context); assertResults( "ZZAnnotation[TYPE_REF]{ZZAnnotation, test0160, Ltest0160.ZZAnnotation;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "ZZClass[TYPE_REF]{ZZClass, test0160, Ltest0160.ZZClass;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "zzint[FIELD_REF]{zzint, Ltest0160.Test;, I, zzint, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_EXACT_EXPECTED_TYPE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", result.proposals); } finally { if(anAnnotation != null) { anAnnotation.discardWorkingCopy(); } if(aClass != null) { aClass.discardWorkingCopy(); } } } // complete annotation attribute value public void test0161() throws JavaModelException { ICompilationUnit anAnnotation = null; ICompilationUnit aClass = null; try { anAnnotation = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0161/ZZAnnotation.java", "package test0161;\n" + "public @interface ZZAnnotation {\n" + " int[] foo1();\n" + " int foo2();\n" + "}"); aClass = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0161/ZZClass.java", "package test0161;\n" + "public class ZZClass {\n" + "}"); CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0161/Test.java", "package test0161;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " public static final int zzint = 0;\n" + " @ZZAnnotation(foo1= {ZZ})\n" + " int bar;\n" + "}", "ZZ"); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures=null\n" + "expectedTypesKeys=null", result.context); assertResults( "zzint[FIELD_REF]{zzint, Ltest0161.Test;, I, zzint, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "ZZAnnotation[TYPE_REF]{ZZAnnotation, test0161, Ltest0161.ZZAnnotation;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "ZZClass[TYPE_REF]{ZZClass, test0161, Ltest0161.ZZClass;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", result.proposals); } finally { if(anAnnotation != null) { anAnnotation.discardWorkingCopy(); } if(aClass != null) { aClass.discardWorkingCopy(); } } } // complete annotation attribute value public void test0162() throws JavaModelException { ICompilationUnit anAnnotation = null; ICompilationUnit aClass = null; try { anAnnotation = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0162/ZZAnnotation.java", "package test0162;\n" + "public @interface ZZAnnotation {\n" + " int foo1();\n" + " int foo2();\n" + "}"); aClass = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0162/ZZClass.java", "package test0162;\n" + "public class ZZClass {\n" + "}"); CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0162/Test.java", "package test0162;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " public static final int zzint = 0;\n" + " @ZZAnnotation(foo1=ZZ\n" + " int bar;\n" + "}", "ZZ"); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures={I}\n" + "expectedTypesKeys={I}", result.context); assertResults( "ZZAnnotation[TYPE_REF]{ZZAnnotation, test0162, Ltest0162.ZZAnnotation;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "ZZClass[TYPE_REF]{ZZClass, test0162, Ltest0162.ZZClass;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "zzint[FIELD_REF]{zzint, Ltest0162.Test;, I, zzint, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_EXACT_EXPECTED_TYPE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", result.proposals); } finally { if(anAnnotation != null) { anAnnotation.discardWorkingCopy(); } if(aClass != null) { aClass.discardWorkingCopy(); } } } // complete annotation attribute value public void test0163() throws JavaModelException { ICompilationUnit anAnnotation = null; ICompilationUnit aClass = null; try { anAnnotation = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0163/ZZAnnotation.java", "package test0163;\n" + "public @interface ZZAnnotation {\n" + " int foo1();\n" + " int foo2();\n" + "}"); aClass = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0163/ZZClass.java", "package test0163;\n" + "public class ZZClass {\n" + "}"); CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0163/Test.java", "package test0163;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " public static final int zzint = 0;\n" + " @ZZAnnotation(foo1= 0 + ZZ\n" + " int bar;\n" + "}", "ZZ"); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures={S,I,J,F,D,C,B,Ljava.lang.String;}\n" + "expectedTypesKeys={S,I,J,F,D,C,B,Ljava/lang/String;}", result.context); assertResults( "ZZAnnotation[TYPE_REF]{ZZAnnotation, test0163, Ltest0163.ZZAnnotation;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "ZZClass[TYPE_REF]{ZZClass, test0163, Ltest0163.ZZClass;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "zzint[FIELD_REF]{zzint, Ltest0163.Test;, I, zzint, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_EXACT_EXPECTED_TYPE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", result.proposals); } finally { if(anAnnotation != null) { anAnnotation.discardWorkingCopy(); } if(aClass != null) { aClass.discardWorkingCopy(); } } } // complete annotation attribute value public void test0164() throws JavaModelException { ICompilationUnit anAnnotation = null; ICompilationUnit aClass = null; try { anAnnotation = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0164/ZZAnnotation.java", "package test0164;\n" + "public @interface ZZAnnotation {\n" + " int[] foo1();\n" + " int foo2();\n" + "}"); aClass = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0164/ZZClass.java", "package test0164;\n" + "public class ZZClass {\n" + "}"); CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0164/Test.java", "package test0164;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " public static final int zzint = 0;\n" + " @ZZAnnotation(foo1= {ZZ}\n" + " int bar;\n" + "}", "ZZ"); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures=null\n" + "expectedTypesKeys=null", result.context); assertResults( "zzint[FIELD_REF]{zzint, Ltest0164.Test;, I, zzint, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "ZZAnnotation[TYPE_REF]{ZZAnnotation, test0164, Ltest0164.ZZAnnotation;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "ZZClass[TYPE_REF]{ZZClass, test0164, Ltest0164.ZZClass;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", result.proposals); } finally { if(anAnnotation != null) { anAnnotation.discardWorkingCopy(); } if(aClass != null) { aClass.discardWorkingCopy(); } } } // complete annotation attribute value public void test0165() throws JavaModelException { ICompilationUnit anAnnotation = null; ICompilationUnit aClass = null; try { anAnnotation = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0165/ZZAnnotation.java", "package test0165;\n" + "public @interface ZZAnnotation {\n" + " int[] foo1();\n" + " int foo2();\n" + "}"); aClass = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0165/ZZClass.java", "package test0165;\n" + "public class ZZClass {\n" + "}"); CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0165/Test.java", "package test0165;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " public static final int zzint = 0;\n" + " @ZZAnnotation(foo1= {ZZ\n" + " int bar;\n" + "}", "ZZ"); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures=null\n" + "expectedTypesKeys=null", result.context); assertResults( "zzint[FIELD_REF]{zzint, Ltest0165.Test;, I, zzint, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "ZZAnnotation[TYPE_REF]{ZZAnnotation, test0165, Ltest0165.ZZAnnotation;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "ZZClass[TYPE_REF]{ZZClass, test0165, Ltest0165.ZZClass;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", result.proposals); } finally { if(anAnnotation != null) { anAnnotation.discardWorkingCopy(); } if(aClass != null) { aClass.discardWorkingCopy(); } } } // complete annotation attribute value public void test0166() throws JavaModelException { ICompilationUnit anAnnotation = null; ICompilationUnit aClass = null; try { anAnnotation = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0166/ZZAnnotation.java", "package test0166;\n" + "public @interface ZZAnnotation {\n" + " int foo1();\n" + " int foo2();\n" + "}"); aClass = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0166/ZZClass.java", "package test0166;\n" + "public class ZZClass {\n" + "}"); CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0166/Test.java", "package test0166;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " public static final int zzint = 0;\n" + " void baz() {\n" + " @ZZAnnotation(foo1=ZZ)\n" + " int bar;\n" + " }\n" + "}", "ZZ"); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures={I}\n" + "expectedTypesKeys={I}", result.context); assertResults( "ZZAnnotation[TYPE_REF]{ZZAnnotation, test0166, Ltest0166.ZZAnnotation;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "ZZClass[TYPE_REF]{ZZClass, test0166, Ltest0166.ZZClass;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "zzint[FIELD_REF]{zzint, Ltest0166.Test;, I, zzint, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_EXACT_EXPECTED_TYPE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", result.proposals); } finally { if(anAnnotation != null) { anAnnotation.discardWorkingCopy(); } if(aClass != null) { aClass.discardWorkingCopy(); } } } // complete annotation attribute value public void test0167() throws JavaModelException { ICompilationUnit anAnnotation = null; ICompilationUnit aClass = null; try { anAnnotation = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0167/ZZAnnotation.java", "package test0167;\n" + "public @interface ZZAnnotation {\n" + " int foo1();\n" + " int foo2();\n" + "}"); aClass = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0167/ZZClass.java", "package test0167;\n" + "public class ZZClass {\n" + "}"); CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0167/Test.java", "package test0167;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " public static final int zzint = 0;\n" + " void baz() {\n" + " @ZZAnnotation(foo1= 0 + ZZ)\n" + " int bar;\n" + " }\n" + "}", "ZZ"); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures={S,I,J,F,D,C,B,Ljava.lang.String;}\n" + "expectedTypesKeys={S,I,J,F,D,C,B,Ljava/lang/String;}", result.context); assertResults( "ZZAnnotation[TYPE_REF]{ZZAnnotation, test0167, Ltest0167.ZZAnnotation;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "ZZClass[TYPE_REF]{ZZClass, test0167, Ltest0167.ZZClass;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "zzint[FIELD_REF]{zzint, Ltest0167.Test;, I, zzint, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_EXACT_EXPECTED_TYPE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", result.proposals); } finally { if(anAnnotation != null) { anAnnotation.discardWorkingCopy(); } if(aClass != null) { aClass.discardWorkingCopy(); } } } // complete annotation attribute value public void test0168() throws JavaModelException { ICompilationUnit anAnnotation = null; ICompilationUnit aClass = null; try { anAnnotation = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0168/ZZAnnotation.java", "package test0168;\n" + "public @interface ZZAnnotation {\n" + " int[] foo1();\n" + " int foo2();\n" + "}"); aClass = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0168/ZZClass.java", "package test0168;\n" + "public class ZZClass {\n" + "}"); CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0168/Test.java", "package test0168;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " public static final int zzint = 0;\n" + " void baz() {\n" + " @ZZAnnotation(foo1= {ZZ})\n" + " int bar;\n" + " }\n" + "}", "ZZ"); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures=null\n" + "expectedTypesKeys=null", result.context); assertResults( "zzint[FIELD_REF]{zzint, Ltest0168.Test;, I, zzint, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "ZZAnnotation[TYPE_REF]{ZZAnnotation, test0168, Ltest0168.ZZAnnotation;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "ZZClass[TYPE_REF]{ZZClass, test0168, Ltest0168.ZZClass;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", result.proposals); } finally { if(anAnnotation != null) { anAnnotation.discardWorkingCopy(); } if(aClass != null) { aClass.discardWorkingCopy(); } } } // complete annotation attribute value public void test0169() throws JavaModelException { ICompilationUnit anAnnotation = null; ICompilationUnit aClass = null; try { anAnnotation = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0169/ZZAnnotation.java", "package test0169;\n" + "public @interface ZZAnnotation {\n" + " int foo1();\n" + " int foo2();\n" + "}"); aClass = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0169/ZZClass.java", "package test0169;\n" + "public class ZZClass {\n" + "}"); CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0169/Test.java", "package test0169;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " public static final int zzint = 0;\n" + " void baz() {\n" + " @ZZAnnotation(foo1=ZZ\n" + " int bar;\n" + " }\n" + "}", "ZZ"); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures={I}\n" + "expectedTypesKeys={I}", result.context); assertResults( "ZZAnnotation[TYPE_REF]{ZZAnnotation, test0169, Ltest0169.ZZAnnotation;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "ZZClass[TYPE_REF]{ZZClass, test0169, Ltest0169.ZZClass;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "zzint[FIELD_REF]{zzint, Ltest0169.Test;, I, zzint, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_EXACT_EXPECTED_TYPE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", result.proposals); } finally { if(anAnnotation != null) { anAnnotation.discardWorkingCopy(); } if(aClass != null) { aClass.discardWorkingCopy(); } } } // complete annotation attribute value public void test0170() throws JavaModelException { ICompilationUnit anAnnotation = null; ICompilationUnit aClass = null; try { anAnnotation = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0170/ZZAnnotation.java", "package test0170;\n" + "public @interface ZZAnnotation {\n" + " int foo1();\n" + " int foo2();\n" + "}"); aClass = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0170/ZZClass.java", "package test0170;\n" + "public class ZZClass {\n" + "}"); CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0170/Test.java", "package test0170;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " public static final int zzint = 0;\n" + " void baz() {\n" + " @ZZAnnotation(foo1= 0 + ZZ\n" + " int bar;\n" + " }\n" + "}", "ZZ"); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures={S,I,J,F,D,C,B,Ljava.lang.String;}\n" + "expectedTypesKeys={S,I,J,F,D,C,B,Ljava/lang/String;}", result.context); assertResults( "ZZAnnotation[TYPE_REF]{ZZAnnotation, test0170, Ltest0170.ZZAnnotation;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "ZZClass[TYPE_REF]{ZZClass, test0170, Ltest0170.ZZClass;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "zzint[FIELD_REF]{zzint, Ltest0170.Test;, I, zzint, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_EXACT_EXPECTED_TYPE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", result.proposals); } finally { if(anAnnotation != null) { anAnnotation.discardWorkingCopy(); } if(aClass != null) { aClass.discardWorkingCopy(); } } } // complete annotation attribute value public void test0171() throws JavaModelException { ICompilationUnit anAnnotation = null; ICompilationUnit aClass = null; try { anAnnotation = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0171/ZZAnnotation.java", "package test0171;\n" + "public @interface ZZAnnotation {\n" + " int[] foo1();\n" + " int foo2();\n" + "}"); aClass = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0171/ZZClass.java", "package test0171;\n" + "public class ZZClass {\n" + "}"); CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0171/Test.java", "package test0171;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " public static final int zzint = 0;\n" + " void baz() {\n" + " @ZZAnnotation(foo1= {ZZ}\n" + " int bar;\n" + " }\n" + "}", "ZZ"); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures=null\n" + "expectedTypesKeys=null", result.context); assertResults( "zzint[FIELD_REF]{zzint, Ltest0171.Test;, I, zzint, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "ZZAnnotation[TYPE_REF]{ZZAnnotation, test0171, Ltest0171.ZZAnnotation;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "ZZClass[TYPE_REF]{ZZClass, test0171, Ltest0171.ZZClass;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", result.proposals); } finally { if(anAnnotation != null) { anAnnotation.discardWorkingCopy(); } if(aClass != null) { aClass.discardWorkingCopy(); } } } // complete annotation attribute value public void test0172() throws JavaModelException { ICompilationUnit anAnnotation = null; ICompilationUnit aClass = null; try { anAnnotation = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0172/ZZAnnotation.java", "package test0172;\n" + "public @interface ZZAnnotation {\n" + " int[] foo1();\n" + " int foo2();\n" + "}"); aClass = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0172/ZZClass.java", "package test0172;\n" + "public class ZZClass {\n" + "}"); CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0172/Test.java", "package test0172;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " public static final int zzint = 0;\n" + " void baz() {\n" + " @ZZAnnotation(foo1= {ZZ\n" + " int bar;\n" + " }\n" + "}", "ZZ"); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures=null\n" + "expectedTypesKeys=null", result.context); assertResults( "zzint[FIELD_REF]{zzint, Ltest0172.Test;, I, zzint, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "ZZAnnotation[TYPE_REF]{ZZAnnotation, test0172, Ltest0172.ZZAnnotation;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "ZZClass[TYPE_REF]{ZZClass, test0172, Ltest0172.ZZClass;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", result.proposals); } finally { if(anAnnotation != null) { anAnnotation.discardWorkingCopy(); } if(aClass != null) { aClass.discardWorkingCopy(); } } } // complete annotation attribute value public void test0173() throws JavaModelException { ICompilationUnit anAnnotation = null; ICompilationUnit aClass = null; try { anAnnotation = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0173/ZZAnnotation.java", "package test0173;\n" + "public @interface ZZAnnotation {\n" + " int foo1();\n" + " int foo2();\n" + "}"); aClass = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0173/ZZClass.java", "package test0173;\n" + "public class ZZClass {\n" + "}"); CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0173/Test.java", "package test0173;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " public static final int zzint = 0;\n" + " void baz(@ZZAnnotation(foo1=ZZ) int bar) {\n" + " }\n" + "}", "ZZ"); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures={I}\n" + "expectedTypesKeys={I}", result.context); assertResults( "ZZAnnotation[TYPE_REF]{ZZAnnotation, test0173, Ltest0173.ZZAnnotation;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "ZZClass[TYPE_REF]{ZZClass, test0173, Ltest0173.ZZClass;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "zzint[FIELD_REF]{zzint, Ltest0173.Test;, I, zzint, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_EXACT_EXPECTED_TYPE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", result.proposals); } finally { if(anAnnotation != null) { anAnnotation.discardWorkingCopy(); } if(aClass != null) { aClass.discardWorkingCopy(); } } } // complete annotation attribute value public void test0174() throws JavaModelException { ICompilationUnit anAnnotation = null; ICompilationUnit aClass = null; try { anAnnotation = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0174/ZZAnnotation.java", "package test0174;\n" + "public @interface ZZAnnotation {\n" + " int foo1();\n" + " int foo2();\n" + "}"); aClass = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0174/ZZClass.java", "package test0174;\n" + "public class ZZClass {\n" + "}"); CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0174/Test.java", "package test0174;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " public static final int zzint = 0;\n" + " void baz(@ZZAnnotation(foo1= 0 + ZZ) int bar) {\n" + " }\n" + "}", "ZZ"); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures={S,I,J,F,D,C,B,Ljava.lang.String;}\n" + "expectedTypesKeys={S,I,J,F,D,C,B,Ljava/lang/String;}", result.context); assertResults( "ZZAnnotation[TYPE_REF]{ZZAnnotation, test0174, Ltest0174.ZZAnnotation;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "ZZClass[TYPE_REF]{ZZClass, test0174, Ltest0174.ZZClass;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "zzint[FIELD_REF]{zzint, Ltest0174.Test;, I, zzint, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_EXACT_EXPECTED_TYPE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", result.proposals); } finally { if(anAnnotation != null) { anAnnotation.discardWorkingCopy(); } if(aClass != null) { aClass.discardWorkingCopy(); } } } // complete annotation attribute value public void test0175() throws JavaModelException { ICompilationUnit anAnnotation = null; ICompilationUnit aClass = null; try { anAnnotation = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0175/ZZAnnotation.java", "package test0175;\n" + "public @interface ZZAnnotation {\n" + " int[] foo1();\n" + " int foo2();\n" + "}"); aClass = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0175/ZZClass.java", "package test0175;\n" + "public class ZZClass {\n" + "}"); CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0175/Test.java", "package test0175;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " public static final int zzint = 0;\n" + " void baz(@ZZAnnotation(foo1= {ZZ}) int bar) {\n" + " }\n" + "}", "ZZ"); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures=null\n" + "expectedTypesKeys=null", result.context); assertResults( "zzint[FIELD_REF]{zzint, Ltest0175.Test;, I, zzint, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "ZZAnnotation[TYPE_REF]{ZZAnnotation, test0175, Ltest0175.ZZAnnotation;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "ZZClass[TYPE_REF]{ZZClass, test0175, Ltest0175.ZZClass;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", result.proposals); } finally { if(anAnnotation != null) { anAnnotation.discardWorkingCopy(); } if(aClass != null) { aClass.discardWorkingCopy(); } } } // complete annotation attribute value public void test0176() throws JavaModelException { ICompilationUnit anAnnotation = null; ICompilationUnit aClass = null; try { anAnnotation = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0176/ZZAnnotation.java", "package test0176;\n" + "public @interface ZZAnnotation {\n" + " int foo1();\n" + " int foo2();\n" + "}"); aClass = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0176/ZZClass.java", "package test0176;\n" + "public class ZZClass {\n" + "}"); CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0176/Test.java", "package test0176;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " public static final int zzint = 0;\n" + " void baz(@ZZAnnotation(foo1=ZZ int bar) {\n" + " }\n" + "}", "ZZ"); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures={I}\n" + "expectedTypesKeys={I}", result.context); assertResults( "ZZAnnotation[TYPE_REF]{ZZAnnotation, test0176, Ltest0176.ZZAnnotation;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "ZZClass[TYPE_REF]{ZZClass, test0176, Ltest0176.ZZClass;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "zzint[FIELD_REF]{zzint, Ltest0176.Test;, I, zzint, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_EXACT_EXPECTED_TYPE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", result.proposals); } finally { if(anAnnotation != null) { anAnnotation.discardWorkingCopy(); } if(aClass != null) { aClass.discardWorkingCopy(); } } } // complete annotation attribute value public void test0177() throws JavaModelException { ICompilationUnit anAnnotation = null; ICompilationUnit aClass = null; try { anAnnotation = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0177/ZZAnnotation.java", "package test0177;\n" + "public @interface ZZAnnotation {\n" + " int foo1();\n" + " int foo2();\n" + "}"); aClass = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0177/ZZClass.java", "package test0177;\n" + "public class ZZClass {\n" + "}"); CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0177/Test.java", "package test0177;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " public static final int zzint = 0;\n" + " void baz(@ZZAnnotation(foo1= 0 + ZZ int bar) {\n" + " }\n" + "}", "ZZ"); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures={S,I,J,F,D,C,B,Ljava.lang.String;}\n" + "expectedTypesKeys={S,I,J,F,D,C,B,Ljava/lang/String;}", result.context); assertResults( "ZZAnnotation[TYPE_REF]{ZZAnnotation, test0177, Ltest0177.ZZAnnotation;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "ZZClass[TYPE_REF]{ZZClass, test0177, Ltest0177.ZZClass;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "zzint[FIELD_REF]{zzint, Ltest0177.Test;, I, zzint, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_EXACT_EXPECTED_TYPE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", result.proposals); } finally { if(anAnnotation != null) { anAnnotation.discardWorkingCopy(); } if(aClass != null) { aClass.discardWorkingCopy(); } } } // complete annotation attribute value public void test0178() throws JavaModelException { ICompilationUnit anAnnotation = null; ICompilationUnit aClass = null; try { anAnnotation = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0178/ZZAnnotation.java", "package test0178;\n" + "public @interface ZZAnnotation {\n" + " int[] foo1();\n" + " int foo2();\n" + "}"); aClass = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0178/ZZClass.java", "package test0178;\n" + "public class ZZClass {\n" + "}"); CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0178/Test.java", "package test0178;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " public static final int zzint = 0;\n" + " void baz(@ZZAnnotation(foo1= {ZZ} int bar) {\n" + " }\n" + "}", "ZZ"); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures=null\n" + "expectedTypesKeys=null", result.context); assertResults( "zzint[FIELD_REF]{zzint, Ltest0178.Test;, I, zzint, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "ZZAnnotation[TYPE_REF]{ZZAnnotation, test0178, Ltest0178.ZZAnnotation;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "ZZClass[TYPE_REF]{ZZClass, test0178, Ltest0178.ZZClass;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", result.proposals); } finally { if(anAnnotation != null) { anAnnotation.discardWorkingCopy(); } if(aClass != null) { aClass.discardWorkingCopy(); } } } // complete annotation attribute value public void test0179() throws JavaModelException { ICompilationUnit anAnnotation = null; ICompilationUnit aClass = null; try { anAnnotation = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0179/ZZAnnotation.java", "package test0179;\n" + "public @interface ZZAnnotation {\n" + " int[] foo1();\n" + " int foo2();\n" + "}"); aClass = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0179/ZZClass.java", "package test0179;\n" + "public class ZZClass {\n" + "}"); CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0179/Test.java", "package test0179;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " public static final int zzint = 0;\n" + " void baz(@ZZAnnotation(foo1= {ZZ int bar) {\n" + " }\n" + "}", "ZZ"); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures=null\n" + "expectedTypesKeys=null", result.context); assertResults( "zzint[FIELD_REF]{zzint, Ltest0179.Test;, I, zzint, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "ZZAnnotation[TYPE_REF]{ZZAnnotation, test0179, Ltest0179.ZZAnnotation;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "ZZClass[TYPE_REF]{ZZClass, test0179, Ltest0179.ZZClass;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", result.proposals); } finally { if(anAnnotation != null) { anAnnotation.discardWorkingCopy(); } if(aClass != null) { aClass.discardWorkingCopy(); } } } // complete annotation attribute value public void test0180() throws JavaModelException { ICompilationUnit anAnnotation = null; ICompilationUnit aClass = null; try { anAnnotation = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0180/ZZAnnotation.java", "package test0180;\n" + "public @interface ZZAnnotation {\n" + " int value();\n" + "}"); aClass = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0180/ZZClass.java", "package test0180;\n" + "public class ZZClass {\n" + "}"); CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0180/Test.java", "package test0180;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " public static final int zzint = 0;\n" + " @ZZAnnotation(ZZ)\n" + " void bar() {\n" + " }\n" + "}", "ZZ"); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures={I}\n" + "expectedTypesKeys={I}", result.context); assertResults( "ZZAnnotation[TYPE_REF]{ZZAnnotation, test0180, Ltest0180.ZZAnnotation;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "ZZClass[TYPE_REF]{ZZClass, test0180, Ltest0180.ZZClass;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "zzint[FIELD_REF]{zzint, Ltest0180.Test;, I, zzint, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_EXACT_EXPECTED_TYPE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", result.proposals); } finally { if(anAnnotation != null) { anAnnotation.discardWorkingCopy(); } if(aClass != null) { aClass.discardWorkingCopy(); } } } // complete annotation attribute value public void test0181() throws JavaModelException { ICompilationUnit anAnnotation = null; ICompilationUnit aClass = null; try { anAnnotation = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0181/ZZAnnotation.java", "package test0181;\n" + "public @interface ZZAnnotation {\n" + " int value();\n" + "}"); aClass = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0181/ZZClass.java", "package test0181;\n" + "public class ZZClass {\n" + "}"); CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0181/Test.java", "package test0181;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " public static final int zzint = 0;\n" + " @ZZAnnotation(0 + ZZ)\n" + " void bar() {\n" + " }\n" + "}", "ZZ"); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures={S,I,J,F,D,C,B,Ljava.lang.String;}\n" + "expectedTypesKeys={S,I,J,F,D,C,B,Ljava/lang/String;}", result.context); assertResults( "ZZAnnotation[TYPE_REF]{ZZAnnotation, test0181, Ltest0181.ZZAnnotation;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "ZZClass[TYPE_REF]{ZZClass, test0181, Ltest0181.ZZClass;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "zzint[FIELD_REF]{zzint, Ltest0181.Test;, I, zzint, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_EXACT_EXPECTED_TYPE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", result.proposals); } finally { if(anAnnotation != null) { anAnnotation.discardWorkingCopy(); } if(aClass != null) { aClass.discardWorkingCopy(); } } } // complete annotation attribute value public void test0182() throws JavaModelException { ICompilationUnit anAnnotation = null; ICompilationUnit aClass = null; try { anAnnotation = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0182/ZZAnnotation.java", "package test0182;\n" + "public @interface ZZAnnotation {\n" + " int[] value();\n" + "}"); aClass = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0182/ZZClass.java", "package test0182;\n" + "public class ZZClass {\n" + "}"); CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0182/Test.java", "package test0182;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " public static final int zzint = 0;\n" + " @ZZAnnotation({ZZ})\n" + " void bar() {\n" + " }\n" + "}", "ZZ"); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures=null\n" + "expectedTypesKeys=null", result.context); assertResults( "zzint[FIELD_REF]{zzint, Ltest0182.Test;, I, zzint, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "ZZAnnotation[TYPE_REF]{ZZAnnotation, test0182, Ltest0182.ZZAnnotation;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "ZZClass[TYPE_REF]{ZZClass, test0182, Ltest0182.ZZClass;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", result.proposals); } finally { if(anAnnotation != null) { anAnnotation.discardWorkingCopy(); } if(aClass != null) { aClass.discardWorkingCopy(); } } } // complete annotation attribute value public void test0183() throws JavaModelException { ICompilationUnit anAnnotation = null; ICompilationUnit aClass = null; try { anAnnotation = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0183/ZZAnnotation.java", "package test0183;\n" + "public @interface ZZAnnotation {\n" + " int value();\n" + "}"); aClass = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0183/ZZClass.java", "package test0183;\n" + "public class ZZClass {\n" + "}"); CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0183/Test.java", "package test0183;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " public static final int zzint = 0;\n" + " @ZZAnnotation(ZZ\n" + " void bar() {\n" + " }\n" + "}", "ZZ"); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures={I}\n" + "expectedTypesKeys={I}", result.context); assertResults( "ZZAnnotation[TYPE_REF]{ZZAnnotation, test0183, Ltest0183.ZZAnnotation;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "ZZClass[TYPE_REF]{ZZClass, test0183, Ltest0183.ZZClass;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "zzint[FIELD_REF]{zzint, Ltest0183.Test;, I, zzint, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_EXACT_EXPECTED_TYPE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", result.proposals); } finally { if(anAnnotation != null) { anAnnotation.discardWorkingCopy(); } if(aClass != null) { aClass.discardWorkingCopy(); } } } // complete annotation attribute value public void test0184() throws JavaModelException { ICompilationUnit anAnnotation = null; ICompilationUnit aClass = null; try { anAnnotation = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0184/ZZAnnotation.java", "package test0184;\n" + "public @interface ZZAnnotation {\n" + " int value();\n" + "}"); aClass = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0184/ZZClass.java", "package test0184;\n" + "public class ZZClass {\n" + "}"); CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0184/Test.java", "package test0184;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " public static final int zzint = 0;\n" + " @ZZAnnotation(0 + ZZ\n" + " void bar() {\n" + " }\n" + "}", "ZZ"); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures={S,I,J,F,D,C,B,Ljava.lang.String;}\n" + "expectedTypesKeys={S,I,J,F,D,C,B,Ljava/lang/String;}", result.context); assertResults( "ZZAnnotation[TYPE_REF]{ZZAnnotation, test0184, Ltest0184.ZZAnnotation;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "ZZClass[TYPE_REF]{ZZClass, test0184, Ltest0184.ZZClass;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "zzint[FIELD_REF]{zzint, Ltest0184.Test;, I, zzint, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_EXACT_EXPECTED_TYPE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", result.proposals); } finally { if(anAnnotation != null) { anAnnotation.discardWorkingCopy(); } if(aClass != null) { aClass.discardWorkingCopy(); } } } // complete annotation attribute value public void test0185() throws JavaModelException { ICompilationUnit anAnnotation = null; ICompilationUnit aClass = null; try { anAnnotation = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0185/ZZAnnotation.java", "package test0185;\n" + "public @interface ZZAnnotation {\n" + " int[] value();\n" + "}"); aClass = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0185/ZZClass.java", "package test0185;\n" + "public class ZZClass {\n" + "}"); CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0185/Test.java", "package test0185;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " public static final int zzint = 0;\n" + " @ZZAnnotation({ZZ}\n" + " void bar() {\n" + " }\n" + "}", "ZZ"); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures=null\n" + "expectedTypesKeys=null", result.context); assertResults( "zzint[FIELD_REF]{zzint, Ltest0185.Test;, I, zzint, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "ZZAnnotation[TYPE_REF]{ZZAnnotation, test0185, Ltest0185.ZZAnnotation;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "ZZClass[TYPE_REF]{ZZClass, test0185, Ltest0185.ZZClass;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", result.proposals); } finally { if(anAnnotation != null) { anAnnotation.discardWorkingCopy(); } if(aClass != null) { aClass.discardWorkingCopy(); } } } // complete annotation attribute value public void test0186() throws JavaModelException { ICompilationUnit anAnnotation = null; ICompilationUnit aClass = null; try { anAnnotation = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0186/ZZAnnotation.java", "package test0186;\n" + "public @interface ZZAnnotation {\n" + " int[] value();\n" + "}"); aClass = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0186/ZZClass.java", "package test0186;\n" + "public class ZZClass {\n" + "}"); CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0186/Test.java", "package test0186;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " public static final int zzint = 0;\n" + " @ZZAnnotation({ZZ\n" + " void bar() {\n" + " }\n" + "}", "ZZ"); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures=null\n" + "expectedTypesKeys=null", result.context); assertResults( "zzint[FIELD_REF]{zzint, Ltest0186.Test;, I, zzint, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "ZZAnnotation[TYPE_REF]{ZZAnnotation, test0186, Ltest0186.ZZAnnotation;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "ZZClass[TYPE_REF]{ZZClass, test0186, Ltest0186.ZZClass;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", result.proposals); } finally { if(anAnnotation != null) { anAnnotation.discardWorkingCopy(); } if(aClass != null) { aClass.discardWorkingCopy(); } } } // completion test with capture public void test0187() throws JavaModelException { CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0187/Test.java", "package test0187;\n" + "public class Test<U> {\n" + " void bar(ZZClass1<? extends U> var) {\n" + " var.zzz\n" + " }\n" + "}\n" + "abstract class ZZClass1<V> {\n" + " ZZClass2<V>[] zzz1;\n"+ " abstract ZZClass2<V>[] zzz2();\n" + "}\n" + "abstract class ZZClass2<T> {\n" + "}", "var.zzz"); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures=null\n" + "expectedTypesKeys=null", result.context); assertResults( "zzz1[FIELD_REF]{zzz1, Ltest0187.ZZClass1<!+TU;>;, [Ltest0187.ZZClass2<!+TU;>;, zzz1, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_STATIC + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "zzz2[METHOD_REF]{zzz2(), Ltest0187.ZZClass1<!+TU;>;, ()[Ltest0187.ZZClass2<!+TU;>;, zzz2, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + + R_NON_STATIC + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", result.proposals); } // completion test with capture public void test0188() throws JavaModelException { CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0188/Test.java", "package test0188;\n" + "public class Test<U> {\n" + " ZZClass1<? extends U> var1;\n" + " void bar(ZZClass1<? extends U> var2) {\n" + " var\n" + " }\n" + "}\n" + "abstract class ZZClass1<V> {\n" + " ZZClass2<V>[] zzz1;\n"+ " abstract ZZClass2<V>[] zzz2();\n" + "}\n" + "abstract class ZZClass2<T> {\n" + "}", "var"); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures=null\n" + "expectedTypesKeys=null", result.context); assertResults( "var1[FIELD_REF]{var1, Ltest0188.Test<TU;>;, Ltest0188.ZZClass1<+TU;>;, var1, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED+ R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "var2[LOCAL_VARIABLE_REF]{var2, null, Ltest0188.ZZClass1<+TU;>;, var2, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", result.proposals); } // completion test with capture public void test0189() throws JavaModelException { CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0189/Test.java", "package test0189;\n" + "public class Test<U> {\n" + " void bar(ZZClass3 var) {\n" + " var.zzz\n" + " }\n" + "}\n" + "abstract class ZZClass2<T> {\n" + "}\n" + "class ZZClass3 {\n" + " ZZClass2<? extends Object> zzz1;\n"+ "}", "var.zzz"); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures=null\n" + "expectedTypesKeys=null", result.context); assertResults( "zzz1[FIELD_REF]{zzz1, Ltest0189.ZZClass3;, Ltest0189.ZZClass2<+Ljava.lang.Object;>;, zzz1, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + + R_NON_STATIC + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", result.proposals); } // completion test with capture public void test0190() throws JavaModelException { CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0190/Test.java", "package test0190;\n" + "public class Test<U> {\n" + " ZZClass1<? extends U> var1\n" + " void bar(ZZClass3<Object> var2) {\n" + " var2.toto().zzz\n" + " }\n" + "}\n" + "abstract class ZZClass1<V> {\n" + " ZZClass2<V>[] zzz1;\n"+ " abstract ZZClass2<V>[] zzz2();\n" + "}\n" + "abstract class ZZClass2<T> {\n" + "}\n" + "abstract class ZZClass3<T> {\n" + " ZZClass1<? extends T> toto() {\n" + " return null;\n" + " }\n" + "}", "toto().zzz"); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures=null\n" + "expectedTypesKeys=null", result.context); assertResults( "zzz1[FIELD_REF]{zzz1, Ltest0190.ZZClass1<!+Ljava.lang.Object;>;, [Ltest0190.ZZClass2<!+Ljava.lang.Object;>;, zzz1, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_STATIC+ R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "zzz2[METHOD_REF]{zzz2(), Ltest0190.ZZClass1<!+Ljava.lang.Object;>;, ()[Ltest0190.ZZClass2<!+Ljava.lang.Object;>;, zzz2, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + + R_NON_STATIC + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", result.proposals); } // completion test with capture public void test0191() throws JavaModelException { CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0191/Test.java", "package test0191;\n" + "public class Test<U> {\n" + " ZZClass1<? extends U> var1;\n" + " void bar(ZZClass1<? extends U> zzzvar, ZZClass1<? extends U> var2) {\n" + " zzzvar = var\n" + " }\n" + "}\n" + "abstract class ZZClass1<V> {\n" + " ZZClass2<V>[] zzz1;\n"+ " abstract ZZClass2<V>[] zzz2();\n" + "}\n" + "abstract class ZZClass2<T> {\n" + "}", "var"); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures={Ltest0191.ZZClass1<+TU;>;}\n" + "expectedTypesKeys={Ltest0191/Test~ZZClass1<Ltest0191/Test~ZZClass1;{0}+Ltest0191/Test;:TU;>;}", result.context); assertResults( "var1[FIELD_REF]{var1, Ltest0191.Test<TU;>;, Ltest0191.ZZClass1<+TU;>;, var1, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_EXACT_EXPECTED_TYPE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "var2[LOCAL_VARIABLE_REF]{var2, null, Ltest0191.ZZClass1<+TU;>;, var2, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_EXACT_EXPECTED_TYPE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", result.proposals); } public void test0192() throws JavaModelException { CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0192/Test.java", "package test0192;\n" + "class ZZClass1<X,Y> {\n" + "}\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " ZZClass1<\n" + "}", "ZZClass1<"); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures={Ljava.lang.Object;}\n" + "expectedTypesKeys={Ljava/lang/Object;}", result.context); assertResults( "ZZClass1<X,Y>[TYPE_REF]{, test0192, Ltest0192.ZZClass1<TX;TY;>;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_EXPECTED_TYPE + R_EXACT_NAME+ R_UNQUALIFIED + + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", result.proposals); } public void test0193() throws JavaModelException { CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0193/Test.java", "package test0193;\n" + "class ZZClass1<X,Y> {\n" + "}\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " void foo(){\n" + " ZZClass1<\n" + " }\n" + "}", "ZZClass1<"); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures={Ljava.lang.Object;}\n" + "expectedTypesKeys={Ljava/lang/Object;}", result.context); assertResults( "ZZClass1<X,Y>[TYPE_REF]{, test0193, Ltest0193.ZZClass1<TX;TY;>;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_EXPECTED_TYPE + R_EXACT_NAME + R_UNQUALIFIED + + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", result.proposals); } public void test0194() throws JavaModelException { CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0194/Test.java", "package test0194;\n" + "class ZZClass1<X,Y> {\n" + "}\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " ZZClass1<Object,\n" + "}", "ZZClass1<Object,"); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures={Ljava.lang.Object;}\n" + "expectedTypesKeys={Ljava/lang/Object;}", result.context); assertResults( "ZZClass1<X,Y>[TYPE_REF]{, test0194, Ltest0194.ZZClass1<TX;TY;>;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_EXPECTED_TYPE + R_EXACT_NAME+ R_UNQUALIFIED + + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", result.proposals); } public void test0195() throws JavaModelException { CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0195/Test.java", "package test0195;\n" + "class ZZClass1<X,Y> {\n" + "}\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " void foo(){\n" + " ZZClass1<Object,\n" + " }\n" + "}", "ZZClass1<Object,"); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures={Ljava.lang.Object;}\n" + "expectedTypesKeys={Ljava/lang/Object;}", result.context); assertResults( "ZZClass1<X,Y>[TYPE_REF]{, test0195, Ltest0195.ZZClass1<TX;TY;>;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_EXPECTED_TYPE + R_EXACT_NAME + R_UNQUALIFIED + + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", result.proposals); } public void test0196() throws JavaModelException { CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0196/Test.java", "package test0196;\n" + "class ZZAnnot {\n" + " int foo1();\n" + " int foo2();\n" + "}\n" + "@ZZAnnot(\n" + "public class Test {\n" + "}", "@ZZAnnot("); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures=null\n" + "expectedTypesKeys=null", result.context); assertResults( "", result.proposals); } public void test0196b() throws JavaModelException { CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0196/Test.java", "package test0196;\n" + "@interface ZZAnnot {\n" + " int foo1();\n" + " int foo2();\n" + "}\n" + "@ZZAnnot(\n" + "public class Test {\n" + "}", "@ZZAnnot("); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures=null\n" + "expectedTypesKeys=null", result.context); assertResults( "foo1[ANNOTATION_ATTRIBUTE_REF]{foo1, Ltest0196.ZZAnnot;, I, foo1, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "foo2[ANNOTATION_ATTRIBUTE_REF]{foo2, Ltest0196.ZZAnnot;, I, foo2, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", result.proposals); } public void test0197() throws JavaModelException { CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0197/Test.java", "package test0197;\n" + "class ZZAnnot {\n" + " int foo1();\n" + " int foo2();\n" + "}\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " @ZZAnnot(\n" + " void foo(){}\n" + "}", "@ZZAnnot("); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures=null\n" + "expectedTypesKeys=null", result.context); assertResults( "", result.proposals); } public void test0197b() throws JavaModelException { CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0197/Test.java", "package test0197;\n" + "@interface ZZAnnot {\n" + " int foo1();\n" + " int foo2();\n" + "}\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " @ZZAnnot(\n" + " void foo(){}\n" + "}", "@ZZAnnot("); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures=null\n" + "expectedTypesKeys=null", result.context); assertResults( "foo1[ANNOTATION_ATTRIBUTE_REF]{foo1, Ltest0197.ZZAnnot;, I, foo1, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "foo2[ANNOTATION_ATTRIBUTE_REF]{foo2, Ltest0197.ZZAnnot;, I, foo2, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", result.proposals); } public void test0198() throws JavaModelException { CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0198/Test.java", "package test0198;\n" + "class ZZAnnot {\n" + " int foo1();\n" + " int foo2();\n" + "}\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " @ZZAnnot(\n" + "}", "@ZZAnnot("); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures=null\n" + "expectedTypesKeys=null", result.context); assertResults( "", result.proposals); } public void test0198b() throws JavaModelException { CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0198/Test.java", "package test0198;\n" + "@interface ZZAnnot {\n" + " int foo1();\n" + " int foo2();\n" + "}\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " @ZZAnnot(\n" + "}", "@ZZAnnot("); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures=null\n" + "expectedTypesKeys=null", result.context); assertResults( "foo1[ANNOTATION_ATTRIBUTE_REF]{foo1, Ltest0198.ZZAnnot;, I, foo1, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "foo2[ANNOTATION_ATTRIBUTE_REF]{foo2, Ltest0198.ZZAnnot;, I, foo2, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", result.proposals); } public void test0199() throws JavaModelException { CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0199/Test.java", "package test0199;\n" + "class ZZAnnot {\n" + " int foo1();\n" + " int foo2();\n" + "}\n" + "@ZZAnnot(foo1=0,\n" + "public class Test {\n" + "}", "@ZZAnnot(foo1=0,"); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures=null\n" + "expectedTypesKeys=null", result.context); assertResults( "", result.proposals); } public void test0199b() throws JavaModelException { CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0199/Test.java", "package test0199;\n" + "@interface ZZAnnot {\n" + " int foo1();\n" + " int foo2();\n" + "}\n" + "@ZZAnnot(foo1=0,\n" + "public class Test {\n" + "}", "@ZZAnnot(foo1=0,"); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures=null\n" + "expectedTypesKeys=null", result.context); assertResults( "foo2[ANNOTATION_ATTRIBUTE_REF]{foo2, Ltest0199.ZZAnnot;, I, foo2, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", result.proposals); } public void test0200() throws JavaModelException { CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0200/Test.java", "package test0200;\n" + "class ZZAnnot {\n" + " int foo1();\n" + " int foo2();\n" + "}\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " @ZZAnnot(foo1=0,\n" + " void foo(){}\n" + "}", "@ZZAnnot(foo1=0,"); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures=null\n" + "expectedTypesKeys=null", result.context); assertResults( "", result.proposals); } public void test0200b() throws JavaModelException { CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0200/Test.java", "package test0200;\n" + "@interface ZZAnnot {\n" + " int foo1();\n" + " int foo2();\n" + "}\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " @ZZAnnot(foo1=0,\n" + " void foo(){}\n" + "}", "@ZZAnnot(foo1=0,"); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures=null\n" + "expectedTypesKeys=null", result.context); assertResults( "foo2[ANNOTATION_ATTRIBUTE_REF]{foo2, Ltest0200.ZZAnnot;, I, foo2, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", result.proposals); } public void test0201() throws JavaModelException { CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0201/Test.java", "package test0201;\n" + "class ZZAnnot {\n" + " int foo1();\n" + " int foo2();\n" + "}\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " @ZZAnnot(foo1=0,\n" + "}", "@ZZAnnot(foo1=0,"); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures=null\n" + "expectedTypesKeys=null", result.context); assertResults( "", result.proposals); } public void test0201b() throws JavaModelException { CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0201/Test.java", "package test0201;\n" + "@interface ZZAnnot {\n" + " int foo1();\n" + " int foo2();\n" + "}\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " @ZZAnnot(foo1=0,\n" + "}", "@ZZAnnot(foo1=0,"); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures=null\n" + "expectedTypesKeys=null", result.context); assertResults( "foo2[ANNOTATION_ATTRIBUTE_REF]{foo2, Ltest0201.ZZAnnot;, I, foo2, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", result.proposals); } public void test0202() throws JavaModelException { ICompilationUnit aType = null; try { aType = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/p/ZZType.java", "package p;\n" + "public class ZZType {\n" + " public class ZZClass {" + " }" + " public interface ZZInterface {" + " }" + " public enum ZZEnum {" + " }" + " public @interface ZZAnnotation {" + " }" + "}"); CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0202/Test.java", "package test0202;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " public void foo() {" + " ZZ" + " }" + "}", "ZZ"); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures=null\n" + "expectedTypesKeys=null", result.context); assertResults( "ZZType[TYPE_REF]{p.ZZType, p, Lp.ZZType;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "ZZType.ZZAnnotation[TYPE_REF]{p.ZZType.ZZAnnotation, p, Lp.ZZType$ZZAnnotation;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "ZZType.ZZClass[TYPE_REF]{p.ZZType.ZZClass, p, Lp.ZZType$ZZClass;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "ZZType.ZZEnum[TYPE_REF]{p.ZZType.ZZEnum, p, Lp.ZZType$ZZEnum;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "ZZType.ZZInterface[TYPE_REF]{p.ZZType.ZZInterface, p, Lp.ZZType$ZZInterface;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", result.proposals); } finally { if(aType != null) { aType.discardWorkingCopy(); } } } public void test0203() throws JavaModelException { ICompilationUnit aType = null; try { aType = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/p/ZZType.java", "package p;\n" + "public class ZZType {\n" + " public class ZZClass {" + " }" + " public interface ZZInterface {" + " }" + " public enum ZZEnum {" + " }" + " public @interface ZZAnnotation {" + " }" + "}"); CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0203/Test.java", "package test0203;\n" + "public class Test extends ZZ{\n" + "}", "ZZ"); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures=null\n" + "expectedTypesKeys=null", result.context); assertResults( "ZZType[TYPE_REF]{p.ZZType, p, Lp.ZZType;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_CLASS + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "ZZType.ZZClass[TYPE_REF]{p.ZZType.ZZClass, p, Lp.ZZType$ZZClass;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_CLASS + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", result.proposals); } finally { if(aType != null) { aType.discardWorkingCopy(); } } } public void test0204() throws JavaModelException { ICompilationUnit aType = null; try { aType = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/p/ZZType.java", "package p;\n" + "public class ZZType {\n" + " public class ZZClass {" + " }" + " public interface ZZInterface {" + " }" + " public enum ZZEnum {" + " }" + " public @interface ZZAnnotation {" + " }" + "}"); CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0204/Test.java", "package test0204;\n" + "public interface Test extends ZZ{\n" + "}", "ZZ"); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures=null\n" + "expectedTypesKeys=null", result.context); assertResults( "ZZType.ZZAnnotation[TYPE_REF]{p.ZZType.ZZAnnotation, p, Lp.ZZType$ZZAnnotation;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_INTERFACE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "ZZType.ZZInterface[TYPE_REF]{p.ZZType.ZZInterface, p, Lp.ZZType$ZZInterface;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_INTERFACE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", result.proposals); } finally { if(aType != null) { aType.discardWorkingCopy(); } } } public void test0205() throws JavaModelException { ICompilationUnit aType = null; try { aType = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/p/ZZType.java", "package p;\n" + "public class ZZType {\n" + " public class ZZClass {" + " }" + " public interface ZZInterface {" + " }" + " public enum ZZEnum {" + " }" + " public @interface ZZAnnotation {" + " }" + "}"); CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0205/Test.java", "package test0205;\n" + "public class Test implements ZZ {\n" + "}", "ZZ"); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures=null\n" + "expectedTypesKeys=null", result.context); assertResults( "ZZType.ZZInterface[TYPE_REF]{p.ZZType.ZZInterface, p, Lp.ZZType$ZZInterface;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_INTERFACE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", result.proposals); } finally { if(aType != null) { aType.discardWorkingCopy(); } } } public void test0206() throws JavaModelException { ICompilationUnit aType = null; try { aType = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/p/ZZType.java", "package p;\n" + "public class ZZType {\n" + " public class ZZClass {" + " }" + " public interface ZZInterface {" + " }" + " public enum ZZEnum {" + " }" + " public @interface ZZAnnotation {" + " }" + "}"); CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0206/Test.java", "package test0206;\n" + "@ZZ\n" + "public class Test {\n" + "}", "ZZ"); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures=null\n" + "expectedTypesKeys=null", result.context); assertResults( "ZZType.ZZAnnotation[TYPE_REF]{p.ZZType.ZZAnnotation, p, Lp.ZZType$ZZAnnotation;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_ANNOTATION + R_TARGET + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", result.proposals); } finally { if(aType != null) { aType.discardWorkingCopy(); } } } // bug https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=93254 public void test0207() throws JavaModelException { ICompilationUnit aType = null; try { aType = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/p/Annot.java", "package p;\n" + "public @interface Annot {\n" + "}"); CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0207/Test.java", "package test0206;\n" + "@p.Annot\n", "@p.Annot"); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures=null\n" + "expectedTypesKeys=null", result.context); assertResults( "Annot[TYPE_REF]{p.Annot, p, Lp.Annot;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_EXACT_NAME + R_ANNOTATION + R_QUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", result.proposals); } finally { if(aType != null) { aType.discardWorkingCopy(); } } } public void test0208() throws JavaModelException { ICompilationUnit aType = null; try { aType = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/p/Colors.java", "package p;\n" + "public enum Colors { BLACK, BLUE, WHITE, RED }\n"); CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0208/Test.java", "package test0208;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " static final String BLANK = \" \";\n" + " void foo(p.Colors color) {\n" + " switch (color) {\n" + " case BLUE:\n" + " case RED:\n" + " break;\n" + " case \n" + " }\n" + " }\n" + "}", "case "); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures={Lp.Colors;}\n" + "expectedTypesKeys={Lp/Colors;}", result.context); assertResults( "BLACK[FIELD_REF]{BLACK, Lp.Colors;, Lp.Colors;, BLACK, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_EXACT_EXPECTED_TYPE + R_ENUM + R_ENUM_CONSTANT + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_RESOLVED) + "}\n" + "WHITE[FIELD_REF]{WHITE, Lp.Colors;, Lp.Colors;, WHITE, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_EXACT_EXPECTED_TYPE + R_ENUM + R_ENUM_CONSTANT + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_RESOLVED) + "}", result.proposals); } finally { if(aType != null) { aType.discardWorkingCopy(); } } } /* * https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=94303 */ public void test0209() throws JavaModelException { ICompilationUnit importedClass = null; try { importedClass = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0209/p/ImportedClass.java", "package test0209.p;\n"+ "\n"+ "public class ImportedClass {\n"+ " public static class ImportedMember {\n"+ " }\n"+ "}"); CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0209/Test.java", "package test0209;\n" + "\n" + "import static Imported\n" + "\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " \n" + "}", "Imported"); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures=null\n" + "expectedTypesKeys=null", result.context); assertResults( "ImportedClass[TYPE_REF]{test0209.p.ImportedClass., test0209.p, Ltest0209.p.ImportedClass;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "ImportedClass.ImportedMember[TYPE_REF]{test0209.p.ImportedClass.ImportedMember;, test0209.p, Ltest0209.p.ImportedClass$ImportedMember;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", result.proposals); } finally { if(importedClass != null) { importedClass.discardWorkingCopy(); } } } /* * https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=94303 */ public void test0210() throws JavaModelException { ICompilationUnit importedClass = null; try { importedClass = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0210/p/ImportedClass.java", "package test0210.p;\n"+ "\n"+ "public class ImportedClass {\n"+ " public class ImportedMember {\n"+ " }\n"+ "}"); CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0210/Test.java", "package test0210;\n" + "\n" + "import static test0210.p.ImportedClass.Im\n" + "\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " \n" + "}", "test0210.p.ImportedClass.Im"); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures=null\n" + "expectedTypesKeys=null", result.context); assertResults( "", result.proposals); } finally { if(importedClass != null) { importedClass.discardWorkingCopy(); } } } /* * https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=94303 */ public void test0211() throws JavaModelException { ICompilationUnit importedClass = null; try { importedClass = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0211/p/ImportedClass.java", "package test0211.p;\n"+ "\n"+ "public class ImportedClass {\n"+ " public static class ImportedMember {\n"+ " }\n"+ "}"); CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0211/Test.java", "package test0211;\n" + "\n" + "import static test0211.p.ImportedClass.Im\n" + "\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " \n" + "}", "test0211.p.ImportedClass.Im"); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures=null\n" + "expectedTypesKeys=null", result.context); assertResults( "ImportedClass.ImportedMember[TYPE_REF]{ImportedMember;, test0211.p, Ltest0211.p.ImportedClass$ImportedMember;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", result.proposals); } finally { if(importedClass != null) { importedClass.discardWorkingCopy(); } } } /* * https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=94303 */ public void test0212() throws JavaModelException { ICompilationUnit importedClass = null; try { importedClass = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0212/p/ImportedClass.java", "package test0212.p;\n"+ "\n"+ "public class ImportedClass {\n"+ " public static class ImportedMember {\n"+ " }\n"+ "}"); CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0212/Test.java", "package test0212;\n" + "\n" + "import test0212.p.Im\n" + "\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " \n" + "}", "test0212.p.Im"); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures=null\n" + "expectedTypesKeys=null", result.context); assertResults( "ImportedClass[TYPE_REF]{ImportedClass;, test0212.p, Ltest0212.p.ImportedClass;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", result.proposals); } finally { if(importedClass != null) { importedClass.discardWorkingCopy(); } } } /* * https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=94303 */ public void test0213() throws JavaModelException { ICompilationUnit importedClass = null; try { importedClass = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0213/p/ImportedClass.java", "package test0213.p;\n"+ "\n"+ "public class ImportedClass {\n"+ "}"); CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0213/Test.java", "package test0213;\n" + "\n" + "import test0213.p.Im\n" + "\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " \n" + "}", "test0213.p.Im"); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures=null\n" + "expectedTypesKeys=null", result.context); assertResults( "ImportedClass[TYPE_REF]{ImportedClass;, test0213.p, Ltest0213.p.ImportedClass;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", result.proposals); } finally { if(importedClass != null) { importedClass.discardWorkingCopy(); } } } /* * https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=93249 */ public void test0214() throws JavaModelException { ICompilationUnit paramClass1 = null; ICompilationUnit paramClass2 = null; ICompilationUnit superClass = null; try { paramClass1 = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0214/AClass1.java", "package test0214;\n"+ "\n"+ "public class AClass1 {\n"+ "}"); paramClass2 = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0214/AClass2.java", "package test0214;\n"+ "\n"+ "public class AClass2 {\n"+ "}"); superClass = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0214/SuperClass.java", "package test0214;\n"+ "\n"+ "public class SuperClass<T> {\n"+ " public <M extends AClass1> void foo(M p1) {\n" + " }\n" + " public <M extends AClass2> void foo(M p2) {\n" + " }\n" + "}"); CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0214/Test.java", "package test0214;\n" + "\n" + "public class Test<Z> extends SuperClass<Z>{\n" + " foo\n" + "}", "foo"); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures=null\n" + "expectedTypesKeys=null", result.context); assertResults( "foo[POTENTIAL_METHOD_DECLARATION]{foo, Ltest0214.Test<TZ;>;, ()V, foo, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "foo[METHOD_DECLARATION]{public <M extends AClass1> void foo(M p1), Ltest0214.SuperClass<TZ;>;, <M:Ltest0214.AClass1;>(TM;)V, foo, (p1), " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_EXACT_NAME + R_METHOD_OVERIDE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "foo[METHOD_DECLARATION]{public <M extends AClass2> void foo(M p2), Ltest0214.SuperClass<TZ;>;, <M:Ltest0214.AClass2;>(TM;)V, foo, (p2), " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_EXACT_NAME + R_METHOD_OVERIDE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", result.proposals); } finally { if(paramClass1 != null) { paramClass1.discardWorkingCopy(); } if(paramClass2 != null) { paramClass2.discardWorkingCopy(); } if(superClass != null) { superClass.discardWorkingCopy(); } } } /* * https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=93249 */ public void test0215() throws JavaModelException { ICompilationUnit paramClass = null; ICompilationUnit superClass = null; try { paramClass = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0215/p/ParamClass.java", "package test0215.p;\n"+ "\n"+ "public class ParamClass {\n"+ " public class MemberParamClass<P2> {\n" + " }\n" + "}"); superClass = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0215/SuperClass.java", "package test0215;\n"+ "\n"+ "public class SuperClass<T> {\n"+ " public <M extends SuperClass<T>> SuperClass<?> foo(test0215.p.ParamClass.MemberParamClass<? super T> p1, int p2) throws Exception {\n" + " return null;\n" + " }\n" + "}"); CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0215/Test.java", "package test0215;\n" + "\n" + "public class Test<Z> extends SuperClass<Z>{\n" + " foo\n" + "}", "foo"); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures=null\n" + "expectedTypesKeys=null", result.context); assertResults( "foo[POTENTIAL_METHOD_DECLARATION]{foo, Ltest0215.Test<TZ;>;, ()V, foo, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "foo[METHOD_DECLARATION]{public <M extends test0215.SuperClass<Z>> test0215.SuperClass<?> foo(test0215.p.ParamClass.MemberParamClass<? super Z> p1, int p2) throws Exception, Ltest0215.SuperClass<TZ;>;, <M:Ltest0215.SuperClass<TZ;>;>(Ltest0215.p.ParamClass$MemberParamClass<-TZ;>;I)Ltest0215.SuperClass<*>;, foo, (p1, p2), " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_EXACT_NAME + R_METHOD_OVERIDE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", result.proposals); } finally { if(paramClass != null) { paramClass.discardWorkingCopy(); } if(superClass != null) { superClass.discardWorkingCopy(); } } } /* * https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=93249 */ public void test0216() throws JavaModelException { ICompilationUnit paramClass1 = null; ICompilationUnit paramClass2 = null; ICompilationUnit superClass = null; try { paramClass1 = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0216/p/ParamClass.java", "package test0216.p;\n"+ "\n"+ "public class ParamClass {\n"+ "}"); paramClass2 = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0216/q/ParamClass.java", "package test0216.q;\n"+ "\n"+ "public class ParamClass {\n"+ "}"); superClass = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0216/SuperClass.java", "package test0216;\n"+ "\n"+ "public class SuperClass<T> {\n"+ " public void foo(test0216.p.ParamClass p1) {\n" + " }\n" + " public void foo(test0216.q.ParamClass p2) {\n" + " }\n" + "}"); CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0216/Test.java", "package test0216;\n" + "\n" + "public class Test<Z> extends SuperClass<Z>{\n" + " foo\n" + "}", "foo"); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures=null\n" + "expectedTypesKeys=null", result.context); assertResults( "foo[POTENTIAL_METHOD_DECLARATION]{foo, Ltest0216.Test<TZ;>;, ()V, foo, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "foo[METHOD_DECLARATION]{public void foo(test0216.p.ParamClass p1), Ltest0216.SuperClass<TZ;>;, (Ltest0216.p.ParamClass;)V, foo, (p1), " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_EXACT_NAME + R_METHOD_OVERIDE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "foo[METHOD_DECLARATION]{public void foo(test0216.q.ParamClass p2), Ltest0216.SuperClass<TZ;>;, (Ltest0216.q.ParamClass;)V, foo, (p2), " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_EXACT_NAME + R_METHOD_OVERIDE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", result.proposals); } finally { if(paramClass1 != null) { paramClass1.discardWorkingCopy(); } if(paramClass2 != null) { paramClass2.discardWorkingCopy(); } if(superClass != null) { superClass.discardWorkingCopy(); } } } /* * https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=93119 */ public void test0217() throws JavaModelException { ICompilationUnit paramClass1 = null; try { paramClass1 = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0217/AType.java", "package test0217;\n"+ "\n"+ "public class AType<T> {\n"+ "}"); CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0217/Test.java", "package test0217;\n" + "\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " AType<? ext\n" + "}", "ext"); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures=null\n" + "expectedTypesKeys=null", result.context); assertResults( "extends[KEYWORD]{extends, null, null, extends, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", result.proposals); } finally { if(paramClass1 != null) { paramClass1.discardWorkingCopy(); } } } /* * https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=93119 */ public void test0218() throws JavaModelException { ICompilationUnit paramClass1 = null; try { paramClass1 = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0218/AType.java", "package test0218;\n"+ "\n"+ "public class AType<T> {\n"+ "}"); CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0218/Test.java", "package test0218;\n" + "\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " AType<? sup\n" + "}", "sup"); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures=null\n" + "expectedTypesKeys=null", result.context); assertResults( "super[KEYWORD]{super, null, null, super, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", result.proposals); } finally { if(paramClass1 != null) { paramClass1.discardWorkingCopy(); } } } /* * https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=93119 */ public void test0219() throws JavaModelException { ICompilationUnit paramClass1 = null; try { paramClass1 = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0219/AType.java", "package test0219;\n"+ "\n"+ "public class AType<T> {\n"+ "}"); CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0219/Test.java", "package test0219;\n" + "\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " void foo() {\n" + " AType<? ext\n" + " }\n" + "}", "ext"); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures=null\n" + "expectedTypesKeys=null", result.context); assertResults( "extends[KEYWORD]{extends, null, null, extends, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", result.proposals); } finally { if(paramClass1 != null) { paramClass1.discardWorkingCopy(); } } } /* * https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=93119 */ public void test0220() throws JavaModelException { ICompilationUnit paramClass1 = null; try { paramClass1 = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0220/AType.java", "package test0220;\n"+ "\n"+ "public class AType<T> {\n"+ "}"); CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0220/Test.java", "package test0220;\n" + "\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " void foo() {\n" + " AType<? sup\n" + " }\n" + "}", "sup"); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures=null\n" + "expectedTypesKeys=null", result.context); assertResults( "super[KEYWORD]{super, null, null, super, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", result.proposals); } finally { if(paramClass1 != null) { paramClass1.discardWorkingCopy(); } } } public void test0221() throws JavaModelException { ICompilationUnit paramClass1 = null; try { paramClass1 = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0221/AType.java", "package test0221;\n"+ "\n"+ "public class AType<T> {\n"+ "}"); CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0221/Test.java", "package test0221;\n" + "\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " AType<? extends ATy\n"+ "}", "ATy"); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures=null\n" + "expectedTypesKeys=null", result.context); assertResults( "AType[TYPE_REF]{AType, test0221, Ltest0221.AType;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", result.proposals); } finally { if(paramClass1 != null) { paramClass1.discardWorkingCopy(); } } } /* * https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=96918 */ public void test0222() throws JavaModelException { ICompilationUnit paramClass1 = null; try { paramClass1 = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0222/AType.java", "package test0222;\n"+ "\n"+ "public class AType<T> {\n"+ "}"); CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0222/Test.java", "package test0222;\n" + "\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " void foo() {\n" + " AType<? \n" + " }\n" + "}", "? "); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures=null\n" + "expectedTypesKeys=null", result.context); assertResults( "extends[KEYWORD]{extends, null, null, extends, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "super[KEYWORD]{super, null, null, super, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", result.proposals); } finally { if(paramClass1 != null) { paramClass1.discardWorkingCopy(); } } } /* * https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=97307 */ public void test0223() throws JavaModelException { ICompilationUnit paramClass1 = null; try { paramClass1 = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0223/AType.java", "package test0223;\n"+ "\n"+ "public class AType {\n"+ " public static final int VAR = 0;\n"+ "}"); CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0223/Test.java", "package test0223;\n" + "\n" + "import static test0223.AType.va\n" + "\n" + "public class Test {\n" + "}", true, // show positions "AType.va"); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures=null\n" + "expectedTypesKeys=null", result.context); int end = result.cursorLocation; int start = end - "va".length(); assertResults( "VAR[FIELD_REF]{VAR;, Ltest0223.AType;, I, VAR, null, ["+start+", "+end+"], " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", result.proposals); } finally { if(paramClass1 != null) { paramClass1.discardWorkingCopy(); } } } /* * https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=85384 */ public void test0224() throws JavaModelException { CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0224/Test.java", "package test0224;\n" + "\n" + "public class Test<T ext> {\n" + "}", "ext"); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures=null\n" + "expectedTypesKeys=null", result.context); assertResults( "extends[KEYWORD]{extends, null, null, extends, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", result.proposals); } /* * https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=85384 */ public void test0225() throws JavaModelException { CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0225/Test.java", "package test0225;\n" + "\n" + "public class Test<T ext\n" + "", "ext"); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures=null\n" + "expectedTypesKeys=null", result.context); assertResults( "extends[KEYWORD]{extends, null, null, extends, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", result.proposals); } /* * https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=85384 */ public void test0226() throws JavaModelException { CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0226/Test.java", "package test0226;\n" + "\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " public <T ext> void foo() {}\n" + "}", "ext"); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures=null\n" + "expectedTypesKeys=null", result.context); assertResults( "extends[KEYWORD]{extends, null, null, extends, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", result.proposals); } /* * https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=85384 */ public void test0227() throws JavaModelException { CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0227/Test.java", "package test0227;\n" + "\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " public <T ext\n" + "}", "ext"); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures=null\n" + "expectedTypesKeys=null", result.context); assertResults( "extends[KEYWORD]{extends, null, null, extends, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", result.proposals); } /* * https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=97801 */ public void test0228() throws JavaModelException { CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0228/Test.java", "package test0228;\n" + "\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " void foo() {\n" + " Test.clas \n" + " }\n" + "}", ".clas"); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures=null\n" + "expectedTypesKeys=null", result.context); assertResults( "class[FIELD_REF]{class, null, Ljava.lang.Class<Ltest0228.Test;>;, class, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_INHERITED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", result.proposals); } /* * https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=97801 */ public void test0229() throws JavaModelException { CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0229/Test.java", "package test0229;\n" + "\n" + "public class Test<T> {\n" + " void foo() {\n" + " Test.clas \n" + " }\n" + "}", ".clas"); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures=null\n" + "expectedTypesKeys=null", result.context); assertResults( "class[FIELD_REF]{class, null, Ljava.lang.Class<Ltest0229.Test;>;, class, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_INHERITED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", result.proposals); } // https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=96944 public void test0230() throws JavaModelException { CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0230/Test.java", "package test0230;\n" + "\n" + "public class Test<ZT> {\n" + " void foo() {\n"+ " new ZT\n"+ " }\n"+ "}", "ZT"); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures=null\n" + "expectedTypesKeys=null", result.context); assertResults( "", result.proposals); } // https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=96944 public void test0231() throws JavaModelException { CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0231/Test.java", "package test0231;\n" + "\n" + "public class Test<ZT> {\n" + " void foo() {\n"+ " ZT var = new ZT\n"+ " }\n"+ "}", "ZT"); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures={TZT;}\n" + "expectedTypesKeys={Ltest0231/Test;:TZT;}", result.context); assertResults( "", result.proposals); } // https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=96944 public void test0232() throws JavaModelException { CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0232/Test.java", "package test0232;\n" + "\n" + "public class Test<ZT> {\n" + " void foo() {\n"+ " ZT var = new \n"+ " }\n"+ "}", "new "); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures={TZT;}\n" + "expectedTypesKeys={Ltest0232/Test;:TZT;}", result.context); if(CompletionEngine.NO_TYPE_COMPLETION_ON_EMPTY_TOKEN) { assertResults( "", result.proposals); } else { assertResults( "Test<ZT>[TYPE_REF]{Test, test0232, Ltest0232.Test<TZT;>;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", result.proposals); } } // https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=82560 public void test0233() throws JavaModelException { CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0233/Test0233Z.java", "package test0233;\n" + "\n" + "public class Test0233Z<ZT> {\n" + " void bar() {\n"+ " zzz.<String>foo(new Test0233Z());\n"+ " }\n"+ " <T> void foo(Object o) {\n"+ " }\n"+ "}", "Test0233Z"); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures=null\n" + "expectedTypesKeys=null", result.context); assertResults( "Test0233Z<ZT>[TYPE_REF]{Test0233Z, test0233, Ltest0233.Test0233Z<TZT;>;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_EXACT_NAME+ R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", result.proposals); } // https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=97860 public void test0234() throws JavaModelException { CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0234/Test.java", "package test0234;\n" + "\n" + "public class Test<ZT> {\n" + " void foo() {\n"+ " ZT.c\n"+ " }\n"+ "}", "ZT.c"); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures=null\n" + "expectedTypesKeys=null", result.context); assertResults( "", result.proposals); } // https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=97860 public void test0235() throws JavaModelException { CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0235/Test.java", "package test0235;\n" + "\n" + "public class Test<ZT> {\n" + " void foo() throws ZT.c {\n"+ " }\n"+ "}", "ZT.c"); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures=null\n" + "expectedTypesKeys=null", result.context); assertResults( "", result.proposals); } // https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=94641 public void test0236() throws JavaModelException { CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0236/Test.java", "package test0236;\n" + "\n" + "public class Test<ZT> {\n" + " void foo() {\n"+ " new Test<String>();\n"+ " }\n"+ "}", ">("); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures=null\n" + "expectedTypesKeys=null", result.context); assertResults( "Test[METHOD_REF<CONSTRUCTOR>]{, Ltest0236.Test<Ljava.lang.String;>;, ()V, Test, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "Test<java.lang.String>[ANONYMOUS_CLASS_DECLARATION]{, Ltest0236.Test<Ljava.lang.String;>;, ()V, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", result.proposals); } // https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=94907 public void test0237() throws JavaModelException { CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0237/Test.java", "package test0237;\n" + "\n" + "public class Test<ZT> ext {\n" + "}", "ext"); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures=null\n" + "expectedTypesKeys=null", result.context); assertResults( "extends[KEYWORD]{extends, null, null, extends, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", result.proposals); } // https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=94907 public void test0238() throws JavaModelException { CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0238/Test.java", "package test0238;\n" + "\n" + "public class Test<ZT> imp {\n" + "}", "imp"); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures=null\n" + "expectedTypesKeys=null", result.context); assertResults( "implements[KEYWORD]{implements, null, null, implements, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", result.proposals); } // https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=94907 public void test0239() throws JavaModelException { CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0239/Test.java", "package test0239;\n" + "\n" + "public class Test<ZT> extends Object ext {\n" + "}", "ext"); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures=null\n" + "expectedTypesKeys=null", result.context); assertResults( "", result.proposals); } // https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=94907 public void test0240() throws JavaModelException { CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0204/Test.java", "package test0240;\n" + "\n" + "public class Test<ZT> extends Object imp {\n" + "}", "imp"); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures=null\n" + "expectedTypesKeys=null", result.context); assertResults( "implements[KEYWORD]{implements, null, null, implements, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", result.proposals); } // https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=94907 public void test0241() throws JavaModelException { CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0241/Test.java", "package test0241;\n" + "\n" + "public interface Test<ZT> ext {\n" + "}", "ext"); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures=null\n" + "expectedTypesKeys=null", result.context); assertResults( "extends[KEYWORD]{extends, null, null, extends, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", result.proposals); } // https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=94907 public void test0242() throws JavaModelException { CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0242/Test.java", "package test0242;\n" + "\n" + "public interface Test<ZT> imp {\n" + "}", "imp"); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures=null\n" + "expectedTypesKeys=null", result.context); assertResults( "", result.proposals); } // https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=99686 public void test0243() throws JavaModelException { CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0243/X.java", "package test0243;\n" + "public class X {\n" + " void test() {\n" + " foo(new Object() {}).b\n" + " }\n" + " <T> Y<T> foo(T t) {\n" + " return null;\n" + " }\n" + "}\n" + "class Y<T> {\n" + " T bar() {\n" + " return null;\n" + " }\n" + "}", "foo(new Object() {}).b"); assertResults( "bar[METHOD_REF]{bar(), Ltest0243.Y<LObject;>;, ()LObject;, bar, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_STATIC + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", result.proposals); } // https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=100009 public void test0244() throws JavaModelException { CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0244/X.java", "package test0244;\n" + "import generics.*;\n" + "public class X extends ZAGenericType {\n" + " foo\n" + "}", "foo"); assertResults( "foo[POTENTIAL_METHOD_DECLARATION]{foo, Ltest0244.X;, ()V, foo, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "foo[METHOD_DECLARATION]{public Object foo(Object t), Lgenerics.ZAGenericType;, (Ljava.lang.Object;)Ljava.lang.Object;, foo, (t), " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_EXACT_NAME + R_METHOD_OVERIDE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "foo[METHOD_DECLARATION]{public Object foo(ZAGenericType var), Lgenerics.ZAGenericType;, (Lgenerics.ZAGenericType;)Ljava.lang.Object;, foo, (var), " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_EXACT_NAME + R_METHOD_OVERIDE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", result.proposals); } // https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=101456 public void test0245() throws JavaModelException { this.wc = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/SnapshotImpl.java", "class SnapshotImpl extends AbstractSnapshot<SnapshotImpl, ProviderImpl> {}"); getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/Snapshot.java", "public interface Snapshot<S extends Snapshot> {}"); getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/SnapshotProvider.java", "interface SnapshotProvider<S extends Snapshot> {}"); getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/AbstractSnapshot.java", "abstract class AbstractSnapshot<S extends Snapshot, P extends SnapshotProvider<S>> implements Snapshot<S> {}"); getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/ProviderImpl.java", "class ProviderImpl implements SnapshotProvider<SnapshotImpl> {}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.wc.getSource(); String completeBehind = "ProviderImp"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.wc.codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults("", requestor.getResults()); } // https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=83005 public void test0246() throws JavaModelException { CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0245/X.java", "package test0245;\n" + "public @interface X {\n" + " ann\n" + "}", "ann"); assertResults( "Annotation[TYPE_REF]{java.lang.annotation.Annotation, java.lang.annotation, Ljava.lang.annotation.Annotation;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", result.proposals); } // https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=102284 public void test0247() throws JavaModelException { CompletionResult result = complete( "/Completion/src3/test0245/X.java", "package test0245;\n" + "public class X {\n" + " void test() {\n" + " class Type<S, T> {\n" + " Type<String, String> t= new Type<String, String> ()\n" + " }\n" + " }\n" + "}", "Type<String, String> ("); assertResults( "Type[METHOD_REF<CONSTRUCTOR>]{, LType<Ljava.lang.String;Ljava.lang.String;>;, ()V, Type, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "Type<java.lang.String,java.lang.String>[ANONYMOUS_CLASS_DECLARATION]{, LType<Ljava.lang.String;Ljava.lang.String;>;, ()V, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", result.proposals); } // https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=102572 public void test0248() throws JavaModelException { this.oldOptions = JavaCore.getOptions(); try { Hashtable options = new Hashtable(this.oldOptions); options.put(JavaCore.CODEASSIST_CAMEL_CASE_MATCH, JavaCore.ENABLED); JavaCore.setOptions(options); this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[2]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/camelcase/Test.java", "package camelcase;"+ "import static camelcase.ImportedType.*;"+ "public class Test {\n"+ " void foo() {\n"+ " oTT\n"+ " }\n"+ "}"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/camelcase/ImportedType.java", "package camelcase;"+ "public class ImportedType {\n"+ " public static void oneTwoThree(){}\n"+ " public static void oTTMethod(){}\n"+ "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "oTT"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "oneTwoThree[METHOD_REF]{oneTwoThree(), Lcamelcase.ImportedType;, ()V, oneTwoThree, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CAMEL_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "oTTMethod[METHOD_REF]{oTTMethod(), Lcamelcase.ImportedType;, ()V, oTTMethod, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } finally { JavaCore.setOptions(this.oldOptions); } } // https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=102572 public void test0249() throws JavaModelException { this.oldOptions = JavaCore.getOptions(); try { Hashtable options = new Hashtable(this.oldOptions); options.put(JavaCore.CODEASSIST_CAMEL_CASE_MATCH, JavaCore.ENABLED); JavaCore.setOptions(options); this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[2]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/camelcase/Test.java", "package camelcase;"+ "import static camelcase.ImportedType.*;"+ "public class Test {\n"+ " void foo() {\n"+ " oTT\n"+ " }\n"+ "}"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/camelcase/ImportedType.java", "package camelcase;"+ "public class ImportedType {\n"+ " public static int oneTwoThree;\n"+ " public static int oTTField;\n"+ "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "oTT"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "oneTwoThree[FIELD_REF]{oneTwoThree, Lcamelcase.ImportedType;, I, oneTwoThree, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CAMEL_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "oTTField[FIELD_REF]{oTTField, Lcamelcase.ImportedType;, I, oTTField, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } finally { JavaCore.setOptions(this.oldOptions); } } // https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=102572 public void test0250() throws JavaModelException { this.oldOptions = JavaCore.getOptions(); try { Hashtable options = new Hashtable(this.oldOptions); options.put(JavaCore.CODEASSIST_CAMEL_CASE_MATCH, JavaCore.ENABLED); JavaCore.setOptions(options); this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[2]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/camelcase/Test.java", "package camelcase;"+ "import static camelcase.ImportedType.oTT;"+ "public class Test {\n"+ "}"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/camelcase/ImportedType.java", "package camelcase;"+ "public class ImportedType {\n"+ " public static void oneTwoThree(){}\n"+ " public static void oTTMethod(){}\n"+ "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "oTT"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "oneTwoThree[METHOD_NAME_REFERENCE]{oneTwoThree;, Lcamelcase.ImportedType;, ()V, oneTwoThree, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CAMEL_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "oTTMethod[METHOD_NAME_REFERENCE]{oTTMethod;, Lcamelcase.ImportedType;, ()V, oTTMethod, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } finally { JavaCore.setOptions(this.oldOptions); } } // https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=102572 public void test0260() throws JavaModelException { this.oldOptions = JavaCore.getOptions(); try { Hashtable options = new Hashtable(this.oldOptions); options.put(JavaCore.CODEASSIST_CAMEL_CASE_MATCH, JavaCore.ENABLED); JavaCore.setOptions(options); this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[2]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/camelcase/Test.java", "package camelcase;"+ "@Annot(oTT)"+ "public class Test {\n"+ "}"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/camelcase/Annot.java", "package camelcase;"+ "public @interface Annot {\n"+ " String oneTwoThree() default \"\";\n"+ " String oTTAttribute() default \"\";\n"+ "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "oTT"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "oneTwoThree[ANNOTATION_ATTRIBUTE_REF]{oneTwoThree, Lcamelcase.Annot;, Ljava.lang.String;, oneTwoThree, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CAMEL_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "oTTAttribute[ANNOTATION_ATTRIBUTE_REF]{oTTAttribute, Lcamelcase.Annot;, Ljava.lang.String;, oTTAttribute, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } finally { JavaCore.setOptions(this.oldOptions); } } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=113945 public void test0261() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[2]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/Test.java", "package test;\n"+ "public class Test<T extends SuperClass> {\n"+ " T foo() {\n"+ " foo().zz\n"+ " }\n"+ "}"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/SuperClass.java", "package test;"+ "public class SuperClass {\n"+ " public int zzfield;\n"+ " public void zzmethod(){}\n"+ "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "foo().zz"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "zzfield[FIELD_REF]{zzfield, Ltest.SuperClass;, I, zzfield, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_STATIC + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "zzmethod[METHOD_REF]{zzmethod(), Ltest.SuperClass;, ()V, zzmethod, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_STATIC + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=113945 public void test0262() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[2]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/Test.java", "package test;\n"+ "public class Test<T extends SuperInterface> {\n"+ " T foo() {\n"+ " foo().zz\n"+ " }\n"+ "}"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/SuperInterface.java", "package test;"+ "public interface SuperInterface {\n"+ " public static int zzfield;\n"+ " public void zzmethod();\n"+ "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "foo().zz"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "zzfield[FIELD_REF]{zzfield, Ltest.SuperInterface;, I, zzfield, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "zzmethod[METHOD_REF]{zzmethod(), Ltest.SuperInterface;, ()V, zzmethod, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_STATIC + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=113945 public void test0263() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[3]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/Test.java", "package test;\n"+ "public class Test<T extends SuperClass & SuperInterface> {\n"+ " T foo() {\n"+ " foo().zz\n"+ " }\n"+ "}"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/SuperClass.java", "package test;"+ "public class SuperClass {\n"+ " public int zzfield;\n"+ " public void zzmethod();\n"+ "}"); this.workingCopies[2] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/SuperInterface.java", "package test;"+ "public interface SuperInterface {\n"+ " public static int zzfield2;\n"+ " public void zzmethod2();\n"+ "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "foo().zz"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "zzfield2[FIELD_REF]{zzfield2, Ltest.SuperInterface;, I, zzfield2, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "zzfield[FIELD_REF]{zzfield, Ltest.SuperClass;, I, zzfield, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_STATIC + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "zzmethod[METHOD_REF]{zzmethod(), Ltest.SuperClass;, ()V, zzmethod, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_STATIC + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "zzmethod2[METHOD_REF]{zzmethod2(), Ltest.SuperInterface;, ()V, zzmethod2, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_STATIC + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=120522 public void test0264() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[3]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/Test.java", "package test;\n"+ "@MyAnnot(MyEnum\n"+ "public class Test {\n"+ "}"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/MyEnum.java", "package test;"+ "public enum MyEnum {\n"+ " AAA\n"+ "}"); this.workingCopies[2] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/MyAnnot.java", "package test;"+ "public @interface MyAnnot {\n"+ " MyEnum[] value();\n"+ "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); requestor.setIgnored(CompletionProposal.ANNOTATION_ATTRIBUTE_REF, true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "MyEnum"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "MyEnum[TYPE_REF]{MyEnum, test, Ltest.MyEnum;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_EXACT_NAME + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=127323 public void test0265() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[1]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/enumbug/EnumBug.java", "package enumbug;\n"+ "public class EnumBug {\n"+ " public static enum Foo {foo, bar, baz}\n"+ " public void bar(Foo f) {\n"+ " switch(f) {\n"+ " case Foo.baz:\n"+ " case // <-- invoke context assist here!\n"+ " }\n"+ " }\n"+ "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "case "; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "bar[FIELD_REF]{bar, Lenumbug.EnumBug$Foo;, Lenumbug.EnumBug$Foo;, bar, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_EXACT_EXPECTED_TYPE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_ENUM + R_ENUM_CONSTANT + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_RESOLVED) + "}\n" + "baz[FIELD_REF]{baz, Lenumbug.EnumBug$Foo;, Lenumbug.EnumBug$Foo;, baz, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_EXACT_EXPECTED_TYPE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_ENUM + R_ENUM_CONSTANT + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_RESOLVED) + "}\n" + "foo[FIELD_REF]{foo, Lenumbug.EnumBug$Foo;, Lenumbug.EnumBug$Foo;, foo, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_EXACT_EXPECTED_TYPE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_ENUM + R_ENUM_CONSTANT + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_RESOLVED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=128169 public void test0266() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[2]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/Test.java", "package test;\n"+ "public class Test<T, U, TU> extends SuperTest<T> {\n"+ " foo\n"+ "}"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/SuperTest.java", "package test;\n"+ "public class SuperTest<E> {\n"+ " public <T, U, TU> T foo(SuperTest<T> t, SuperTest<U> u, SuperTest<TU> tu, SuperTest<E> e) {return null;}\n"+ "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "foo"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "foo[POTENTIAL_METHOD_DECLARATION]{foo, Ltest.Test<TT;TU;TTU;>;, ()V, foo, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "foo[METHOD_DECLARATION]{public <V, W, TU2> V foo(test.SuperTest<V> t, test.SuperTest<W> u, test.SuperTest<TU2> tu, test.SuperTest<T> e), " + "Ltest.SuperTest<TT;>;, <V:Ljava.lang.Object;W:Ljava.lang.Object;TU2:Ljava.lang.Object;>(Ltest.SuperTest<TV;>;Ltest.SuperTest<TW;>;" + "Ltest.SuperTest<TTU2;>;Ltest.SuperTest<TT;>;)TV;, foo, (t, u, tu, e), " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_EXACT_NAME + R_METHOD_OVERIDE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=128169 public void test0267() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[2]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/Test.java", "package test;\n"+ "public class Test<T, U, TU> extends SuperTest {\n"+ " foo\n"+ "}"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/SuperTest.java", "package test;\n"+ "public class SuperTest<E> {\n"+ " public <T, U, TU> T foo(SuperTest<T> t, SuperTest<U> u, SuperTest<TU> tu, SuperTest<E> e) {return null;}\n"+ "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "foo"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "foo[POTENTIAL_METHOD_DECLARATION]{foo, Ltest.Test<TT;TU;TTU;>;, ()V, foo, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "foo[METHOD_DECLARATION]{public Object foo(SuperTest t, SuperTest u, SuperTest tu, SuperTest e), Ltest.SuperTest;, (Ltest.SuperTest;" + "Ltest.SuperTest;Ltest.SuperTest;Ltest.SuperTest;)Ljava.lang.Object;, foo, (t, u, tu, e), " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_EXACT_NAME + R_METHOD_OVERIDE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=128169 public void test0268() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[2]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/Test.java", "package test;\n"+ "public class Test<T, U, TU> extends SuperTest {\n"+ " foo\n"+ "}"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/SuperTest.java", "package test;\n"+ "public class SuperTest {\n"+ " public <T, U, TU> T foo(T t, U u, TU tu) {return null;}\n"+ "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "foo"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "foo[POTENTIAL_METHOD_DECLARATION]{foo, Ltest.Test<TT;TU;TTU;>;, ()V, foo, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "foo[METHOD_DECLARATION]{public <V, W, TU2> V foo(V t, W u, TU2 tu), Ltest.SuperTest;, <V:Ljava.lang.Object;W:Ljava.lang.Object;TU2:Ljava.lang.Object;>(TV;TW;TTU2;)TV;, foo, (t, u, tu), " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_EXACT_NAME + R_METHOD_OVERIDE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=131681 public void test0269() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[2]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/Test.java", "package test;\n"+ "public class Test extends SuperTest {\n"+ " foo\n"+ "}"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/SuperTest.java", "package test;\n"+ "public class SuperTest {\n"+ " public <T> void foo() {}\n"+ "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "foo"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "foo[POTENTIAL_METHOD_DECLARATION]{foo, Ltest.Test;, ()V, foo, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "foo[METHOD_DECLARATION]{public <T> void foo(), Ltest.SuperTest;, <T:Ljava.lang.Object;>()V, foo, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_EXACT_NAME + R_METHOD_OVERIDE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } public void test0270() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[3]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/Test270_2.java", "package test;\n"+ "public class Test270_2 extends SuperTest<Test270> {\n"+ "}"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/SuperTest.java", "package test;\n"+ "public class SuperTest<T> {\n"+ "}"); this.workingCopies[2] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/Test270.java", "package test;\n"+ "public class Test270 {\n"+ "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "Test270"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "Test270_2[TYPE_REF]{Test270_2, test, Ltest.Test270_2;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_EXPECTED_TYPE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "Test270[TYPE_REF]{Test270, test, Ltest.Test270;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_EXPECTED_TYPE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_EXACT_NAME + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } // https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=106450 public void test0271() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[2]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/Test.java", "package test;\n"+ "public class Test {\n"+ " void foo() {\n"+ " TestCollections.<Object>zzz\n"+ " }\n"+ "}\n"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/TestCollections.java", "package test;\n"+ "public class TestCollections {\n"+ " public <T> void zzz1(T t) {}\n"+ " public static <T> void zzz2(T t) {}\n"+ "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "zzz"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "zzz2[METHOD_REF]{zzz2(), Ltest.TestCollections;, (Ljava.lang.Object;)V, zzz2, (t), " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_INHERITED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } // https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=106450 public void test0272() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[2]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/Test.java", "package test;\n"+ "public class Test {\n"+ " void foo(TestCollections t) {\n"+ " t.<Object>zzz\n"+ " }\n"+ "}\n"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/TestCollections.java", "package test;\n"+ "public class TestCollections {\n"+ " public <T> void zzz1(T t) {}\n"+ " public static <T> void zzz2(T t) {}\n"+ "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "zzz"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "zzz2[METHOD_REF]{zzz2(), Ltest.TestCollections;, (Ljava.lang.Object;)V, zzz2, (t), " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "zzz1[METHOD_REF]{zzz1(), Ltest.TestCollections;, (Ljava.lang.Object;)V, zzz1, (t), " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_STATIC + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } // https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=106450 public void test0273() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[2]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/Test.java", "package test;\n"+ "public class Test {\n"+ " TestCollections bar() {\n"+ " return null;\n"+ " }\n"+ " void foo() {\n"+ " bar().<Object>zzz\n"+ " }\n"+ "}\n"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/TestCollections.java", "package test;\n"+ "public class TestCollections {\n"+ " public <T> void zzz1(T t) {}\n"+ " public static <T> void zzz2(T t) {}\n"+ "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "zzz"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "zzz2[METHOD_REF]{zzz2(), Ltest.TestCollections;, (Ljava.lang.Object;)V, zzz2, (t), " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "zzz1[METHOD_REF]{zzz1(), Ltest.TestCollections;, (Ljava.lang.Object;)V, zzz1, (t), " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_STATIC + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } // https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=106450 public void test0274() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[2]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/Test.java", "package test;\n"+ "public class Test {\n"+ " void foo() {\n"+ " int.<Object>zzz\n"+ " }\n"+ "}\n"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/TestCollections.java", "package test;\n"+ "public class TestCollections {\n"+ " public <T> void zzz1(T t) {}\n"+ " public static <T> void zzz2(T t) {}\n"+ "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "zzz"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "", requestor.getResults()); } // https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=106450 public void test0275() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[2]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/Test.java", "package test;\n"+ "public class Test {\n"+ " void foo(int t) {\n"+ " t.<Object>zzz\n"+ " }\n"+ "}\n"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/TestCollections.java", "package test;\n"+ "public class TestCollections {\n"+ " public <T> void zzz1(T t) {}\n"+ " public static <T> void zzz2(T t) {}\n"+ "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "zzz"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "", requestor.getResults()); } // https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=106450 public void test0276() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[2]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/Test.java", "package test;\n"+ "public class Test {\n"+ " int bar() {\n"+ " return 0;\n"+ " }\n"+ " void foo() {\n"+ " bar().<Object>zzz\n"+ " }\n"+ "}\n"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/TestCollections.java", "package test;\n"+ "public class TestCollections {\n"+ " public <T> void zzz1(T t) {}\n"+ " public static <T> void zzz2(T t) {}\n"+ "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "zzz"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "", requestor.getResults()); } // https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=106450 public void test0277() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[2]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/Test.java", "package test;\n"+ "public class Test {\n"+ " void foo(TestCollections[] o) {\n"+ " o.<Object>zzz\n"+ " }\n"+ "}\n"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/TestCollections.java", "package test;\n"+ "public class TestCollections {\n"+ " public <T> void zzz1(T t) {}\n"+ " public static <T> void zzz2(T t) {}\n"+ "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "zzz"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "", requestor.getResults()); } // https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=106450 public void test0278() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[1]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/Test.java", "package test;\n"+ "public class Test {\n"+ " public <T> void zzz1(T t) {}\n"+ " public static <T> void zzz2(T t) {}\n"+ " void foo(TestCollections[] o) {\n"+ " this.<Object>zzz\n"+ " }\n"+ "}\n"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "zzz"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "zzz2[METHOD_REF]{zzz2(), Ltest.Test;, (Ljava.lang.Object;)V, zzz2, (t), " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "zzz1[METHOD_REF]{zzz1(), Ltest.Test;, (Ljava.lang.Object;)V, zzz1, (t), " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_STATIC + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } // https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=106450 public void test0279() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[2]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/Test.java", "package test;\n"+ "public class Test extends TestCollections {\n"+ " void foo() {\n"+ " super.<Object>zzz\n"+ " }\n"+ "}\n"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/TestCollections.java", "package test;\n"+ "public class TestCollections {\n"+ " public <T> void zzz1(T t) {}\n"+ " public static <T> void zzz2(T t) {}\n"+ "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "zzz"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "zzz2[METHOD_REF]{zzz2(), Ltest.TestCollections;, (Ljava.lang.Object;)V, zzz2, (t), " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_INHERITED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } // https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=106450 public void test0280() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[2]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/Test.java", "package test;\n"+ "public class Test {\n"+ " void foo() {\n"+ " TestCollections.<Object, Object>zzz\n"+ " }\n"+ "}\n"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/TestCollections.java", "package test;\n"+ "public class TestCollections {\n"+ " public <T> void zzz1(T t) {}\n"+ " public static <T> void zzz2(T t) {}\n"+ "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "zzz"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "", requestor.getResults()); } // https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=106450 public void test0281() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[2]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/Test.java", "package test;\n"+ "public class Test {\n"+ " void foo() {\n"+ " TestCollections.zzz\n"+ " }\n"+ "}\n"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/TestCollections.java", "package test;\n"+ "public class TestCollections {\n"+ " public <T> void zzz1(T t) {}\n"+ " public static <T> void zzz2(T t) {}\n"+ "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "zzz"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "zzz2[METHOD_REF]{zzz2(), Ltest.TestCollections;, <T:Ljava.lang.Object;>(TT;)V, zzz2, (t), " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_INHERITED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } // https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=106450 public void test0282() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[1]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/Test.java", "package test;\n"+ "public class Test {\n"+ " public <T> void zzz1(T t) {}\n"+ " public static <T> void zzz2(T t) {}\n"+ " void foo() {\n"+ " this.<Unknown>zzz\n"+ " }\n"+ "}\n"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "zzz"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "", requestor.getResults()); } // https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=106450 public void test0283() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[1]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/Test.java", "package test;\n"+ "public class Test {\n"+ " public <T, U> void zzz1(T t) {}\n"+ " public static <T> void zzz2(T t) {}\n"+ " void foo() {\n"+ " this.<Unknown, Object>zzz\n"+ " }\n"+ "}\n"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "zzz"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "", requestor.getResults()); } // https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=106450 public void test0284() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[2]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/Test.java", "package test;\n"+ "public class Test {\n"+ " public <T extends Test2> void zzz1(T t) {}\n"+ " public static <T extends Test2> void zzz2(T t) {}\n"+ " void foo() {\n"+ " this.<Object>zzz\n"+ " }\n"+ "}\n"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/Test2.java", "package test;\n"+ "public class Test2 {\n"+ "}\n"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "zzz"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "zzz2[METHOD_REF]{zzz2(), Ltest.Test;, (Ljava.lang.Object;)V, zzz2, (t), " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "zzz1[METHOD_REF]{zzz1(), Ltest.Test;, (Ljava.lang.Object;)V, zzz1, (t), " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_STATIC + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } // https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=133491 public void test0285() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[3]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/other/Test.java", "package other;\n"+ "import pack.*;\n"+ "public class Test {\n"+ " @MyAnnotation(ZZZN\n"+ " public void hello() {\n"+ " }\n"+ "}\n"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/pack/ZZZNeedsImportEnum.java", "package pack;\n"+ "public enum ZZZNeedsImportEnum {\n"+ " HELLO;\n"+ "}\n"); this.workingCopies[2] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/pack/MyAnnotation.java", "package pack;\n"+ "public @interface MyAnnotation {\n"+ " ZZZNeedsImportEnum value();\n"+ " boolean value2() default false;\n"+ "}\n"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "ZZZN"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "ZZZNeedsImportEnum[TYPE_REF]{ZZZNeedsImportEnum, pack, Lpack.ZZZNeedsImportEnum;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_ENUM + R_EXACT_EXPECTED_TYPE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } // https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=95829 public void test0286() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[3]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/Test.java", "package test;\n"+ "public class Test {\n"+ " void bar(Test2<Object> t) {\n"+ " t.fo\n"+ " }\n"+ "}\n"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/Test1.java", "package test;\n"+ "public interface Test1<U> {\n"+ " <T> T[] foo(T[] t);\n"+ "}\n"); this.workingCopies[2] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/Test2.java", "package test;\n"+ "public interface Test2<U> extends Test1<U> {\n"+ " <T> T[] foo(T[] t);\n"+ "}\n"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "t.fo"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "foo[METHOD_REF]{foo(), Ltest.Test2<Ljava.lang.Object;>;, <T:Ljava.lang.Object;>([TT;)[TT;, foo, (t), " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_STATIC + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } // https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=95829 public void test0287() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[3]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/Test.java", "package test;\n"+ "public class Test implements Test2<Object>{\n"+ " fo\n"+ "}\n"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/Test1.java", "package test;\n"+ "public interface Test1<U> {\n"+ " <T> T[] foo(T[] t);\n"+ "}\n"); this.workingCopies[2] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/Test2.java", "package test;\n"+ "public interface Test2<U> extends Test1<U> {\n"+ " <T> T[] foo(T[] t);\n"+ "}\n"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "fo"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "fo[POTENTIAL_METHOD_DECLARATION]{fo, Ltest.Test;, ()V, fo, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "foo[METHOD_DECLARATION]{public <T> T[] foo(T[] t), Ltest.Test2<Ljava.lang.Object;>;, <T:Ljava.lang.Object;>([TT;)[TT;, foo, (t), " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_METHOD_OVERIDE + R_ABSTRACT_METHOD + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } // https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=97085 public void test0288() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[2]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/Test.java", "package test;"+ "import test0.tes"+ "public class Test {\n"+ "}"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test0/test1/X.java", "package test0/test1;"+ "public class X {\n"+ "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "test0.tes"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "test0.test1[PACKAGE_REF]{test0.test1.*;, test0.test1, null, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } // https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=97085 public void test0289() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[2]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/Test.java", "package test;"+ "import static test0.tes"+ "public class Test {\n"+ "}"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test0/test1/X.java", "package test0/test1;"+ "public class X {\n"+ "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "test0.tes"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "test0.test1[PACKAGE_REF]{test0.test1., test0.test1, null, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=129983 public void test0290() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[2]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test0290/Test.java", "package test0290;\n" + "@\n" + "public class Test {\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/pkgannotations/QQAnnotation.java", "package pkgannotations;"+ "public @interface QQAnnotation {\n"+ "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "@"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "interface[KEYWORD]{interface, null, null, interface, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_ANNOTATION + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "QQAnnotation[TYPE_REF]{pkgannotations.QQAnnotation, pkgannotations, Lpkgannotations.QQAnnotation;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_ANNOTATION + R_TARGET + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "YAAnnot[TYPE_REF]{testxxx.YAAnnot, testxxx, Ltestxxx.YAAnnot;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_ANNOTATION + R_TARGET + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "_ConfigurationData[TYPE_REF]{test325481._ConfigurationData, test325481, Ltest325481._ConfigurationData;, null, null, " + (R_NAME_PREFIX + R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_ANNOTATION + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "_Path[TYPE_REF]{test325481._Path, test325481, Ltest325481._Path;, null, null, " + (R_NAME_PREFIX + R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_ANNOTATION + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "Deprecated[TYPE_REF]{Deprecated, java.lang, Ljava.lang.Deprecated;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_ANNOTATION + R_TARGET + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_UNQUALIFIED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=123225 public void test0291() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[5]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/Test.java", "package test;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " public void foo(){\n" + " new Test2<Test4>().foo\n" + " }\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/Test1.java", "package test;\n" + "public class Test1<TTest1> {\n" + " public void foo(TTest1 t){}\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[2] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/Test2.java", "package test;\n" + "public class Test2<TTest2 extends Test3> extends Test1<TTest2> {\n" + " public void foo(Test3 t){}\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[3] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/Test3.java", "package test;\n" + "public class Test3 {\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[4] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/Test4.java", "package test;\n" + "public class Test4 extends Test3 {\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = ".foo"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "foo[METHOD_REF]{foo(), Ltest.Test2<Ltest.Test4;>;, (Ltest.Test3;)V, foo, (t), " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_EXACT_NAME + R_NON_STATIC + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=123225 public void test0292() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[6]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/Test.java", "package test;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " public void foo(){\n" + " new Test5().foo\n" + " }\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/Test1.java", "package test;\n" + "public class Test1<TTest1> {\n" + " public void foo(TTest1 t){}\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[2] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/Test2.java", "package test;\n" + "public class Test2<TTest2 extends Test3> extends Test1<TTest2> {\n" + " public void foo(Test3 t){}\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[3] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/Test3.java", "package test;\n" + "public class Test3 {\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[4] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/Test4.java", "package test;\n" + "public class Test4 extends Test3 {\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[5] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/Test5.java", "package test;\n" + "public class Test5 extends Test2<Test4> {\n" + " public void foo(Test4 t){}\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = ".foo"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "foo[METHOD_REF]{foo(), Ltest.Test2<Ltest.Test4;>;, (Ltest.Test3;)V, foo, (t), " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_EXACT_NAME + R_NON_STATIC + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "foo[METHOD_REF]{foo(), Ltest.Test5;, (Ltest.Test4;)V, foo, (t), " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_EXACT_NAME + R_NON_STATIC + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=123225 public void test0293() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[5]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/Test.java", "package test;\n" + "public class Test extends Test2<Test4> {\n" + " public void foo(Test4 t){}\n" + " public void bar(){\n" + " foo\n" + " }\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/Test1.java", "package test;\n" + "public class Test1<TTest1> {\n" + " public void foo(TTest1 t){}\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[2] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/Test2.java", "package test;\n" + "public class Test2<TTest2 extends Test3> extends Test1<TTest2> {\n" + " public void foo(Test3 t){}\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[3] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/Test3.java", "package test;\n" + "public class Test3 {\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[4] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/Test4.java", "package test;\n" + "public class Test4 extends Test3 {\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "foo"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "foo[METHOD_REF]{foo(), Ltest.Test2<Ltest.Test4;>;, (Ltest.Test3;)V, foo, (t), " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_EXACT_NAME + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "foo[METHOD_REF]{foo(), Ltest.Test;, (Ltest.Test4;)V, foo, (t), " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_EXACT_NAME + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=161557 public void test0294() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[3]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/Test.java", "package test;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " Test1<Test2> var[];\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/Test1.java", "package test;\n" + "public class Test1<TTest1> {\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[2] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/Test2.java", "package test;\n" + "public class Test2 {\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "Test2"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "Test2[TYPE_REF]{Test2, test, Ltest.Test2;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_EXACT_NAME + R_EXPECTED_TYPE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=99928 public void test0295() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[5]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/Test.java", "package test;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " void test(StringTest s, IntegerTest i) {\n" + " combine(s, i).compareTo(null);\n" + " }\n" + " \n" + " <T> T combine(T t1, T t2) {\n" + " return null;\n" + " }\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/StringTest.java", "package test;\n" + "public class StringTest implements ComparableTest<StringTest>, SerializableTest {\n" + " public int compareTo(StringTest s) {\n" + " return 0;\n" + " }\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[2] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/IntegerTest.java", "package test;\n" + "public class IntegerTest implements ComparableTest<IntegerTest>, SerializableTest {\n" + " public int compareTo(IntegerTest i) {\n" + " return 0;\n" + " }\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[3] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/ComparableTest.java", "package test;\n" + "public interface ComparableTest<T> {\n" + " public int compareTo(T t) ;\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[4] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/SerializableTest.java", "package test;\n" + "public interface SerializableTest {\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "compare"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "compareTo[METHOD_REF]{compareTo, Ltest.ComparableTest<!*>;, (!*)I, compareTo, (t), " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_STATIC + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=99928 public void test0296() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[5]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/Test.java", "package test;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + " IntegerTest foo = null;\n" + " StringTest bar = null;\n" + " System.out.println((foo != null ? foo : bar).compare\n" + " }\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/StringTest.java", "package test;\n" + "public class StringTest implements ComparableTest<StringTest>, SerializableTest {\n" + " public int compareTo(StringTest s) {\n" + " return 0;\n" + " }\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[2] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/IntegerTest.java", "package test;\n" + "public class IntegerTest implements ComparableTest<IntegerTest>, SerializableTest {\n" + " public int compareTo(IntegerTest i) {\n" + " return 0;\n" + " }\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[3] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/ComparableTest.java", "package test;\n" + "public interface ComparableTest<T> {\n" + " public int compareTo(T t) ;\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[4] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/SerializableTest.java", "package test;\n" + "public interface SerializableTest {\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "compare"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "compareTo[METHOD_REF]{compareTo(), Ltest.ComparableTest<!*>;, (!*)I, compareTo, (t), " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_STATIC + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=154993 public void test0297() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[2]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/Test.java", "package test;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " String description = \"Some description\";\n" + " @Description(this.description)\n" + " public void method() {\n" + " }"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/Description.java", "package test;\n" + "public @interface Description {\n" + " String value();\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "this."; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=164792 public void test0298() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[2]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/Test.java", "package test;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " public void method(ZZZ[] z) {\n" + " ZZZ[] z2 = z.clon\n" + " }\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/ZZZ.java", "package test;\n" + "public class ZZZ {\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "clon"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "clone[METHOD_REF]{clone(), [Ltest.ZZZ;, ()[Ltest.ZZZ;, clone, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_STATIC + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=164792 public void test0299() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[2]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/Test.java", "package test;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " public void method(ZZZ z) {\n" + " ZZZ z2 = z.clon\n" + " }\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/ZZZ.java", "package test;\n" + "public class ZZZ {\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "clon"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "clone[METHOD_REF]{clone(), Ljava.lang.Object;, ()Ljava.lang.Object;, clone, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_STATIC + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=157584 public void test0300() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[3]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/Test.java", "package test;"+ "public class Test {\n" + " public void throwing() throws IZZAException, Top<Object>.IZZException {}\n" + " public void foo() {\n" + " try {\n" + " throwing();\n" + " }\n" + " catch (IZZAException e) {\n" + " bar();\n" + " }\n" + " catch (IZZ) {\n" + " }\n" + " }" + "}\n"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/IZZAException.java", "package test;"+ "public class IZZAException extends Exception {\n" + "}\n"); this.workingCopies[2] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/IZZException.java", "package test;"+ "public class Top<T> {\n" + " public class IZZException extends Exception {\n" + " }\n" + "}\n"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "IZZ"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "Top<java.lang.Object>.IZZException[TYPE_REF]{test.Top.IZZException, test, Ltest.Top<Ljava.lang.Object;>.IZZException;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_EXCEPTION + R_EXACT_EXPECTED_TYPE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=158985 public void test0301() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[3]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/Test.java", "package test;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " @ZZZ\n" + " public void method() {\n" + " }\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/p/ZZZ1.java", "package p;\n" + "public @interface ZZZ1 {\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[2] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/p/ZZZ2.java", "package p;\n" + "public @interface ZZZ2 {\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "ZZZ"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "ZZZ1[TYPE_REF]{p.ZZZ1, p, Lp.ZZZ1;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_ANNOTATION + R_TARGET + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "ZZZ2[TYPE_REF]{p.ZZZ2, p, Lp.ZZZ2;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_ANNOTATION + R_TARGET + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=158985 public void test0302() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[3]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/Test.java", "package test;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " @ZZZ\n" + " public void method() {\n" + " }\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/p/ZZZ1.java", "package p;\n" + "@java.lang.annotation.Target({java.lang.annotation.ElementType.TYPE})\n" + "public @interface ZZZ1 {\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[2] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/p/ZZZ2.java", "package p;\n" + "public @interface ZZZ2 {\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "ZZZ"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "ZZZ1[TYPE_REF]{p.ZZZ1, p, Lp.ZZZ1;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_ANNOTATION + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "ZZZ2[TYPE_REF]{p.ZZZ2, p, Lp.ZZZ2;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_ANNOTATION + R_TARGET + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=158985 public void test0303() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[3]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/Test.java", "package test;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " @ZZZ\n" + " public void method() {\n" + " }\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/p/TOPZZZ1.java", "package p;\n" + "public class TOPZZZ1 {\n" + " @java.lang.annotation.Target({java.lang.annotation.ElementType.TYPE})\n" + " public @interface ZZZ1 {\n" + " }\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[2] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/p/TOPZZZ2.java", "package p;\n" + "public class TOPZZZ2 {\n" + " public @interface ZZZ2 {\n" + " }\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "ZZZ"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "TOPZZZ1.ZZZ1[TYPE_REF]{p.TOPZZZ1.ZZZ1, p, Lp.TOPZZZ1$ZZZ1;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_ANNOTATION + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "TOPZZZ2.ZZZ2[TYPE_REF]{p.TOPZZZ2.ZZZ2, p, Lp.TOPZZZ2$ZZZ2;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_ANNOTATION + R_TARGET + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=158985 public void test0304() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[1]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/Test.java", "package test;\n" + "@java.lang.annotation.Target({java.lang.annotation.ElementType.TYPE})\n" + "@interface ZZZ1 {\n" + "}\n" + "@interface ZZZ2 {\n" + "}\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " @ZZZ\n" + " public void method() {\n" + " }\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "ZZZ"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "ZZZ1[TYPE_REF]{ZZZ1, test, Ltest.ZZZ1;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_ANNOTATION + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "ZZZ2[TYPE_REF]{ZZZ2, test, Ltest.ZZZ2;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_ANNOTATION + R_TARGET + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=158985 public void test0305() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[1]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/Test.java", "package test;\n" + "class TOPZZZ1 {\n" + " @java.lang.annotation.Target({java.lang.annotation.ElementType.TYPE})\n" + " public @interface ZZZ1 {\n" + " }\n" + "}\n" + "class TOPZZZ2 {\n" + " public @interface ZZZ2 {\n" + " }\n" + "}\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " @ZZZ\n" + " public void method() {\n" + " }\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "ZZZ"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "TOPZZZ1.ZZZ1[TYPE_REF]{test.TOPZZZ1.ZZZ1, test, Ltest.TOPZZZ1$ZZZ1;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_ANNOTATION + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "TOPZZZ2.ZZZ2[TYPE_REF]{test.TOPZZZ2.ZZZ2, test, Ltest.TOPZZZ2$ZZZ2;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_ANNOTATION + R_TARGET + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=158985 public void test0306() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[1]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/Test.java", "package test;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " public static class TOPZZZ1 {\n" + " @java.lang.annotation.Target({java.lang.annotation.ElementType.TYPE})\n" + " public @interface ZZZ1 {\n" + " }\n" + " }\n" + " public static class TOPZZZ2 {\n" + " public @interface ZZZ2 {\n" + " }\n" + " }\n" + " public class TOPZZZ3 {\n" + " public @interface ZZZ3 {\n" + " }\n" + " }\n" + " @ZZZ\n" + " public void method() {\n" + " }\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "ZZZ"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "Test.TOPZZZ1.ZZZ1[TYPE_REF]{test.Test.TOPZZZ1.ZZZ1, test, Ltest.Test$TOPZZZ1$ZZZ1;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_ANNOTATION + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "Test.TOPZZZ2.ZZZ2[TYPE_REF]{test.Test.TOPZZZ2.ZZZ2, test, Ltest.Test$TOPZZZ2$ZZZ2;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_ANNOTATION + R_TARGET + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=158985 public void test0307() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[1]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/Test.java", "package test;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " @java.lang.annotation.Target({java.lang.annotation.ElementType.TYPE})\n" + " public @interface ZZZ1 {\n" + " }\n" + " public @interface ZZZ2 {\n" + " }\n" + " @ZZZ\n" + " public void method() {\n" + " }\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "ZZZ"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "Test.ZZZ1[TYPE_REF]{ZZZ1, test, Ltest.Test$ZZZ1;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_ANNOTATION + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "Test.ZZZ2[TYPE_REF]{ZZZ2, test, Ltest.Test$ZZZ2;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_ANNOTATION + R_TARGET + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=158985 public void test0308() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[4]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/Test.java", "package test;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " @ZZZ\n" + " public void method() {\n" + " }\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/p/ZZZ1.java", "package p;\n" + "@java.lang.annotation.Target({java.lang.annotation.ElementType.TYPE})\n" + "public @interface ZZZ1 {\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[2] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/p/ZZZ2.java", "package p;\n" + "@java.lang.annotation.Target({java.lang.annotation.ElementType.METHOD})\n" + "public @interface ZZZ2 {\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[3] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/p/ZZZ3.java", "package p;\n" + "public @interface ZZZ3 {\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "ZZZ"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "ZZZ1[TYPE_REF]{p.ZZZ1, p, Lp.ZZZ1;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_ANNOTATION + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "ZZZ2[TYPE_REF]{p.ZZZ2, p, Lp.ZZZ2;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_ANNOTATION + R_TARGET + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "ZZZ3[TYPE_REF]{p.ZZZ3, p, Lp.ZZZ3;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_ANNOTATION + R_TARGET + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=158985 public void test0309() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[4]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/Test.java", "package test;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " @ZZZ\n" + " public class TestInner {\n" + " }\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/p/ZZZ1.java", "package p;\n" + "@java.lang.annotation.Target({java.lang.annotation.ElementType.FIELD})\n" + "public @interface ZZZ1 {\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[2] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/p/ZZZ2.java", "package p;\n" + "@java.lang.annotation.Target({java.lang.annotation.ElementType.TYPE})\n" + "public @interface ZZZ2 {\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[3] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/p/ZZZ3.java", "package p;\n" + "public @interface ZZZ3 {\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "ZZZ"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "ZZZ1[TYPE_REF]{p.ZZZ1, p, Lp.ZZZ1;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_ANNOTATION + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "ZZZ2[TYPE_REF]{p.ZZZ2, p, Lp.ZZZ2;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_ANNOTATION + R_TARGET + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "ZZZ3[TYPE_REF]{p.ZZZ3, p, Lp.ZZZ3;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_ANNOTATION + R_TARGET + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=158985 public void test0310() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[4]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/Test.java", "package test;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " @ZZZ\n" + " public int field;\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/p/ZZZ1.java", "package p;\n" + "@java.lang.annotation.Target({java.lang.annotation.ElementType.TYPE})\n" + "public @interface ZZZ1 {\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[2] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/p/ZZZ2.java", "package p;\n" + "@java.lang.annotation.Target({java.lang.annotation.ElementType.FIELD})\n" + "public @interface ZZZ2 {\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[3] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/p/ZZZ3.java", "package p;\n" + "public @interface ZZZ3 {\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "ZZZ"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "ZZZ1[TYPE_REF]{p.ZZZ1, p, Lp.ZZZ1;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_ANNOTATION + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "ZZZ2[TYPE_REF]{p.ZZZ2, p, Lp.ZZZ2;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_ANNOTATION + R_TARGET + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "ZZZ3[TYPE_REF]{p.ZZZ3, p, Lp.ZZZ3;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_ANNOTATION + R_TARGET + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=158985 public void test0311() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[4]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/Test.java", "package test;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " public void foo(@ZZZ int param){}\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/p/ZZZ1.java", "package p;\n" + "@java.lang.annotation.Target({java.lang.annotation.ElementType.TYPE})\n" + "public @interface ZZZ1 {\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[2] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/p/ZZZ2.java", "package p;\n" + "@java.lang.annotation.Target({java.lang.annotation.ElementType.PARAMETER})\n" + "public @interface ZZZ2 {\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[3] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/p/ZZZ3.java", "package p;\n" + "public @interface ZZZ3 {\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "ZZZ"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "ZZZ1[TYPE_REF]{p.ZZZ1, p, Lp.ZZZ1;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_ANNOTATION + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "ZZZ2[TYPE_REF]{p.ZZZ2, p, Lp.ZZZ2;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_ANNOTATION + R_TARGET + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "ZZZ3[TYPE_REF]{p.ZZZ3, p, Lp.ZZZ3;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_ANNOTATION + R_TARGET + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=158985 public void test0312() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[4]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/Test.java", "package test;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " @ZZZ\n" + " public Test(){}\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/p/ZZZ1.java", "package p;\n" + "@java.lang.annotation.Target({java.lang.annotation.ElementType.TYPE})\n" + "public @interface ZZZ1 {\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[2] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/p/ZZZ2.java", "package p;\n" + "@java.lang.annotation.Target({java.lang.annotation.ElementType.CONSTRUCTOR})\n" + "public @interface ZZZ2 {\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[3] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/p/ZZZ3.java", "package p;\n" + "public @interface ZZZ3 {\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "ZZZ"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "ZZZ1[TYPE_REF]{p.ZZZ1, p, Lp.ZZZ1;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_ANNOTATION + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "ZZZ2[TYPE_REF]{p.ZZZ2, p, Lp.ZZZ2;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_ANNOTATION + R_TARGET + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "ZZZ3[TYPE_REF]{p.ZZZ3, p, Lp.ZZZ3;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_ANNOTATION + R_TARGET + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=158985 // When the completion is inside a method body the annotation cannot be accuratly attached to the correct node by completino recovery. // So relevance based on annotation target are ignored. public void test0313() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[4]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/Test.java", "package test;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " {\n" + " @ZZZ\n" + " int var = 0;\n" + " }\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/p/ZZZ1.java", "package p;\n" + "@java.lang.annotation.Target({java.lang.annotation.ElementType.TYPE})\n" + "public @interface ZZZ1 {\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[2] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/p/ZZZ2.java", "package p;\n" + "@java.lang.annotation.Target({java.lang.annotation.ElementType.LOCAL_VARIABLE})\n" + "public @interface ZZZ2 {\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[3] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/p/ZZZ3.java", "package p;\n" + "public @interface ZZZ3 {\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "ZZZ"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "ZZZ1[TYPE_REF]{p.ZZZ1, p, Lp.ZZZ1;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_ANNOTATION + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "ZZZ2[TYPE_REF]{p.ZZZ2, p, Lp.ZZZ2;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_ANNOTATION + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "ZZZ3[TYPE_REF]{p.ZZZ3, p, Lp.ZZZ3;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_ANNOTATION + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=158985 public void test0314() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[4]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/Test.java", "package test;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " @ZZZ\n" + " public @interface TestInner {}\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/p/ZZZ1.java", "package p;\n" + "@java.lang.annotation.Target({java.lang.annotation.ElementType.METHOD})\n" + "public @interface ZZZ1 {\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[2] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/p/ZZZ2.java", "package p;\n" + "@java.lang.annotation.Target({java.lang.annotation.ElementType.ANNOTATION_TYPE})\n" + "public @interface ZZZ2 {\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[3] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/p/ZZZ3.java", "package p;\n" + "public @interface ZZZ3 {\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "ZZZ"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "ZZZ1[TYPE_REF]{p.ZZZ1, p, Lp.ZZZ1;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_ANNOTATION + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "ZZZ2[TYPE_REF]{p.ZZZ2, p, Lp.ZZZ2;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_ANNOTATION + R_TARGET + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "ZZZ3[TYPE_REF]{p.ZZZ3, p, Lp.ZZZ3;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_ANNOTATION + R_TARGET + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=158985 public void test0315() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[4]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/Test.java", "@ZZZ package test;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/p/ZZZ1.java", "package p;\n" + "@java.lang.annotation.Target({java.lang.annotation.ElementType.TYPE})\n" + "public @interface ZZZ1 {\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[2] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/p/ZZZ2.java", "package p;\n" + "@java.lang.annotation.Target({java.lang.annotation.ElementType.PACKAGE})\n" + "public @interface ZZZ2 {\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[3] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/p/ZZZ3.java", "package p;\n" + "public @interface ZZZ3 {\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "ZZZ"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "ZZZ2[TYPE_REF]{p.ZZZ2, p, Lp.ZZZ2;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_ANNOTATION + R_TARGET + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "ZZZ3[TYPE_REF]{p.ZZZ3, p, Lp.ZZZ3;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_ANNOTATION + R_TARGET + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=158985 public void test0316() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[4]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/Test.java", "package test;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " @ZZZ\n" + " public Test(){}\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/p/ZZZ1.java", "package p;\n" + "@java.lang.annotation.Target({java.lang.annotation.ElementType.METHOD})\n" + "public @interface ZZZ1 {\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[2] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/p/ZZZ2.java", "package p;\n" + "@java.lang.annotation.Target({java.lang.annotation.ElementType.CONSTRUCTOR})\n" + "public @interface ZZZ2 {\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[3] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/p/ZZZ3.java", "package p;\n" + "public @interface ZZZ3 {\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "ZZZ"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "ZZZ1[TYPE_REF]{p.ZZZ1, p, Lp.ZZZ1;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_ANNOTATION + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "ZZZ2[TYPE_REF]{p.ZZZ2, p, Lp.ZZZ2;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_ANNOTATION + R_TARGET + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "ZZZ3[TYPE_REF]{p.ZZZ3, p, Lp.ZZZ3;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_ANNOTATION + R_TARGET + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=158985 public void test0317() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[4]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/Test.java", "package test;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " @ZZZ\n" + " public @interface TestInner {}\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/p/ZZZ1.java", "package p;\n" + "@java.lang.annotation.Target({java.lang.annotation.ElementType.TYPE})\n" + "public @interface ZZZ1 {\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[2] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/p/ZZZ2.java", "package p;\n" + "@java.lang.annotation.Target({java.lang.annotation.ElementType.ANNOTATION_TYPE})\n" + "public @interface ZZZ2 {\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[3] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/p/ZZZ3.java", "package p;\n" + "public @interface ZZZ3 {\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "ZZZ"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "ZZZ1[TYPE_REF]{p.ZZZ1, p, Lp.ZZZ1;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_ANNOTATION + R_TARGET + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "ZZZ2[TYPE_REF]{p.ZZZ2, p, Lp.ZZZ2;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_ANNOTATION + R_TARGET + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "ZZZ3[TYPE_REF]{p.ZZZ3, p, Lp.ZZZ3;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_ANNOTATION + R_TARGET + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=158985 public void test0318() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[3]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/Test.java", "package test;\n" + "@ZZZ\n" + "import test.*;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/p/ZZZ1.java", "package p;\n" + "@java.lang.annotation.Target({java.lang.annotation.ElementType.TYPE})\n" + "public @interface ZZZ1 {\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[2] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/p/ZZZ2.java", "package p;\n" + "public @interface ZZZ2 {\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "ZZZ"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "ZZZ1[TYPE_REF]{p.ZZZ1, p, Lp.ZZZ1;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_ANNOTATION + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "ZZZ2[TYPE_REF]{p.ZZZ2, p, Lp.ZZZ2;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_ANNOTATION + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=158985 public void test0319() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[3]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/Test.java", "package test;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " @ZZZ\n" + " {}\n" + " public void foo() {}\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/p/ZZZ1.java", "package p;\n" + "@java.lang.annotation.Target({java.lang.annotation.ElementType.METHOD})\n" + "public @interface ZZZ1 {\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[2] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/p/ZZZ2.java", "package p;\n" + "public @interface ZZZ2 {\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "ZZZ"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "ZZZ1[TYPE_REF]{p.ZZZ1, p, Lp.ZZZ1;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_ANNOTATION + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "ZZZ2[TYPE_REF]{p.ZZZ2, p, Lp.ZZZ2;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_ANNOTATION + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=158985 public void test0320() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[5]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/Test.java", "package test;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " @ZZZ\n" + " {\n" + " int var = 0;\n" + " }\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/p/ZZZ1.java", "package p;\n" + "@java.lang.annotation.Target({java.lang.annotation.ElementType.FIELD})\n" + "public @interface ZZZ1 {\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[2] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/p/ZZZ2.java", "package p;\n" + "@java.lang.annotation.Target({java.lang.annotation.ElementType.PARAMETER})\n" + "public @interface ZZZ2 {\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[3] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/p/ZZZ3.java", "package p;\n" + "@java.lang.annotation.Target({java.lang.annotation.ElementType.LOCAL_VARIABLE})\n" + "public @interface ZZZ3 {\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[4] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/p/ZZZ4.java", "package p;\n" + "public @interface ZZZ4 {\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "ZZZ"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "ZZZ1[TYPE_REF]{p.ZZZ1, p, Lp.ZZZ1;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_ANNOTATION + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "ZZZ2[TYPE_REF]{p.ZZZ2, p, Lp.ZZZ2;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_ANNOTATION + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "ZZZ3[TYPE_REF]{p.ZZZ3, p, Lp.ZZZ3;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_ANNOTATION + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "ZZZ4[TYPE_REF]{p.ZZZ4, p, Lp.ZZZ4;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_ANNOTATION + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=158985 public void test0321() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[3]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/Test.java", "package test;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " @ZZZ({})\n" + " int var = 0;\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/p/ZZZ1.java", "package p;\n" + "@java.lang.annotation.Target({java.lang.annotation.ElementType.FIELD})\n" + "public @interface ZZZ1 {\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[2] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/p/ZZZ2.java", "package p;\n" + "public @interface ZZZ2 {\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "ZZZ"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "ZZZ1[TYPE_REF]{p.ZZZ1, p, Lp.ZZZ1;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_ANNOTATION + R_TARGET + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "ZZZ2[TYPE_REF]{p.ZZZ2, p, Lp.ZZZ2;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_ANNOTATION + R_TARGET + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=158985 public void test0321b() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[3]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/Test.java", "package test;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " @ZZZ(value={})\n" + " int var = 0;\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/p/ZZZ1.java", "package p;\n" + "@java.lang.annotation.Target({java.lang.annotation.ElementType.FIELD})\n" + "public @interface ZZZ1 {\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[2] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/p/ZZZ2.java", "package p;\n" + "public @interface ZZZ2 {\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "ZZZ"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "ZZZ1[TYPE_REF]{p.ZZZ1, p, Lp.ZZZ1;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_ANNOTATION + R_TARGET + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "ZZZ2[TYPE_REF]{p.ZZZ2, p, Lp.ZZZ2;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_ANNOTATION + R_TARGET + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=158985 public void test0322() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[3]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/Test.java", "package test;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " @ZZZ @Annot\n" + " int var = 0;\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/p/ZZZ1.java", "package p;\n" + "@java.lang.annotation.Target({java.lang.annotation.ElementType.FIELD})\n" + "public @interface ZZZ1 {\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[2] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/p/ZZZ2.java", "package p;\n" + "public @interface ZZZ2 {\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "ZZZ"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "ZZZ1[TYPE_REF]{p.ZZZ1, p, Lp.ZZZ1;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_ANNOTATION + R_TARGET + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "ZZZ2[TYPE_REF]{p.ZZZ2, p, Lp.ZZZ2;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_ANNOTATION + R_TARGET + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=158985 public void test0323() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[3]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/Test.java", "package test;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " @ZZZ @Annot({})\n" + " int var = 0;\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/p/ZZZ1.java", "package p;\n" + "@java.lang.annotation.Target({java.lang.annotation.ElementType.FIELD})\n" + "public @interface ZZZ1 {\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[2] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/p/ZZZ2.java", "package p;\n" + "public @interface ZZZ2 {\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "ZZZ"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "ZZZ1[TYPE_REF]{p.ZZZ1, p, Lp.ZZZ1;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_ANNOTATION + R_TARGET + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "ZZZ2[TYPE_REF]{p.ZZZ2, p, Lp.ZZZ2;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_ANNOTATION + R_TARGET + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=158985 public void test0324() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[4]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/Test.java", "package test;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " public void foo(@ZZZ int param){}\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/p/ZZZ1.java", "package p;\n" + "@java.lang.annotation.Target({java.lang.annotation.ElementType.FIELD})\n" + "public @interface ZZZ1 {\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[2] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/p/ZZZ2.java", "package p;\n" + "@java.lang.annotation.Target({java.lang.annotation.ElementType.PARAMETER})\n" + "public @interface ZZZ2 {\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[3] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/p/ZZZ3.java", "package p;\n" + "public @interface ZZZ3 {\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "ZZZ"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "ZZZ1[TYPE_REF]{p.ZZZ1, p, Lp.ZZZ1;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_ANNOTATION + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "ZZZ2[TYPE_REF]{p.ZZZ2, p, Lp.ZZZ2;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_ANNOTATION + R_TARGET + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "ZZZ3[TYPE_REF]{p.ZZZ3, p, Lp.ZZZ3;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_ANNOTATION + R_TARGET + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=158985 public void test0325() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[4]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/Test.java", "package test;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " @p.Annot(@ZZZ)\n" + " public void foo(){}\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/p/ZZZ1.java", "package p;\n" + "@java.lang.annotation.Target({java.lang.annotation.ElementType.METHOD})\n" + "public @interface ZZZ1 {\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[2] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/p/ZZZ2.java", "package p;\n" + "public @interface ZZZ2 {\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[3] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/p/Annot.java", "package p;\n" + "public @interface Annot {\n" + " ZZZ2 value();\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "ZZZ"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "ZZZ1[TYPE_REF]{p.ZZZ1, p, Lp.ZZZ1;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_ANNOTATION + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "ZZZ2[TYPE_REF]{p.ZZZ2, p, Lp.ZZZ2;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_ANNOTATION + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=158985 public void test0326() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[4]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/Test.java", "package test;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " @p.Annot(@ZZZ(value=0))\n" + " public void foo(){}\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/p/ZZZ1.java", "package p;\n" + "@java.lang.annotation.Target({java.lang.annotation.ElementType.METHOD})\n" + "public @interface ZZZ1 {\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[2] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/p/ZZZ2.java", "package p;\n" + "public @interface ZZZ2 {\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[3] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/p/Annot.java", "package p;\n" + "public @interface Annot {\n" + " ZZZ2 value();\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "ZZZ"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "ZZZ1[TYPE_REF]{p.ZZZ1, p, Lp.ZZZ1;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_ANNOTATION + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "ZZZ2[TYPE_REF]{p.ZZZ2, p, Lp.ZZZ2;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_ANNOTATION + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=158985 public void test0327() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[4]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/Test.java", "package test;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " @p.Annot(@ZZZ(value=0\n" + " public void foo(){}\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/p/ZZZ1.java", "package p;\n" + "@java.lang.annotation.Target({java.lang.annotation.ElementType.METHOD})\n" + "public @interface ZZZ1 {\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[2] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/p/ZZZ2.java", "package p;\n" + "public @interface ZZZ2 {\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[3] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/p/Annot.java", "package p;\n" + "public @interface Annot {\n" + " ZZZ2 value();\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "ZZZ"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "ZZZ1[TYPE_REF]{p.ZZZ1, p, Lp.ZZZ1;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_ANNOTATION + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "ZZZ2[TYPE_REF]{p.ZZZ2, p, Lp.ZZZ2;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_ANNOTATION + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=158985 public void test0328() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[4]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/Test.java", "package test;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " @p.Annot(@ZZZ(value=\n" + " public void foo(){}\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/p/ZZZ1.java", "package p;\n" + "@java.lang.annotation.Target({java.lang.annotation.ElementType.METHOD})\n" + "public @interface ZZZ1 {\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[2] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/p/ZZZ2.java", "package p;\n" + "public @interface ZZZ2 {\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[3] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/p/Annot.java", "package p;\n" + "public @interface Annot {\n" + " ZZZ2 value();\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "ZZZ"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "ZZZ1[TYPE_REF]{p.ZZZ1, p, Lp.ZZZ1;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_ANNOTATION + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "ZZZ2[TYPE_REF]{p.ZZZ2, p, Lp.ZZZ2;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_ANNOTATION + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=158985 public void test0329() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[4]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/Test.java", "package test;\n" + "@ZZZ\n" + "public class Test {\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/p/ZZZ1.java", "package p;\n" + "@java.lang.annotation.Target({java.lang.annotation.ElementType.TYPE})\n" + "public @interface ZZZ1 {\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[2] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/p/ZZZ2.java", "package p;\n" + "@java.lang.annotation.Target({java.lang.annotation.ElementType.METHOD})\n" + "public @interface ZZZ2 {\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[3] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/p/ZZZ3.java", "package p;\n" + "public @interface ZZZ3 {\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "ZZZ"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "ZZZ1[TYPE_REF]{p.ZZZ1, p, Lp.ZZZ1;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_ANNOTATION + R_TARGET + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "ZZZ3[TYPE_REF]{p.ZZZ3, p, Lp.ZZZ3;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_ANNOTATION + R_TARGET + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=185318 public void test0330() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[1]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/Test.java", "package test;\n" + "import static test0330.q.Y.foo;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "foo"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "foo1[METHOD_NAME_REFERENCE]{foo1;, Ltest0330.q.Y;, ()Ltest0330.p.X;, foo1, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "foo2[METHOD_NAME_REFERENCE]{foo2;, Ltest0330.q.Y;, ()V, foo2, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=185318 public void test0331() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[1]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/Test.java", "package test;\n" + "import static test0331.q.Y.foo;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "foo"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "foo2[METHOD_NAME_REFERENCE]{foo2;, Ltest0331.q.Y;, ()V, foo2, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=185318 public void test0332() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[1]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/Test.java", "package test;\n" + "import static test0332.q.Y.foo;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "foo"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "foo1[FIELD_REF]{foo1;, Ltest0332.q.Y;, Ltest0332.p.X;, foo1, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "foo2[FIELD_REF]{foo2;, Ltest0332.q.Y;, I, foo2, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=185318 public void test0333() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[1]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/Test.java", "package test;\n" + "import static test0333.q.Y.foo;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "foo"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "foo2[FIELD_REF]{foo2;, Ltest0333.q.Y;, I, foo2, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=151967 public void test0334() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[3]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/ClassC.java", "package test;\n" + "public class ClassC {\n" + " public ClassC() {\n" + " EnumB.B1.a();\n" + " EnumB.B1.b();\n" + " }\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/InterfaceA.java", "package test;\n" + "public interface InterfaceA {\n" + " void a();\n" + " void b();\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[2] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/EnumB.java", "package test;\n" + "public enum EnumB implements InterfaceA {\n" + " B1 {\n" + " public void b() {\n" + " // do something for B1\n" + " }\n" + " },\n" + " B2 {\n" + " public void b() {\n" + " // do something for B2\n" + " }\n" + " };\n" + " public void a() {\n" + " // do something in common\n" + " }\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "EnumB.B1.a"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "a[METHOD_REF]{a, Ltest.EnumB;, ()V, a, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_EXACT_NAME + R_NON_STATIC + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=151967 public void test0335() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[3]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/ClassC.java", "package test;\n" + "public class ClassC {\n" + " public ClassC() {\n" + " EnumB.B1.a();\n" + " EnumB.B1.b();\n" + " }\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/InterfaceA.java", "package test;\n" + "public interface InterfaceA {\n" + " void a();\n" + " void b();\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[2] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/EnumB.java", "package test;\n" + "public enum EnumB implements InterfaceA {\n" + " B1 {\n" + " public void b() {\n" + " // do something for B1\n" + " }\n" + " },\n" + " B2 {\n" + " public void b() {\n" + " // do something for B2\n" + " }\n" + " };\n" + " public void a() {\n" + " // do something in common\n" + " }\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "EnumB.B1.b"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "B1[FIELD_REF]{B1, Ltest.EnumB;, Ltest.EnumB;, B1, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "B2[FIELD_REF]{B2, Ltest.EnumB;, Ltest.EnumB;, B2, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "b[METHOD_REF]{b, Ltest.InterfaceA;, ()V, b, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_EXACT_NAME + R_NON_STATIC + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=99631 public void test0336() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[2]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/Test.java", "package test;"+ "@boole"+ "public class Test {\n" + "}\n"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/booleanClass.java", "package test;"+ "public @interface booleanClass {\n" + "}\n"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "boole"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "booleanClass[TYPE_REF]{booleanClass, test, Ltest.booleanClass;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_ANNOTATION + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_TARGET + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=99631 public void test0337() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[2]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/Test.java", "package test;"+ "@voi"+ "public class Test {\n" + "}\n"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/voidClass.java", "package test;"+ "public @interface voidClass {\n" + "}\n"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "voi"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "voidClass[TYPE_REF]{voidClass, test, Ltest.voidClass;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_ANNOTATION + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_TARGET + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=212153 public void test0338() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[1]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/Test.java", "package test;\n"+ "public class Xxx {\n"+ " static {\n"+ " new Object() {\n"+ " public boolean f(Object o) {\n"+ " if (o instanceof Yyy) {\n"+ " ((Yyy<?, ?>)o).getZzz().\n"+ " }\n"+ " }\n"+ " };\n"+ " }\n"+ "}\n"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "getZzz()."; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=215331 public void test0339() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[2]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/Test.java", "package test;\n" + "import test2.ClassA;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " void foo() {\n" + " ClassA.Mem\n" + " }\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test2/ClassA.java", "package test2;\n" + "public class ClassA<T> {\n" + " public class Member<U> {}\n" + " public static class MemberStatic<V> {}\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true, false, false, false, true); requestor.allowAllRequiredProposals(); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "ClassA.Mem"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "ClassA.Member[TYPE_REF]{Member, test2, Ltest2.ClassA$Member;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_QUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "ClassA.MemberStatic<V>[TYPE_REF]{MemberStatic, test2, Ltest2.ClassA$MemberStatic<TV;>;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_QUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=215331 public void test0340() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[2]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/Test.java", "package test;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " void foo() {\n" + " ClassA.Mem\n" + " }\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test2/ClassA.java", "package test2;\n" + "public class ClassA<T> {\n" + " public class Member<U> {}\n" + " public static class MemberStatic<V> {}\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true, false, false, false, true); requestor.allowAllRequiredProposals(); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "ClassA.Mem"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "ClassA.Member[TYPE_REF]{Member, test2, Ltest2.ClassA$Member;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_QUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + " ClassA[TYPE_REF]{test2.ClassA, test2, Ltest2.ClassA;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_QUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "ClassA.MemberStatic<V>[TYPE_REF]{MemberStatic, test2, Ltest2.ClassA$MemberStatic<TV;>;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_QUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + " ClassA[TYPE_REF]{test2.ClassA, test2, Ltest2.ClassA;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_QUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=215331 public void test0341() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[2]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/Test.java", "package test;\n" + "import test2.ClassA;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " void foo() {\n" + " ClassA<Object>.Mem\n" + " }\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test2/ClassA.java", "package test2;\n" + "public class ClassA<T> {\n" + " public class Member<U> {}\n" + " public static class MemberStatic<V> {}\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true, false, false, false, true); requestor.allowAllRequiredProposals(); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "ClassA<Object>.Mem"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "ClassA<java.lang.Object>.Member<U>[TYPE_REF]{Member, test2, Ltest2.ClassA<Ljava.lang.Object;>.Member<TU;>;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=215331 public void test0342() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[2]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/Test.java", "package test;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " void foo() {\n" + " ClassA<Object>.Mem\n" + " }\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test2/ClassA.java", "package test2;\n" + "public class ClassA<T> {\n" + " public class Member<U> {}\n" + " public static class MemberStatic<V> {}\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true, false, false, false, true); requestor.allowAllRequiredProposals(); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "ClassA<Object>.Mem"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "ClassA<java.lang.Object>.Member<U>[TYPE_REF]{Member, test2, Ltest2.ClassA<Ljava.lang.Object;>.Member<TU;>;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_NO_PROBLEMS) + "}\n" + " ClassA[TYPE_REF]{test2.ClassA, test2, Ltest2.ClassA;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_NO_PROBLEMS) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=215331 public void test0343() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[3]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/Test.java", "package test;\n" + "import test2.ClassA;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " void foo() {\n" + " ClassA<ClassB>.Mem\n" + " }\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test2/ClassA.java", "package test2;\n" + "public class ClassA<T> {\n" + " public class Member<U> {}\n" + " public static class MemberStatic<V> {}\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[2] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test2/ClassB.java", "package test2;\n" + "public class ClassB {\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true, false, false, false, true); requestor.allowAllRequiredProposals(); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "ClassA<ClassB>.Mem"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "ClassA<test2.ClassB>.Member<U>[TYPE_REF]{Member, test2, Ltest2.ClassA<Ltest2.ClassB;>.Member<TU;>;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_NO_PROBLEMS) + "}\n" + " ClassB[TYPE_REF]{test2.ClassB, test2, Ltest2.ClassB;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_NO_PROBLEMS) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=215331 public void test0344() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[2]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/Test.java", "package test;\n" + "import test2.ClassA;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " ClassA.Mem\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test2/ClassA.java", "package test2;\n" + "public class ClassA<T> {\n" + " public class Member<U> {}\n" + " public static class MemberStatic<V> {}\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true, false, false, false, true); requestor.allowAllRequiredProposals(); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "ClassA.Mem"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "ClassA.Member[TYPE_REF]{Member, test2, Ltest2.ClassA$Member;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "ClassA.MemberStatic<V>[TYPE_REF]{MemberStatic, test2, Ltest2.ClassA$MemberStatic<TV;>;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=215331 public void test0345() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[2]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/Test.java", "package test;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " ClassA.Mem\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test2/ClassA.java", "package test2;\n" + "public class ClassA<T> {\n" + " public class Member<U> {}\n" + " public static class MemberStatic<V> {}\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true, false, false, false, true); requestor.allowAllRequiredProposals(); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "ClassA.Mem"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "ClassA.Member[TYPE_REF]{Member, test2, Ltest2.ClassA$Member;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + " ClassA[TYPE_REF]{test2.ClassA, test2, Ltest2.ClassA;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "ClassA.MemberStatic<V>[TYPE_REF]{MemberStatic, test2, Ltest2.ClassA$MemberStatic<TV;>;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + " ClassA[TYPE_REF]{test2.ClassA, test2, Ltest2.ClassA;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=215331 public void test0346() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[2]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/Test.java", "package test;\n" + "import test2.ClassA;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " ClassA<Object>.Mem\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test2/ClassA.java", "package test2;\n" + "public class ClassA<T> {\n" + " public class Member<U> {}\n" + " public static class MemberStatic<V> {}\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true, false, false, false, true); requestor.allowAllRequiredProposals(); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "ClassA<Object>.Mem"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "ClassA<java.lang.Object>.Member<U>[TYPE_REF]{Member, test2, Ltest2.ClassA<Ljava.lang.Object;>.Member<TU;>;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=215331 public void test0347() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[2]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/Test.java", "package test;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " ClassA<Object>.Mem\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test2/ClassA.java", "package test2;\n" + "public class ClassA<T> {\n" + " public class Member<U> {}\n" + " public static class MemberStatic<V> {}\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true, false, false, false, true); requestor.allowAllRequiredProposals(); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "ClassA<Object>.Mem"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "ClassA<java.lang.Object>.Member<U>[TYPE_REF]{Member, test2, Ltest2.ClassA<Ljava.lang.Object;>.Member<TU;>;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_NO_PROBLEMS) + "}\n" + " ClassA[TYPE_REF]{test2.ClassA, test2, Ltest2.ClassA;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_NO_PROBLEMS) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=215331 public void test0348() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[3]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/Test.java", "package test;\n" + "import test2.ClassA;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " ClassA<ClassB>.Mem\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test2/ClassA.java", "package test2;\n" + "public class ClassA<T> {\n" + " public class Member<U> {}\n" + " public static class MemberStatic<V> {}\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[2] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test2/ClassB.java", "package test2;\n" + "public class ClassB {\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true, false, false, false, true); requestor.allowAllRequiredProposals(); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "ClassA<ClassB>.Mem"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "ClassA<test2.ClassB>.Member<U>[TYPE_REF]{Member, test2, Ltest2.ClassA<Ltest2.ClassB;>.Member<TU;>;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_NO_PROBLEMS) + "}\n" + " ClassB[TYPE_REF]{test2.ClassB, test2, Ltest2.ClassB;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_NO_PROBLEMS) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=215331 public void test0349() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[1]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/Test.java", "package test;\n" + "import test2.ClassA;\n" + "public class Test<T> {\n" + " public class Member<U> {}\n" + " public static class MemberStatic<V> {}\n" + " void foo() {\n" + " Mem\n" + " }\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true, false, false, false, true); requestor.allowAllRequiredProposals(); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "Mem"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "Test.MemberStatic<V>[TYPE_REF]{MemberStatic, test, Ltest.Test$MemberStatic<TV;>;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "Test<T>.Member<U>[TYPE_REF]{Member, test, Ltest.Test<TT;>.Member<TU;>;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=215331 public void test0350() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[1]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/Test.java", "package test;\n" + "import test2.ClassA;\n" + "public class Test<T> {\n" + " public class Member<U> {}\n" + " public static class MemberStatic<V> {}\n" + " Mem\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true, false, false, false, true); requestor.allowAllRequiredProposals(); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "Mem"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "Mem[POTENTIAL_METHOD_DECLARATION]{Mem, Ltest.Test<TT;>;, ()V, Mem, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "Test.MemberStatic<V>[TYPE_REF]{MemberStatic, test, Ltest.Test$MemberStatic<TV;>;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "Test<T>.Member<U>[TYPE_REF]{Member, test, Ltest.Test<TT;>.Member<TU;>;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=96604 public void test0351() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[2]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/Test.java", "package test;\n"+ "import test.util.List;\n"+ "public class X<U, V extends List<U>> {\n"+ " V v;\n"+ " void foo(X<String, ?> x1, X<Object, ?> x2) {\n"+ " x1.v.get\n"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/util/Test.java", "package test.util;\n"+ "public interface List<T> {\n"+ " public T get(int i);\n"+ "}n"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "x1.v.get"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "getClass[METHOD_REF]{getClass(), Ljava.lang.Object;, ()Ljava.lang.Class<+Ljava.lang.Object;>;, getClass, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_STATIC + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "get[METHOD_REF]{get(), Ltest.util.List<Ljava.lang.String;>;, (I)Ljava.lang.String;, get, (i), " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_EXACT_NAME + R_NON_STATIC + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=96604 public void test0352() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[2]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/Test.java", "package test;\n"+ "import test.util.List;\n"+ "public class X<U, V extends List<U>> {\n"+ " V v;\n"+ " void foo(X<String, ?> x1, X<Object, ?> x2) {\n"+ " x1.v.get\n"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/util/Test.java", "package test.util;\n"+ "public class List<T> {\n"+ " public T get(int i) {return null;}\n"+ "}n"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "x1.v.get"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "getClass[METHOD_REF]{getClass(), Ljava.lang.Object;, ()Ljava.lang.Class<+Ljava.lang.Object;>;, getClass, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_STATIC + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "get[METHOD_REF]{get(), Ltest.util.List<Ljava.lang.String;>;, (I)Ljava.lang.String;, get, (i), " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_EXACT_NAME + R_NON_STATIC + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=96604 public void test0353() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[2]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/Test.java", "package test;\n"+ "import test.util.List;\n"+ "public class X<U, V extends List<U>> {\n"+ " X<?,?> foo(X<String, ?> xxxxx) {\n"+ " xxxxx // the type should not be captured\n"+ " }\n"+ "}\n"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/util/Test.java", "package test.util;\n"+ "public interface List<T> {\n"+ " public T get(int i);\n"+ "}n"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "xxxxx"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "xxxxx[LOCAL_VARIABLE_REF]{xxxxx, null, Ltest.X<Ljava.lang.String;*>;, xxxxx, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_EXACT_NAME + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=96604 public void test0354() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[2]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/Test.java", "package test;\n"+ "import test.util.List;\n"+ "public class X<U, V extends List<U>> {\n"+ " X<?,?> foo(X<String, ?> xxxxx) {\n"+ " Object o = (List<String>) xxxxx // the type should not be captured\n"+ " }\n"+ "}\n"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/util/Test.java", "package test.util;\n"+ "public interface List<T> {\n"+ " public T get(int i);\n"+ "}n"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "xxxxx"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "xxxxx[LOCAL_VARIABLE_REF]{xxxxx, null, Ltest.X<Ljava.lang.String;*>;, xxxxx, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_EXACT_NAME + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=96604 public void test0355() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[2]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/Test.java", "package test;\n"+ "import test.util.List;\n"+ "public class X<U, V extends List<U>> {\n"+ " X<?,?> foo(X<String, ?> xxxxx) {\n"+ " return xxxxx;// the type should not be captured\n"+ " }\n"+ "}\n"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/util/Test.java", "package test.util;\n"+ "public interface List<T> {\n"+ " public T get(int i);\n"+ "}n"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "xxxxx"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "xxxxx[LOCAL_VARIABLE_REF]{xxxxx, null, Ltest.X<Ljava.lang.String;*>;, xxxxx, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_EXACT_NAME + R_EXACT_EXPECTED_TYPE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=96604 public void test0356() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[2]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/Test.java", "package test;\n"+ "import test.util.List;\n"+ "public class X<T, U extends List<U>> {\n"+ " U get() { return null; }\n"+ " void foo(X<String, ?> x) {\n"+ " x.get().get // should show capture\n"+ " }\n"+ "}\n"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/util/Test.java", "package test.util;\n"+ "public interface List<T> {\n"+ " public T get(int i);\n"+ "}n"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "get().get"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "getClass[METHOD_REF]{getClass(), Ljava.lang.Object;, ()Ljava.lang.Class<+Ljava.lang.Object;>;, getClass, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_STATIC + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "get[METHOD_REF]{get(), Ltest.util.List<!*>;, (I)!*, get, (i), " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_EXACT_NAME + R_NON_STATIC + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=96604 public void test0357() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[2]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/Test.java", "package test;\n"+ "import test.util.List;\n"+ "public class X<U extends X<U>> {\n"+ " U get() { return null; }\n"+ " X<?> foo(X<?> x) {\n"+ " x.get().get // should show capture\n"+ " }\n"+ "}\n"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/util/Test.java", "package test.util;\n"+ "public interface List<T> {\n"+ " public T get(int i);\n"+ "}n"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "get().get"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "getClass[METHOD_REF]{getClass(), Ljava.lang.Object;, ()Ljava.lang.Class<+Ljava.lang.Object;>;, getClass, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_STATIC + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "get[METHOD_REF]{get(), Ltest.X<!*>;, ()!*, get, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_EXACT_NAME + R_NON_STATIC + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=96604 public void test0358() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[2]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/Test.java", "package test;\n"+ "import test.util.List;\n"+ "public class X<U, V extends List<U>> {\n"+ " V v() {return null;}\n"+ " void foo(X<String, ?> x1, X<Object, ?> x2) {\n"+ " x1.v().get\n"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/util/Test.java", "package test.util;\n"+ "public interface List<T> {\n"+ " public T get(int i);\n"+ "}n"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "x1.v().get"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "getClass[METHOD_REF]{getClass(), Ljava.lang.Object;, ()Ljava.lang.Class<+Ljava.lang.Object;>;, getClass, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_STATIC + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "get[METHOD_REF]{get(), Ltest.util.List<Ljava.lang.String;>;, (I)Ljava.lang.String;, get, (i), " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_EXACT_NAME + R_NON_STATIC + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=96604 public void test0359() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[2]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/Test.java", "package test;\n"+ "import test.util.List;\n"+ "public class X<U, V extends List<U>> {\n"+ " V v;\n"+ " void foo(X<String, ?> x1, X<Object, ?> x2) {\n"+ " x1.v.new Inner(\n"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/util/Test.java", "package test.util;\n"+ "public class List<T> {\n"+ " public class Inner { }\n"+ "}n"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "Inner("; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "Inner[METHOD_REF<CONSTRUCTOR>]{, Ltest.util.List<Ljava.lang.String;>.Inner;, ()V, Inner, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "List<java.lang.String>.Inner[ANONYMOUS_CLASS_DECLARATION]{, Ltest.util.List<Ljava.lang.String;>.Inner;, ()V, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=96604 public void test0360() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[2]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/Test.java", "package test;\n"+ "import test.util.List;\n"+ "public class X<U, V extends List<U>> {\n"+ " V v;\n"+ " void foo(X<String, ?> x1, X<Object, ?> x2) {\n"+ " x1.v.get(\n"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/util/Test.java", "package test.util;\n"+ "public interface List<T> {\n"+ " public T get(int i);\n"+ "}n"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "x1.v.get("; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "get[METHOD_REF]{, Ltest.util.List<Ljava.lang.String;>;, (I)Ljava.lang.String;, get, (i), " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_EXACT_NAME + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=97310 public void test0361() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[4]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/ZTest.java", "package test;\n"+ "public class ZTest <ZTest0, A extends ZTest1 & ZTes >{\n"+ "}\n"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/ZTest1.java", "package test;\n"+ "public class ZTest1 {\n"+ "}\n"); this.workingCopies[2] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/ZTest2.java", "package test;\n"+ "public class ZTest2 {\n"+ "}\n"); this.workingCopies[3] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/ZTest3.java", "package test;\n"+ "public interface ZTest3 {\n"+ "}\n"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "& ZTes"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "ZTest3[TYPE_REF]{ZTest3, test, Ltest.ZTest3;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_INTERFACE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=82712 public void test0362() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[2]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/Test.java", "package test;\n"+ "import static test.util.Math.*;\n"+ "public class Test {\n"+ " void foo() {\n"+ " abs();\n"+ " }\n"+ "}\n"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/util/Math.java", "package test.util;\n"+ "public class Math {\n"+ " public static int abs(int i) {return null;}\n"+ "}n"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "abs("; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "abs[METHOD_REF]{, Ltest.util.Math;, (I)I, abs, (i), " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_EXACT_NAME + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=82712 public void test0363() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[2]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/Test.java", "package test;\n"+ "import static test.util.Math.abs;\n"+ "public class Test {\n"+ " void foo() {\n"+ " abs();\n"+ " }\n"+ "}\n"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/util/Math.java", "package test.util;\n"+ "public class Math {\n"+ " public static int abs(int i) {return null;}\n"+ "}n"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "abs("; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "abs[METHOD_REF]{, Ltest.util.Math;, (I)I, abs, (i), " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_EXACT_NAME + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=161030 public void test0364() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[2]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/Test.java", "package test;\n"+ "import test.p.MyEnum;\n"+ "public class Test {\n"+ " void foo(MyEnum myEnumVar) {\n"+ " foo(MyEnu\n"+ " }\n"+ "}\n"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/p/Math.java", "package test.p;\n"+ "public enum MyEnum {\n"+ " MyEnum1, MyEnum2;\n"+ "}n"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "MyEnu"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "myEnumVar[LOCAL_VARIABLE_REF]{myEnumVar, null, Ltest.p.MyEnum;, myEnumVar, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_ENUM + R_ENUM_CONSTANT + R_EXACT_EXPECTED_TYPE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "MyEnum[TYPE_REF]{MyEnum, test.p, Ltest.p.MyEnum;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_ENUM + R_EXACT_EXPECTED_TYPE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "MyEnum1[FIELD_REF]{MyEnum.MyEnum1, Ltest.p.MyEnum;, Ltest.p.MyEnum;, MyEnum1, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_ENUM + R_ENUM_CONSTANT + R_EXACT_EXPECTED_TYPE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "MyEnum2[FIELD_REF]{MyEnum.MyEnum2, Ltest.p.MyEnum;, Ltest.p.MyEnum;, MyEnum2, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_ENUM + R_ENUM_CONSTANT + R_EXACT_EXPECTED_TYPE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=161030 public void test0365() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[2]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/Test.java", "package test;\n"+ "import test.p.MyEnum;\n"+ "public class Test {\n"+ " void foo(MyEnum myEnumVar) {\n"+ " foo(myEnu\n"+ " }\n"+ "}\n"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/p/Math.java", "package test.p;\n"+ "public enum MyEnum {\n"+ " MyEnum1, MyEnum2;\n"+ "}n"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "myEnu"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "MyEnum[TYPE_REF]{MyEnum, test.p, Ltest.p.MyEnum;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_ENUM + R_EXACT_EXPECTED_TYPE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "MyEnum1[FIELD_REF]{MyEnum.MyEnum1, Ltest.p.MyEnum;, Ltest.p.MyEnum;, MyEnum1, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_ENUM + R_ENUM_CONSTANT + R_EXACT_EXPECTED_TYPE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "MyEnum2[FIELD_REF]{MyEnum.MyEnum2, Ltest.p.MyEnum;, Ltest.p.MyEnum;, MyEnum2, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_ENUM + R_ENUM_CONSTANT + R_EXACT_EXPECTED_TYPE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "myEnumVar[LOCAL_VARIABLE_REF]{myEnumVar, null, Ltest.p.MyEnum;, myEnumVar, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_ENUM + R_ENUM_CONSTANT + R_EXACT_EXPECTED_TYPE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=161030 public void test0366() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[2]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/Test.java", "package test;\n"+ "import test.p.MyEnum;\n"+ "public class Test {\n"+ " void foo(MyEnum MyEnumVar) {\n"+ " foo(MyEnu\n"+ " }\n"+ "}\n"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/p/Math.java", "package test.p;\n"+ "public enum MyEnum {\n"+ " MyEnum1, MyEnum2;\n"+ "}n"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "MyEnu"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "MyEnum[TYPE_REF]{MyEnum, test.p, Ltest.p.MyEnum;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_ENUM + R_EXACT_EXPECTED_TYPE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "MyEnum1[FIELD_REF]{MyEnum.MyEnum1, Ltest.p.MyEnum;, Ltest.p.MyEnum;, MyEnum1, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_ENUM + R_ENUM_CONSTANT + R_EXACT_EXPECTED_TYPE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "MyEnum2[FIELD_REF]{MyEnum.MyEnum2, Ltest.p.MyEnum;, Ltest.p.MyEnum;, MyEnum2, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_ENUM + R_ENUM_CONSTANT + R_EXACT_EXPECTED_TYPE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "MyEnumVar[LOCAL_VARIABLE_REF]{MyEnumVar, null, Ltest.p.MyEnum;, MyEnumVar, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_ENUM + R_ENUM_CONSTANT + R_EXACT_EXPECTED_TYPE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=222326 public void test0367() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[7]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/X.java", "public interface X<T1 extends Y<?, ?, ?>, T2 extends Zz<?, ?, ?>> extends O<T1> , U<T2> {}"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/Y.java", "public interface Y<T1 extends Y<?, ?, ?>, T2 extends Zz<?, ?, ?>, T3 extends X<?, ?>> extends X<T1, T2>, N<T3> {}"); this.workingCopies[2] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/Zz.java", "public interface Zz<T1 extends Y<?, ?, ?>, T2 extends Zz<?, ?, ?>, T3 extends X<?, ?>>extends X<T1, T2>, C<T3> {}"); this.workingCopies[3] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/C.java", "public interface C<T extends U<? extends C<?>>> {}"); this.workingCopies[4] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/N.java", "public interface N<T extends O<? extends N<?>>> {}"); this.workingCopies[5] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/O.java", "public interface O<T extends N<? extends O<?>>> {}"); this.workingCopies[6] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/U.java", "public interface U<T extends C<? extends U<?>>> {}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "extends Zz"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "Zz[TYPE_REF]{Zz, , LZz;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CASE + R_EXACT_NAME + R_UNQUALIFIED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=209643 public void test0368() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[1]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/Test.java", "package test;\n"+ "public enu\n"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "enu"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "enum[KEYWORD]{enum, null, null, enum, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=209643 public void test0369() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[2]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/Test.java", "package test;\n"+ "public class Test {\n" + " enu\n"+ "\n"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/enumFoo.java", "package test;\n"+ "public class enumFoo {\n" + "\n"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "enu"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "enu[POTENTIAL_METHOD_DECLARATION]{enu, Ltest.Test;, ()V, enu, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "Enum[TYPE_REF]{Enum, java.lang, Ljava.lang.Enum;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "enum[KEYWORD]{enum, null, null, enum, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "enumFoo[TYPE_REF]{enumFoo, test, Ltest.enumFoo;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=209643 public void test0370() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[1]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/Test.java", "package test;\n"+ "public @int\n"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "@int"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "interface[KEYWORD]{interface, null, null, interface, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_ANNOTATION + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=209643 public void test0371() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[1]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/Test.java", "package test;\n"+ "public class Test {\n"+ " public @int\n" + "}\n"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "@int"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "interface[KEYWORD]{interface, null, null, interface, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_ANNOTATION + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=209643 public void test0372() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[1]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/Test.java", "package test;\n"+ "public class Test {\n"+ " public void foo() {\n"+ " @int\n" + " }\n"+ "}\n"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "@int"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=209643 public void test0373() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[1]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/Test.java", "package test;\n"+ "public class Test {\n"+ " public void foo() {\n"+ " int var0;\n" + " if (true) {\n" + " int var1;\n" + " @int\n" + " }\n" + " }\n"+ "}\n"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "@int"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=209643 public void test0374() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[1]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/Test.java", "package test;\n"+ "public class Test {\n"+ " public void foo(@int float var) {\n"+ " \n" + " }\n"+ "}\n"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "@int"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=106821 public void test0375() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[1]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/Test.java", "package test;\n"+ "public class Test\n"+ "{\n"+ " /**\n"+ " * @deprecated\n"+ " */\n"+ " public void foo1() {\n"+ " }\n"+ " @Deprecated\n"+ " public void foo2() {\n"+ " }\n"+ " {\n"+ " foo\n"+ " Thread.\n"+ " }\n"+ "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(false, true, false, false, true, false, false, true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "foo"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "foo1[METHOD_REF]{foo1(), Ltest.Test;, ()V, foo1, null, public deprecated, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "foo2[METHOD_REF]{foo2(), Ltest.Test;, ()V, foo2, null, public deprecated, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=114116 public void test0376() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[2]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/Test.java", "package test;\n"+ "public class Test {\n"+ " MyCollection<String> \n"+ "}"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/MyCollection.java", "package test;\n"+ "public abstract class MyCollection<T> implements java.util.Collection<T> {\n"+ "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "MyCollection<String> "; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "collection[VARIABLE_DECLARATION]{collection, null, Ltest.MyCollection<Ljava.lang.String;>;, collection, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "myCollection[VARIABLE_DECLARATION]{myCollection, null, Ltest.MyCollection<Ljava.lang.String;>;, myCollection, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "strings[VARIABLE_DECLARATION]{strings, null, Ltest.MyCollection<Ljava.lang.String;>;, strings, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=114116 public void test0377() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[2]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/Test.java", "package test;\n"+ "public class Test {\n"+ " MyCollection \n"+ "}"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/MyCollection.java", "package test;\n"+ "public abstract class MyCollection<T> implements java.util.Collection<T> {\n"+ "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "MyCollection "; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "collection[VARIABLE_DECLARATION]{collection, null, Ltest.MyCollection;, collection, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "myCollection[VARIABLE_DECLARATION]{myCollection, null, Ltest.MyCollection;, myCollection, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=114116 public void test0378() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[2]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/Test.java", "package test;\n"+ "public class Test {\n"+ " MyCollection<String, String> \n"+ "}"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/MyCollection.java", "package test;\n"+ "public abstract class MyCollection<T, U> implements java.util.Collection<T> {\n"+ "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "MyCollection<String, String> "; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "collection[VARIABLE_DECLARATION]{collection, null, Ltest.MyCollection<Ljava.lang.String;Ljava.lang.String;>;, collection, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "myCollection[VARIABLE_DECLARATION]{myCollection, null, Ltest.MyCollection<Ljava.lang.String;Ljava.lang.String;>;, myCollection, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=153130 public void testEC001() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[1]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/Test.java", "package test;"+ "public class Test<T> {\n"+ "}"); String start = "new test.Test<"; IJavaProject javaProject = getJavaProject("Completion"); IEvaluationContext context = javaProject.newEvaluationContext(); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true, false, true, false); context.codeComplete(start, start.length(), requestor, this.wcOwner); int startOffset = start.length(); int endOffset = startOffset; assertResults( "completion offset="+startOffset+"\n"+ "completion range=["+startOffset+", "+(endOffset-1)+"]\n"+ "completion token=\"\"\n"+ "completion token kind=TOKEN_KIND_NAME\n"+ "expectedTypesSignatures={Ljava.lang.Object;}\n"+ "expectedTypesKeys={Ljava/lang/Object;}\n"+ "completion token location=UNKNOWN", requestor.getContext()); assertResults( "Test<T>[TYPE_REF]{, test, Ltest.Test<TT;>;, null, null, ["+startOffset+", "+endOffset+"], "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_EXACT_NAME + R_EXPECTED_TYPE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED)+"}", requestor.getResults()); } // https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=152123 public void testFavoriteImports001() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[2]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/Test.java", "package test;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " public void method() {\n" + " foo\n" + " }\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/p/ZZZ.java", "package test.p;\n" + "public class ZZZ {\n" + " public static int foo;\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true, false, true, false, true); requestor.allowAllRequiredProposals(); requestor.setFavoriteReferences(new String[]{"test.p.ZZZ.*"}); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "foo"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); int relevance1 = R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_EXACT_NAME + R_NON_RESTRICTED; int start1 = str.lastIndexOf("foo") + "".length(); int end1 = start1 + "foo".length(); int start2 = str.lastIndexOf("public class"); int end2 = start2 + "".length(); assertResults( "foo[FIELD_REF]{foo, Ltest.p.ZZZ;, I, foo, null, ["+start1+", "+end1+"], "+(relevance1)+"}\n" + " foo[FIELD_IMPORT]{import static test.p.ZZZ.foo;\n, Ltest.p.ZZZ;, I, foo, null, ["+start2+", "+end2+"], " + (relevance1) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=152123 public void testFavoriteImports002() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[2]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/Test.java", "package test;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " public void method() {\n" + " foo\n" + " }\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/p/ZZZ.java", "package test.p;\n" + "public class ZZZ {\n" + " public static int foo(){}\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true, false, true, false, true); requestor.allowAllRequiredProposals(); requestor.setFavoriteReferences(new String[]{"test.p.ZZZ.*"}); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "foo"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); int relevance1 = R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_EXACT_NAME + R_NON_RESTRICTED; int start1 = str.lastIndexOf("foo") + "".length(); int end1 = start1 + "foo".length(); int start2 = str.lastIndexOf("public class"); int end2 = start2 + "".length(); assertResults( "foo[METHOD_REF]{foo(), Ltest.p.ZZZ;, ()I, foo, null, ["+start1+", "+end1+"], "+(relevance1)+"}\n" + " foo[METHOD_IMPORT]{import static test.p.ZZZ.foo;\n, Ltest.p.ZZZ;, ()I, foo, null, ["+start2+", "+end2+"], " + (relevance1) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=152123 public void testFavoriteImports003() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[2]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/Test.java", "package test;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " public void method() {\n" + " foo\n" + " }\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/p/ZZZ.java", "package test.p;\n" + "public class ZZZ {\n" + " public static int foo;\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true, false, true, false, true); requestor.allowAllRequiredProposals(); requestor.setFavoriteReferences(new String[]{"test.p.ZZZ"}); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "foo"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=152123 public void testFavoriteImports004() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[2]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/Test.java", "package test;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " public void method() {\n" + " foo\n" + " }\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/p/ZZZ.java", "package test.p;\n" + "public class ZZZ {\n" + " public static int foo(){}\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true, false, true, false, true); requestor.allowAllRequiredProposals(); requestor.setFavoriteReferences(new String[]{"test.p.ZZZ"}); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "foo"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=152123 public void testFavoriteImports005() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[2]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/Test.java", "package test;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " public void method() {\n" + " foo\n" + " }\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/p/ZZZ.java", "package test.p;\n" + "public class ZZZ {\n" + " public static int foo;\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true, false, true, false, true); requestor.allowAllRequiredProposals(); requestor.setFavoriteReferences(new String[]{"test.p.ZZZ.foo"}); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "foo"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); int relevance1 = R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_EXACT_NAME + R_NON_RESTRICTED; int start1 = str.lastIndexOf("foo") + "".length(); int end1 = start1 + "foo".length(); int start2 = str.lastIndexOf("public class"); int end2 = start2 + "".length(); assertResults( "foo[FIELD_REF]{foo, Ltest.p.ZZZ;, I, foo, null, ["+start1+", "+end1+"], "+(relevance1)+"}\n" + " foo[FIELD_IMPORT]{import static test.p.ZZZ.foo;\n, Ltest.p.ZZZ;, I, foo, null, ["+start2+", "+end2+"], " + (relevance1) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=152123 public void testFavoriteImports006() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[2]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/Test.java", "package test;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " public void method() {\n" + " foo\n" + " }\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/p/ZZZ.java", "package test.p;\n" + "public class ZZZ {\n" + " public static int foo(){}\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true, false, true, false, true); requestor.allowAllRequiredProposals(); requestor.setFavoriteReferences(new String[]{"test.p.ZZZ.foo"}); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "foo"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); int relevance1 = R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_EXACT_NAME + R_NON_RESTRICTED; int start1 = str.lastIndexOf("foo") + "".length(); int end1 = start1 + "foo".length(); int start2 = str.lastIndexOf("public class"); int end2 = start2 + "".length(); assertResults( "foo[METHOD_REF]{foo(), Ltest.p.ZZZ;, ()I, foo, null, ["+start1+", "+end1+"], "+(relevance1)+"}\n" + " foo[METHOD_IMPORT]{import static test.p.ZZZ.foo;\n, Ltest.p.ZZZ;, ()I, foo, null, ["+start2+", "+end2+"], " + (relevance1) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=152123 public void testFavoriteImports007() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[2]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/Test.java", "package test;\n" + "import test.p.ZZZ.*;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " public void method() {\n" + " foo\n" + " }\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/p/ZZZ.java", "package test.p;\n" + "public class ZZZ {\n" + " public static int foo(){}\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true, false, true, false, true); requestor.allowAllRequiredProposals(); requestor.setFavoriteReferences(new String[]{"test.p.ZZZ.*"}); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "foo"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); int relevance1 = R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_EXACT_NAME + R_NON_RESTRICTED; int start1 = str.lastIndexOf("foo") + "".length(); int end1 = start1 + "foo".length(); int start2 = str.lastIndexOf("public class"); int end2 = start2 + "".length(); assertResults( "foo[METHOD_REF]{foo(), Ltest.p.ZZZ;, ()I, foo, null, ["+start1+", "+end1+"], "+(relevance1)+"}\n" + " foo[METHOD_IMPORT]{import static test.p.ZZZ.foo;\n, Ltest.p.ZZZ;, ()I, foo, null, ["+start2+", "+end2+"], " + (relevance1) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=152123 public void testFavoriteImports008() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[2]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/Test.java", "package test;\n" + "import static test.p.ZZZ.*;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " public void method() {\n" + " foo\n" + " }\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/p/ZZZ.java", "package test.p;\n" + "public class ZZZ {\n" + " public static int foo(){}\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true, false, true, false, true); requestor.allowAllRequiredProposals(); requestor.setFavoriteReferences(new String[]{"test.p.ZZZ.*"}); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "foo"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); int start1 = str.lastIndexOf("foo") + "".length(); int end1 = start1 + "foo".length(); assertResults( "foo[METHOD_REF]{foo(), Ltest.p.ZZZ;, ()I, foo, null, ["+start1+", "+end1+"], "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_EXACT_NAME + R_UNQUALIFIED +R_NON_RESTRICTED)+"}", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=152123 public void testFavoriteImports009() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[2]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/Test.java", "package test;\n" + "import test.p.ZZZ.*;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " public void method() {\n" + " foo\n" + " }\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/p/ZZZ.java", "package test.p;\n" + "public class ZZZ {\n" + " public static int foo(){}\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true, false, true, false, true); requestor.allowAllRequiredProposals(); requestor.setFavoriteReferences(new String[]{"test.p.ZZZ.foo"}); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "foo"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); int relevance1 = R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_EXACT_NAME + R_NON_RESTRICTED; int start1 = str.lastIndexOf("foo") + "".length(); int end1 = start1 + "foo".length(); int start2 = str.lastIndexOf("public class"); int end2 = start2 + "".length(); assertResults( "foo[METHOD_REF]{foo(), Ltest.p.ZZZ;, ()I, foo, null, ["+start1+", "+end1+"], "+(relevance1)+"}\n" + " foo[METHOD_IMPORT]{import static test.p.ZZZ.foo;\n, Ltest.p.ZZZ;, ()I, foo, null, ["+start2+", "+end2+"], " + (relevance1) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=152123 public void testFavoriteImports010() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[2]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/Test.java", "package test;\n" + "import static test.p.ZZZ.*;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " public void method() {\n" + " foo\n" + " }\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/p/ZZZ.java", "package test.p;\n" + "public class ZZZ {\n" + " public static int foo(){}\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true, false, true, false, true); requestor.allowAllRequiredProposals(); requestor.setFavoriteReferences(new String[]{"test.p.ZZZ.foo"}); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "foo"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); int start1 = str.lastIndexOf("foo") + "".length(); int end1 = start1 + "foo".length(); assertResults( "foo[METHOD_REF]{foo(), Ltest.p.ZZZ;, ()I, foo, null, ["+start1+", "+end1+"], "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_EXACT_NAME + R_UNQUALIFIED +R_NON_RESTRICTED)+"}", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=152123 public void testFavoriteImports011() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[2]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/Test.java", "package test;\n" + "import test.p.ZZZ.foo;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " public void method() {\n" + " foo\n" + " }\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/p/ZZZ.java", "package test.p;\n" + "public class ZZZ {\n" + " public static int foo(){}\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true, false, true, false, true); requestor.allowAllRequiredProposals(); requestor.setFavoriteReferences(new String[]{"test.p.ZZZ.*"}); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "foo"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); int relevance1 = R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_EXACT_NAME + R_NON_RESTRICTED; int start1 = str.lastIndexOf("foo") + "".length(); int end1 = start1 + "foo".length(); int start2 = str.lastIndexOf("public class"); int end2 = start2 + "".length(); assertResults( "foo[METHOD_REF]{foo(), Ltest.p.ZZZ;, ()I, foo, null, ["+start1+", "+end1+"], "+(relevance1)+"}\n" + " foo[METHOD_IMPORT]{import static test.p.ZZZ.foo;\n, Ltest.p.ZZZ;, ()I, foo, null, ["+start2+", "+end2+"], " + (relevance1) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=152123 public void testFavoriteImports012() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[2]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/Test.java", "package test;\n" + "import static test.p.ZZZ.foo;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " public void method() {\n" + " foo\n" + " }\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/p/ZZZ.java", "package test.p;\n" + "public class ZZZ {\n" + " public static int foo(){}\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true, false, true, false, true); requestor.allowAllRequiredProposals(); requestor.setFavoriteReferences(new String[]{"test.p.ZZZ.*"}); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "foo"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); int start1 = str.lastIndexOf("foo") + "".length(); int end1 = start1 + "foo".length(); assertResults( "foo[METHOD_REF]{foo(), Ltest.p.ZZZ;, ()I, foo, null, ["+start1+", "+end1+"], "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_EXACT_NAME + R_UNQUALIFIED +R_NON_RESTRICTED)+"}", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=152123 public void testFavoriteImports013() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[2]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/Test.java", "package test;\n" + "import test.p.ZZZ.foo;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " public void method() {\n" + " foo\n" + " }\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/p/ZZZ.java", "package test.p;\n" + "public class ZZZ {\n" + " public static int foo(){}\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true, false, true, false, true); requestor.allowAllRequiredProposals(); requestor.setFavoriteReferences(new String[]{"test.p.ZZZ.foo"}); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "foo"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); int relevance1 = R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_EXACT_NAME + R_NON_RESTRICTED; int start1 = str.lastIndexOf("foo") + "".length(); int end1 = start1 + "foo".length(); int start2 = str.lastIndexOf("public class"); int end2 = start2 + "".length(); assertResults( "foo[METHOD_REF]{foo(), Ltest.p.ZZZ;, ()I, foo, null, ["+start1+", "+end1+"], "+(relevance1)+"}\n" + " foo[METHOD_IMPORT]{import static test.p.ZZZ.foo;\n, Ltest.p.ZZZ;, ()I, foo, null, ["+start2+", "+end2+"], " + (relevance1) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=152123 public void testFavoriteImports014() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[2]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/Test.java", "package test;\n" + "import static test.p.ZZZ.foo;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " public void method() {\n" + " foo\n" + " }\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/p/ZZZ.java", "package test.p;\n" + "public class ZZZ {\n" + " public static int foo(){}\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true, false, true, false, true); requestor.allowAllRequiredProposals(); requestor.setFavoriteReferences(new String[]{"test.p.ZZZ.foo"}); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "foo"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); int start1 = str.lastIndexOf("foo") + "".length(); int end1 = start1 + "foo".length(); assertResults( "foo[METHOD_REF]{foo(), Ltest.p.ZZZ;, ()I, foo, null, ["+start1+", "+end1+"], "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_EXACT_NAME + R_UNQUALIFIED +R_NON_RESTRICTED)+"}", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=152123 public void testFavoriteImports015() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[3]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/Test.java", "package test;\n" + "import static test.p.ZZZ.foo;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " public void method() {\n" + " foo\n" + " }\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/p/ZZZ.java", "package test.p;\n" + "public class ZZZ {\n" + " public static int foo(){}\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[2] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/q/ZZZ2.java", "package test.q;\n" + "public class ZZZ2 {\n" + " public static int foo(){}\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true, false, true, false, true); requestor.allowAllRequiredProposals(); requestor.setFavoriteReferences(new String[]{"test.q.ZZZ2.foo"}); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "foo"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); int start1 = str.lastIndexOf("foo") + "".length(); int end1 = start1 + "foo".length(); assertResults( "foo[METHOD_REF]{foo(), Ltest.p.ZZZ;, ()I, foo, null, ["+start1+", "+end1+"], " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_EXACT_NAME + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=152123 public void testFavoriteImports016() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[2]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/Test.java", "package test;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " public class foo {\n" + " public void method() {\n" + " foo\n" + " }\n" + " }\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/p/ZZZ.java", "package test.p;\n" + "public class ZZZ {\n" + " public static int foo(){}\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true, false, true, false, true); requestor.allowAllRequiredProposals(); requestor.setFavoriteReferences(new String[]{"test.p.ZZZ.*"}); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "foo"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); int relevance1 = R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_EXACT_NAME + R_NON_RESTRICTED; int start1 = str.lastIndexOf("foo") + "".length(); int end1 = start1 + "foo".length(); int start2 = str.lastIndexOf("public class Test"); int end2 = start2 + "".length(); assertResults( "foo[METHOD_REF]{foo(), Ltest.p.ZZZ;, ()I, foo, null, ["+start1+", "+end1+"], " + (relevance1) + "}\n" + " foo[METHOD_IMPORT]{import static test.p.ZZZ.foo;\n, Ltest.p.ZZZ;, ()I, foo, null, ["+start2+", "+end2+"], " + (relevance1) + "}\n" + "Test.foo[TYPE_REF]{foo, test, Ltest.Test$foo;, null, null, ["+start1+", "+end1+"], "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_EXACT_NAME + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED)+"}", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=152123 public void testFavoriteImports017() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[2]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/Test.java", "package test;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " public void foo() {\n" + " foo\n" + " }\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/p/ZZZ.java", "package test.p;\n" + "public class ZZZ {\n" + " public static int foo(){}\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true, false, true, false, true); requestor.allowAllRequiredProposals(); requestor.setFavoriteReferences(new String[]{"test.p.ZZZ.*"}); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "foo"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); int start1 = str.lastIndexOf("foo") + "".length(); int end1 = start1 + "foo".length(); assertResults( "foo[METHOD_REF]{foo(), Ltest.Test;, ()V, foo, null, ["+start1+", "+end1+"], "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_EXACT_NAME + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED)+"}", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=152123 public void testFavoriteImports018() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[2]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/Test.java", "package test;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " public int foo;\n" + " public void method() {\n" + " foo\n" + " }\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/p/ZZZ.java", "package test.p;\n" + "public class ZZZ {\n" + " public static int foo(){}\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true, false, true, false, true); requestor.allowAllRequiredProposals(); requestor.setFavoriteReferences(new String[]{"test.p.ZZZ.*"}); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "foo"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); int relevance1 = R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_EXACT_NAME + R_NON_RESTRICTED; int start1 = str.lastIndexOf("foo") + "".length(); int end1 = start1 + "foo".length(); int start2 = str.lastIndexOf("public class"); int end2 = start2 + "".length(); assertResults( "foo[METHOD_REF]{foo(), Ltest.p.ZZZ;, ()I, foo, null, ["+start1+", "+end1+"], "+(relevance1)+"}\n" + " foo[METHOD_IMPORT]{import static test.p.ZZZ.foo;\n, Ltest.p.ZZZ;, ()I, foo, null, ["+start2+", "+end2+"], " + (relevance1) + "}\n"+ "foo[FIELD_REF]{foo, Ltest.Test;, I, foo, null, ["+start1+", "+end1+"], " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_EXACT_NAME + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=152123 public void testFavoriteImports019() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[2]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/Test.java", "package test;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " public void method() {\n" + " int foo = 0;\n" + " foo\n" + " }\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/p/ZZZ.java", "package test.p;\n" + "public class ZZZ {\n" + " public static int foo(){}\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true, false, true, false, true); requestor.allowAllRequiredProposals(); requestor.setFavoriteReferences(new String[]{"test.p.ZZZ.*"}); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "foo"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); int relevance1 = R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_EXACT_NAME + R_NON_RESTRICTED; int start1 = str.lastIndexOf("foo") + "".length(); int end1 = start1 + "foo".length(); int start2 = str.lastIndexOf("public class"); int end2 = start2 + "".length(); assertResults( "foo[METHOD_REF]{foo(), Ltest.p.ZZZ;, ()I, foo, null, ["+start1+", "+end1+"], "+(relevance1)+"}\n" + " foo[METHOD_IMPORT]{import static test.p.ZZZ.foo;\n, Ltest.p.ZZZ;, ()I, foo, null, ["+start2+", "+end2+"], " + (relevance1) + "}\n"+ "foo[LOCAL_VARIABLE_REF]{foo, null, I, foo, null, ["+start1+", "+end1+"], "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_EXACT_NAME + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED)+"}", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=152123 public void testFavoriteImports020() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[2]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/Test.java", "package test;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " public void method() {\n" + " foo\n" + " }\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/p/ZZZ.java", "package test.p;\n" + "public class ZZZ {\n" + " public static int foo(){}\n" + " public static int foo(int i){}\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true, false, true, false, true); requestor.allowAllRequiredProposals(); requestor.setFavoriteReferences(new String[]{"test.p.ZZZ.foo"}); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "foo"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); int relevance1 = R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_EXACT_NAME + R_NON_RESTRICTED; int start1 = str.lastIndexOf("foo") + "".length(); int end1 = start1 + "foo".length(); int start2 = str.lastIndexOf("public class"); int end2 = start2 + "".length(); assertResults( "foo[METHOD_REF]{foo(), Ltest.p.ZZZ;, ()I, foo, null, ["+start1+", "+end1+"], "+(relevance1)+"}\n" + " foo[METHOD_IMPORT]{import static test.p.ZZZ.foo;\n, Ltest.p.ZZZ;, ()I, foo, null, ["+start2+", "+end2+"], " + (relevance1) + "}\n"+ "foo[METHOD_REF]{foo(), Ltest.p.ZZZ;, (I)I, foo, (i), ["+start1+", "+end1+"], "+(relevance1)+"}\n" + " foo[METHOD_IMPORT]{import static test.p.ZZZ.foo;\n, Ltest.p.ZZZ;, (I)I, foo, (i), ["+start2+", "+end2+"], " + (relevance1) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=152123 public void testFavoriteImports021() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[2]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/Test.java", "package test;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " public void method() {\n" + " <Object>foo\n" + " }\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/p/ZZZ.java", "package test.p;\n" + "public class ZZZ {\n" + " public static <T> int foo(){}\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true, false, true, false, true); requestor.allowAllRequiredProposals(); requestor.setFavoriteReferences(new String[]{"test.p.ZZZ.foo"}); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "foo"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); int relevance1 = R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_EXACT_NAME + R_NON_RESTRICTED; int start1 = str.lastIndexOf("foo") + "".length(); int end1 = start1 + "foo".length(); int start2 = str.lastIndexOf("public class"); int end2 = start2 + "".length(); assertResults( "foo[METHOD_REF]{foo(), Ltest.p.ZZZ;, <T:Ljava.lang.Object;>()I, foo, null, ["+start1+", "+end1+"], "+(relevance1)+"}\n" + " foo[METHOD_IMPORT]{import static test.p.ZZZ.foo;\n, Ltest.p.ZZZ;, <T:Ljava.lang.Object;>()I, foo, null, ["+start2+", "+end2+"], " + (relevance1) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=152123 public void testFavoriteImports022() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[2]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/Test.java", "package test;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " public void method() {\n" + " foo();\n" + " }\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/p/ZZZ.java", "package test.p;\n" + "public class ZZZ {\n" + " public static int foo(){}\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true, false, true, false, true); requestor.allowAllRequiredProposals(); requestor.setFavoriteReferences(new String[]{"test.p.ZZZ.foo"}); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "foo("; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=152123 public void testFavoriteImports023() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[2]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/Test.java", "package test;\n" + "/** */\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " public void method() {\n" + " foo\n" + " }\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/p/ZZZ.java", "package test.p;\n" + "public class ZZZ {\n" + " public static int foo;\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true, false, true, false, true); requestor.allowAllRequiredProposals(); requestor.setFavoriteReferences(new String[]{"test.p.ZZZ.*"}); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "foo"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); int relevance1 = R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_EXACT_NAME + R_NON_RESTRICTED; int start1 = str.lastIndexOf("foo") + "".length(); int end1 = start1 + "foo".length(); int start2 = str.lastIndexOf("/** */"); int end2 = start2 + "".length(); assertResults( "foo[FIELD_REF]{foo, Ltest.p.ZZZ;, I, foo, null, ["+start1+", "+end1+"], "+(relevance1)+"}\n" + " foo[FIELD_IMPORT]{import static test.p.ZZZ.foo;\n, Ltest.p.ZZZ;, I, foo, null, ["+start2+", "+end2+"], " + (relevance1) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=152123 public void testFavoriteImports024() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[2]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/Test.java", "package test;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " public void method() {\n" + " foo\n" + " }\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/p/ZZZ.java", "package test.p;\n" + "public class ZZZ {\n" + " public int foo;\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true, false, true, false, true); requestor.allowAllRequiredProposals(); requestor.setFavoriteReferences(new String[]{"test.p.ZZZ.*"}); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "foo"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=152123 public void testFavoriteImports025() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[2]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/Test.java", "package test;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " public void method() {\n" + " foo\n" + " }\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/p/ZZZ.java", "package test.p;\n" + "public class ZZZ {\n" + " public int foo;\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true, false, true, false, true); requestor.allowAllRequiredProposals(); requestor.setFavoriteReferences(new String[]{"test.p.ZZZ.foo"}); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "foo"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=152123 public void testFavoriteImports026() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[2]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/Test.java", "package test;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " public void method() {\n" + " foo\n" + " }\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/p/ZZZ.java", "package test.p;\n" + "public class ZZZ {\n" + " public int foo(){return 0;};\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true, false, true, false, true); requestor.allowAllRequiredProposals(); requestor.setFavoriteReferences(new String[]{"test.p.ZZZ.*"}); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "foo"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=152123 public void testFavoriteImports027() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[2]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/Test.java", "package test;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " public void method() {\n" + " foo\n" + " }\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/p/ZZZ.java", "package test.p;\n" + "public class ZZZ {\n" + " public int foo(){return 0;};\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true, false, true, false, true); requestor.allowAllRequiredProposals(); requestor.setFavoriteReferences(new String[]{"test.p.ZZZ.foo"}); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "foo"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=152123 public void testFavoriteImports029() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[2]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/Test.java", "package test;\n" + "import test.p.ZZZ;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " public void method() {\n" + " foo\n" + " }\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/p/ZZZ.java", "package test.p;\n" + "public class ZZZ {\n" + " public static int foo(){return 0;};\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true, false, true, false, true); requestor.allowAllRequiredProposals(); requestor.setFavoriteReferences(new String[]{"test.p.ZZZ.foo"}); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "foo"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); int relevance1 = R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_EXACT_NAME + R_NON_RESTRICTED; int start1 = str.lastIndexOf("foo") + "".length(); int end1 = start1 + "foo".length(); int start2 = str.lastIndexOf("public class"); int end2 = start2 + "".length(); assertResults( "foo[METHOD_REF]{foo(), Ltest.p.ZZZ;, ()I, foo, null, ["+start1+", "+end1+"], "+(relevance1)+"}\n" + " foo[METHOD_IMPORT]{import static test.p.ZZZ.foo;\n, Ltest.p.ZZZ;, ()I, foo, null, ["+start2+", "+end2+"], " + (relevance1) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=152123 public void testFavoriteImports030() throws JavaModelException { this.oldOptions = JavaCore.getOptions(); try { Hashtable options = new Hashtable(this.oldOptions); options.put(JavaCore.CODEASSIST_SUGGEST_STATIC_IMPORTS, JavaCore.DISABLED); JavaCore.setOptions(options); this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[2]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/Test.java", "package test;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " public void method() {\n" + " foo\n" + " }\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/p/ZZZ.java", "package test.p;\n" + "public class ZZZ {\n" + " public static int foo(){}\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true, false, true, false, true); requestor.allowAllRequiredProposals(); requestor.setFavoriteReferences(new String[]{"test.p.ZZZ.*"}); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "foo"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); int relevance1 = R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_EXACT_NAME + R_NON_RESTRICTED; int start1 = str.lastIndexOf("foo") + "".length(); int end1 = start1 + "foo".length(); int start2 = str.lastIndexOf("public class"); int end2 = start2 + "".length(); assertResults( "foo[METHOD_REF]{ZZZ.foo(), Ltest.p.ZZZ;, ()I, foo, null, ["+start1+", "+end1+"], "+(relevance1)+"}\n" + " ZZZ[TYPE_IMPORT]{import test.p.ZZZ;\n, test.p, Ltest.p.ZZZ;, null, null, ["+start2+", "+end2+"], " + (relevance1) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } finally { JavaCore.setOptions(this.oldOptions); } } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=152123 public void testFavoriteImports031() throws JavaModelException { this.oldOptions = JavaCore.getOptions(); try { Hashtable options = new Hashtable(this.oldOptions); options.put(JavaCore.CODEASSIST_SUGGEST_STATIC_IMPORTS, JavaCore.ENABLED); JavaCore.setOptions(options); this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[2]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/Test.java", "package test;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " public void method() {\n" + " foo\n" + " }\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/p/ZZZ.java", "package test.p;\n" + "public class ZZZ {\n" + " public static int foo(){}\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true, false, true, false, true); requestor.allowAllRequiredProposals(); requestor.setFavoriteReferences(new String[]{"test.p.ZZZ.*"}); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "foo"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); int relevance1 = R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_EXACT_NAME + R_NON_RESTRICTED; int start1 = str.lastIndexOf("foo") + "".length(); int end1 = start1 + "foo".length(); int start2 = str.lastIndexOf("public class"); int end2 = start2 + "".length(); assertResults( "foo[METHOD_REF]{foo(), Ltest.p.ZZZ;, ()I, foo, null, ["+start1+", "+end1+"], "+(relevance1)+"}\n" + " foo[METHOD_IMPORT]{import static test.p.ZZZ.foo;\n, Ltest.p.ZZZ;, ()I, foo, null, ["+start2+", "+end2+"], " + (relevance1) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } finally { JavaCore.setOptions(this.oldOptions); } } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=178982 public void testFavoriteImports032() throws JavaModelException { this.oldOptions = JavaCore.getOptions(); try { Hashtable options = new Hashtable(this.oldOptions); options.put(JavaCore.CODEASSIST_SUGGEST_STATIC_IMPORTS, JavaCore.ENABLED); JavaCore.setOptions(options); this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[3]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/Test.java", "package test;\n" + "public class Test extends Test2 {\n" + " public void method() {\n" + " int zelement1\n" + " float zelement2\n" + " double zelement3\n" + " foo(0, zelement);\n" + " }\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/Test2.java", "package test;\n" + "public class Test2 {\n" + " public void foo(double i, double j) {}\n" + " public void foo(float i, float j) {}\n" + " public void foo(int i, int j) {}\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[2] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/p/ZZZ.java", "package test.p;\n" + "public class ZZZ {\n" + " public static int zelement4(){}\n" + " public static float zelement5(){}\n" + " public static double zelement6(){}\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true, false, true, false, true); requestor.allowAllRequiredProposals(); requestor.setFavoriteReferences(new String[]{"test.p.ZZZ.*"}); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "zelement"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); int relevance1 = R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_EXACT_EXPECTED_TYPE + R_NON_RESTRICTED; int relevance2 = R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_EXACT_EXPECTED_TYPE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED; int start1 = str.lastIndexOf("zelement") + "".length(); int end1 = start1 + "zelement".length(); int start2 = str.lastIndexOf("public class"); int end2 = start2 + "".length(); assertResults( "zelement4[METHOD_REF]{zelement4(), Ltest.p.ZZZ;, ()I, zelement4, null, ["+start1+", "+end1+"], "+(relevance1)+"}\n" + " zelement4[METHOD_IMPORT]{import static test.p.ZZZ.zelement4;\n, Ltest.p.ZZZ;, ()I, zelement4, null, ["+start2+", "+end2+"], " + (relevance1) + "}\n"+ "zelement5[METHOD_REF]{zelement5(), Ltest.p.ZZZ;, ()F, zelement5, null, ["+start1+", "+end1+"], "+(relevance1)+"}\n" + " zelement5[METHOD_IMPORT]{import static test.p.ZZZ.zelement5;\n, Ltest.p.ZZZ;, ()F, zelement5, null, ["+start2+", "+end2+"], " + (relevance1) + "}\n"+ "zelement6[METHOD_REF]{zelement6(), Ltest.p.ZZZ;, ()D, zelement6, null, ["+start1+", "+end1+"], "+(relevance1)+"}\n" + " zelement6[METHOD_IMPORT]{import static test.p.ZZZ.zelement6;\n, Ltest.p.ZZZ;, ()D, zelement6, null, ["+start2+", "+end2+"], " + (relevance1) + "}\n"+ "zelement1[LOCAL_VARIABLE_REF]{zelement1, null, I, zelement1, null, ["+start1+", "+end1+"], "+(relevance2)+"}\n" + "zelement2[LOCAL_VARIABLE_REF]{zelement2, null, F, zelement2, null, ["+start1+", "+end1+"], "+(relevance2)+"}\n" + "zelement3[LOCAL_VARIABLE_REF]{zelement3, null, D, zelement3, null, ["+start1+", "+end1+"], "+(relevance2)+"}", requestor.getResults()); } finally { JavaCore.setOptions(this.oldOptions); } } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=162865 public void testNameWithUnresolvedReferences001() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[2]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/Test.java", "package test;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " void foo() {\n" + " {\n" + " int varzz1 = 0;\n" + " varzz1 = varzz2;\n" + " {\n" + " int varzz3 = 0;\n" + " varzz3 = varzz4;\n" + " int varzz5 = 0;\n" + " }\n" + " {\n" + " varzz1 = varzz5;\n" + " }\n" + " int varzz6 = varzz7;\n" + " @MyAnnot1(/**/varzz\n" + " }\n" + " }\n" + "}\n"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/MyAnnot1.java", "package test;\n" + "public @interface MyAnnot1 {\n" + " String value();\n" + " }\n" + "}\n"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "/**/varzz"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "varzz2[LOCAL_VARIABLE_REF]{varzz2, null, Ljava.lang.Object;, varzz2, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "varzz4[LOCAL_VARIABLE_REF]{varzz4, null, Ljava.lang.Object;, varzz4, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "varzz5[LOCAL_VARIABLE_REF]{varzz5, null, Ljava.lang.Object;, varzz5, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "varzz7[LOCAL_VARIABLE_REF]{varzz7, null, Ljava.lang.Object;, varzz7, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "varzz1[LOCAL_VARIABLE_REF]{varzz1, null, I, varzz1, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "varzz6[LOCAL_VARIABLE_REF]{varzz6, null, I, varzz6, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=162865 public void testNameWithUnresolvedReferences002() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[2]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/Test.java", "package test;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " void foo() {\n" + " {\n" + " int varzz1 = 0;\n" + " varzz1 = varzz2;\n" + " {\n" + " int varzz3 = 0;\n" + " varzz3 = varzz4;\n" + " int varzz5 = 0;\n" + " }\n" + " {\n" + " varzz1 = varzz5;\n" + " }\n" + " int varzz6 = varzz7;\n" + " @MyAnnot1(value=/**/varzz\n" + " }\n" + " }\n" + "}\n"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/MyAnnot1.java", "package test;\n" + "public @interface MyAnnot1 {\n" + " String value();\n" + " }\n" + "}\n"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "/**/varzz"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "varzz2[LOCAL_VARIABLE_REF]{varzz2, null, Ljava.lang.Object;, varzz2, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "varzz4[LOCAL_VARIABLE_REF]{varzz4, null, Ljava.lang.Object;, varzz4, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "varzz5[LOCAL_VARIABLE_REF]{varzz5, null, Ljava.lang.Object;, varzz5, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "varzz7[LOCAL_VARIABLE_REF]{varzz7, null, Ljava.lang.Object;, varzz7, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "varzz1[LOCAL_VARIABLE_REF]{varzz1, null, I, varzz1, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "varzz6[LOCAL_VARIABLE_REF]{varzz6, null, I, varzz6, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=162865 public void testNameWithUnresolvedReferences003() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[2]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/Test.java", "package test;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " void foo() {\n" + " {\n" + " int varzz1 = 0;\n" + " varzz1 = varzz2;\n" + " {\n" + " int varzz3 = 0;\n" + " varzz3 = varzz4;\n" + " int varzz5 = 0;\n" + " }\n" + " {\n" + " varzz1 = varzz5;\n" + " }\n" + " new Object() {\n" + " int varzz6 = varzz7;\n" + " @MyAnnot1(/**/varzz\n" + " };\n" + " }\n" + " }\n" + "}\n"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/MyAnnot1.java", "package test;\n" + "public @interface MyAnnot1 {\n" + " String value();\n" + " }\n" + "}\n"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "/**/varzz"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "varzz2[LOCAL_VARIABLE_REF]{varzz2, null, Ljava.lang.Object;, varzz2, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "varzz4[LOCAL_VARIABLE_REF]{varzz4, null, Ljava.lang.Object;, varzz4, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "varzz5[LOCAL_VARIABLE_REF]{varzz5, null, Ljava.lang.Object;, varzz5, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "varzz7[LOCAL_VARIABLE_REF]{varzz7, null, Ljava.lang.Object;, varzz7, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "varzz1[LOCAL_VARIABLE_REF]{varzz1, null, I, varzz1, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } // https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=99399 test to verify that we continue to propose final // types in extends contexts but where they are not directly extended. public void testCompletionOnExtends() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[1]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/Test.java", "package test;\n" + "class X<T> {};\n" + "final class ThisClassIsFinal {}\n" + "class ThisClassIsNotFinal {}\n" + "public class Test extends X<ThisClassI> {}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "ThisClassI"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "ThisClassIsFinal[TYPE_REF]{ThisClassIsFinal, test, Ltest.ThisClassIsFinal;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_EXPECTED_TYPE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "ThisClassIsNotFinal[TYPE_REF]{ThisClassIsNotFinal, test, Ltest.ThisClassIsNotFinal;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_EXPECTED_TYPE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=99399 test to verify that we don't propose final //types in extends contexts where we should not. public void testCompletionOnExtends2() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[1]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/Test.java", "package test;\n" + "final class ThisClassIsFinal {}\n" + "class ThisClassIsNotFinal {}\n" + "public class Test <T extends ThisClassI> {}\n"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "ThisClassI"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "ThisClassIsNotFinal[TYPE_REF]{ThisClassIsNotFinal, test, Ltest.ThisClassIsNotFinal;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=99399 test to verify that we don't propose final //types in extends contexts where we should not. public void testCompletionOnExtends3() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[1]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/Test.java", "package test;\n" + "final class ThisClassIsFinal {}\n" + "class ThisClassIsNotFinal {}\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " Test(Bag<? extends ThisClassI> p) {}" + "}\n"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "ThisClassI"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "ThisClassIsNotFinal[TYPE_REF]{ThisClassIsNotFinal, test, Ltest.ThisClassIsNotFinal;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=99399 test to verify that we do propose final //types in super contexts where we should. public void testCompletionOnExtends4() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[1]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/Test.java", "package test;\n" + "final class ThisClassIsFinal {}\n" + "class ThisClassIsNotFinal {}\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " void boo() {\n" + " Bag<? super ThisClassI> local;\n" + " }\n" + "}\n"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "ThisClassI"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "ThisClassIsFinal[TYPE_REF]{ThisClassIsFinal, test, Ltest.ThisClassIsFinal;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "ThisClassIsNotFinal[TYPE_REF]{ThisClassIsNotFinal, test, Ltest.ThisClassIsNotFinal;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } /* * https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=246832 * To test whether camel case completion works for imported static methods */ public void testCamelCaseStaticMethodImport() throws JavaModelException { this.oldOptions = JavaCore.getOptions(); this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[2]; try { Hashtable options = new Hashtable(this.oldOptions); options.put(JavaCore.CODEASSIST_CAMEL_CASE_MATCH, JavaCore.ENABLED); JavaCore.setOptions(options); this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/a/A.java", "package a;\n" + "public class A{\n" + "public static void testMethodWithLongName(){}\n" + "public static void testMethodWithLongName2(){}\n" + "}}"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/b/B.java", "import static a.A.testMethodWithLongName;\n" + "public class B {\n" + "public void b() {\n" + "tMWLN \n" + "}}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2( true); String str = this.workingCopies[1].getSource(); String completeBehind = "tMWLN"; int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[1].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "testMethodWithLongName[METHOD_REF]{testMethodWithLongName(), La.A;, ()V, testMethodWithLongName, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CAMEL_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } finally { JavaCore.setOptions(this.oldOptions); } } /* * https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=84720 * to test that the methods with Boxed/unboxed return types get higher relevance than the ones that return void */ public void testCompletionWithUnboxing() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[2]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/Test.java", "package test;\n" + "public class C {\n" + "public void myMethod1(){}\n" + "public void myMethod2(){}\n" + "public int myMethod3(){return 0;}\n" + "public Integer myMethod4(){return 0;}\n" + "public void foo() {\n" + " int i = myMeth \n" + "}\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/java/lang/Test.java", "package java.lang;\n" + "public class Integer {\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "= myMeth"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "myMethod1[METHOD_REF]{myMethod1(), Ltest.C;, ()V, myMethod1, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_VOID + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "myMethod2[METHOD_REF]{myMethod2(), Ltest.C;, ()V, myMethod2, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_VOID + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "myMethod4[METHOD_REF]{myMethod4(), Ltest.C;, ()Ljava.lang.Integer;, myMethod4, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_EXPECTED_TYPE + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "myMethod3[METHOD_REF]{myMethod3(), Ltest.C;, ()I, myMethod3, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_EXACT_EXPECTED_TYPE + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } /* * https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=84720 * Additional tests for bug 84720 * * @see https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=273991 also */ public void testCompletionWithUnboxing_1() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[3]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/Test.java", "package test;\n" + "public class C {\n" + "public void myMethod1(){}\n" + "public long myMethod2(){return 0;}\n" + "public Long myMethod3(){return 0;}\n" + "public float myMethod4(){return 0;}\n" + "public Float myMethod5(){return 0;}\n" + "public void foo() {\n" + " Long l = myMeth \n" + "}\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/java/lang/Long.java", "package java.lang;\n" + "public class Long {\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[2] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/java/lang/Float.java", "package java.lang;\n" + "public class Float {\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "= myMeth"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "myMethod1[METHOD_REF]{myMethod1(), Ltest.C;, ()V, myMethod1, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_VOID + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "myMethod4[METHOD_REF]{myMethod4(), Ltest.C;, ()F, myMethod4, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "myMethod5[METHOD_REF]{myMethod5(), Ltest.C;, ()Ljava.lang.Float;, myMethod5, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "myMethod2[METHOD_REF]{myMethod2(), Ltest.C;, ()J, myMethod2, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_EXPECTED_TYPE + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "myMethod3[METHOD_REF]{myMethod3(), Ltest.C;, ()Ljava.lang.Long;, myMethod3, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_EXACT_EXPECTED_TYPE + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}" , requestor.getResults()); } /* * https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=84720 * Additional tests for bug 84720 */ public void testCompletionWithUnboxing_2() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[2]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/test/Test.java", "package test;\n" + "public class C {\n" + "int myVariable1 = 0;\n" + "long myVariable2 = 0;\n" + "boolean myVariable3 = false;\n" + "Boolean myVariable4 = false;\n" + "public void foo() {\n" + " if(myVar \n" + "}\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/java/lang/Test.java", "package java.lang;\n" + "public class Boolean {\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "if(myVar"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "myVariable1[FIELD_REF]{myVariable1, Ltest.C;, I, myVariable1, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "myVariable2[FIELD_REF]{myVariable2, Ltest.C;, J, myVariable2, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "myVariable4[FIELD_REF]{myVariable4, Ltest.C;, Ljava.lang.Boolean;, myVariable4, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_EXPECTED_TYPE + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "myVariable3[FIELD_REF]{myVariable3, Ltest.C;, Z, myVariable3, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_EXACT_EXPECTED_TYPE + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } //bug https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=274466 //Check for boolean methods with higher relevance in assert statement's conditional part public void test274466() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[2]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/Test274466.java", "package test;" + "public class Test274466 {\n" + " boolean methodReturningBoolean() { return true; }\n" + " Boolean methodReturningBooleanB() { return true; }\n" + " void methodReturningBlah() { return; }\n" + " int foo(int p) {\n" + " assert methodR : \"Exception Message\";" + " }\n" + "}\n"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src3/java/lang/Test.java", "package java.lang;\n" + "public class Boolean {\n" + "}"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "methodR"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "methodReturningBlah[METHOD_REF]{methodReturningBlah(), Ltest.Test274466;, ()V, methodReturningBlah, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_VOID + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "methodReturningBooleanB[METHOD_REF]{methodReturningBooleanB(), Ltest.Test274466;, ()Ljava.lang.Boolean;, methodReturningBooleanB, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_EXPECTED_TYPE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "methodReturningBoolean[METHOD_REF]{methodReturningBoolean(), Ltest.Test274466;, ()Z, methodReturningBoolean, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_EXACT_EXPECTED_TYPE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=307486 public void testLabel() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[1]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/label/Test.java", "package label;"+ "public class Test {\n" + " void foo() {\n" + " \ud842\udf9fabc :\n" + " while (true) {\n" + " break \ud842\udf9fabc;\n" + " }\n" + " }\n" + "}\n"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "break"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() + 1; this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "\ud842\udf9fabc[LABEL_REF]{\ud842\udf9fabc, null, null, \ud842\udf9fabc, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } // https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=310423 // Annotation types are not proposed after 'implements' in a Single type ref public void testBug310423a() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[1]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/label/Test.java", "import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;\n" + "interface In {}\n" + "interface Inn {\n" + " interface Inn2 {}\n" + " @interface IAnnot {}\n" + "}\n" + "@interface InnAnnot {}\n"+ "public class Test implements {\n" + "}\n"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "implements"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() + 1; this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "Inn.Inn2[TYPE_REF]{label.Inn.Inn2, label, Llabel.Inn$Inn2;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + 39) + "}\n" + "In[TYPE_REF]{In, label, Llabel.In;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + 42) + "}\n" + "Inn[TYPE_REF]{Inn, label, Llabel.Inn;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + 42) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } // https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=310423 // Annotation types are not proposed after 'implements' in a Qualified type ref public void testBug310423b() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[1]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/label/Test.java", "interface In{}\n" + "interface Inn{\n" + " interface Inn2{}\n" + " interface Inn3{}\n" + " @interface IAnnot {}\n" + "}"+ "public class Test implements Inn. {\n" + "}\n"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "Inn."; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() + 1; this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "Inn.Inn2[TYPE_REF]{Inn2, label, Llabel.Inn$Inn2;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + 39) + "}\n" + "Inn.Inn3[TYPE_REF]{Inn3, label, Llabel.Inn$Inn3;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + 39) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } // https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=343865 // Verify that no NPE is thrown and we get correct proposals public void testBug343865a() throws JavaModelException { CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); ICompilationUnit cu = getCompilationUnit("Completion", "src3", "testxxx", "TestType.java"); String str = cu.getSource(); String completeBehind = "@YAAnnot("; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); cu.codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor); assertResults( "name[ANNOTATION_ATTRIBUTE_REF]{name, Ltestxxx.YAAnnot;, Ljava.lang.String;, name, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "val[ANNOTATION_ATTRIBUTE_REF]{val, Ltestxxx.YAAnnot;, I, val, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } // https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=343865 // Verify that the correct expected type is computed public void testBug343865b() throws JavaModelException { CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); ICompilationUnit cu = getCompilationUnit("Completion", "src3", "testxxx", "TestType2.java"); String str = cu.getSource(); String completeBehind = "String xxyy2 = xxy"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); cu.codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor); assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures={Ljava.lang.String;}\n" + "expectedTypesKeys={Ljava/lang/String;}", requestor.getContext()); assertResults( "xxyy[FIELD_REF]{xxyy, Ltestxxx.TestType2;, I, xxyy, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "xxyy1[FIELD_REF]{xxyy1, Ltestxxx.TestType2;, Ljava.lang.String;, xxyy1, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_EXACT_EXPECTED_TYPE) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } public void testBug351426() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[1]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/X.java", "package test;\n" + "public class X<T> {\n" + " public void foo() {\n" + " X<String> x = new X<>();" + " }\n" + "}\n"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true, false, true, true, true, true); requestor.allowAllRequiredProposals(); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "new X<"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); int relevance = R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_EXACT_NAME + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED; assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures={Ltest.X<Ljava.lang.String;>;}\n" + "expectedTypesKeys={Ltest/X<Ljava/lang/String;>;}", requestor.getContext()); assertResults( "X<T>[TYPE_REF]{, test, Ltest.X<TT;>;, null, null, replace[77, 77], token[77, 77], " + relevance + "}", requestor.getResults()); } public void testBug351426b() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[1]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/X.java", "package test;\n" + "public class X<T> {\n" + " X(T t){}\n" + " public void foo() {\n" + " X<String> x = new X<>(\"\");" + " }\n" + "}\n"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true, false, true, true, true, true); requestor.allowAllRequiredProposals(); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "new X<"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); int relevance = R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_EXACT_NAME + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED; assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures={Ltest.X<Ljava.lang.String;>;}\n" + "expectedTypesKeys={Ltest/X<Ljava/lang/String;>;}", requestor.getContext()); assertResults( "X<T>[TYPE_REF]{, test, Ltest.X<TT;>;, null, null, replace[87, 87], token[87, 87], " + relevance + "}", requestor.getResults()); } // qualified allocation public void testBug351426c() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[1]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/X.java", "package test;\n" + "public class X<T> {\n" + " X(T t){}\n" + " class X1<E> {}\n" + " public void foo() {\n" + " X<String>.X1<String> x = new X<String>(\"\").new X1<>();" + " }\n" + "}\n"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true, false, true, true, true, true); requestor.allowAllRequiredProposals(); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "new X1<"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); int relevance = R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_EXACT_NAME + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED; assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures={Ltest.X<Ljava.lang.String;>.X1<Ljava.lang.String;>;}\n" + "expectedTypesKeys={Ltest/X<Ljava/lang/String;>.X1<Ljava/lang/String;>;}", requestor.getContext()); assertResults( "X<java.lang.String>.X1[TYPE_REF]{, test, Ltest.X<Ljava.lang.String;>.X1;, null, null, replace[133, 133], token[133, 133], " + relevance + "}", requestor.getResults()); } // qualified allocation public void testBug351426d() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[1]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/X.java", "package test;\n" + "public class X<T> {\n" + " X(T t){}\n" + " class X1<E> {\n" + " class X11<F>{}\n" + " }\n" + " public void foo() {\n" + " X<String>.X1<Object>.X11<String> x = new X<String>(\"\").new X1<Object>().new X11<>();" + " }\n" + "}\n"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true, false, true, true, true, true); requestor.allowAllRequiredProposals(); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "new X11<"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); int relevance = R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_EXACT_NAME + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED; assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures={Ltest.X<Ljava.lang.String;>.X1<Ljava.lang.Object;>.X11<Ljava.lang.String;>;}\n" + "expectedTypesKeys={Ltest/X<Ljava/lang/String;>.X1<Ljava/lang/Object;>.X11<Ljava/lang/String;>;}", requestor.getContext()); assertResults( "X<java.lang.String>.X1<java.lang.Object>.X11[TYPE_REF]{, test, Ltest.X<Ljava.lang.String;>.X1<Ljava.lang.Object;>.X11;, null, null, replace[182, 182], token[182, 182], " + relevance + "}", requestor.getResults()); } // qualified allocation public void testBug351426e() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[1]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/X.java", "package test;\n" + "public class X<T> {\n" + " X(T t){}\n" + " static class X1<E> {\n" + " }\n" + " public static void foo() {\n" + " X1<String> x = new X.X1<>();" + " }\n" + "}\n"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true, false, true, true, true, true); requestor.allowAllRequiredProposals(); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "new X.X1<"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); int relevance = R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_EXACT_NAME + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED; assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures={Ltest.X$X1<Ljava.lang.String;>;}\n" + "expectedTypesKeys={Ltest/X$X1<Ljava/lang/String;>;}", requestor.getContext()); assertResults( "X.X1<E>[TYPE_REF]{, test, Ltest.X$X1<TE;>;, null, null, replace[123, 123], token[123, 123], " + relevance + "}", requestor.getResults()); } // returning allocated object public void testBug351426f() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[1]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/X.java", "package test;\n" + "public class X<T> {\n" + " X(T t){}\n" + " public X<String> foo() {\n" + " return new X<>(\"\");" + " }\n" + "}\n"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true, false, true, true, true, true); requestor.allowAllRequiredProposals(); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "new X<"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); int relevance = R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_EXACT_NAME + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED; assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures={Ltest.X<Ljava.lang.String;>;}\n" + "expectedTypesKeys={Ltest/X<Ljava/lang/String;>;}", requestor.getContext()); assertResults( "X<T>[TYPE_REF]{, test, Ltest.X<TT;>;, null, null, replace[85, 85], token[85, 85], " + relevance + "}", requestor.getResults()); } // returning allocated object, qualified case public void testBug351426g() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[1]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/X.java", "package test;\n" + "public class X<T> {\n" + " X(T t){}\n" + " class X1<E>{}\n" + " public X1<String> foo() {\n" + " return new X<String>(\"\").new X1<>();" + " }\n" + "}\n"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true, false, true, true, true, true); requestor.allowAllRequiredProposals(); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "new X1<"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); int relevance = R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_EXACT_NAME + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED; assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures={Ltest.X<TT;>.X1<Ljava.lang.String;>;}\n" + "expectedTypesKeys={Ltest/X<Ltest/X;:TT;>.X1<Ljava/lang/String;>;}", requestor.getContext()); assertResults( "X<java.lang.String>.X1[TYPE_REF]{, test, Ltest.X<Ljava.lang.String;>.X1;, null, null, replace[120, 120], token[120, 120], " + relevance + "}", requestor.getResults()); } // returning allocated object, qualified case public void testBug351426h() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[1]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/X.java", "package test;\n" + "public class X<T> {\n" + " X(T t){}\n" + " static class X1<E>{}\n" + " public X.X1<String> foo() {\n" + " return new X.X1<>();" + " }\n" + "}\n"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true, false, true, true, true, true); requestor.allowAllRequiredProposals(); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "new X.X1<"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); int relevance = R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_EXACT_NAME + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED; assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures={Ltest.X$X1<Ljava.lang.String;>;}\n" + "expectedTypesKeys={Ltest/X$X1<Ljava/lang/String;>;}", requestor.getContext()); assertResults( "X.X1<E>[TYPE_REF]{, test, Ltest.X$X1<TE;>;, null, null, replace[113, 113], token[113, 113], " + relevance + "}", requestor.getResults()); } // fields public void testBug351426i() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[1]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/X.java", "package test;\n" + "public class X<T> {\n" + " X<String> x = new X<>();" + "}\n"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true, false, true, true, true, true); requestor.allowAllRequiredProposals(); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "new X<"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); int relevance = R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_EXACT_NAME + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED; assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures={Ltest.X<Ljava.lang.String;>;}\n" + "expectedTypesKeys={Ltest/X<Ljava/lang/String;>;}", requestor.getContext()); assertResults( "X<T>[TYPE_REF]{, test, Ltest.X<TT;>;, null, null, replace[55, 55], token[55, 55], " + relevance + "}", requestor.getResults()); } // fields, qualified allocation public void testBug351426j() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[1]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/X.java", "package test;\n" + "public class X<T> {\n" + " X(T t){}\n" + " static class X1<E> {\n" + " }\n" + " public static void foo() {\n" + " X1<String> x = new X.X1<>();" + " }\n" + "}\n"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true, false, true, true, true, true); requestor.allowAllRequiredProposals(); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "new X.X1<"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); int relevance = R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_EXACT_NAME + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED; assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures={Ltest.X$X1<Ljava.lang.String;>;}\n" + "expectedTypesKeys={Ltest/X$X1<Ljava/lang/String;>;}", requestor.getContext()); assertResults( "X.X1<E>[TYPE_REF]{, test, Ltest.X$X1<TE;>;, null, null, replace[123, 123], token[123, 123], " + relevance + "}", requestor.getResults()); } // more than one type arg, completing on second arg public void testBug351426k() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[1]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/X.java", "package test;\n" + "public class X<T,U> {\n" + " X(T t){}\n" + " public void foo() {\n" + " X<String, String> x = new X<String, >(\"\");" + " }\n" + "}\n"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true, false, true, true, true, true); requestor.allowAllRequiredProposals(); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "new X<String, "; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); int relevance = R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_EXACT_NAME + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED; assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures={Ltest.X<Ljava.lang.String;Ljava.lang.String;>;}\n" + "expectedTypesKeys={Ltest/X<Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;>;}", requestor.getContext()); assertResults( "X<T,U>[TYPE_REF]{, test, Ltest.X<TT;TU;>;, null, null, replace[105, 105], token[105, 105], " + relevance + "}", requestor.getResults()); } // different CU's public void testBug351426l() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[2]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/X.java", "package test;\n" + "public class X {\n" + " public void foo() {\n" + " X1<String> x1 = new X1<>(\"\");" + " }\n" + "}\n"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/X1.java", "package test;\n" + "public class X1<T> {\n" + " X1(T t){}\n" + "}\n"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true, false, true, true, true, true); requestor.allowAllRequiredProposals(); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "new X1<"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); int relevance = R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_EXACT_NAME + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED; assertResults( "expectedTypesSignatures={Ltest.X1<Ljava.lang.String;>;}\n" + "expectedTypesKeys={Ltest/X1<Ljava/lang/String;>;}", requestor.getContext()); assertResults( "X1<T>[TYPE_REF]{, test, Ltest.X1<TT;>;, null, null, replace[77, 77], token[77, 77], " + relevance + "}", requestor.getResults()); } // https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=361963 public void test361963() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[1]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/X.java", "public class X<T> {\n" + " void g() {\n" + " return new X() {\n" + " void g() {\n" + " Object o = new X<\n"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true, false, true, true, true, true); requestor.allowAllRequiredProposals(); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "new X<"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "X<T>[TYPE_REF]{, , LX<TT;>;, null, null, replace[116, 116], token[116, 116], " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_EXACT_NAME + R_CASE + R_EXPECTED_TYPE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED)+ "}", requestor.getResults()); } // https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=326610 public void testBug326610() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[1]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/package-info.java", "package test;\n"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); requestor.allowAllRequiredProposals(); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "package test;"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "import[KEYWORD]{import, null, null, import, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) +"}", requestor.getResults()); } // https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=326610 public void testBug326610a() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[1]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/Try.java", "package test;\n"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); requestor.allowAllRequiredProposals(); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "package test;"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "abstract[KEYWORD]{abstract, null, null, abstract, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) +"}\n" + "class[KEYWORD]{class, null, null, class, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) +"}\n" + "enum[KEYWORD]{enum, null, null, enum, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) +"}\n" + "final[KEYWORD]{final, null, null, final, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) +"}\n" + "import[KEYWORD]{import, null, null, import, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) +"}\n" + "interface[KEYWORD]{interface, null, null, interface, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) +"}\n" + "public[KEYWORD]{public, null, null, public, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) +"}", requestor.getResults()); } // https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=326610 public void testBug326610b() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[1]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/package-info.java", "/*Complete here*/\n"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); requestor.allowAllRequiredProposals(); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "/*Complete here*/"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "package[KEYWORD]{package, null, null, package, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) +"}", requestor.getResults()); } // https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=326610 public void testBug326610c() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[1]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/Try.java", "/*Complete here*/\n"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); requestor.allowAllRequiredProposals(); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "/*Complete here*/"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "abstract[KEYWORD]{abstract, null, null, abstract, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) +"}\n" + "class[KEYWORD]{class, null, null, class, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) +"}\n" + "enum[KEYWORD]{enum, null, null, enum, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) +"}\n" + "final[KEYWORD]{final, null, null, final, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) +"}\n" + "import[KEYWORD]{import, null, null, import, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) +"}\n" + "interface[KEYWORD]{interface, null, null, interface, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) +"}\n" + "package[KEYWORD]{package, null, null, package, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) +"}\n" + "public[KEYWORD]{public, null, null, public, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) +"}", requestor.getResults()); } // https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=326610 public void testBug326610d() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[2]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/package-info.java", "@Non\n" + "package test"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/j/NonNull.java", "package j;\n" + "import static java.lang.annotation.ElementType.PACKAGE;\n" + "import java.lang.annotation.Target;\n" + "@Target({PACKAGE})\n" + "public @interface NonNull{}\n"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); requestor.allowAllRequiredProposals(); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "@Non"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "NonNull[TYPE_REF]{j.NonNull, j, Lj.NonNull;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_QUALIFIED + R_EXACT_NAME + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_ANNOTATION) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } // https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=326610 public void testBug326610e() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[1]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/package-info.java", "/*Complete here*/\n" + "package test;"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); requestor.allowAllRequiredProposals(); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "/*Complete here*/"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "", requestor.getResults()); } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=482775 public void test482775() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[1]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/MyEnum.java", "public enum MyEnum {\n" + " /**\n" + " * @see #B\n" + " */\n" + " ALPHA,\n" + " /**\n" + " * @see #\n" + " */\n" + " BETA,\n" + "}\n"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true, true, true, false); requestor.allowAllRequiredProposals(); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "@see #B"; int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); int relevanceEnum = RelevanceConstants.R_DEFAULT + RelevanceConstants.R_RESOLVED + RelevanceConstants.R_INTERESTING + RelevanceConstants.R_NON_RESTRICTED + RelevanceConstants.R_CASE; int relevanceObject = RelevanceConstants.R_DEFAULT + RelevanceConstants.R_RESOLVED + RelevanceConstants.R_INTERESTING + RelevanceConstants.R_NON_STATIC + RelevanceConstants.R_NON_RESTRICTED + RelevanceConstants.R_CASE; assertResults("BETA[FIELD_REF]{BETA, LMyEnum;, LMyEnum;, null, null, BETA, null, [36, 37], " + relevanceEnum + "}", requestor.getResults()); requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true, true, true, false); completeBehind = "@see #"; cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults("MyEnum[METHOD_REF<CONSTRUCTOR>]{MyEnum(), LMyEnum;, ()V, null, null, MyEnum, null, [66, 66], " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "ALPHA[FIELD_REF]{ALPHA, LMyEnum;, LMyEnum;, null, null, ALPHA, null, [66, 66], " + relevanceEnum + "}\n" + "BETA[FIELD_REF]{BETA, LMyEnum;, LMyEnum;, null, null, BETA, null, [66, 66], " + relevanceEnum + "}\n" + "valueOf[METHOD_REF]{valueOf(String), LMyEnum;, (Ljava.lang.String;)LMyEnum;, null, null, valueOf, (arg0), [66, 66], " + relevanceEnum + "}\n" + "values[METHOD_REF]{values(), LMyEnum;, ()[LMyEnum;, null, null, values, null, [66, 66], " + relevanceEnum + "}\n" + "clone[METHOD_REF]{clone(), Ljava.lang.Object;, ()Ljava.lang.Object;, null, null, clone, null, [66, 66], " + relevanceObject + "}\n" + "equals[METHOD_REF]{equals(Object), Ljava.lang.Object;, (Ljava.lang.Object;)Z, null, null, equals, (obj), [66, 66], " + relevanceObject + "}\n" + "finalize[METHOD_REF]{finalize(), Ljava.lang.Object;, ()V, null, null, finalize, null, [66, 66], " + relevanceObject + "}\n" + "getClass[METHOD_REF]{getClass(), Ljava.lang.Object;, ()Ljava.lang.Class<+Ljava.lang.Object;>;, null, null, getClass, null, [66, 66], " + relevanceObject + "}\n" + "hashCode[METHOD_REF]{hashCode(), Ljava.lang.Object;, ()I, null, null, hashCode, null, [66, 66], " + relevanceObject + "}\n" + "name[METHOD_REF]{name(), Ljava.lang.Enum<LMyEnum;>;, ()Ljava.lang.String;, null, null, name, null, [66, 66], " + relevanceObject + "}\n" + "notify[METHOD_REF]{notify(), Ljava.lang.Object;, ()V, null, null, notify, null, [66, 66], " + relevanceObject + "}\n" + "notifyAll[METHOD_REF]{notifyAll(), Ljava.lang.Object;, ()V, null, null, notifyAll, null, [66, 66], " + relevanceObject + "}\n" + "ordinal[METHOD_REF]{ordinal(), Ljava.lang.Enum<LMyEnum;>;, ()I, null, null, ordinal, null, [66, 66], " + relevanceObject + "}\n" + "toString[METHOD_REF]{toString(), Ljava.lang.Object;, ()Ljava.lang.String;, null, null, toString, null, [66, 66], " + relevanceObject + "}\n" + "wait[METHOD_REF]{wait(), Ljava.lang.Object;, ()V, null, null, wait, null, [66, 66], " + relevanceObject + "}\n" + "wait[METHOD_REF]{wait(long), Ljava.lang.Object;, (J)V, null, null, wait, (millis), [66, 66], " + relevanceObject + "}\n" + "wait[METHOD_REF]{wait(long, int), Ljava.lang.Object;, (JI)V, null, null, wait, (millis, nanos), [66, 66], " + relevanceObject + "}", requestor.getResults()); } }