/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2000, 2004 IBM Corporation and others. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Common Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/cpl-v10.html * * Contributors: * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation * Tom Tromey - patch for readTable(String) as described in http://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=32196 *******************************************************************************/ package org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.parser; import java.io.*; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.MissingResourceException; import java.util.ResourceBundle; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.CharOperation; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.InvalidInputException; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.CompilationResult; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.*; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.classfmt.ClassFileConstants; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.env.ICompilationUnit; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.impl.CompilerOptions; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.impl.ReferenceContext; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.BindingIds; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.CompilerModifiers; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.TypeIds; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.parser.diagnose.DiagnoseParser; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.problem.AbortCompilation; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.problem.ProblemReporter; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.problem.ProblemSeverities; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.util.Util; public class Parser implements BindingIds, ParserBasicInformation, TerminalTokens, CompilerModifiers, OperatorIds, TypeIds { protected static final int THIS_CALL = ExplicitConstructorCall.This; protected static final int SUPER_CALL = ExplicitConstructorCall.Super; public static char asb[] = null; public static char asr[] = null; //ast stack protected final static int AstStackIncrement = 100; public static char base_action[] = null; public static final int BracketKinds = 3; public static short check_table[] = null; public static final int CurlyBracket = 2; // TODO remove once testing is done private static final boolean DEBUG = false; private static final String EOF_TOKEN = "$eof" ; //$NON-NLS-1$ private static final String ERROR_TOKEN = "$error" ; //$NON-NLS-1$ //expression stack protected final static int ExpressionStackIncrement = 100; protected final static int GenericsStackIncrement = 10; private final static String FILEPREFIX = "parser"; //$NON-NLS-1$ public static char in_symb[] = null; private static final String INVALID_CHARACTER = "Invalid Character" ; //$NON-NLS-1$ public static char lhs[] = null; public static String name[] = null; public static char nasb[] = null; public static char nasr[] = null; public static char non_terminal_index[] = null; private final static String READABLE_NAMES_FILE = "readableNames"; //$NON-NLS-1$ private final static String READABLE_NAMES_FILE_NAME = "org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.parser." + READABLE_NAMES_FILE; //$NON-NLS-1$ public static String readableName[] = null; public static byte rhs[] = null; public static long rules_compliance[] = null; public static final int RoundBracket = 0; public static byte scope_la[] = null; public static char scope_lhs[] = null; public static char scope_prefix[] = null; public static char scope_rhs[] = null; public static char scope_state[] = null; public static char scope_state_set[] = null; public static char scope_suffix[] = null; public static final int SquareBracket = 1; //internal data for the automat protected final static int StackIncrement = 255; public static char term_action[] = null; public static byte term_check[] = null; public static char terminal_index[] = null; private static final String UNEXPECTED_EOF = "Unexpected End Of File" ; //$NON-NLS-1$ public static boolean VERBOSE_RECOVERY = false; protected int astLengthPtr; protected int[] astLengthStack; protected int astPtr; protected ASTNode[] astStack = new ASTNode[AstStackIncrement]; public CompilationUnitDeclaration compilationUnit; /*the result from parse()*/ protected RecoveredElement currentElement; public int currentToken; protected boolean diet = false; //tells the scanner to jump over some parts of the code/expressions like method bodies protected int dietInt = 0; // if > 0 force the none-diet-parsing mode (even if diet if requested) [field parsing with anonymous inner classes...] protected int endPosition; //accurate only when used ! (the start position is pushed into intStack while the end the current one) protected int endStatementPosition; protected int expressionLengthPtr; protected int[] expressionLengthStack; protected int expressionPtr; protected Expression[] expressionStack = new Expression[ExpressionStackIncrement]; public int firstToken ; // handle for multiple parsing goals // generics management protected int genericsIdentifiersLengthPtr; protected int[] genericsIdentifiersLengthStack = new int[GenericsStackIncrement]; protected int genericsLengthPtr; protected int[] genericsLengthStack = new int[GenericsStackIncrement]; protected int genericsPtr; protected ASTNode[] genericsStack = new ASTNode[GenericsStackIncrement]; protected boolean hasError; protected boolean hasReportedError; //identifiers stacks protected int identifierLengthPtr; protected int[] identifierLengthStack; protected long[] identifierPositionStack; protected int identifierPtr; protected char[][] identifierStack; protected boolean ignoreNextOpeningBrace; //positions , dimensions , .... (int stacks) protected int intPtr; protected int[] intStack; public int lastAct ; //handle for multiple parsing goals //error recovery management protected int lastCheckPoint; protected int lastErrorEndPosition; protected int lastErrorEndPositionBeforeRecovery = -1; protected int lastIgnoredToken, nextIgnoredToken; protected int listLength; // for recovering some incomplete list (interfaces, throws or parameters) protected int listTypeParameterLength; // for recovering some incomplete list (type parameters) protected int lParenPos,rParenPos; //accurate only when used ! protected int modifiers; protected int modifiersSourceStart; protected int[] nestedMethod; //the ptr is nestedType protected int nestedType, dimensions; ASTNode [] noAstNodes = new ASTNode[AstStackIncrement]; Expression [] noExpressions = new Expression[ExpressionStackIncrement]; //modifiers dimensions nestedType etc....... protected boolean optimizeStringLiterals =true; protected CompilerOptions options; protected ProblemReporter problemReporter; protected int rBraceStart, rBraceEnd, rBraceSuccessorStart; //accurate only when used ! protected int realBlockPtr; protected int[] realBlockStack; protected int recoveredStaticInitializerStart; public ReferenceContext referenceContext; public boolean reportOnlyOneSyntaxError = false; public boolean reportSyntaxErrorIsRequired = true; protected boolean restartRecovery; //scanner token public Scanner scanner; protected int[] stack = new int[StackIncrement]; protected int stateStackTop; protected int synchronizedBlockSourceStart; protected int[] variablesCounter; public Javadoc javadoc; public JavadocParser javadocParser; static { try{ initTables(); } catch(java.io.IOException ex){ throw new ExceptionInInitializerError(ex.getMessage()); } } public static int asi(int state) { return asb[original_state(state)]; } public final static short base_check(int i) { return check_table[i - (NUM_RULES + 1)]; } private final static void buildFile(String filename, List listToDump) throws java.io.IOException { BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(filename)); for (Iterator iterator = listToDump.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) { writer.write(String.valueOf(iterator.next())); } writer.flush(); writer.close(); System.out.println(filename + " creation complete"); //$NON-NLS-1$ } private final static String[] buildFileForName(String filename, String contents) throws java.io.IOException { String[] result = new String[contents.length()]; result[0] = null; int resultCount = 1; StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); int start = contents.indexOf("name[]"); //$NON-NLS-1$ start = contents.indexOf('\"', start); int end = contents.indexOf("};", start); //$NON-NLS-1$ contents = contents.substring(start, end); boolean addLineSeparator = false; int tokenStart = -1; StringBuffer currentToken = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < contents.length(); i++) { char c = contents.charAt(i); if(c == '\"') { if(tokenStart == -1) { tokenStart = i + 1; } else { if(addLineSeparator) { buffer.append('\n'); result[resultCount++] = currentToken.toString(); currentToken = new StringBuffer(); } String token = contents.substring(tokenStart, i); if(token.equals(ERROR_TOKEN)){ token = INVALID_CHARACTER; } else if(token.equals(EOF_TOKEN)) { token = UNEXPECTED_EOF; } buffer.append(token); currentToken.append(token); addLineSeparator = true; tokenStart = -1; } } if(tokenStart == -1 && c == '+'){ addLineSeparator = false; } } if(currentToken.length() > 0) { result[resultCount++] = currentToken.toString(); } buildFileForTable(filename, buffer.toString().toCharArray()); System.arraycopy(result, 0, result = new String[resultCount], 0, resultCount); return result; } private static void buildFileForReadableName( String file, char[] newLhs, char[] newNonTerminalIndex, String[] newName, String[] tokens) throws java.io.IOException { ArrayList entries = new ArrayList(); boolean[] alreadyAdded = new boolean[newName.length]; for (int i = 0; i < tokens.length; i = i + 3) { if("1".equals(tokens[i])) { //$NON-NLS-1$ int index = newNonTerminalIndex[newLhs[Integer.parseInt(tokens[i + 1])]]; StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); if(!alreadyAdded[index]) { alreadyAdded[index] = true; buffer.append(newName[index]); buffer.append('='); buffer.append(tokens[i+2].trim()); buffer.append('\n'); entries.add(String.valueOf(buffer)); } } } int i = 1; while(!INVALID_CHARACTER.equals(newName[i])) i++; i++; for (; i < alreadyAdded.length; i++) { if(!alreadyAdded[i]) { System.out.println(newName[i] + " has no readable name"); //$NON-NLS-1$ } } Collections.sort(entries); buildFile(file, entries); } private static void buildFileForCompliance( String file, int length, String[] tokens) throws java.io.IOException { byte[] result = new byte[length * 8]; for (int i = 0; i < tokens.length; i = i + 3) { if("2".equals(tokens[i])) { //$NON-NLS-1$ int index = Integer.parseInt(tokens[i + 1]); String token = tokens[i + 2].trim(); long compliance = 0; if("1.4".equals(token)) { //$NON-NLS-1$ compliance = ClassFileConstants.JDK1_4; } else if("1.5".equals(token)) { //$NON-NLS-1$ compliance = ClassFileConstants.JDK1_5; } else if("recovery".equals(token)) { //$NON-NLS-1$ compliance = ClassFileConstants.JDK_DEFERRED; } int j = index * 8; result[j] = (byte)(compliance >>> 56); result[j + 1] = (byte)(compliance >>> 48); result[j + 2] = (byte)(compliance >>> 40); result[j + 3] = (byte)(compliance >>> 32); result[j + 4] = (byte)(compliance >>> 24); result[j + 5] = (byte)(compliance >>> 16); result[j + 6] = (byte)(compliance >>> 8); result[j + 7] = (byte)(compliance); } } buildFileForTable(file, result); //$NON-NLS-1$ } private final static void buildFileForTable(String filename, byte[] bytes) throws java.io.IOException { java.io.FileOutputStream stream = new java.io.FileOutputStream(filename); stream.write(bytes); stream.close(); System.out.println(filename + " creation complete"); //$NON-NLS-1$ } private final static void buildFileForTable(String filename, char[] chars) throws java.io.IOException { byte[] bytes = new byte[chars.length * 2]; for (int i = 0; i < chars.length; i++) { bytes[2 * i] = (byte) (chars[i] >>> 8); bytes[2 * i + 1] = (byte) (chars[i] & 0xFF); } java.io.FileOutputStream stream = new java.io.FileOutputStream(filename); stream.write(bytes); stream.close(); System.out.println(filename + " creation complete"); //$NON-NLS-1$ } private final static byte[] buildFileOfByteFor(String filename, String tag, String[] tokens) throws java.io.IOException { //transform the String tokens into chars before dumping then into file int i = 0; //read upto the tag while (!tokens[i++].equals(tag)){/*empty*/} //read upto the } byte[] bytes = new byte[tokens.length]; //can't be bigger int ic = 0; String token; while (!(token = tokens[i++]).equals("}")) { //$NON-NLS-1$ int c = Integer.parseInt(token); bytes[ic++] = (byte) c; } //resize System.arraycopy(bytes, 0, bytes = new byte[ic], 0, ic); buildFileForTable(filename, bytes); return bytes; } private final static char[] buildFileOfIntFor(String filename, String tag, String[] tokens) throws java.io.IOException { //transform the String tokens into chars before dumping then into file int i = 0; //read upto the tag while (!tokens[i++].equals(tag)){/*empty*/} //read upto the } char[] chars = new char[tokens.length]; //can't be bigger int ic = 0; String token; while (!(token = tokens[i++]).equals("}")) { //$NON-NLS-1$ int c = Integer.parseInt(token); chars[ic++] = (char) c; } //resize System.arraycopy(chars, 0, chars = new char[ic], 0, ic); buildFileForTable(filename, chars); return chars; } private final static void buildFileOfShortFor(String filename, String tag, String[] tokens) throws java.io.IOException { //transform the String tokens into chars before dumping then into file int i = 0; //read upto the tag while (!tokens[i++].equals(tag)){/*empty*/} //read upto the } char[] chars = new char[tokens.length]; //can't be bigger int ic = 0; String token; while (!(token = tokens[i++]).equals("}")) { //$NON-NLS-1$ int c = Integer.parseInt(token); chars[ic++] = (char) (c + 32768); } //resize System.arraycopy(chars, 0, chars = new char[ic], 0, ic); buildFileForTable(filename, chars); } public final static void buildFilesFromLPG(String dataFilename, String dataFilename2) throws java.io.IOException { //RUN THIS METHOD TO GENERATE PARSER*.RSC FILES //build from the lpg javadcl.java files that represents the parser tables //lhs check_table asb asr symbol_index //[org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.parser.Parser.buildFilesFromLPG("d:/leapfrog/grammar/javadcl.java")] char[] contents = new char[] {}; try { contents = Util.getFileCharContent(new File(dataFilename), null); } catch (IOException ex) { System.out.println(Util.bind("parser.incorrectPath")); //$NON-NLS-1$ return; } java.util.StringTokenizer st = new java.util.StringTokenizer(new String(contents), " \t\n\r[]={,;"); //$NON-NLS-1$ String[] tokens = new String[st.countTokens()]; int j = 0; while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { tokens[j++] = st.nextToken(); } final String prefix = FILEPREFIX; int i = 0; char[] newLhs = buildFileOfIntFor(prefix + (++i) + ".rsc", "lhs", tokens); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ buildFileOfShortFor(prefix + (++i) + ".rsc", "check_table", tokens); //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-1$ buildFileOfIntFor(prefix + (++i) + ".rsc", "asb", tokens); //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-1$ buildFileOfIntFor(prefix + (++i) + ".rsc", "asr", tokens); //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-1$ buildFileOfIntFor(prefix + (++i) + ".rsc", "nasb", tokens); //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-1$ buildFileOfIntFor(prefix + (++i) + ".rsc", "nasr", tokens); //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-1$ buildFileOfIntFor(prefix + (++i) + ".rsc", "terminal_index", tokens); //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-1$ char[] newNonTerminalIndex = buildFileOfIntFor(prefix + (++i) + ".rsc", "non_terminal_index", tokens); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ buildFileOfIntFor(prefix + (++i) + ".rsc", "term_action", tokens); //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-1$ buildFileOfIntFor(prefix + (++i) + ".rsc", "scope_prefix", tokens); //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-1$ buildFileOfIntFor(prefix + (++i) + ".rsc", "scope_suffix", tokens); //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-1$ buildFileOfIntFor(prefix + (++i) + ".rsc", "scope_lhs", tokens); //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-1$ buildFileOfIntFor(prefix + (++i) + ".rsc", "scope_state_set", tokens); //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-1$ buildFileOfIntFor(prefix + (++i) + ".rsc", "scope_rhs", tokens); //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-1$ buildFileOfIntFor(prefix + (++i) + ".rsc", "scope_state", tokens); //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-1$ buildFileOfIntFor(prefix + (++i) + ".rsc", "in_symb", tokens); //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-1$ byte[] newRhs = buildFileOfByteFor(prefix + (++i) + ".rsc", "rhs", tokens); //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-1$ buildFileOfByteFor(prefix + (++i) + ".rsc", "term_check", tokens); //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-1$ buildFileOfByteFor(prefix + (++i) + ".rsc", "scope_la", tokens); //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-1$ String[] newName = buildFileForName(prefix + (++i) + ".rsc", new String(contents)); //$NON-NLS-1$ contents = new char[] {}; try { contents = Util.getFileCharContent(new File(dataFilename2), null); } catch (IOException ex) { System.out.println(Util.bind("parser.incorrectPath")); //$NON-NLS-1$ return; } st = new java.util.StringTokenizer(new String(contents), "\t\n\r=#"); //$NON-NLS-1$ tokens = new String[st.countTokens()]; j = 0; while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { tokens[j++] = st.nextToken(); } buildFileForCompliance(prefix + (++i) + ".rsc", newRhs.length, tokens);//$NON-NLS-1$ buildFileForReadableName(READABLE_NAMES_FILE+".properties", newLhs, newNonTerminalIndex, newName, tokens);//$NON-NLS-1$ System.out.println(Util.bind("parser.moveFiles")); //$NON-NLS-1$ } public static int in_symbol(int state) { return in_symb[original_state(state)]; } public final static void initTables() throws java.io.IOException { final String prefix = FILEPREFIX; int i = 0; lhs = readTable(prefix + (++i) + ".rsc"); //$NON-NLS-1$ char[] chars = readTable(prefix + (++i) + ".rsc"); //$NON-NLS-1$ check_table = new short[chars.length]; for (int c = chars.length; c-- > 0;) { check_table[c] = (short) (chars[c] - 32768); } asb = readTable(prefix + (++i) + ".rsc"); //$NON-NLS-1$ asr = readTable(prefix + (++i) + ".rsc"); //$NON-NLS-1$ nasb = readTable(prefix + (++i) + ".rsc"); //$NON-NLS-1$ nasr = readTable(prefix + (++i) + ".rsc"); //$NON-NLS-1$ terminal_index = readTable(prefix + (++i) + ".rsc"); //$NON-NLS-1$ non_terminal_index = readTable(prefix + (++i) + ".rsc"); //$NON-NLS-1$ term_action = readTable(prefix + (++i) + ".rsc"); //$NON-NLS-1$ scope_prefix = readTable(prefix + (++i) + ".rsc"); //$NON-NLS-1$ scope_suffix = readTable(prefix + (++i) + ".rsc"); //$NON-NLS-1$ scope_lhs = readTable(prefix + (++i) + ".rsc"); //$NON-NLS-1$ scope_state_set = readTable(prefix + (++i) + ".rsc"); //$NON-NLS-1$ scope_rhs = readTable(prefix + (++i) + ".rsc"); //$NON-NLS-1$ scope_state = readTable(prefix + (++i) + ".rsc"); //$NON-NLS-1$ in_symb = readTable(prefix + (++i) + ".rsc"); //$NON-NLS-1$ rhs = readByteTable(prefix + (++i) + ".rsc"); //$NON-NLS-1$ term_check = readByteTable(prefix + (++i) + ".rsc"); //$NON-NLS-1$ scope_la = readByteTable(prefix + (++i) + ".rsc"); //$NON-NLS-1$ name = readNameTable(prefix + (++i) + ".rsc"); //$NON-NLS-1$ rules_compliance = readLongTable(prefix + (++i) + ".rsc"); //$NON-NLS-1$ readableName = readReadableNameTable(READABLE_NAMES_FILE_NAME); base_action = lhs; } public static int nasi(int state) { return nasb[original_state(state)]; } public static int ntAction(int state, int sym) { return base_action[state + sym]; } protected static int original_state(int state) { return -base_check(state); } protected static byte[] readByteTable(String filename) throws java.io.IOException { //files are located at Parser.class directory InputStream stream = Parser.class.getResourceAsStream(filename); if (stream == null) { throw new java.io.IOException(Util.bind("parser.missingFile",filename)); //$NON-NLS-1$ } byte[] bytes = null; try { stream = new BufferedInputStream(stream); bytes = Util.getInputStreamAsByteArray(stream, -1); } finally { try { stream.close(); } catch (IOException e) { // ignore } } return bytes; } protected static String[] readNameTable(String filename) throws java.io.IOException { char[] contents = readTable(filename); char[][] nameAsChar = CharOperation.splitOn('\n', contents); String[] result = new String[nameAsChar.length + 1]; result[0] = null; for (int i = 0; i < nameAsChar.length; i++) { result[i + 1] = new String(nameAsChar[i]); } return result; } protected static String[] readReadableNameTable(String filename) { String[] result = new String[name.length]; ResourceBundle bundle; try { bundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle(filename, Locale.getDefault()); } catch(MissingResourceException e) { System.out.println("Missing resource : " + filename.replace('.', '/') + ".properties for locale " + Locale.getDefault()); //$NON-NLS-1$//$NON-NLS-2$ throw e; } for (int i = 0; i < NT_OFFSET + 1; i++) { result[i] = name[i]; } for (int i = NT_OFFSET; i < name.length; i++) { try { String n = bundle.getString(name[i]); if(n != null && n.length() > 0) { result[i] = n; } else { result[i] = name[i]; } } catch(MissingResourceException e) { result[i] = name[i]; } } return result; } protected static char[] readTable(String filename) throws java.io.IOException { //files are located at Parser.class directory InputStream stream = Parser.class.getResourceAsStream(filename); if (stream == null) { throw new java.io.IOException(Util.bind("parser.missingFile",filename)); //$NON-NLS-1$ } byte[] bytes = null; try { stream = new BufferedInputStream(stream); bytes = Util.getInputStreamAsByteArray(stream, -1); } finally { try { stream.close(); } catch (IOException e) { // ignore } } //minimal integrity check (even size expected) int length = bytes.length; if (length % 2 != 0) throw new java.io.IOException(Util.bind("parser.corruptedFile",filename)); //$NON-NLS-1$ // convert bytes into chars char[] chars = new char[length / 2]; int i = 0; int charIndex = 0; while (true) { chars[charIndex++] = (char) (((bytes[i++] & 0xFF) << 8) + (bytes[i++] & 0xFF)); if (i == length) break; } return chars; } protected static long[] readLongTable(String filename) throws java.io.IOException { //files are located at Parser.class directory InputStream stream = Parser.class.getResourceAsStream(filename); if (stream == null) { throw new java.io.IOException(Util.bind("parser.missingFile",filename)); //$NON-NLS-1$ } byte[] bytes = null; try { stream = new BufferedInputStream(stream); bytes = Util.getInputStreamAsByteArray(stream, -1); } finally { try { stream.close(); } catch (IOException e) { // ignore } } //minimal integrity check (even size expected) int length = bytes.length; if (length % 8 != 0) throw new java.io.IOException(Util.bind("parser.corruptedFile",filename)); //$NON-NLS-1$ // convert bytes into longs long[] longs = new long[length / 8]; int i = 0; int longIndex = 0; while (true) { longs[longIndex++] = (((long) (bytes[i++] & 0xFF)) << 56) + (((long) (bytes[i++] & 0xFF)) << 48) + (((long) (bytes[i++] & 0xFF)) << 40) + (((long) (bytes[i++] & 0xFF)) << 32) + (((long) (bytes[i++] & 0xFF)) << 24) + (((long) (bytes[i++] & 0xFF)) << 16) + (((long) (bytes[i++] & 0xFF)) << 8) + (bytes[i++] & 0xFF); if (i == length) break; } return longs; } public static int tAction(int state, int sym) { return term_action[term_check[base_action[state]+sym] == sym ? base_action[state] + sym : base_action[state]]; } public Parser(ProblemReporter problemReporter, boolean optimizeStringLiterals) { this.problemReporter = problemReporter; this.options = problemReporter.options; this.optimizeStringLiterals = optimizeStringLiterals; this.initializeScanner(); this.astLengthStack = new int[50]; this.expressionLengthStack = new int[30]; this.intStack = new int[50]; this.identifierStack = new char[30][]; this.identifierLengthStack = new int[30]; this.nestedMethod = new int[30]; this.realBlockStack = new int[30]; this.identifierPositionStack = new long[30]; this.variablesCounter = new int[30]; // javadoc support this.javadocParser = new JavadocParser(this); } /** * * INTERNAL USE-ONLY */ protected void adjustInterfaceModifiers() { this.intStack[this.intPtr - 1] |= AccInterface; } public void arrayInitializer(int length) { //length is the size of the array Initializer //expressionPtr points on the last elt of the arrayInitializer, // in other words, it has not been decremented yet. ArrayInitializer ai = new ArrayInitializer(); if (length != 0) { this.expressionPtr -= length; System.arraycopy(this.expressionStack, this.expressionPtr + 1, ai.expressions = new Expression[length], 0, length); } pushOnExpressionStack(ai); //positionning ai.sourceEnd = this.endStatementPosition; ai.sourceStart = this.intStack[this.intPtr--]; } protected void blockReal() { // See consumeLocalVariableDeclarationStatement in case of change: duplicated code // increment the amount of declared variables for this block this.realBlockStack[this.realBlockPtr]++; } /* * Build initial recovery state. * Recovery state is inferred from the current state of the parser (reduced node stack). */ public RecoveredElement buildInitialRecoveryState(){ /* initialize recovery by retrieving available reduced nodes * also rebuild bracket balance */ this.lastCheckPoint = 0; this.lastErrorEndPositionBeforeRecovery = this.scanner.currentPosition; RecoveredElement element = null; if (this.referenceContext instanceof CompilationUnitDeclaration){ element = new RecoveredUnit(this.compilationUnit, 0, this); /* ignore current stack state, since restarting from the beginnning since could not trust simple brace count */ if (true){ // experimenting restart recovery from scratch this.compilationUnit.currentPackage = null; this.compilationUnit.imports = null; this.compilationUnit.types = null; this.currentToken = 0; this.listLength = 0; this.listTypeParameterLength = 0; this.endPosition = 0; this.endStatementPosition = 0; return element; } if (this.compilationUnit.currentPackage != null){ this.lastCheckPoint = this.compilationUnit.currentPackage.declarationSourceEnd+1; } if (this.compilationUnit.imports != null){ this.lastCheckPoint = this.compilationUnit.imports[this.compilationUnit.imports.length -1].declarationSourceEnd+1; } } else { if (this.referenceContext instanceof AbstractMethodDeclaration){ element = new RecoveredMethod((AbstractMethodDeclaration) this.referenceContext, null, 0, this); this.lastCheckPoint = ((AbstractMethodDeclaration) this.referenceContext).bodyStart; } else { /* Initializer bodies are parsed in the context of the type declaration, we must thus search it inside */ if (this.referenceContext instanceof TypeDeclaration){ TypeDeclaration type = (TypeDeclaration) this.referenceContext; for (int i = 0; i < type.fields.length; i++){ FieldDeclaration field = type.fields[i]; if (field != null && !field.isField() && field.declarationSourceStart <= this.scanner.initialPosition && this.scanner.initialPosition <= field.declarationSourceEnd && this.scanner.eofPosition <= field.declarationSourceEnd+1){ element = new RecoveredInitializer(field, null, 1, this); this.lastCheckPoint = field.declarationSourceStart; break; } } } } } if (element == null) return element; for(int i = 0; i <= this.astPtr; i++){ ASTNode node = this.astStack[i]; if (node instanceof AbstractMethodDeclaration){ AbstractMethodDeclaration method = (AbstractMethodDeclaration) node; if (method.declarationSourceEnd == 0){ element = element.add(method, 0); this.lastCheckPoint = method.bodyStart; } else { element = element.add(method, 0); this.lastCheckPoint = method.declarationSourceEnd + 1; } continue; } if (node instanceof Initializer){ Initializer initializer = (Initializer) node; if (initializer.declarationSourceEnd == 0){ element = element.add(initializer, 1); this.lastCheckPoint = initializer.sourceStart; } else { element = element.add(initializer, 0); this.lastCheckPoint = initializer.declarationSourceEnd + 1; } continue; } if (node instanceof FieldDeclaration){ FieldDeclaration field = (FieldDeclaration) node; if (field.declarationSourceEnd == 0){ element = element.add(field, 0); if (field.initialization == null){ this.lastCheckPoint = field.sourceEnd + 1; } else { this.lastCheckPoint = field.initialization.sourceEnd + 1; } } else { element = element.add(field, 0); this.lastCheckPoint = field.declarationSourceEnd + 1; } continue; } if (node instanceof TypeDeclaration){ TypeDeclaration type = (TypeDeclaration) node; if (type.declarationSourceEnd == 0){ element = element.add(type, 0); this.lastCheckPoint = type.bodyStart; } else { element = element.add(type, 0); this.lastCheckPoint = type.declarationSourceEnd + 1; } continue; } if (node instanceof ImportReference){ ImportReference importRef = (ImportReference) node; element = element.add(importRef, 0); this.lastCheckPoint = importRef.declarationSourceEnd + 1; } } return element; } protected void checkAndSetModifiers(int flag){ /*modify the current modifiers buffer. When the startPosition of the modifiers is 0 it means that the modifier being parsed is the first of a list of several modifiers. The startPosition is zeroed when a copy of modifiers-buffer is push onto the this.astStack. */ if ((this.modifiers & flag) != 0){ // duplicate modifier this.modifiers |= AccAlternateModifierProblem; } this.modifiers |= flag; if (this.modifiersSourceStart < 0) this.modifiersSourceStart = this.scanner.startPosition; } public void checkComment() { if (this.currentElement != null && this.scanner.commentPtr >= 0) { flushCommentsDefinedPriorTo(this.endStatementPosition); // discard obsolete comments during recovery } int lastComment = this.scanner.commentPtr; if (this.modifiersSourceStart >= 0) { // eliminate comments located after modifierSourceStart if positionned while (lastComment >= 0 && this.scanner.commentStarts[lastComment] > this.modifiersSourceStart) lastComment--; } if (lastComment >= 0) { // consider all remaining leading comments to be part of current declaration this.modifiersSourceStart = this.scanner.commentStarts[0]; // check deprecation in last comment if javadoc (can be followed by non-javadoc comments which are simply ignored) while (lastComment >= 0 && this.scanner.commentStops[lastComment] < 0) lastComment--; // non javadoc comment have negative end positions if (lastComment >= 0 && this.javadocParser != null) { if (this.javadocParser.checkDeprecation( this.scanner.commentStarts[lastComment], this.scanner.commentStops[lastComment] - 1)) { //stop is one over, checkAndSetModifiers(AccDeprecated); } this.javadoc = this.javadocParser.docComment; // null if check javadoc is not activated } } } protected void checkNonExternalizedStringLiteral() { if (this.scanner.wasNonExternalizedStringLiteral) { StringLiteral[] literals = this.scanner.nonNLSStrings; // could not reproduce, but this is the only NPE // added preventive null check see PR 9035 if (literals != null) { for (int i = 0, max = literals.length; i < max; i++) { problemReporter().nonExternalizedStringLiteral(literals[i]); } } this.scanner.wasNonExternalizedStringLiteral = false; } } protected void checkNonNLSAfterBodyEnd(int declarationEnd){ if(this.scanner.currentPosition - 1 <= declarationEnd) { this.scanner.eofPosition = declarationEnd < Integer.MAX_VALUE ? declarationEnd + 1 : declarationEnd; try { while(this.scanner.getNextToken() != TokenNameEOF){/*empty*/} checkNonExternalizedStringLiteral(); } catch (InvalidInputException e) { // Nothing to do } } } protected void classInstanceCreation(boolean alwaysQualified) { // ClassInstanceCreationExpression ::= 'new' ClassType '(' ArgumentListopt ')' ClassBodyopt // ClassBodyopt produces a null item on the astStak if it produces NO class body // An empty class body produces a 0 on the length stack..... AllocationExpression alloc; int length; if (((length = this.astLengthStack[this.astLengthPtr--]) == 1) && (this.astStack[this.astPtr] == null)) { //NO ClassBody this.astPtr--; if (alwaysQualified) { alloc = new QualifiedAllocationExpression(); } else { alloc = new AllocationExpression(); } alloc.sourceEnd = this.endPosition; //the position has been stored explicitly if ((length = this.expressionLengthStack[this.expressionLengthPtr--]) != 0) { this.expressionPtr -= length; System.arraycopy( this.expressionStack, this.expressionPtr + 1, alloc.arguments = new Expression[length], 0, length); } alloc.type = getTypeReference(0); //the default constructor with the correct number of argument //will be created and added by the TC (see createsInternalConstructorWithBinding) alloc.sourceStart = this.intStack[this.intPtr--]; pushOnExpressionStack(alloc); } else { dispatchDeclarationInto(length); TypeDeclaration anonymousTypeDeclaration = (TypeDeclaration)this.astStack[this.astPtr]; anonymousTypeDeclaration.declarationSourceEnd = this.endStatementPosition; anonymousTypeDeclaration.bodyEnd = this.endStatementPosition; if (anonymousTypeDeclaration.allocation != null) { anonymousTypeDeclaration.allocation.sourceEnd = this.endStatementPosition; } if (length == 0 && !containsComment(anonymousTypeDeclaration.bodyStart, anonymousTypeDeclaration.bodyEnd)) { anonymousTypeDeclaration.bits |= ASTNode.UndocumentedEmptyBlockMASK; } this.astPtr--; this.astLengthPtr--; // mark initializers with local type mark if needed markInitializersWithLocalType(anonymousTypeDeclaration); } } protected void concatExpressionLists() { this.expressionLengthStack[--this.expressionLengthPtr]++; } protected void concatGenericsLists() { this.genericsLengthStack[this.genericsLengthPtr - 1] += this.genericsLengthStack[this.genericsLengthPtr--]; } protected void concatNodeLists() { /* * This is a case where you have two sublists into the this.astStack that you want * to merge in one list. There is no action required on the this.astStack. The only * thing you need to do is merge the two lengths specified on the astStackLength. * The top two length are for example: * ... p n * and you want to result in a list like: * ... n+p * This means that the p could be equals to 0 in case there is no astNode pushed * on the this.astStack. * Look at the InterfaceMemberDeclarations for an example. */ this.astLengthStack[this.astLengthPtr - 1] += this.astLengthStack[this.astLengthPtr--]; } protected void consumeAdditionalBound() { pushOnGenericsStack(getTypeReference(this.intStack[this.intPtr--])); } protected void consumeAdditionalBound1() { // nothing to be done. // The reference type1 is consumed by consumeReferenceType1 method. } protected void consumeAdditionalBoundList() { concatGenericsLists(); } protected void consumeAdditionalBoundList1() { concatGenericsLists(); } protected void consumeAllocationHeader() { // ClassInstanceCreationExpression ::= 'new' ClassType '(' ArgumentListopt ')' ClassBodyopt // ClassBodyopt produces a null item on the astStak if it produces NO class body // An empty class body produces a 0 on the length stack..... if (this.currentElement == null){ return; // should never occur, this consumeRule is only used in recovery mode } if (this.currentToken == TokenNameLBRACE){ // beginning of an anonymous type TypeDeclaration anonymousType = new TypeDeclaration(this.compilationUnit.compilationResult); anonymousType.name = TypeDeclaration.ANONYMOUS_EMPTY_NAME; anonymousType.bits |= ASTNode.AnonymousAndLocalMask; anonymousType.sourceStart = this.intStack[this.intPtr--]; anonymousType.sourceEnd = this.rParenPos; // closing parenthesis QualifiedAllocationExpression alloc = new QualifiedAllocationExpression(anonymousType); alloc.type = getTypeReference(0); alloc.sourceStart = anonymousType.sourceStart; alloc.sourceEnd = anonymousType.sourceEnd ; anonymousType.allocation = alloc; this.lastCheckPoint = anonymousType.bodyStart = this.scanner.currentPosition; this.currentElement = this.currentElement.add(anonymousType, 0); this.lastIgnoredToken = -1; this.currentToken = 0; // opening brace already taken into account return; } this.lastCheckPoint = this.scanner.startPosition; // force to restart at this exact position this.restartRecovery = true; // request to restart from here on } protected void consumeAnnotationAsModifier() { // nothing to do } protected void consumeAnnotationTypeDeclaration() { int length; if ((length = this.astLengthStack[this.astLengthPtr--]) != 0) { //there are length declarations //dispatch according to the type of the declarations dispatchDeclarationInto(length); } TypeDeclaration typeDecl = (TypeDeclaration) this.astStack[this.astPtr]; // mark initializers with local type mark if needed markInitializersWithLocalType(typeDecl); //convert constructor that do not have the type's name into methods typeDecl.checkConstructors(this); //always add <clinit> (will be remove at code gen time if empty) if (this.scanner.containsAssertKeyword) { typeDecl.bits |= ASTNode.AddAssertionMASK; } typeDecl.addClinit(); typeDecl.bodyEnd = this.endStatementPosition; if (length == 0 && !containsComment(typeDecl.bodyStart, typeDecl.bodyEnd)) { typeDecl.bits |= ASTNode.UndocumentedEmptyBlockMASK; } typeDecl.declarationSourceEnd = flushCommentsDefinedPriorTo(this.endStatementPosition); } protected void consumeAnnotationTypeDeclarationHeader() { // consumeAnnotationTypeDeclarationHeader ::= Modifiers '@' PushModifiers interface Identifier // consumeAnnotationTypeDeclarationHeader ::= '@' PushModifiers interface Identifier AnnotationTypeDeclaration annotationTypeDeclaration = new AnnotationTypeDeclaration(this.compilationUnit.compilationResult); if (this.nestedMethod[this.nestedType] == 0) { if (this.nestedType != 0) { annotationTypeDeclaration.bits |= ASTNode.IsMemberTypeMASK; } } else { // Record that the block has a declaration for local types annotationTypeDeclaration.bits |= ASTNode.IsLocalTypeMASK; markEnclosingMemberWithLocalType(); blockReal(); } //highlight the name of the type long pos = this.identifierPositionStack[this.identifierPtr]; annotationTypeDeclaration.sourceEnd = (int) pos; annotationTypeDeclaration.sourceStart = (int) (pos >>> 32); annotationTypeDeclaration.name = this.identifierStack[this.identifierPtr--]; this.identifierLengthPtr--; //compute the declaration source too // 'interface' push two int positions: the beginning of the class token and its end. // we want to keep the beginning position but get rid of the end position // it is only used for the ClassLiteralAccess positions. this.intPtr--; // remove the start position of the interface token this.intPtr--; // remove the end position of the interface token annotationTypeDeclaration.modifiersSourceStart = this.intStack[this.intPtr--]; annotationTypeDeclaration.modifiers = this.intStack[this.intPtr--]; if (annotationTypeDeclaration.modifiersSourceStart >= 0) { annotationTypeDeclaration.declarationSourceStart = annotationTypeDeclaration.modifiersSourceStart; this.intPtr--; // remove the position of the '@' token as we have modifiers } else { int atPosition = this.intStack[this.intPtr--]; // remove the position of the '@' token as we don't have modifiers annotationTypeDeclaration.declarationSourceStart = atPosition; } // consume annotations int length; if ((length = this.expressionLengthStack[this.expressionLengthPtr--]) != 0) { System.arraycopy( this.expressionStack, (this.expressionPtr -= length) + 1, annotationTypeDeclaration.annotations = new Annotation[length], 0, length); } annotationTypeDeclaration.bodyStart = annotationTypeDeclaration.sourceEnd + 1; // javadoc annotationTypeDeclaration.javadoc = this.javadoc; this.javadoc = null; pushOnAstStack(annotationTypeDeclaration); if(options.sourceLevel < ClassFileConstants.JDK1_5 && this.lastErrorEndPositionBeforeRecovery < this.scanner.currentPosition) { this.problemReporter().invalidUsageOfAnnotationDeclarations(annotationTypeDeclaration); } } protected void consumeAnnotationTypeMemberDeclarationHeader() { // AnnotationTypeMemberDeclarationHeader ::= Modifiersopt Type Identifier '(' ')' AnnotationTypeMemberDeclaration annotationTypeMemberDeclaration = new AnnotationTypeMemberDeclaration(this.compilationUnit.compilationResult); //name annotationTypeMemberDeclaration.selector = this.identifierStack[this.identifierPtr]; long selectorSource = this.identifierPositionStack[this.identifierPtr--]; this.identifierLengthPtr--; //type annotationTypeMemberDeclaration.returnType = getTypeReference(this.intStack[this.intPtr--]); //modifiers annotationTypeMemberDeclaration.declarationSourceStart = this.intStack[this.intPtr--]; annotationTypeMemberDeclaration.modifiers = this.intStack[this.intPtr--]; // javadoc annotationTypeMemberDeclaration.javadoc = this.javadoc; this.javadoc = null; // consume annotations int length; if ((length = this.expressionLengthStack[this.expressionLengthPtr--]) != 0) { System.arraycopy( this.expressionStack, (this.expressionPtr -= length) + 1, annotationTypeMemberDeclaration.annotations = new Annotation[length], 0, length); } //highlight starts at selector start annotationTypeMemberDeclaration.sourceStart = (int) (selectorSource >>> 32); annotationTypeMemberDeclaration.sourceEnd = (int) selectorSource; annotationTypeMemberDeclaration.bodyStart = this.rParenPos + 1; pushOnAstStack(annotationTypeMemberDeclaration); } protected void consumeAnnotationTypeMemberHeaderExtendedDims() { // AnnotationTypeMemberHeaderExtendedDims ::= Dimsopt AnnotationTypeMemberDeclaration annotationTypeMemberDeclaration = (AnnotationTypeMemberDeclaration) this.astStack[this.astPtr]; int extendedDims = this.intStack[this.intPtr--]; annotationTypeMemberDeclaration.extendedDimensions = extendedDims; if (extendedDims != 0) { TypeReference returnType = annotationTypeMemberDeclaration.returnType; annotationTypeMemberDeclaration.sourceEnd = this.endPosition; int dims = returnType.dimensions() + extendedDims; int baseType; if ((baseType = this.identifierLengthStack[this.identifierLengthPtr + 1]) < 0) { //it was a baseType int sourceStart = returnType.sourceStart; int sourceEnd = returnType.sourceEnd; returnType = TypeReference.baseTypeReference(-baseType, dims); returnType.sourceStart = sourceStart; returnType.sourceEnd = sourceEnd; annotationTypeMemberDeclaration.returnType = returnType; } else { annotationTypeMemberDeclaration.returnType = this.copyDims(annotationTypeMemberDeclaration.returnType, dims); } if (this.currentToken == TokenNameSEMICOLON){ annotationTypeMemberDeclaration.bodyStart = this.endPosition + 1; } } } protected void consumeAnnotationTypeMemberDeclaration() { // AnnotationTypeMemberDeclaration ::= AnnotationTypeMemberDeclarationHeader AnnotationTypeMemberHeaderExtendedDims DefaultValueopt ';' AnnotationTypeMemberDeclaration annotationTypeMemberDeclaration = (AnnotationTypeMemberDeclaration) this.astStack[this.astPtr]; int length = this.expressionLengthStack[this.expressionLengthPtr--]; if (length == 1) { intPtr--; // we get rid of the position of the default keyword intPtr--; // we get rid of the position of the default keyword annotationTypeMemberDeclaration.memberValue = this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr--]; } // store the this.endPosition (position just before the '}') in case there is // a trailing comment behind the end of the method int declarationEndPosition = flushCommentsDefinedPriorTo(this.endStatementPosition); annotationTypeMemberDeclaration.bodyStart = this.endStatementPosition; annotationTypeMemberDeclaration.bodyEnd = declarationEndPosition; annotationTypeMemberDeclaration.declarationSourceEnd = declarationEndPosition; } protected void consumeAnnotationTypeMemberDeclarations() { // AnnotationTypeMemberDeclarations ::= AnnotationTypeMemberDeclarations AnnotationTypeMemberDeclaration concatNodeLists(); } protected void consumeArgumentList() { // ArgumentList ::= ArgumentList ',' Expression concatExpressionLists(); } protected void consumeArguments() { // Arguments ::= '(' ArgumentListopt ')' // nothing to do, the expression stack is already updated } protected void consumeArrayAccess(boolean unspecifiedReference) { // ArrayAccess ::= Name '[' Expression ']' ==> true // ArrayAccess ::= PrimaryNoNewArray '[' Expression ']' ==> false //optimize push/pop Expression exp; if (unspecifiedReference) { exp = this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr] = new ArrayReference( getUnspecifiedReferenceOptimized(), this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr]); } else { this.expressionPtr--; this.expressionLengthPtr--; exp = this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr] = new ArrayReference( this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr], this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr + 1]); } exp.sourceEnd = this.endPosition; } protected void consumeArrayCreationExpressionWithInitializer() { // ArrayCreationWithArrayInitializer ::= 'new' PrimitiveType DimWithOrWithOutExprs ArrayInitializer // ArrayCreationWithArrayInitializer ::= 'new' ClassOrInterfaceType DimWithOrWithOutExprs ArrayInitializer int length; ArrayAllocationExpression aae = new ArrayAllocationExpression(); this.expressionLengthPtr -- ; aae.initializer = (ArrayInitializer) this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr--]; aae.type = getTypeReference(0); length = (this.expressionLengthStack[this.expressionLengthPtr--]); this.expressionPtr -= length ; System.arraycopy( this.expressionStack, this.expressionPtr+1, aae.dimensions = new Expression[length], 0, length); aae.sourceStart = this.intStack[this.intPtr--]; if (aae.initializer == null) { aae.sourceEnd = this.endPosition; } else { aae.sourceEnd = aae.initializer.sourceEnd ; } pushOnExpressionStack(aae); } protected void consumeArrayCreationExpressionWithoutInitializer() { // ArrayCreationWithoutArrayInitializer ::= 'new' ClassOrInterfaceType DimWithOrWithOutExprs // ArrayCreationWithoutArrayInitializer ::= 'new' PrimitiveType DimWithOrWithOutExprs int length; ArrayAllocationExpression aae = new ArrayAllocationExpression(); aae.type = getTypeReference(0); length = (this.expressionLengthStack[this.expressionLengthPtr--]); this.expressionPtr -= length ; System.arraycopy( this.expressionStack, this.expressionPtr+1, aae.dimensions = new Expression[length], 0, length); aae.sourceStart = this.intStack[this.intPtr--]; if (aae.initializer == null) { aae.sourceEnd = this.endPosition; } else { aae.sourceEnd = aae.initializer.sourceEnd ; } pushOnExpressionStack(aae); } protected void consumeArrayCreationHeader() { // nothing to do } protected void consumeArrayInitializer() { // ArrayInitializer ::= '{' VariableInitializers '}' // ArrayInitializer ::= '{' VariableInitializers , '}' arrayInitializer(this.expressionLengthStack[this.expressionLengthPtr--]); } protected void consumeArrayTypeWithTypeArgumentsName() { this.intStack[this.intPtr] += this.identifierLengthStack[this.identifierLengthPtr]; } protected void consumeAssertStatement() { // AssertStatement ::= 'assert' Expression ':' Expression ';' this.expressionLengthPtr-=2; pushOnAstStack(new AssertStatement(this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr--], this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr--], this.intStack[this.intPtr--])); } protected void consumeAssignment() { // Assignment ::= LeftHandSide AssignmentOperator AssignmentExpression //optimize the push/pop int op = this.intStack[this.intPtr--] ; //<--the encoded operator this.expressionPtr -- ; this.expressionLengthPtr -- ; this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr] = (op != EQUAL ) ? new CompoundAssignment( this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr] , this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr+1], op, this.scanner.startPosition - 1) : new Assignment( this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr] , this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr+1], this.scanner.startPosition - 1); } protected void consumeAssignmentOperator(int pos) { // AssignmentOperator ::= '=' // AssignmentOperator ::= '*=' // AssignmentOperator ::= '/=' // AssignmentOperator ::= '%=' // AssignmentOperator ::= '+=' // AssignmentOperator ::= '-=' // AssignmentOperator ::= '<<=' // AssignmentOperator ::= '>>=' // AssignmentOperator ::= '>>>=' // AssignmentOperator ::= '&=' // AssignmentOperator ::= '^=' // AssignmentOperator ::= '|=' pushOnIntStack(pos); } protected void consumeBinaryExpression(int op) { // MultiplicativeExpression ::= MultiplicativeExpression '*' UnaryExpression // MultiplicativeExpression ::= MultiplicativeExpression '/' UnaryExpression // MultiplicativeExpression ::= MultiplicativeExpression '%' UnaryExpression // AdditiveExpression ::= AdditiveExpression '+' MultiplicativeExpression // AdditiveExpression ::= AdditiveExpression '-' MultiplicativeExpression // ShiftExpression ::= ShiftExpression '<<' AdditiveExpression // ShiftExpression ::= ShiftExpression '>>' AdditiveExpression // ShiftExpression ::= ShiftExpression '>>>' AdditiveExpression // RelationalExpression ::= RelationalExpression '<' ShiftExpression // RelationalExpression ::= RelationalExpression '>' ShiftExpression // RelationalExpression ::= RelationalExpression '<=' ShiftExpression // RelationalExpression ::= RelationalExpression '>=' ShiftExpression // AndExpression ::= AndExpression '&' EqualityExpression // ExclusiveOrExpression ::= ExclusiveOrExpression '^' AndExpression // InclusiveOrExpression ::= InclusiveOrExpression '|' ExclusiveOrExpression // ConditionalAndExpression ::= ConditionalAndExpression '&&' InclusiveOrExpression // ConditionalOrExpression ::= ConditionalOrExpression '||' ConditionalAndExpression //optimize the push/pop this.expressionPtr--; this.expressionLengthPtr--; Expression expr1 = this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr]; Expression expr2 = this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr + 1]; switch(op) { case OR_OR : this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr] = new OR_OR_Expression( expr1, expr2, op); break; case AND_AND : this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr] = new AND_AND_Expression( expr1, expr2, op); break; case PLUS : // look for "string1" + "string2" if (this.optimizeStringLiterals) { if (expr1 instanceof StringLiteral) { if (expr2 instanceof CharLiteral) { // string+char this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr] = ((StringLiteral) expr1).extendWith((CharLiteral) expr2); } else if (expr2 instanceof StringLiteral) { //string+string this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr] = ((StringLiteral) expr1).extendWith((StringLiteral) expr2); } else { this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr] = new BinaryExpression(expr1, expr2, PLUS); } } else { this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr] = new BinaryExpression(expr1, expr2, PLUS); } } else if (expr1 instanceof StringLiteral) { if (expr2 instanceof StringLiteral) { // string + string this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr] = ((StringLiteral) expr1).extendsWith((StringLiteral) expr2); } else { this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr] = new BinaryExpression( expr1, expr2, op); } } else { this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr] = new BinaryExpression( expr1, expr2, op); } break; case LESS : // TODO (olivier) bug 67790 remove once DOMParser is activated this.intPtr--; this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr] = new BinaryExpression( expr1, expr2, op); break; default : this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr] = new BinaryExpression( expr1, expr2, op); } } /** * @param op binary operator */ protected void consumeBinaryExpressionWithName(int op) { pushOnExpressionStack(getUnspecifiedReferenceOptimized()); this.expressionPtr--; this.expressionLengthPtr--; /* if (op == OR_OR) { this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr] = new OR_OR_Expression( this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr + 1], this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr], op); } else { if (op == AND_AND) { this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr] = new AND_AND_Expression( this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr + 1], this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr], op); } else { // look for "string1" + "string2" if ((op == PLUS) && this.optimizeStringLiterals) { Expression expr1, expr2; expr1 = this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr + 1]; expr2 = this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr]; if (expr1 instanceof StringLiteral) { if (expr2 instanceof CharLiteral) { // string+char this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr] = ((StringLiteral) expr1).extendWith((CharLiteral) expr2); } else if (expr2 instanceof StringLiteral) { //string+string this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr] = ((StringLiteral) expr1).extendWith((StringLiteral) expr2); } else { this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr] = new BinaryExpression(expr1, expr2, PLUS); } } else { this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr] = new BinaryExpression(expr1, expr2, PLUS); } } else { this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr] = new BinaryExpression( this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr + 1], this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr], op); } } } */ Expression expr1 = this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr + 1]; Expression expr2 = this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr]; switch(op) { case OR_OR : this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr] = new OR_OR_Expression( expr1, expr2, op); break; case AND_AND : this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr] = new AND_AND_Expression( expr1, expr2, op); break; case PLUS : // look for "string1" + "string2" if (this.optimizeStringLiterals) { if (expr1 instanceof StringLiteral) { if (expr2 instanceof CharLiteral) { // string+char this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr] = ((StringLiteral) expr1).extendWith((CharLiteral) expr2); } else if (expr2 instanceof StringLiteral) { //string+string this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr] = ((StringLiteral) expr1).extendWith((StringLiteral) expr2); } else { this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr] = new BinaryExpression(expr1, expr2, PLUS); } } else { this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr] = new BinaryExpression(expr1, expr2, PLUS); } } else if (expr1 instanceof StringLiteral) { if (expr2 instanceof StringLiteral) { // string + string this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr] = ((StringLiteral) expr1).extendsWith((StringLiteral) expr2); } else { this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr] = new BinaryExpression( expr1, expr2, op); } } else { this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr] = new BinaryExpression( expr1, expr2, op); } break; case LESS : // TODO (olivier) bug 67790 remove once DOMParser is activated this.intPtr--; this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr] = new BinaryExpression( expr1, expr2, op); break; default : this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr] = new BinaryExpression( expr1, expr2, op); } } protected void consumeBlock() { // Block ::= OpenBlock '{' BlockStatementsopt '}' // simpler action for empty blocks int statementsLength = this.astLengthStack[this.astLengthPtr--]; Block block; if (statementsLength == 0) { // empty block block = new Block(0); block.sourceStart = this.intStack[this.intPtr--]; block.sourceEnd = this.endStatementPosition; // check whether this block at least contains some comment in it if (!containsComment(block.sourceStart, block.sourceEnd)) { block.bits |= ASTNode.UndocumentedEmptyBlockMASK; } this.realBlockPtr--; // still need to pop the block variable counter } else { block = new Block(this.realBlockStack[this.realBlockPtr--]); this.astPtr -= statementsLength; System.arraycopy( this.astStack, this.astPtr + 1, block.statements = new Statement[statementsLength], 0, statementsLength); block.sourceStart = this.intStack[this.intPtr--]; block.sourceEnd = this.endStatementPosition; } pushOnAstStack(block); } protected void consumeBlockStatements() { // BlockStatements ::= BlockStatements BlockStatement concatNodeLists(); } protected void consumeCaseLabel() { // SwitchLabel ::= 'case' ConstantExpression ':' this.expressionLengthPtr--; Expression expression = this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr--]; pushOnAstStack(new CaseStatement(expression, expression.sourceEnd, this.intStack[this.intPtr--])); } protected void consumeCastExpressionLL1() { //CastExpression ::= '(' Expression ')' InsideCastExpressionLL1 UnaryExpressionNotPlusMinus // Expression is used in order to make the grammar LL1 //optimize push/pop Expression cast,exp; this.expressionPtr--; this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr] = cast = new CastExpression( exp=this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr+1] , getTypeReference(this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr])); this.expressionLengthPtr -- ; updateSourcePosition(cast); cast.sourceEnd=exp.sourceEnd; } protected void consumeCastExpressionWithGenericsArray() { // CastExpression ::= PushLPAREN Name TypeArguments Dims PushRPAREN InsideCastExpression UnaryExpressionNotPlusMinus Expression exp, cast, castType; int end = this.intStack[this.intPtr--]; int dim = this.intStack[this.intPtr--]; pushOnGenericsIdentifiersLengthStack(this.identifierLengthStack[this.identifierLengthPtr]); this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr] = cast = new CastExpression(exp = this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr], castType = getTypeReference(dim)); // TODO (olivier) bug 67790 remove once DOMParser is activated intPtr--; castType.sourceEnd = end - 1; castType.sourceStart = (cast.sourceStart = this.intStack[this.intPtr--]) + 1; cast.sourceEnd = exp.sourceEnd; } protected void consumeCastExpressionWithNameArray() { // CastExpression ::= PushLPAREN Name Dims PushRPAREN InsideCastExpression UnaryExpressionNotPlusMinus Expression exp, cast, castType; int end = this.intStack[this.intPtr--]; // handle type arguments pushOnGenericsLengthStack(0); pushOnGenericsIdentifiersLengthStack(this.identifierLengthStack[this.identifierLengthPtr]); this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr] = cast = new CastExpression(exp = this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr], castType = getTypeReference(this.intStack[this.intPtr--])); castType.sourceEnd = end - 1; castType.sourceStart = (cast.sourceStart = this.intStack[this.intPtr--]) + 1; cast.sourceEnd = exp.sourceEnd; } protected void consumeCastExpressionWithPrimitiveType() { // CastExpression ::= PushLPAREN PrimitiveType Dimsopt PushRPAREN InsideCastExpression UnaryExpression //this.intStack : posOfLeftParen dim posOfRightParen //optimize the push/pop Expression exp, cast, castType; int end = this.intStack[this.intPtr--]; this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr] = cast = new CastExpression(exp = this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr], castType = getTypeReference(this.intStack[this.intPtr--])); castType.sourceEnd = end - 1; castType.sourceStart = (cast.sourceStart = this.intStack[this.intPtr--]) + 1; cast.sourceEnd = exp.sourceEnd; } protected ParameterizedQualifiedTypeReference computeQualifiedGenericsFromRightSide(TypeReference rightSide, int dim) { int nameSize = this.identifierLengthStack[this.identifierLengthPtr]; int tokensSize = nameSize; if (rightSide instanceof ParameterizedSingleTypeReference) { tokensSize ++; } else if (rightSide instanceof SingleTypeReference) { tokensSize ++; } else if (rightSide instanceof ParameterizedQualifiedTypeReference) { tokensSize += ((QualifiedTypeReference) rightSide).tokens.length; } else if (rightSide instanceof QualifiedTypeReference) { tokensSize += ((QualifiedTypeReference) rightSide).tokens.length; } TypeReference[][] typeArguments = new TypeReference[tokensSize][]; char[][] tokens = new char[tokensSize][]; long[] positions = new long[tokensSize]; if (rightSide instanceof ParameterizedSingleTypeReference) { ParameterizedSingleTypeReference singleParameterizedTypeReference = (ParameterizedSingleTypeReference) rightSide; tokens[nameSize] = singleParameterizedTypeReference.token; positions[nameSize] = (((long) singleParameterizedTypeReference.sourceStart) << 32) + singleParameterizedTypeReference.sourceEnd; typeArguments[nameSize] = singleParameterizedTypeReference.typeArguments; } else if (rightSide instanceof SingleTypeReference) { SingleTypeReference singleTypeReference = (SingleTypeReference) rightSide; tokens[nameSize] = singleTypeReference.token; positions[nameSize] = (((long) singleTypeReference.sourceStart) << 32) + singleTypeReference.sourceEnd; } else if (rightSide instanceof ParameterizedQualifiedTypeReference) { ParameterizedQualifiedTypeReference parameterizedTypeReference = (ParameterizedQualifiedTypeReference) rightSide; TypeReference[][] rightSideTypeArguments = parameterizedTypeReference.typeArguments; System.arraycopy(rightSideTypeArguments, 0, typeArguments, nameSize, rightSideTypeArguments.length); char[][] rightSideTokens = parameterizedTypeReference.tokens; System.arraycopy(rightSideTokens, 0, tokens, nameSize, rightSideTokens.length); long[] rightSidePositions = parameterizedTypeReference.sourcePositions; System.arraycopy(rightSidePositions, 0, positions, nameSize, rightSidePositions.length); } else if (rightSide instanceof QualifiedTypeReference) { QualifiedTypeReference qualifiedTypeReference = (QualifiedTypeReference) rightSide; char[][] rightSideTokens = qualifiedTypeReference.tokens; System.arraycopy(rightSideTokens, 0, tokens, nameSize, rightSideTokens.length); long[] rightSidePositions = qualifiedTypeReference.sourcePositions; System.arraycopy(rightSidePositions, 0, positions, nameSize, rightSidePositions.length); } int currentTypeArgumentsLength = this.genericsLengthStack[this.genericsLengthPtr--]; TypeReference[] currentTypeArguments = new TypeReference[currentTypeArgumentsLength]; this.genericsPtr -= currentTypeArgumentsLength; System.arraycopy(this.genericsStack, this.genericsPtr + 1, currentTypeArguments, 0, currentTypeArgumentsLength); if (nameSize == 1) { tokens[0] = this.identifierStack[this.identifierPtr]; positions[0] = this.identifierPositionStack[this.identifierPtr--]; typeArguments[0] = currentTypeArguments; } else { this.identifierPtr -= nameSize; System.arraycopy(this.identifierStack, this.identifierPtr + 1, tokens, 0, nameSize); System.arraycopy(this.identifierPositionStack, this.identifierPtr + 1, positions, 0, nameSize); typeArguments[nameSize - 1] = currentTypeArguments; } this.identifierLengthPtr--; return new ParameterizedQualifiedTypeReference(tokens, typeArguments, dim, positions); } protected void consumeCastExpressionWithQualifiedGenericsArray() { // CastExpression ::= PushLPAREN Name OnlyTypeArguments '.' ClassOrInterfaceType Dims PushRPAREN InsideCastExpression UnaryExpressionNotPlusMinus Expression exp, cast, castType; int end = this.intStack[this.intPtr--]; int dim = this.intStack[this.intPtr--]; TypeReference rightSide = getTypeReference(0); ParameterizedQualifiedTypeReference qualifiedParameterizedTypeReference = computeQualifiedGenericsFromRightSide(rightSide, dim); // TODO (olivier) bug 67790 remove once DOMParser is activated intPtr--; this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr] = cast = new CastExpression(exp = this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr], castType = qualifiedParameterizedTypeReference); castType.sourceEnd = end - 1; castType.sourceStart = (cast.sourceStart = this.intStack[this.intPtr--]) + 1; cast.sourceEnd = exp.sourceEnd; } protected void consumeCatches() { // Catches ::= Catches CatchClause optimizedConcatNodeLists(); } protected void consumeCatchHeader() { // CatchDeclaration ::= 'catch' '(' FormalParameter ')' '{' if (this.currentElement == null){ return; // should never occur, this consumeRule is only used in recovery mode } // current element should be a block due to the presence of the opening brace if (!(this.currentElement instanceof RecoveredBlock)){ if(!(this.currentElement instanceof RecoveredMethod)) { return; } RecoveredMethod rMethod = (RecoveredMethod) this.currentElement; if(!(rMethod.methodBody == null && rMethod.bracketBalance > 0)) { return; } } Argument arg = (Argument)this.astStack[this.astPtr--]; // convert argument to local variable LocalDeclaration localDeclaration = new LocalDeclaration(arg.name, arg.sourceStart, arg.sourceEnd); localDeclaration.type = arg.type; localDeclaration.declarationSourceStart = arg.declarationSourceStart; localDeclaration.declarationSourceEnd = arg.declarationSourceEnd; this.currentElement = this.currentElement.add(localDeclaration, 0); this.lastCheckPoint = this.scanner.startPosition; // force to restart at this exact position this.restartRecovery = true; // request to restart from here on this.lastIgnoredToken = -1; } protected void consumeClassBodyDeclaration() { // ClassBodyDeclaration ::= Diet Block //push an Initializer //optimize the push/pop this.nestedMethod[this.nestedType]--; Block block = (Block) this.astStack[this.astPtr]; if (this.diet) block.bits &= ~ASTNode.UndocumentedEmptyBlockMASK; // clear bit since was diet Initializer initializer = new Initializer(block, 0); this.intPtr--; // pop sourcestart left on the stack by consumeNestedMethod. initializer.bodyStart = this.intStack[this.intPtr--]; this.realBlockPtr--; // pop the block variable counter left on the stack by consumeNestedMethod int javadocCommentStart = this.intStack[this.intPtr--]; if (javadocCommentStart != -1) { initializer.declarationSourceStart = javadocCommentStart; initializer.javadoc = this.javadoc; this.javadoc = null; } this.astStack[this.astPtr] = initializer; initializer.bodyEnd = this.endPosition; initializer.sourceEnd = this.endStatementPosition; initializer.declarationSourceEnd = flushCommentsDefinedPriorTo(this.endStatementPosition); } protected void consumeClassBodyDeclarations() { // ClassBodyDeclarations ::= ClassBodyDeclarations ClassBodyDeclaration concatNodeLists(); } protected void consumeClassBodyDeclarationsopt() { // ClassBodyDeclarationsopt ::= NestedType ClassBodyDeclarations this.nestedType-- ; } protected void consumeClassBodyopt() { // ClassBodyopt ::= $empty pushOnAstStack(null); this.endPosition = this.scanner.startPosition - 1; } protected void consumeClassDeclaration() { // ClassDeclaration ::= ClassHeader ClassBody int length; if ((length = this.astLengthStack[this.astLengthPtr--]) != 0) { //there are length declarations //dispatch according to the type of the declarations dispatchDeclarationInto(length); } TypeDeclaration typeDecl = (TypeDeclaration) this.astStack[this.astPtr]; // mark initializers with local type mark if needed markInitializersWithLocalType(typeDecl); //convert constructor that do not have the type's name into methods boolean hasConstructor = typeDecl.checkConstructors(this); //add the default constructor when needed (interface don't have it) if (!hasConstructor && !typeDecl.isInterface()) { boolean insideFieldInitializer = false; if (this.diet) { for (int i = this.nestedType; i > 0; i--){ if (this.variablesCounter[i] > 0) { insideFieldInitializer = true; break; } } } typeDecl.createsInternalConstructor(!this.diet || insideFieldInitializer, true); } //always add <clinit> (will be remove at code gen time if empty) if (this.scanner.containsAssertKeyword) { typeDecl.bits |= ASTNode.AddAssertionMASK; } typeDecl.addClinit(); typeDecl.bodyEnd = this.endStatementPosition; if (length == 0 && !containsComment(typeDecl.bodyStart, typeDecl.bodyEnd)) { typeDecl.bits |= ASTNode.UndocumentedEmptyBlockMASK; } typeDecl.declarationSourceEnd = flushCommentsDefinedPriorTo(this.endStatementPosition); } protected void consumeClassHeader() { // ClassHeader ::= ClassHeaderName ClassHeaderExtendsopt ClassHeaderImplementsopt TypeDeclaration typeDecl = (TypeDeclaration) this.astStack[this.astPtr]; if (this.currentToken == TokenNameLBRACE) { typeDecl.bodyStart = this.scanner.currentPosition; } if (this.currentElement != null) { this.restartRecovery = true; // used to avoid branching back into the regular automaton } // flush the comments related to the class header this.scanner.commentPtr = -1; } protected void consumeClassHeaderExtends() { // ClassHeaderExtends ::= 'extends' ClassType //superclass TypeReference superClass = getTypeReference(0); // There is a class declaration on the top of stack TypeDeclaration typeDecl = (TypeDeclaration) this.astStack[this.astPtr]; typeDecl.superclass = superClass; superClass.bits |= ASTNode.IsSuperType; typeDecl.bodyStart = typeDecl.superclass.sourceEnd + 1; // recovery if (this.currentElement != null){ this.lastCheckPoint = typeDecl.bodyStart; } } protected void consumeClassHeaderImplements() { // ClassHeaderImplements ::= 'implements' InterfaceTypeList int length = this.astLengthStack[this.astLengthPtr--]; //super interfaces this.astPtr -= length; // There is a class declaration on the top of stack TypeDeclaration typeDecl = (TypeDeclaration) this.astStack[this.astPtr]; System.arraycopy( this.astStack, this.astPtr + 1, typeDecl.superInterfaces = new TypeReference[length], 0, length); for (int i = 0, max = typeDecl.superInterfaces.length; i < max; i++) { typeDecl.superInterfaces[i].bits |= ASTNode.IsSuperType; } typeDecl.bodyStart = typeDecl.superInterfaces[length-1].sourceEnd + 1; this.listLength = 0; // reset after having read super-interfaces // recovery if (this.currentElement != null) { // is recovering this.lastCheckPoint = typeDecl.bodyStart; } } protected void consumeClassHeaderName1() { // ClassHeaderName1 ::= Modifiersopt 'class' 'Identifier' TypeDeclaration typeDecl = new TypeDeclaration(this.compilationUnit.compilationResult); if (this.nestedMethod[this.nestedType] == 0) { if (this.nestedType != 0) { typeDecl.bits |= ASTNode.IsMemberTypeMASK; } } else { // Record that the block has a declaration for local types typeDecl.bits |= ASTNode.IsLocalTypeMASK; markEnclosingMemberWithLocalType(); blockReal(); } //highlight the name of the type long pos = this.identifierPositionStack[this.identifierPtr]; typeDecl.sourceEnd = (int) pos; typeDecl.sourceStart = (int) (pos >>> 32); typeDecl.name = this.identifierStack[this.identifierPtr--]; this.identifierLengthPtr--; //compute the declaration source too // 'class' and 'interface' push two int positions: the beginning of the class token and its end. // we want to keep the beginning position but get rid of the end position // it is only used for the ClassLiteralAccess positions. typeDecl.declarationSourceStart = this.intStack[this.intPtr--]; this.intPtr--; // remove the end position of the class token typeDecl.modifiersSourceStart = this.intStack[this.intPtr--]; typeDecl.modifiers = this.intStack[this.intPtr--]; if (typeDecl.modifiersSourceStart >= 0) { typeDecl.declarationSourceStart = typeDecl.modifiersSourceStart; } // consume annotations int length; if ((length = this.expressionLengthStack[this.expressionLengthPtr--]) != 0) { System.arraycopy( this.expressionStack, (this.expressionPtr -= length) + 1, typeDecl.annotations = new Annotation[length], 0, length); } typeDecl.bodyStart = typeDecl.sourceEnd + 1; pushOnAstStack(typeDecl); this.listLength = 0; // will be updated when reading super-interfaces // recovery if (this.currentElement != null){ this.lastCheckPoint = typeDecl.bodyStart; this.currentElement = this.currentElement.add(typeDecl, 0); this.lastIgnoredToken = -1; } // javadoc typeDecl.javadoc = this.javadoc; this.javadoc = null; } protected void consumeTypeHeaderNameWithTypeParameters() { // ClassHeaderName ::= ClassHeaderName1 TypeParameters // InterfaceHeaderName ::= InterfaceHeaderName1 TypeParameters TypeDeclaration typeDecl = (TypeDeclaration)this.astStack[this.astPtr]; // consume type parameters int length = this.genericsLengthStack[this.genericsLengthPtr--]; this.genericsPtr -= length; System.arraycopy(this.genericsStack, this.genericsPtr + 1, typeDecl.typeParameters = new TypeParameter[length], 0, length); typeDecl.bodyStart = typeDecl.typeParameters[length-1].declarationSourceEnd + 1; this.listTypeParameterLength = 0; if (this.currentElement != null) { // is recovering this.lastCheckPoint = typeDecl.bodyStart; } } protected void consumeClassInstanceCreationExpression() { // ClassInstanceCreationExpression ::= 'new' ClassType '(' ArgumentListopt ')' ClassBodyopt classInstanceCreation(false); } protected void consumeClassInstanceCreationExpressionName() { // ClassInstanceCreationExpressionName ::= Name '.' pushOnExpressionStack(getUnspecifiedReferenceOptimized()); } protected void consumeClassInstanceCreationExpressionQualified() { // ClassInstanceCreationExpression ::= Primary '.' 'new' SimpleName '(' ArgumentListopt ')' ClassBodyopt // ClassInstanceCreationExpression ::= ClassInstanceCreationExpressionName 'new' SimpleName '(' ArgumentListopt ')' ClassBodyopt classInstanceCreation(true); this.expressionLengthPtr--; QualifiedAllocationExpression qae = (QualifiedAllocationExpression) this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr--]; qae.enclosingInstance = this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr]; this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr] = qae; qae.sourceStart = qae.enclosingInstance.sourceStart; } protected void consumeClassInstanceCreationExpressionQualifiedWithTypeArguments() { // ClassInstanceCreationExpression ::= Primary '.' 'new' TypeArguments SimpleName '(' ArgumentListopt ')' ClassBodyopt // ClassInstanceCreationExpression ::= ClassInstanceCreationExpressionName 'new' TypeArguments SimpleName '(' ArgumentListopt ')' ClassBodyopt QualifiedAllocationExpression alloc; int length; if (((length = this.astLengthStack[this.astLengthPtr--]) == 1) && (this.astStack[this.astPtr] == null)) { //NO ClassBody this.astPtr--; alloc = new QualifiedAllocationExpression(); alloc.sourceEnd = this.endPosition; //the position has been stored explicitly if ((length = this.expressionLengthStack[this.expressionLengthPtr--]) != 0) { this.expressionPtr -= length; System.arraycopy( this.expressionStack, this.expressionPtr + 1, alloc.arguments = new Expression[length], 0, length); } alloc.type = getTypeReference(0); length = this.genericsLengthStack[this.genericsLengthPtr--]; this.genericsPtr -= length; System.arraycopy(this.genericsStack, this.genericsPtr + 1, alloc.typeArguments = new TypeReference[length], 0, length); // TODO (olivier) bug 67790 remove once DOMParser is activated intPtr--; //the default constructor with the correct number of argument //will be created and added by the TC (see createsInternalConstructorWithBinding) alloc.sourceStart = this.intStack[this.intPtr--]; pushOnExpressionStack(alloc); } else { dispatchDeclarationInto(length); TypeDeclaration anonymousTypeDeclaration = (TypeDeclaration)this.astStack[this.astPtr]; anonymousTypeDeclaration.declarationSourceEnd = this.endStatementPosition; anonymousTypeDeclaration.bodyEnd = this.endStatementPosition; if (length == 0 && !containsComment(anonymousTypeDeclaration.bodyStart, anonymousTypeDeclaration.bodyEnd)) { anonymousTypeDeclaration.bits |= ASTNode.UndocumentedEmptyBlockMASK; } this.astPtr--; this.astLengthPtr--; QualifiedAllocationExpression anonymousTypeDeclarationAllocationExpression = anonymousTypeDeclaration.allocation; if (anonymousTypeDeclarationAllocationExpression != null) { anonymousTypeDeclarationAllocationExpression.sourceEnd = this.endStatementPosition; // handle type arguments length = this.genericsLengthStack[this.genericsLengthPtr--]; this.genericsPtr -= length; System.arraycopy(this.genericsStack, this.genericsPtr + 1, anonymousTypeDeclarationAllocationExpression.typeArguments = new TypeReference[length], 0, length); } // mark initializers with local type mark if needed markInitializersWithLocalType(anonymousTypeDeclaration); } this.expressionLengthPtr--; QualifiedAllocationExpression qae = (QualifiedAllocationExpression) this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr--]; qae.enclosingInstance = this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr]; this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr] = qae; qae.sourceStart = qae.enclosingInstance.sourceStart; } protected void consumeClassInstanceCreationExpressionWithTypeArguments() { // ClassInstanceCreationExpression ::= 'new' TypeArguments ClassType '(' ArgumentListopt ')' ClassBodyopt AllocationExpression alloc; int length; if (((length = this.astLengthStack[this.astLengthPtr--]) == 1) && (this.astStack[this.astPtr] == null)) { //NO ClassBody this.astPtr--; alloc = new AllocationExpression(); alloc.sourceEnd = this.endPosition; //the position has been stored explicitly if ((length = this.expressionLengthStack[this.expressionLengthPtr--]) != 0) { this.expressionPtr -= length; System.arraycopy( this.expressionStack, this.expressionPtr + 1, alloc.arguments = new Expression[length], 0, length); } alloc.type = getTypeReference(0); length = this.genericsLengthStack[this.genericsLengthPtr--]; this.genericsPtr -= length; System.arraycopy(this.genericsStack, this.genericsPtr + 1, alloc.typeArguments = new TypeReference[length], 0, length); // TODO (olivier) bug 67790 remove once DOMParser is activated intPtr--; //the default constructor with the correct number of argument //will be created and added by the TC (see createsInternalConstructorWithBinding) alloc.sourceStart = this.intStack[this.intPtr--]; pushOnExpressionStack(alloc); } else { dispatchDeclarationInto(length); TypeDeclaration anonymousTypeDeclaration = (TypeDeclaration)this.astStack[this.astPtr]; anonymousTypeDeclaration.declarationSourceEnd = this.endStatementPosition; anonymousTypeDeclaration.bodyEnd = this.endStatementPosition; if (length == 0 && !containsComment(anonymousTypeDeclaration.bodyStart, anonymousTypeDeclaration.bodyEnd)) { anonymousTypeDeclaration.bits |= ASTNode.UndocumentedEmptyBlockMASK; } this.astPtr--; this.astLengthPtr--; QualifiedAllocationExpression anonymousTypeDeclarationAllocationExpression = anonymousTypeDeclaration.allocation; if (anonymousTypeDeclarationAllocationExpression != null) { anonymousTypeDeclarationAllocationExpression.sourceEnd = this.endStatementPosition; // handle type arguments length = this.genericsLengthStack[this.genericsLengthPtr--]; this.genericsPtr -= length; System.arraycopy(this.genericsStack, this.genericsPtr + 1, anonymousTypeDeclarationAllocationExpression.typeArguments = new TypeReference[length], 0, length); } // mark initializers with local type mark if needed markInitializersWithLocalType(anonymousTypeDeclaration); } } protected void consumeClassOrInterface() { this.genericsIdentifiersLengthStack[this.genericsIdentifiersLengthPtr] += this.identifierLengthStack[this.identifierLengthPtr]; pushOnGenericsLengthStack(0); // handle type arguments } protected void consumeClassOrInterfaceName() { pushOnGenericsIdentifiersLengthStack(this.identifierLengthStack[this.identifierLengthPtr]); pushOnGenericsLengthStack(0); // handle type arguments } protected void consumeClassTypeElt() { // ClassTypeElt ::= ClassType pushOnAstStack(getTypeReference(0)); /* if incomplete thrown exception list, this.listLength counter will not have been reset, indicating that some items are available on the stack */ this.listLength++; } protected void consumeClassTypeList() { // ClassTypeList ::= ClassTypeList ',' ClassTypeElt optimizedConcatNodeLists(); } protected void consumeCompilationUnit() { // CompilationUnit ::= EnterCompilationUnit InternalCompilationUnit // do nothing by default } protected void consumeConditionalExpression(int op) { // ConditionalExpression ::= ConditionalOrExpression '?' Expression ':' ConditionalExpression //optimize the push/pop this.intPtr -= 2;//consume position of the question mark this.expressionPtr -= 2; this.expressionLengthPtr -= 2; this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr] = new ConditionalExpression( this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr], this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr + 1], this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr + 2]); } /** * @param op */ protected void consumeConditionalExpressionWithName(int op) { // ConditionalExpression ::= Name '?' Expression ':' ConditionalExpression this.intPtr -= 2;//consume position of the question mark pushOnExpressionStack(getUnspecifiedReferenceOptimized()); this.expressionPtr -= 2; this.expressionLengthPtr -= 2; this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr] = new ConditionalExpression( this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr + 2], this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr], this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr + 1]); } protected void consumeConstructorBlockStatements() { // ConstructorBody ::= NestedMethod '{' ExplicitConstructorInvocation BlockStatements '}' concatNodeLists(); // explictly add the first statement into the list of statements } protected void consumeConstructorBody() { // ConstructorBody ::= NestedMethod '{' BlockStatementsopt '}' // ConstructorBody ::= NestedMethod '{' ExplicitConstructorInvocation '}' this.nestedMethod[this.nestedType] --; } protected void consumeConstructorDeclaration() { // ConstructorDeclaration ::= ConstructorHeader ConstructorBody /* this.astStack : MethodDeclaration statements this.identifierStack : name ==> this.astStack : MethodDeclaration this.identifierStack : */ //must provide a default constructor call when needed int length; // pop the position of the { (body of the method) pushed in block decl this.intPtr--; this.intPtr--; //statements this.realBlockPtr--; ExplicitConstructorCall constructorCall = null; Statement[] statements = null; if ((length = this.astLengthStack[this.astLengthPtr--]) != 0) { this.astPtr -= length; if (this.astStack[this.astPtr + 1] instanceof ExplicitConstructorCall) { //avoid a isSomeThing that would only be used here BUT what is faster between two alternatives ? System.arraycopy( this.astStack, this.astPtr + 2, statements = new Statement[length - 1], 0, length - 1); constructorCall = (ExplicitConstructorCall) this.astStack[this.astPtr + 1]; } else { //need to add explicitly the super(); System.arraycopy( this.astStack, this.astPtr + 1, statements = new Statement[length], 0, length); constructorCall = SuperReference.implicitSuperConstructorCall(); } } else { boolean insideFieldInitializer = false; if (this.diet) { for (int i = this.nestedType; i > 0; i--){ if (this.variablesCounter[i] > 0) { insideFieldInitializer = true; break; } } } if (!this.diet || insideFieldInitializer){ // add it only in non-diet mode, if diet_bodies, then constructor call will be added elsewhere. constructorCall = SuperReference.implicitSuperConstructorCall(); } } // now we know that the top of stack is a constructorDeclaration ConstructorDeclaration cd = (ConstructorDeclaration) this.astStack[this.astPtr]; cd.constructorCall = constructorCall; cd.statements = statements; //highlight of the implicit call on the method name if (constructorCall != null && cd.constructorCall.sourceEnd == 0) { cd.constructorCall.sourceEnd = cd.sourceEnd; cd.constructorCall.sourceStart = cd.sourceStart; } if (!this.diet && (statements == null && constructorCall.isImplicitSuper())) { if (!containsComment(cd.bodyStart, this.endPosition)) { cd.bits |= ASTNode.UndocumentedEmptyBlockMASK; } } //watch for } that could be given as a unicode ! ( u007D is '}' ) // store the this.endPosition (position just before the '}') in case there is // a trailing comment behind the end of the method cd.bodyEnd = this.endPosition; cd.declarationSourceEnd = flushCommentsDefinedPriorTo(this.endStatementPosition); } protected void consumeConstructorHeader() { // ConstructorHeader ::= ConstructorHeaderName MethodHeaderParameters MethodHeaderThrowsClauseopt AbstractMethodDeclaration method = (AbstractMethodDeclaration)this.astStack[this.astPtr]; if (this.currentToken == TokenNameLBRACE){ method.bodyStart = this.scanner.currentPosition; } // recovery if (this.currentElement != null){ if (this.currentToken == TokenNameSEMICOLON){ // for invalid constructors method.modifiers |= AccSemicolonBody; method.declarationSourceEnd = this.scanner.currentPosition-1; method.bodyEnd = this.scanner.currentPosition-1; if (this.currentElement.parseTree() == method && this.currentElement.parent != null) { this.currentElement = this.currentElement.parent; } } this.restartRecovery = true; // used to avoid branching back into the regular automaton } } protected void consumeConstructorHeaderName() { /* recovering - might be an empty message send */ if (this.currentElement != null){ if (this.lastIgnoredToken == TokenNamenew){ // was an allocation expression this.lastCheckPoint = this.scanner.startPosition; // force to restart at this exact position this.restartRecovery = true; return; } } // ConstructorHeaderName ::= Modifiersopt 'Identifier' '(' ConstructorDeclaration cd = new ConstructorDeclaration(this.compilationUnit.compilationResult); //name -- this is not really revelant but we do ..... cd.selector = this.identifierStack[this.identifierPtr]; long selectorSource = this.identifierPositionStack[this.identifierPtr--]; this.identifierLengthPtr--; //modifiers cd.declarationSourceStart = this.intStack[this.intPtr--]; cd.modifiers = this.intStack[this.intPtr--]; // consume annotations int length; if ((length = this.expressionLengthStack[this.expressionLengthPtr--]) != 0) { System.arraycopy( this.expressionStack, (this.expressionPtr -= length) + 1, cd.annotations = new Annotation[length], 0, length); } // javadoc cd.javadoc = this.javadoc; this.javadoc = null; //highlight starts at the selector starts cd.sourceStart = (int) (selectorSource >>> 32); pushOnAstStack(cd); cd.sourceEnd = this.lParenPos; cd.bodyStart = this.lParenPos+1; this.listLength = 0; // initialize this.listLength before reading parameters/throws // recovery if (this.currentElement != null){ this.lastCheckPoint = cd.bodyStart; if ((this.currentElement instanceof RecoveredType && this.lastIgnoredToken != TokenNameDOT) || cd.modifiers != 0){ this.currentElement = this.currentElement.add(cd, 0); this.lastIgnoredToken = -1; } } } protected void consumeConstructorHeaderNameWithTypeParameters() { /* recovering - might be an empty message send */ if (this.currentElement != null){ if (this.lastIgnoredToken == TokenNamenew){ // was an allocation expression this.lastCheckPoint = this.scanner.startPosition; // force to restart at this exact position this.restartRecovery = true; return; } } // ConstructorHeaderName ::= Modifiersopt TypeParameters 'Identifier' '(' ConstructorDeclaration cd = new ConstructorDeclaration(this.compilationUnit.compilationResult); //name -- this is not really revelant but we do ..... cd.selector = this.identifierStack[this.identifierPtr]; long selectorSource = this.identifierPositionStack[this.identifierPtr--]; this.identifierLengthPtr--; // consume type parameters int length = this.genericsLengthStack[this.genericsLengthPtr--]; this.genericsPtr -= length; System.arraycopy(this.genericsStack, this.genericsPtr + 1, cd.typeParameters = new TypeParameter[length], 0, length); //modifiers cd.declarationSourceStart = this.intStack[this.intPtr--]; cd.modifiers = this.intStack[this.intPtr--]; // consume annotations if ((length = this.expressionLengthStack[this.expressionLengthPtr--]) != 0) { System.arraycopy( this.expressionStack, (this.expressionPtr -= length) + 1, cd.annotations = new Annotation[length], 0, length); } // javadoc cd.javadoc = this.javadoc; this.javadoc = null; //highlight starts at the selector starts cd.sourceStart = (int) (selectorSource >>> 32); pushOnAstStack(cd); cd.sourceEnd = this.lParenPos; cd.bodyStart = this.lParenPos+1; this.listLength = 0; // initialize this.listLength before reading parameters/throws // recovery if (this.currentElement != null){ this.lastCheckPoint = cd.bodyStart; if ((this.currentElement instanceof RecoveredType && this.lastIgnoredToken != TokenNameDOT) || cd.modifiers != 0){ this.currentElement = this.currentElement.add(cd, 0); this.lastIgnoredToken = -1; } } } protected void consumeDefaultLabel() { // SwitchLabel ::= 'default' ':' pushOnAstStack(new CaseStatement(null, this.intStack[this.intPtr--], this.intStack[this.intPtr--])); } protected void consumeDefaultModifiers() { checkComment(); // might update modifiers with AccDeprecated pushOnIntStack(this.modifiers); // modifiers pushOnIntStack( this.modifiersSourceStart >= 0 ? this.modifiersSourceStart : this.scanner.startPosition); resetModifiers(); pushOnExpressionStackLengthStack(0); // no annotation } protected void consumeDiet() { // Diet ::= $empty checkComment(); pushOnIntStack(this.modifiersSourceStart); // push the start position of a javadoc comment if there is one resetModifiers(); jumpOverMethodBody(); } protected void consumeDims() { // Dims ::= DimsLoop pushOnIntStack(this.dimensions); this.dimensions = 0; } protected void consumeDimWithOrWithOutExpr() { // DimWithOrWithOutExpr ::= '[' ']' pushOnExpressionStack(null); if(this.currentElement != null && this.currentToken == TokenNameLBRACE) { this.ignoreNextOpeningBrace = true; this.currentElement.bracketBalance++; } } protected void consumeDimWithOrWithOutExprs() { // DimWithOrWithOutExprs ::= DimWithOrWithOutExprs DimWithOrWithOutExpr concatExpressionLists(); } protected void consumeEmptyAnnotationTypeMemberDeclarationsopt() { // AnnotationTypeMemberDeclarationsopt ::= $empty pushOnAstLengthStack(0); } protected void consumeEmptyArgumentListopt() { // ArgumentListopt ::= $empty pushOnExpressionStackLengthStack(0); } protected void consumeEmptyArguments() { // Argumentsopt ::= $empty pushOnExpressionStackLengthStack(0); } protected void consumeEmptyArrayInitializer() { // ArrayInitializer ::= '{' ,opt '}' arrayInitializer(0); } protected void consumeEmptyArrayInitializeropt() { // ArrayInitializeropt ::= $empty pushOnExpressionStackLengthStack(0); } protected void consumeEmptyBlockStatementsopt() { // BlockStatementsopt ::= $empty pushOnAstLengthStack(0); } protected void consumeEmptyCatchesopt() { // Catchesopt ::= $empty pushOnAstLengthStack(0); } protected void consumeEmptyClassBodyDeclarationsopt() { // ClassBodyDeclarationsopt ::= $empty pushOnAstLengthStack(0); } protected void consumeEmptyClassMemberDeclaration() { // ClassMemberDeclaration ::= ';' pushOnAstLengthStack(0); problemReporter().superfluousSemicolon(this.endPosition+1, this.endStatementPosition); flushCommentsDefinedPriorTo(this.endStatementPosition); } protected void consumeEmptyDefaultValue() { // DefaultValueopt ::= $empty pushOnExpressionStackLengthStack(0); } protected void consumeEmptyDimsopt() { // Dimsopt ::= $empty pushOnIntStack(0); } protected void consumeEmptyEnumDeclarations() { // EnumBodyDeclarationsopt ::= $empty pushOnAstLengthStack(0); } protected void consumeEmptyExpression() { // Expressionopt ::= $empty pushOnExpressionStackLengthStack(0); } protected void consumeEmptyForInitopt() { // ForInitopt ::= $empty pushOnAstLengthStack(0); } protected void consumeEmptyForUpdateopt() { // ForUpdateopt ::= $empty pushOnExpressionStackLengthStack(0); } protected void consumeEmptyInterfaceMemberDeclaration() { // InterfaceMemberDeclaration ::= ';' pushOnAstLengthStack(0); } protected void consumeEmptyInterfaceMemberDeclarationsopt() { // InterfaceMemberDeclarationsopt ::= $empty pushOnAstLengthStack(0); } protected void consumeEmptyInternalCompilationUnit() { // InternalCompilationUnit ::= $empty // nothing to do by default } protected void consumeEmptyMemberValuePairsopt() { // MemberValuePairsopt ::= $empty pushOnAstLengthStack(0); } protected void consumeEmptyMemberValueArrayInitializer() { // MemberValueArrayInitializer ::= '{' ',' '}' // MemberValueArrayInitializer ::= '{' '}' arrayInitializer(0); } protected void consumeEmptyStatement() { // EmptyStatement ::= ';' if (this.scanner.source[this.endStatementPosition] == ';') { pushOnAstStack(new EmptyStatement(this.endStatementPosition, this.endStatementPosition)); } else { // we have a Unicode for the ';' (/u003B) pushOnAstStack(new EmptyStatement(this.endStatementPosition - 5, this.endStatementPosition)); } } protected void consumeEmptySwitchBlock() { // SwitchBlock ::= '{' '}' pushOnAstLengthStack(0); } protected void consumeEmptyTypeDeclaration() { // TypeDeclaration ::= ';' pushOnAstLengthStack(0); problemReporter().superfluousSemicolon(this.endPosition+1, this.endStatementPosition); flushCommentsDefinedPriorTo(this.endStatementPosition); } protected void consumeEnhancedForStatementHeader(boolean hasModifiers){ // EnhancedForStatementHeader ::= 'for' '(' Type PushModifiers Identifier Dimsopt ':' Expression ')' // EnhancedForStatementHeader ::= 'for' '(' Modifiers Type PushRealModifiers Identifier Dimsopt ':' Expression ')' TypeReference type; char[] identifierName = this.identifierStack[this.identifierPtr]; long namePosition = this.identifierPositionStack[this.identifierPtr]; LocalDeclaration localDeclaration = createLocalDeclaration(identifierName, (int) (namePosition >>> 32), (int) namePosition); localDeclaration.declarationSourceEnd = localDeclaration.declarationEnd; int extraDims = this.intStack[this.intPtr--]; this.identifierPtr--; this.identifierLengthPtr--; // remove fake modifiers/modifiers start int declarationSourceStart = 0; int modifiersValue = 0; if (hasModifiers) { declarationSourceStart = this.intStack[this.intPtr--]; modifiersValue = this.intStack[this.intPtr--]; } else { this.intPtr-=2; } //updates are on the expression stack this.expressionLengthPtr--; Expression collection = this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr--]; type = getTypeReference(this.intStack[this.intPtr--] + extraDims); // type dimension // consume annotations int length; if ((length = this.expressionLengthStack[this.expressionLengthPtr--])!= 0) { System.arraycopy( this.expressionStack, (this.expressionPtr -= length) + 1, localDeclaration.annotations = new Annotation[length], 0, length); } if (hasModifiers) { localDeclaration.declarationSourceStart = declarationSourceStart; localDeclaration.modifiers = modifiersValue; } else { localDeclaration.declarationSourceStart = type.sourceStart; } localDeclaration.type = type; ForeachStatement iteratorForStatement = new ForeachStatement( localDeclaration, collection, this.intStack[this.intPtr--]); pushOnAstStack(iteratorForStatement); if(options.sourceLevel < ClassFileConstants.JDK1_5 && this.lastErrorEndPositionBeforeRecovery < this.scanner.currentPosition) { this.problemReporter().invalidUsageOfForeachStatements(localDeclaration, collection); } } protected void consumeEnhancedForStatement() { // EnhancedForStatement ::= EnhancedForStatementHeader Statement // EnhancedForStatementNoShortIf ::= EnhancedForStatementHeader StatementNoShortIf //statements this.astLengthPtr--; Statement statement = (Statement) this.astStack[this.astPtr--]; // foreach statement is on the ast stack ForeachStatement foreachStatement = (ForeachStatement) this.astStack[this.astPtr]; foreachStatement.action = statement; // remember useful empty statement if (statement instanceof EmptyStatement) statement.bits |= ASTNode.IsUsefulEmptyStatementMASK; foreachStatement.sourceEnd = this.endStatementPosition; } protected void consumeEnterAnonymousClassBody() { // EnterAnonymousClassBody ::= $empty TypeReference typeReference = getTypeReference(0); QualifiedAllocationExpression alloc; TypeDeclaration anonymousType = new TypeDeclaration(this.compilationUnit.compilationResult); anonymousType.name = TypeDeclaration.ANONYMOUS_EMPTY_NAME; anonymousType.bits |= ASTNode.AnonymousAndLocalMask; alloc = anonymousType.allocation = new QualifiedAllocationExpression(anonymousType); markEnclosingMemberWithLocalType(); pushOnAstStack(anonymousType); alloc.sourceEnd = this.rParenPos; //the position has been stored explicitly int argumentLength; if ((argumentLength = this.expressionLengthStack[this.expressionLengthPtr--]) != 0) { this.expressionPtr -= argumentLength; System.arraycopy( this.expressionStack, this.expressionPtr + 1, alloc.arguments = new Expression[argumentLength], 0, argumentLength); } alloc.type = typeReference; anonymousType.sourceEnd = alloc.sourceEnd; //position at the type while it impacts the anonymous declaration anonymousType.sourceStart = anonymousType.declarationSourceStart = alloc.type.sourceStart; alloc.sourceStart = this.intStack[this.intPtr--]; pushOnExpressionStack(alloc); anonymousType.bodyStart = this.scanner.currentPosition; this.listLength = 0; // will be updated when reading super-interfaces // recovery if (this.currentElement != null){ this.lastCheckPoint = anonymousType.bodyStart; this.currentElement = this.currentElement.add(anonymousType, 0); this.currentToken = 0; // opening brace already taken into account this.lastIgnoredToken = -1; } } protected void consumeEnterAnonymousClassBodySimpleName() { // EnterAnonymousClassBody ::= $empty pushOnGenericsLengthStack(0); pushOnGenericsIdentifiersLengthStack(this.identifierLengthStack[this.identifierLengthPtr]); TypeReference typeReference = getTypeReference(0); QualifiedAllocationExpression alloc; TypeDeclaration anonymousType = new TypeDeclaration(this.compilationUnit.compilationResult); anonymousType.name = TypeDeclaration.ANONYMOUS_EMPTY_NAME; anonymousType.bits |= ASTNode.AnonymousAndLocalMask; alloc = anonymousType.allocation = new QualifiedAllocationExpression(anonymousType); markEnclosingMemberWithLocalType(); pushOnAstStack(anonymousType); alloc.sourceEnd = this.rParenPos; //the position has been stored explicitly int argumentLength; if ((argumentLength = this.expressionLengthStack[this.expressionLengthPtr--]) != 0) { this.expressionPtr -= argumentLength; System.arraycopy( this.expressionStack, this.expressionPtr + 1, alloc.arguments = new Expression[argumentLength], 0, argumentLength); } alloc.type = typeReference; anonymousType.sourceEnd = alloc.sourceEnd; //position at the type while it impacts the anonymous declaration anonymousType.sourceStart = anonymousType.declarationSourceStart = alloc.type.sourceStart; alloc.sourceStart = this.intStack[this.intPtr--]; pushOnExpressionStack(alloc); anonymousType.bodyStart = this.scanner.currentPosition; this.listLength = 0; // will be updated when reading super-interfaces // recovery if (this.currentElement != null){ this.lastCheckPoint = anonymousType.bodyStart; this.currentElement = this.currentElement.add(anonymousType, 0); this.currentToken = 0; // opening brace already taken into account this.lastIgnoredToken = -1; } } protected void consumeEnterCompilationUnit() { // EnterCompilationUnit ::= $empty // do nothing by default } protected void consumeEnterVariable() { // EnterVariable ::= $empty // do nothing by default char[] identifierName = this.identifierStack[this.identifierPtr]; long namePosition = this.identifierPositionStack[this.identifierPtr]; int extendedDimension = this.intStack[this.intPtr--]; AbstractVariableDeclaration declaration; // create the ast node boolean isLocalDeclaration = this.nestedMethod[this.nestedType] != 0; if (isLocalDeclaration) { // create the local variable declarations declaration = this.createLocalDeclaration(identifierName, (int) (namePosition >>> 32), (int) namePosition); } else { // create the field declaration declaration = this.createFieldDeclaration(identifierName, (int) (namePosition >>> 32), (int) namePosition); } this.identifierPtr--; this.identifierLengthPtr--; TypeReference type; int variableIndex = this.variablesCounter[this.nestedType]; int typeDim = 0; if (variableIndex == 0) { // first variable of the declaration (FieldDeclaration or LocalDeclaration) if (isLocalDeclaration) { declaration.declarationSourceStart = this.intStack[this.intPtr--]; declaration.modifiers = this.intStack[this.intPtr--]; // consume annotations int length; if ((length = this.expressionLengthStack[this.expressionLengthPtr--]) != 0) { System.arraycopy( this.expressionStack, (this.expressionPtr -= length) + 1, declaration.annotations = new Annotation[length], 0, length); } type = getTypeReference(typeDim = this.intStack[this.intPtr--]); // type dimension if (declaration.declarationSourceStart == -1) { // this is true if there is no modifiers for the local variable declaration declaration.declarationSourceStart = type.sourceStart; } pushOnAstStack(type); } else { type = getTypeReference(typeDim = this.intStack[this.intPtr--]); // type dimension pushOnAstStack(type); declaration.declarationSourceStart = this.intStack[this.intPtr--]; declaration.modifiers = this.intStack[this.intPtr--]; // consume annotations int length; if ((length = this.expressionLengthStack[this.expressionLengthPtr--]) != 0) { System.arraycopy( this.expressionStack, (this.expressionPtr -= length) + 1, declaration.annotations = new Annotation[length], 0, length); } // Store javadoc only on first declaration as it is the same for all ones FieldDeclaration fieldDeclaration = (FieldDeclaration) declaration; fieldDeclaration.javadoc = this.javadoc; this.javadoc = null; } } else { type = (TypeReference) this.astStack[this.astPtr - variableIndex]; typeDim = type.dimensions(); AbstractVariableDeclaration previousVariable = (AbstractVariableDeclaration) this.astStack[this.astPtr]; declaration.declarationSourceStart = previousVariable.declarationSourceStart; declaration.modifiers = previousVariable.modifiers; } if (extendedDimension == 0) { declaration.type = type; } else { int dimension = typeDim + extendedDimension; //on the this.identifierLengthStack there is the information about the type.... int baseType; if ((baseType = this.identifierLengthStack[this.identifierLengthPtr + 1]) < 0) { //it was a baseType int typeSourceStart = type.sourceStart; int typeSourceEnd = type.sourceEnd; type = TypeReference.baseTypeReference(-baseType, dimension); type.sourceStart = typeSourceStart; type.sourceEnd = typeSourceEnd; declaration.type = type; } else { declaration.type = this.copyDims(type, dimension); } } this.variablesCounter[this.nestedType]++; pushOnAstStack(declaration); // recovery if (this.currentElement != null) { if (!(this.currentElement instanceof RecoveredType) && (this.currentToken == TokenNameDOT //|| declaration.modifiers != 0 || (this.scanner.getLineNumber(declaration.type.sourceStart) != this.scanner.getLineNumber((int) (namePosition >>> 32))))){ this.lastCheckPoint = (int) (namePosition >>> 32); this.restartRecovery = true; return; } if (isLocalDeclaration){ LocalDeclaration localDecl = (LocalDeclaration) this.astStack[this.astPtr]; this.lastCheckPoint = localDecl.sourceEnd + 1; this.currentElement = this.currentElement.add(localDecl, 0); } else { FieldDeclaration fieldDecl = (FieldDeclaration) this.astStack[this.astPtr]; this.lastCheckPoint = fieldDecl.sourceEnd + 1; this.currentElement = this.currentElement.add(fieldDecl, 0); } this.lastIgnoredToken = -1; } } protected void consumeEnumBodyNoConstants() { // nothing to do // The 0 on the astLengthStack has been pushed by EnumBodyDeclarationsopt } protected void consumeEnumBodyWithConstants() { // merge the constants values with the class body concatNodeLists(); } protected void consumeEnumConstantHeader() { EnumConstant enumConstant = new EnumConstant(this.compilationUnit.compilationResult); long pos = this.identifierPositionStack[this.identifierPtr]; int enumConstantEnd = (int) pos; enumConstant.sourceEnd = enumConstantEnd; final int start = (int) (pos >>> 32); enumConstant.sourceStart = start; enumConstant.declarationSourceStart = start; enumConstant.name = this.identifierStack[this.identifierPtr--]; this.identifierLengthPtr--; // fill arguments if needed int length; if ((length = this.expressionLengthStack[this.expressionLengthPtr--]) != 0) { this.expressionPtr -= length; System.arraycopy( this.expressionStack, this.expressionPtr + 1, enumConstant.arguments = new Expression[length], 0, length); enumConstant.declarationSourceEnd = flushCommentsDefinedPriorTo(rParenPos); enumConstant.bodyStart = rParenPos; enumConstant.bodyEnd = rParenPos; } else { if (enumConstantEnd <= rParenPos) { enumConstant.bodyEnd = rParenPos; } else { enumConstant.bodyEnd = enumConstantEnd; } } if (this.currentToken == TokenNameLBRACE) { enumConstant.bodyStart = this.scanner.currentPosition; } pushOnAstStack(enumConstant); } protected void consumeEnumConstantNoClassBody() { EnumConstant enumConstant = (EnumConstant) this.astStack[this.astPtr]; // use to set that this enumConstant has no class body enumConstant.modifiers |= CompilerModifiers.AccSemicolonBody; } protected void consumeEnumConstants() { concatNodeLists(); } protected void consumeEnumConstantWithClassBody() { dispatchDeclarationInto(this.astLengthStack[this.astLengthPtr--]); EnumConstant enumConstant = (EnumConstant) this.astStack[this.astPtr]; enumConstant.modifiers = 0; enumConstant.bodyEnd = this.endPosition; enumConstant.declarationSourceEnd = flushCommentsDefinedPriorTo(this.endStatementPosition); } protected void consumeEnumDeclaration() { // EnumDeclaration ::= EnumHeader ClassHeaderImplementsopt EnumBody int length; if ((length = this.astLengthStack[this.astLengthPtr--]) != 0) { //there are length declarations //dispatch according to the type of the declarations dispatchDeclarationIntoEnumDeclaration(length); } EnumDeclaration enumDeclaration = (EnumDeclaration) this.astStack[this.astPtr]; // mark initializers with local type mark if needed markInitializersWithLocalType(enumDeclaration); //convert constructor that do not have the type's name into methods boolean hasConstructor = enumDeclaration.checkConstructors(this); //add the default constructor when needed (interface don't have it) if (!hasConstructor && !enumDeclaration.isInterface()) { boolean insideFieldInitializer = false; if (this.diet) { for (int i = this.nestedType; i > 0; i--){ if (this.variablesCounter[i] > 0) { insideFieldInitializer = true; break; } } } enumDeclaration.createsInternalConstructor(!this.diet || insideFieldInitializer, true); } //always add <clinit> (will be remove at code gen time if empty) if (this.scanner.containsAssertKeyword) { enumDeclaration.bits |= ASTNode.AddAssertionMASK; } enumDeclaration.addClinit(); enumDeclaration.bodyEnd = this.endStatementPosition; if (length == 0 && !containsComment(enumDeclaration.bodyStart, enumDeclaration.bodyEnd)) { enumDeclaration.bits |= ASTNode.UndocumentedEmptyBlockMASK; } enumDeclaration.declarationSourceEnd = flushCommentsDefinedPriorTo(this.endStatementPosition); } protected void consumeEnumDeclarations() { // Do nothing by default } protected void consumeEnumHeader() { // EnumHeader ::= Modifiersopt 'enum' Identifier EnumDeclaration enumDeclaration; if (this.nestedMethod[this.nestedType] == 0) { if (this.nestedType != 0) { enumDeclaration = new EnumDeclaration(this.compilationUnit.compilationResult); } else { enumDeclaration = new EnumDeclaration(this.compilationUnit.compilationResult); } } else { // Record that the block has a declaration for local types enumDeclaration = new EnumDeclaration(this.compilationUnit.compilationResult); // markEnclosingMemberWithLocalType(); blockReal(); } //highlight the name of the type long pos = this.identifierPositionStack[this.identifierPtr]; enumDeclaration.sourceEnd = (int) pos; enumDeclaration.sourceStart = (int) (pos >>> 32); enumDeclaration.name = this.identifierStack[this.identifierPtr--]; this.identifierLengthPtr--; //compute the declaration source too // 'class' and 'interface' push two int positions: the beginning of the class token and its end. // we want to keep the beginning position but get rid of the end position // it is only used for the ClassLiteralAccess positions. enumDeclaration.declarationSourceStart = this.intStack[this.intPtr--]; this.intPtr--; // remove the end position of the class token enumDeclaration.modifiersSourceStart = this.intStack[this.intPtr--]; enumDeclaration.modifiers = this.intStack[this.intPtr--]; if (enumDeclaration.modifiersSourceStart >= 0) { enumDeclaration.declarationSourceStart = enumDeclaration.modifiersSourceStart; } // consume annotations int length; if ((length = this.expressionLengthStack[this.expressionLengthPtr--]) != 0) { System.arraycopy( this.expressionStack, (this.expressionPtr -= length) + 1, enumDeclaration.annotations = new Annotation[length], 0, length); } if (this.currentToken == TokenNameLBRACE) { enumDeclaration.bodyStart = this.scanner.currentPosition; } pushOnAstStack(enumDeclaration); this.listLength = 0; // will be updated when reading super-interfaces if(options.sourceLevel < ClassFileConstants.JDK1_5 && this.lastErrorEndPositionBeforeRecovery < this.scanner.currentPosition) { //TODO this code will be never run while 'enum' is an identifier in 1.3 scanner this.problemReporter().invalidUsageOfEnumDeclarations(enumDeclaration); } // recovery if (this.currentElement != null){ this.lastCheckPoint = enumDeclaration.bodyStart; this.currentElement = this.currentElement.add(enumDeclaration, 0); this.lastIgnoredToken = -1; } // javadoc enumDeclaration.javadoc = this.javadoc; this.javadoc = null; } protected void consumeEqualityExpression(int op) { // EqualityExpression ::= EqualityExpression '==' RelationalExpression // EqualityExpression ::= EqualityExpression '!=' RelationalExpression //optimize the push/pop this.expressionPtr--; this.expressionLengthPtr--; this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr] = new EqualExpression( this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr], this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr + 1], op); } /* * @param op */ protected void consumeEqualityExpressionWithName(int op) { // EqualityExpression ::= Name '==' RelationalExpression // EqualityExpression ::= Name '!=' RelationalExpression pushOnExpressionStack(getUnspecifiedReferenceOptimized()); this.expressionPtr--; this.expressionLengthPtr--; this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr] = new EqualExpression( this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr + 1], this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr], op); } protected void consumeExitTryBlock() { //ExitTryBlock ::= $empty if(this.currentElement != null) { this.restartRecovery = true; } } protected void consumeExitVariableWithInitialization() { // ExitVariableWithInitialization ::= $empty // do nothing by default this.expressionLengthPtr--; AbstractVariableDeclaration variableDecl = (AbstractVariableDeclaration) this.astStack[this.astPtr]; variableDecl.initialization = this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr--]; // we need to update the declarationSourceEnd of the local variable declaration to the // source end position of the initialization expression variableDecl.declarationSourceEnd = variableDecl.initialization.sourceEnd; variableDecl.declarationEnd = variableDecl.initialization.sourceEnd; this.recoveryExitFromVariable(); } protected void consumeExitVariableWithoutInitialization() { // ExitVariableWithoutInitialization ::= $empty // do nothing by default AbstractVariableDeclaration variableDecl = (AbstractVariableDeclaration) this.astStack[this.astPtr]; variableDecl.declarationSourceEnd = variableDecl.declarationEnd; this.recoveryExitFromVariable(); } protected void consumeExplicitConstructorInvocation(int flag, int recFlag) { /* flag allows to distinguish 3 cases : (0) : ExplicitConstructorInvocation ::= 'this' '(' ArgumentListopt ')' ';' ExplicitConstructorInvocation ::= 'super' '(' ArgumentListopt ')' ';' (1) : ExplicitConstructorInvocation ::= Primary '.' 'super' '(' ArgumentListopt ')' ';' ExplicitConstructorInvocation ::= Primary '.' 'this' '(' ArgumentListopt ')' ';' (2) : ExplicitConstructorInvocation ::= Name '.' 'super' '(' ArgumentListopt ')' ';' ExplicitConstructorInvocation ::= Name '.' 'this' '(' ArgumentListopt ')' ';' */ int startPosition = this.intStack[this.intPtr--]; ExplicitConstructorCall ecc = new ExplicitConstructorCall(recFlag); int length; if ((length = this.expressionLengthStack[this.expressionLengthPtr--]) != 0) { this.expressionPtr -= length; System.arraycopy(this.expressionStack, this.expressionPtr + 1, ecc.arguments = new Expression[length], 0, length); } switch (flag) { case 0 : ecc.sourceStart = startPosition; break; case 1 : this.expressionLengthPtr--; ecc.sourceStart = (ecc.qualification = this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr--]).sourceStart; break; case 2 : ecc.sourceStart = (ecc.qualification = getUnspecifiedReferenceOptimized()).sourceStart; break; } pushOnAstStack(ecc); ecc.sourceEnd = this.endPosition; } protected void consumeExplicitConstructorInvocationWithTypeArguments(int flag, int recFlag) { /* flag allows to distinguish 3 cases : (0) : ExplicitConstructorInvocation ::= TypeArguments 'this' '(' ArgumentListopt ')' ';' ExplicitConstructorInvocation ::= TypeArguments 'super' '(' ArgumentListopt ')' ';' (1) : ExplicitConstructorInvocation ::= Primary '.' TypeArguments 'super' '(' ArgumentListopt ')' ';' ExplicitConstructorInvocation ::= Primary '.' TypeArguments 'this' '(' ArgumentListopt ')' ';' (2) : ExplicitConstructorInvocation ::= Name '.' TypeArguments 'super' '(' ArgumentListopt ')' ';' ExplicitConstructorInvocation ::= Name '.' TypeArguments 'this' '(' ArgumentListopt ')' ';' */ int startPosition = this.intStack[this.intPtr--]; ExplicitConstructorCall ecc = new ExplicitConstructorCall(recFlag); int length; if ((length = this.expressionLengthStack[this.expressionLengthPtr--]) != 0) { this.expressionPtr -= length; System.arraycopy(this.expressionStack, this.expressionPtr + 1, ecc.arguments = new Expression[length], 0, length); } length = this.genericsLengthStack[this.genericsLengthPtr--]; this.genericsPtr -= length; System.arraycopy(this.genericsStack, this.genericsPtr + 1, ecc.typeArguments = new TypeReference[length], 0, length); // TODO (olivier) bug 67790 remove once DOMParser is activated ecc.typeArgumentsSourceStart = this.intStack[intPtr--]; switch (flag) { case 0 : ecc.sourceStart = startPosition; break; case 1 : this.expressionLengthPtr--; ecc.sourceStart = (ecc.qualification = this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr--]).sourceStart; break; case 2 : ecc.sourceStart = (ecc.qualification = getUnspecifiedReferenceOptimized()).sourceStart; break; } pushOnAstStack(ecc); ecc.sourceEnd = this.endPosition; } protected void consumeExpressionStatement() { // ExpressionStatement ::= StatementExpression ';' this.expressionLengthPtr--; pushOnAstStack(this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr--]); } protected void consumeFieldAccess(boolean isSuperAccess) { // FieldAccess ::= Primary '.' 'Identifier' // FieldAccess ::= 'super' '.' 'Identifier' FieldReference fr = new FieldReference( this.identifierStack[this.identifierPtr], this.identifierPositionStack[this.identifierPtr--]); this.identifierLengthPtr--; if (isSuperAccess) { //considerates the fieldReference beginning at the 'super' .... fr.sourceStart = this.intStack[this.intPtr--]; fr.receiver = new SuperReference(fr.sourceStart, this.endPosition); pushOnExpressionStack(fr); } else { //optimize push/pop if ((fr.receiver = this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr]).isThis()) { //fieldreference begins at the this fr.sourceStart = fr.receiver.sourceStart; } this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr] = fr; } } protected void consumeFieldDeclaration() { // See consumeLocalVariableDeclarationDefaultModifier() in case of change: duplicated code // FieldDeclaration ::= Modifiersopt Type VariableDeclarators ';' /* this.astStack : this.expressionStack: Expression Expression ...... Expression this.identifierStack : type identifier identifier ...... identifier this.intStack : typeDim dim dim dim ==> this.astStack : FieldDeclaration FieldDeclaration ...... FieldDeclaration this.expressionStack : this.identifierStack : this.intStack : */ int variableDeclaratorsCounter = this.astLengthStack[this.astLengthPtr]; for (int i = variableDeclaratorsCounter - 1; i >= 0; i--) { FieldDeclaration fieldDeclaration = (FieldDeclaration) this.astStack[this.astPtr - i]; fieldDeclaration.declarationSourceEnd = this.endStatementPosition; fieldDeclaration.declarationEnd = this.endStatementPosition; // semi-colon included } updateSourceDeclarationParts(variableDeclaratorsCounter); int endPos = flushCommentsDefinedPriorTo(this.endStatementPosition); if (endPos != this.endStatementPosition) { for (int i = 0; i < variableDeclaratorsCounter; i++) { FieldDeclaration fieldDeclaration = (FieldDeclaration) this.astStack[this.astPtr - i]; fieldDeclaration.declarationSourceEnd = endPos; } } // update the this.astStack, this.astPtr and this.astLengthStack int startIndex = this.astPtr - this.variablesCounter[this.nestedType] + 1; System.arraycopy( this.astStack, startIndex, this.astStack, startIndex - 1, variableDeclaratorsCounter); this.astPtr--; // remove the type reference this.astLengthStack[--this.astLengthPtr] = variableDeclaratorsCounter; // recovery if (this.currentElement != null) { this.lastCheckPoint = endPos + 1; if (this.currentElement.parent != null && this.currentElement instanceof RecoveredField){ if (!(this.currentElement instanceof RecoveredInitializer)) { this.currentElement = this.currentElement.parent; } } this.restartRecovery = true; } this.variablesCounter[this.nestedType] = 0; } protected void consumeForceNoDiet() { // ForceNoDiet ::= $empty this.dietInt++; } protected void consumeForInit() { // ForInit ::= StatementExpressionList pushOnAstLengthStack(-1); } protected void consumeFormalParameter(boolean isVarArgs) { // FormalParameter ::= Type VariableDeclaratorId ==> false // FormalParameter ::= Modifiers Type VariableDeclaratorId ==> true /* this.astStack : this.identifierStack : type identifier this.intStack : dim dim ==> this.astStack : Argument this.identifierStack : this.intStack : */ this.identifierLengthPtr--; char[] identifierName = this.identifierStack[this.identifierPtr]; long namePositions = this.identifierPositionStack[this.identifierPtr--]; TypeReference type = getTypeReference(this.intStack[this.intPtr--] + this.intStack[this.intPtr--]); int modifierPositions = this.intStack[this.intPtr--]; this.intPtr--; Argument arg = new Argument( identifierName, namePositions, type, this.intStack[this.intPtr + 1] & ~AccDeprecated, isVarArgs); // modifiers arg.declarationSourceStart = modifierPositions; // consume annotations int length; if ((length = this.expressionLengthStack[this.expressionLengthPtr--]) != 0) { System.arraycopy( this.expressionStack, (this.expressionPtr -= length) + 1, arg.annotations = new Annotation[length], 0, length); } pushOnAstStack(arg); /* if incomplete method header, this.listLength counter will not have been reset, indicating that some arguments are available on the stack */ this.listLength++; if(isVarArgs && options.sourceLevel < ClassFileConstants.JDK1_5 && this.lastErrorEndPositionBeforeRecovery < this.scanner.currentPosition) { this.problemReporter().invalidUsageOfVarargs(arg); } } protected void consumeFormalParameterList() { // FormalParameterList ::= FormalParameterList ',' FormalParameter optimizedConcatNodeLists(); } protected void consumeFormalParameterListopt() { // FormalParameterListopt ::= $empty pushOnAstLengthStack(0); } protected void consumeGenericType() { // nothing to do // Will be consume by a getTypeRefence call } protected void consumeGenericTypeArrayType() { // nothing to do // Will be consume by a getTypeRefence call } protected void consumeGenericTypeNameArrayType() { pushOnGenericsLengthStack(0); // handle type arguments } protected void consumeImportDeclaration() { // SingleTypeImportDeclaration ::= SingleTypeImportDeclarationName ';' ImportReference impt = (ImportReference) this.astStack[this.astPtr]; // flush annotations defined prior to import statements impt.declarationEnd = this.endStatementPosition; impt.declarationSourceEnd = this.flushCommentsDefinedPriorTo(impt.declarationSourceEnd); // recovery if (this.currentElement != null) { this.lastCheckPoint = impt.declarationSourceEnd + 1; this.currentElement = this.currentElement.add(impt, 0); this.lastIgnoredToken = -1; this.restartRecovery = true; // used to avoid branching back into the regular automaton } } protected void consumeImportDeclarations() { // ImportDeclarations ::= ImportDeclarations ImportDeclaration optimizedConcatNodeLists(); } protected void consumeInsideCastExpression() { // InsideCastExpression ::= $empty } protected void consumeInsideCastExpressionLL1() { // InsideCastExpressionLL1 ::= $empty pushOnExpressionStack(getUnspecifiedReferenceOptimized()); } protected void consumeInsideCastExpressionWithQualifiedGenerics() { // InsideCastExpressionWithQualifiedGenerics ::= $empty } protected void consumeInstanceOfExpression(int op) { // RelationalExpression ::= RelationalExpression 'instanceof' ReferenceType //optimize the push/pop //by construction, no base type may be used in getTypeReference Expression exp; this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr] = exp = new InstanceOfExpression( this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr], getTypeReference(this.intStack[this.intPtr--]), op); if (exp.sourceEnd == 0) { //array on base type.... exp.sourceEnd = this.scanner.startPosition - 1; } //the scanner is on the next token already.... } /** * @param op */ protected void consumeInstanceOfExpressionWithName(int op) { // RelationalExpression_NotName ::= Name instanceof ReferenceType //optimize the push/pop //by construction, no base type may be used in getTypeReference TypeReference reference = getTypeReference(this.intStack[this.intPtr--]); pushOnExpressionStack(getUnspecifiedReferenceOptimized()); Expression exp; this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr] = exp = new InstanceOfExpression( this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr], reference, op); if (exp.sourceEnd == 0) { //array on base type.... exp.sourceEnd = this.scanner.startPosition - 1; } //the scanner is on the next token already.... } protected void consumeInterfaceDeclaration() { // see consumeClassDeclaration in case of changes: duplicated code // InterfaceDeclaration ::= InterfaceHeader InterfaceBody int length; if ((length = this.astLengthStack[this.astLengthPtr--]) != 0) { //there are length declarations //dispatch.....according to the type of the declarations dispatchDeclarationInto(length); } TypeDeclaration typeDecl = (TypeDeclaration) this.astStack[this.astPtr]; // mark initializers with local type mark if needed markInitializersWithLocalType(typeDecl); //convert constructor that do not have the type's name into methods typeDecl.checkConstructors(this); //always add <clinit> (will be remove at code gen time if empty) if (this.scanner.containsAssertKeyword) { typeDecl.bits |= ASTNode.AddAssertionMASK; } typeDecl.addClinit(); typeDecl.bodyEnd = this.endStatementPosition; if (length == 0 && !containsComment(typeDecl.bodyStart, typeDecl.bodyEnd)) { typeDecl.bits |= ASTNode.UndocumentedEmptyBlockMASK; } typeDecl.declarationSourceEnd = flushCommentsDefinedPriorTo(this.endStatementPosition); } protected void consumeInterfaceHeader() { // InterfaceHeader ::= InterfaceHeaderName InterfaceHeaderExtendsopt TypeDeclaration typeDecl = (TypeDeclaration) this.astStack[this.astPtr]; if (this.currentToken == TokenNameLBRACE){ typeDecl.bodyStart = this.scanner.currentPosition; } if (this.currentElement != null){ this.restartRecovery = true; // used to avoid branching back into the regular automaton } // flush the comments related to the interface header this.scanner.commentPtr = -1; } protected void consumeInterfaceHeaderExtends() { // InterfaceHeaderExtends ::= 'extends' InterfaceTypeList int length = this.astLengthStack[this.astLengthPtr--]; //super interfaces this.astPtr -= length; TypeDeclaration typeDecl = (TypeDeclaration) this.astStack[this.astPtr]; System.arraycopy( this.astStack, this.astPtr + 1, typeDecl.superInterfaces = new TypeReference[length], 0, length); for (int i = 0, max = typeDecl.superInterfaces.length; i < max; i++) { typeDecl.superInterfaces[i].bits |= ASTNode.IsSuperType; } typeDecl.bodyStart = typeDecl.superInterfaces[length-1].sourceEnd + 1; this.listLength = 0; // reset after having read super-interfaces // recovery if (this.currentElement != null) { this.lastCheckPoint = typeDecl.bodyStart; } } protected void consumeInterfaceHeaderName1() { // InterfaceHeaderName ::= Modifiersopt 'interface' 'Identifier' TypeDeclaration typeDecl = new TypeDeclaration(this.compilationUnit.compilationResult); if (this.nestedMethod[this.nestedType] == 0) { if (this.nestedType != 0) { typeDecl.bits |= ASTNode.IsMemberTypeMASK; } } else { // Record that the block has a declaration for local types typeDecl.bits |= ASTNode.IsLocalTypeMASK; markEnclosingMemberWithLocalType(); blockReal(); } //highlight the name of the type long pos = this.identifierPositionStack[this.identifierPtr]; typeDecl.sourceEnd = (int) pos; typeDecl.sourceStart = (int) (pos >>> 32); typeDecl.name = this.identifierStack[this.identifierPtr--]; this.identifierLengthPtr--; //compute the declaration source too // 'class' and 'interface' push two int positions: the beginning of the class token and its end. // we want to keep the beginning position but get rid of the end position // it is only used for the ClassLiteralAccess positions. typeDecl.declarationSourceStart = this.intStack[this.intPtr--]; this.intPtr--; // remove the end position of the class token typeDecl.modifiersSourceStart = this.intStack[this.intPtr--]; typeDecl.modifiers = this.intStack[this.intPtr--]; if (typeDecl.modifiersSourceStart >= 0) { typeDecl.declarationSourceStart = typeDecl.modifiersSourceStart; } // consume annotations int length; if ((length = this.expressionLengthStack[this.expressionLengthPtr--]) != 0) { System.arraycopy( this.expressionStack, (this.expressionPtr -= length) + 1, typeDecl.annotations = new Annotation[length], 0, length); } typeDecl.bodyStart = typeDecl.sourceEnd + 1; pushOnAstStack(typeDecl); this.listLength = 0; // will be updated when reading super-interfaces // recovery if (this.currentElement != null){ // is recovering this.lastCheckPoint = typeDecl.bodyStart; this.currentElement = this.currentElement.add(typeDecl, 0); this.lastIgnoredToken = -1; } // javadoc typeDecl.javadoc = this.javadoc; this.javadoc = null; } protected void consumeInterfaceMemberDeclarations() { // InterfaceMemberDeclarations ::= InterfaceMemberDeclarations InterfaceMemberDeclaration concatNodeLists(); } protected void consumeInterfaceMemberDeclarationsopt() { // InterfaceMemberDeclarationsopt ::= NestedType InterfaceMemberDeclarations this.nestedType--; } protected void consumeInterfaceType() { // InterfaceType ::= ClassOrInterfaceType pushOnAstStack(getTypeReference(0)); /* if incomplete type header, this.listLength counter will not have been reset, indicating that some interfaces are available on the stack */ this.listLength++; } protected void consumeInterfaceTypeList() { // InterfaceTypeList ::= InterfaceTypeList ',' InterfaceType optimizedConcatNodeLists(); } protected void consumeInternalCompilationUnit() { // InternalCompilationUnit ::= PackageDeclaration // InternalCompilationUnit ::= PackageDeclaration ImportDeclarations ReduceImports // InternalCompilationUnit ::= ImportDeclarations ReduceImports } protected void consumeInternalCompilationUnitWithTypes() { // InternalCompilationUnit ::= PackageDeclaration ImportDeclarations ReduceImports TypeDeclarations // InternalCompilationUnit ::= PackageDeclaration TypeDeclarations // InternalCompilationUnit ::= TypeDeclarations // InternalCompilationUnit ::= ImportDeclarations ReduceImports TypeDeclarations // consume type declarations int length; if ((length = this.astLengthStack[this.astLengthPtr--]) != 0) { this.astPtr -= length; System.arraycopy(this.astStack, this.astPtr + 1, this.compilationUnit.types = new TypeDeclaration[length], 0, length); } } protected void consumeInvalidConstructorDeclaration() { // ConstructorDeclaration ::= ConstructorHeader ';' // now we know that the top of stack is a constructorDeclaration ConstructorDeclaration cd = (ConstructorDeclaration) this.astStack[this.astPtr]; cd.bodyEnd = this.endPosition; // position just before the trailing semi-colon cd.declarationSourceEnd = flushCommentsDefinedPriorTo(this.endStatementPosition); // report the problem and continue the parsing - narrowing the problem onto the method cd.modifiers |= AccSemicolonBody; // remember semi-colon body } protected void consumeLeftParen() { // PushLPAREN ::= '(' pushOnIntStack(this.lParenPos); } protected void consumeLocalVariableDeclaration() { // LocalVariableDeclaration ::= Modifiers Type VariableDeclarators ';' /* this.astStack : this.expressionStack: Expression Expression ...... Expression this.identifierStack : type identifier identifier ...... identifier this.intStack : typeDim dim dim dim ==> this.astStack : FieldDeclaration FieldDeclaration ...... FieldDeclaration this.expressionStack : this.identifierStack : this.intStack : */ int variableDeclaratorsCounter = this.astLengthStack[this.astLengthPtr]; // update the this.astStack, this.astPtr and this.astLengthStack int startIndex = this.astPtr - this.variablesCounter[this.nestedType] + 1; System.arraycopy( this.astStack, startIndex, this.astStack, startIndex - 1, variableDeclaratorsCounter); this.astPtr--; // remove the type reference this.astLengthStack[--this.astLengthPtr] = variableDeclaratorsCounter; this.variablesCounter[this.nestedType] = 0; } protected void consumeLocalVariableDeclarationStatement() { // LocalVariableDeclarationStatement ::= LocalVariableDeclaration ';' // see blockReal in case of change: duplicated code // increment the amount of declared variables for this block this.realBlockStack[this.realBlockPtr]++; // update source end to include the semi-colon int variableDeclaratorsCounter = this.astLengthStack[this.astLengthPtr]; for (int i = variableDeclaratorsCounter - 1; i >= 0; i--) { LocalDeclaration localDeclaration = (LocalDeclaration) this.astStack[this.astPtr - i]; localDeclaration.declarationSourceEnd = this.endStatementPosition; localDeclaration.declarationEnd = this.endStatementPosition; // semi-colon included } } protected void consumeMarkerAnnotation() { // MarkerAnnotation ::= '@' Name MarkerAnnotation markerAnnotation = null; int length = this.identifierLengthStack[this.identifierLengthPtr--]; if (length == 1) { markerAnnotation = new MarkerAnnotation(this.identifierStack[this.identifierPtr], this.identifierPositionStack[this.identifierPtr--], this.intStack[this.intPtr--]); } else { char[][] tokens = new char[length][]; this.identifierPtr -= length; long[] positions = new long[length]; System.arraycopy(this.identifierStack, this.identifierPtr + 1, tokens, 0, length); System.arraycopy( this.identifierPositionStack, this.identifierPtr + 1, positions, 0, length); markerAnnotation = new MarkerAnnotation(tokens, positions, this.intStack[this.intPtr--]); } int sourceStart = markerAnnotation.sourceStart; if (this.modifiersSourceStart < 0) { this.modifiersSourceStart = sourceStart; } else if (this.modifiersSourceStart > sourceStart) { this.modifiersSourceStart = sourceStart; } markerAnnotation.declarationSourceEnd = markerAnnotation.sourceEnd; pushOnExpressionStack(markerAnnotation); if(options.sourceLevel < ClassFileConstants.JDK1_5 && this.lastErrorEndPositionBeforeRecovery < this.scanner.currentPosition) { this.problemReporter().invalidUsageOfAnnotation(markerAnnotation); } } protected void consumeMemberValueArrayInitializer() { // MemberValueArrayInitializer ::= '{' MemberValues ',' '}' // MemberValueArrayInitializer ::= '{' MemberValues '}' arrayInitializer(this.expressionLengthStack[this.expressionLengthPtr--]); } protected void consumeMemberValueAsName() { pushOnExpressionStack(getUnspecifiedReferenceOptimized()); } protected void consumeMemberValuePair() { // MemberValuePair ::= SimpleName '=' MemberValue char[] simpleName = this.identifierStack[this.identifierPtr]; long position = this.identifierPositionStack[this.identifierPtr--]; this.identifierLengthPtr--; int end = (int) position; int start = (int) (position >>> 32); Expression value = this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr--]; this.expressionLengthPtr--; MemberValuePair memberValuePair = new MemberValuePair(simpleName, start, end, value); pushOnAstStack(memberValuePair); } protected void consumeMemberValuePairs() { // MemberValuePairs ::= MemberValuePairs ',' MemberValuePair concatNodeLists(); } protected void consumeMemberValues() { // MemberValues ::= MemberValues ',' MemberValue concatExpressionLists(); } protected void consumeMethodBody() { // MethodBody ::= NestedMethod '{' BlockStatementsopt '}' this.nestedMethod[this.nestedType] --; } protected void consumeMethodDeclaration(boolean isNotAbstract) { // MethodDeclaration ::= MethodHeader MethodBody // AbstractMethodDeclaration ::= MethodHeader ';' /* this.astStack : modifiers arguments throws statements this.identifierStack : type name this.intStack : dim dim dim ==> this.astStack : MethodDeclaration this.identifierStack : this.intStack : */ int length; if (isNotAbstract) { // pop the position of the { (body of the method) pushed in block decl this.intPtr--; this.intPtr--; } int explicitDeclarations = 0; Statement[] statements = null; if (isNotAbstract) { //statements explicitDeclarations = this.realBlockStack[this.realBlockPtr--]; if ((length = this.astLengthStack[this.astLengthPtr--]) != 0) { System.arraycopy( this.astStack, (this.astPtr -= length) + 1, statements = new Statement[length], 0, length); } } // now we know that we have a method declaration at the top of the ast stack MethodDeclaration md = (MethodDeclaration) this.astStack[this.astPtr]; md.statements = statements; md.explicitDeclarations = explicitDeclarations; // cannot be done in consumeMethodHeader because we have no idea whether or not there // is a body when we reduce the method header if (!isNotAbstract) { //remember the fact that the method has a semicolon body md.modifiers |= AccSemicolonBody; } else { if (!this.diet && statements == null) { if (!containsComment(md.bodyStart, this.endPosition)) { md.bits |= ASTNode.UndocumentedEmptyBlockMASK; } } } // store the this.endPosition (position just before the '}') in case there is // a trailing comment behind the end of the method md.bodyEnd = this.endPosition; md.declarationSourceEnd = flushCommentsDefinedPriorTo(this.endStatementPosition); } protected void consumeMethodHeader() { // MethodHeader ::= MethodHeaderName MethodHeaderParameters MethodHeaderExtendedDims ThrowsClauseopt // retrieve end position of method declarator AbstractMethodDeclaration method = (AbstractMethodDeclaration)this.astStack[this.astPtr]; if (this.currentToken == TokenNameLBRACE){ method.bodyStart = this.scanner.currentPosition; } // recovery if (this.currentElement != null){ if (this.currentToken == TokenNameSEMICOLON){ method.modifiers |= AccSemicolonBody; method.declarationSourceEnd = this.scanner.currentPosition-1; method.bodyEnd = this.scanner.currentPosition-1; if (this.currentElement.parseTree() == method && this.currentElement.parent != null) { this.currentElement = this.currentElement.parent; } } this.restartRecovery = true; // used to avoid branching back into the regular automaton } } protected void consumeMethodHeaderExtendedDims() { // MethodHeaderExtendedDims ::= Dimsopt // now we update the returnType of the method MethodDeclaration md = (MethodDeclaration) this.astStack[this.astPtr]; int extendedDims = this.intStack[this.intPtr--]; if (extendedDims != 0) { TypeReference returnType = md.returnType; md.sourceEnd = this.endPosition; int dims = returnType.dimensions() + extendedDims; int baseType; if ((baseType = this.identifierLengthStack[this.identifierLengthPtr + 1]) < 0) { //it was a baseType int sourceStart = returnType.sourceStart; int sourceEnd = returnType.sourceEnd; returnType = TypeReference.baseTypeReference(-baseType, dims); returnType.sourceStart = sourceStart; returnType.sourceEnd = sourceEnd; md.returnType = returnType; } else { md.returnType = this.copyDims(md.returnType, dims); } if (this.currentToken == TokenNameLBRACE){ md.bodyStart = this.endPosition + 1; } // recovery if (this.currentElement != null){ this.lastCheckPoint = md.bodyStart; } } } protected void consumeMethodHeaderName() { // MethodHeaderName ::= Modifiersopt Type 'Identifier' '(' MethodDeclaration md = new MethodDeclaration(this.compilationUnit.compilationResult); //name md.selector = this.identifierStack[this.identifierPtr]; long selectorSource = this.identifierPositionStack[this.identifierPtr--]; this.identifierLengthPtr--; //type md.returnType = getTypeReference(this.intStack[this.intPtr--]); //modifiers md.declarationSourceStart = this.intStack[this.intPtr--]; md.modifiers = this.intStack[this.intPtr--]; // consume annotations int length; if ((length = this.expressionLengthStack[this.expressionLengthPtr--]) != 0) { System.arraycopy( this.expressionStack, (this.expressionPtr -= length) + 1, md.annotations = new Annotation[length], 0, length); } // javadoc md.javadoc = this.javadoc; this.javadoc = null; //highlight starts at selector start md.sourceStart = (int) (selectorSource >>> 32); pushOnAstStack(md); md.sourceEnd = this.lParenPos; md.bodyStart = this.lParenPos+1; this.listLength = 0; // initialize this.listLength before reading parameters/throws // recovery if (this.currentElement != null){ if (this.currentElement instanceof RecoveredType //|| md.modifiers != 0 || (this.scanner.getLineNumber(md.returnType.sourceStart) == this.scanner.getLineNumber(md.sourceStart))){ this.lastCheckPoint = md.bodyStart; this.currentElement = this.currentElement.add(md, 0); this.lastIgnoredToken = -1; } else { this.lastCheckPoint = md.sourceStart; this.restartRecovery = true; } } } protected void consumeMethodHeaderNameWithTypeParameters() { // MethodHeaderName ::= Modifiersopt TypeParameters Type 'Identifier' '(' MethodDeclaration md = new MethodDeclaration(this.compilationUnit.compilationResult); //name md.selector = this.identifierStack[this.identifierPtr]; long selectorSource = this.identifierPositionStack[this.identifierPtr--]; this.identifierLengthPtr--; //type md.returnType = getTypeReference(this.intStack[this.intPtr--]); // consume type parameters int length = this.genericsLengthStack[this.genericsLengthPtr--]; this.genericsPtr -= length; System.arraycopy(this.genericsStack, this.genericsPtr + 1, md.typeParameters = new TypeParameter[length], 0, length); //modifiers md.declarationSourceStart = this.intStack[this.intPtr--]; md.modifiers = this.intStack[this.intPtr--]; // consume annotations if ((length = this.expressionLengthStack[this.expressionLengthPtr--]) != 0) { System.arraycopy( this.expressionStack, (this.expressionPtr -= length) + 1, md.annotations = new Annotation[length], 0, length); } // javadoc md.javadoc = this.javadoc; this.javadoc = null; //highlight starts at selector start md.sourceStart = (int) (selectorSource >>> 32); pushOnAstStack(md); md.sourceEnd = this.lParenPos; md.bodyStart = this.lParenPos+1; this.listLength = 0; // initialize this.listLength before reading parameters/throws // recovery if (this.currentElement != null){ if (this.currentElement instanceof RecoveredType //|| md.modifiers != 0 || (this.scanner.getLineNumber(md.returnType.sourceStart) == this.scanner.getLineNumber(md.sourceStart))){ this.lastCheckPoint = md.bodyStart; this.currentElement = this.currentElement.add(md, 0); this.lastIgnoredToken = -1; } else { this.lastCheckPoint = md.sourceStart; this.restartRecovery = true; } } } protected void consumeMethodHeaderRightParen() { // MethodHeaderParameters ::= FormalParameterListopt ')' int length = this.astLengthStack[this.astLengthPtr--]; this.astPtr -= length; AbstractMethodDeclaration md = (AbstractMethodDeclaration) this.astStack[this.astPtr]; md.sourceEnd = this.rParenPos; //arguments if (length != 0) { System.arraycopy( this.astStack, this.astPtr + 1, md.arguments = new Argument[length], 0, length); } md.bodyStart = this.rParenPos+1; this.listLength = 0; // reset this.listLength after having read all parameters // recovery if (this.currentElement != null){ this.lastCheckPoint = md.bodyStart; if (this.currentElement.parseTree() == md) return; // might not have been attached yet - in some constructor scenarii if (md.isConstructor()){ if ((length != 0) || (this.currentToken == TokenNameLBRACE) || (this.currentToken == TokenNamethrows)){ this.currentElement = this.currentElement.add(md, 0); this.lastIgnoredToken = -1; } } } } protected void consumeMethodHeaderThrowsClause() { // MethodHeaderThrowsClause ::= 'throws' ClassTypeList int length = this.astLengthStack[this.astLengthPtr--]; this.astPtr -= length; AbstractMethodDeclaration md = (AbstractMethodDeclaration) this.astStack[this.astPtr]; System.arraycopy( this.astStack, this.astPtr + 1, md.thrownExceptions = new TypeReference[length], 0, length); md.sourceEnd = md.thrownExceptions[length-1].sourceEnd; md.bodyStart = md.thrownExceptions[length-1].sourceEnd + 1; this.listLength = 0; // reset this.listLength after having read all thrown exceptions // recovery if (this.currentElement != null){ this.lastCheckPoint = md.bodyStart; } } protected void consumeMethodInvocationName() { // MethodInvocation ::= Name '(' ArgumentListopt ')' // when the name is only an identifier...we have a message send to "this" (implicit) MessageSend m = newMessageSend(); m.sourceEnd = this.rParenPos; m.sourceStart = (int) ((m.nameSourcePosition = this.identifierPositionStack[this.identifierPtr]) >>> 32); m.selector = this.identifierStack[this.identifierPtr--]; if (this.identifierLengthStack[this.identifierLengthPtr] == 1) { m.receiver = ThisReference.implicitThis(); this.identifierLengthPtr--; } else { this.identifierLengthStack[this.identifierLengthPtr]--; m.receiver = getUnspecifiedReference(); m.sourceStart = m.receiver.sourceStart; } pushOnExpressionStack(m); } protected void consumeMethodInvocationNameWithTypeArguments() { // MethodInvocation ::= Name '.' TypeArguments 'Identifier' '(' ArgumentListopt ')' // when the name is only an identifier...we have a message send to "this" (implicit) MessageSend m = newMessageSendWithTypeArguments(); m.sourceEnd = this.rParenPos; m.sourceStart = (int) ((m.nameSourcePosition = this.identifierPositionStack[this.identifierPtr]) >>> 32); m.selector = this.identifierStack[this.identifierPtr--]; this.identifierLengthPtr--; // handle type arguments int length = this.genericsLengthStack[this.genericsLengthPtr--]; this.genericsPtr -= length; System.arraycopy(this.genericsStack, this.genericsPtr + 1, m.typeArguments = new TypeReference[length], 0, length); // TODO (olivier) bug 67790 remove once DOMParser is activated intPtr--; m.receiver = getUnspecifiedReference(); m.sourceStart = m.receiver.sourceStart; pushOnExpressionStack(m); } protected void consumeMethodInvocationPrimary() { //optimize the push/pop //MethodInvocation ::= Primary '.' 'Identifier' '(' ArgumentListopt ')' MessageSend m = newMessageSend(); m.sourceStart = (int) ((m.nameSourcePosition = this.identifierPositionStack[this.identifierPtr]) >>> 32); m.selector = this.identifierStack[this.identifierPtr--]; this.identifierLengthPtr--; m.receiver = this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr]; m.sourceStart = m.receiver.sourceStart; m.sourceEnd = this.rParenPos; this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr] = m; } protected void consumeMethodInvocationPrimaryWithTypeArguments() { //optimize the push/pop //MethodInvocation ::= Primary '.' TypeArguments 'Identifier' '(' ArgumentListopt ')' MessageSend m = newMessageSendWithTypeArguments(); m.sourceStart = (int) ((m.nameSourcePosition = this.identifierPositionStack[this.identifierPtr]) >>> 32); m.selector = this.identifierStack[this.identifierPtr--]; this.identifierLengthPtr--; // handle type arguments int length = this.genericsLengthStack[this.genericsLengthPtr--]; this.genericsPtr -= length; System.arraycopy(this.genericsStack, this.genericsPtr + 1, m.typeArguments = new TypeReference[length], 0, length); // TODO (olivier) bug 67790 remove once DOMParser is activated intPtr--; m.receiver = this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr]; m.sourceStart = m.receiver.sourceStart; m.sourceEnd = this.rParenPos; this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr] = m; } protected void consumeMethodInvocationSuper() { // MethodInvocation ::= 'super' '.' 'Identifier' '(' ArgumentListopt ')' MessageSend m = newMessageSend(); m.sourceStart = this.intStack[this.intPtr--]; m.sourceEnd = this.rParenPos; m.nameSourcePosition = this.identifierPositionStack[this.identifierPtr]; m.selector = this.identifierStack[this.identifierPtr--]; this.identifierLengthPtr--; m.receiver = new SuperReference(m.sourceStart, this.endPosition); pushOnExpressionStack(m); } protected void consumeMethodInvocationSuperWithTypeArguments() { // MethodInvocation ::= 'super' '.' TypeArguments 'Identifier' '(' ArgumentListopt ')' MessageSend m = newMessageSendWithTypeArguments(); m.sourceStart = this.intStack[this.intPtr--]; m.sourceEnd = this.rParenPos; m.nameSourcePosition = this.identifierPositionStack[this.identifierPtr]; m.selector = this.identifierStack[this.identifierPtr--]; this.identifierLengthPtr--; // handle type arguments int length = this.genericsLengthStack[this.genericsLengthPtr--]; this.genericsPtr -= length; System.arraycopy(this.genericsStack, this.genericsPtr + 1, m.typeArguments = new TypeReference[length], 0, length); // TODO (olivier) bug 67790 remove once DOMParser is activated intPtr--; m.receiver = new SuperReference(m.sourceStart, this.endPosition); pushOnExpressionStack(m); } protected void consumeModifiers() { int savedModifiersSourceStart = this.modifiersSourceStart; checkComment(); // might update modifiers with AccDeprecated pushOnIntStack(this.modifiers); // modifiers if (this.modifiersSourceStart >= savedModifiersSourceStart) { this.modifiersSourceStart = savedModifiersSourceStart; } pushOnIntStack(this.modifiersSourceStart); resetModifiers(); } protected void consumeModifiers2() { this.expressionLengthStack[this.expressionLengthPtr - 1] += this.expressionLengthStack[this.expressionLengthPtr--]; } protected void consumeNameArrayType() { pushOnGenericsLengthStack(0); // handle type arguments pushOnGenericsIdentifiersLengthStack(this.identifierLengthStack[this.identifierLengthPtr]); } protected void consumeNestedMethod() { // NestedMethod ::= $empty jumpOverMethodBody(); this.nestedMethod[this.nestedType] ++; pushOnIntStack(this.scanner.currentPosition); consumeOpenBlock(); } protected void consumeNestedType() { // NestedType ::= $empty int length = this.nestedMethod.length; if (++this.nestedType >= length) { System.arraycopy( this.nestedMethod, 0, this.nestedMethod = new int[length + 30], 0, length); // increase the size of the variablesCounter as well. It has to be consistent with the size of the nestedMethod collection System.arraycopy( this.variablesCounter, 0, this.variablesCounter = new int[length + 30], 0, length); } this.nestedMethod[this.nestedType] = 0; this.variablesCounter[this.nestedType] = 0; } protected void consumeNormalAnnotation() { // NormalAnnotation ::= '@' Name '(' MemberValuePairsopt ')' NormalAnnotation normalAnnotation = null; int length = this.identifierLengthStack[this.identifierLengthPtr--]; if (length == 1) { normalAnnotation = new NormalAnnotation(this.identifierStack[this.identifierPtr], this.identifierPositionStack[this.identifierPtr--], this.intStack[this.intPtr--]); } else { char[][] tokens = new char[length][]; this.identifierPtr -= length; long[] positions = new long[length]; System.arraycopy(this.identifierStack, this.identifierPtr + 1, tokens, 0, length); System.arraycopy( this.identifierPositionStack, this.identifierPtr + 1, positions, 0, length); normalAnnotation = new NormalAnnotation(tokens, positions, this.intStack[this.intPtr--]); } if ((length = this.astLengthStack[this.astLengthPtr--]) != 0) { System.arraycopy( this.astStack, (this.astPtr -= length) + 1, normalAnnotation.memberValuePairs = new MemberValuePair[length], 0, length); } int sourceStart = normalAnnotation.sourceStart; if (this.modifiersSourceStart < 0) { this.modifiersSourceStart = sourceStart; } else if (this.modifiersSourceStart > sourceStart) { this.modifiersSourceStart = sourceStart; } normalAnnotation.declarationSourceEnd = this.rParenPos; pushOnExpressionStack(normalAnnotation); if(options.sourceLevel < ClassFileConstants.JDK1_5 && this.lastErrorEndPositionBeforeRecovery < this.scanner.currentPosition) { this.problemReporter().invalidUsageOfAnnotation(normalAnnotation); } } protected void consumeOneDimLoop() { // OneDimLoop ::= '[' ']' this.dimensions++; } protected void consumeOnlySynchronized() { // OnlySynchronized ::= 'synchronized' pushOnIntStack(this.synchronizedBlockSourceStart); resetModifiers(); this.expressionLengthPtr--; } protected void consumeOnlyTypeArguments() { if(options.sourceLevel < ClassFileConstants.JDK1_5 && this.lastErrorEndPositionBeforeRecovery < this.scanner.currentPosition) { int length = this.genericsLengthStack[this.genericsLengthPtr]; this.problemReporter().invalidUsageOfTypeArguments( (TypeReference)this.genericsStack[this.genericsPtr - length + 1], (TypeReference)this.genericsStack[this.genericsPtr]); } } protected void consumeOnlyTypeArgumentsForCastExpression() { // OnlyTypeArgumentsForCastExpression ::= OnlyTypeArguments } protected void consumeOpenBlock() { // OpenBlock ::= $empty pushOnIntStack(this.scanner.startPosition); int stackLength = this.realBlockStack.length; if (++this.realBlockPtr >= stackLength) { System.arraycopy( this.realBlockStack, 0, this.realBlockStack = new int[stackLength + StackIncrement], 0, stackLength); } this.realBlockStack[this.realBlockPtr] = 0; } protected void consumePackageDeclaration() { // PackageDeclaration ::= 'package' Name ';' /* build an ImportRef build from the last name stored in the identifier stack. */ ImportReference impt = this.compilationUnit.currentPackage; // flush comments defined prior to import statements impt.declarationEnd = this.endStatementPosition; impt.declarationSourceEnd = this.flushCommentsDefinedPriorTo(impt.declarationSourceEnd); } protected void consumePackageDeclarationName() { // PackageDeclarationName ::= 'package' Name /* build an ImportRef build from the last name stored in the identifier stack. */ ImportReference impt; int length; char[][] tokens = new char[length = this.identifierLengthStack[this.identifierLengthPtr--]][]; this.identifierPtr -= length; long[] positions = new long[length]; System.arraycopy(this.identifierStack, ++this.identifierPtr, tokens, 0, length); System.arraycopy( this.identifierPositionStack, this.identifierPtr--, positions, 0, length); impt = new ImportReference(tokens, positions, true, AccDefault); this.compilationUnit.currentPackage = impt; if (this.currentToken == TokenNameSEMICOLON){ impt.declarationSourceEnd = this.scanner.currentPosition - 1; } else { impt.declarationSourceEnd = impt.sourceEnd; } impt.declarationEnd = impt.declarationSourceEnd; //this.endPosition is just before the ; impt.declarationSourceStart = this.intStack[this.intPtr--]; // recovery if (this.currentElement != null){ this.lastCheckPoint = impt.declarationSourceEnd+1; this.restartRecovery = true; // used to avoid branching back into the regular automaton } } protected void consumePackageDeclarationNameWithModifiers() { // PackageDeclarationName ::= Modifiers 'package' Name /* build an ImportRef build from the last name stored in the identifier stack. */ ImportReference impt; int length; char[][] tokens = new char[length = this.identifierLengthStack[this.identifierLengthPtr--]][]; this.identifierPtr -= length; long[] positions = new long[length]; System.arraycopy(this.identifierStack, ++this.identifierPtr, tokens, 0, length); System.arraycopy( this.identifierPositionStack, this.identifierPtr--, positions, 0, length); int packageModifiersSourceStart = this.intStack[this.intPtr--]; // we don't need the modifiers start int packageModifiers = this.intStack[this.intPtr--]; impt = new ImportReference(tokens, positions, true, packageModifiers); this.compilationUnit.currentPackage = impt; // consume annotations if ((length = this.expressionLengthStack[this.expressionLengthPtr--]) != 0) { System.arraycopy( this.expressionStack, (this.expressionPtr -= length) + 1, impt.annotations = new Annotation[length], 0, length); impt.declarationSourceStart = packageModifiersSourceStart; intPtr--; // we don't need the position of the 'package keyword } else { impt.declarationSourceStart = this.intStack[this.intPtr--]; } if (this.currentToken == TokenNameSEMICOLON){ impt.declarationSourceEnd = this.scanner.currentPosition - 1; } else { impt.declarationSourceEnd = impt.sourceEnd; } impt.declarationEnd = impt.declarationSourceEnd; // recovery if (this.currentElement != null){ this.lastCheckPoint = impt.declarationSourceEnd+1; this.restartRecovery = true; // used to avoid branching back into the regular automaton } } protected void consumePostfixExpression() { // PostfixExpression ::= Name pushOnExpressionStack(getUnspecifiedReferenceOptimized()); } protected void consumePrimaryNoNewArray() { // PrimaryNoNewArray ::= PushLPAREN Expression PushRPAREN final Expression parenthesizedExpression = this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr]; updateSourcePosition(parenthesizedExpression); int numberOfParenthesis = (parenthesizedExpression.bits & ASTNode.ParenthesizedMASK) >> ASTNode.ParenthesizedSHIFT; parenthesizedExpression.bits &= ~ASTNode.ParenthesizedMASK; parenthesizedExpression.bits |= (numberOfParenthesis + 1) << ASTNode.ParenthesizedSHIFT; } protected void consumePrimaryNoNewArrayArrayType() { // PrimaryNoNewArray ::= Name Dims '.' 'class' this.intPtr--; // remove the class start position pushOnGenericsIdentifiersLengthStack(this.identifierLengthStack[this.identifierLengthPtr]); pushOnGenericsLengthStack(0); pushOnExpressionStack( new ClassLiteralAccess(this.intStack[this.intPtr--], getTypeReference(this.intStack[this.intPtr--]))); } protected void consumePrimaryNoNewArrayName() { // PrimaryNoNewArray ::= Name '.' 'class' this.intPtr--; // remove the class start position // handle type arguments pushOnGenericsIdentifiersLengthStack(this.identifierLengthStack[this.identifierLengthPtr]); pushOnGenericsLengthStack(0); TypeReference typeReference = getTypeReference(0); pushOnExpressionStack( new ClassLiteralAccess(this.intStack[this.intPtr--], typeReference)); } protected void consumePrimaryNoNewArrayNameSuper() { // PrimaryNoNewArray ::= Name '.' 'super' // handle type arguments pushOnGenericsIdentifiersLengthStack(this.identifierLengthStack[this.identifierLengthPtr]); pushOnGenericsLengthStack(0); TypeReference typeReference = getTypeReference(0); pushOnExpressionStack( new QualifiedSuperReference( typeReference, this.intStack[this.intPtr--], this.endPosition)); } protected void consumePrimaryNoNewArrayNameThis() { // PrimaryNoNewArray ::= Name '.' 'this' // handle type arguments pushOnGenericsIdentifiersLengthStack(this.identifierLengthStack[this.identifierLengthPtr]); pushOnGenericsLengthStack(0); // handle type arguments TypeReference typeReference = getTypeReference(0); pushOnExpressionStack( new QualifiedThisReference( typeReference, this.intStack[this.intPtr--], this.endPosition)); } protected void consumePrimaryNoNewArrayPrimitiveArrayType() { // PrimaryNoNewArray ::= PrimitiveType Dims '.' 'class' this.intPtr--; // remove the class start position pushOnExpressionStack( new ClassLiteralAccess(this.intStack[this.intPtr--], getTypeReference(this.intStack[this.intPtr--]))); } protected void consumePrimaryNoNewArrayPrimitiveType() { // PrimaryNoNewArray ::= PrimitiveType '.' 'class' this.intPtr--; // remove the class start position pushOnExpressionStack( new ClassLiteralAccess(this.intStack[this.intPtr--], getTypeReference(0))); } protected void consumePrimaryNoNewArrayThis() { // PrimaryNoNewArray ::= 'this' pushOnExpressionStack(new ThisReference(this.intStack[this.intPtr--], this.endPosition)); } protected void consumePrimaryNoNewArrayWithName() { // PrimaryNoNewArray ::= PushLPAREN Expression PushRPAREN pushOnExpressionStack(getUnspecifiedReferenceOptimized()); final Expression parenthesizedExpression = this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr]; updateSourcePosition(parenthesizedExpression); int numberOfParenthesis = (parenthesizedExpression.bits & ASTNode.ParenthesizedMASK) >> ASTNode.ParenthesizedSHIFT; parenthesizedExpression.bits &= ~ASTNode.ParenthesizedMASK; parenthesizedExpression.bits |= (numberOfParenthesis + 1) << ASTNode.ParenthesizedSHIFT; } protected void consumePrimitiveArrayType() { // nothing to do // Will be consume by a getTypeRefence call } protected void consumePrimitiveType() { // Type ::= PrimitiveType pushOnIntStack(0); } protected void consumePushLeftBrace() { pushOnIntStack(this.endPosition); // modifiers } protected void consumePushRealModifiers() { pushOnIntStack(this.modifiers); // modifiers pushOnIntStack(this.modifiersSourceStart); resetModifiers(); } protected void consumePushModifiers() { pushOnIntStack(this.modifiers); // modifiers pushOnIntStack(this.modifiersSourceStart); resetModifiers(); pushOnExpressionStackLengthStack(0); } protected void consumePushPosition() { // for source managment purpose // PushPosition ::= $empty pushOnIntStack(this.endPosition); } protected void consumeQualifiedName() { // QualifiedName ::= Name '.' SimpleName /*back from the recursive loop of QualifiedName. Updates identifier length into the length stack*/ this.identifierLengthStack[--this.identifierLengthPtr]++; } protected void consumeReduceImports() { // Consume imports int length; if ((length = this.astLengthStack[this.astLengthPtr--]) != 0) { this.astPtr -= length; System.arraycopy( this.astStack, this.astPtr + 1, this.compilationUnit.imports = new ImportReference[length], 0, length); } } protected void consumeReferenceType() { pushOnIntStack(0); // handle array type } protected void consumeReferenceType1() { pushOnGenericsStack(getTypeReference(this.intStack[this.intPtr--])); } protected void consumeReferenceType2() { pushOnGenericsStack(getTypeReference(this.intStack[this.intPtr--])); } protected void consumeReferenceType3() { pushOnGenericsStack(getTypeReference(this.intStack[this.intPtr--])); } protected void consumeRestoreDiet() { // RestoreDiet ::= $empty this.dietInt--; } protected void consumeRightParen() { // PushRPAREN ::= ')' pushOnIntStack(this.rParenPos); } // This method is part of an automatic generation : do NOT edit-modify protected void consumeRule(int act) { switch ( act ) { case 26 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("Type ::= PrimitiveType"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumePrimitiveType(); break; case 40 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("ReferenceType ::= ClassOrInterfaceType"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeReferenceType(); break; case 44 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("ClassOrInterface ::= Name"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeClassOrInterfaceName(); break; case 45 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("ClassOrInterface ::= GenericType DOT Name"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeClassOrInterface(); break; case 46 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("GenericType ::= ClassOrInterface TypeArguments"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeGenericType(); break; case 47 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("ArrayTypeWithTypeArgumentsName ::= GenericType DOT Name"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeArrayTypeWithTypeArgumentsName(); break; case 48 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("ArrayType ::= PrimitiveType Dims"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumePrimitiveArrayType(); break; case 49 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("ArrayType ::= Name Dims"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeNameArrayType(); break; case 50 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("ArrayType ::= ArrayTypeWithTypeArgumentsName Dims"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeGenericTypeNameArrayType(); break; case 51 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("ArrayType ::= GenericType Dims"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeGenericTypeArrayType(); break; case 56 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("QualifiedName ::= Name DOT SimpleName"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeQualifiedName(); break; case 57 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("CompilationUnit ::= EnterCompilationUnit..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeCompilationUnit(); break; case 58 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("InternalCompilationUnit ::= PackageDeclaration"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeInternalCompilationUnit(); break; case 59 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("InternalCompilationUnit ::= PackageDeclaration..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeInternalCompilationUnit(); break; case 60 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("InternalCompilationUnit ::= PackageDeclaration..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeInternalCompilationUnitWithTypes(); break; case 61 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("InternalCompilationUnit ::= PackageDeclaration..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeInternalCompilationUnitWithTypes(); break; case 62 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("InternalCompilationUnit ::= ImportDeclarations..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeInternalCompilationUnit(); break; case 63 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("InternalCompilationUnit ::= TypeDeclarations"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeInternalCompilationUnitWithTypes(); break; case 64 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("InternalCompilationUnit ::= ImportDeclarations..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeInternalCompilationUnitWithTypes(); break; case 65 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("InternalCompilationUnit ::="); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeEmptyInternalCompilationUnit(); break; case 66 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("ReduceImports ::="); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeReduceImports(); break; case 67 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("EnterCompilationUnit ::="); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeEnterCompilationUnit(); break; case 78 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("CatchHeader ::= catch LPAREN FormalParameter RPAREN..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeCatchHeader(); break; case 80 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("ImportDeclarations ::= ImportDeclarations..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeImportDeclarations(); break; case 82 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("TypeDeclarations ::= TypeDeclarations TypeDeclaration"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeTypeDeclarations(); break; case 83 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("PackageDeclaration ::= PackageDeclarationName SEMICOLON"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumePackageDeclaration(); break; case 84 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("PackageDeclarationName ::= Modifiers package..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumePackageDeclarationNameWithModifiers(); break; case 85 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("PackageDeclarationName ::= package Name"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumePackageDeclarationName(); break; case 90 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("SingleTypeImportDeclaration ::=..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeImportDeclaration(); break; case 91 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("SingleTypeImportDeclarationName ::= import Name"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeSingleTypeImportDeclarationName(); break; case 92 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("TypeImportOnDemandDeclaration ::=..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeImportDeclaration(); break; case 93 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("TypeImportOnDemandDeclarationName ::= import Name DOT..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeTypeImportOnDemandDeclarationName(); break; case 96 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("TypeDeclaration ::= SEMICOLON"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeEmptyTypeDeclaration(); break; case 100 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("Modifiers ::= Modifiers Modifier"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeModifiers2(); break; case 112 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("Modifier ::= Annotation"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeAnnotationAsModifier(); break; case 113 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("ClassDeclaration ::= ClassHeader ClassBody"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeClassDeclaration(); break; case 114 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("ClassHeader ::= ClassHeaderName ClassHeaderExtendsopt..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeClassHeader(); break; case 115 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("ClassHeaderName ::= ClassHeaderName1 TypeParameters"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeTypeHeaderNameWithTypeParameters(); break; case 117 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("ClassHeaderName1 ::= Modifiersopt class Identifier"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeClassHeaderName1(); break; case 118 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("ClassHeaderExtends ::= extends ClassType"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeClassHeaderExtends(); break; case 119 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("ClassHeaderImplements ::= implements InterfaceTypeList"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeClassHeaderImplements(); break; case 121 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("InterfaceTypeList ::= InterfaceTypeList COMMA..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeInterfaceTypeList(); break; case 122 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("InterfaceType ::= ClassOrInterfaceType"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeInterfaceType(); break; case 125 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("ClassBodyDeclarations ::= ClassBodyDeclarations..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeClassBodyDeclarations(); break; case 129 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("ClassBodyDeclaration ::= Diet NestedMethod Block"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeClassBodyDeclaration(); break; case 130 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("Diet ::="); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeDiet(); break; case 131 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("Initializer ::= Diet NestedMethod Block"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeClassBodyDeclaration(); break; case 137 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("ClassMemberDeclaration ::= SEMICOLON"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeEmptyClassMemberDeclaration(); break; case 140 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("FieldDeclaration ::= Modifiersopt Type..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeFieldDeclaration(); break; case 142 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("VariableDeclarators ::= VariableDeclarators COMMA..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeVariableDeclarators(); break; case 145 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("EnterVariable ::="); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeEnterVariable(); break; case 146 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("ExitVariableWithInitialization ::="); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeExitVariableWithInitialization(); break; case 147 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("ExitVariableWithoutInitialization ::="); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeExitVariableWithoutInitialization(); break; case 148 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("ForceNoDiet ::="); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeForceNoDiet(); break; case 149 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("RestoreDiet ::="); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeRestoreDiet(); break; case 154 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("MethodDeclaration ::= MethodHeader MethodBody"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ // set to true to consume a method with a body consumeMethodDeclaration(true); break; case 155 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("AbstractMethodDeclaration ::= MethodHeader SEMICOLON"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ // set to false to consume a method without body consumeMethodDeclaration(false); break; case 156 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("MethodHeader ::= MethodHeaderName FormalParameterListopt"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeMethodHeader(); break; case 157 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("MethodHeaderName ::= Modifiersopt TypeParameters Type..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeMethodHeaderNameWithTypeParameters(); break; case 158 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("MethodHeaderName ::= Modifiersopt Type Identifier LPAREN"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeMethodHeaderName(); break; case 159 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("MethodHeaderRightParen ::= RPAREN"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeMethodHeaderRightParen(); break; case 160 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("MethodHeaderExtendedDims ::= Dimsopt"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeMethodHeaderExtendedDims(); break; case 161 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("MethodHeaderThrowsClause ::= throws ClassTypeList"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeMethodHeaderThrowsClause(); break; case 162 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("ConstructorHeader ::= ConstructorHeaderName..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeConstructorHeader(); break; case 163 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("ConstructorHeaderName ::= Modifiersopt TypeParameters..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeConstructorHeaderNameWithTypeParameters(); break; case 164 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("ConstructorHeaderName ::= Modifiersopt Identifier LPAREN"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeConstructorHeaderName(); break; case 166 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("FormalParameterList ::= FormalParameterList COMMA..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeFormalParameterList(); break; case 167 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("FormalParameter ::= Modifiersopt Type..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeFormalParameter(false); break; case 168 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("FormalParameter ::= Modifiersopt Type ELLIPSIS..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeFormalParameter(true); break; case 170 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("ClassTypeList ::= ClassTypeList COMMA ClassTypeElt"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeClassTypeList(); break; case 171 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("ClassTypeElt ::= ClassType"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeClassTypeElt(); break; case 172 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("MethodBody ::= NestedMethod LBRACE BlockStatementsopt..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeMethodBody(); break; case 173 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("NestedMethod ::="); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeNestedMethod(); break; case 174 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("StaticInitializer ::= StaticOnly Block"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeStaticInitializer(); break; case 175 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("StaticOnly ::= static"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeStaticOnly(); break; case 176 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("ConstructorDeclaration ::= ConstructorHeader MethodBody"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeConstructorDeclaration() ; break; case 177 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("ConstructorDeclaration ::= ConstructorHeader SEMICOLON"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeInvalidConstructorDeclaration() ; break; case 178 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("ExplicitConstructorInvocation ::= this LPAREN..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeExplicitConstructorInvocation(0, THIS_CALL); break; case 179 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("ExplicitConstructorInvocation ::= OnlyTypeArguments this"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeExplicitConstructorInvocationWithTypeArguments(0,THIS_CALL); break; case 180 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("ExplicitConstructorInvocation ::= super LPAREN..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeExplicitConstructorInvocation(0,SUPER_CALL); break; case 181 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("ExplicitConstructorInvocation ::= OnlyTypeArguments..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeExplicitConstructorInvocationWithTypeArguments(0,SUPER_CALL); break; case 182 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("ExplicitConstructorInvocation ::= Primary DOT super..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeExplicitConstructorInvocation(1, SUPER_CALL); break; case 183 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("ExplicitConstructorInvocation ::= Primary DOT..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeExplicitConstructorInvocationWithTypeArguments(1, SUPER_CALL); break; case 184 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("ExplicitConstructorInvocation ::= Name DOT super LPAREN"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeExplicitConstructorInvocation(2, SUPER_CALL); break; case 185 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("ExplicitConstructorInvocation ::= Name DOT..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeExplicitConstructorInvocationWithTypeArguments(2, SUPER_CALL); break; case 186 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("ExplicitConstructorInvocation ::= Primary DOT this..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeExplicitConstructorInvocation(1, THIS_CALL); break; case 187 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("ExplicitConstructorInvocation ::= Primary DOT..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeExplicitConstructorInvocationWithTypeArguments(1, THIS_CALL); break; case 188 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("ExplicitConstructorInvocation ::= Name DOT this LPAREN"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeExplicitConstructorInvocation(2, THIS_CALL); break; case 189 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("ExplicitConstructorInvocation ::= Name DOT..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeExplicitConstructorInvocationWithTypeArguments(2, THIS_CALL); break; case 190 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("InterfaceDeclaration ::= InterfaceHeader InterfaceBody"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeInterfaceDeclaration(); break; case 191 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("InterfaceHeader ::= InterfaceHeaderName..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeInterfaceHeader(); break; case 192 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("InterfaceHeaderName ::= InterfaceHeaderName1..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeTypeHeaderNameWithTypeParameters(); break; case 194 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("InterfaceHeaderName1 ::= Modifiersopt interface..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeInterfaceHeaderName1(); break; case 196 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("InterfaceHeaderExtends ::= extends InterfaceTypeList"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeInterfaceHeaderExtends(); break; case 199 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("InterfaceMemberDeclarations ::=..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeInterfaceMemberDeclarations(); break; case 200 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("InterfaceMemberDeclaration ::= SEMICOLON"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeEmptyInterfaceMemberDeclaration(); break; case 203 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("InterfaceMemberDeclaration ::= InvalidMethodDeclaration"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ ignoreMethodBody(); break; case 204 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("InvalidConstructorDeclaration ::= ConstructorHeader..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ ignoreInvalidConstructorDeclaration(true); break; case 205 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("InvalidConstructorDeclaration ::= ConstructorHeader..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ ignoreInvalidConstructorDeclaration(false); break; case 212 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("PushLeftBrace ::="); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumePushLeftBrace(); break; case 213 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("ArrayInitializer ::= LBRACE PushLeftBrace ,opt RBRACE"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeEmptyArrayInitializer(); break; case 214 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("ArrayInitializer ::= LBRACE PushLeftBrace..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeArrayInitializer(); break; case 215 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("ArrayInitializer ::= LBRACE PushLeftBrace..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeArrayInitializer(); break; case 217 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("VariableInitializers ::= VariableInitializers COMMA..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeVariableInitializers(); break; case 218 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("Block ::= OpenBlock LBRACE BlockStatementsopt RBRACE"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeBlock(); break; case 219 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("OpenBlock ::="); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeOpenBlock() ; break; case 221 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("BlockStatements ::= BlockStatements BlockStatement"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeBlockStatements() ; break; case 225 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("BlockStatement ::= InvalidInterfaceDeclaration"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ ignoreInterfaceDeclaration(); break; case 226 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("LocalVariableDeclarationStatement ::=..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeLocalVariableDeclarationStatement(); break; case 227 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("LocalVariableDeclaration ::= Type PushModifiers..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeLocalVariableDeclaration(); break; case 228 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("LocalVariableDeclaration ::= Modifiers Type..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeLocalVariableDeclaration(); break; case 229 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("PushModifiers ::="); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumePushModifiers(); break; case 230 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("PushRealModifiers ::="); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumePushRealModifiers(); break; case 256 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("EmptyStatement ::= SEMICOLON"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeEmptyStatement(); break; case 257 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("LabeledStatement ::= Identifier COLON Statement"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeStatementLabel() ; break; case 258 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("LabeledStatementNoShortIf ::= Identifier COLON..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeStatementLabel() ; break; case 259 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("ExpressionStatement ::= StatementExpression SEMICOLON"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeExpressionStatement(); break; case 268 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("IfThenStatement ::= if LPAREN Expression RPAREN..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeStatementIfNoElse(); break; case 269 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("IfThenElseStatement ::= if LPAREN Expression RPAREN..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeStatementIfWithElse(); break; case 270 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("IfThenElseStatementNoShortIf ::= if LPAREN Expression..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeStatementIfWithElse(); break; case 271 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("SwitchStatement ::= switch LPAREN Expression RPAREN..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeStatementSwitch() ; break; case 272 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("SwitchBlock ::= LBRACE RBRACE"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeEmptySwitchBlock() ; break; case 275 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("SwitchBlock ::= LBRACE SwitchBlockStatements..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeSwitchBlock() ; break; case 277 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("SwitchBlockStatements ::= SwitchBlockStatements..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeSwitchBlockStatements() ; break; case 278 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("SwitchBlockStatement ::= SwitchLabels BlockStatements"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeSwitchBlockStatement() ; break; case 280 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("SwitchLabels ::= SwitchLabels SwitchLabel"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeSwitchLabels() ; break; case 281 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("SwitchLabel ::= case ConstantExpression COLON"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeCaseLabel(); break; case 282 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("SwitchLabel ::= default COLON"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeDefaultLabel(); break; case 283 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("WhileStatement ::= while LPAREN Expression RPAREN..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeStatementWhile() ; break; case 284 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("WhileStatementNoShortIf ::= while LPAREN Expression..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeStatementWhile() ; break; case 285 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("DoStatement ::= do Statement while LPAREN Expression..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeStatementDo() ; break; case 286 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("ForStatement ::= for LPAREN ForInitopt SEMICOLON..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeStatementFor() ; break; case 287 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("ForStatementNoShortIf ::= for LPAREN ForInitopt..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeStatementFor() ; break; case 288 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("ForInit ::= StatementExpressionList"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeForInit() ; break; case 292 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("StatementExpressionList ::= StatementExpressionList..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeStatementExpressionList() ; break; case 293 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("AssertStatement ::= assert Expression SEMICOLON"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeSimpleAssertStatement() ; break; case 294 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("AssertStatement ::= assert Expression COLON Expression"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeAssertStatement() ; break; case 295 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("BreakStatement ::= break SEMICOLON"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeStatementBreak() ; break; case 296 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("BreakStatement ::= break Identifier SEMICOLON"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeStatementBreakWithLabel() ; break; case 297 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("ContinueStatement ::= continue SEMICOLON"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeStatementContinue() ; break; case 298 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("ContinueStatement ::= continue Identifier SEMICOLON"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeStatementContinueWithLabel() ; break; case 299 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("ReturnStatement ::= return Expressionopt SEMICOLON"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeStatementReturn() ; break; case 300 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("ThrowStatement ::= throw Expression SEMICOLON"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeStatementThrow(); break; case 301 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("SynchronizedStatement ::= OnlySynchronized LPAREN..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeStatementSynchronized(); break; case 302 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("OnlySynchronized ::= synchronized"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeOnlySynchronized(); break; case 303 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("TryStatement ::= try TryBlock Catches"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeStatementTry(false); break; case 304 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("TryStatement ::= try TryBlock Catchesopt Finally"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeStatementTry(true); break; case 306 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("ExitTryBlock ::="); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeExitTryBlock(); break; case 308 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("Catches ::= Catches CatchClause"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeCatches(); break; case 309 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("CatchClause ::= catch LPAREN FormalParameter RPAREN..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeStatementCatch() ; break; case 311 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("PushLPAREN ::= LPAREN"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeLeftParen(); break; case 312 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("PushRPAREN ::= RPAREN"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeRightParen(); break; case 317 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("PrimaryNoNewArray ::= this"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumePrimaryNoNewArrayThis(); break; case 318 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("PrimaryNoNewArray ::= PushLPAREN Expression_NotName..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumePrimaryNoNewArray(); break; case 319 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("PrimaryNoNewArray ::= PushLPAREN Name PushRPAREN"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumePrimaryNoNewArrayWithName(); break; case 322 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("PrimaryNoNewArray ::= Name DOT this"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumePrimaryNoNewArrayNameThis(); break; case 323 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("PrimaryNoNewArray ::= Name DOT super"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumePrimaryNoNewArrayNameSuper(); break; case 324 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("PrimaryNoNewArray ::= Name DOT class"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumePrimaryNoNewArrayName(); break; case 325 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("PrimaryNoNewArray ::= Name Dims DOT class"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumePrimaryNoNewArrayArrayType(); break; case 326 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("PrimaryNoNewArray ::= PrimitiveType Dims DOT class"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumePrimaryNoNewArrayPrimitiveArrayType(); break; case 327 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("PrimaryNoNewArray ::= PrimitiveType DOT class"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumePrimaryNoNewArrayPrimitiveType(); break; case 330 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("AllocationHeader ::= new ClassType LPAREN..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeAllocationHeader(); break; case 331 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("ClassInstanceCreationExpression ::= new..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeClassInstanceCreationExpressionWithTypeArguments(); break; case 332 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("ClassInstanceCreationExpression ::= new ClassType LPAREN"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeClassInstanceCreationExpression(); break; case 333 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("ClassInstanceCreationExpression ::= Primary DOT new..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeClassInstanceCreationExpressionQualifiedWithTypeArguments() ; break; case 334 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("ClassInstanceCreationExpression ::= Primary DOT new..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeClassInstanceCreationExpressionQualified() ; break; case 335 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("ClassInstanceCreationExpression ::=..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeClassInstanceCreationExpressionQualified() ; break; case 336 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("ClassInstanceCreationExpression ::=..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeClassInstanceCreationExpressionQualifiedWithTypeArguments() ; break; case 337 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("ClassInstanceCreationExpressionName ::= Name DOT"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeClassInstanceCreationExpressionName() ; break; case 338 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("ClassBodyopt ::="); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeClassBodyopt(); break; case 340 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("ClassBodySimpleNameopt ::="); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeClassBodyopt(); break; case 342 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("EnterAnonymousClassBodySimpleName ::="); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeEnterAnonymousClassBodySimpleName(); break; case 343 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("EnterAnonymousClassBody ::="); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeEnterAnonymousClassBody(); break; case 345 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("ArgumentList ::= ArgumentList COMMA Expression"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeArgumentList(); break; case 346 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("ArrayCreationHeader ::= new PrimitiveType..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeArrayCreationHeader(); break; case 347 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("ArrayCreationHeader ::= new ClassOrInterfaceType..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeArrayCreationHeader(); break; case 348 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("ArrayCreationWithoutArrayInitializer ::= new..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeArrayCreationExpressionWithoutInitializer(); break; case 349 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("ArrayCreationWithArrayInitializer ::= new PrimitiveType"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeArrayCreationExpressionWithInitializer(); break; case 350 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("ArrayCreationWithoutArrayInitializer ::= new..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeArrayCreationExpressionWithoutInitializer(); break; case 351 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("ArrayCreationWithArrayInitializer ::= new..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeArrayCreationExpressionWithInitializer(); break; case 353 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("DimWithOrWithOutExprs ::= DimWithOrWithOutExprs..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeDimWithOrWithOutExprs(); break; case 355 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("DimWithOrWithOutExpr ::= LBRACKET RBRACKET"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeDimWithOrWithOutExpr(); break; case 356 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("Dims ::= DimsLoop"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeDims(); break; case 359 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("OneDimLoop ::= LBRACKET RBRACKET"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeOneDimLoop(); break; case 360 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("FieldAccess ::= Primary DOT Identifier"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeFieldAccess(false); break; case 361 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("FieldAccess ::= super DOT Identifier"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeFieldAccess(true); break; case 362 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("MethodInvocation ::= Name LPAREN ArgumentListopt RPAREN"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeMethodInvocationName(); break; case 363 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("MethodInvocation ::= Name DOT OnlyTypeArguments..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeMethodInvocationNameWithTypeArguments(); break; case 364 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("MethodInvocation ::= Primary DOT OnlyTypeArguments..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeMethodInvocationPrimaryWithTypeArguments(); break; case 365 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("MethodInvocation ::= Primary DOT Identifier LPAREN..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeMethodInvocationPrimary(); break; case 366 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("MethodInvocation ::= super DOT OnlyTypeArguments..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeMethodInvocationSuperWithTypeArguments(); break; case 367 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("MethodInvocation ::= super DOT Identifier LPAREN..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeMethodInvocationSuper(); break; case 368 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("ArrayAccess ::= Name LBRACKET Expression RBRACKET"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeArrayAccess(true); break; case 369 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("ArrayAccess ::= PrimaryNoNewArray LBRACKET Expression..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeArrayAccess(false); break; case 370 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("ArrayAccess ::= ArrayCreationWithArrayInitializer..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeArrayAccess(false); break; case 372 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("PostfixExpression ::= Name"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumePostfixExpression(); break; case 375 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("PostIncrementExpression ::= PostfixExpression PLUS_PLUS"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeUnaryExpression(OperatorIds.PLUS,true); break; case 376 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("PostDecrementExpression ::= PostfixExpression..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeUnaryExpression(OperatorIds.MINUS,true); break; case 377 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("PushPosition ::="); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumePushPosition(); break; case 380 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("UnaryExpression ::= PLUS PushPosition UnaryExpression"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeUnaryExpression(OperatorIds.PLUS); break; case 381 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("UnaryExpression ::= MINUS PushPosition UnaryExpression"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeUnaryExpression(OperatorIds.MINUS); break; case 383 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("PreIncrementExpression ::= PLUS_PLUS PushPosition..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeUnaryExpression(OperatorIds.PLUS,false); break; case 384 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("PreDecrementExpression ::= MINUS_MINUS PushPosition..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeUnaryExpression(OperatorIds.MINUS,false); break; case 386 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("UnaryExpressionNotPlusMinus ::= TWIDDLE PushPosition..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeUnaryExpression(OperatorIds.TWIDDLE); break; case 387 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("UnaryExpressionNotPlusMinus ::= NOT PushPosition..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeUnaryExpression(OperatorIds.NOT); break; case 389 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("CastExpression ::= PushLPAREN PrimitiveType Dimsopt..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeCastExpressionWithPrimitiveType(); break; case 390 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("CastExpression ::= PushLPAREN Name..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeCastExpressionWithGenericsArray(); break; case 391 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("CastExpression ::= PushLPAREN Name..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeCastExpressionWithQualifiedGenericsArray(); break; case 392 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("CastExpression ::= PushLPAREN Name PushRPAREN..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeCastExpressionLL1(); break; case 393 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("CastExpression ::= PushLPAREN Name Dims PushRPAREN..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeCastExpressionWithNameArray(); break; case 394 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("OnlyTypeArgumentsForCastExpression ::= OnlyTypeArguments"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeOnlyTypeArgumentsForCastExpression(); break; case 395 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("InsideCastExpression ::="); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeInsideCastExpression(); break; case 396 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("InsideCastExpressionLL1 ::="); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeInsideCastExpressionLL1(); break; case 397 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("InsideCastExpressionWithQualifiedGenerics ::="); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeInsideCastExpressionWithQualifiedGenerics(); break; case 399 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("MultiplicativeExpression ::= MultiplicativeExpression..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeBinaryExpression(OperatorIds.MULTIPLY); break; case 400 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("MultiplicativeExpression ::= MultiplicativeExpression..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeBinaryExpression(OperatorIds.DIVIDE); break; case 401 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("MultiplicativeExpression ::= MultiplicativeExpression..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeBinaryExpression(OperatorIds.REMAINDER); break; case 403 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("AdditiveExpression ::= AdditiveExpression PLUS..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeBinaryExpression(OperatorIds.PLUS); break; case 404 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("AdditiveExpression ::= AdditiveExpression MINUS..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeBinaryExpression(OperatorIds.MINUS); break; case 406 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("ShiftExpression ::= ShiftExpression LEFT_SHIFT..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeBinaryExpression(OperatorIds.LEFT_SHIFT); break; case 407 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("ShiftExpression ::= ShiftExpression RIGHT_SHIFT..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeBinaryExpression(OperatorIds.RIGHT_SHIFT); break; case 408 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("ShiftExpression ::= ShiftExpression UNSIGNED_RIGHT_SHIFT"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeBinaryExpression(OperatorIds.UNSIGNED_RIGHT_SHIFT); break; case 410 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("RelationalExpression ::= RelationalExpression LESS..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeBinaryExpression(OperatorIds.LESS); break; case 411 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("RelationalExpression ::= RelationalExpression GREATER..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeBinaryExpression(OperatorIds.GREATER); break; case 412 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("RelationalExpression ::= RelationalExpression LESS_EQUAL"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeBinaryExpression(OperatorIds.LESS_EQUAL); break; case 413 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("RelationalExpression ::= RelationalExpression..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeBinaryExpression(OperatorIds.GREATER_EQUAL); break; case 415 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("InstanceofExpression ::= InstanceofExpression instanceof"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeInstanceOfExpression(OperatorIds.INSTANCEOF); break; case 417 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("EqualityExpression ::= EqualityExpression EQUAL_EQUAL..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeEqualityExpression(OperatorIds.EQUAL_EQUAL); break; case 418 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("EqualityExpression ::= EqualityExpression NOT_EQUAL..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeEqualityExpression(OperatorIds.NOT_EQUAL); break; case 420 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("AndExpression ::= AndExpression AND EqualityExpression"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeBinaryExpression(OperatorIds.AND); break; case 422 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("ExclusiveOrExpression ::= ExclusiveOrExpression XOR..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeBinaryExpression(OperatorIds.XOR); break; case 424 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("InclusiveOrExpression ::= InclusiveOrExpression OR..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeBinaryExpression(OperatorIds.OR); break; case 426 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("ConditionalAndExpression ::= ConditionalAndExpression..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeBinaryExpression(OperatorIds.AND_AND); break; case 428 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("ConditionalOrExpression ::= ConditionalOrExpression..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeBinaryExpression(OperatorIds.OR_OR); break; case 430 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("ConditionalExpression ::= ConditionalOrExpression..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeConditionalExpression(OperatorIds.QUESTIONCOLON) ; break; case 433 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("Assignment ::= PostfixExpression AssignmentOperator..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeAssignment(); break; case 435 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("Assignment ::= InvalidArrayInitializerAssignement"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ ignoreExpressionAssignment(); break; case 436 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("AssignmentOperator ::= EQUAL"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeAssignmentOperator(EQUAL); break; case 437 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("AssignmentOperator ::= MULTIPLY_EQUAL"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeAssignmentOperator(MULTIPLY); break; case 438 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("AssignmentOperator ::= DIVIDE_EQUAL"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeAssignmentOperator(DIVIDE); break; case 439 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("AssignmentOperator ::= REMAINDER_EQUAL"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeAssignmentOperator(REMAINDER); break; case 440 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("AssignmentOperator ::= PLUS_EQUAL"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeAssignmentOperator(PLUS); break; case 441 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("AssignmentOperator ::= MINUS_EQUAL"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeAssignmentOperator(MINUS); break; case 442 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("AssignmentOperator ::= LEFT_SHIFT_EQUAL"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeAssignmentOperator(LEFT_SHIFT); break; case 443 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("AssignmentOperator ::= RIGHT_SHIFT_EQUAL"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeAssignmentOperator(RIGHT_SHIFT); break; case 444 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("AssignmentOperator ::= UNSIGNED_RIGHT_SHIFT_EQUAL"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeAssignmentOperator(UNSIGNED_RIGHT_SHIFT); break; case 445 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("AssignmentOperator ::= AND_EQUAL"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeAssignmentOperator(AND); break; case 446 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("AssignmentOperator ::= XOR_EQUAL"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeAssignmentOperator(XOR); break; case 447 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("AssignmentOperator ::= OR_EQUAL"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeAssignmentOperator(OR); break; case 451 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("Expressionopt ::="); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeEmptyExpression(); break; case 456 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("ClassBodyDeclarationsopt ::="); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeEmptyClassBodyDeclarationsopt(); break; case 457 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("ClassBodyDeclarationsopt ::= NestedType..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeClassBodyDeclarationsopt(); break; case 458 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("Modifiersopt ::="); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeDefaultModifiers(); break; case 459 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("Modifiersopt ::= Modifiers"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeModifiers(); break; case 460 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("BlockStatementsopt ::="); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeEmptyBlockStatementsopt(); break; case 462 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("Dimsopt ::="); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeEmptyDimsopt(); break; case 464 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("ArgumentListopt ::="); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeEmptyArgumentListopt(); break; case 468 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("FormalParameterListopt ::="); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeFormalParameterListopt(); break; case 472 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("InterfaceMemberDeclarationsopt ::="); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeEmptyInterfaceMemberDeclarationsopt(); break; case 473 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("InterfaceMemberDeclarationsopt ::= NestedType..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeInterfaceMemberDeclarationsopt(); break; case 474 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("NestedType ::="); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeNestedType(); break; case 475 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("ForInitopt ::="); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeEmptyForInitopt(); break; case 477 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("ForUpdateopt ::="); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeEmptyForUpdateopt(); break; case 481 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("Catchesopt ::="); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeEmptyCatchesopt(); break; case 483 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("EnumDeclaration ::= EnumHeader ClassHeaderImplementsopt"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeEnumDeclaration(); break; case 484 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("EnumHeader ::= Modifiersopt enum Identifier"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeEnumHeader(); break; case 485 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("EnumBody ::= LBRACE EnumBodyDeclarationsopt RBRACE"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeEnumBodyNoConstants(); break; case 486 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("EnumBody ::= LBRACE COMMA EnumBodyDeclarationsopt..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeEnumBodyNoConstants(); break; case 487 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("EnumBody ::= LBRACE EnumConstants COMMA..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeEnumBodyWithConstants(); break; case 488 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("EnumBody ::= LBRACE EnumConstants..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeEnumBodyWithConstants(); break; case 490 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("EnumConstants ::= EnumConstants COMMA EnumConstant"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeEnumConstants(); break; case 491 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("EnumConstantHeader ::= Identifier Argumentsopt"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeEnumConstantHeader(); break; case 492 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("EnumConstant ::= EnumConstantHeader ClassBody"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeEnumConstantWithClassBody(); break; case 493 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("EnumConstant ::= EnumConstantHeader"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeEnumConstantNoClassBody(); break; case 494 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("Arguments ::= LPAREN ArgumentListopt RPAREN"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeArguments(); break; case 495 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("Argumentsopt ::="); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeEmptyArguments(); break; case 497 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("EnumDeclarations ::= SEMICOLON ClassBodyDeclarationsopt"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeEnumDeclarations(); break; case 498 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("EnumBodyDeclarationsopt ::="); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeEmptyEnumDeclarations(); break; case 500 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("EnhancedForStatement ::= EnhancedForStatementHeader..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeEnhancedForStatement(); break; case 501 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("EnhancedForStatementNoShortIf ::=..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeEnhancedForStatement(); break; case 502 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("EnhancedForStatementHeader ::= for LPAREN Type..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeEnhancedForStatementHeader(false); break; case 503 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("EnhancedForStatementHeader ::= for LPAREN Modifiers Type"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeEnhancedForStatementHeader(true); break; case 504 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("SingleStaticImportDeclaration ::=..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeImportDeclaration(); break; case 505 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("SingleStaticImportDeclarationName ::= import static Name"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeSingleStaticImportDeclarationName(); break; case 506 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("StaticImportOnDemandDeclaration ::=..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeImportDeclaration(); break; case 507 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("StaticImportOnDemandDeclarationName ::= import static..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeStaticImportOnDemandDeclarationName(); break; case 508 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("TypeArguments ::= LESS TypeArgumentList1"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeTypeArguments(); break; case 509 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("OnlyTypeArguments ::= LESS TypeArgumentList1"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeOnlyTypeArguments(); break; case 511 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("TypeArgumentList1 ::= TypeArgumentList COMMA..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeTypeArgumentList1(); break; case 513 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("TypeArgumentList ::= TypeArgumentList COMMA TypeArgument"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeTypeArgumentList(); break; case 514 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("TypeArgument ::= ReferenceType"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeTypeArgument(); break; case 518 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("ReferenceType1 ::= ReferenceType GREATER"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeReferenceType1(); break; case 519 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("ReferenceType1 ::= ClassOrInterface LESS..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeTypeArgumentReferenceType1(); break; case 521 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("TypeArgumentList2 ::= TypeArgumentList COMMA..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeTypeArgumentList2(); break; case 524 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("ReferenceType2 ::= ReferenceType RIGHT_SHIFT"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeReferenceType2(); break; case 525 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("ReferenceType2 ::= ClassOrInterface LESS..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeTypeArgumentReferenceType2(); break; case 527 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("TypeArgumentList3 ::= TypeArgumentList COMMA..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeTypeArgumentList3(); break; case 530 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("ReferenceType3 ::= ReferenceType UNSIGNED_RIGHT_SHIFT"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeReferenceType3(); break; case 531 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("Wildcard ::= QUESTION"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeWildcard(); break; case 532 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("Wildcard ::= QUESTION WildcardBounds"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeWildcardWithBounds(); break; case 533 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("WildcardBounds ::= extends ReferenceType"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeWildcardBoundsExtends(); break; case 534 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("WildcardBounds ::= super ReferenceType"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeWildcardBoundsSuper(); break; case 535 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("Wildcard1 ::= QUESTION GREATER"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeWildcard1(); break; case 536 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("Wildcard1 ::= QUESTION WildcardBounds1"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeWildcard1WithBounds(); break; case 537 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("WildcardBounds1 ::= extends ReferenceType1"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeWildcardBounds1Extends(); break; case 538 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("WildcardBounds1 ::= super ReferenceType1"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeWildcardBounds1Super(); break; case 539 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("Wildcard2 ::= QUESTION RIGHT_SHIFT"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeWildcard2(); break; case 540 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("Wildcard2 ::= QUESTION WildcardBounds2"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeWildcard2WithBounds(); break; case 541 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("WildcardBounds2 ::= extends ReferenceType2"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeWildcardBounds2Extends(); break; case 542 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("WildcardBounds2 ::= super ReferenceType2"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeWildcardBounds2Super(); break; case 543 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("Wildcard3 ::= QUESTION UNSIGNED_RIGHT_SHIFT"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeWildcard3(); break; case 544 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("Wildcard3 ::= QUESTION WildcardBounds3"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeWildcard3WithBounds(); break; case 545 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("WildcardBounds3 ::= extends ReferenceType3"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeWildcardBounds3Extends(); break; case 546 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("WildcardBounds3 ::= super ReferenceType3"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeWildcardBounds3Super(); break; case 547 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("TypeParameterHeader ::= Identifier"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeTypeParameterHeader(); break; case 548 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("TypeParameters ::= LESS TypeParameterList1"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeTypeParameters(); break; case 550 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("TypeParameterList ::= TypeParameterList COMMA..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeTypeParameterList(); break; case 552 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("TypeParameter ::= TypeParameterHeader extends..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeTypeParameterWithExtends(); break; case 553 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("TypeParameter ::= TypeParameterHeader extends..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeTypeParameterWithExtendsAndBounds(); break; case 555 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("AdditionalBoundList ::= AdditionalBoundList..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeAdditionalBoundList(); break; case 556 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("AdditionalBound ::= AND ReferenceType"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeAdditionalBound(); break; case 558 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("TypeParameterList1 ::= TypeParameterList COMMA..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeTypeParameterList1(); break; case 559 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("TypeParameter1 ::= TypeParameterHeader GREATER"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeTypeParameter1(); break; case 560 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("TypeParameter1 ::= TypeParameterHeader extends..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeTypeParameter1WithExtends(); break; case 561 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("TypeParameter1 ::= TypeParameterHeader extends..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeTypeParameter1WithExtendsAndBounds(); break; case 563 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("AdditionalBoundList1 ::= AdditionalBoundList..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeAdditionalBoundList1(); break; case 564 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("AdditionalBound1 ::= AND ReferenceType1"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeAdditionalBound1(); break; case 570 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("UnaryExpression_NotName ::= PLUS PushPosition..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeUnaryExpression(OperatorIds.PLUS); break; case 571 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("UnaryExpression_NotName ::= MINUS PushPosition..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeUnaryExpression(OperatorIds.MINUS); break; case 574 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("UnaryExpressionNotPlusMinus_NotName ::= TWIDDLE..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeUnaryExpression(OperatorIds.TWIDDLE); break; case 575 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("UnaryExpressionNotPlusMinus_NotName ::= NOT PushPosition"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeUnaryExpression(OperatorIds.NOT); break; case 578 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("MultiplicativeExpression_NotName ::=..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeBinaryExpression(OperatorIds.MULTIPLY); break; case 579 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("MultiplicativeExpression_NotName ::= Name MULTIPLY..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeBinaryExpressionWithName(OperatorIds.MULTIPLY); break; case 580 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("MultiplicativeExpression_NotName ::=..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeBinaryExpression(OperatorIds.DIVIDE); break; case 581 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("MultiplicativeExpression_NotName ::= Name DIVIDE..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeBinaryExpressionWithName(OperatorIds.DIVIDE); break; case 582 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("MultiplicativeExpression_NotName ::=..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeBinaryExpression(OperatorIds.REMAINDER); break; case 583 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("MultiplicativeExpression_NotName ::= Name REMAINDER..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeBinaryExpressionWithName(OperatorIds.REMAINDER); break; case 585 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("AdditiveExpression_NotName ::=..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeBinaryExpression(OperatorIds.PLUS); break; case 586 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("AdditiveExpression_NotName ::= Name PLUS..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeBinaryExpressionWithName(OperatorIds.PLUS); break; case 587 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("AdditiveExpression_NotName ::=..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeBinaryExpression(OperatorIds.MINUS); break; case 588 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("AdditiveExpression_NotName ::= Name MINUS..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeBinaryExpressionWithName(OperatorIds.MINUS); break; case 590 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("ShiftExpression_NotName ::= ShiftExpression_NotName..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeBinaryExpression(OperatorIds.LEFT_SHIFT); break; case 591 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("ShiftExpression_NotName ::= Name LEFT_SHIFT..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeBinaryExpressionWithName(OperatorIds.LEFT_SHIFT); break; case 592 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("ShiftExpression_NotName ::= ShiftExpression_NotName..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeBinaryExpression(OperatorIds.RIGHT_SHIFT); break; case 593 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("ShiftExpression_NotName ::= Name RIGHT_SHIFT..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeBinaryExpressionWithName(OperatorIds.RIGHT_SHIFT); break; case 594 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("ShiftExpression_NotName ::= ShiftExpression_NotName..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeBinaryExpression(OperatorIds.UNSIGNED_RIGHT_SHIFT); break; case 595 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("ShiftExpression_NotName ::= Name UNSIGNED_RIGHT_SHIFT..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeBinaryExpressionWithName(OperatorIds.UNSIGNED_RIGHT_SHIFT); break; case 597 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("RelationalExpression_NotName ::= ShiftExpression_NotName"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeBinaryExpression(OperatorIds.LESS); break; case 598 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("RelationalExpression_NotName ::= Name LESS..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeBinaryExpressionWithName(OperatorIds.LESS); break; case 599 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("RelationalExpression_NotName ::= ShiftExpression_NotName"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeBinaryExpression(OperatorIds.GREATER); break; case 600 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("RelationalExpression_NotName ::= Name GREATER..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeBinaryExpressionWithName(OperatorIds.GREATER); break; case 601 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("RelationalExpression_NotName ::=..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeBinaryExpression(OperatorIds.LESS_EQUAL); break; case 602 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("RelationalExpression_NotName ::= Name LESS_EQUAL..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeBinaryExpressionWithName(OperatorIds.LESS_EQUAL); break; case 603 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("RelationalExpression_NotName ::=..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeBinaryExpression(OperatorIds.GREATER_EQUAL); break; case 604 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("RelationalExpression_NotName ::= Name GREATER_EQUAL..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeBinaryExpressionWithName(OperatorIds.GREATER_EQUAL); break; case 606 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("InstanceofExpression_NotName ::= Name instanceof..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeInstanceOfExpressionWithName(OperatorIds.INSTANCEOF); break; case 607 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("InstanceofExpression_NotName ::=..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeInstanceOfExpression(OperatorIds.INSTANCEOF); break; case 609 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("EqualityExpression_NotName ::=..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeEqualityExpression(OperatorIds.EQUAL_EQUAL); break; case 610 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("EqualityExpression_NotName ::= Name EQUAL_EQUAL..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeEqualityExpressionWithName(OperatorIds.EQUAL_EQUAL); break; case 611 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("EqualityExpression_NotName ::=..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeEqualityExpression(OperatorIds.NOT_EQUAL); break; case 612 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("EqualityExpression_NotName ::= Name NOT_EQUAL..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeEqualityExpressionWithName(OperatorIds.NOT_EQUAL); break; case 614 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("AndExpression_NotName ::= AndExpression_NotName AND..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeBinaryExpression(OperatorIds.AND); break; case 615 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("AndExpression_NotName ::= Name AND EqualityExpression"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeBinaryExpressionWithName(OperatorIds.AND); break; case 617 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("ExclusiveOrExpression_NotName ::=..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeBinaryExpression(OperatorIds.XOR); break; case 618 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("ExclusiveOrExpression_NotName ::= Name XOR AndExpression"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeBinaryExpressionWithName(OperatorIds.XOR); break; case 620 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("InclusiveOrExpression_NotName ::=..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeBinaryExpression(OperatorIds.OR); break; case 621 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("InclusiveOrExpression_NotName ::= Name OR..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeBinaryExpressionWithName(OperatorIds.OR); break; case 623 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("ConditionalAndExpression_NotName ::=..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeBinaryExpression(OperatorIds.AND_AND); break; case 624 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("ConditionalAndExpression_NotName ::= Name AND_AND..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeBinaryExpressionWithName(OperatorIds.AND_AND); break; case 626 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("ConditionalOrExpression_NotName ::=..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeBinaryExpression(OperatorIds.OR_OR); break; case 627 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("ConditionalOrExpression_NotName ::= Name OR_OR..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeBinaryExpressionWithName(OperatorIds.OR_OR); break; case 629 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("ConditionalExpression_NotName ::=..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeConditionalExpression(OperatorIds.QUESTIONCOLON) ; break; case 630 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("ConditionalExpression_NotName ::= Name QUESTION..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeConditionalExpressionWithName(OperatorIds.QUESTIONCOLON) ; break; case 634 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("AnnotationTypeDeclarationHeader ::= Modifiers AT..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeAnnotationTypeDeclarationHeader() ; break; case 635 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("AnnotationTypeDeclarationHeader ::= AT PushModifiers..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeAnnotationTypeDeclarationHeader() ; break; case 636 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("AnnotationTypeDeclaration ::=..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeAnnotationTypeDeclaration() ; break; case 638 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("AnnotationTypeMemberDeclarationsopt ::="); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeEmptyAnnotationTypeMemberDeclarationsopt() ; break; case 641 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("AnnotationTypeMemberDeclarations ::=..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeAnnotationTypeMemberDeclarations() ; break; case 642 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("AnnotationTypeMemberDeclarationHeader ::= Modifiersopt"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeAnnotationTypeMemberDeclarationHeader() ; break; case 643 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("AnnotationTypeMemberHeaderExtendedDims ::= Dimsopt"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeAnnotationTypeMemberHeaderExtendedDims() ; break; case 644 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("AnnotationTypeMemberDeclaration ::=..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeAnnotationTypeMemberDeclaration() ; break; case 647 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("DefaultValueopt ::="); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeEmptyDefaultValue() ; break; case 653 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("NormalAnnotation ::= AT Name LPAREN MemberValuePairsopt"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeNormalAnnotation() ; break; case 654 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("MemberValuePairsopt ::="); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeEmptyMemberValuePairsopt() ; break; case 657 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("MemberValuePairs ::= MemberValuePairs COMMA..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeMemberValuePairs() ; break; case 658 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("MemberValuePair ::= SimpleName EQUAL MemberValue"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeMemberValuePair() ; break; case 660 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("MemberValue ::= Name"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeMemberValueAsName() ; break; case 663 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("MemberValueArrayInitializer ::= LBRACE PushLeftBrace..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeMemberValueArrayInitializer() ; break; case 664 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("MemberValueArrayInitializer ::= LBRACE PushLeftBrace..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeMemberValueArrayInitializer() ; break; case 665 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("MemberValueArrayInitializer ::= LBRACE PushLeftBrace..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeEmptyMemberValueArrayInitializer() ; break; case 666 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("MemberValueArrayInitializer ::= LBRACE PushLeftBrace..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeEmptyMemberValueArrayInitializer() ; break; case 668 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("MemberValues ::= MemberValues COMMA MemberValue"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeMemberValues() ; break; case 669 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("MarkerAnnotation ::= AT Name"); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeMarkerAnnotation() ; break; case 670 : if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("SingleMemberAnnotation ::= AT Name LPAREN MemberValue..."); } //$NON-NLS-1$ consumeSingleMemberAnnotation() ; break; } } protected void consumeSimpleAssertStatement() { // AssertStatement ::= 'assert' Expression ';' this.expressionLengthPtr--; pushOnAstStack(new AssertStatement(this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr--], this.intStack[this.intPtr--])); } protected void consumeSingleMemberAnnotation() { // SingleMemberAnnotation ::= '@' Name '(' MemberValue ')' SingleMemberAnnotation singleMemberAnnotation = null; int length = this.identifierLengthStack[this.identifierLengthPtr--]; if (length == 1) { singleMemberAnnotation = new SingleMemberAnnotation(this.identifierStack[this.identifierPtr], this.identifierPositionStack[this.identifierPtr--], this.intStack[this.intPtr--]); } else { char[][] tokens = new char[length][]; this.identifierPtr -= length; long[] positions = new long[length]; System.arraycopy(this.identifierStack, this.identifierPtr + 1, tokens, 0, length); System.arraycopy( this.identifierPositionStack, this.identifierPtr + 1, positions, 0, length); singleMemberAnnotation = new SingleMemberAnnotation(tokens, positions, this.intStack[this.intPtr--]); } singleMemberAnnotation.memberValue = this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr--]; this.expressionLengthPtr--; int sourceStart = singleMemberAnnotation.sourceStart; if (this.modifiersSourceStart < 0) { this.modifiersSourceStart = sourceStart; } else if (this.modifiersSourceStart > sourceStart) { this.modifiersSourceStart = sourceStart; } singleMemberAnnotation.declarationSourceEnd = this.rParenPos; pushOnExpressionStack(singleMemberAnnotation); if(options.sourceLevel < ClassFileConstants.JDK1_5 && this.lastErrorEndPositionBeforeRecovery < this.scanner.currentPosition) { this.problemReporter().invalidUsageOfAnnotation(singleMemberAnnotation); } } protected void consumeSingleStaticImportDeclarationName() { // SingleTypeImportDeclarationName ::= 'import' 'static' Name /* push an ImportRef build from the last name stored in the identifier stack. */ ImportReference impt; int length; char[][] tokens = new char[length = this.identifierLengthStack[this.identifierLengthPtr--]][]; this.identifierPtr -= length; long[] positions = new long[length]; System.arraycopy(this.identifierStack, this.identifierPtr + 1, tokens, 0, length); System.arraycopy(this.identifierPositionStack, this.identifierPtr + 1, positions, 0, length); pushOnAstStack(impt = new ImportReference(tokens, positions, false, AccStatic)); this.modifiers = AccDefault; this.modifiersSourceStart = -1; // <-- see comment into modifiersFlag(int) if (this.currentToken == TokenNameSEMICOLON){ impt.declarationSourceEnd = this.scanner.currentPosition - 1; } else { impt.declarationSourceEnd = impt.sourceEnd; } impt.declarationEnd = impt.declarationSourceEnd; //this.endPosition is just before the ; impt.declarationSourceStart = this.intStack[this.intPtr--]; if(this.options.sourceLevel < ClassFileConstants.JDK1_5 && this.lastErrorEndPositionBeforeRecovery < this.scanner.currentPosition) { impt.modifiers = AccDefault; // convert the static import reference to a non-static importe reference this.problemReporter().invalidUsageOfStaticImports(impt); } // recovery if (this.currentElement != null){ this.lastCheckPoint = impt.declarationSourceEnd+1; this.currentElement = this.currentElement.add(impt, 0); this.lastIgnoredToken = -1; this.restartRecovery = true; // used to avoid branching back into the regular automaton } } protected void consumeSingleTypeImportDeclarationName() { // SingleTypeImportDeclarationName ::= 'import' Name /* push an ImportRef build from the last name stored in the identifier stack. */ ImportReference impt; int length; char[][] tokens = new char[length = this.identifierLengthStack[this.identifierLengthPtr--]][]; this.identifierPtr -= length; long[] positions = new long[length]; System.arraycopy(this.identifierStack, this.identifierPtr + 1, tokens, 0, length); System.arraycopy(this.identifierPositionStack, this.identifierPtr + 1, positions, 0, length); pushOnAstStack(impt = new ImportReference(tokens, positions, false, AccDefault)); if (this.currentToken == TokenNameSEMICOLON){ impt.declarationSourceEnd = this.scanner.currentPosition - 1; } else { impt.declarationSourceEnd = impt.sourceEnd; } impt.declarationEnd = impt.declarationSourceEnd; //this.endPosition is just before the ; impt.declarationSourceStart = this.intStack[this.intPtr--]; // recovery if (this.currentElement != null){ this.lastCheckPoint = impt.declarationSourceEnd+1; this.currentElement = this.currentElement.add(impt, 0); this.lastIgnoredToken = -1; this.restartRecovery = true; // used to avoid branching back into the regular automaton } } protected void consumeStatementBreak() { // BreakStatement ::= 'break' ';' // break pushs a position on this.intStack in case there is no label pushOnAstStack(new BreakStatement(null, this.intStack[this.intPtr--], this.endPosition)); } protected void consumeStatementBreakWithLabel() { // BreakStatement ::= 'break' Identifier ';' // break pushs a position on this.intStack in case there is no label pushOnAstStack( new BreakStatement( this.identifierStack[this.identifierPtr--], this.intStack[this.intPtr--], this.endPosition)); this.identifierLengthPtr--; } protected void consumeStatementCatch() { // CatchClause ::= 'catch' '(' FormalParameter ')' Block //catch are stored directly into the Try //has they always comes two by two.... //we remove one entry from the astlengthPtr. //The construction of the try statement must //then fetch the catches using 2*i and 2*i + 1 this.astLengthPtr--; this.listLength = 0; // reset formalParameter counter (incremented for catch variable) } protected void consumeStatementContinue() { // ContinueStatement ::= 'continue' ';' // continue pushs a position on this.intStack in case there is no label pushOnAstStack( new ContinueStatement( null, this.intStack[this.intPtr--], this.endPosition)); } protected void consumeStatementContinueWithLabel() { // ContinueStatement ::= 'continue' Identifier ';' // continue pushs a position on this.intStack in case there is no label pushOnAstStack( new ContinueStatement( this.identifierStack[this.identifierPtr--], this.intStack[this.intPtr--], this.endPosition)); this.identifierLengthPtr--; } protected void consumeStatementDo() { // DoStatement ::= 'do' Statement 'while' '(' Expression ')' ';' //the 'while' pushes a value on this.intStack that we need to remove this.intPtr--; Statement statement = (Statement) this.astStack[this.astPtr]; this.expressionLengthPtr--; this.astStack[this.astPtr] = new DoStatement( this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr--], statement, this.intStack[this.intPtr--], this.endPosition); } protected void consumeStatementExpressionList() { // StatementExpressionList ::= StatementExpressionList ',' StatementExpression concatExpressionLists(); } protected void consumeStatementFor() { // ForStatement ::= 'for' '(' ForInitopt ';' Expressionopt ';' ForUpdateopt ')' Statement // ForStatementNoShortIf ::= 'for' '(' ForInitopt ';' Expressionopt ';' ForUpdateopt ')' StatementNoShortIf int length; Expression cond = null; Statement[] inits, updates; boolean scope = true; //statements this.astLengthPtr--; Statement statement = (Statement) this.astStack[this.astPtr--]; //updates are on the expresion stack if ((length = this.expressionLengthStack[this.expressionLengthPtr--]) == 0) { updates = null; } else { this.expressionPtr -= length; System.arraycopy( this.expressionStack, this.expressionPtr + 1, updates = new Statement[length], 0, length); } if (this.expressionLengthStack[this.expressionLengthPtr--] != 0) cond = this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr--]; //inits may be on two different stacks if ((length = this.astLengthStack[this.astLengthPtr--]) == 0) { inits = null; scope = false; } else { if (length == -1) { //on this.expressionStack scope = false; length = this.expressionLengthStack[this.expressionLengthPtr--]; this.expressionPtr -= length; System.arraycopy( this.expressionStack, this.expressionPtr + 1, inits = new Statement[length], 0, length); } else { //on this.astStack this.astPtr -= length; System.arraycopy( this.astStack, this.astPtr + 1, inits = new Statement[length], 0, length); } } pushOnAstStack( new ForStatement( inits, cond, updates, statement, scope, this.intStack[this.intPtr--], this.endStatementPosition)); } protected void consumeStatementIfNoElse() { // IfThenStatement ::= 'if' '(' Expression ')' Statement //optimize the push/pop this.expressionLengthPtr--; Statement thenStatement = (Statement) this.astStack[this.astPtr]; this.astStack[this.astPtr] = new IfStatement( this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr--], thenStatement, this.intStack[this.intPtr--], this.endStatementPosition); } protected void consumeStatementIfWithElse() { // IfThenElseStatement ::= 'if' '(' Expression ')' StatementNoShortIf 'else' Statement // IfThenElseStatementNoShortIf ::= 'if' '(' Expression ')' StatementNoShortIf 'else' StatementNoShortIf this.expressionLengthPtr--; // optimized {..., Then, Else } ==> {..., If } this.astLengthPtr--; //optimize the push/pop this.astStack[--this.astPtr] = new IfStatement( this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr--], (Statement) this.astStack[this.astPtr], (Statement) this.astStack[this.astPtr + 1], this.intStack[this.intPtr--], this.endStatementPosition); } protected void consumeStatementLabel() { // LabeledStatement ::= 'Identifier' ':' Statement // LabeledStatementNoShortIf ::= 'Identifier' ':' StatementNoShortIf //optimize push/pop Statement stmt = (Statement) this.astStack[this.astPtr]; this.astStack[this.astPtr] = new LabeledStatement( this.identifierStack[this.identifierPtr], stmt, (int) (this.identifierPositionStack[this.identifierPtr--] >>> 32), this.endStatementPosition); this.identifierLengthPtr--; } protected void consumeStatementReturn() { // ReturnStatement ::= 'return' Expressionopt ';' // return pushs a position on this.intStack in case there is no expression if (this.expressionLengthStack[this.expressionLengthPtr--] != 0) { pushOnAstStack( new ReturnStatement( this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr--], this.intStack[this.intPtr--], this.endPosition) ); } else { pushOnAstStack(new ReturnStatement(null, this.intStack[this.intPtr--], this.endPosition)); } } protected void consumeStatementSwitch() { // SwitchStatement ::= 'switch' OpenBlock '(' Expression ')' SwitchBlock //OpenBlock just makes the semantic action blockStart() //the block is inlined but a scope need to be created //if some declaration occurs. int length; SwitchStatement switchStatement = new SwitchStatement(); this.expressionLengthPtr--; switchStatement.expression = this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr--]; if ((length = this.astLengthStack[this.astLengthPtr--]) != 0) { this.astPtr -= length; System.arraycopy( this.astStack, this.astPtr + 1, switchStatement.statements = new Statement[length], 0, length); } switchStatement.explicitDeclarations = this.realBlockStack[this.realBlockPtr--]; pushOnAstStack(switchStatement); switchStatement.blockStart = this.intStack[this.intPtr--]; switchStatement.sourceStart = this.intStack[this.intPtr--]; switchStatement.sourceEnd = this.endStatementPosition; if (length == 0 && !containsComment(switchStatement.blockStart, switchStatement.sourceEnd)) { switchStatement.bits |= ASTNode.UndocumentedEmptyBlockMASK; } } protected void consumeStatementSynchronized() { // SynchronizedStatement ::= OnlySynchronized '(' Expression ')' Block //optimize the push/pop if (this.astLengthStack[this.astLengthPtr] == 0) { this.astLengthStack[this.astLengthPtr] = 1; this.expressionLengthPtr--; this.astStack[++this.astPtr] = new SynchronizedStatement( this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr--], null, this.intStack[this.intPtr--], this.endStatementPosition); } else { this.expressionLengthPtr--; this.astStack[this.astPtr] = new SynchronizedStatement( this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr--], (Block) this.astStack[this.astPtr], this.intStack[this.intPtr--], this.endStatementPosition); } resetModifiers(); } protected void consumeStatementThrow() { // ThrowStatement ::= 'throw' Expression ';' this.expressionLengthPtr--; pushOnAstStack(new ThrowStatement(this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr--], this.intStack[this.intPtr--])); } protected void consumeStatementTry(boolean withFinally) { //TryStatement ::= 'try' Block Catches //TryStatement ::= 'try' Block Catchesopt Finally int length; TryStatement tryStmt = new TryStatement(); //finally if (withFinally) { this.astLengthPtr--; tryStmt.finallyBlock = (Block) this.astStack[this.astPtr--]; } //catches are handle by two <argument-block> [see statementCatch] if ((length = this.astLengthStack[this.astLengthPtr--]) != 0) { if (length == 1) { tryStmt.catchBlocks = new Block[] {(Block) this.astStack[this.astPtr--]}; tryStmt.catchArguments = new Argument[] {(Argument) this.astStack[this.astPtr--]}; } else { Block[] bks = (tryStmt.catchBlocks = new Block[length]); Argument[] args = (tryStmt.catchArguments = new Argument[length]); while (length-- > 0) { bks[length] = (Block) this.astStack[this.astPtr--]; args[length] = (Argument) this.astStack[this.astPtr--]; } } } //try this.astLengthPtr--; tryStmt.tryBlock = (Block) this.astStack[this.astPtr--]; //positions tryStmt.sourceEnd = this.endStatementPosition; tryStmt.sourceStart = this.intStack[this.intPtr--]; pushOnAstStack(tryStmt); } protected void consumeStatementWhile() { // WhileStatement ::= 'while' '(' Expression ')' Statement // WhileStatementNoShortIf ::= 'while' '(' Expression ')' StatementNoShortIf this.expressionLengthPtr--; Statement statement = (Statement) this.astStack[this.astPtr]; this.astStack[this.astPtr] = new WhileStatement( this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr--], statement, this.intStack[this.intPtr--], this.endStatementPosition); } protected void consumeStaticImportOnDemandDeclarationName() { // TypeImportOnDemandDeclarationName ::= 'import' 'static' Name '.' '*' /* push an ImportRef build from the last name stored in the identifier stack. */ ImportReference impt; int length; char[][] tokens = new char[length = this.identifierLengthStack[this.identifierLengthPtr--]][]; this.identifierPtr -= length; long[] positions = new long[length]; System.arraycopy(this.identifierStack, this.identifierPtr + 1, tokens, 0, length); System.arraycopy(this.identifierPositionStack, this.identifierPtr + 1, positions, 0, length); pushOnAstStack(impt = new ImportReference(tokens, positions, true, AccStatic)); this.modifiers = AccDefault; this.modifiersSourceStart = -1; // <-- see comment into modifiersFlag(int) if (this.currentToken == TokenNameSEMICOLON){ impt.declarationSourceEnd = this.scanner.currentPosition - 1; } else { impt.declarationSourceEnd = impt.sourceEnd; } impt.declarationEnd = impt.declarationSourceEnd; //this.endPosition is just before the ; impt.declarationSourceStart = this.intStack[this.intPtr--]; if(options.sourceLevel < ClassFileConstants.JDK1_5 && this.lastErrorEndPositionBeforeRecovery < this.scanner.currentPosition) { impt.modifiers = AccDefault; // convert the static import reference to a non-static importe reference this.problemReporter().invalidUsageOfStaticImports(impt); } // recovery if (this.currentElement != null){ this.lastCheckPoint = impt.declarationSourceEnd+1; this.currentElement = this.currentElement.add(impt, 0); this.lastIgnoredToken = -1; this.restartRecovery = true; // used to avoid branching back into the regular automaton } } protected void consumeStaticInitializer() { // StaticInitializer ::= StaticOnly Block //push an Initializer //optimize the push/pop Block block = (Block) this.astStack[this.astPtr]; if (this.diet) block.bits &= ~ASTNode.UndocumentedEmptyBlockMASK; // clear bit set since was diet Initializer initializer = new Initializer(block, AccStatic); this.astStack[this.astPtr] = initializer; initializer.sourceEnd = this.endStatementPosition; initializer.declarationSourceEnd = flushCommentsDefinedPriorTo(this.endStatementPosition); this.nestedMethod[this.nestedType] --; initializer.declarationSourceStart = this.intStack[this.intPtr--]; initializer.bodyStart = this.intStack[this.intPtr--]; initializer.bodyEnd = this.endPosition; // doc comment initializer.javadoc = this.javadoc; this.javadoc = null; // recovery if (this.currentElement != null){ this.lastCheckPoint = initializer.declarationSourceEnd; this.currentElement = this.currentElement.add(initializer, 0); this.lastIgnoredToken = -1; } } protected void consumeStaticOnly() { // StaticOnly ::= 'static' int savedModifiersSourceStart = this.modifiersSourceStart; checkComment(); // might update declaration source start if (this.modifiersSourceStart >= savedModifiersSourceStart) { this.modifiersSourceStart = savedModifiersSourceStart; } pushOnIntStack(this.scanner.currentPosition); pushOnIntStack( this.modifiersSourceStart >= 0 ? this.modifiersSourceStart : this.scanner.startPosition); jumpOverMethodBody(); this.nestedMethod[this.nestedType]++; resetModifiers(); // recovery if (this.currentElement != null){ this.recoveredStaticInitializerStart = this.intStack[this.intPtr]; // remember start position only for static initializers } } protected void consumeSwitchBlock() { // SwitchBlock ::= '{' SwitchBlockStatements SwitchLabels '}' concatNodeLists(); } protected void consumeSwitchBlockStatement() { // SwitchBlockStatement ::= SwitchLabels BlockStatements concatNodeLists(); } protected void consumeSwitchBlockStatements() { // SwitchBlockStatements ::= SwitchBlockStatements SwitchBlockStatement concatNodeLists(); } protected void consumeSwitchLabels() { // SwitchLabels ::= SwitchLabels SwitchLabel optimizedConcatNodeLists(); } protected void consumeToken(int type) { /* remember the last consumed value */ /* try to minimize the number of build values */ checkNonExternalizedStringLiteral(); // // clear the commentPtr of the scanner in case we read something different from a modifier // switch(type) { // case TokenNameabstract : // case TokenNamestrictfp : // case TokenNamefinal : // case TokenNamenative : // case TokenNameprivate : // case TokenNameprotected : // case TokenNamepublic : // case TokenNametransient : // case TokenNamevolatile : // case TokenNamestatic : // case TokenNamesynchronized : // break; // default: // this.scanner.commentPtr = -1; // } //System.out.println(this.scanner.toStringAction(type)); switch (type) { case TokenNameIdentifier : pushIdentifier(); if (this.scanner.useAssertAsAnIndentifier && this.lastErrorEndPositionBeforeRecovery < this.scanner.currentPosition) { long positions = this.identifierPositionStack[this.identifierPtr]; problemReporter().useAssertAsAnIdentifier((int) (positions >>> 32), (int) positions); } if (this.scanner.useEnumAsAnIndentifier && this.lastErrorEndPositionBeforeRecovery < this.scanner.currentPosition) { long positions = this.identifierPositionStack[this.identifierPtr]; problemReporter().useEnumAsAnIdentifier((int) (positions >>> 32), (int) positions); } break; case TokenNameinterface : adjustInterfaceModifiers(); //'class' is pushing two int (positions) on the stack ==> 'interface' needs to do it too.... pushOnIntStack(this.scanner.currentPosition - 1); pushOnIntStack(this.scanner.startPosition); break; case TokenNameabstract : checkAndSetModifiers(AccAbstract); pushOnExpressionStackLengthStack(0); break; case TokenNamestrictfp : checkAndSetModifiers(AccStrictfp); pushOnExpressionStackLengthStack(0); break; case TokenNamefinal : checkAndSetModifiers(AccFinal); pushOnExpressionStackLengthStack(0); break; case TokenNamenative : checkAndSetModifiers(AccNative); pushOnExpressionStackLengthStack(0); break; case TokenNameprivate : checkAndSetModifiers(AccPrivate); pushOnExpressionStackLengthStack(0); break; case TokenNameprotected : checkAndSetModifiers(AccProtected); pushOnExpressionStackLengthStack(0); break; case TokenNamepublic : checkAndSetModifiers(AccPublic); pushOnExpressionStackLengthStack(0); break; case TokenNametransient : checkAndSetModifiers(AccTransient); pushOnExpressionStackLengthStack(0); break; case TokenNamevolatile : checkAndSetModifiers(AccVolatile); pushOnExpressionStackLengthStack(0); break; case TokenNamestatic : checkAndSetModifiers(AccStatic); pushOnExpressionStackLengthStack(0); break; case TokenNamesynchronized : this.synchronizedBlockSourceStart = this.scanner.startPosition; checkAndSetModifiers(AccSynchronized); pushOnExpressionStackLengthStack(0); break; //============================== case TokenNamevoid : pushIdentifier(-T_void); pushOnIntStack(this.scanner.currentPosition - 1); pushOnIntStack(this.scanner.startPosition); break; //push a default dimension while void is not part of the primitive //declaration baseType and so takes the place of a type without getting into //regular type parsing that generates a dimension on this.intStack case TokenNameboolean : pushIdentifier(-T_boolean); pushOnIntStack(this.scanner.currentPosition - 1); pushOnIntStack(this.scanner.startPosition); break; case TokenNamebyte : pushIdentifier(-T_byte); pushOnIntStack(this.scanner.currentPosition - 1); pushOnIntStack(this.scanner.startPosition); break; case TokenNamechar : pushIdentifier(-T_char); pushOnIntStack(this.scanner.currentPosition - 1); pushOnIntStack(this.scanner.startPosition); break; case TokenNamedouble : pushIdentifier(-T_double); pushOnIntStack(this.scanner.currentPosition - 1); pushOnIntStack(this.scanner.startPosition); break; case TokenNamefloat : pushIdentifier(-T_float); pushOnIntStack(this.scanner.currentPosition - 1); pushOnIntStack(this.scanner.startPosition); break; case TokenNameint : pushIdentifier(-T_int); pushOnIntStack(this.scanner.currentPosition - 1); pushOnIntStack(this.scanner.startPosition); break; case TokenNamelong : pushIdentifier(-T_long); pushOnIntStack(this.scanner.currentPosition - 1); pushOnIntStack(this.scanner.startPosition); break; case TokenNameshort : pushIdentifier(-T_short); pushOnIntStack(this.scanner.currentPosition - 1); pushOnIntStack(this.scanner.startPosition); break; //============================== case TokenNameIntegerLiteral : pushOnExpressionStack( new IntLiteral( this.scanner.getCurrentTokenSource(), this.scanner.startPosition, this.scanner.currentPosition - 1)); break; case TokenNameLongLiteral : pushOnExpressionStack( new LongLiteral( this.scanner.getCurrentTokenSource(), this.scanner.startPosition, this.scanner.currentPosition - 1)); break; case TokenNameFloatingPointLiteral : pushOnExpressionStack( new FloatLiteral( this.scanner.getCurrentTokenSource(), this.scanner.startPosition, this.scanner.currentPosition - 1)); break; case TokenNameDoubleLiteral : pushOnExpressionStack( new DoubleLiteral( this.scanner.getCurrentTokenSource(), this.scanner.startPosition, this.scanner.currentPosition - 1)); break; case TokenNameCharacterLiteral : pushOnExpressionStack( new CharLiteral( this.scanner.getCurrentTokenSource(), this.scanner.startPosition, this.scanner.currentPosition - 1)); break; case TokenNameStringLiteral : StringLiteral stringLiteral = new StringLiteral( this.scanner.getCurrentTokenSourceString(), this.scanner.startPosition, this.scanner.currentPosition - 1); pushOnExpressionStack(stringLiteral); break; case TokenNamefalse : pushOnExpressionStack( new FalseLiteral(this.scanner.startPosition, this.scanner.currentPosition - 1)); break; case TokenNametrue : pushOnExpressionStack( new TrueLiteral(this.scanner.startPosition, this.scanner.currentPosition - 1)); break; case TokenNamenull : pushOnExpressionStack( new NullLiteral(this.scanner.startPosition, this.scanner.currentPosition - 1)); break; //============================ case TokenNamesuper : case TokenNamethis : this.endPosition = this.scanner.currentPosition - 1; pushOnIntStack(this.scanner.startPosition); break; case TokenNameassert : case TokenNameimport : case TokenNamepackage : case TokenNamethrow : case TokenNamedo : case TokenNameif : case TokenNamefor : case TokenNameswitch : case TokenNametry : case TokenNamewhile : case TokenNamebreak : case TokenNamecontinue : case TokenNamereturn : case TokenNamecase : pushOnIntStack(this.scanner.startPosition); break; case TokenNamenew : // https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=40954 resetModifiers(); pushOnIntStack(this.scanner.startPosition); break; case TokenNameclass : pushOnIntStack(this.scanner.currentPosition - 1); pushOnIntStack(this.scanner.startPosition); break; case TokenNameenum : pushOnIntStack(this.scanner.currentPosition - 1); pushOnIntStack(this.scanner.startPosition); break; case TokenNamedefault : pushOnIntStack(this.scanner.startPosition); pushOnIntStack(this.scanner.currentPosition - 1); break; //let extra semantic action decide when to push case TokenNameRBRACKET : case TokenNamePLUS : case TokenNameMINUS : case TokenNameNOT : case TokenNameTWIDDLE : case TokenNameLBRACE : this.endPosition = this.scanner.startPosition; break; case TokenNamePLUS_PLUS : case TokenNameMINUS_MINUS : this.endPosition = this.scanner.startPosition; this.endStatementPosition = this.scanner.currentPosition - 1; break; case TokenNameRBRACE: case TokenNameSEMICOLON : this.endStatementPosition = this.scanner.currentPosition - 1; this.endPosition = this.scanner.startPosition - 1; //the item is not part of the potential futur expression/statement break; case TokenNameRPAREN : // in order to handle ( expression) ////// (cast)expression///// foo(x) this.rParenPos = this.scanner.currentPosition - 1; // position of the end of right parenthesis (in case of unicode \u0029) lex00101 break; case TokenNameLPAREN : this.lParenPos = this.scanner.startPosition; break; case TokenNameAT : pushOnIntStack(this.scanner.startPosition); break; case TokenNameQUESTION : pushOnIntStack(this.scanner.startPosition); pushOnIntStack(this.scanner.currentPosition - 1); break; // TODO (olivier) bug 67790 remove once DOMParser is activated case TokenNameLESS : pushOnIntStack(this.scanner.startPosition); break; // case TokenNameCOMMA : // case TokenNameCOLON : // case TokenNameEQUAL : // case TokenNameLBRACKET : // case TokenNameDOT : // case TokenNameERROR : // case TokenNameEOF : // case TokenNamecase : // case TokenNamecatch : // case TokenNameelse : // case TokenNameextends : // case TokenNamefinally : // case TokenNameimplements : // case TokenNamethrows : // case TokenNameinstanceof : // case TokenNameEQUAL_EQUAL : // case TokenNameLESS_EQUAL : // case TokenNameGREATER_EQUAL : // case TokenNameNOT_EQUAL : // case TokenNameLEFT_SHIFT : // case TokenNameRIGHT_SHIFT : // case TokenNameUNSIGNED_RIGHT_SHIFT : // case TokenNamePLUS_EQUAL : // case TokenNameMINUS_EQUAL : // case TokenNameMULTIPLY_EQUAL : // case TokenNameDIVIDE_EQUAL : // case TokenNameAND_EQUAL : // case TokenNameOR_EQUAL : // case TokenNameXOR_EQUAL : // case TokenNameREMAINDER_EQUAL : // case TokenNameLEFT_SHIFT_EQUAL : // case TokenNameRIGHT_SHIFT_EQUAL : // case TokenNameUNSIGNED_RIGHT_SHIFT_EQUAL : // case TokenNameOR_OR : // case TokenNameAND_AND : // case TokenNameREMAINDER : // case TokenNameXOR : // case TokenNameAND : // case TokenNameMULTIPLY : // case TokenNameOR : // case TokenNameDIVIDE : // case TokenNameGREATER : } } protected void consumeTypeArgument() { pushOnGenericsStack(getTypeReference(this.intStack[this.intPtr--])); } protected void consumeTypeArgumentList() { concatGenericsLists(); } protected void consumeTypeArgumentList1() { concatGenericsLists(); } protected void consumeTypeArgumentList2() { concatGenericsLists(); } protected void consumeTypeArgumentList3() { concatGenericsLists(); } protected void consumeTypeArgumentReferenceType1() { concatGenericsLists(); pushOnGenericsStack(getTypeReference(0)); // TODO (olivier) bug 67790 remove once DOMParser is activated intPtr--; } protected void consumeTypeArgumentReferenceType2() { concatGenericsLists(); pushOnGenericsStack(getTypeReference(0)); // TODO (olivier) bug 67790 remove once DOMParser is activated intPtr--; } protected void consumeTypeArguments() { concatGenericsLists(); // TODO (olivier) bug 67790 remove once DOMParser is activated intPtr--; if(options.sourceLevel < ClassFileConstants.JDK1_5 && this.lastErrorEndPositionBeforeRecovery < this.scanner.currentPosition) { int length = this.genericsLengthStack[this.genericsLengthPtr]; this.problemReporter().invalidUsageOfTypeArguments( (TypeReference)this.genericsStack[this.genericsPtr - length + 1], (TypeReference)this.genericsStack[this.genericsPtr]); } } protected void consumeTypeDeclarations() { // TypeDeclarations ::= TypeDeclarations TypeDeclaration concatNodeLists(); } protected void consumeTypeImportOnDemandDeclarationName() { // TypeImportOnDemandDeclarationName ::= 'import' Name '.' '*' /* push an ImportRef build from the last name stored in the identifier stack. */ ImportReference impt; int length; char[][] tokens = new char[length = this.identifierLengthStack[this.identifierLengthPtr--]][]; this.identifierPtr -= length; long[] positions = new long[length]; System.arraycopy(this.identifierStack, this.identifierPtr + 1, tokens, 0, length); System.arraycopy(this.identifierPositionStack, this.identifierPtr + 1, positions, 0, length); pushOnAstStack(impt = new ImportReference(tokens, positions, true, AccDefault)); if (this.currentToken == TokenNameSEMICOLON){ impt.declarationSourceEnd = this.scanner.currentPosition - 1; } else { impt.declarationSourceEnd = impt.sourceEnd; } impt.declarationEnd = impt.declarationSourceEnd; //this.endPosition is just before the ; impt.declarationSourceStart = this.intStack[this.intPtr--]; // recovery if (this.currentElement != null){ this.lastCheckPoint = impt.declarationSourceEnd+1; this.currentElement = this.currentElement.add(impt, 0); this.lastIgnoredToken = -1; this.restartRecovery = true; // used to avoid branching back into the regular automaton } } protected void consumeTypeParameterHeader() { //TypeParameterHeader ::= Identifier TypeParameter typeParameter = new TypeParameter(); long pos = this.identifierPositionStack[this.identifierPtr]; final int end = (int) pos; typeParameter.declarationSourceEnd = end; typeParameter.sourceEnd = end; final int start = (int) (pos >>> 32); typeParameter.declarationSourceStart = start; typeParameter.sourceStart = start; typeParameter.name = this.identifierStack[this.identifierPtr--]; this.identifierLengthPtr--; pushOnGenericsStack(typeParameter); this.listTypeParameterLength++; } protected void consumeTypeParameter1() { // nothing to do } protected void consumeTypeParameter1WithExtends() { //TypeParameter1 ::= TypeParameterHeader 'extends' ReferenceType1 TypeReference superType = (TypeReference) this.genericsStack[this.genericsPtr--]; this.genericsLengthPtr--; TypeParameter typeParameter = (TypeParameter) this.genericsStack[this.genericsPtr]; typeParameter.declarationSourceEnd = superType.sourceEnd; typeParameter.type = superType; superType.bits |= ASTNode.IsSuperType; this.genericsStack[this.genericsPtr] = typeParameter; } protected void consumeTypeParameter1WithExtendsAndBounds() { //TypeParameter1 ::= TypeParameterHeader 'extends' ReferenceType AdditionalBoundList1 int additionalBoundsLength = this.genericsLengthStack[this.genericsLengthPtr--]; TypeReference[] bounds = new TypeReference[additionalBoundsLength]; this.genericsPtr -= additionalBoundsLength; System.arraycopy(this.genericsStack, this.genericsPtr + 1, bounds, 0, additionalBoundsLength); TypeReference superType = getTypeReference(this.intStack[this.intPtr--]); TypeParameter typeParameter = (TypeParameter) this.genericsStack[this.genericsPtr]; typeParameter.declarationSourceEnd = bounds[additionalBoundsLength - 1].sourceEnd; typeParameter.type = superType; superType.bits |= ASTNode.IsSuperType; typeParameter.bounds = bounds; for (int i = 0, max = bounds.length; i < max; i++) { bounds[i].bits |= ASTNode.IsSuperType; } } protected void consumeTypeParameterList() { //TypeParameterList ::= TypeParameterList ',' TypeParameter concatGenericsLists(); } protected void consumeTypeParameterList1() { //TypeParameterList1 ::= TypeParameterList ',' TypeParameter1 concatGenericsLists(); } protected void consumeTypeParameters() { // TODO (olivier) bug 67790 remove once DOMParser is activated intPtr--; if(options.sourceLevel < ClassFileConstants.JDK1_5&& this.lastErrorEndPositionBeforeRecovery < this.scanner.currentPosition) { int length = this.genericsLengthStack[this.genericsLengthPtr]; this.problemReporter().invalidUsageOfTypeParameters( (TypeParameter) this.genericsStack[genericsPtr - length + 1], (TypeParameter) this.genericsStack[genericsPtr]); } } protected void consumeTypeParameterWithExtends() { //TypeParameter ::= TypeParameterHeader 'extends' ReferenceType TypeReference superType = getTypeReference(this.intStack[this.intPtr--]); TypeParameter typeParameter = (TypeParameter) this.genericsStack[this.genericsPtr]; typeParameter.declarationSourceEnd = superType.sourceEnd; typeParameter.type = superType; superType.bits |= ASTNode.IsSuperType; } protected void consumeTypeParameterWithExtendsAndBounds() { //TypeParameter ::= TypeParameterHeader 'extends' ReferenceType AdditionalBoundList int additionalBoundsLength = this.genericsLengthStack[this.genericsLengthPtr--]; TypeReference[] bounds = new TypeReference[additionalBoundsLength]; this.genericsPtr -= additionalBoundsLength; System.arraycopy(this.genericsStack, this.genericsPtr + 1, bounds, 0, additionalBoundsLength); TypeReference superType = getTypeReference(this.intStack[this.intPtr--]); TypeParameter typeParameter = (TypeParameter) this.genericsStack[this.genericsPtr]; typeParameter.type = superType; superType.bits |= ASTNode.IsSuperType; typeParameter.bounds = bounds; typeParameter.declarationSourceEnd = bounds[additionalBoundsLength - 1].sourceEnd; for (int i = 0, max = bounds.length; i < max; i++) { bounds[i].bits |= ASTNode.IsSuperType; } } protected void consumeUnaryExpression(int op) { // UnaryExpression ::= '+' PushPosition UnaryExpression // UnaryExpression ::= '-' PushPosition UnaryExpression // UnaryExpressionNotPlusMinus ::= '~' PushPosition UnaryExpression // UnaryExpressionNotPlusMinus ::= '!' PushPosition UnaryExpression //optimize the push/pop //handle manually the -2147483648 while it is not a real //computation of an - and 2147483648 (notice that 2147483648 //is Integer.MAX_VALUE+1.....) //Same for -9223372036854775808L ............ //this.intStack have the position of the operator Expression r, exp = this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr]; if (op == MINUS) { if ((exp instanceof IntLiteral) && (((IntLiteral) exp).mayRepresentMIN_VALUE())) { r = this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr] = new IntLiteralMinValue(); } else { if ((exp instanceof LongLiteral) && (((LongLiteral) exp).mayRepresentMIN_VALUE())) { r = this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr] = new LongLiteralMinValue(); } else { r = this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr] = new UnaryExpression(exp, op); } } } else { r = this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr] = new UnaryExpression(exp, op); } r.sourceStart = this.intStack[this.intPtr--]; r.sourceEnd = exp.sourceEnd; } protected void consumeUnaryExpression(int op, boolean post) { // PreIncrementExpression ::= '++' PushPosition UnaryExpression // PreDecrementExpression ::= '--' PushPosition UnaryExpression // ++ and -- operators //optimize the push/pop //this.intStack has the position of the operator when prefix Expression leftHandSide = this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr]; if (leftHandSide instanceof Reference) { // ++foo()++ is unvalid if (post) { this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr] = new PostfixExpression( leftHandSide, IntLiteral.One, op, this.endStatementPosition); } else { this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr] = new PrefixExpression( leftHandSide, IntLiteral.One, op, this.intStack[this.intPtr--]); } } else { //the ++ or the -- is NOT taken into account if code gen proceeds if (!post) { this.intPtr--; } problemReporter().invalidUnaryExpression(leftHandSide); } } protected void consumeVariableDeclarators() { // VariableDeclarators ::= VariableDeclarators ',' VariableDeclarator optimizedConcatNodeLists(); } protected void consumeVariableInitializers() { // VariableInitializers ::= VariableInitializers ',' VariableInitializer concatExpressionLists(); } protected void consumeWildcard() { final Wildcard wildcard = new Wildcard(Wildcard.UNBOUND); wildcard.sourceEnd = this.intStack[this.intPtr--]; wildcard.sourceStart = this.intStack[this.intPtr--]; pushOnGenericsStack(wildcard); } protected void consumeWildcard1() { final Wildcard wildcard = new Wildcard(Wildcard.UNBOUND); wildcard.sourceEnd = this.intStack[this.intPtr--]; wildcard.sourceStart = this.intStack[this.intPtr--]; pushOnGenericsStack(wildcard); } protected void consumeWildcard1WithBounds() { // Nothing to do // The wildcard is created by the consumeWildcardBounds1Extends or by consumeWildcardBounds1Super } protected void consumeWildcard2() { final Wildcard wildcard = new Wildcard(Wildcard.UNBOUND); wildcard.sourceEnd = this.intStack[this.intPtr--]; wildcard.sourceStart = this.intStack[this.intPtr--]; pushOnGenericsStack(wildcard); } protected void consumeWildcard2WithBounds() { // Nothing to do // The wildcard is created by the consumeWildcardBounds2Extends or by consumeWildcardBounds2Super } protected void consumeWildcard3() { final Wildcard wildcard = new Wildcard(Wildcard.UNBOUND); wildcard.sourceEnd = this.intStack[this.intPtr--]; wildcard.sourceStart = this.intStack[this.intPtr--]; pushOnGenericsStack(wildcard); } protected void consumeWildcard3WithBounds() { // Nothing to do // The wildcard is created by the consumeWildcardBounds3Extends or by consumeWildcardBounds3Super } protected void consumeWildcardBounds1Extends() { Wildcard wildcard = new Wildcard(Wildcard.EXTENDS); wildcard.bound = (TypeReference) this.genericsStack[this.genericsPtr]; wildcard.sourceEnd = wildcard.bound.sourceEnd; this.intPtr--; // remove end position of the '?' wildcard.sourceStart = this.intStack[this.intPtr--]; this.genericsStack[this.genericsPtr] = wildcard; } protected void consumeWildcardBounds1Super() { Wildcard wildcard = new Wildcard(Wildcard.SUPER); wildcard.bound = (TypeReference) this.genericsStack[this.genericsPtr]; this.intPtr--; // remove the starting position of the super keyword wildcard.sourceEnd = wildcard.bound.sourceEnd; this.intPtr--; // remove end position of the '?' wildcard.sourceStart = this.intStack[this.intPtr--]; this.genericsStack[this.genericsPtr] = wildcard; } protected void consumeWildcardBounds2Extends() { Wildcard wildcard = new Wildcard(Wildcard.EXTENDS); wildcard.bound = (TypeReference) this.genericsStack[this.genericsPtr]; wildcard.sourceEnd = wildcard.bound.sourceEnd; this.intPtr--; // remove end position of the '?' wildcard.sourceStart = this.intStack[this.intPtr--]; this.genericsStack[this.genericsPtr] = wildcard; } protected void consumeWildcardBounds2Super() { Wildcard wildcard = new Wildcard(Wildcard.SUPER); wildcard.bound = (TypeReference) this.genericsStack[this.genericsPtr]; this.intPtr--; // remove the starting position of the super keyword wildcard.sourceEnd = wildcard.bound.sourceEnd; this.intPtr--; // remove end position of the '?' wildcard.sourceStart = this.intStack[this.intPtr--]; this.genericsStack[this.genericsPtr] = wildcard; } protected void consumeWildcardBounds3Extends() { Wildcard wildcard = new Wildcard(Wildcard.EXTENDS); wildcard.bound = (TypeReference) this.genericsStack[this.genericsPtr]; wildcard.sourceEnd = wildcard.bound.sourceEnd; this.intPtr--; // remove end position of the '?' wildcard.sourceStart = this.intStack[this.intPtr--]; this.genericsStack[this.genericsPtr] = wildcard; } protected void consumeWildcardBounds3Super() { Wildcard wildcard = new Wildcard(Wildcard.SUPER); wildcard.bound = (TypeReference) this.genericsStack[this.genericsPtr]; this.intPtr--; // remove the starting position of the super keyword wildcard.sourceEnd = wildcard.bound.sourceEnd; this.intPtr--; // remove end position of the '?' wildcard.sourceStart = this.intStack[this.intPtr--]; this.genericsStack[this.genericsPtr] = wildcard; } protected void consumeWildcardBoundsExtends() { Wildcard wildcard = new Wildcard(Wildcard.EXTENDS); wildcard.bound = getTypeReference(this.intStack[this.intPtr--]); wildcard.sourceEnd = wildcard.bound.sourceEnd; this.intPtr--; // remove end position of the '?' wildcard.sourceStart = this.intStack[this.intPtr--]; pushOnGenericsStack(wildcard); } protected void consumeWildcardBoundsSuper() { Wildcard wildcard = new Wildcard(Wildcard.SUPER); wildcard.bound = getTypeReference(this.intStack[this.intPtr--]); this.intPtr--; // remove the starting position of the super keyword wildcard.sourceEnd = wildcard.bound.sourceEnd; this.intPtr--; // remove end position of the '?' wildcard.sourceStart = this.intStack[this.intPtr--]; pushOnGenericsStack(wildcard); } protected void consumeWildcardWithBounds() { // Nothing to do // The wildcard is created by the consumeWildcardBoundsExtends or by consumeWildcardBoundsSuper } /** * Given the current comment stack, answer whether some comment is available in a certain exclusive range * * @param sourceStart int * @param sourceEnd int * @return boolean */ public boolean containsComment(int sourceStart, int sourceEnd) { int iComment = this.scanner.commentPtr; for (; iComment >= 0; iComment--) { int commentStart = this.scanner.commentStarts[iComment]; // ignore comments before start if (commentStart < sourceStart) continue; // ignore comments after end if (commentStart > sourceEnd) continue; return true; } return false; } public MethodDeclaration convertToMethodDeclaration(ConstructorDeclaration c, CompilationResult compilationResult) { MethodDeclaration m = new MethodDeclaration(compilationResult); m.typeParameters = c.typeParameters; m.sourceStart = c.sourceStart; m.sourceEnd = c.sourceEnd; m.bodyStart = c.bodyStart; m.bodyEnd = c.bodyEnd; m.declarationSourceEnd = c.declarationSourceEnd; m.declarationSourceStart = c.declarationSourceStart; m.selector = c.selector; m.statements = c.statements; m.modifiers = c.modifiers; m.annotations = c.annotations; m.arguments = c.arguments; m.thrownExceptions = c.thrownExceptions; m.explicitDeclarations = c.explicitDeclarations; m.returnType = null; return m; } protected TypeReference copyDims(TypeReference typeRef, int dim) { return typeRef.copyDims(dim); } protected FieldDeclaration createFieldDeclaration(char[] fieldDeclarationName, int sourceStart, int sourceEnd) { return new FieldDeclaration(fieldDeclarationName, sourceStart, sourceEnd); } protected LocalDeclaration createLocalDeclaration(char[] localDeclarationName, int sourceStart, int sourceEnd) { return new LocalDeclaration(localDeclarationName, sourceStart, sourceEnd); } public CompilationUnitDeclaration dietParse(ICompilationUnit sourceUnit, CompilationResult compilationResult) { CompilationUnitDeclaration parsedUnit; boolean old = this.diet; try { this.diet = true; parsedUnit = parse(sourceUnit, compilationResult); } finally { this.diet = old; } return parsedUnit; } protected void dispatchDeclarationInto(int length) { /* they are length on this.astStack that should go into methods fields constructors lists of the typeDecl Return if there is a constructor declaration in the methods declaration */ // Looks for the size of each array . if (length == 0) return; int[] flag = new int[length + 1]; //plus one -- see <HERE> int size1 = 0, size2 = 0, size3 = 0, size4 = 0; for (int i = length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { ASTNode astNode = this.astStack[this.astPtr--]; if (astNode instanceof AbstractMethodDeclaration) { //methods and constructors have been regrouped into one single list flag[i] = 3; size2++; } else if (astNode instanceof EnumDeclaration) { flag[i] = 2; size4++; } else if (astNode instanceof TypeDeclaration) { flag[i] = 4; size3++; } else { //field flag[i] = 1; size1++; } } //arrays creation TypeDeclaration typeDecl = (TypeDeclaration) this.astStack[this.astPtr]; if (size1 != 0) { typeDecl.fields = new FieldDeclaration[size1]; } if (size2 != 0) { typeDecl.methods = new AbstractMethodDeclaration[size2]; } if (size3 != 0) { typeDecl.memberTypes = new TypeDeclaration[size3]; } if (size4 != 0) { typeDecl.enums = new EnumDeclaration[size4]; } //arrays fill up size1 = size2 = size3 = size4 = 0; int flagI = flag[0], start = 0; int length2; for (int end = 0; end <= length; end++) //<HERE> the plus one allows to { if (flagI != flag[end]) //treat the last element as a ended flag..... { //array copy switch (flagI) { case 1 : size1 += (length2 = end - start); System.arraycopy( this.astStack, this.astPtr + start + 1, typeDecl.fields, size1 - length2, length2); break; case 2 : size4 += (length2 = end - start); System.arraycopy( this.astStack, this.astPtr + start + 1, typeDecl.enums, size4 - length2, length2); break; case 3 : size2 += (length2 = end - start); System.arraycopy( this.astStack, this.astPtr + start + 1, typeDecl.methods, size2 - length2, length2); break; case 4 : size3 += (length2 = end - start); System.arraycopy( this.astStack, this.astPtr + start + 1, typeDecl.memberTypes, size3 - length2, length2); break; } flagI = flag[start = end]; } } if (typeDecl.memberTypes != null) { for (int i = typeDecl.memberTypes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { typeDecl.memberTypes[i].enclosingType = typeDecl; } } } protected void dispatchDeclarationIntoEnumDeclaration(int length) { if (length == 0) return; int[] flag = new int[length + 1]; //plus one -- see <HERE> int size1 = 0, size2 = 0, size3 = 0, size4 = 0; for (int i = length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { ASTNode astNode = this.astStack[this.astPtr--]; if (astNode instanceof AbstractMethodDeclaration) { //methods and constructors have been regrouped into one single list flag[i] = 3; size2++; } else if (astNode instanceof EnumConstant) { // enum constants flag[i] = 2; size4++; } else if (astNode instanceof TypeDeclaration) { flag[i] = 4; size3++; } else if (astNode instanceof FieldDeclaration) { flag[i] = 1; size1++; } } //arrays creation EnumDeclaration enumDeclaration = (EnumDeclaration) this.astStack[this.astPtr]; if (size1 != 0) { enumDeclaration.fields = new FieldDeclaration[size1]; } if (size2 != 0) { enumDeclaration.methods = new AbstractMethodDeclaration[size2]; } if (size3 != 0) { enumDeclaration.memberTypes = new TypeDeclaration[size3]; } if (size4 != 0) { enumDeclaration.enumConstants = new EnumConstant[size4]; } //arrays fill up size1 = size2 = size3 = size4 = 0; int flagI = flag[0], start = 0; int length2; for (int end = 0; end <= length; end++) //<HERE> the plus one allows to { if (flagI != flag[end]) //treat the last element as a ended flag..... { //array copy switch (flagI) { case 1 : size1 += (length2 = end - start); System.arraycopy( this.astStack, this.astPtr + start + 1, enumDeclaration.fields, size1 - length2, length2); break; case 2 : size4 += (length2 = end - start); System.arraycopy( this.astStack, this.astPtr + start + 1, enumDeclaration.enumConstants, size4 - length2, length2); break; case 3 : size2 += (length2 = end - start); System.arraycopy( this.astStack, this.astPtr + start + 1, enumDeclaration.methods, size2 - length2, length2); break; case 4 : size3 += (length2 = end - start); System.arraycopy( this.astStack, this.astPtr + start + 1, enumDeclaration.memberTypes, size3 - length2, length2); break; } flagI = flag[start = end]; } } if (enumDeclaration.memberTypes != null) { for (int i = enumDeclaration.memberTypes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { enumDeclaration.memberTypes[i].enclosingType = enumDeclaration; } } } protected CompilationUnitDeclaration endParse(int act) { this.lastAct = act; if (this.currentElement != null){ this.currentElement.topElement().updateParseTree(); if (VERBOSE_RECOVERY){ System.out.print(Util.bind("parser.syntaxRecovery")); //$NON-NLS-1$ System.out.println("--------------------------"); //$NON-NLS-1$ System.out.println(this.compilationUnit); System.out.println("----------------------------------"); //$NON-NLS-1$ } } else { if (this.diet & VERBOSE_RECOVERY){ System.out.print(Util.bind("parser.regularParse")); //$NON-NLS-1$ System.out.println("--------------------------"); //$NON-NLS-1$ System.out.println(this.compilationUnit); System.out.println("----------------------------------"); //$NON-NLS-1$ } } persistLineSeparatorPositions(); for (int i = 0; i < this.scanner.foundTaskCount; i++){ problemReporter().task( new String(this.scanner.foundTaskTags[i]), new String(this.scanner.foundTaskMessages[i]), this.scanner.foundTaskPriorities[i] == null ? null : new String(this.scanner.foundTaskPriorities[i]), this.scanner.foundTaskPositions[i][0], this.scanner.foundTaskPositions[i][1]); } return this.compilationUnit; } /* * Flush comments defined prior to a given positions. * * Note: comments are stacked in syntactical order * * Either answer given <position>, or the end position of a comment line * immediately following the <position> (same line) * * e.g. * void foo(){ * } // end of method foo */ public int flushCommentsDefinedPriorTo(int position) { int lastCommentIndex = this.scanner.commentPtr; if (lastCommentIndex < 0) return position; // no comment // compute the index of the first obsolete comment int index = lastCommentIndex; int validCount = 0; while (index >= 0){ int commentEnd = this.scanner.commentStops[index]; if (commentEnd < 0) commentEnd = -commentEnd; // negative end position for non-javadoc comments if (commentEnd <= position){ break; } index--; validCount++; } // if the source at <position> is immediately followed by a line comment, then // flush this comment and shift <position> to the comment end. if (validCount > 0){ int immediateCommentEnd = -this.scanner.commentStops[index+1]; //non-javadoc comment end positions are negative if (immediateCommentEnd > 0){ // only tolerating non-javadoc comments // is there any line break until the end of the immediate comment ? (thus only tolerating line comment) immediateCommentEnd--; // comment end in one char too far if (this.scanner.getLineNumber(position) == this.scanner.getLineNumber(immediateCommentEnd)){ position = immediateCommentEnd; validCount--; // flush this comment index++; } } } if (index < 0) return position; // no obsolete comment if (validCount > 0){ // move valid comment infos, overriding obsolete comment infos System.arraycopy(this.scanner.commentStarts, index + 1, this.scanner.commentStarts, 0, validCount); System.arraycopy(this.scanner.commentStops, index + 1, this.scanner.commentStops, 0, validCount); } this.scanner.commentPtr = validCount - 1; return position; } public int getFirstToken() { // the first token is a virtual token that // allows the parser to parse several goals // even if they aren't LALR(1).... // Goal ::= '++' CompilationUnit // Goal ::= '--' MethodBody // Goal ::= '==' ConstructorBody // -- Initializer // Goal ::= '>>' StaticInitializer // Goal ::= '>>' Block // -- error recovery // Goal ::= '>>>' Headers // Goal ::= '*' BlockStatements // Goal ::= '*' MethodPushModifiersHeader // -- JDOM // Goal ::= '&&' FieldDeclaration // Goal ::= '||' ImportDeclaration // Goal ::= '?' PackageDeclaration // Goal ::= '+' TypeDeclaration // Goal ::= '/' GenericMethodDeclaration // Goal ::= '&' ClassBodyDeclaration // -- code snippet // Goal ::= '%' Expression // -- completion parser // Goal ::= '!' ConstructorBlockStatementsopt // Goal ::= '~' BlockStatementsopt return this.firstToken; } /* * Answer back an array of sourceStart/sourceEnd positions of the available JavaDoc comments. * The array is a flattened structure: 2*n entries with consecutives start and end positions. * * If no JavaDoc is available, then null is answered instead of an empty array. * * e.g. { 10, 20, 25, 45 } --> javadoc1 from 10 to 20, javadoc2 from 25 to 45 */ public int[] getJavaDocPositions() { int javadocCount = 0; for (int i = 0, max = this.scanner.commentPtr; i <= max; i++){ // javadoc only (non javadoc comment have negative end positions.) if (this.scanner.commentStops[i] > 0){ javadocCount++; } } if (javadocCount == 0) return null; int[] positions = new int[2*javadocCount]; int index = 0; for (int i = 0, max = this.scanner.commentPtr; i <= max; i++){ // javadoc only (non javadoc comment have negative end positions.) if (this.scanner.commentStops[i] > 0){ positions[index++] = this.scanner.commentStarts[i]; positions[index++] = this.scanner.commentStops[i]-1; //stop is one over } } return positions; } public void getMethodBodies(CompilationUnitDeclaration unit) { //fill the methods bodies in order for the code to be generated if (unit == null) return; if (unit.ignoreMethodBodies) { unit.ignoreFurtherInvestigation = true; return; // if initial diet parse did not work, no need to dig into method bodies. } if ((unit.bits & ASTNode.HasAllMethodBodies) != 0) return; //work already done ... // save existing values to restore them at the end of the parsing process // see bug 47079 for more details int[] oldLineEnds = this.scanner.lineEnds; int oldLinePtr = this.scanner.linePtr; //real parse of the method.... CompilationResult compilationResult = unit.compilationResult; this.scanner.setSource(compilationResult); if (this.javadocParser != null && this.javadocParser.checkDocComment) { char[] contents = compilationResult.compilationUnit.getContents(); this.javadocParser.scanner.setSource(contents); } if (unit.types != null) { for (int i = unit.types.length; --i >= 0;) unit.types[i].parseMethod(this, unit); } // tag unit has having read bodies unit.bits |= ASTNode.HasAllMethodBodies; // this is done to prevent any side effects on the compilation unit result // line separator positions array. this.scanner.lineEnds = oldLineEnds; this.scanner.linePtr = oldLinePtr; } protected char getNextCharacter(char[] comment, int[] index) { char nextCharacter = comment[index[0]++]; switch(nextCharacter) { case '\\' : int c1, c2, c3, c4; index[0]++; while (comment[index[0]] == 'u') index[0]++; if (!(((c1 = Character.getNumericValue(comment[index[0]++])) > 15 || c1 < 0) || ((c2 = Character.getNumericValue(comment[index[0]++])) > 15 || c2 < 0) || ((c3 = Character.getNumericValue(comment[index[0]++])) > 15 || c3 < 0) || ((c4 = Character.getNumericValue(comment[index[0]++])) > 15 || c4 < 0))) { nextCharacter = (char) (((c1 * 16 + c2) * 16 + c3) * 16 + c4); } break; } return nextCharacter; } protected Expression getTypeReference(Expression exp) { exp.bits &= ~ASTNode.RestrictiveFlagMASK; exp.bits |= TYPE; return exp; } protected TypeReference getTypeReference(int dim) { /* build a Reference on a variable that may be qualified or not This variable is a type reference and dim will be its dimensions*/ TypeReference ref; int length = this.identifierLengthStack[this.identifierLengthPtr--]; if (length < 0) { //flag for precompiled type reference on base types ref = TypeReference.baseTypeReference(-length, dim); ref.sourceStart = this.intStack[this.intPtr--]; if (dim == 0) { ref.sourceEnd = this.intStack[this.intPtr--]; } else { this.intPtr--; ref.sourceEnd = this.endPosition; } } else { int numberOfIdentifiers = this.genericsIdentifiersLengthStack[this.genericsIdentifiersLengthPtr--]; if (length != numberOfIdentifiers || this.genericsLengthStack[this.genericsLengthPtr] != 0) { // generic type ref = getTypeReferenceForGenericType(dim, length, numberOfIdentifiers); } else if (length == 1) { // single variable reference this.genericsLengthPtr--; // pop the 0 if (dim == 0) { ref = new SingleTypeReference( this.identifierStack[this.identifierPtr], this.identifierPositionStack[this.identifierPtr--]); } else { ref = new ArrayTypeReference( this.identifierStack[this.identifierPtr], dim, this.identifierPositionStack[this.identifierPtr--]); ref.sourceEnd = this.endPosition; } } else { this.genericsLengthPtr--; //Qualified variable reference char[][] tokens = new char[length][]; this.identifierPtr -= length; long[] positions = new long[length]; System.arraycopy(this.identifierStack, this.identifierPtr + 1, tokens, 0, length); System.arraycopy( this.identifierPositionStack, this.identifierPtr + 1, positions, 0, length); if (dim == 0) { ref = new QualifiedTypeReference(tokens, positions); } else { ref = new ArrayQualifiedTypeReference(tokens, dim, positions); ref.sourceEnd = this.endPosition; } } } return ref; } protected TypeReference getTypeReferenceForGenericType(int dim, int identifierLength, int numberOfIdentifiers) { if (identifierLength == 1 && numberOfIdentifiers == 1) { int currentTypeArgumentsLength = this.genericsLengthStack[this.genericsLengthPtr--]; TypeReference[] typeArguments = new TypeReference[currentTypeArgumentsLength]; this.genericsPtr -= currentTypeArgumentsLength; System.arraycopy(this.genericsStack, this.genericsPtr + 1, typeArguments, 0, currentTypeArgumentsLength); return new ParameterizedSingleTypeReference(this.identifierStack[this.identifierPtr], typeArguments, dim, this.identifierPositionStack[this.identifierPtr--]); } else { TypeReference[][] typeArguments = new TypeReference[numberOfIdentifiers][]; char[][] tokens = new char[numberOfIdentifiers][]; long[] positions = new long[numberOfIdentifiers]; int index = numberOfIdentifiers; int currentIdentifiersLength = identifierLength; while (index > 0) { int currentTypeArgumentsLength = this.genericsLengthStack[this.genericsLengthPtr--]; if (currentTypeArgumentsLength != 0) { this.genericsPtr -= currentTypeArgumentsLength; System.arraycopy(this.genericsStack, this.genericsPtr + 1, typeArguments[index - 1] = new TypeReference[currentTypeArgumentsLength], 0, currentTypeArgumentsLength); } switch(currentIdentifiersLength) { case 1 : // we are in a case A<B>.C<D> or A<B>.C<D> tokens[index - 1] = this.identifierStack[this.identifierPtr]; positions[index - 1] = this.identifierPositionStack[this.identifierPtr--]; break; default: // we are in a case A.B.C<B>.C<D> or A.B.C<B>... this.identifierPtr -= currentIdentifiersLength; System.arraycopy(this.identifierStack, this.identifierPtr + 1, tokens, index - currentIdentifiersLength, currentIdentifiersLength); System.arraycopy(this.identifierPositionStack, this.identifierPtr + 1, positions, index - currentIdentifiersLength, currentIdentifiersLength); } index -= currentIdentifiersLength; if (index > 0) { currentIdentifiersLength = this.identifierLengthStack[this.identifierLengthPtr--]; } } return new ParameterizedQualifiedTypeReference(tokens, typeArguments, dim, positions); } } protected NameReference getUnspecifiedReference() { /* build a (unspecified) NameReference which may be qualified*/ int length; NameReference ref; if ((length = this.identifierLengthStack[this.identifierLengthPtr--]) == 1) // single variable reference ref = new SingleNameReference( this.identifierStack[this.identifierPtr], this.identifierPositionStack[this.identifierPtr--]); else //Qualified variable reference { char[][] tokens = new char[length][]; this.identifierPtr -= length; System.arraycopy(this.identifierStack, this.identifierPtr + 1, tokens, 0, length); long[] positions = new long[length]; System.arraycopy(this.identifierPositionStack, this.identifierPtr + 1, positions, 0, length); ref = new QualifiedNameReference(tokens, positions, (int) (this.identifierPositionStack[this.identifierPtr + 1] >> 32), // sourceStart (int) this.identifierPositionStack[this.identifierPtr + length]); // sourceEnd } return ref; } protected NameReference getUnspecifiedReferenceOptimized() { /* build a (unspecified) NameReference which may be qualified The optimization occurs for qualified reference while we are certain in this case the last item of the qualified name is a field access. This optimization is IMPORTANT while it results that when a NameReference is build, the type checker should always look for that it is not a type reference */ int length; NameReference ref; if ((length = this.identifierLengthStack[this.identifierLengthPtr--]) == 1) { // single variable reference ref = new SingleNameReference( this.identifierStack[this.identifierPtr], this.identifierPositionStack[this.identifierPtr--]); ref.bits &= ~ASTNode.RestrictiveFlagMASK; ref.bits |= LOCAL | FIELD; return ref; } //Qualified-variable-reference //In fact it is variable-reference DOT field-ref , but it would result in a type //conflict tha can be only reduce by making a superclass (or inetrface ) between //nameReference and FiledReference or putting FieldReference under NameReference //or else..........This optimisation is not really relevant so just leave as it is char[][] tokens = new char[length][]; this.identifierPtr -= length; System.arraycopy(this.identifierStack, this.identifierPtr + 1, tokens, 0, length); long[] positions = new long[length]; System.arraycopy(this.identifierPositionStack, this.identifierPtr + 1, positions, 0, length); ref = new QualifiedNameReference( tokens, positions, (int) (this.identifierPositionStack[this.identifierPtr + 1] >> 32), // sourceStart (int) this.identifierPositionStack[this.identifierPtr + length]); // sourceEnd ref.bits &= ~ASTNode.RestrictiveFlagMASK; ref.bits |= LOCAL | FIELD; return ref; } public void goForBlockStatementsopt() { //tells the scanner to go for block statements opt parsing this.firstToken = TokenNameTWIDDLE; this.scanner.recordLineSeparator = false; } public void goForBlockStatementsOrCatchHeader() { //tells the scanner to go for block statements or method headers parsing this.firstToken = TokenNameMULTIPLY; this.scanner.recordLineSeparator = false; } public void goForClassBodyDeclarations() { //tells the scanner to go for any body declarations parsing this.firstToken = TokenNameAND; this.scanner.recordLineSeparator = true; } public void goForCompilationUnit(){ //tells the scanner to go for compilation unit parsing this.firstToken = TokenNamePLUS_PLUS ; this.scanner.foundTaskCount = 0; this.scanner.recordLineSeparator = true; this.scanner.currentLine= null; } public void goForExpression() { //tells the scanner to go for an expression parsing this.firstToken = TokenNameREMAINDER; this.scanner.recordLineSeparator = true; // recovery goals must record line separators } public void goForFieldDeclaration(){ //tells the scanner to go for field declaration parsing this.firstToken = TokenNameAND_AND ; this.scanner.recordLineSeparator = true; } public void goForGenericMethodDeclaration(){ //tells the scanner to go for generic method declarations parsing this.firstToken = TokenNameDIVIDE; this.scanner.recordLineSeparator = true; } public void goForHeaders(){ //tells the scanner to go for headers only parsing this.firstToken = TokenNameUNSIGNED_RIGHT_SHIFT; this.scanner.recordLineSeparator = true; // recovery goals must record line separators } public void goForImportDeclaration(){ //tells the scanner to go for import declaration parsing this.firstToken = TokenNameOR_OR ; this.scanner.recordLineSeparator = true; } public void goForInitializer(){ //tells the scanner to go for initializer parsing this.firstToken = TokenNameRIGHT_SHIFT ; this.scanner.recordLineSeparator = false; } public void goForMethodBody(){ //tells the scanner to go for method body parsing this.firstToken = TokenNameMINUS_MINUS ; this.scanner.recordLineSeparator = false; } public void goForPackageDeclaration() { //tells the scanner to go for package declaration parsing this.firstToken = TokenNameQUESTION; this.scanner.recordLineSeparator = true; } public void goForTypeDeclaration() { //tells the scanner to go for type (interface or class) declaration parsing this.firstToken = TokenNamePLUS; this.scanner.recordLineSeparator = true; } protected void ignoreExpressionAssignment() { // Assignment ::= InvalidArrayInitializerAssignement // encoded operator would be: this.intStack[this.intPtr] this.intPtr--; ArrayInitializer arrayInitializer = (ArrayInitializer) this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr--]; this.expressionLengthPtr -- ; // report a syntax error and abort parsing problemReporter().arrayConstantsOnlyInArrayInitializers(arrayInitializer.sourceStart, arrayInitializer.sourceEnd); } protected void ignoreInterfaceDeclaration() { // BlockStatement ::= InvalidInterfaceDeclaration //InterfaceDeclaration ::= Modifiersopt 'interface' 'Identifier' ExtendsInterfacesopt InterfaceHeader InterfaceBody // length declarations int length; if ((length = this.astLengthStack[this.astLengthPtr--]) != 0) { //there are length declarations //dispatch according to the type of the declarations dispatchDeclarationInto(length); } flushCommentsDefinedPriorTo(this.endStatementPosition); // report the problem and continue parsing TypeDeclaration typeDecl = (TypeDeclaration) this.astStack[this.astPtr]; typeDecl.bodyEnd = this.endStatementPosition; problemReporter().cannotDeclareLocalInterface(typeDecl.name, typeDecl.sourceStart, typeDecl.sourceEnd); // mark initializers with local type mark if needed markInitializersWithLocalType(typeDecl); // remove the ast node created in interface header this.astPtr--; pushOnAstLengthStack(-1); concatNodeLists(); } protected void ignoreInvalidConstructorDeclaration(boolean hasBody) { // InvalidConstructorDeclaration ::= ConstructorHeader ConstructorBody ==> true // InvalidConstructorDeclaration ::= ConstructorHeader ';' ==> false /* this.astStack : modifiers arguments throws statements this.identifierStack : name ==> this.astStack : MethodDeclaration this.identifierStack : */ if (hasBody) { // pop the position of the { (body of the method) pushed in block decl this.intPtr--; } //statements if (hasBody) { this.realBlockPtr--; } int length; if (hasBody && ((length = this.astLengthStack[this.astLengthPtr--]) != 0)) { this.astPtr -= length; } ConstructorDeclaration constructorDeclaration = (ConstructorDeclaration) this.astStack[this.astPtr]; constructorDeclaration.bodyEnd = this.endStatementPosition; constructorDeclaration.declarationSourceEnd = flushCommentsDefinedPriorTo(this.endStatementPosition); if (!hasBody) { constructorDeclaration.modifiers |= AccSemicolonBody; } } protected void ignoreMethodBody() { // InterfaceMemberDeclaration ::= InvalidMethodDeclaration /* this.astStack : modifiers arguments throws statements this.identifierStack : type name this.intStack : dim dim dim ==> this.astStack : MethodDeclaration this.identifierStack : this.intStack : */ // pop the position of the { (body of the method) pushed in block decl this.intPtr--; // retrieve end position of method declarator //statements this.realBlockPtr--; int length; if ((length = this.astLengthStack[this.astLengthPtr--]) != 0) { this.astPtr -= length; } //watch for } that could be given as a unicode ! ( u007D is '}' ) MethodDeclaration md = (MethodDeclaration) this.astStack[this.astPtr]; md.bodyEnd = this.endPosition; md.declarationSourceEnd = flushCommentsDefinedPriorTo(this.endStatementPosition); // report the problem and continue the parsing - narrowing the problem onto the method problemReporter().abstractMethodNeedingNoBody(md); } public void initialize() { //positionning the parser for a new compilation unit //avoiding stack reallocation and all that.... this.astPtr = -1; this.astLengthPtr = -1; this.expressionPtr = -1; this.expressionLengthPtr = -1; this.identifierPtr = -1; this.identifierLengthPtr = -1; this.intPtr = -1; this.nestedMethod[this.nestedType = 0] = 0; // need to reset for further reuse this.variablesCounter[this.nestedType] = 0; this.dimensions = 0 ; this.realBlockPtr = -1; this.compilationUnit = null; this.referenceContext = null; this.endStatementPosition = 0; //remove objects from stack too, while the same parser/compiler couple is //re-used between two compilations .... int astLength = this.astStack.length; if (this.noAstNodes.length < astLength){ this.noAstNodes = new ASTNode[astLength]; //System.out.println("Resized AST stacks : "+ astLength); } System.arraycopy(this.noAstNodes, 0, this.astStack, 0, astLength); int expressionLength = this.expressionStack.length; if (this.noExpressions.length < expressionLength){ this.noExpressions = new Expression[expressionLength]; //System.out.println("Resized EXPR stacks : "+ expressionLength); } System.arraycopy(this.noExpressions, 0, this.expressionStack, 0, expressionLength); // reset this.scanner state this.scanner.commentPtr = -1; this.scanner.foundTaskCount = 0; this.scanner.eofPosition = Integer.MAX_VALUE; this.scanner.wasNonExternalizedStringLiteral = false; this.scanner.nonNLSStrings = null; this.scanner.currentLine = null; resetModifiers(); // recovery this.lastCheckPoint = -1; this.currentElement = null; this.restartRecovery = false; this.hasReportedError = false; this.recoveredStaticInitializerStart = 0; this.lastIgnoredToken = -1; this.lastErrorEndPosition = -1; this.lastErrorEndPositionBeforeRecovery = -1; this.listLength = 0; this.listTypeParameterLength = 0; this.rBraceStart = 0; this.rBraceEnd = 0; this.rBraceSuccessorStart = 0; this.genericsIdentifiersLengthPtr = -1; this.genericsLengthPtr = -1; this.genericsPtr = -1; } public void initializeScanner(){ this.scanner = new Scanner( false /*comment*/, false /*whitespace*/, this.options.getSeverity(CompilerOptions.NonExternalizedString) != ProblemSeverities.Ignore /*nls*/, this.options.sourceLevel /*sourceLevel*/, this.options.taskTags/*taskTags*/, this.options.taskPriorites/*taskPriorities*/, this.options.isTaskCaseSensitive/*taskCaseSensitive*/); } public void jumpOverMethodBody() { //on diet parsing.....do not buffer method statements //the scanner.diet is reinitialized to false //automatically by the scanner once it has jumped over //the statements if (this.diet && (this.dietInt == 0)) this.scanner.diet = true; } protected void markEnclosingMemberWithLocalType() { if (this.currentElement != null) return; // this is already done in the recovery code for (int i = this.astPtr; i >= 0; i--) { ASTNode node = this.astStack[i]; if (node instanceof AbstractMethodDeclaration || node instanceof FieldDeclaration || node instanceof TypeDeclaration) { // mark type for now: all initializers will be marked when added to this type node.bits |= ASTNode.HasLocalTypeMASK; return; } } // default to reference context (case of parse method body) if (this.referenceContext instanceof AbstractMethodDeclaration || this.referenceContext instanceof TypeDeclaration) { ((ASTNode)this.referenceContext).bits |= ASTNode.HasLocalTypeMASK; } } protected void markInitializersWithLocalType(TypeDeclaration type) { if (type.fields == null || (type.bits & ASTNode.HasLocalTypeMASK) == 0) return; for (int i = 0, length = type.fields.length; i < length; i++) { FieldDeclaration field = type.fields[i]; if (field instanceof Initializer) { field.bits |= ASTNode.HasLocalTypeMASK; } } } /* * Move checkpoint location (current implementation is moving it by one token) * * Answers true if successfully moved checkpoint (in other words, it did not attempt to move it * beyond end of file). */ protected boolean moveRecoveryCheckpoint() { int pos = this.lastCheckPoint; /* reset this.scanner, and move checkpoint by one token */ this.scanner.startPosition = pos; this.scanner.currentPosition = pos; this.scanner.diet = false; // quit jumping over method bodies /* if about to restart, then no need to shift token */ if (this.restartRecovery){ this.lastIgnoredToken = -1; this.scanner.currentLine = null; return true; } /* protect against shifting on an invalid token */ this.lastIgnoredToken = this.nextIgnoredToken; this.nextIgnoredToken = -1; do { try { this.nextIgnoredToken = this.scanner.getNextToken(); if(this.scanner.currentPosition == this.scanner.startPosition){ this.scanner.currentPosition++; // on fake completion identifier this.nextIgnoredToken = -1; } } catch(InvalidInputException e){ pos = this.scanner.currentPosition; } } while (this.nextIgnoredToken < 0); if (this.nextIgnoredToken == TokenNameEOF) { // no more recovery after this point if (this.currentToken == TokenNameEOF) { // already tried one iteration on EOF this.scanner.currentLine = null; return false; } } this.lastCheckPoint = this.scanner.currentPosition; /* reset this.scanner again to previous checkpoint location*/ this.scanner.startPosition = pos; this.scanner.currentPosition = pos; this.scanner.commentPtr = -1; this.scanner.foundTaskCount = 0; this.scanner.currentLine = null; return true; /* The following implementation moves the checkpoint location by one line: int pos = this.lastCheckPoint; // reset this.scanner, and move checkpoint by one token this.scanner.startPosition = pos; this.scanner.currentPosition = pos; this.scanner.diet = false; // quit jumping over method bodies // if about to restart, then no need to shift token if (this.restartRecovery){ this.lastIgnoredToken = -1; return true; } // protect against shifting on an invalid token this.lastIgnoredToken = this.nextIgnoredToken; this.nextIgnoredToken = -1; boolean wasTokenizingWhiteSpace = this.scanner.tokenizeWhiteSpace; this.scanner.tokenizeWhiteSpace = true; checkpointMove: do { try { this.nextIgnoredToken = this.scanner.getNextToken(); switch(this.nextIgnoredToken){ case Scanner.TokenNameWHITESPACE : if(this.scanner.getLineNumber(this.scanner.startPosition) == this.scanner.getLineNumber(this.scanner.currentPosition)){ this.nextIgnoredToken = -1; } break; case TokenNameSEMICOLON : case TokenNameLBRACE : case TokenNameRBRACE : break; case TokenNameIdentifier : if(this.scanner.currentPosition == this.scanner.startPosition){ this.scanner.currentPosition++; // on fake completion identifier } default: this.nextIgnoredToken = -1; break; case TokenNameEOF : break checkpointMove; } } catch(InvalidInputException e){ pos = this.scanner.currentPosition; } } while (this.nextIgnoredToken < 0); this.scanner.tokenizeWhiteSpace = wasTokenizingWhiteSpace; if (this.nextIgnoredToken == TokenNameEOF) { // no more recovery after this point if (this.currentToken == TokenNameEOF) { // already tried one iteration on EOF return false; } } this.lastCheckPoint = this.scanner.currentPosition; // reset this.scanner again to previous checkpoint location this.scanner.startPosition = pos; this.scanner.currentPosition = pos; this.scanner.commentPtr = -1; return true; */ } protected MessageSend newMessageSend() { // '(' ArgumentListopt ')' // the arguments are on the expression stack MessageSend m = new MessageSend(); int length; if ((length = this.expressionLengthStack[this.expressionLengthPtr--]) != 0) { this.expressionPtr -= length; System.arraycopy( this.expressionStack, this.expressionPtr + 1, m.arguments = new Expression[length], 0, length); } return m; } protected MessageSend newMessageSendWithTypeArguments() { MessageSend m = new MessageSend(); int length; if ((length = this.expressionLengthStack[this.expressionLengthPtr--]) != 0) { this.expressionPtr -= length; System.arraycopy( this.expressionStack, this.expressionPtr + 1, m.arguments = new Expression[length], 0, length); } return m; } protected void optimizedConcatNodeLists() { /*back from a recursive loop. Virtualy group the astNode into an array using this.astLengthStack*/ /* * This is a case where you have two sublists into the this.astStack that you want * to merge in one list. There is no action required on the this.astStack. The only * thing you need to do is merge the two lengths specified on the astStackLength. * The top two length are for example: * ... p n * and you want to result in a list like: * ... n+p * This means that the p could be equals to 0 in case there is no astNode pushed * on the this.astStack. * Look at the InterfaceMemberDeclarations for an example. * This case optimizes the fact that p == 1. */ this.astLengthStack[--this.astLengthPtr]++; } /*main loop of the automat When a rule is reduced, the method consumeRule(int) is called with the number of the consumed rule. When a terminal is consumed, the method consumeToken(int) is called in order to remember (when needed) the consumed token */ // (int)asr[asi(act)] // name[symbol_index[currentKind]] protected void parse() { if (DEBUG) System.out.println("-- ENTER INSIDE PARSE METHOD --"); //$NON-NLS-1$ boolean isDietParse = this.diet; int oldFirstToken = getFirstToken(); this.hasError = false; this.hasReportedError = false; int act = START_STATE; this.stateStackTop = -1; this.currentToken = getFirstToken(); ProcessTerminals : for (;;) { int stackLength = this.stack.length; if (++this.stateStackTop >= stackLength) { System.arraycopy( this.stack, 0, this.stack = new int[stackLength + StackIncrement], 0, stackLength); } this.stack[this.stateStackTop] = act; act = tAction(act, this.currentToken); if (act == ERROR_ACTION || this.restartRecovery) { int errorPos = this.scanner.currentPosition; if (!this.hasReportedError) { this.hasError = true; } if (resumeOnSyntaxError()) { if (act == ERROR_ACTION) this.lastErrorEndPosition = errorPos; act = START_STATE; this.stateStackTop = -1; this.currentToken = getFirstToken(); continue ProcessTerminals; } act = ERROR_ACTION; break ProcessTerminals; } if (act <= NUM_RULES) { this.stateStackTop--; } else if (act > ERROR_ACTION) { /* shift-reduce */ consumeToken(this.currentToken); if (this.currentElement != null) this.recoveryTokenCheck(); try { this.currentToken = this.scanner.getNextToken(); } catch(InvalidInputException e){ if (!this.hasReportedError){ this.problemReporter().scannerError(this, e.getMessage()); this.hasReportedError = true; } this.lastCheckPoint = this.scanner.currentPosition; this.restartRecovery = true; } act -= ERROR_ACTION; } else { if (act < ACCEPT_ACTION) { /* shift */ consumeToken(this.currentToken); if (this.currentElement != null) this.recoveryTokenCheck(); try{ this.currentToken = this.scanner.getNextToken(); } catch(InvalidInputException e){ if (!this.hasReportedError){ this.problemReporter().scannerError(this, e.getMessage()); this.hasReportedError = true; } this.lastCheckPoint = this.scanner.currentPosition; this.restartRecovery = true; } continue ProcessTerminals; } break ProcessTerminals; } ProcessNonTerminals : do { /* reduce */ consumeRule(act); this.stateStackTop -= (rhs[act] - 1); act = ntAction(this.stack[this.stateStackTop], lhs[act]); } while (act <= NUM_RULES); } endParse(act); if (this.reportSyntaxErrorIsRequired && this.hasError) { reportSyntaxErrors(isDietParse, oldFirstToken); } if (DEBUG) System.out.println("-- EXIT FROM PARSE METHOD --"); //$NON-NLS-1$ } public void parse(ConstructorDeclaration cd, CompilationUnitDeclaration unit) { parse(cd, unit, false); } public void parse(ConstructorDeclaration cd, CompilationUnitDeclaration unit, boolean recordLineSeparator) { //only parse the method body of cd //fill out its statements //convert bugs into parse error initialize(); goForBlockStatementsopt(); if (recordLineSeparator) { this.scanner.recordLineSeparator = true; } this.nestedMethod[this.nestedType]++; pushOnRealBlockStack(0); this.referenceContext = cd; this.compilationUnit = unit; this.scanner.resetTo(cd.bodyStart, cd.bodyEnd); try { parse(); } catch (AbortCompilation ex) { this.lastAct = ERROR_ACTION; } finally { this.nestedMethod[this.nestedType]--; } checkNonNLSAfterBodyEnd(cd.declarationSourceEnd); if (this.lastAct == ERROR_ACTION) { initialize(); return; } //statements cd.explicitDeclarations = this.realBlockStack[this.realBlockPtr--]; int length; if ((length = this.astLengthStack[this.astLengthPtr--]) != 0) { this.astPtr -= length; if (this.astStack[this.astPtr + 1] instanceof ExplicitConstructorCall) //avoid a isSomeThing that would only be used here BUT what is faster between two alternatives ? { System.arraycopy( this.astStack, this.astPtr + 2, cd.statements = new Statement[length - 1], 0, length - 1); cd.constructorCall = (ExplicitConstructorCall) this.astStack[this.astPtr + 1]; } else { //need to add explicitly the super(); System.arraycopy( this.astStack, this.astPtr + 1, cd.statements = new Statement[length], 0, length); cd.constructorCall = SuperReference.implicitSuperConstructorCall(); } } else { cd.constructorCall = SuperReference.implicitSuperConstructorCall(); if (!containsComment(cd.bodyStart, cd.bodyEnd)) { cd.bits |= ASTNode.UndocumentedEmptyBlockMASK; } } if (cd.constructorCall.sourceEnd == 0) { cd.constructorCall.sourceEnd = cd.sourceEnd; cd.constructorCall.sourceStart = cd.sourceStart; } } // A P I public void parse( FieldDeclaration field, TypeDeclaration type, CompilationUnitDeclaration unit, char[] initializationSource) { //only parse the initializationSource of the given field //convert bugs into parse error initialize(); goForExpression(); this.nestedMethod[this.nestedType]++; this.referenceContext = type; this.compilationUnit = unit; this.scanner.setSource(initializationSource); this.scanner.resetTo(0, initializationSource.length-1); try { parse(); } catch (AbortCompilation ex) { this.lastAct = ERROR_ACTION; } finally { this.nestedMethod[this.nestedType]--; } if (this.lastAct == ERROR_ACTION) { return; } field.initialization = this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr]; // mark field with local type if one was found during parsing if ((type.bits & ASTNode.HasLocalTypeMASK) != 0) { field.bits |= ASTNode.HasLocalTypeMASK; } } // A P I public CompilationUnitDeclaration parse( ICompilationUnit sourceUnit, CompilationResult compilationResult) { // parses a compilation unit and manages error handling (even bugs....) return parse(sourceUnit, compilationResult, -1, -1/*parse without reseting the scanner*/); } // A P I public CompilationUnitDeclaration parse( ICompilationUnit sourceUnit, CompilationResult compilationResult, int start, int end) { // parses a compilation unit and manages error handling (even bugs....) CompilationUnitDeclaration unit; try { /* automaton initialization */ initialize(); goForCompilationUnit(); /* scanners initialization */ char[] contents = sourceUnit.getContents(); this.scanner.setSource(contents); if (end != -1) this.scanner.resetTo(start, end); if (this.javadocParser != null && this.javadocParser.checkDocComment) { this.javadocParser.scanner.setSource(contents); if (end != -1) { this.javadocParser.scanner.resetTo(start, end); } } /* unit creation */ this.referenceContext = this.compilationUnit = new CompilationUnitDeclaration( this.problemReporter, compilationResult, this.scanner.source.length); /* run automaton */ parse(); } finally { unit = this.compilationUnit; this.compilationUnit = null; // reset parser // tag unit has having read bodies if (!this.diet) unit.bits |= ASTNode.HasAllMethodBodies; } return unit; } // A P I public void parse( Initializer initializer, TypeDeclaration type, CompilationUnitDeclaration unit) { //only parse the method body of md //fill out method statements //convert bugs into parse error initialize(); goForBlockStatementsopt(); this.nestedMethod[this.nestedType]++; pushOnRealBlockStack(0); this.referenceContext = type; this.compilationUnit = unit; this.scanner.resetTo(initializer.bodyStart, initializer.bodyEnd); // just on the beginning { try { parse(); } catch (AbortCompilation ex) { this.lastAct = ERROR_ACTION; } finally { this.nestedMethod[this.nestedType]--; } checkNonNLSAfterBodyEnd(initializer.declarationSourceEnd); if (this.lastAct == ERROR_ACTION) { return; } //refill statements initializer.block.explicitDeclarations = this.realBlockStack[this.realBlockPtr--]; int length; if ((length = this.astLengthStack[this.astLengthPtr--]) > 0) { System.arraycopy(this.astStack, (this.astPtr -= length) + 1, initializer.block.statements = new Statement[length], 0, length); } else { // check whether this block at least contains some comment in it if (!containsComment(initializer.block.sourceStart, initializer.block.sourceEnd)) { initializer.block.bits |= ASTNode.UndocumentedEmptyBlockMASK; } } // mark initializer with local type if one was found during parsing if ((type.bits & ASTNode.HasLocalTypeMASK) != 0) { initializer.bits |= ASTNode.HasLocalTypeMASK; } } // A P I public void parse(MethodDeclaration md, CompilationUnitDeclaration unit) { //only parse the method body of md //fill out method statements //convert bugs into parse error if (md.isAbstract()) return; if (md.isNative()) return; if ((md.modifiers & AccSemicolonBody) != 0) return; initialize(); goForBlockStatementsopt(); this.nestedMethod[this.nestedType]++; pushOnRealBlockStack(0); this.referenceContext = md; this.compilationUnit = unit; this.scanner.resetTo(md.bodyStart, md.bodyEnd); // reset the scanner to parser from { down to } try { parse(); } catch (AbortCompilation ex) { this.lastAct = ERROR_ACTION; } finally { this.nestedMethod[this.nestedType]--; } checkNonNLSAfterBodyEnd(md.declarationSourceEnd); if (this.lastAct == ERROR_ACTION) { return; } //refill statements md.explicitDeclarations = this.realBlockStack[this.realBlockPtr--]; int length; if ((length = this.astLengthStack[this.astLengthPtr--]) != 0) { System.arraycopy( this.astStack, (this.astPtr -= length) + 1, md.statements = new Statement[length], 0, length); } else { if (!containsComment(md.bodyStart, md.bodyEnd)) { md.bits |= ASTNode.UndocumentedEmptyBlockMASK; } } } public ASTNode[] parseClassBodyDeclarations(char[] source, int offset, int length, CompilationUnitDeclaration unit) { /* automaton initialization */ initialize(); goForClassBodyDeclarations(); /* scanner initialization */ this.scanner.setSource(source); this.scanner.resetTo(offset, offset + length - 1); if (this.javadocParser != null && this.javadocParser.checkDocComment) { this.javadocParser.scanner.setSource(source); this.javadocParser.scanner.resetTo(offset, offset + length - 1); } /* type declaration should be parsed as member type declaration */ this.nestedType = 1; /* unit creation */ this.referenceContext = unit; this.compilationUnit = unit; /* run automaton */ try { parse(); } catch (AbortCompilation ex) { this.lastAct = ERROR_ACTION; } if (this.lastAct == ERROR_ACTION) { return null; } int astLength; if ((astLength = this.astLengthStack[this.astLengthPtr--]) != 0) { ASTNode[] result = new ASTNode[astLength]; this.astPtr -= astLength; System.arraycopy(this.astStack, this.astPtr + 1, result, 0, astLength); return result; } return null; } public Expression parseExpression(char[] source, int offset, int length, CompilationUnitDeclaration unit) { initialize(); goForExpression(); this.nestedMethod[this.nestedType]++; this.referenceContext = unit; this.compilationUnit = unit; this.scanner.setSource(source); this.scanner.resetTo(offset, offset + length - 1); try { parse(); } catch (AbortCompilation ex) { this.lastAct = ERROR_ACTION; } finally { this.nestedMethod[this.nestedType]--; } if (this.lastAct == ERROR_ACTION) { return null; } return this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr]; } public void persistLineSeparatorPositions() { if (this.scanner.recordLineSeparator) { this.compilationUnit.compilationResult.lineSeparatorPositions = this.scanner.getLineEnds(); } } /** * Returns this parser's problem reporter initialized with its reference context. * Also it is assumed that a problem is going to be reported, so initializes * the compilation result's line positions. * * @return ProblemReporter */ public ProblemReporter problemReporter(){ if (this.scanner.recordLineSeparator) { this.compilationUnit.compilationResult.lineSeparatorPositions = this.scanner.getLineEnds(); } this.problemReporter.referenceContext = this.referenceContext; return this.problemReporter; } protected void pushIdentifier() { /*push the consumeToken on the identifier stack. Increase the total number of identifier in the stack. identifierPtr points on the next top */ int stackLength = this.identifierStack.length; if (++this.identifierPtr >= stackLength) { System.arraycopy( this.identifierStack, 0, this.identifierStack = new char[stackLength + 20][], 0, stackLength); System.arraycopy( this.identifierPositionStack, 0, this.identifierPositionStack = new long[stackLength + 20], 0, stackLength); } this.identifierStack[this.identifierPtr] = this.scanner.getCurrentIdentifierSource(); this.identifierPositionStack[this.identifierPtr] = (((long) this.scanner.startPosition) << 32) + (this.scanner.currentPosition - 1); stackLength = this.identifierLengthStack.length; if (++this.identifierLengthPtr >= stackLength) { System.arraycopy( this.identifierLengthStack, 0, this.identifierLengthStack = new int[stackLength + 10], 0, stackLength); } this.identifierLengthStack[this.identifierLengthPtr] = 1; } protected void pushIdentifier(int flag) { /*push a special flag on the stack : -zero stands for optional Name -negative number for direct ref to base types. identifierLengthPtr points on the top */ int stackLength = this.identifierLengthStack.length; if (++this.identifierLengthPtr >= stackLength) { System.arraycopy( this.identifierLengthStack, 0, this.identifierLengthStack = new int[stackLength + 10], 0, stackLength); } this.identifierLengthStack[this.identifierLengthPtr] = flag; } protected void pushOnAstLengthStack(int pos) { int stackLength = this.astLengthStack.length; if (++this.astLengthPtr >= stackLength) { System.arraycopy( this.astLengthStack, 0, this.astLengthStack = new int[stackLength + StackIncrement], 0, stackLength); } this.astLengthStack[this.astLengthPtr] = pos; } protected void pushOnAstStack(ASTNode node) { /*add a new obj on top of the ast stack astPtr points on the top*/ int stackLength = this.astStack.length; if (++this.astPtr >= stackLength) { System.arraycopy( this.astStack, 0, this.astStack = new ASTNode[stackLength + AstStackIncrement], 0, stackLength); this.astPtr = stackLength; } this.astStack[this.astPtr] = node; stackLength = this.astLengthStack.length; if (++this.astLengthPtr >= stackLength) { System.arraycopy( this.astLengthStack, 0, this.astLengthStack = new int[stackLength + AstStackIncrement], 0, stackLength); } this.astLengthStack[this.astLengthPtr] = 1; } protected void pushOnExpressionStack(Expression expr) { int stackLength = this.expressionStack.length; if (++this.expressionPtr >= stackLength) { System.arraycopy( this.expressionStack, 0, this.expressionStack = new Expression[stackLength + ExpressionStackIncrement], 0, stackLength); } this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr] = expr; stackLength = this.expressionLengthStack.length; if (++this.expressionLengthPtr >= stackLength) { System.arraycopy( this.expressionLengthStack, 0, this.expressionLengthStack = new int[stackLength + ExpressionStackIncrement], 0, stackLength); } this.expressionLengthStack[this.expressionLengthPtr] = 1; } protected void pushOnExpressionStackLengthStack(int pos) { int stackLength = this.expressionLengthStack.length; if (++this.expressionLengthPtr >= stackLength) { System.arraycopy( this.expressionLengthStack, 0, this.expressionLengthStack = new int[stackLength + StackIncrement], 0, stackLength); } this.expressionLengthStack[this.expressionLengthPtr] = pos; } protected void pushOnGenericsStack(ASTNode node) { /*add a new obj on top of the generics stack genericsPtr points on the top*/ int stackLength = this.genericsStack.length; if (++this.genericsPtr >= stackLength) { System.arraycopy( this.genericsStack, 0, this.genericsStack = new ASTNode[stackLength + GenericsStackIncrement], 0, stackLength); } this.genericsStack[this.genericsPtr] = node; stackLength = this.genericsLengthStack.length; if (++this.genericsLengthPtr >= stackLength) { System.arraycopy( this.genericsLengthStack, 0, this.genericsLengthStack = new int[stackLength + GenericsStackIncrement], 0, stackLength); } this.genericsLengthStack[this.genericsLengthPtr] = 1; } protected void pushOnGenericsIdentifiersLengthStack(int pos) { int stackLength = this.genericsIdentifiersLengthStack.length; if (++this.genericsIdentifiersLengthPtr >= stackLength) { System.arraycopy( this.genericsIdentifiersLengthStack, 0, this.genericsIdentifiersLengthStack = new int[stackLength + GenericsStackIncrement], 0, stackLength); } this.genericsIdentifiersLengthStack[this.genericsIdentifiersLengthPtr] = pos; } protected void pushOnGenericsLengthStack(int pos) { int stackLength = this.genericsLengthStack.length; if (++this.genericsLengthPtr >= stackLength) { System.arraycopy( this.genericsLengthStack, 0, this.genericsLengthStack = new int[stackLength + GenericsStackIncrement], 0, stackLength); } this.genericsLengthStack[this.genericsLengthPtr] = pos; } protected void pushOnIntStack(int pos) { int stackLength = this.intStack.length; if (++this.intPtr >= stackLength) { System.arraycopy( this.intStack, 0, this.intStack = new int[stackLength + StackIncrement], 0, stackLength); } this.intStack[this.intPtr] = pos; } protected void pushOnRealBlockStack(int i){ int stackLength = this.realBlockStack.length; if (++this.realBlockPtr >= stackLength) { System.arraycopy( this.realBlockStack, 0, this.realBlockStack = new int[stackLength + StackIncrement], 0, stackLength); } this.realBlockStack[this.realBlockPtr] = i; } public void recoveryExitFromVariable() { if(this.currentElement != null && this.currentElement.parent != null) { if(this.currentElement instanceof RecoveredLocalVariable) { int end = ((RecoveredLocalVariable)this.currentElement).localDeclaration.sourceEnd; this.currentElement.updateSourceEndIfNecessary(end); this.currentElement = this.currentElement.parent; } else if(this.currentElement instanceof RecoveredField && !(this.currentElement instanceof RecoveredInitializer)) { int end = ((RecoveredField)this.currentElement).fieldDeclaration.sourceEnd; this.currentElement.updateSourceEndIfNecessary(end); this.currentElement = this.currentElement.parent; } } } /* Token check performed on every token shift once having entered * recovery mode. */ public void recoveryTokenCheck() { switch (this.currentToken) { case TokenNameLBRACE : RecoveredElement newElement = null; if(!this.ignoreNextOpeningBrace) { newElement = this.currentElement.updateOnOpeningBrace(this.scanner.startPosition - 1, this.scanner.currentPosition - 1); } this.lastCheckPoint = this.scanner.currentPosition; if (newElement != null){ // null means nothing happened this.restartRecovery = true; // opening brace detected this.currentElement = newElement; } break; case TokenNameRBRACE : this.rBraceStart = this.scanner.startPosition - 1; this.rBraceEnd = this.scanner.currentPosition - 1; this.endPosition = this.flushCommentsDefinedPriorTo(this.rBraceEnd); newElement = this.currentElement.updateOnClosingBrace(this.scanner.startPosition, this.rBraceEnd); this.lastCheckPoint = this.scanner.currentPosition; if (newElement != this.currentElement){ this.currentElement = newElement; } break; case TokenNameSEMICOLON : this.endStatementPosition = this.scanner.currentPosition - 1; this.endPosition = this.scanner.startPosition - 1; // fall through default : { if (this.rBraceEnd > this.rBraceSuccessorStart && this.scanner.currentPosition != this.scanner.startPosition){ this.rBraceSuccessorStart = this.scanner.startPosition; } break; } } this.ignoreNextOpeningBrace = false; } // A P I protected void reportSyntaxErrors(boolean isDietParse, int oldFirstToken) { if(this.referenceContext instanceof MethodDeclaration) { MethodDeclaration methodDeclaration = (MethodDeclaration) this.referenceContext; if(methodDeclaration.errorInSignature){ return; } } this.compilationUnit.compilationResult.lineSeparatorPositions = this.scanner.getLineEnds(); this.scanner.recordLineSeparator = false; int start = this.scanner.initialPosition; int end = this.scanner.eofPosition <= Integer.MAX_VALUE ? this.scanner.eofPosition - 1 : this.scanner.eofPosition; if(isDietParse) { TypeDeclaration[] types = this.compilationUnit.types; int[][] intervalToSkip = org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.parser.diagnose.RangeUtil.computeDietRange(types); DiagnoseParser diagnoseParser = new DiagnoseParser(this, oldFirstToken, start, end, intervalToSkip[0], intervalToSkip[1], intervalToSkip[2], this.options); diagnoseParser.diagnoseParse(); reportSyntaxErrorsForSkippedMethod(types); this.scanner.resetTo(start, end); } else { DiagnoseParser diagnoseParser = new DiagnoseParser(this, oldFirstToken, start, end, this.options); diagnoseParser.diagnoseParse(); } } private void reportSyntaxErrorsForSkippedMethod(TypeDeclaration[] types){ if(types != null) { for (int i = 0; i < types.length; i++) { TypeDeclaration[] memberTypes = types[i].memberTypes; if(memberTypes != null) { reportSyntaxErrorsForSkippedMethod(memberTypes); } AbstractMethodDeclaration[] methods = types[i].methods; if(methods != null) { for (int j = 0; j < methods.length; j++) { AbstractMethodDeclaration method = methods[j]; if(methods[j].errorInSignature) { DiagnoseParser diagnoseParser = new DiagnoseParser(this, TokenNameDIVIDE, method.declarationSourceStart, method.declarationSourceEnd, this.options); diagnoseParser.diagnoseParse(); } } } FieldDeclaration[] fields = types[i].fields; if (fields != null) { int length = fields.length; for (int j = 0; j < length; j++) { if (fields[j] instanceof Initializer) { Initializer initializer = (Initializer)fields[j]; if(initializer.errorInSignature){ DiagnoseParser diagnoseParser = new DiagnoseParser(this, TokenNameRIGHT_SHIFT, initializer.declarationSourceStart, initializer.declarationSourceEnd, this.options); diagnoseParser.diagnoseParse(); } } } } } } } protected void resetModifiers() { this.modifiers = AccDefault; this.modifiersSourceStart = -1; // <-- see comment into modifiersFlag(int) this.scanner.commentPtr = -1; } /* * Reset context so as to resume to regular parse loop */ protected void resetStacks() { this.astPtr = -1; this.astLengthPtr = -1; this.expressionPtr = -1; this.expressionLengthPtr = -1; this.identifierPtr = -1; this.identifierLengthPtr = -1; this.intPtr = -1; this.nestedMethod[this.nestedType = 0] = 0; // need to reset for further reuse this.variablesCounter[this.nestedType] = 0; this.dimensions = 0 ; this.realBlockStack[this.realBlockPtr = 0] = 0; this.recoveredStaticInitializerStart = 0; this.listLength = 0; this.listTypeParameterLength = 0; // Fix for http://dev.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=29365 if (this.scanner != null) this.scanner.currentLine = null; this.genericsIdentifiersLengthPtr = -1; this.genericsLengthPtr = -1; this.genericsPtr = -1; } /* * Reset context so as to resume to regular parse loop * If unable to reset for resuming, answers false. * * Move checkpoint location, reset internal stacks and * decide which grammar goal is activated. */ protected boolean resumeAfterRecovery() { // Reset javadoc before restart parsing after recovery this.javadoc = null; // reset internal stacks this.resetStacks(); /* attempt to move checkpoint location */ if (!this.moveRecoveryCheckpoint()) { return false; } // only look for headers if (this.referenceContext instanceof CompilationUnitDeclaration){ goForHeaders(); this.diet = true; // passed this point, will not consider method bodies return true; } // does not know how to restart return false; } /* * Syntax error was detected. Will attempt to perform some recovery action in order * to resume to the regular parse loop. */ protected boolean resumeOnSyntaxError() { /* request recovery initialization */ if (this.currentElement == null){ this.currentElement = this.buildInitialRecoveryState(); // build some recovered elements } /* do not investigate deeper in recovery when no recovered element */ if (this.currentElement == null) return false; /* manual forced recovery restart - after headers */ if (this.restartRecovery){ this.restartRecovery = false; } /* update recovery state with current error state of the parser */ this.updateRecoveryState(); /* attempt to reset state in order to resume to parse loop */ return this.resumeAfterRecovery(); } public String toString() { String s = "identifierStack : char["+(this.identifierPtr + 1)+"][] = {"; //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ for (int i = 0; i <= this.identifierPtr; i++) { s = s + "\"" + String.valueOf(this.identifierStack[i]) + "\","; //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ } s = s + "}\n"; //$NON-NLS-1$ s = s + "identifierLengthStack : int["+(this.identifierLengthPtr + 1)+"] = {"; //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ for (int i = 0; i <= this.identifierLengthPtr; i++) { s = s + this.identifierLengthStack[i] + ","; //$NON-NLS-1$ } s = s + "}\n"; //$NON-NLS-1$ s = s + "astLengthStack : int["+(this.astLengthPtr + 1)+"] = {"; //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ for (int i = 0; i <= this.astLengthPtr; i++) { s = s + this.astLengthStack[i] + ","; //$NON-NLS-1$ } s = s + "}\n"; //$NON-NLS-1$ s = s + "astPtr : int = " + String.valueOf(this.astPtr) + "\n"; //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ s = s + "intStack : int["+(this.intPtr + 1)+"] = {"; //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ for (int i = 0; i <= this.intPtr; i++) { s = s + this.intStack[i] + ","; //$NON-NLS-1$ } s = s + "}\n"; //$NON-NLS-1$ s = s + "expressionLengthStack : int["+(this.expressionLengthPtr + 1)+"] = {"; //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ for (int i = 0; i <= this.expressionLengthPtr; i++) { s = s + this.expressionLengthStack[i] + ","; //$NON-NLS-1$ } s = s + "}\n"; //$NON-NLS-1$ s = s + "expressionPtr : int = " + String.valueOf(this.expressionPtr) + "\n"; //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ s = s + "genericsIdentifiersLengthStack : int["+(this.genericsIdentifiersLengthPtr + 1)+"] = {"; //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ for (int i = 0; i <= this.genericsIdentifiersLengthPtr; i++) { s = s + this.genericsIdentifiersLengthStack[i] + ","; //$NON-NLS-1$ } s = s + "}\n"; //$NON-NLS-1$ s = s + "genericsLengthStack : int["+(this.genericsLengthPtr + 1)+"] = {"; //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ for (int i = 0; i <= this.genericsLengthPtr; i++) { s = s + this.genericsLengthStack[i] + ","; //$NON-NLS-1$ } s = s + "}\n"; //$NON-NLS-1$ s = s + "genericsPtr : int = " + String.valueOf(this.genericsPtr) + "\n"; //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ s = s + "\n\n\n----------------Scanner--------------\n" + this.scanner.toString(); //$NON-NLS-1$ return s; } /* * Update recovery state based on current parser/scanner state */ protected void updateRecoveryState() { /* expose parser state to recovery state */ this.currentElement.updateFromParserState(); /* check and update recovered state based on current token, this action is also performed when shifting token after recovery got activated once. */ this.recoveryTokenCheck(); } protected void updateSourceDeclarationParts(int variableDeclaratorsCounter) { //fields is a definition of fields that are grouped together like in //public int[] a, b[], c //which results into 3 fields. FieldDeclaration field; int endTypeDeclarationPosition = -1 + this.astStack[this.astPtr - variableDeclaratorsCounter + 1].sourceStart; for (int i = 0; i < variableDeclaratorsCounter - 1; i++) { //last one is special(see below) field = (FieldDeclaration) this.astStack[this.astPtr - i - 1]; field.endPart1Position = endTypeDeclarationPosition; field.endPart2Position = -1 + this.astStack[this.astPtr - i].sourceStart; } //last one (field = (FieldDeclaration) this.astStack[this.astPtr]).endPart1Position = endTypeDeclarationPosition; field.endPart2Position = field.declarationSourceEnd; } protected void updateSourcePosition(Expression exp) { //update the source Position of the expression //this.intStack : int int //--> //this.intStack : exp.sourceEnd = this.intStack[this.intPtr--]; exp.sourceStart = this.intStack[this.intPtr--]; } }