/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2007, 2011 BEA Systems, Inc. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * * Contributors: * wharley@bea.com - initial API and implementation * IBM Corporation - Fix for bug 341494 *******************************************************************************/ package org.eclipse.jdt.compiler.apt.tests.processors.elementutils; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import javax.annotation.processing.RoundEnvironment; import javax.annotation.processing.SupportedAnnotationTypes; import javax.annotation.processing.SupportedSourceVersion; import javax.lang.model.SourceVersion; import javax.lang.model.element.AnnotationMirror; import javax.lang.model.element.AnnotationValue; import javax.lang.model.element.Element; import javax.lang.model.element.ElementKind; import javax.lang.model.element.ExecutableElement; import javax.lang.model.element.TypeElement; import javax.lang.model.element.VariableElement; import javax.lang.model.util.ElementFilter; import javax.lang.model.util.Elements; import org.eclipse.jdt.compiler.apt.tests.processors.base.BaseProcessor; /** * A processor that exercises the methods on the Elements utility. To enable this processor, add * -Aorg.eclipse.jdt.compiler.apt.tests.processors.elementutils.ElementUtilsProc to the command line. * @since 3.3 */ @SupportedAnnotationTypes("*") @SupportedSourceVersion(SourceVersion.RELEASE_6) public class ElementUtilsProc extends BaseProcessor { // Initialized in collectElements() private TypeElement _elementF; private TypeElement _elementConstants; private TypeElement _elementFChild; private TypeElement _elementFEnum; private TypeElement _elementG; private TypeElement _elementH; private TypeElement _elementJ; private TypeElement _elementAnnoX; private ExecutableElement _annoXValue; private TypeElement _elementAnnoY; private ExecutableElement _annoYValue; // Always return false from this processor, because it supports "*". // The return value does not signify success or failure! @Override public boolean process(Set<? extends TypeElement> annotations, RoundEnvironment roundEnv) { if (roundEnv.processingOver()) { // We're not interested in the postprocessing round. return false; } Map<String, String> options = processingEnv.getOptions(); if (!options.containsKey(this.getClass().getName())) { // Disable this processor unless we are intentionally performing the test. return false; } if (!collectElements()) { return false; } if (!examineGetAllAnnotations()) { return false; } if (!examineGetAllMembers()) { return false; } if (!examineIsDeprecated()) { return false; } if (!examineBinaryName()) { return false; } if (!examineGetDocComment()) { return false; } if (!examineHidesField()) { return false; } if (!examineHidesClass()) { return false; } if (!examineHidesMethod()) { return false; } if (!examineOverrides()) { return false; } if (!examineGetConstantExpression()) { return false; } reportSuccess(); return false; } /** * Collect some elements that will be reused in various tests * @return true if successful */ private boolean collectElements() { _elementF = _elementUtils.getTypeElement("targets.model.pc.F"); if (_elementF == null || _elementF.getKind() != ElementKind.CLASS) { reportError("element F was not found or was not a class"); return false; } _elementFChild = _elementUtils.getTypeElement("targets.model.pc.F.FChild"); if (_elementFChild == null || _elementFChild.getKind() != ElementKind.CLASS) { reportError("element FChild was not found or was not a class"); return false; } _elementFEnum = _elementUtils.getTypeElement("targets.model.pc.F.FEnum"); if (_elementFEnum == null || _elementFEnum.getKind() != ElementKind.ENUM) { reportError("enum F.FEnum was not found or was not an enum"); return false; } _elementG = _elementUtils.getTypeElement("targets.model.pc.G"); if (_elementG == null || _elementG.getKind() != ElementKind.CLASS) { reportError("element G was not found or was not a class"); return false; } _elementH = _elementUtils.getTypeElement("targets.model.pc.H"); if (_elementH == null || _elementH.getKind() != ElementKind.CLASS) { reportError("element H was not found or was not a class"); return false; } _elementJ = _elementUtils.getTypeElement("targets.model.pc.J"); if (_elementJ == null || _elementJ.getKind() != ElementKind.CLASS) { reportError("element J was not found or was not a class"); return false; } _elementAnnoX = _elementUtils.getTypeElement("targets.model.pc.AnnoX"); if (null == _elementAnnoX || _elementAnnoX.getKind() != ElementKind.ANNOTATION_TYPE) { reportError("annotation type annoX was not found or was not an annotation"); return false; } for (ExecutableElement method : ElementFilter.methodsIn(_elementAnnoX.getEnclosedElements())) { if ("value".equals(method.getSimpleName().toString())) { _annoXValue = method; } } if (null == _annoXValue) { reportError("Could not find value() method in annotation type AnnoX"); return false; } _elementAnnoY = _elementUtils.getTypeElement("targets.model.pc.AnnoY"); if (null == _elementAnnoY || _elementAnnoY.getKind() != ElementKind.ANNOTATION_TYPE) { reportError("annotation type annoY was not found or was not an annotation"); return false; } for (ExecutableElement method : ElementFilter.methodsIn(_elementAnnoY.getEnclosedElements())) { if ("value".equals(method.getSimpleName().toString())) { _annoYValue = method; } } if (null == _annoYValue) { reportError("Could not find value() method in annotation type AnnoY"); return false; } _elementConstants = _elementUtils.getTypeElement("targets.model.pc.Constants"); if (_elementConstants == null || _elementConstants.getKind() != ElementKind.CLASS) { reportError("_elementConstants was not found or was not a class"); return false; } return true; } /** * Test the {@link Elements#getAllAnnotationMirrors()} method * @return true if all tests passed */ private boolean examineGetAllAnnotations() { List<? extends AnnotationMirror> annotationsH = _elementUtils.getAllAnnotationMirrors(_elementH); if (null == annotationsH) { reportError("examineGetAllAnnotations: getAllAnnotationMirrors(_elementH) returned null"); return false; } // H has AnnoY("on H"), G has AnnoX("on G"), and F has hidden AnnoY("on F"). int foundF = 0; int foundG = 0; int foundH = 0; for (AnnotationMirror anno : annotationsH) { Map<? extends ExecutableElement, ? extends AnnotationValue> values = anno.getElementValues(); AnnotationValue valueY = values.get(_annoYValue); if (null != valueY) { if ("on F".equals(valueY.getValue())) { foundF++; } else if ("on H".equals(valueY.getValue())) { foundH++; } else { reportError("examineGetAllAnnotations: unexpected value for annotation AnnoY"); return false; } } else { AnnotationValue valueX = values.get(_annoXValue); if (null != valueX) { if ("on G".equals(valueX.getValue())) { foundG++; } else { reportError("examineGetAllAnnotations: unexpected value for annotation AnnoX"); return false; } } else { reportError("examineGetAllAnnotations: getAllAnnotationMirrors(_elementH) returned a mirror with no value()"); return false; } } } if (0 != foundF || 1 != foundG || 1 != foundH) { reportError("examineGetAllAnnotations: getAllAnnotationMirrors() found wrong number of annotations on H"); return false; } return true; } /** * Test the {@link Elements#getAllMembers()} method * @return true if all tests passed */ private boolean examineGetAllMembers() { List<? extends Element> members = _elementUtils.getAllMembers(_elementG); if (null == members) { reportError("examineGetAllMembers: getAllMembers(_elementG) returned null"); return false; } // G member list should contain Object methods, e.g., hashCode() boolean foundHashCode = false; for (ExecutableElement method : ElementFilter.methodsIn(members)) { if ("hashCode".equals(method.getSimpleName().toString())) { foundHashCode = true; break; } } if (!foundHashCode) { reportError("examineGetAllMembers: getAllMembers(_elementG) did not include method hashCode()"); return false; } // G member list should contain F's nested FChild class boolean foundFChild = false; for (TypeElement type : ElementFilter.typesIn(members)) { if (type.equals(_elementFChild)) { foundFChild = true; break; } } if (!foundFChild) { reportError("examineGetAllMembers: getAllMembers(_elementG) did not include class FChild"); return false; } // G member list should contain F's _fieldT1_protected // G member list should not contain F's _fieldT1_private, because it is hidden boolean foundFProtectedField = false; for (VariableElement field : ElementFilter.fieldsIn(members)) { if ("_fieldT1_protected".equals(field.getSimpleName().toString())) { foundFProtectedField = true; } else if ("_fieldT1_private".equals(field.getSimpleName().toString())) { reportError("examineGetAllMembers: getAllMembers(_elementG) included the private inherited field _fieldT1_private"); return false; } } if (!foundFProtectedField) { reportError("examineGetAllMembers: getAllMembers(_elementG) did not return the protected inherited field _fieldT1_protected"); return false; } // G member list should contain G() constructor // G member list should not contain F() constructor boolean foundGConstructor = false; for (ExecutableElement method : ElementFilter.constructorsIn(members)) { Element enclosing = method.getEnclosingElement(); if (_elementG.equals(enclosing)) { foundGConstructor = true; } else { reportError("examineGetAllMembers: getAllMembers(_elementG) returned a constructor for an element other than G"); return false; } } if (!foundGConstructor) { reportError("examineGetAllMembers: getAllMembers(_elementG) did not include G's constructor"); return false; } // G member list should contain G's method_T1(String) // G member list should not contain F's method_T1(T1), because it is overridden by G boolean foundGMethodT1 = false; for (ExecutableElement method : ElementFilter.methodsIn(members)) { Element enclosing = method.getEnclosingElement(); if ("method_T1".equals(method.getSimpleName().toString())) { if (_elementG.equals(enclosing)) { foundGMethodT1 = true; } else { reportError("examineGetAllMembers: getAllMembers(_elementG) included an overridden version of method_T1()"); return false; } } } if (!foundGMethodT1) { reportError("examineGetAllMembers: getAllMembers(_elementG) did not include G's method_T1(String)"); return false; } return true; } /** * Test the {@link Elements#isDeprecated()} method * @return true if all tests passed */ private boolean examineIsDeprecated() { Element _deprecatedElem = _elementUtils.getTypeElement("targets.model.pc.Deprecation"); if (null == _deprecatedElem) { reportError("examineIsDeprecated: Couldn't find targets.model.pc.Deprecation"); return false; } ExecutableElement methodDeprecated = null; ExecutableElement methodNotDeprecated = null; for (ExecutableElement method : ElementFilter.methodsIn(_deprecatedElem.getEnclosedElements())) { if ("deprecatedMethod".equals(method.getSimpleName().toString())) { methodDeprecated = method; } else if ("nonDeprecatedMethod".equals(method.getSimpleName().toString())) { methodNotDeprecated = method; } } if (null == methodDeprecated || null == methodNotDeprecated) { reportError("examineIsDeprecated: Could not find methods Deprecation.deprecatedMethod() or Deprecation.nonDeprecatedMethod()"); return false; } if (_elementUtils.isDeprecated(methodNotDeprecated)) { reportError("examineIsDeprecated: ElementUtils.isDeprecated(Deprecation.nonDeprecatedMethod()) is true"); return false; } if (!_elementUtils.isDeprecated(methodDeprecated)) { reportError("examineIsDeprecated: ElementUtils.isDeprecated(Deprecation.deprecatedMethod()) is false"); return false; } TypeElement classDeprecated = null; TypeElement classNotDeprecated = null; TypeElement interfaceDeprecated = null; TypeElement interfaceNotDeprecated = null; for (TypeElement type : ElementFilter.typesIn(_deprecatedElem.getEnclosedElements())) { if ("deprecatedClass".equals(type.getSimpleName().toString())) { classDeprecated = type; } else if ("nonDeprecatedClass".equals(type.getSimpleName().toString())) { classNotDeprecated = type; } else if ("deprecatedInterface".equals(type.getSimpleName().toString())) { interfaceDeprecated = type; } else if ("nonDeprecatedInterface".equals(type.getSimpleName().toString())) { interfaceNotDeprecated = type; } } if (null == classDeprecated || null == classNotDeprecated) { reportError("examineIsDeprecated: Could not find methods Deprecation.deprecatedClass() or Deprecation.nonDeprecatedClass()"); return false; } if (null == interfaceDeprecated || null == interfaceNotDeprecated) { reportError("examineIsDeprecated: Could not find methods Deprecation.deprecatedInterface() or Deprecation.nonDeprecatedInterface()"); return false; } if (_elementUtils.isDeprecated(classNotDeprecated)) { reportError("examineIsDeprecated: ElementUtils.isDeprecated(Deprecation.nonDeprecatedClass()) is true"); return false; } if (!_elementUtils.isDeprecated(classDeprecated)) { reportError("examineIsDeprecated: ElementUtils.isDeprecated(Deprecation.deprecatedClass()) is false"); return false; } if (_elementUtils.isDeprecated(interfaceNotDeprecated)) { reportError("examineIsDeprecated: ElementUtils.isDeprecated(Deprecation.nonDeprecatedInterface()) is true"); return false; } if (!_elementUtils.isDeprecated(interfaceDeprecated)) { reportError("examineIsDeprecated: ElementUtils.isDeprecated(Deprecation.deprecatedInterface()) is false"); return false; } TypeElement deprecatedInnerClass = _elementUtils.getTypeElement("targets.model.pc.Deprecation.deprecatedClass"); if (null == deprecatedInnerClass) { reportError("examineIsDeprecated: Couldn't find class Deprecation.deprecatedClass"); return false; } return true; } /** * Test the {@link Elements#getBinaryName(TypeElement)} method * @return true if all tests passed */ private boolean examineBinaryName() { final String refNameF = "targets.model.pc.F"; final String refBNameFChild = "targets.model.pc.F$FChild"; final String refBNameFEnum = "targets.model.pc.F$FEnum"; String bnameF = _elementUtils.getBinaryName(_elementF).toString(); if (!refNameF.equals(bnameF)) { reportError("examineBinaryName: getBinaryName(F) should be " + refNameF + ", was: " + bnameF); return false; } String bnameFChild = _elementUtils.getBinaryName(_elementFChild).toString(); if (!refBNameFChild.equals(bnameFChild)) { reportError("examineBinaryName: getBinaryName(F) should be " + refBNameFChild + ", was: " + bnameF); return false; } String bnameFEnum = _elementUtils.getBinaryName(_elementFEnum).toString(); if (!refBNameFEnum.equals(bnameFEnum)) { reportError("examineBinaryName: getBinaryName(F) should be " + refBNameFEnum + ", was: " + bnameF); return false; } return true; } /** * Test the {@link Elements#getDocComment(TypeElement)} method * @return true if all tests passed */ private boolean examineGetDocComment() { // Javadoc for element F and its enclosed elements - map of element simple name to javadoc Map<String, String> nameToDoc = new HashMap<String, String>(); nameToDoc.put("F", " Javadoc on element F\n @param <T1> a type parameter\n"); nameToDoc.put("FChild", " Javadoc on nested element FChild\n"); nameToDoc.put("FEnum", " Javadoc on nested enum FEnum\n Two lines long\n"); nameToDoc.put("FChildI", " Javadoc on nested interface FChildI\n" + "\tthis line has tab after asterisk and ends with another tab\t\n" + "\tthis one too\t\n" + " this line has three spaces after asterisk and ends with three spaces \n" + " this line has only one space before the asterisk\n"); nameToDoc.put("_fieldT1_protected", "Javadoc on field _fieldT1_protected, inline format "); nameToDoc.put("_fieldT1_private", "\n" + " Javadoc on _fieldT1_private\n" + " this line starts with two spaces, no asterisk\n" + "\tThis line starts, contains\tand ends with a tab\t\n" + " \t \t This line starts with a space, tab, space, tab, space\n"); nameToDoc.put("fieldInt", null); nameToDoc.put("method_T1", " Javadoc on F.method_T1\n"); nameToDoc.put("method_String", null); nameToDoc.put("getAnonymousObjectAbstract", ""); nameToDoc.put("add", "\n @add(int)\n"); nameToDoc.put("foo", "\n Creates a new instance of AllChecks \n"); nameToDoc.put("bar", " @bar\t(int)\n"); nameToDoc.put("bar2", "\t@bar2(int)\n"); nameToDoc.put("m", "\t\tMethod\tm\n"); nameToDoc.put("m1", "This is a comment for the method m1,\n" + " it is on two lines\n"); nameToDoc.put("m2", "Another comment - starts on first line and\n" + " continue on the second line "); nameToDoc.put("m3", " One more test case that.\n" + " needs\n" + " to be verified.\n" + "\n" + " An empty line with no spaces need to be seen as an empty line.\n" + "\n" + " End of the comment.\n"); String actual = _elementUtils.getDocComment(_elementF); String expected = nameToDoc.get("F"); if (!expected.equals(actual)) { reportError("examineGetDocComment: Unexpected result from getDocComment(F): " + actual); return false; } for (Element e : _elementF.getEnclosedElements()) { String name = e.getSimpleName().toString(); if (nameToDoc.containsKey(name)) { actual = _elementUtils.getDocComment(e); expected = nameToDoc.get(name); if (expected == null && actual != null) { reportError("examineGetDocComment: Expected getDocComment(" + name + ") to return null, but got " + _elementUtils.getDocComment(e)); return false; } else if (expected != null) { if (!expected.equals(actual)) { reportError("examineGetDocComment: Unexpected result from getDocComment(" + name + "): " + _elementUtils.getDocComment(e)); return false; } } } } return true; } /** * Test the {@link Elements#hides(Element, Element)} method for fields * @return true if all tests passed */ private boolean examineHidesField() { VariableElement fieldIntJ = null; VariableElement fieldIntH = null; VariableElement fieldIntG = null; VariableElement fieldIntF = null; ExecutableElement methodFieldIntJ = null; for (VariableElement field : ElementFilter.fieldsIn(_elementF.getEnclosedElements())) { if ("fieldInt".equals(field.getSimpleName().toString())) { fieldIntF = field; break; } } for (VariableElement field : ElementFilter.fieldsIn(_elementG.getEnclosedElements())) { if ("fieldInt".equals(field.getSimpleName().toString())) { fieldIntG = field; break; } } for (VariableElement field : ElementFilter.fieldsIn(_elementH.getEnclosedElements())) { if ("fieldInt".equals(field.getSimpleName().toString())) { fieldIntH = field; break; } } for (VariableElement field : ElementFilter.fieldsIn(_elementJ.getEnclosedElements())) { if ("fieldInt".equals(field.getSimpleName().toString())) { fieldIntJ = field; break; } } for (ExecutableElement method : ElementFilter.methodsIn(_elementJ.getEnclosedElements())) { if ("fieldInt".equals(method.getSimpleName().toString())) { methodFieldIntJ = method; break; } } if (null == fieldIntJ || null == fieldIntH || null == fieldIntG || null == fieldIntF) { reportError("examineHidesField: Failed to find field \"fieldInt\" in either F, G, H, or J"); return false; } if (null == methodFieldIntJ) { reportError("examineHidesField: Failed to find method \"fieldInt()\" in J"); return false; } // Should hide: if (!_elementUtils.hides(fieldIntH, fieldIntF)) { reportError("examineHidesField: H.fieldInt should hide F.fieldInt"); return false; } // Should not hide: if (_elementUtils.hides(fieldIntF, fieldIntF)) { reportError("examineHidesField: F.fieldInt should not hide itself"); return false; } if (_elementUtils.hides(fieldIntF, fieldIntG)) { reportError("examineHidesField: F.fieldInt should not hide G.fieldInt"); return false; } if (!_elementUtils.hides(fieldIntG, fieldIntF)) { reportError("examineHidesField: G.fieldInt should hide F.fieldInt"); return false; } if (_elementUtils.hides(fieldIntJ, fieldIntG)) { reportError("examineHidesField: J.fieldInt should not hide G.fieldInt"); return false; } if (_elementUtils.hides(fieldIntJ, methodFieldIntJ)) { reportError("examineHidesField: field J.fieldInt should not hide method J.fieldInt()"); return false; } return true; } /** * Test the {@link Elements#getConstantExpression(Object)} method for fields * @return true if all tests passed */ private boolean examineGetConstantExpression() { for (VariableElement field : ElementFilter.fieldsIn(_elementConstants.getEnclosedElements())) { Object constantValue = field.getConstantValue(); if (constantValue instanceof String) { String constantExpression = _elementUtils.getConstantExpression(constantValue); if (constantExpression == null || constantExpression.charAt(0) != '\"' || constantExpression.charAt(constantExpression.length() - 1) != '\"') { reportError("Unexpected value for String: " + String.valueOf(constantExpression)); return false; } } else if (constantValue instanceof Character) { String constantExpression = _elementUtils.getConstantExpression(constantValue); if (constantExpression == null || constantExpression.charAt(0) != '\'' || constantExpression.charAt(constantExpression.length() - 1) != '\'') { reportError("Unexpected value for Character: " + String.valueOf(constantExpression)); return false; } } else { String constantExpression = _elementUtils.getConstantExpression(constantValue); if (constantExpression == null) { reportError("Constant expression is null"); return false; } } } return true; } /** * Test the {@link Elements#hides(Element, Element)} method for nested classes * @return true if all tests passed */ private boolean examineHidesClass() { TypeElement elementFChildOnF = null; TypeElement elementFChildOnH = null; TypeElement elementFOnJ = null; TypeElement elementFChildOnJ = null; TypeElement elementIFChildOnIF = null; TypeElement elementIFChildOnH = null; TypeElement elementIF = _elementUtils.getTypeElement("targets.model.pc.IF"); for (TypeElement element : ElementFilter.typesIn(elementIF.getEnclosedElements())) { String name = element.getSimpleName().toString(); if ("IFChild".equals(name)) { elementIFChildOnIF = element; break; } } for (TypeElement element : ElementFilter.typesIn(_elementF.getEnclosedElements())) { String name = element.getSimpleName().toString(); if ("FChild".equals(name)) { elementFChildOnF = element; break; } } for (TypeElement element : ElementFilter.typesIn(_elementH.getEnclosedElements())) { String name = element.getSimpleName().toString(); if ("FChild".equals(name)) { elementFChildOnH = element; } else if ("IFChild".equals(name)) { elementIFChildOnH = element; } } for (TypeElement element : ElementFilter.typesIn(_elementJ.getEnclosedElements())) { String name = element.getSimpleName().toString(); if ("FChild".equals(name)) { elementFChildOnJ = element; } else if ("F".equals(name)) { elementFOnJ = element; } } Element elementFPackage = _elementF.getEnclosingElement(); // Should hide: if (!_elementUtils.hides(elementFChildOnH, elementFChildOnF)) { reportError("examineHidesClass: H.FChild should hide F.FChild"); return false; } if (!_elementUtils.hides(elementIFChildOnH, elementIFChildOnIF)) { reportError("examineHidesClass: H.IFChild should hide IF.IFChild"); return false; } // Should not hide: if (_elementUtils.hides(elementFChildOnF, elementFChildOnF)) { reportError("examineHidesClass: F.FChild should not hide itself"); return false; } if (_elementUtils.hides(elementIFChildOnH, elementFChildOnF)) { reportError("examineHidesClass: H.IFChild should not hide F.FChild"); return false; } if (_elementUtils.hides(elementFChildOnF, elementFChildOnH)) { reportError("examineHidesClass: F.FChild should not hide H.FChild"); return false; } if (_elementUtils.hides(elementFChildOnJ, elementFChildOnF)) { reportError("examineHidesClass: J.FChild should not hide F.FChild"); return false; } if (_elementUtils.hides(_elementF, elementFOnJ)) { reportError("examineHidesClass: J.F should not hide F"); return false; } if (_elementUtils.hides(_elementF, elementFPackage) || _elementUtils.hides(elementFPackage, _elementF)) { reportError("examineHidesClass: F should not hide its enclosing package, and vice versa"); return false; } return true; } /** * Test the {@link Elements#hides(Element, Element)} method for methods * @return true if all tests passed */ private boolean examineHidesMethod() { ExecutableElement methodStaticOnF = null; ExecutableElement methodStatic2OnF = null; ExecutableElement methodT1OnF = null; ExecutableElement methodStaticOnG = null; ExecutableElement methodT1OnG = null; ExecutableElement methodStaticOnH = null; ExecutableElement methodStaticIntOnH = null; ExecutableElement methodStaticOnJ = null; for (ExecutableElement method : ElementFilter.methodsIn(_elementF.getEnclosedElements())) { String name = method.getSimpleName().toString(); if ("staticMethod".equals(name)) { methodStaticOnF = method; } else if ("staticMethod2".equals(name)) { methodStatic2OnF = method; } else if ("method_T1".equals(name)) { methodT1OnF = method; } } for (ExecutableElement method : ElementFilter.methodsIn(_elementG.getEnclosedElements())) { String name = method.getSimpleName().toString(); if ("staticMethod".equals(name)) { methodStaticOnG = method; } else if ("method_T1".equals(name)) { methodT1OnG = method; } } for (ExecutableElement method : ElementFilter.methodsIn(_elementH.getEnclosedElements())) { String name = method.getSimpleName().toString(); if ("staticMethod".equals(name)) { if (method.getParameters().isEmpty()) { methodStaticOnH = method; } else { methodStaticIntOnH = method; } } } for (ExecutableElement method : ElementFilter.methodsIn(_elementJ.getEnclosedElements())) { String name = method.getSimpleName().toString(); if ("staticMethod".equals(name)) { methodStaticOnJ = method; break; } } if (methodStaticOnF == null || methodStatic2OnF == null || methodT1OnF == null) { reportError("examineHidesMethod: Failed to find an expected method on F"); return false; } if (methodStaticOnG == null || methodT1OnG == null) { reportError("examineHidesMethod: Failed to find an expected method on G"); return false; } if (methodStaticOnH == null || methodStaticIntOnH == null) { reportError("examineHidesMethod: Failed to find an expected method on H"); return false; } if (methodStaticOnJ == null) { reportError("examineHidesMethod: Failed to find an expected method on J"); return false; } // The should-hide cases if (!_elementUtils.hides(methodStaticOnH, methodStaticOnG)) { reportError("examineHidesMethod: H.staticMethod() should hide G.staticMethod()"); return false; } // The should-not-hide cases if (_elementUtils.hides(methodStaticOnG, methodStaticOnG)) { reportError("examineHidesMethod: G.staticMethod() should not hide itself"); return false; } if (_elementUtils.hides(methodStaticOnG, methodStaticOnF)) { reportError("examineHidesMethod: G.staticMethod() should not hide (private) F.staticMethod()"); return false; } if (_elementUtils.hides(methodStaticOnG, methodStaticOnH)) { reportError("examineHidesMethod: G.staticMethod() should not hide H.staticMethod()"); return false; } if (_elementUtils.hides(methodStaticOnG, methodStatic2OnF)) { reportError("examineHidesMethod: G.staticMethod() should not hide F.staticMethod2()"); return false; } if (_elementUtils.hides(methodStaticOnJ, methodStaticOnG)) { reportError("examineHidesMethod: J.staticMethod() should not hide G.staticMethod()"); return false; } if (_elementUtils.hides(methodStaticIntOnH, methodStaticOnG)) { reportError("examineHidesMethod: H.staticMethod(int) should not hide G.staticMethod()"); return false; } if (_elementUtils.hides(methodT1OnG, methodT1OnF)) { reportError("examineHidesMethod: G.methodT1() should not hide F.methodT1(), because they aren't static (JLS"); return false; } return true; } /** * Test the {@link Elements#overrides(ExecutableElement, ExecutableElement, TypeElement)} implementation * @return true if all tests passed */ private boolean examineOverrides() { // D extends (C extends A implements B). X is unrelated. TypeElement typeA = _elementUtils.getTypeElement("targets.model.pc.Overriding.A"); TypeElement typeB = _elementUtils.getTypeElement("targets.model.pc.Overriding.B"); TypeElement typeC = _elementUtils.getTypeElement("targets.model.pc.Overriding.C"); TypeElement typeD = _elementUtils.getTypeElement("targets.model.pc.Overriding.D"); TypeElement typeX = _elementUtils.getTypeElement("targets.model.pc.F"); if (typeA == null || typeB == null || typeC == null || typeD == null) { reportError("Unable to find types in targets.model.pc.Overriding"); return false; } ExecutableElement methodAF = null; ExecutableElement methodAG = null; ExecutableElement methodAH = null; ExecutableElement methodAJ = null; ExecutableElement methodBF = null; ExecutableElement methodBG = null; ExecutableElement methodBH = null; ExecutableElement methodCH = null; ExecutableElement methodDF = null; ExecutableElement methodDG = null; ExecutableElement methodDJ = null; ExecutableElement methodXF = null; for (ExecutableElement method : ElementFilter.methodsIn(typeA.getEnclosedElements())) { String name = method.getSimpleName().toString(); if ("f".equals(name)) { methodAF = method; } else if ("g".equals(name)) { methodAG = method; } else if ("h".equals(name)) { methodAH = method; } else if ("j".equals(name)) { methodAJ = method; } } for (ExecutableElement method : ElementFilter.methodsIn(typeB.getEnclosedElements())) { String name = method.getSimpleName().toString(); if ("f".equals(name)) { methodBF = method; } else if ("g".equals(name)) { methodBG = method; } else if ("h".equals(name)) { methodBH = method; } } for (ExecutableElement method : ElementFilter.methodsIn(typeC.getEnclosedElements())) { String name = method.getSimpleName().toString(); if ("h".equals(name)) { methodCH = method; break; } } for (ExecutableElement method : ElementFilter.methodsIn(typeD.getEnclosedElements())) { String name = method.getSimpleName().toString(); if ("f".equals(name)) { methodDF = method; } else if ("g".equals(name)) { methodDG = method; } else if ("j".equals(name)) { methodDJ = method; } } for (ExecutableElement method : ElementFilter.methodsIn(typeX.getEnclosedElements())) { String name = method.getSimpleName().toString(); if ("f".equals(name)) { methodXF = method; break; } } if (null == methodAF || null == methodAG || null == methodAH || null == methodAJ || null == methodBF || null == methodBG || null == methodBH || null == methodCH || null == methodDF || null == methodDG || null == methodDJ || null == methodXF) { reportError("examineOverrides: could not find some methods"); return false; } // Should override: if (!_elementUtils.overrides(methodAF, methodBF, typeC)) { reportError("examineOverrides: A.f() should override B.f() in the context of C"); return false; } if (!_elementUtils.overrides(methodCH, methodAH, typeC)) { reportError("examineOverrides: C.h() should override A.h() in the context of C"); return false; } if (!_elementUtils.overrides(methodCH, methodAH, typeD)) { reportError("examineOverrides: C.h() should override A.h() in the context of D"); return false; } if (!_elementUtils.overrides(methodDF, methodBF, typeD)) { reportError("examineOverrides: D.f() should override B.f() in the context of D"); return false; } if (!_elementUtils.overrides(methodDG, methodBG, typeD)) { reportError("examineOverrides: D.g() should override B.g() in the context of D"); return false; } if (!_elementUtils.overrides(methodDJ, methodAJ, typeD)) { reportError("examineOverrides: D.j() should override A.j() in the context of D"); return false; } if (!_elementUtils.overrides(methodAH, methodBH, typeC)) { reportError("examineOverrides: A.h() should override B.h() in the context of C (even though C.h does too)"); return false; } // Should not override: if (_elementUtils.overrides(methodAF, methodAF, typeA)) { reportError("examineOverrides: A.f() should not override itself in the context of A"); return false; } if (_elementUtils.overrides(methodAF, methodAF, typeC)) { reportError("examineOverrides: A.f() should not override itself in the context of C"); return false; } if (_elementUtils.overrides(methodAF, methodBF, typeA)) { reportError("examineOverrides: A.f() should not override B.f() in the context of A"); return false; } if (_elementUtils.overrides(methodAG, methodBG, typeC)) { reportError("examineOverrides: private A.g() should not override B.g() in the context of C"); return false; } if (_elementUtils.overrides(methodDG, methodAG, typeD)) { reportError("examineOverrides: D.g() should not override private A.g() in the context of D"); return false; } if (_elementUtils.overrides(methodXF, methodAF, typeD)) { reportError("examineOverrides: unrelated X.f() should not override A.f() in the context of D"); return false; } if (_elementUtils.overrides(methodXF, methodBF, typeX)) { reportError("examineOverrides: X.f() should not override unrelated B.f() in the context of X"); return false; } // These cases seem like they should return false, but javac returns true: if (!_elementUtils.overrides(methodDJ, methodAJ, typeC)) { reportError("examineOverrides: to match javac, D.j() should override A.j() in the context of C"); return false; } if (!_elementUtils.overrides(methodDF, methodAF, typeC)) { reportError("examineOverrides: to match javac, D.f() should override A.f() in the context of C"); return false; } if (!_elementUtils.overrides(methodDF, methodBF, typeC)) { reportError("examineOverrides: to match javac, D.f() should override B.f() in the context of C"); return false; } return true; } }