package; import java.util.Map; import org.eclipse.swt.SWT; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Drawer 36 display. */ public class Drawer36Display extends AbstractContainerDisplay { public static final String CONTAINER_NAME = "Drawer 36"; //$NON-NLS-1$ public static final int SQUARE_CELL_WIDTH = 70; public static final int RECTANGLE_CELL_WIDTH = SQUARE_CELL_WIDTH * 2; public static final int RECTANGLE_CELL_HEIGHT = 45; private static final int GRID_WIDTH = 8 * SQUARE_CELL_WIDTH; private static final int GRID_HEIGHT = 3 * SQUARE_CELL_WIDTH + 3 * RECTANGLE_CELL_HEIGHT; public static final int WIDTH = GRID_WIDTH + 10; public static final int HEIGHT = GRID_HEIGHT + 10; private static final int DRAWER_SIZE = 36; public int LEGEND_WIDTH = 70; public static int LEGEND_HEIGHT = 20; @Override public Point getSizeToApply() { int fullHeight = HEIGHT; if (legendStatus != null) { fullHeight += LEGEND_HEIGHT; } return new Point(WIDTH, fullHeight); } @Override protected void paintGrid(PaintEvent e, ContainerDisplayWidget displayWidget) { if (legendStatus != null) { LEGEND_WIDTH = WIDTH / legendStatus.size(); } GC gc = e.gc; int currentX = 0; int rectYTotal = 0; int squareYTotal = 0; int squareXTotal = 0; for (int boxIndex = 1; boxIndex <= DRAWER_SIZE; boxIndex++) { int width = SQUARE_CELL_WIDTH; int height = SQUARE_CELL_WIDTH; int rectXPosition = squareXTotal * SQUARE_CELL_WIDTH; if (boxIndex % 3 == 0) { // rectangle (ex: 03, 06, 09, 12, 15...) rectYTotal++; width = RECTANGLE_CELL_WIDTH; height = RECTANGLE_CELL_HEIGHT; currentX = 0; } else { if (currentX == 1) { // second square (ex: 02, 05, 08, 11, 14...) rectXPosition += SQUARE_CELL_WIDTH; } else { // first square (ex: 01, 04, 07, 10, 13...) squareYTotal++; } currentX++; } int rectYPosition = GRID_HEIGHT - (squareYTotal * SQUARE_CELL_WIDTH + rectYTotal * RECTANGLE_CELL_HEIGHT); Rectangle rectangle = new Rectangle(rectXPosition, rectYPosition, width, height); gc.setForeground(e.display.getSystemColor(SWT.COLOR_BLACK)); gc.setBackground(getStatus(displayWidget.getCells(), boxIndex) .getColor()); gc.fillRectangle(rectangle); if (displayWidget.getSelection() != null && (displayWidget.getSelection().getRow() + 1) == boxIndex) { gc.setBackground(e.display.getSystemColor(SWT.COLOR_YELLOW)); gc.fillRectangle(rectangle); } gc.drawRectangle(rectangle); String text = getDefaultTextForBox(displayWidget.getCells(), boxIndex - 1, 0); if (text != null) { drawTextOnCenter(gc, text, rectangle); } if (boxIndex % 9 == 0) { // one column of 9 boxes done squareXTotal += 2; squareYTotal = 0; rectYTotal = 0; } if (displayWidget.getCells() != null) { if (displayWidget.getMultiSelectionManager().isEnabled()) { AbstractUICell cell = displayWidget.getCells().get( new RowColPos(boxIndex - 1, 0)); if (cell != null && cell.isSelected()) { Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(rectangle.x + 5, rectangle.y + 5, rectangle.width - 10, rectangle.height - 10); Color color = e.display.getSystemColor(SWT.COLOR_BLUE); e.gc.setForeground(color); e.gc.drawRectangle(rect); } } } } if (legendStatus != null) { for (int i = 0; i < legendStatus.size(); i++) { UICellStatus status = legendStatus.get(i); drawLegend(e, status.getColor(), i, status.getLegend()); } } } private UICellStatus getStatus( Map<RowColPos, ? extends AbstractUICell> cells, int boxIndex) { UICellStatus status = null; if (cells != null) { status = ((ContainerCell) cells.get(new RowColPos(boxIndex - 1, 0))) .getStatus(); } if (status == null) status = UICellStatus.NOT_INITIALIZED; return status; } /** * Draw the text on the middle of the rectangle */ public void drawTextOnCenter(GC gc, String text, Rectangle rectangle) { Point textSize = gc.textExtent(text); int xTextPosition = (rectangle.width - textSize.x) / 2 + rectangle.x; int yTextPosition = (rectangle.height - textSize.y) / 2 + rectangle.y; gc.drawText(text, xTextPosition, yTextPosition, true); } @Override public RowColPos getPositionAtCoordinates(int x, int y) { int gridCellWidth = RECTANGLE_CELL_WIDTH; int gridCellHeight = SQUARE_CELL_WIDTH + RECTANGLE_CELL_HEIGHT; // get high level position int xGrid = x / (gridCellWidth); int yGrid = y / (gridCellHeight); int cellNum; // get subcell position if (y % gridCellHeight < RECTANGLE_CELL_HEIGHT) cellNum = 9; else if (x % gridCellWidth > SQUARE_CELL_WIDTH) cellNum = 8; else cellNum = 7; // convert subcell to real cell int xGridCellNumOffset = 9; int yGridCellNumOffset = 3; return new RowColPos(cellNum + xGrid * xGridCellNumOffset - yGrid * yGridCellNumOffset - 1, 0); } protected void drawLegend(PaintEvent e, Color color, int index, String text) { e.gc.setBackground(color); int width = LEGEND_WIDTH; int startx = LEGEND_WIDTH * index; int starty = GRID_HEIGHT + 4; Rectangle rectangle = new Rectangle(startx, starty, width, LEGEND_HEIGHT); e.gc.fillRectangle(rectangle); e.gc.drawRectangle(rectangle); drawTextOnCenter(e.gc, text, rectangle); } @Override public Point computeSize(int wHint, int hHint, boolean changed) { int fullHeight = HEIGHT; if (legendStatus != null) { fullHeight += LEGEND_HEIGHT; } return new Point(WIDTH, fullHeight); } }