package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import gov.nih.nci.system.applicationservice.ApplicationException; import gov.nih.nci.system.applicationservice.WritableApplicationService; import gov.nih.nci.system.query.hibernate.HQLCriteria; public class CollectionEventWrapper extends CollectionEventBaseWrapper { private static final CollectionEventLogProvider LOG_PROVIDER = new CollectionEventLogProvider(); private static final String HAS_SPECIMENS_MSG = Messages .getString("CollectionEventWrapper.has_specimen_delete_msg"); //$NON-NLS-1$ private static final Collection<Property<?, ? super CollectionEvent>> UNIQUE_VISIT_NUMBER_PROPS; static { Collection<Property<?, ? super CollectionEvent>> tmp = new ArrayList<Property<?, ? super CollectionEvent>>(); tmp.add(; tmp.add(CollectionEventPeer.VISIT_NUMBER); UNIQUE_VISIT_NUMBER_PROPS = Collections.unmodifiableCollection(tmp); }; private Map<String, StudyEventAttrWrapper> studyEventAttrMap; private Map<String, EventAttrWrapper> eventAttrMap; public CollectionEventWrapper(WritableApplicationService appService) { super(appService); } public CollectionEventWrapper(WritableApplicationService appService, CollectionEvent wrappedObject) { super(appService, wrappedObject); } private void removeFromSpecimenCollections( List<? extends SpecimenBaseWrapper> specimenCollection) { // super.removeFromAllSpecimenCollection(specimenCollection); is not // called because it will set the collectionEvent of specimens to null // Since hibernate will check that it is not null, it is a problem. // Specimens are deleted after that, so that's ok to keep the cevent // reference removeFromWrapperCollection( CollectionEventPeer.ALL_SPECIMENS, specimenCollection); removeFromWrapperCollection( CollectionEventPeer.ORIGINAL_SPECIMENS, specimenCollection); } private void removeFromSpecimenCollectionsWithCheck( List<? extends SpecimenBaseWrapper> specimenCollection) throws BiobankCheckException { super.removeFromAllSpecimenCollectionWithCheck(specimenCollection); super.removeFromOriginalSpecimenCollectionWithCheck(specimenCollection); } @Override public void removeFromAllSpecimenCollection( List<? extends SpecimenBaseWrapper> specCollection) { removeFromSpecimenCollections(specCollection); } @Override public void removeFromOriginalSpecimenCollection( List<? extends SpecimenBaseWrapper> specCollection) { removeFromSpecimenCollections(specCollection); } @Override public void removeFromAllSpecimenCollectionWithCheck( List<? extends SpecimenBaseWrapper> specCollection) throws BiobankCheckException { removeFromSpecimenCollectionsWithCheck(specCollection); } @Override public void removeFromOriginalSpecimenCollectionWithCheck( List<? extends SpecimenBaseWrapper> specCollection) throws BiobankCheckException { removeFromSpecimenCollectionsWithCheck(specCollection); } @Override public void addToOriginalSpecimenCollection( List<? extends SpecimenBaseWrapper> specs) { super.addToOriginalSpecimenCollection(specs); super.addToAllSpecimenCollection(specs); } @Override public CollectionEventLogProvider getLogProvider() { return LOG_PROVIDER; } private static final String COLLECTION_EVENTS_BY_WAYBILL_QRY = "from " //$NON-NLS-1$ + CollectionEvent.class.getName() + " ce join ce." //$NON-NLS-1$ + CollectionEventPeer.ORIGINAL_SPECIMENS + " as spcs join spcs." + SpecimenPeer.ORIGIN_INFO.getName() //$NON-NLS-1$ + " as oi join oi." + OriginInfoPeer.SHIPMENT_INFO.getName() //$NON-NLS-1$ + " as shipinfo where shipinfo." + ShipmentInfoPeer.WAYBILL + "=?"; //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // TODO: make sure that these count methods are actually correct if the // memory contents have been altered... public static List<CollectionEventWrapper> getCollectionEvents( WritableApplicationService appService, String waybill) throws ApplicationException { HQLCriteria c = new HQLCriteria(COLLECTION_EVENTS_BY_WAYBILL_QRY, Arrays.asList(new Object[] { waybill })); List<CollectionEvent> raw = appService.query(c); if (raw == null) { return new ArrayList<CollectionEventWrapper>(); } return wrapModelCollection(appService, raw, CollectionEventWrapper.class); } private static final String COLLECTION_EVENTS_BY_DATE_RECEIVED_QRY = "from " //$NON-NLS-1$ + CollectionEvent.class.getName() + " ce join ce." //$NON-NLS-1$ + CollectionEventPeer.ORIGINAL_SPECIMENS + " as spcs join spcs." //$NON-NLS-1$ + SpecimenPeer.ORIGIN_INFO.getName() + " as oi join oi." //$NON-NLS-1$ + OriginInfoPeer.SHIPMENT_INFO.getName() + " as shipinfo where shipinfo." + ShipmentInfoPeer.RECEIVED_AT + "=?"; //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ public static List<CollectionEventWrapper> getCollectionEvents( WritableApplicationService appService, Date dateReceived) throws ApplicationException { List<CollectionEvent> raw = appService.query(new HQLCriteria( COLLECTION_EVENTS_BY_DATE_RECEIVED_QRY, Arrays .asList(new Object[] { dateReceived }))); if (raw == null) { return new ArrayList<CollectionEventWrapper>(); } return wrapModelCollection(appService, raw, CollectionEventWrapper.class); } public long getSourceSpecimensCount(boolean fast) throws BiobankException, ApplicationException { return getPropertyCount( CollectionEventPeer.ORIGINAL_SPECIMENS, fast); } public long getAllSpecimensCount(boolean fast) throws BiobankException, ApplicationException { return getPropertyCount(CollectionEventPeer.ALL_SPECIMENS, fast); } private static final String ALIQUOTED_SPECIMEN_COUNT_QRY = "select count(spc) from " //$NON-NLS-1$ + Specimen.class.getName() + " as spc where spc." //$NON-NLS-1$ + Property.concatNames(SpecimenPeer.COLLECTION_EVENT, CollectionEventPeer.ID) + "=? and spc." //$NON-NLS-1$ + SpecimenPeer.PARENT_SPECIMEN.getName() + " is not null"; //$NON-NLS-1$ public long getAliquotedSpecimensCount(boolean fast) throws BiobankException, ApplicationException { long count = 0; if (fast && !isInitialized(CollectionEventPeer.ORIGINAL_SPECIMENS) && !isInitialized(CollectionEventPeer.ALL_SPECIMENS)) { HQLCriteria criteria = new HQLCriteria( ALIQUOTED_SPECIMEN_COUNT_QRY, Arrays.asList(new Object[] { getId() })); count = getCountResult(appService, criteria); } else { count = getAllSpecimensCount(fast) - getSourceSpecimensCount(fast); } return count; } public List<SpecimenWrapper> getAliquotedSpecimenCollection(boolean sort) { List<SpecimenWrapper> aliquotedSpecimens = new ArrayList<SpecimenWrapper>( getAllSpecimenCollection(sort)); aliquotedSpecimens.removeAll(getOriginalSpecimenCollection(false)); return aliquotedSpecimens; } private static String SOURCE_SPEC_IN_PROCESS_NOT_FLAGGED_QRY = "select spec from " //$NON-NLS-1$ + Specimen.class.getName() + " as spec where spec." //$NON-NLS-1$ + Property.concatNames(SpecimenPeer.ORIGINAL_COLLECTION_EVENT, CollectionEventPeer.ID) + " = ? and spec." //$NON-NLS-1$ + Property.concatNames(SpecimenPeer.PROCESSING_EVENT, ProcessingEventPeer.ID) + " = ? and spec.activityStatus != " + ActivityStatus.FLAGGED.getId(); //$NON-NLS-1$ /** * source specimen that are in a process event * * @throws ApplicationException */ public List<SpecimenWrapper> getSourceSpecimenCollectionInProcessNotFlagged( ProcessingEventWrapper pEvent, boolean sort) throws ApplicationException { List<Specimen> raw = appService.query(new HQLCriteria( SOURCE_SPEC_IN_PROCESS_NOT_FLAGGED_QRY, Arrays.asList(new Object[] { getId(), pEvent.getId() }))); if (raw == null) { return new ArrayList<SpecimenWrapper>(); } List<SpecimenWrapper> specs = wrapModelCollection(appService, raw, SpecimenWrapper.class); if (sort) Collections.sort(specs); return specs; } private Map<String, StudyEventAttrWrapper> getStudyEventAttrMap() { if (studyEventAttrMap != null) return studyEventAttrMap; PatientWrapper patient = getPatient(); studyEventAttrMap = new HashMap<String, StudyEventAttrWrapper>(); if (patient != null && patient.getStudy() != null) { Collection<StudyEventAttrWrapper> studyEventAttrCollection = patient .getStudy().getStudyEventAttrCollection(); if (studyEventAttrCollection != null) { for (StudyEventAttrWrapper studyEventAttr : studyEventAttrCollection) { studyEventAttrMap.put(studyEventAttr.getGlobalEventAttr() .getLabel(), studyEventAttr); } } } return studyEventAttrMap; } private Map<String, EventAttrWrapper> getEventAttrMap() { getStudyEventAttrMap(); if (eventAttrMap != null) return eventAttrMap; eventAttrMap = new HashMap<String, EventAttrWrapper>(); List<EventAttrWrapper> pvAttrCollection = getEventAttrCollection(false); if (pvAttrCollection != null) { for (EventAttrWrapper pvAttr : pvAttrCollection) { eventAttrMap.put(pvAttr.getStudyEventAttr() .getGlobalEventAttr().getLabel(), pvAttr); } } return eventAttrMap; } public String[] getEventAttrLabels() { getEventAttrMap(); return eventAttrMap.keySet().toArray(new String[] {}); } public String getEventAttrValue(String label) throws Exception { getEventAttrMap(); EventAttrWrapper pvAttr = eventAttrMap.get(label); if (pvAttr == null) { StudyEventAttrWrapper studyEventAttr = studyEventAttrMap.get(label); // make sure "label" is a valid study pv attr if (studyEventAttr == null) { throw new Exception("StudyEventAttr with label \"" + label //$NON-NLS-1$ + "\" is invalid"); //$NON-NLS-1$ } // not assigned yet so return null return null; } return pvAttr.getValue(); } public String getEventAttrTypeName(String label) throws Exception { getEventAttrMap(); EventAttrWrapper pvAttr = eventAttrMap.get(label); StudyEventAttrWrapper studyEventAttr = null; if (pvAttr != null) { studyEventAttr = pvAttr.getStudyEventAttr(); } else { studyEventAttr = studyEventAttrMap.get(label); // make sure "label" is a valid study pv attr if (studyEventAttr == null) { throw new Exception("StudyEventAttr withr label \"" + label //$NON-NLS-1$ + "\" does not exist"); //$NON-NLS-1$ } } return studyEventAttr.getGlobalEventAttr().getEventAttrType().getName(); } public String[] getEventAttrPermissible(String label) throws Exception { getEventAttrMap(); EventAttrWrapper pvAttr = eventAttrMap.get(label); StudyEventAttrWrapper studyEventAttr = null; if (pvAttr != null) { studyEventAttr = pvAttr.getStudyEventAttr(); } else { studyEventAttr = studyEventAttrMap.get(label); // make sure "label" is a valid study pv attr if (studyEventAttr == null) { throw new Exception("EventAttr for label \"" + label //$NON-NLS-1$ + "\" does not exist"); //$NON-NLS-1$ } } String permissible = studyEventAttr.getPermissible(); if (permissible == null) { return null; } return permissible.split(";"); //$NON-NLS-1$ } /** * Assigns a value to a patient visit attribute. The value is parsed for * correctness. * * @param label The attribute's label. * @param value The value to assign. * @throws Exception when assigning a label of type "select_single" or * "select_multiple" and the value is not one of the permissible * ones. * @throws NumberFormatException when assigning a label of type "number" and * the value is not a valid double number. * @throws ParseException when assigning a label of type "date_time" and the * value is not a valid date and time. * @see * .common.formatters.DateFormatter.DATE_TIME_FORMAT */ public void setEventAttrValue(String label, String value) throws Exception { getEventAttrMap(); EventAttrWrapper pvAttr = eventAttrMap.get(label); StudyEventAttrWrapper studyEventAttr = null; if (pvAttr != null) { studyEventAttr = pvAttr.getStudyEventAttr(); } else { studyEventAttr = studyEventAttrMap.get(label); if (studyEventAttr == null) { throw new Exception("no StudyEventAttr found for label \"" //$NON-NLS-1$ + label + "\""); //$NON-NLS-1$ } } if (ActivityStatus.ACTIVE != studyEventAttr.getActivityStatus()) { throw new Exception("attribute for label \"" + label //$NON-NLS-1$ + "\" is locked, changes not premitted"); //$NON-NLS-1$ } if (value != null) { // validate the value value = value.trim(); if (value.length() > 0) { String type = studyEventAttr.getGlobalEventAttr().getEventAttrType() .getName(); List<String> permissibleSplit = null; if (EventAttrTypeEnum.SELECT_SINGLE.isSameType(type) || EventAttrTypeEnum.SELECT_MULTIPLE.isSameType(type)) { String permissible = studyEventAttr.getPermissible(); if (permissible != null) { permissibleSplit = Arrays .asList(permissible.split(";")); //$NON-NLS-1$ } } if (EventAttrTypeEnum.SELECT_SINGLE.isSameType(type)) { if (!permissibleSplit.contains(value)) { throw new Exception("value " + value //$NON-NLS-1$ + "is invalid for label \"" + label + "\""); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ } } else if (EventAttrTypeEnum.SELECT_MULTIPLE.isSameType(type)) { for (String singleVal : value.split(";")) { //$NON-NLS-1$ if (!permissibleSplit.contains(singleVal)) { throw new Exception("value " + singleVal + " (" //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ + value + ") is invalid for label \"" + label //$NON-NLS-1$ + "\""); //$NON-NLS-1$ } } } else if (EventAttrTypeEnum.NUMBER.isSameType(type)) { Double.parseDouble(value); } else if (EventAttrTypeEnum.DATE_TIME.isSameType(type)) { DateFormatter.dateFormatter.parse(value); } else if (EventAttrTypeEnum.TEXT.isSameType(type)) { // do nothing } else { throw new Exception("type \"" + type + "\" not tested"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ } } } if (pvAttr == null) { pvAttr = new EventAttrWrapper(appService); pvAttr.setCollectionEvent(this); pvAttr.setStudyEventAttr(studyEventAttr); EventAttrWrapper oldValue = eventAttrMap.put(label, pvAttr); if (oldValue != null) { removeFromEventAttrCollection(Arrays.asList(oldValue)); } addToEventAttrCollection(Arrays.asList(pvAttr)); } pvAttr.setValue(value); } @Override public void resetInternalFields() { eventAttrMap = null; studyEventAttrMap = null; } @Override public int compareTo(ModelWrapper<CollectionEvent> wrapper) { if (wrapper instanceof CollectionEventWrapper) { Integer nber1 = wrappedObject.getVisitNumber(); Integer nber2 = wrapper.wrappedObject.getVisitNumber(); if (nber1 != null && nber2 != null) { return nber1.compareTo(nber2); } } return 0; } public static Integer getNextVisitNumber( WritableApplicationService appService, CollectionEventWrapper cevent) throws Exception { HQLCriteria c = new HQLCriteria("select max(ce.visitNumber) from " //$NON-NLS-1$ + CollectionEvent.class.getName() + " ce where", //$NON-NLS-1$ Arrays.asList(cevent.getPatient().getId())); List<Object> result = appService.query(c); if (result == null || result.size() == 0 || result.get(0) == null) return 1; return (Integer) result.get(0) + 1; } @Deprecated @Override protected void addPersistTasks(TaskList tasks) { tasks.add(check().notNull(CollectionEventPeer.VISIT_NUMBER)); tasks.add(check().unique(UNIQUE_VISIT_NUMBER_PROPS)); tasks.deleteRemoved(this, CollectionEventPeer.ALL_SPECIMENS); tasks.deleteRemoved(this, CollectionEventPeer.ORIGINAL_SPECIMENS); super.addPersistTasks(tasks); } @Deprecated @Override protected void addDeleteTasks(TaskList tasks) { tasks.add(check().empty(CollectionEventPeer.ALL_SPECIMENS, HAS_SPECIMENS_MSG)); super.addDeleteTasks(tasks); } @Deprecated public void merge(CollectionEventWrapper p2event) throws Exception { List<SpecimenWrapper> ospecs = p2event .getOriginalSpecimenCollection(false); List<SpecimenWrapper> aspecs = p2event.getAllSpecimenCollection(false); for (SpecimenWrapper aspec : aspecs) { if (ospecs.contains(aspec)) aspec.setOriginalCollectionEvent(this); aspec.setCollectionEvent(this); aspec.persist(); } p2event.delete(); } /** * return true if the user can delete this object */ @Override public boolean canDelete(UserWrapper user, CenterWrapper<?> center, StudyWrapper study) { return super.canDelete(user, center, study) && (getPatient() == null || getPatient().getStudy() == null || user.getCurrentWorkingCenter() == null || user .getCurrentWorkingCenter().getStudyCollection() .contains(getPatient().getStudy())); } /** * return true if the user can edit this object */ @Override public boolean canUpdate(UserWrapper user, CenterWrapper<?> center, StudyWrapper study) { return super.canUpdate(user, center, study) && (getPatient() == null || getPatient().getStudy() == null || user.getCurrentWorkingCenter() == null || user .getCurrentWorkingCenter().getStudyCollection() .contains(getPatient().getStudy())); } public Date getMinSourceSpecimenDate() { Date min = null; for (SpecimenWrapper spec : getOriginalSpecimenCollection(false)) min = (min != null && min.before(spec.getCreatedAt())) ? min : spec .getCreatedAt(); return min; } }