package; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import gov.nih.nci.system.applicationservice.ApplicationException; @Deprecated public class TestContainerLabelingScheme extends TestDatabase { private static final Map<Integer, String> ALPHA; static { Map<Integer, String> aMap = new HashMap<Integer, String>(); aMap.put(0, "A"); aMap.put(1, "B"); aMap.put(2, "C"); aMap.put(3, "D"); aMap.put(4, "E"); aMap.put(5, "F"); aMap.put(6, "G"); aMap.put(7, "H"); aMap.put(8, "I"); aMap.put(9, "J"); aMap.put(10, "K"); aMap.put(11, "L"); aMap.put(12, "M"); aMap.put(13, "N"); aMap.put(14, "O"); aMap.put(15, "P"); aMap.put(16, "Q"); aMap.put(17, "R"); aMap.put(18, "S"); aMap.put(19, "T"); aMap.put(20, "U"); aMap.put(21, "V"); aMap.put(22, "W"); aMap.put(23, "X"); aMap.put(24, "Y"); aMap.put(25, "Z"); ALPHA = Collections.unmodifiableMap(aMap); }; private static final Map<Integer, String> CBSR_ALPHA; static { Map<Integer, String> aMap = new HashMap<Integer, String>(); aMap.put(0, "A"); aMap.put(1, "B"); aMap.put(2, "C"); aMap.put(3, "D"); aMap.put(4, "E"); aMap.put(5, "F"); aMap.put(6, "G"); aMap.put(7, "H"); aMap.put(8, "J"); aMap.put(9, "K"); aMap.put(10, "L"); aMap.put(11, "M"); aMap.put(12, "N"); aMap.put(13, "P"); aMap.put(14, "Q"); aMap.put(15, "R"); aMap.put(16, "S"); aMap.put(17, "T"); aMap.put(18, "U"); aMap.put(19, "V"); aMap.put(20, "W"); aMap.put(21, "X"); aMap.put(22, "Y"); aMap.put(23, "Z"); CBSR_ALPHA = Collections.unmodifiableMap(aMap); }; private static final Map<Integer, String> SBS_ALPHA; static { Map<Integer, String> aMap = new HashMap<Integer, String>(); aMap.put(0, "A"); aMap.put(1, "B"); aMap.put(2, "C"); aMap.put(3, "D"); aMap.put(4, "E"); aMap.put(5, "F"); aMap.put(6, "G"); aMap.put(7, "H"); aMap.put(8, "I"); aMap.put(9, "J"); aMap.put(10, "K"); aMap.put(11, "L"); aMap.put(12, "M"); aMap.put(13, "N"); aMap.put(14, "O"); aMap.put(15, "P"); SBS_ALPHA = Collections.unmodifiableMap(aMap); }; private static final Map<Integer, String> DEWAR_ALPHA; static { Map<Integer, String> aMap = new HashMap<Integer, String>(); aMap.put(0, "A"); aMap.put(1, "B"); aMap.put(2, "C"); aMap.put(3, "D"); DEWAR_ALPHA = Collections.unmodifiableMap(aMap); }; @Override @Before public void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); } @Test public void TestGetAllLabelingSchemes() throws Exception { ContainerLabelingSchemeWrapper.getAllLabelingSchemesMap(appService) .values(); } @Test public void testTwoCharNumeric() throws Exception { int totalRows = 5 + r.nextInt(5); for (int i = 0; i < totalRows; ++i) { Integer row = i % totalRows; Integer col = i / totalRows; RowColPos pos = new RowColPos(row, col); String result = ContainerLabelingSchemeWrapper .rowColToTwoCharNumeric(pos, totalRows); Assert.assertEquals(result.length(), 2); Assert.assertEquals(new Integer(pos.getRow() + 1).toString(), result.substring(1, 2)); Assert .assertEquals(pos.getCol().toString(), result.substring(0, 1)); } for (int i = 0; i < totalRows; ++i) { Integer row = (i % totalRows) + 1; Integer col = i / totalRows; String label = col.toString() + row.toString(); RowColPos pos = ContainerLabelingSchemeWrapper .twoCharNumericToRowCol(appService, label, totalRows); Assert.assertEquals(pos.getRow(), new Integer(row - 1)); Assert.assertEquals(pos.getCol(), col); } } @Test public void testTwoCharAlpha() throws Exception { int totalRows = 3 + r.nextInt(3); int totalCols = 5 + r.nextInt(5); String cbsrString; for (int col = 0; col < totalCols; ++col) { for (int row = 0; row < totalRows; ++row) { RowColPos pos = new RowColPos(row, col); cbsrString = ContainerLabelingSchemeWrapper.rowColToTwoChar( pos, totalRows, totalCols); Assert.assertTrue(cbsrString.length() == 2); Assert.assertEquals( ALPHA.get((row + (col * totalRows)) % ALPHA.size()), cbsrString.substring(1)); Assert.assertEquals( ALPHA.get((row + (col * totalRows)) / ALPHA.size()), cbsrString.substring(0, 1)); } } for (int col = 0; col < (totalCols); ++col) { for (int row = 0; row < (totalRows); ++row) { cbsrString = ALPHA .get((row + (col * totalRows)) / ALPHA.size()) + ALPHA.get((row + (col * totalRows)) % ALPHA.size()); RowColPos pos = ContainerLabelingSchemeWrapper.twoCharToRowCol( appService, cbsrString, totalRows, totalCols, "test"); Assert.assertEquals(new Integer(row), pos.getRow()); Assert.assertEquals(new Integer(col), pos.getCol()); } } try { cbsrString = ALPHA.get(((totalRows - 1) + ((totalCols - 1) * totalRows) + 15) / ALPHA.size()) + ALPHA .get(((totalRows - 1) + ((totalCols - 1) * totalRows) + 15) % ALPHA.size()); ContainerLabelingSchemeWrapper.twoCharToRowCol(appService, cbsrString, totalRows, totalCols, "test");"Should not be allowed to go out of bounds."); } catch (BiobankCheckException e) { Assert.assertTrue(true); } try { ContainerLabelingSchemeWrapper.cbsrTwoCharToRowCol( appService, "aa", totalRows, totalCols, "test");"should not be allowed to use lower case characters"); } catch (Exception e) { Assert.assertTrue(true); } } @Test public void testCbsr() throws Exception { int totalRows = 3 + r.nextInt(3); int totalCols = 5 + r.nextInt(5); String cbsrString; for (int col = 0; col < totalCols; ++col) { for (int row = 0; row < totalRows; ++row) { RowColPos pos = new RowColPos(row, col); cbsrString = ContainerLabelingSchemeWrapper .rowColToCbsrTwoChar(pos, totalRows, totalCols); Assert.assertTrue(cbsrString.length() == 2); Assert.assertEquals( CBSR_ALPHA.get((row + (col * totalRows)) % CBSR_ALPHA.size()), cbsrString.substring(1)); Assert.assertEquals( CBSR_ALPHA.get((row + (col * totalRows)) / CBSR_ALPHA.size()), cbsrString.substring(0, 1)); } } for (int col = 0; col < totalCols; ++col) { for (int row = 0; row < totalRows; ++row) { cbsrString = CBSR_ALPHA.get((row + (col * totalRows)) / CBSR_ALPHA.size()) + CBSR_ALPHA.get((row + (col * totalRows)) % CBSR_ALPHA.size()); RowColPos pos = ContainerLabelingSchemeWrapper .cbsrTwoCharToRowCol(appService, cbsrString, totalRows, totalCols, "test"); Assert.assertEquals(new Integer(row), pos.getRow()); Assert.assertEquals(new Integer(col), pos.getCol()); } } try { ContainerLabelingSchemeWrapper.cbsrTwoCharToRowCol( appService, "aa", totalRows, totalCols, "test");"should not be allowed to use lower case characters"); } catch (Exception e) { Assert.assertTrue(true); } } @Test public void testSbs() throws Exception { int totalRows; int totalCols; String posString; for (int i = 1; i <= 2; ++i) { switch (i) { case 1: totalRows = 9; totalCols = 9; break; case 2: default: totalRows = 8; totalCols = 12; break; } for (int col = 0; col < totalCols; ++col) { for (int row = 0; row < totalRows; ++row) { RowColPos pos = new RowColPos(row, col); posString = ContainerLabelingSchemeWrapper.rowColToSbs(pos); if (col >= 9) { Assert.assertTrue(posString.length() == 3); } else { Assert.assertTrue(posString.length() == 2); } Assert.assertEquals(SBS_ALPHA.get(row).charAt(0), posString.charAt(0)); Assert.assertEquals(col + 1, Integer.valueOf(posString.substring(1)).intValue()); } } for (int col = 0; col < totalCols; ++col) { for (int row = 0; row < totalRows; ++row) { RowColPos pos = ContainerLabelingSchemeWrapper.sbsToRowCol( appService, String.format("%s%02d", SBS_ALPHA.get(row), col + 1)); Assert.assertEquals(row, pos.getRow().intValue()); Assert.assertEquals(col, pos.getCol().intValue()); } } } } private static final int DEWAR_MAX_ROWS = 2; private static final int DEWAR_MAX_COLS = 2; @Test public void testDewar() throws Exception { String posString; for (int row = 0; row < DEWAR_MAX_ROWS; ++row) { for (int col = 0; col < DEWAR_MAX_COLS; ++col) { RowColPos pos = new RowColPos(row, col); posString = ContainerLabelingSchemeWrapper.rowColToDewar(pos, DEWAR_MAX_COLS); Assert.assertEquals( DEWAR_ALPHA.get((row * DEWAR_MAX_COLS) + col).charAt(0), posString.charAt(0)); Assert.assertEquals( DEWAR_ALPHA.get((row * DEWAR_MAX_COLS) + col).charAt(0), posString.charAt(1)); } } for (int row = 0; row < DEWAR_MAX_ROWS; ++row) { for (int col = 0; col < DEWAR_MAX_COLS; ++col) { String label = DEWAR_ALPHA.get((row * DEWAR_MAX_COLS) + col); label += label; RowColPos pos = ContainerLabelingSchemeWrapper.dewarToRowCol( appService, label, DEWAR_MAX_COLS); Assert.assertEquals(row, pos.getRow().intValue()); Assert.assertEquals(col, pos.getCol().intValue()); } } } @Test public void testDelete() throws Exception { SiteWrapper site = SiteHelper.addSite("testSite"); ContainerHelper.addContainer("01AA", "asd", site, ContainerTypeHelper.addContainerType(site, "testCT", "tct", ContainerLabelingSchemeWrapper.SCHEME_2_CHAR_ALPHA, 1, 1, true)); ContainerLabelingSchemeWrapper newCLSW = new ContainerLabelingSchemeWrapper( appService); newCLSW.persist(); newCLSW.delete(); try { ContainerLabelingSchemeWrapper.getLabelingSchemeById(appService, ContainerLabelingSchemeWrapper.SCHEME_2_CHAR_ALPHA).delete();"Should not be able to delete schemes that are in use"); } catch (BiobankSessionException e) { Assert.assertTrue(true); } } @Test public void testBounds() throws Exception { if (ContainerLabelingSchemeWrapper.checkBounds(appService, ContainerLabelingSchemeWrapper.SCHEME_DEWAR, 9, 1) == true)"Should be out of bounds"); else if (ContainerLabelingSchemeWrapper.checkBounds(appService, ContainerLabelingSchemeWrapper.SCHEME_CBSR_SBS, 8, 13) == true)"Should be out of bounds"); else if (ContainerLabelingSchemeWrapper.getLabelingSchemeById( appService, ContainerLabelingSchemeWrapper.SCHEME_CBSR_SBS) .checkBounds(14, 1) == true)"Should be out of bounds"); else if (ContainerLabelingSchemeWrapper.getLabelingSchemeById( appService, ContainerLabelingSchemeWrapper.SCHEME_CBSR_SBS) .checkBounds(8, 13) == true)"Should be out of bounds"); // test canlabel Capacity cap = new Capacity(); cap.setColCapacity(4); cap.setRowCapacity(2); Assert.assertTrue(ContainerLabelingSchemeWrapper.canLabel( ContainerLabelingSchemeWrapper.getLabelingSchemeById(appService, ContainerLabelingSchemeWrapper.SCHEME_2_CHAR_ALPHA) .getWrappedObject(), cap)); } @Test public void testGetPosition() throws Exception { String output = ContainerLabelingSchemeWrapper.getPositionString( new RowColPos(8, 0), ContainerLabelingSchemeWrapper.SCHEME_2_CHAR_ALPHA, 9, 9); Assert.assertEquals("AI", output); Assert.assertEquals(new RowColPos(8, 0), ContainerLabelingSchemeWrapper .getRowColFromPositionString(appService, "AI", ContainerLabelingSchemeWrapper.SCHEME_2_CHAR_ALPHA, 9, 9)); output = ContainerLabelingSchemeWrapper.getPositionString( new RowColPos(8, 0), ContainerLabelingSchemeWrapper.SCHEME_2_CHAR_NUMERIC, 9, 9); Assert.assertEquals("09", output); Assert.assertEquals(new RowColPos(8, 0), ContainerLabelingSchemeWrapper .getRowColFromPositionString(appService, "09", ContainerLabelingSchemeWrapper.SCHEME_2_CHAR_NUMERIC, 9, 9)); output = ContainerLabelingSchemeWrapper.getPositionString( new RowColPos(8, 0), ContainerLabelingSchemeWrapper.SCHEME_CBSR_2_CHAR_ALPHA, 9, 9); Assert.assertEquals("AJ", output); Assert.assertEquals(new RowColPos(8, 0), ContainerLabelingSchemeWrapper .getRowColFromPositionString(appService, "AJ", ContainerLabelingSchemeWrapper.SCHEME_CBSR_2_CHAR_ALPHA, 9, 9)); output = ContainerLabelingSchemeWrapper.getPositionString( new RowColPos(8, 0), ContainerLabelingSchemeWrapper.SCHEME_DEWAR, 9, 1); Assert.assertEquals("II", output); Assert.assertEquals(new RowColPos(8, 0), ContainerLabelingSchemeWrapper .getRowColFromPositionString(appService, "II", ContainerLabelingSchemeWrapper.SCHEME_DEWAR, 9, 1)); output = ContainerLabelingSchemeWrapper.getPositionString( new RowColPos(8, 0), ContainerLabelingSchemeWrapper.SCHEME_SBS, 9, 9); Assert.assertEquals("I1", output); Assert.assertEquals(new RowColPos(8, 0), ContainerLabelingSchemeWrapper .getRowColFromPositionString(appService, "I1", ContainerLabelingSchemeWrapper.SCHEME_SBS, 9, 9)); output = ContainerLabelingSchemeWrapper.getPositionString( new RowColPos(8, 0), ContainerLabelingSchemeWrapper.SCHEME_CBSR_SBS, 9, 9); Assert.assertEquals("J1", output); Assert.assertEquals(new RowColPos(8, 0), ContainerLabelingSchemeWrapper .getRowColFromPositionString(appService, "J1", ContainerLabelingSchemeWrapper.SCHEME_CBSR_SBS, 9, 9)); } @Test public void testLabelLength() throws Exception { List<Integer> lengths = ContainerLabelingSchemeWrapper .getPossibleLabelLength(appService); for (Integer i : lengths) Assert.assertTrue(i <= 3); } @Test public void testCBSRSbs() throws Exception { RowColPos pos = new RowColPos(0, 8); Assert.assertEquals(pos, ContainerLabelingSchemeWrapper.cbsrSbsToRowCol(appService, "A9")); } @Test public void testCompareTo() throws Exception { // fake test... this wrapper always returns 0 ContainerLabelingSchemeWrapper.getLabelingSchemeById(appService, ContainerLabelingSchemeWrapper.SCHEME_2_CHAR_ALPHA).compareTo( ContainerLabelingSchemeWrapper.getLabelingSchemeById(appService, ContainerLabelingSchemeWrapper.SCHEME_2_CHAR_ALPHA)); } @Test public void testErrors() throws Exception { try { ContainerLabelingSchemeWrapper.getLabelingSchemeById(appService, 13123);"Should have received an exception."); } catch (ApplicationException e) { Assert.assertTrue(true); } String original; ContainerLabelingSchemeWrapper scheme; for (int i = 1; i < 7; i++) { Map<Integer, ContainerLabelingSchemeWrapper> map = ContainerLabelingSchemeWrapper .getAllLabelingSchemesMap(appService); scheme = map.get(i); original = scheme.getName(); try { scheme.setName("asds"); scheme.persist(); ContainerLabelingSchemeWrapper .getAllLabelingSchemesMap(appService);"Should have thrown an exception"); } catch (Exception e) { Assert.assertTrue(true); } finally { scheme.setName(original); scheme.persist(); } } } }