package; import java.text.MessageFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.hibernate.criterion.DetachedCriteria; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import gov.nih.nci.system.applicationservice.ApplicationException; import gov.nih.nci.system.applicationservice.WritableApplicationService; import gov.nih.nci.system.query.hibernate.HQLCriteria; public class ContainerLabelingSchemeWrapper extends ContainerLabelingSchemeBaseWrapper { public static final int SCHEME_SBS = 1; public static final int SCHEME_CBSR_2_CHAR_ALPHA = 2; public static final int SCHEME_2_CHAR_NUMERIC = 3; public static final int SCHEME_DEWAR = 4; public static final int SCHEME_CBSR_SBS = 5; public static final int SCHEME_2_CHAR_ALPHA = 6; public static final String CBSR_2_CHAR_LABELLING_PATTERN = "ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZ"; //$NON-NLS-1$ public static final String TWO_CHAR_LABELLING_PATTERN = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; //$NON-NLS-1$ public static final String SBS_ROW_LABELLING_PATTERN = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP"; //$NON-NLS-1$ public static String BOX81_LABELLING_PATTERN = "ABCDEFGHJ"; //$NON-NLS-1$ private static Map<Integer, ContainerLabelingSchemeWrapper> allSchemes = null; public ContainerLabelingSchemeWrapper( WritableApplicationService appService, ContainerLabelingScheme wrappedObject) { super(appService, wrappedObject); } public ContainerLabelingSchemeWrapper(WritableApplicationService appService) { super(appService); } public static synchronized Map<Integer, ContainerLabelingSchemeWrapper> getAllLabelingSchemesMap( WritableApplicationService appService) throws ApplicationException { if (allSchemes == null) { allSchemes = new HashMap<Integer, ContainerLabelingSchemeWrapper>(); List<ContainerLabelingScheme> list = appService.query(DetachedCriteria .forClass(ContainerLabelingScheme.class)); if (list != null) { for (ContainerLabelingScheme scheme : list) { Integer id = scheme.getId(); switch (id.intValue()) { case SCHEME_SBS: if (!scheme.getName().equals("SBS Standard")) { //$NON-NLS-1$ throw new ApplicationException( "labeling scheme is not " + scheme.getName()); //$NON-NLS-1$ } break; case SCHEME_CBSR_2_CHAR_ALPHA: if (!scheme.getName().equals("CBSR 2 char alphabetic")) { //$NON-NLS-1$ throw new ApplicationException( "labeling scheme is not " + scheme.getName()); //$NON-NLS-1$ } break; case SCHEME_2_CHAR_NUMERIC: if (!scheme.getName().equals("2 char numeric")) { //$NON-NLS-1$ throw new ApplicationException( "labeling scheme is not " + scheme.getName()); //$NON-NLS-1$ } break; case SCHEME_DEWAR: if (!scheme.getName().equals("Dewar")) { //$NON-NLS-1$ throw new ApplicationException( "labeling scheme is not " + scheme.getName()); //$NON-NLS-1$ } break; case SCHEME_CBSR_SBS: if (!scheme.getName().equals("CBSR SBS")) { //$NON-NLS-1$ throw new ApplicationException( "labeling scheme is not " + scheme.getName()); //$NON-NLS-1$ } break; case SCHEME_2_CHAR_ALPHA: if (!scheme.getName().equals("2 char alphabetic")) { //$NON-NLS-1$ throw new ApplicationException( "labeling scheme is not " + scheme.getName()); //$NON-NLS-1$ } break; default: throw new ApplicationException( "labeling scheme with id " + id //$NON-NLS-1$ + " is not mapped correctly"); //$NON-NLS-1$ } allSchemes.put(id, new ContainerLabelingSchemeWrapper( appService, scheme)); } } } return allSchemes; } public static ContainerLabelingSchemeWrapper getLabelingSchemeById( WritableApplicationService appService, Integer id) throws ApplicationException { getAllLabelingSchemesMap(appService); ContainerLabelingSchemeWrapper scheme = allSchemes.get(id); if (scheme == null) { throw new ApplicationException("labeling scheme with id " + id //$NON-NLS-1$ + " does not exist"); //$NON-NLS-1$ } return scheme; } @Override public int compareTo(ModelWrapper<ContainerLabelingScheme> o) { return 0; } @Deprecated @Override public void persist() throws Exception { super.persist(); resetAllSchemes(); } @Deprecated @Override public void delete() throws Exception { super.delete(); resetAllSchemes(); } private static synchronized void resetAllSchemes() { allSchemes = null; } /** * Check labeling scheme limits for a given gridsize **/ public static boolean checkBounds(WritableApplicationService appService, Integer labelingScheme, Integer totalRows, Integer totalCols) { if (totalRows == null || totalRows <= 0 || totalCols == null || totalCols <= 0) { return false; } try { getAllLabelingSchemesMap(appService); } catch (ApplicationException e) { throw new RuntimeException( "could not load container labeling schemes"); //$NON-NLS-1$ } ContainerLabelingSchemeWrapper schemeWrapper = allSchemes .get(labelingScheme); if (schemeWrapper != null) { return schemeWrapper.checkBounds(totalRows, totalCols); } return false; } /** * Check labeling scheme limits for a given gridsize **/ public boolean checkBounds(int totalRows, int totalCols) { Integer maxRows = getMaxRows(); Integer maxCols = getMaxCols(); Integer maxCapacity = getMaxCapacity(); boolean isInBounds = true; if (maxRows != null) { isInBounds &= totalRows <= maxRows; } if (maxCols != null) { isInBounds &= totalCols <= maxCols; } if (maxCapacity != null) { isInBounds &= totalRows * totalCols <= maxCapacity; } return isInBounds; } public static boolean canLabel(ContainerLabelingScheme scheme, Capacity capacity) { boolean canLabel = true; if (canLabel && scheme.getMaxRows() != null) { canLabel &= capacity.getRowCapacity() <= scheme.getMaxRows(); } if (canLabel && scheme.getMaxCols() != null) { canLabel &= capacity.getColCapacity() <= scheme.getMaxCols(); } if (canLabel && scheme.getMaxCapacity() != null) { int max = capacity.getRowCapacity() * capacity.getColCapacity(); canLabel &= max <= scheme.getMaxCapacity(); } return canLabel; } private static final String POS_LABEL_LEN_QRY = "select min(minChars), max(maxChars) from " //$NON-NLS-1$ + ContainerLabelingScheme.class.getName(); public static List<Integer> getPossibleLabelLength( WritableApplicationService appService) throws ApplicationException { HQLCriteria rangeQuery = new HQLCriteria(POS_LABEL_LEN_QRY); Object[] minMax = (Object[]) appService.query(rangeQuery).get(0); List<Integer> validLengths = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for (int i = (Integer) minMax[0]; i < (Integer) minMax[1] + 1; i++) { validLengths.add(i); } return validLengths; } /** * Get the rowColPos corresponding to the given SBS standard 2 or 3 char * string position. Could be A2 or F12. */ public static RowColPos sbsToRowCol(WritableApplicationService appService, String pos) throws Exception { ContainerLabelingSchemeWrapper scheme = getLabelingSchemeById( appService, SCHEME_SBS); if (scheme == null) { throw new BiobankCheckException( Messages .getString("")); //$NON-NLS-1$ } if ((pos.length() != scheme.getMinChars()) && (pos.length() != scheme.getMaxChars())) { throw new Exception("binPos has an invalid length: " + pos); //$NON-NLS-1$ } int row = SBS_ROW_LABELLING_PATTERN.indexOf(pos.charAt(0)); int col = Integer.parseInt(pos.substring(1)) - 1; if (row == -1 || col == -1) return null; return new RowColPos(row, col); } /** * Get the rowColPos corresponding to the given CBSR SBS 2 char string * position. Could be A2 or F9. (CBSR SBS skip I and O) */ public static RowColPos cbsrSbsToRowCol( WritableApplicationService appService, String pos) throws Exception { ContainerLabelingSchemeWrapper scheme = getLabelingSchemeById( appService, SCHEME_CBSR_SBS); if (scheme == null) { throw new BiobankCheckException( Messages .getString("")); //$NON-NLS-1$ } if ((pos.length() != scheme.getMinChars()) && (pos.length() != scheme.getMaxChars())) { throw new Exception("binPos has an invalid length: " + pos); //$NON-NLS-1$ } int row = BOX81_LABELLING_PATTERN.indexOf(pos.charAt(0)); if (row == -1) return null; int col = Integer.parseInt(pos.substring(1)) - 1; if (row == -1 || col == -1) return null; return new RowColPos(row, col); } /** * Get the string corresponding to the given RowColPos and using the SBS * standard. 2:1 will return C2. */ public static String rowColToSbs(RowColPos rcp) { if (rcp.getRow() < 0 || rcp.getRow() > SBS_ROW_LABELLING_PATTERN.length() - 1) return null; return "" + SBS_ROW_LABELLING_PATTERN.charAt(rcp.getRow()) + (rcp.getCol() + 1); } /** * Get the string corresponding to the given RowColPos and using the SBS * standard. 2:1 will return C2. */ private static String rowColtoCbsrSbs(RowColPos rcp) { if (rcp.getRow() < 0 || rcp.getRow() > BOX81_LABELLING_PATTERN.length() - 1) return null; return "" + BOX81_LABELLING_PATTERN.charAt(rcp.getRow()) + (rcp.getCol() + 1); } /** * get the RowColPos in the given container corresponding to the given label * AB and will return 1:0. */ public static RowColPos cbsrTwoCharToRowCol( WritableApplicationService appService, String label, int rowCap, int colCap, String containerTypeName) throws Exception { ContainerLabelingSchemeWrapper scheme = getLabelingSchemeById( appService, SCHEME_CBSR_2_CHAR_ALPHA); if (scheme == null) { throw new BiobankCheckException( Messages .getString("ContainerLabelingSchemeWrapper.cbsr.2char.alpha.not.found.msg")); //$NON-NLS-1$ } int len = label.length(); if ((len != scheme.getMinChars()) && (len != scheme.getMaxChars())) throw new Exception( MessageFormat.format( Messages .getString("ContainerLabelingSchemeWrapper.characters.length.msg"), scheme.getMinChars())); //$NON-NLS-1$ int index1 = CBSR_2_CHAR_LABELLING_PATTERN.indexOf(label .charAt(len - 2)); int index2 = CBSR_2_CHAR_LABELLING_PATTERN.indexOf(label .charAt(len - 1)); if ((index1 < 0) || (index2 < 0)) { throw new Exception( Messages .getString("ContainerLabelingSchemeWrapper.invalid.charac.msg")); //$NON-NLS-1$ } int pos = index1 * CBSR_2_CHAR_LABELLING_PATTERN.length() + index2; if (pos >= rowCap * colCap) { String maxValue = ContainerLabelingSchemeWrapper .rowColToCbsrTwoChar(new RowColPos(rowCap - 1, colCap - 1), rowCap, colCap); String msgStart = MessageFormat .format( Messages .getString("ContainerLabelingSchemeWrapper.label.not.exists.msg"), //$NON-NLS-1$ label); if (containerTypeName != null) msgStart = MessageFormat .format( Messages .getString(""), label, //$NON-NLS-1$ containerTypeName); String msgMax = MessageFormat .format( Messages .getString("ContainerLabelingSchemeWrapper.scheme.max.value.msg"), maxValue, //$NON-NLS-1$ rowCap, colCap); throw new BiobankCheckException(msgStart + " " + msgMax); //$NON-NLS-1$ } Integer row = pos % rowCap; Integer col = pos / rowCap; RowColPos rowColPos = new RowColPos(row, col); return rowColPos; } /** * get the RowColPos in the given container corresponding to the given label * AB and will return 1:0. */ public static RowColPos twoCharToRowCol( WritableApplicationService appService, String label, int rowCap, int colCap, String containerTypeName) throws Exception { ContainerLabelingSchemeWrapper scheme = getLabelingSchemeById( appService, SCHEME_2_CHAR_ALPHA); if (scheme == null) { throw new BiobankCheckException( Messages .getString("ContainerLabelingSchemeWrapper.2char.alpha.not.found.msg")); //$NON-NLS-1$ } int len = label.length(); if ((len != scheme.getMinChars()) && (len != scheme.getMaxChars())) throw new Exception( MessageFormat.format( Messages .getString("ContainerLabelingSchemeWrapper.characters.length.msg"), //$NON-NLS-1$ scheme.getMinChars())); int index1 = TWO_CHAR_LABELLING_PATTERN.indexOf(label.charAt(len - 2)); int index2 = TWO_CHAR_LABELLING_PATTERN.indexOf(label.charAt(len - 1)); if ((index1 < 0) || (index2 < 0)) { throw new Exception( Messages .getString("ContainerLabelingSchemeWrapper.invalid.charac.msg")); //$NON-NLS-1$ } int pos = index1 * TWO_CHAR_LABELLING_PATTERN.length() + index2; if (pos >= rowCap * colCap) { String maxValue = ContainerLabelingSchemeWrapper .rowColToCbsrTwoChar(new RowColPos(rowCap - 1, colCap - 1), rowCap, colCap); String msgStart = MessageFormat .format( Messages .getString("ContainerLabelingSchemeWrapper.label.not.exists.msg"), //$NON-NLS-1$ label); if (containerTypeName != null) msgStart = MessageFormat .format( Messages .getString(""), label, //$NON-NLS-1$ containerTypeName); String msgMax = MessageFormat .format( Messages .getString("ContainerLabelingSchemeWrapper.scheme.max.value.msg"), maxValue, //$NON-NLS-1$ rowCap, colCap); throw new BiobankCheckException(msgStart + " " + msgMax); //$NON-NLS-1$ } Integer row = pos % rowCap; Integer col = pos / rowCap; RowColPos rowColPos = new RowColPos(row, col); return rowColPos; } /** * Get the RowColPos in the given container corresponding to the given label * using the 2 char numeric labelling. */ public static RowColPos twoCharNumericToRowCol( WritableApplicationService appService, String label, int totalRows) throws Exception { ContainerLabelingSchemeWrapper scheme = getLabelingSchemeById( appService, SCHEME_2_CHAR_NUMERIC); if (scheme == null) { throw new BiobankCheckException( Messages .getString("ContainerLabelingSchemeWrapper.2char.numeric.not.found.msg")); //$NON-NLS-1$ } String errorMsg = MessageFormat .format( Messages .getString("ContainerLabelingSchemeWrapper.characters.length.incorrect.msg"), label); //$NON-NLS-1$ int len = label.length(); if ((len != scheme.getMinChars()) && (len != scheme.getMaxChars())) throw new Exception(errorMsg); try { int pos = Integer.parseInt(label) - 1; // has remove 1 because the two char numeric starts at 1 Integer row = pos % totalRows; Integer col = pos / totalRows; RowColPos rowColPos = new RowColPos(row, col); return rowColPos; } catch (NumberFormatException nbe) { throw new Exception(errorMsg); } } /** * Convert a position in row*column to two letter (in the CBSR way) * * @throws Exception * * @throws BiobankCheckException */ public static String rowColToCbsrTwoChar(RowColPos rcp, int totalRows, int totalCols) { int pos1, pos2, index; int lettersLength = CBSR_2_CHAR_LABELLING_PATTERN.length(); if (totalRows == 1) { index = rcp.getCol(); } else if (totalCols == 1) { index = rcp.getRow(); } else { index = totalRows * rcp.getCol() + rcp.getRow(); } pos1 = index / lettersLength; pos2 = index % lettersLength; if (pos1 >= 0 && pos2 >= 0) { return String.valueOf(CBSR_2_CHAR_LABELLING_PATTERN.charAt(pos1)) + String.valueOf(CBSR_2_CHAR_LABELLING_PATTERN.charAt(pos2)); } return null; } /** * Convert a position in row*column to two letter (in the CBSR way) * * @throws Exception * * @throws BiobankCheckException */ public static String rowColToTwoChar(RowColPos rcp, int totalRows, int totalCols) { int pos1, pos2, index; int lettersLength = TWO_CHAR_LABELLING_PATTERN.length(); if (totalRows == 1) { index = rcp.getCol(); } else if (totalCols == 1) { index = rcp.getRow(); } else { index = totalRows * rcp.getCol() + rcp.getRow(); } pos1 = index / lettersLength; pos2 = index % lettersLength; if (pos1 >= 0 && pos2 >= 0) { return String.valueOf(TWO_CHAR_LABELLING_PATTERN.charAt(pos1)) + String.valueOf(TWO_CHAR_LABELLING_PATTERN.charAt(pos2)); } return null; } /** * Convert a position in row*column to two char numeric. */ public static String rowColToTwoCharNumeric(RowColPos rcp, int totalRows) { return String.format("%02d", rcp.getRow() + totalRows * rcp.getCol() //$NON-NLS-1$ + 1); } /** * Convert a position in row*column to Dewar labelling (AA, BB, CC...). */ public static String rowColToDewar(RowColPos rcp, Integer colCapacity) { int pos = rcp.getCol() + (colCapacity * rcp.getRow()); String letter = String.valueOf(SBS_ROW_LABELLING_PATTERN.charAt(pos)); return letter + letter; } /** * Get the RowColPos in the given container corresponding to the given label * using the dewar labelling. * * @throws Exception */ public static RowColPos dewarToRowCol( WritableApplicationService appService, String label, int totalCol) throws Exception { ContainerLabelingSchemeWrapper scheme = getLabelingSchemeById( appService, SCHEME_DEWAR); if (scheme == null) { throw new BiobankCheckException( Messages .getString("ContainerLabelingSchemeWrapper.cbsr.2char.alpha.not.found.msg")); //$NON-NLS-1$ } int len = label.length(); if ((len != scheme.getMinChars()) && (len != scheme.getMaxChars())) throw new Exception( MessageFormat.format( Messages .getString("ContainerLabelingSchemeWrapper.characters.length.msg"), scheme.getMinChars())); //$NON-NLS-1$ if (label.charAt(0) != label.charAt(1)) { throw new Exception( Messages .getString("ContainerLabelingSchemeWrapper.letter.double.msg")); //$NON-NLS-1$ } // letters are double (BB). need only one int letterPosition = SBS_ROW_LABELLING_PATTERN.indexOf(label.charAt(0)); if (letterPosition == -1) return null; Integer row = letterPosition / totalCol; Integer col = letterPosition % totalCol; RowColPos rowColPos = new RowColPos(row, col); return rowColPos; } /** * Get the 2 char string corresponding to a RowColPos position given the * container capacity */ public static String getPositionString(RowColPos rcp, Integer childLabelingSchemeId, Integer rowCapacity, Integer colCapacity) { switch (childLabelingSchemeId) { case 1: // SBS standard return rowColToSbs(rcp); case 2: // CBSR 2 char alphabetic return rowColToCbsrTwoChar(rcp, rowCapacity, colCapacity); case 3: // 2 char numeric return rowColToTwoCharNumeric(rcp, rowCapacity); case 4: // dewar return rowColToDewar(rcp, colCapacity); case 5: // CBSR SBS return rowColtoCbsrSbs(rcp); case 6: // 2 char alphabetic return rowColToTwoChar(rcp, rowCapacity, colCapacity); } return null; } /** * Get the RowColPos position corresponding to the string position given the * container capacity */ public static RowColPos getRowColFromPositionString( WritableApplicationService appService, String position, Integer childLabelingSchemeId, Integer rowCapacity, Integer colCapacity) throws Exception { switch (childLabelingSchemeId) { case 1: // SBS standard return sbsToRowCol(appService, position); case 2: // CBSR 2 char alphabetic return cbsrTwoCharToRowCol(appService, position, rowCapacity, colCapacity, null); case 3: // 2 char numeric return twoCharNumericToRowCol(appService, position, rowCapacity); case 4: // Dewar return dewarToRowCol(appService, position, colCapacity); case 5: // Box81 return cbsrSbsToRowCol(appService, position); case 6: // 2 char alphabetic return twoCharToRowCol(appService, position, rowCapacity, colCapacity, null); } return null; } @Deprecated @Override protected void addDeleteTasks(TaskList tasks) { tasks.add(check().notUsedBy(ContainerType.class, ContainerTypePeer.CHILD_LABELING_SCHEME)); super.addDeleteTasks(tasks); } }