package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.validation.ConstraintViolationException; import junit.framework.Assert; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Rule; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.rules.TestName; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class TestPatient extends TestAction { @Rule public TestName testname = new TestName(); private String name; @Override @Before public void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); name = getMethodNameR(); } @Test public void saveNew() throws Exception { Provisioning provisioning = new Provisioning(getExecutor(), name); final String pnumber = name; final Date date = Utils.getRandomDate(); final Integer id = exec(new PatientSaveAction(null, provisioning.studyId, pnumber, date, null)).getId(); // Check patient is in database with correct values Patient p = (Patient) session.get(Patient.class, id); Assert.assertNotNull(p); Assert.assertEquals(pnumber, p.getPnumber()); Assert.assertEquals(date, p.getCreatedAt()); } @Test public void update() throws Exception { Provisioning provisioning = new Provisioning(getExecutor(), name); final String pnumber = name; final Date date = Utils.getRandomDate(); // create a new patient final Integer id = exec(new PatientSaveAction(null, provisioning.studyId, pnumber, date, null)).getId(); final String newPNumber = name + "_2"; final Date newDate = Utils.getRandomDate(); // update this patient exec(new PatientSaveAction(id, provisioning.studyId, newPNumber, newDate, null)); // Check patient is in database with correct values Patient p = (Patient) session.get(Patient.class, id); Assert.assertEquals(newPNumber, p.getPnumber()); Assert.assertEquals(newDate, p.getCreatedAt()); } @Test public void checkGetAction() throws Exception { Provisioning provisioning = new Provisioning(getExecutor(), name); Integer ceventId = CollectionEventHelper .createCEventWithSourceSpecimens(getExecutor(), provisioning.patientIds.get(0), provisioning.clinicId); CEventInfo ceventInfo = exec(new CollectionEventGetInfoAction(ceventId)); List<SpecimenInfo> sourceSpecs = ceventInfo.sourceSpecimenInfos; // save some comments on the colection event CollectionEventSaveAction ceventSaveAction = CollectionEventHelper.getSaveAction(ceventInfo); ceventSaveAction.setCommentText(Utils.getRandomString(20, 30)); exec(ceventSaveAction); ceventInfo = exec(new CollectionEventGetInfoAction(ceventId)); StudyInfo studyInfo = exec(new StudyGetInfoAction(provisioning.studyId)); PatientInfo patientInfo = exec(new PatientGetInfoAction(provisioning.patientIds .get(0))); Assert.assertEquals(studyInfo.getStudy().getName(), patientInfo.patient .getStudy().getName()); Assert.assertEquals(1, patientInfo.ceventInfos.size()); Assert.assertEquals(new Long(sourceSpecs.size()), patientInfo.sourceSpecimenCount); Assert.assertEquals(new Long(0), patientInfo.aliquotedSpecimenCount); PatientCEventInfo patientCeventInfo = patientInfo.ceventInfos.get(0); Assert.assertEquals(new Long(sourceSpecs.size()), patientCeventInfo.sourceSpecimenCount); Assert.assertEquals(new Long(0), patientCeventInfo.aliquotedSpecimenCount); Assert.assertEquals(ceventInfo.cevent.getComments().size(), patientCeventInfo.cevent.getComments().size()); } @Test public void saveSamePnumber() throws Exception { Provisioning provisioning = new Provisioning(getExecutor(), name); final String pnumber = name; final Date date = Utils.getRandomDate(); final Integer id = exec(new PatientSaveAction(null, provisioning.studyId, pnumber, date, null)).getId(); // Check patient is in database with correct values Patient p = (Patient) session.get(Patient.class, id); Assert.assertNotNull(p); // try to save with same pnumber try { exec(new PatientSaveAction(null, provisioning.studyId, pnumber, new Date(), null));"should not be able to use the same pnumber twice"); } catch (ConstraintViolationException e) { Assert.assertTrue(true); } } @Test public void delete() throws Exception { Provisioning provisioning = new Provisioning(getExecutor(), name); final String pnumber = name; final Date date = Utils.getRandomDate(); // create a new patient final Integer id = exec(new PatientSaveAction(null, provisioning.studyId, pnumber, date, null)).getId(); // delete the patient PatientInfo patientInfo = exec(new PatientGetInfoAction(id)); exec(new PatientDeleteAction(patientInfo.patient)); Patient patient = (Patient) session.get(Patient.class, id); Assert.assertNull(patient); } @Test public void deleteWithCevents() throws Exception { Provisioning provisioning = new Provisioning(getExecutor(), name); final String pnumber = name; final Date date = Utils.getRandomDate(); // create a new patient final Integer patientId = exec(new PatientSaveAction( null, provisioning.studyId, pnumber, date, null)).getId(); // add a cevent to the patient: exec(new CollectionEventSaveAction(null, patientId, getR() .nextInt(20) + 1, ActivityStatus.ACTIVE, null, null, null)); // delete the patient PatientInfo patientInfo = exec(new PatientGetInfoAction(patientId)); try { exec(new PatientDeleteAction(patientInfo.patient)); Assert .fail("should throw an exception since the patient still has on cevent"); } catch (ConstraintViolationException ae) { Assert.assertTrue(true); } Patient patient = (Patient) session.get(Patient.class, patientId); Assert.assertNotNull(patient); } @Test public void merge() throws Exception { Provisioning provisioning = new Provisioning(getExecutor(), name); final String string = name; // add specimen type final Integer typeId = exec(new SpecimenTypeSaveAction(name, name)).getId(); // create a new patient 1 final Integer patientId1 = provisioning.patientIds.get(0); // create cevents in patient1 createCEventWithSpecimens(provisioning, patientId1, 1, typeId, 4); createCEventWithSpecimens(provisioning, patientId1, 2, typeId, 2); // create a new patient 2 final Integer patientId2 = exec( new PatientSaveAction( null, provisioning.studyId, string + "2", Utils .getRandomDate(), null)).getId(); // create cevents in patient2 createCEventWithSpecimens(provisioning, patientId2, 1, typeId, 5); createCEventWithSpecimens(provisioning, patientId2, 3, typeId, 7); // merge patient1 into patient2 exec(new PatientMergeAction(patientId1, patientId2)); Patient p1 = (Patient) session.get(Patient.class, patientId1); Assert.assertNotNull(p1); Patient p2 = (Patient) session.get(Patient.class, patientId2); Assert.assertNull(p2); Collection<CollectionEvent> cevents = p1.getCollectionEvents(); Assert.assertEquals(3, cevents.size()); for (CollectionEvent cevent : cevents) { switch (cevent.getVisitNumber()) { case 1: Assert .assertEquals(9, cevent.getAllSpecimens().size()); break; case 2: Assert .assertEquals(2, cevent.getAllSpecimens().size()); break; case 3: Assert .assertEquals(7, cevent.getAllSpecimens().size()); break; default:"wrong visit number"); } } } @Test public void mergeDifferentStudies() throws Exception { Provisioning provisioning = new Provisioning(getExecutor(), name); // add specimen type final Integer typeId = exec(new SpecimenTypeSaveAction(name, name)).getId(); // create a new patient 1 final Integer patientId1 = provisioning.patientIds.get(0); // create cevents in patient1 createCEventWithSpecimens(provisioning, patientId1, 1, typeId, 4); createCEventWithSpecimens(provisioning, patientId1, 2, typeId, 2); // create a new patient 2 Integer studyId2 = StudyHelper.createStudy(getExecutor(), name + "_2", ActivityStatus.ACTIVE); final Integer patientId2 = exec(new PatientSaveAction( null, studyId2, name + "2", Utils.getRandomDate(), null)).getId(); // create cevents in patient2 createCEventWithSpecimens(provisioning, patientId2, 1, typeId, 5); createCEventWithSpecimens(provisioning, patientId2, 3, typeId, 7); // merge patient1 into patient2 try { exec(new PatientMergeAction(patientId1, patientId2)); Assert .fail("Should not be able to merge when patients are from different studies"); } catch (PatientMergeException pme) { Assert.assertTrue(true); } } private void createCEventWithSpecimens(Provisioning provisioning, Integer patientId, Integer visitNber, Integer specType, int specNber) { final Map<String, SaveCEventSpecimenInfo> specs = CollectionEventHelper .createSaveCEventSpecimenInfoRandomList(specNber, specType, getExecutor().getUserId(), provisioning.siteId); // Save a new cevent exec(new CollectionEventSaveAction(null, patientId, visitNber, ActivityStatus.ACTIVE, null, new ArrayList<SaveCEventSpecimenInfo>(specs.values()), null)); } @Test public void patientGetSimpleCEventInfoAction() throws Exception { Provisioning provisioning = new Provisioning(getExecutor(), name); final Integer patientId = provisioning.patientIds.get(0); // add specimen type final Integer typeId = exec(new SpecimenTypeSaveAction(name, name)).getId(); final Map<String, SaveCEventSpecimenInfo> specs = CollectionEventHelper .createSaveCEventSpecimenInfoRandomList(5, typeId, getExecutor().getUserId(), provisioning.siteId); // Save a new cevent with specimens final Integer ceventId = exec( new CollectionEventSaveAction(null, patientId, getR().nextInt(20) + 1, ActivityStatus.ACTIVE, null, new ArrayList<SaveCEventSpecimenInfo>(specs.values()), null)).getId(); Map<Integer, SimpleCEventInfo> ceventInfos = getExecutor() .exec(new PatientGetSimpleCollectionEventInfosAction( patientId)).getMap(); Assert.assertEquals(1, ceventInfos.size()); SimpleCEventInfo info = ceventInfos.get(ceventId); Assert.assertNotNull(info); Assert.assertEquals(specs.size(), info.sourceSpecimenCount.intValue()); Date minDate = null; for (SaveCEventSpecimenInfo sp : specs.values()) { if (minDate == null) minDate = sp.createdAt; else if (sp.createdAt.compareTo(minDate) < 0) { minDate = sp.createdAt; } } Assert.assertEquals(minDate, info.minSourceSpecimenDate); } @Test public void patientGetCEventInfoAction() throws Exception { Provisioning provisioning = new Provisioning(getExecutor(), name); final Integer patientId = provisioning.patientIds.get(0); // add specimen type final Integer typeId = exec(new SpecimenTypeSaveAction(name, name)).getId(); final Map<String, SaveCEventSpecimenInfo> specs = CollectionEventHelper .createSaveCEventSpecimenInfoRandomList(5, typeId, getExecutor().getUserId(), provisioning.siteId); // Save a new cevent with specimens exec(new CollectionEventSaveAction(null, patientId, getR() .nextInt(20), ActivityStatus.ACTIVE, null, new ArrayList<SaveCEventSpecimenInfo>(specs.values()), null)); List<PatientCEventInfo> infos = getExecutor() .exec(new PatientGetCollectionEventInfosAction(patientId)) .getList(); Assert.assertEquals(1, infos.size()); PatientCEventInfo info = infos.get(0); // no aliquoted specimens added: Assert.assertEquals(0, info.aliquotedSpecimenCount.intValue()); Date minDate = null; for (SaveCEventSpecimenInfo sp : specs.values()) { if (minDate == null) minDate = sp.createdAt; else if (sp.createdAt.compareTo(minDate) < 0) { minDate = sp.createdAt; } } Assert.assertEquals(minDate, info.minSourceSpecimenDate); Assert.assertEquals(specs.size(), info.sourceSpecimenCount.intValue()); // FIXME test also with aliquoted specimens } @Test public void nextVisitNumber() throws Exception { Provisioning provisioning = new Provisioning(getExecutor(), name); final Integer patientId = provisioning.patientIds.get(0); Integer visitNumber = getR().nextInt(20) + 1; exec(new CollectionEventSaveAction(null, patientId, visitNumber, ActivityStatus.ACTIVE, null, null, null)); Integer next = exec(new PatientNextVisitNumberAction( patientId)).getNextVisitNumber(); Assert.assertEquals(visitNumber + 1, next.intValue()); } @Test public void search() throws Exception { Provisioning provisioning = new Provisioning(getExecutor(), name); final String pnumber = name; final Date date = Utils.getRandomDate(); final Integer patientId = exec(new PatientSaveAction( null, provisioning.studyId, pnumber, date, null)).getId(); // add 2 cevents to this patient: int vnber = getR().nextInt(20); exec(new CollectionEventSaveAction(null, patientId, vnber, ActivityStatus.ACTIVE, null, null, null)); exec(new CollectionEventSaveAction(null, patientId, vnber + 1, ActivityStatus.ACTIVE, null, null, null)); // Check patient is in database Patient p = (Patient) session.get(Patient.class, patientId); Assert.assertNotNull(p); // search for it using the pnumber: SearchedPatientInfo info = exec(new PatientSearchAction( pnumber)); Assert.assertNotNull(info.patient); Assert.assertEquals(patientId, info.patient.getId()); Assert.assertEquals(2, info.ceventsCount.intValue()); Assert.assertNotNull(; Assert.assertEquals(provisioning.studyId,; } }