package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import gov.nih.nci.system.applicationservice.ApplicationException; import gov.nih.nci.system.applicationservice.WritableApplicationService; import gov.nih.nci.system.query.hibernate.HQLCriteria; public class StudyWrapper extends StudyBaseWrapper { private Map<String, StudyEventAttrWrapper> studyEventAttrMap; public StudyWrapper(WritableApplicationService appService, Study wrappedObject) { super(appService, wrappedObject); } public StudyWrapper(WritableApplicationService appService) { super(appService); } protected Collection<StudyEventAttrWrapper> getStudyEventAttrCollection() { Map<String, StudyEventAttrWrapper> map = getStudyEventAttrMap(); if (map == null) { return null; } return map.values(); } private Map<String, StudyEventAttrWrapper> getStudyEventAttrMap() { if (studyEventAttrMap != null) return studyEventAttrMap; studyEventAttrMap = new HashMap<String, StudyEventAttrWrapper>(); List<StudyEventAttrWrapper> eventAttrList = getStudyEventAttrCollection(false); // StudyEventAttrWrapper.getStudyEventAttrCollection(this); for (StudyEventAttrWrapper studyEventAttr : eventAttrList) { studyEventAttrMap.put(studyEventAttr.getGlobalEventAttr() .getLabel(), studyEventAttr); } return studyEventAttrMap; } private void updateStudyEventAttrCollection() { if (studyEventAttrMap != null) { List<StudyEventAttrWrapper> allStudyEventAttrWrappers = new ArrayList<StudyEventAttrWrapper>(); for (StudyEventAttrWrapper ss : studyEventAttrMap.values()) { allStudyEventAttrWrappers.add(ss); } setWrapperCollection(StudyPeer.STUDY_EVENT_ATTRS, allStudyEventAttrWrappers); } } public String[] getStudyEventAttrLabels() { getStudyEventAttrMap(); return studyEventAttrMap.keySet().toArray(new String[] {}); } public StudyEventAttrWrapper getStudyEventAttr(String label) throws Exception { getStudyEventAttrMap(); StudyEventAttrWrapper studyEventAttr = studyEventAttrMap.get(label); if (studyEventAttr == null) { throw new Exception("StudyEventAttr with label \"" + label //$NON-NLS-1$ + "\" is invalid"); //$NON-NLS-1$ } return studyEventAttr; } public EventAttrTypeEnum getStudyEventAttrType(String label) throws Exception { return EventAttrTypeEnum.getEventAttrType(getStudyEventAttr(label) .getGlobalEventAttr().getEventAttrType().getName()); } /** * Retrieves the permissible values for a patient visit attribute. * * @param label The label to be used by the attribute. * @return Semicolon separated list of allowed values. * @throws Exception hrown if there is no patient visit information item * with the label specified. */ public String[] getStudyEventAttrPermissible(String label) throws Exception { String joinedPossibleValues = getStudyEventAttr(label).getPermissible(); if (joinedPossibleValues == null) return null; return joinedPossibleValues.split(";"); //$NON-NLS-1$ } /** * Retrieves the activity status for a patient visit attribute. If locked, * patient visits will not allow information to be saved for this attribute. * * @param label * @return True if the attribute is locked. False otherwise. * @throws Exception */ public ActivityStatus getStudyEventAttrActivityStatus(String label) throws Exception { return getStudyEventAttr(label).getActivityStatus(); } /** * Assigns patient visit attributes to be used for this study. * * @param label The label used for the attribute. * @param type The string corresponding to the type of the attribute. * @param permissibleValues If the attribute is of type "select_single" or * "select_multiple" this array contains the possible values as a * String array. Otherwise, this parameter should be set to null. * * @throws Exception Thrown if the attribute type does not exist. */ public void setStudyEventAttr(String label, EventAttrTypeEnum type, String[] permissibleValues) throws Exception { Map<String, EventAttrTypeWrapper> EventAttrTypeMap = EventAttrTypeWrapper .getAllEventAttrTypesMap(appService); EventAttrTypeWrapper EventAttrType = EventAttrTypeMap.get(type .getName()); if (EventAttrType == null) { throw new Exception("the pv attribute type \"" + type //$NON-NLS-1$ + "\" does not exist"); //$NON-NLS-1$ } StudyEventAttrWrapper studyEventAttr = getStudyEventAttrMap() .get(label); if (type.isSelectType()) { // type has permissible values if ((studyEventAttr == null) && (permissibleValues == null)) { // nothing to do return; } if ((studyEventAttr != null) && (permissibleValues == null)) { deleteStudyEventAttr(label); return; } } if (studyEventAttr == null) { // does not yet exist studyEventAttr = new StudyEventAttrWrapper(appService); studyEventAttr.getGlobalEventAttr().setLabel(label); studyEventAttr.getGlobalEventAttr().setEventAttrType(EventAttrType); studyEventAttr.setStudy(this); } studyEventAttr.setActivityStatus(ActivityStatus.ACTIVE); studyEventAttr.setPermissible(StringUtils.join(permissibleValues, ';')); studyEventAttrMap.put(label, studyEventAttr); updateStudyEventAttrCollection(); } /** * Assigns patient visit attributes to be used for this study. * * @param label The label to be used for the attribute. * @param type The string corresponding to the type of the attribute. * * @throws Exception Thrown if there is no possible patient visit with the * label specified. */ public void setStudyEventAttr(String label, EventAttrTypeEnum type) throws Exception { setStudyEventAttr(label, type, null); } /** * Used to enable or disable the locked status of a patient visit attribute. * If an attribute is locked the patient visits will not allow information * to be saved for this attribute. * * @param label The label used for the attribute. Note: the label must * already exist. * @param enable True to enable the lock, false otherwise. * * @throws Exception if attribute with label does not exist. */ public void setStudyEventAttrActivityStatus(String label, ActivityStatus activityStatus) throws Exception { getStudyEventAttrMap(); StudyEventAttrWrapper studyEventAttr = getStudyEventAttr(label); studyEventAttr.setActivityStatus(activityStatus); } /** * Used to delete a patient visit attribute. * * @param label The label used for the attribute. * @throws Exception if attribute with label does not exist. */ public void deleteStudyEventAttr(String label) throws Exception { getStudyEventAttrMap(); StudyEventAttrWrapper studyEventAttr = getStudyEventAttr(label); if (studyEventAttr.isUsedByCollectionEvents()) { throw new BiobankCheckException("StudyEventAttr with label \"" //$NON-NLS-1$ + label + "\" is in use by patient visits"); //$NON-NLS-1$ } studyEventAttrMap.remove(label); updateStudyEventAttrCollection(); } public List<ClinicWrapper> getClinicCollection() { // unique clinics List<ContactWrapper> contacts = getContactCollection(false); HashSet<ClinicWrapper> clinicWrappers = new HashSet<ClinicWrapper>(); if (contacts != null) for (ContactWrapper contact : contacts) { clinicWrappers.add(contact.getClinic()); } return Arrays.asList(clinicWrappers.toArray(new ClinicWrapper[] {})); } @SuppressWarnings("nls") private static final String PATIENT_QRY = "select patients from " + Study.class.getName() + " as study inner join study." + StudyPeer.PATIENTS.getName() + " as patients where patients." + PatientPeer.PNUMBER.getName() + " = ? and study." + StudyPeer.ID.getName() + " = ?"; public PatientWrapper getPatient(String patientNumber) throws Exception { HQLCriteria criteria = new HQLCriteria(PATIENT_QRY, Arrays.asList(new Object[] { patientNumber, getId() })); List<Patient> result = appService.query(criteria); if (result.size() > 1) { throw new BiobankQueryResultSizeException(); } else if (result.size() == 1) { return new PatientWrapper(appService, result.get(0)); } return null; } public boolean hasPatients() throws ApplicationException, BiobankException { return getPatientCount(true) > 0; } public long getPatientCount(boolean fast) throws ApplicationException, BiobankException { return getPropertyCount(StudyPeer.PATIENTS, fast); } @Override public int compareTo(ModelWrapper<Study> wrapper) { if (wrapper instanceof StudyWrapper) { String nameShort1 = getNameShort(); String nameShort2 = wrapper.wrappedObject.getNameShort(); int compare = 0; if ((nameShort1 != null) && (nameShort2 != null)) { compare = nameShort1.compareTo(nameShort2); } if (compare == 0) { String name1 = getName(); String name2 = wrapper.wrappedObject.getName(); return name1.compareTo(name2); } return compare; } return 0; } @SuppressWarnings("nls") public static final String IS_LINKED_TO_CLINIC_QRY = "select count(clinics) from " + Contact.class.getName() + " as contacts join contacts." + ContactPeer.CLINIC.getName() + " as clinics where contacts." + Property.concatNames(ContactPeer.STUDIES, StudyPeer.ID) + " = ? and clinics." + ClinicPeer.ID.getName() + " = ?"; /** * return true if this study is linked to the given clinic (through * contacts) */ public boolean isLinkedToClinic(ClinicWrapper clinic) throws ApplicationException, BiobankException { HQLCriteria c = new HQLCriteria(IS_LINKED_TO_CLINIC_QRY, Arrays.asList(new Object[] { getId(), clinic.getId() })); return getCountResult(appService, c) != 0; } @Override public void resetInternalFields() { studyEventAttrMap = null; } @SuppressWarnings("nls") public static final String ALL_STUDIES_QRY = "from " + Study.class.getName(); public static List<StudyWrapper> getAllStudies( WritableApplicationService appService) throws ApplicationException { HQLCriteria c = new HQLCriteria(ALL_STUDIES_QRY); return ModelWrapper.wrapModelCollection(appService, appService.query(c), StudyWrapper.class); } @SuppressWarnings("nls") public static final String COUNT_QRY = "select count (*) from " + Study.class.getName(); public static long getCount(WritableApplicationService appService) throws BiobankException, ApplicationException { return getCountResult(appService, new HQLCriteria(COUNT_QRY)); } @Override public String toString() { return getName(); } @SuppressWarnings("nls") private static final String COLLECTION_EVENT_COUNT_QRY = "select count(distinct ce) from " + CollectionEvent.class.getName() + " as ce where ce." + Property.concatNames(CollectionEventPeer.PATIENT, PatientPeer.STUDY, StudyPeer.ID) + "=?"; public long getCollectionEventCount() throws ApplicationException, BiobankException { HQLCriteria c = new HQLCriteria(COLLECTION_EVENT_COUNT_QRY, Arrays.asList(new Object[] { getId() })); return getCountResult(appService, c); } @Override public boolean canUpdate(UserWrapper user, CenterWrapper<?> center, StudyWrapper study) { return super.canUpdate(user, center, study); } @Deprecated @Override protected void addPersistTasks(TaskList tasks) { tasks.add(check().notNull(StudyPeer.NAME)); tasks.add(check().notNull(StudyPeer.NAME_SHORT)); tasks.add(check().unique(StudyPeer.NAME)); tasks.add(check().unique(StudyPeer.NAME_SHORT)); tasks.deleteRemoved(this, StudyPeer.STUDY_EVENT_ATTRS); tasks.deleteRemoved(this, StudyPeer.SOURCE_SPECIMENS); tasks.deleteRemoved(this, StudyPeer.ALIQUOTED_SPECIMENS); super.addPersistTasks(tasks); tasks.persistAdded(this, StudyPeer.STUDY_EVENT_ATTRS); tasks.persistAdded(this, StudyPeer.SOURCE_SPECIMENS); tasks.persistAdded(this, StudyPeer.ALIQUOTED_SPECIMENS); } @Deprecated @Override protected void addDeleteTasks(TaskList tasks) { tasks.add(check().empty(StudyPeer.PATIENTS)); tasks.delete(this, StudyPeer.STUDY_EVENT_ATTRS); tasks.delete(this, StudyPeer.SOURCE_SPECIMENS); tasks.delete(this, StudyPeer.ALIQUOTED_SPECIMENS); super.addDeleteTasks(tasks); } // public List<PatientWrapper> getPatientCollection(boolean sort) { // return HQLAccessor.getCachedCollection(this, PatientPeer.STUDY, // Patient.class, PatientWrapper.class, sort); // } @SuppressWarnings("nls") private static final String ACTIVE_ALIQUOTED_SPECIMENS_TYPE_QRY = "select aspec." + AliquotedSpecimenPeer.SPECIMEN_TYPE.getName() + " from " + AliquotedSpecimen.class.getName() + " as aspec where aspec." + Property.concatNames(AliquotedSpecimenPeer.STUDY, StudyPeer.ID) + " = ? and aspec.activityStatus = " + ActivityStatus.ACTIVE.getId(); public List<SpecimenTypeWrapper> getAuthorizedActiveAliquotedTypes( List<SpecimenTypeWrapper> authorizedTypes) throws ApplicationException { List<SpecimenType> raw = appService.query(new HQLCriteria( ACTIVE_ALIQUOTED_SPECIMENS_TYPE_QRY, Arrays .asList(new Object[] { getId() }))); if (raw == null) { return new ArrayList<SpecimenTypeWrapper>(); } List<SpecimenTypeWrapper> studiesAliquotedTypes = new ArrayList<SpecimenTypeWrapper>(); for (SpecimenType st : raw) { SpecimenTypeWrapper type = new SpecimenTypeWrapper(appService, st); if (authorizedTypes == null || authorizedTypes.contains(type)) { studiesAliquotedTypes.add(type); } } return studiesAliquotedTypes; } }