/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.apache.axis2.saaj.integration; import junit.framework.TestCase; import org.apache.axis2.AxisFault; import org.apache.axis2.context.ConfigurationContext; import org.apache.axis2.context.ConfigurationContextFactory; import org.apache.axis2.context.ServiceContext; import org.apache.axis2.context.ServiceGroupContext; import org.apache.axis2.deployment.DeploymentEngine; import org.apache.axis2.description.AxisModule; import org.apache.axis2.description.AxisService; import org.apache.axis2.transport.http.SimpleHTTPServer; import javax.xml.namespace.QName; import java.io.File; import java.io.FilenameFilter; import java.net.ServerSocket; /** * */ public class UtilServer { private static int count = 0; private static SimpleHTTPServer receiver; public static synchronized void deployService(AxisService service) throws AxisFault { receiver.getConfigurationContext().getAxisConfiguration().addService(service); } public static synchronized void unDeployService(QName service) throws AxisFault { receiver.getConfigurationContext().getAxisConfiguration(). removeService(service.getLocalPart()); } public static synchronized void unDeployClientService() throws AxisFault { if (receiver.getConfigurationContext().getAxisConfiguration() != null) { receiver.getConfigurationContext().getAxisConfiguration() .removeService("AnonymousService"); } } public static synchronized void start() throws Exception { start(org.apache.axis2.Constants.TESTING_REPOSITORY); } public static synchronized int start(String repository) throws Exception { int testingPort = 0; if (count == 0) { ConfigurationContext er = getNewConfigurationContext(repository); testingPort = findAvailablePort(); receiver = new SimpleHTTPServer(er, testingPort); receiver.start(); System.out.print("Server started on port " + testingPort + "....."); try { Thread.sleep(2000); } catch (InterruptedException e1) { throw new AxisFault("Thread interupted", e1); } } count++; return testingPort; } public static ConfigurationContext getNewConfigurationContext(String repository) throws Exception { File file = new File(repository); if (!file.exists()) { throw new Exception("repository directory " + file.getAbsolutePath() + " does not exist"); } return ConfigurationContextFactory .createConfigurationContextFromFileSystem(file.getAbsolutePath(), null); } public static synchronized void stop() throws AxisFault { if (count == 1) { receiver.stop(); while (receiver.isRunning()) { try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException e1) { } } count = 0; System.out.print("Server stopped ....."); } else { count--; } receiver.getConfigurationContext().terminate(); } public static ConfigurationContext getConfigurationContext() { return receiver.getConfigurationContext(); } static class AddressingFilter implements FilenameFilter { public boolean accept(File dir, String name) { return name.startsWith("addressing") && name.endsWith(".mar"); } } private static File getAddressingMARFile() { File dir = new File(org.apache.axis2.Constants.TESTING_REPOSITORY); File[] files = dir.listFiles(new AddressingFilter()); TestCase.assertTrue(files.length == 1); File file = files[0]; TestCase.assertTrue(file.exists()); return file; } public static ServiceContext createAdressedEnabledClientSide( AxisService service, String clientHome) throws AxisFault { File file = getAddressingMARFile(); TestCase.assertTrue(file.exists()); ConfigurationContext configContext = ConfigurationContextFactory .createConfigurationContextFromFileSystem(clientHome, null); AxisModule axisModule = DeploymentEngine.buildModule(file, configContext.getAxisConfiguration()); configContext.getAxisConfiguration().addModule(axisModule); // sysContext.getAxisConfiguration().engageModule(moduleDesc.getName()); configContext.getAxisConfiguration().addService(service); return new ServiceGroupContext(configContext, service.getAxisServiceGroup()) .getServiceContext(service); } protected static int findAvailablePort() { try { ServerSocket ss = new ServerSocket(0); int result = ss.getLocalPort(); ss.close(); return result; } catch (Exception e) { return 5555; } } }