/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.apache.axis2.description; import org.apache.axiom.om.OMElement; import org.apache.axis2.AxisFault; import org.apache.axis2.Constants; import org.apache.axis2.addressing.EndpointReference; import org.apache.axis2.addressing.AddressingConstants; import org.apache.axis2.client.Options; import org.apache.axis2.client.ServiceClient; import org.apache.axis2.context.MessageContext; import org.apache.axis2.context.ServiceContext; import org.apache.axis2.dataretrieval.AxisDataLocator; import org.apache.axis2.dataretrieval.AxisDataLocatorImpl; import org.apache.axis2.dataretrieval.DRConstants; import org.apache.axis2.dataretrieval.Data; import org.apache.axis2.dataretrieval.DataRetrievalException; import org.apache.axis2.dataretrieval.DataRetrievalRequest; import org.apache.axis2.dataretrieval.LocatorType; import org.apache.axis2.dataretrieval.OutputForm; import org.apache.axis2.dataretrieval.SchemaSupplier; import org.apache.axis2.dataretrieval.WSDL11SupplierTemplate; import org.apache.axis2.dataretrieval.WSDL20SupplierTemplate; import org.apache.axis2.dataretrieval.WSDLSupplier; import org.apache.axis2.deployment.DeploymentConstants; import org.apache.axis2.deployment.util.ExcludeInfo; import org.apache.axis2.deployment.util.PhasesInfo; import org.apache.axis2.deployment.util.Utils; import org.apache.axis2.description.java2wsdl.DefaultSchemaGenerator; import org.apache.axis2.description.java2wsdl.DocLitBareSchemaGenerator; import org.apache.axis2.description.java2wsdl.Java2WSDLConstants; import org.apache.axis2.description.java2wsdl.SchemaGenerator; import org.apache.axis2.description.java2wsdl.TypeTable; import org.apache.axis2.engine.AxisConfiguration; import org.apache.axis2.engine.DefaultObjectSupplier; import org.apache.axis2.engine.MessageReceiver; import org.apache.axis2.engine.ObjectSupplier; import org.apache.axis2.engine.ServiceLifeCycle; import org.apache.axis2.i18n.Messages; import org.apache.axis2.phaseresolver.PhaseResolver; import org.apache.axis2.transport.TransportListener; import org.apache.axis2.util.IOUtils; import org.apache.axis2.util.JavaUtils; import org.apache.axis2.util.Loader; import org.apache.axis2.util.LoggingControl; import org.apache.axis2.util.XMLPrettyPrinter; import org.apache.axis2.util.XMLUtils; import org.apache.axis2.wsdl.WSDLConstants; import org.apache.axis2.wsdl.WSDLUtil; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.neethi.Policy; import org.apache.woden.WSDLSource; import org.apache.woden.wsdl20.Description; import org.apache.ws.commons.schema.XmlSchema; import org.apache.ws.commons.schema.XmlSchemaElement; import org.apache.ws.commons.schema.XmlSchemaExternal; import org.apache.ws.commons.schema.utils.NamespaceMap; import org.apache.ws.commons.schema.utils.NamespacePrefixList; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.w3c.dom.NamedNodeMap; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import javax.wsdl.Definition; import javax.wsdl.Import; import javax.wsdl.Port; import javax.wsdl.Service; import javax.wsdl.Types; import javax.wsdl.WSDLException; import javax.wsdl.extensions.http.HTTPAddress; import javax.wsdl.extensions.schema.Schema; import javax.wsdl.extensions.soap.SOAPAddress; import javax.wsdl.extensions.soap12.SOAP12Address; import javax.wsdl.extensions.UnknownExtensibilityElement; import javax.wsdl.factory.WSDLFactory; import javax.wsdl.xml.WSDLReader; import javax.wsdl.xml.WSDLWriter; import javax.xml.namespace.QName; import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.OutputStream; import java.io.OutputStreamWriter; import java.io.PrintWriter; import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.net.SocketException; import java.net.URISyntaxException; import java.net.URL; import java.security.PrivilegedAction; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Vector; import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList; /** * Class AxisService */ public class AxisService extends AxisDescription { // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Standard Parameter names /** * If this param is true, and the service has exactly one AxisOperation, * normal operation dispatch (via URI/soapAction/etc) will not be necessary, * and we'll just default to funneling all messages to that op. This is * useful for passthrough/ESB/embedded applications. */ public static final String SUPPORT_SINGLE_OP = "supportSingleOperation"; // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static final String IMPORT_TAG = "import"; public static final String INCLUDE_TAG = "include"; public static final String SCHEMA_LOCATION = "schemaLocation"; private Map<String, AxisEndpoint> endpointMap = new HashMap<String, AxisEndpoint>(); /* * This is a map between the QName of the element of a message specified in * the WSDL and an Operation. It enables SOAP Body-based dispatching for * doc-literal bindings. */ private Map<QName, AxisOperation> messageElementQNameToOperationMap = new HashMap<QName, AxisOperation>(); private int nsCount = 0; private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(AxisService.class); private URL fileName; // Maps httpLocations to corresponding operations. Used to dispatch rest // messages. private HashMap<String, AxisOperation> httpLocationDispatcherMap = null; // A map of (String alias, AxisOperation operation). The aliases might // include: SOAPAction, // WS-Addressing action, the operation name, the AxisInputMessage name. See: // - invalidOperationsAliases // - mapActionToOperatoin() // - getOperationByAction() // REVIEW: This really should be seperate maps for the different types of // aliases so they don't // conflict with each other. For example, so that an identical operation // name and soap action // on different operatoins don't cause a collision; the following can't be // routed because // "foo" is not unique across different operations: // operation 1: action = foo, name = bar // operation 2: action = bar, name = foo private HashMap<String, AxisOperation> operationsAliasesMap = null; // Collection of aliases that are invalid for this service because they are // duplicated across // multiple operations under this service. private List<String> invalidOperationsAliases = null; // private HashMap operations = new HashMap(); // to store module ref at deploy time parsing private ArrayList<String> moduleRefs = null; // to keep the time that last update time of the service private long lastupdate; private HashMap<String, ModuleConfiguration> moduleConfigmap; private String name; private ClassLoader serviceClassLoader; // to keep the XMLScheam getting either from WSDL or java2wsdl private ArrayList<XmlSchema> schemaList; // private XmlSchema schema; // wsdl is there for this service or not (in side META-INF) private boolean wsdlFound = false; // to store the scope of the service private String scope; // to store default message receivers private HashMap<String, MessageReceiver> messageReceivers; // to set the handler chain available in phase info private boolean useDefaultChains = true; // to keep the status of the service , since service can stop at the run // time private boolean active = true; private boolean elementFormDefault = true; // to keep the service target name space private String targetNamespace = Java2WSDLConstants.DEFAULT_TARGET_NAMESPACE; private String targetNamespacePrefix = Java2WSDLConstants.TARGETNAMESPACE_PREFIX; // to store the target namespace for the schema private String schematargetNamespace;// = Java2WSDLConstants.AXIS2_XSD; private String schematargetNamespacePrefix = Java2WSDLConstants.SCHEMA_NAMESPACE_PRFIX; private boolean enableAllTransports = true; private List<String> exposedTransports = new ArrayList<String>(); // To keep reference to ServiceLifeCycle instance , if the user has // specified in services.xml private ServiceLifeCycle serviceLifeCycle; /** * Keeps track whether the schema locations are adjusted */ private boolean schemaLocationsAdjusted = false; private boolean wsdlImportLocationAdjusted = false; /** * A table that keeps a mapping of unique xsd names (Strings) against the * schema objects. This is populated in the first instance the schemas are * asked for and then used to serve the subsequent requests */ private Map schemaMappingTable = null; /** * counter variable for naming the schemas */ private int count = 0; /** * A custom schema Name prefix. if set this will be used to modify the * schema names */ private String customSchemaNamePrefix = null; /** * A custom schema name suffix. will be attached to the schema file name * when the files are uniquely named. A good place to add a file extension * if needed */ private String customSchemaNameSuffix = null; // /////////////////////////////////////// // WSDL related stuff //////////////////// // ////////////////////////////////////// /** Map of prefix -> namespaceURI */ private NamespaceMap namespaceMap; private String soapNsUri; private String endpointName; private String endpointURL; private List importedNamespaces; private boolean clientSide = false; // To keep a ref to ObjectSupplier instance private ObjectSupplier objectSupplier; // package to namespace mapping private Map p2nMap; // to keep the exclude property details private ExcludeInfo excludeInfo; private TypeTable typeTable; // Data Locators for WS-Mex Support private HashMap dataLocators; private HashMap<String, String> dataLocatorClassNames; private AxisDataLocatorImpl defaultDataLocator; // Define search sequence for datalocator based on Data Locator types. LocatorType[] availableDataLocatorTypes = new LocatorType[] { LocatorType.SERVICE_DIALECT, LocatorType.SERVICE_LEVEL, LocatorType.GLOBAL_DIALECT, LocatorType.GLOBAL_LEVEL, LocatorType.DEFAULT_AXIS }; // name of the binding used : use in codegeneration private String bindingName; // List of MessageContextListeners that listen for events on the MessageContext private CopyOnWriteArrayList<MessageContextListener> messageContextListeners = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<MessageContextListener>(); // names list keep to preserve the parameter order private List operationsNameList; // Excluded operations name list to know which operations to exclude. private List excludeOperationsNameList; private String[] eprs; private boolean customWsdl = false; private HashMap policyMap = new HashMap(); public AxisEndpoint getEndpoint(String key) { return (AxisEndpoint) endpointMap.get(key); } public void addEndpoint(String key, AxisEndpoint axisEndpoint) { this.endpointMap.put(key, axisEndpoint); } public boolean isSchemaLocationsAdjusted() { return schemaLocationsAdjusted; } public void setSchemaLocationsAdjusted(boolean schemaLocationsAdjusted) { this.schemaLocationsAdjusted = schemaLocationsAdjusted; } public Map getSchemaMappingTable() { return schemaMappingTable; } public void setSchemaMappingTable(Map schemaMappingTable) { this.schemaMappingTable = schemaMappingTable; } public String getCustomSchemaNamePrefix() { return customSchemaNamePrefix; } public void setCustomSchemaNamePrefix(String customSchemaNamePrefix) { this.customSchemaNamePrefix = customSchemaNamePrefix; } public String getCustomSchemaNameSuffix() { return customSchemaNameSuffix; } public void setCustomSchemaNameSuffix(String customSchemaNameSuffix) { this.customSchemaNameSuffix = customSchemaNameSuffix; } /** * Constructor AxisService. */ public AxisService() { super(); this.operationsAliasesMap = new HashMap(); this.invalidOperationsAliases = new ArrayList(); this.excludeOperationsNameList = new ArrayList(); moduleConfigmap = new HashMap(); // by default service scope is for the request scope = Constants.SCOPE_REQUEST; httpLocationDispatcherMap = new HashMap(); messageReceivers = new HashMap(); moduleRefs = new ArrayList(); schemaList = new ArrayList(); serviceClassLoader = (ClassLoader) org.apache.axis2.java.security.AccessController .doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction<ClassLoader>() { public ClassLoader run() { return Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); } }); objectSupplier = new DefaultObjectSupplier(); dataLocators = new HashMap(); dataLocatorClassNames = new HashMap(); } public String getBindingName() { return bindingName; } public void setBindingName(String bindingName) { this.bindingName = bindingName; } /** * get the SOAPVersion */ public String getSoapNsUri() { return soapNsUri; } public void setSoapNsUri(String soapNsUri) { this.soapNsUri = soapNsUri; } /** * get the endpointName */ public String getEndpointName() { return endpointName; } public void setEndpointName(String endpoint) { this.endpointName = endpoint; } /** * Constructor AxisService. */ public AxisService(String name) { this(); this.name = name; } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public void addMessageReceiver(String mepURI, MessageReceiver messageReceiver) { if (WSDL2Constants.MEP_URI_IN_ONLY.equals(mepURI) || WSDL2Constants.MEP_URI_IN_ONLY .equals(mepURI) || WSDL2Constants.MEP_URI_IN_ONLY .equals(mepURI)) { messageReceivers.put(WSDL2Constants.MEP_URI_IN_ONLY, messageReceiver); messageReceivers.put( WSDL2Constants.MEP_URI_IN_ONLY, messageReceiver); messageReceivers.put( WSDL2Constants.MEP_URI_IN_ONLY, messageReceiver); } else if (WSDL2Constants.MEP_URI_OUT_ONLY.equals(mepURI) || WSDL2Constants.MEP_URI_OUT_ONLY .equals(mepURI) || WSDL2Constants.MEP_URI_OUT_ONLY .equals(mepURI)) { messageReceivers.put(WSDL2Constants.MEP_URI_OUT_ONLY, messageReceiver); messageReceivers.put( WSDL2Constants.MEP_URI_OUT_ONLY, messageReceiver); messageReceivers.put( WSDL2Constants.MEP_URI_OUT_ONLY, messageReceiver); } else if (WSDL2Constants.MEP_URI_IN_OUT.equals(mepURI) || WSDL2Constants.MEP_URI_IN_OUT .equals(mepURI) || WSDL2Constants.MEP_URI_IN_OUT .equals(mepURI)) { messageReceivers .put(WSDL2Constants.MEP_URI_IN_OUT, messageReceiver); messageReceivers.put( WSDL2Constants.MEP_URI_IN_OUT, messageReceiver); messageReceivers.put( WSDL2Constants.MEP_URI_IN_OUT, messageReceiver); } else if (WSDL2Constants.MEP_URI_IN_OPTIONAL_OUT.equals(mepURI) || WSDL2Constants.MEP_URI_IN_OPTIONAL_OUT .equals(mepURI) || WSDL2Constants.MEP_URI_IN_OPTIONAL_OUT .equals(mepURI)) { messageReceivers.put(WSDL2Constants.MEP_URI_IN_OPTIONAL_OUT, messageReceiver); messageReceivers.put( WSDL2Constants.MEP_URI_IN_OPTIONAL_OUT, messageReceiver); messageReceivers .put( WSDL2Constants.MEP_URI_IN_OPTIONAL_OUT, messageReceiver); } else if (WSDL2Constants.MEP_URI_OUT_IN.equals(mepURI) || WSDL2Constants.MEP_URI_OUT_IN .equals(mepURI) || WSDL2Constants.MEP_URI_OUT_IN .equals(mepURI)) { messageReceivers .put(WSDL2Constants.MEP_URI_OUT_IN, messageReceiver); messageReceivers.put( WSDL2Constants.MEP_URI_OUT_IN, messageReceiver); messageReceivers.put( WSDL2Constants.MEP_URI_OUT_IN, messageReceiver); } else if (WSDL2Constants.MEP_URI_OUT_OPTIONAL_IN.equals(mepURI) || WSDL2Constants.MEP_URI_OUT_OPTIONAL_IN .equals(mepURI) || WSDL2Constants.MEP_URI_OUT_OPTIONAL_IN .equals(mepURI)) { messageReceivers.put(WSDL2Constants.MEP_URI_OUT_OPTIONAL_IN, messageReceiver); messageReceivers.put( WSDL2Constants.MEP_URI_OUT_OPTIONAL_IN, messageReceiver); messageReceivers .put( WSDL2Constants.MEP_URI_OUT_OPTIONAL_IN, messageReceiver); } else if (WSDL2Constants.MEP_URI_ROBUST_OUT_ONLY.equals(mepURI) || WSDL2Constants.MEP_URI_ROBUST_OUT_ONLY .equals(mepURI) || WSDL2Constants.MEP_URI_ROBUST_OUT_ONLY .equals(mepURI)) { messageReceivers.put(WSDL2Constants.MEP_URI_ROBUST_OUT_ONLY, messageReceiver); messageReceivers.put( WSDL2Constants.MEP_URI_ROBUST_OUT_ONLY, messageReceiver); messageReceivers .put( WSDL2Constants.MEP_URI_ROBUST_OUT_ONLY, messageReceiver); } else if (WSDL2Constants.MEP_URI_ROBUST_IN_ONLY.equals(mepURI) || WSDL2Constants.MEP_URI_ROBUST_IN_ONLY .equals(mepURI) || WSDL2Constants.MEP_URI_ROBUST_IN_ONLY .equals(mepURI)) { messageReceivers.put(WSDL2Constants.MEP_URI_ROBUST_IN_ONLY, messageReceiver); messageReceivers.put( WSDL2Constants.MEP_URI_ROBUST_IN_ONLY, messageReceiver); messageReceivers.put( WSDL2Constants.MEP_URI_ROBUST_IN_ONLY, messageReceiver); } else { messageReceivers.put(mepURI, messageReceiver); } } public MessageReceiver getMessageReceiver(String mepURL) { return messageReceivers.get(mepURL); } /** * Adds module configuration , if there is moduleConfig tag in service. * * @param moduleConfiguration */ public void addModuleConfig(ModuleConfiguration moduleConfiguration) { moduleConfigmap.put(moduleConfiguration.getModuleName(), moduleConfiguration); } /** * Add any control operations defined by a Module to this service. * * @param module * the AxisModule which has just been engaged * @throws AxisFault * if a problem occurs */ void addModuleOperations(AxisModule module) throws AxisFault { HashMap<QName, AxisOperation> map = module.getOperations(); Collection<AxisOperation> col = map.values(); PhaseResolver phaseResolver = new PhaseResolver(getAxisConfiguration()); for (Iterator<AxisOperation> iterator = col.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { AxisOperation axisOperation = copyOperation((AxisOperation) iterator .next()); if (this.getOperation(axisOperation.getName()) == null) { ArrayList<String> wsamappings = axisOperation.getWSAMappingList(); if (wsamappings != null) { for (int j = 0, size = wsamappings.size(); j < size; j++) { String mapping = (String) wsamappings.get(j); //If there is already an operation with this action //mapping (e.g. if the service has a matching operation) //then we're going to check to see if the module's //operation says that it's OK to be overridden and //if so, we'll simply ignore the mapping, otherwise //we continue as before AxisOperation mappedOperation = getOperationByAction(mapping); if ((mappedOperation != null) && (axisOperation.isParameterTrue(DeploymentConstants.TAG_ALLOWOVERRIDE))) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log .debug("addModuleOperations: Mapping already exists for action: " + mapping + " to operation: " + axisOperation + " named: " + axisOperation.getName() + " and an override is allowed, so the module mapping for module: " + module.getName() + " is being ignored."); log.debug(JavaUtils.callStackToString()); } } else { mapActionToOperation(mapping, axisOperation); } } } // If we've set the "expose" parameter for this operation, it's // normal (non- // control) and therefore it will appear in generated WSDL. If // we haven't, // it's a control operation and will be ignored at WSDL-gen // time. if (axisOperation .isParameterTrue(DeploymentConstants.TAG_EXPOSE)) { axisOperation.setControlOperation(false); } else { axisOperation.setControlOperation(true); } phaseResolver.engageModuleToOperation(axisOperation, module); this.addOperation(axisOperation); } } } public void addModuleref(String moduleref) { moduleRefs.add(moduleref); } /** * Adds operation name to exclude list. * * @param operation operation name to add to exclude list * */ public void addExcludeOperationName(String operation){ excludeOperationsNameList.add(operation); } /** * Removes operation name from exclude list. * * @param operation operation name to remove from exclude list * */ public void removeExcludeOperationName(String operation){ excludeOperationsNameList.remove(operation); } /** * Returns whether operation name is in exclude list. * * @param operation name to check if operation is in the exlude list. * @return boolean indicating whether operation name is in exlude list. */ public boolean isExcludedOperation(String operation){ return excludeOperationsNameList.contains(operation); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see org.apache.axis2.description.AxisService#addOperation(org.apache.axis2.description.AxisOperation) */ /** * Method addOperation. * * @param axisOperation */ public void addOperation(AxisOperation axisOperation) { axisOperation.setParent(this); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { if (axisOperation.getName().equals(ServiceClient.ANON_OUT_ONLY_OP) || (axisOperation.getName().equals(ServiceClient.ANON_OUT_ONLY_OP)) || (axisOperation.getName().equals(ServiceClient.ANON_OUT_ONLY_OP))) { log.debug("Client-defined operation name matches default operation name. " + "this may cause interoperability issues. Name is: " + axisOperation.getName().toString()); } } Iterator<AxisModule> modules = getEngagedModules().iterator(); while (modules.hasNext()) { AxisModule module = (AxisModule) modules.next(); try { axisOperation.engageModule(module); } catch (AxisFault axisFault) { log.info(Messages.getMessage("modulealredyengagetoservice", module.getName())); } } if (axisOperation.getMessageReceiver() == null) { axisOperation.setMessageReceiver(loadDefaultMessageReceiver( axisOperation.getMessageExchangePattern(), this)); } if (axisOperation.getInputAction() == null) { axisOperation.setSoapAction("urn:" + axisOperation.getName().getLocalPart()); } if (axisOperation.getOutputAction() == null) { axisOperation.setOutputAction("urn:" + axisOperation.getName().getLocalPart() + Java2WSDLConstants.RESPONSE); } addChild(axisOperation); String operationName = axisOperation.getName().getLocalPart(); /* * Some times name of the operation can be different from the name of * the first child of the SOAPBody. This will put the correct mapping * associating that name with the operation. This will be useful * especially for the SOAPBodyBasedDispatcher */ Iterator axisMessageIter = axisOperation.getChildren(); while (axisMessageIter.hasNext()) { AxisMessage axisMessage = (AxisMessage) axisMessageIter.next(); String messageName = axisMessage.getName(); if (messageName != null && !messageName.equals(operationName)) { mapActionToOperation(messageName, axisOperation); } } mapActionToOperation(operationName, axisOperation); String action = axisOperation.getInputAction(); if (action.length() > 0) { mapActionToOperation(action, axisOperation); } ArrayList<String> wsamappings = axisOperation.getWSAMappingList(); if (wsamappings != null) { for (int j = 0, size = wsamappings.size(); j < size; j++) { String mapping = (String) wsamappings.get(j); mapActionToOperation(mapping, axisOperation); } } if (axisOperation.getMessageReceiver() == null) { axisOperation.setMessageReceiver(loadDefaultMessageReceiver( axisOperation.getMessageExchangePattern(), this)); } } private MessageReceiver loadDefaultMessageReceiver(String mepURL, AxisService service) { MessageReceiver messageReceiver; if (mepURL == null) { mepURL = WSDL2Constants.MEP_URI_IN_OUT; } if (service != null) { messageReceiver = service.getMessageReceiver(mepURL); if (messageReceiver != null) { return messageReceiver; } } if (getAxisConfiguration() != null) { return getAxisConfiguration().getMessageReceiver(mepURL); } return null; } /** * Gets a copy from module operation. * * @param axisOperation * @return Returns AxisOperation. * @throws AxisFault */ private AxisOperation copyOperation(AxisOperation axisOperation) throws AxisFault { AxisOperation operation = AxisOperationFactory .getOperationDescription(axisOperation .getMessageExchangePattern()); operation.setMessageReceiver(axisOperation.getMessageReceiver()); operation.setName(axisOperation.getName()); Iterator<Parameter> parameters = axisOperation.getParameters().iterator(); while (parameters.hasNext()) { Parameter parameter = (Parameter) parameters.next(); operation.addParameter(parameter); } PolicyInclude policyInclude = new PolicyInclude(operation); PolicyInclude axisOperationPolicyInclude = axisOperation .getPolicyInclude(); if (axisOperationPolicyInclude != null) { Policy policy = axisOperationPolicyInclude.getPolicy(); if (policy != null) { policyInclude.setPolicy(axisOperationPolicyInclude.getPolicy()); } } operation.setPolicyInclude(policyInclude); operation.setWsamappingList(axisOperation.getWSAMappingList()); operation.setRemainingPhasesInFlow(axisOperation .getRemainingPhasesInFlow()); operation.setPhasesInFaultFlow(axisOperation.getPhasesInFaultFlow()); operation.setPhasesOutFaultFlow(axisOperation.getPhasesOutFaultFlow()); operation.setPhasesOutFlow(axisOperation.getPhasesOutFlow()); operation.setOutputAction(axisOperation.getOutputAction()); String[] faultActionNames = axisOperation.getFaultActionNames(); for (int i = 0; i < faultActionNames.length; i++) { operation.addFaultAction(faultActionNames[i], axisOperation .getFaultAction(faultActionNames[i])); } return operation; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see org.apache.axis2.description.AxisService#addToengagedModules(javax.xml.namespace.QName) */ /** * Engages a module. It is required to use this method. * * @param axisModule * @param engager */ public void onEngage(AxisModule axisModule, AxisDescription engager) throws AxisFault { // adding module operations addModuleOperations(axisModule); Iterator<AxisOperation> operations = getOperations(); while (operations.hasNext()) { AxisOperation axisOperation = (AxisOperation) operations.next(); axisOperation.engageModule(axisModule, engager); } } /** * Maps an alias (such as a SOAPAction, WSA action, or an operation name) to * the given AxisOperation. This is used by dispatching (both SOAPAction- * and WSAddressing- based dispatching) to figure out which operation a * given message is for. Some notes on restrictions of "action" - A null or * empty action will be ignored - An action that is a duplicate and * references an idential operation is allowed - An acton that is a * duplicate and references a different operation is NOT allowed. In this * case, the action for the original operation is removed from the alias * table, thus removing the ability to route based on this action. This is * necessary to prevent mis-directing incoming message to the wrong * operation based on SOAPAction. * * Note that an alias could be a SOAPAction, WS-Addressing Action, the * operation name, or some other alias. * * @see #getOperationByAction(String) * * @param action * the alias key * @param axisOperation * the operation to map to */ public void mapActionToOperation(String action, AxisOperation axisOperation) { if (action == null || "".equals(action)) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log .debug("mapActionToOperation: A null or empty action cannot be used to map to an operation."); } return; } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log .debug("mapActionToOperation: Mapping Action to Operation: action: " + action + "; operation: " + axisOperation + "named: " + axisOperation.getName()); log.debug(JavaUtils.callStackToString()); } //If there is already an operation with this action //mapping then we're going to check to see if the //operation says that it's OK to be overridden and //if so, we'll simply ignore the mapping, otherwise //we continue as before AxisOperation mappedOperation = getOperationByAction(action); if ((mappedOperation != null) && (axisOperation.isParameterTrue(DeploymentConstants.TAG_ALLOWOVERRIDE))) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log .debug("addModuleOperations: Mapping already exists for action: " + action + " to operation: " + axisOperation + " named: " + axisOperation.getName() + " and an override is allowed, so the mapping is being ignored."); log.debug(JavaUtils.callStackToString()); } return; } // First check if this action has already been flagged as invalid // because it is a duplicate. if (invalidOperationsAliases.contains(action)) { // This SOAPAction has already been determined to be invalid; log a // message // and do not add it to the operation alias map. if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log .debug("mapActionToOperation: The action: " + action + " can not be used for operation: " + axisOperation + " with operation name: " + axisOperation.getName() + " because that SOAPAction is not unique for this service."); } return; } // Check if the action is currently mapping to an operation. AxisOperation currentlyMappedOperation = getOperationByAction(action); if (currentlyMappedOperation != null) { if (currentlyMappedOperation == axisOperation) { // This maps to the same operation, then it is already in the // alias table, so // just silently ignore this mapping request. if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log .debug("mapActionToOperation: This operation is already mapped to this action: " + action + "; AxisOperation: " + currentlyMappedOperation + " named: " + currentlyMappedOperation.getName()); } } else { // This action is already mapped, but it is to a different // operation. Remove // the action mapping from the alias table and add it to the // list of invalid mappings operationsAliasesMap.remove(action); invalidOperationsAliases.add(action); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log .debug("mapActionToOperation: The action is already mapped to a different " + "operation. The mapping of the action to any operations will be " + "removed. Action: " + action + "; original operation: " + currentlyMappedOperation + " named " + currentlyMappedOperation.getName() + "; new operation: " + axisOperation + " named " + axisOperation.getName()); } } } else { operationsAliasesMap.put(action, axisOperation); // Adding operation name to the mapping table // operationsAliasesMap.put(axisOperation.getName().getLocalPart(), // axisOperation); } } /** * Maps an constant string in the whttp:location to the given operation. * This is used by RequestURIOperationDispatcher based dispatching to figure * out which operation it is that a given message is for. * * @param string * the constant drawn from whttp:location * @param axisOperation * the operation to map to */ public void addHttpLocationDispatcherString(String string, AxisOperation axisOperation) { httpLocationDispatcherMap.put(string, axisOperation); } /** * Prints the schema to the given output stream. * @param out The output stream for the data to be written. NOTE: the stream is not closed after the operation, * it is the responsibility of the caller to close the stream after usage. * @throws AxisFault */ public void printSchema(OutputStream out) throws AxisFault { for (int i = 0; i < schemaList.size(); i++) { XmlSchema schema = addNameSpaces(i); try { schema.write(out); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { log.error("Error while printing schema ", e); throw new AxisFault(e.getMessage(), e); } } } public XmlSchema getSchema(int index) { return addNameSpaces(index); } /** * Release the list of schema objects. <p/> In some environments, this can * provide significant relief of memory consumption in the java heap, as * long as the need for the schema list has completed. */ public void releaseSchemaList() { if (schemaList != null) { // release the schema list schemaList.clear(); } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("releaseSchemaList: schema list has been released."); } } private XmlSchema addNameSpaces(int i) { XmlSchema schema = (XmlSchema) schemaList.get(i); NamespaceMap map = (NamespaceMap) namespaceMap.clone(); NamespacePrefixList namespaceContext = schema.getNamespaceContext(); String prefixes[] = namespaceContext.getDeclaredPrefixes(); for (int j = 0; j < prefixes.length; j++) { String prefix = prefixes[j]; map.add(prefix, namespaceContext.getNamespaceURI(prefix)); } schema.setNamespaceContext(map); return schema; } public void setEPRs(String[] eprs) { this.eprs = eprs; } public String[] getEPRs() { if (eprs != null && eprs.length != 0) { return eprs; } eprs = calculateEPRs(); return eprs; } private String[] calculateEPRs() { try { String requestIP = org.apache.axis2.util.Utils.getIpAddress(getAxisConfiguration()); return calculateEPRs(requestIP); } catch (SocketException e) { log.error("Cannot get local IP address", e); } return new String[0]; } private String[] calculateEPRs(String requestIP) { AxisConfiguration axisConfig = getAxisConfiguration(); if (axisConfig == null) { return null; } ArrayList<String> eprList = new ArrayList<String>(); if (enableAllTransports) { for (Iterator<TransportInDescription> transports = axisConfig.getTransportsIn().values() .iterator(); transports.hasNext();) { TransportInDescription transportIn = (TransportInDescription) transports .next(); TransportListener listener = transportIn.getReceiver(); if (listener != null) { try { EndpointReference[] eprsForService = listener .getEPRsForService(this.name, requestIP); if (eprsForService != null) { for (int i = 0; i < eprsForService.length; i++) { EndpointReference endpointReference = eprsForService[i]; if (endpointReference != null) { String address = endpointReference .getAddress(); if (address != null) { eprList.add(address); } } } } } catch (AxisFault axisFault) { log.warn(axisFault.getMessage()); } } } } else { List<String> trs = this.exposedTransports; for (int i = 0; i < trs.size(); i++) { String trsName = (String) trs.get(i); TransportInDescription transportIn = axisConfig .getTransportIn(trsName); if (transportIn != null) { TransportListener listener = transportIn.getReceiver(); if (listener != null) { try { EndpointReference[] eprsForService = listener .getEPRsForService(this.name, requestIP); if (eprsForService != null) { for (int j = 0; j < eprsForService.length; j++) { EndpointReference endpointReference = eprsForService[j]; if (endpointReference != null) { String address = endpointReference .getAddress(); if (address != null) { eprList.add(address); } } } } } catch (AxisFault axisFault) { log.warn(axisFault.getMessage()); } } } } } eprs = (String[]) eprList.toArray(new String[eprList.size()]); return eprs; } /** * Prints the given definition object. * @param definition The definition. * @param out The output stream the data to be written to. NOTE: the stream is not closed after the operation, * it is the responsibility of the caller to close the stream after usage. * @param requestIP The host IP address. * @throws AxisFault * @throws WSDLException */ private synchronized void printDefinitionObject(Definition definition, OutputStream out, String requestIP) throws AxisFault, WSDLException { // Synchronized this method to fix the NullPointer exception occurred when load is high. // This error happens because wsdl4j is not thread safe and we are using same WSDL Definition for printing the // WSDL. // Please refer AXIS2-4511,AXIS2-4517,AXIS2-3276. if (isModifyUserWSDLPortAddress()) { setPortAddress(definition, requestIP); } if (!wsdlImportLocationAdjusted) { changeImportAndIncludeLocations(definition); wsdlImportLocationAdjusted = true; } WSDLWriter writer = WSDLFactory.newInstance().newWSDLWriter(); writer.writeWSDL(definition, out); } public void printUserWSDL(OutputStream out, String wsdlName) throws AxisFault { printUserWSDL(out, wsdlName, null); } /** * Prints the user WSDL. * @param out The output stream for the data to be written. NOTE: the stream is not closed after the operation, * it is the responsibility of the caller to close the stream after usage. * @param wsdlName The name of the WSDL. * @param ip The host IP address. * @throws AxisFault */ public void printUserWSDL(OutputStream out, String wsdlName, String ip) throws AxisFault { Definition definition = null; // first find the correct wsdl definition Parameter wsdlParameter = getParameter(WSDLConstants.WSDL_4_J_DEFINITION); if (wsdlParameter != null) { definition = (Definition) wsdlParameter.getValue(); } if (definition != null) { try { printDefinitionObject(getWSDLDefinition(definition, wsdlName), out, ip); } catch (WSDLException e) { throw AxisFault.makeFault(e); } } else { printWSDLError(out); } } public void printUserWSDL2(OutputStream out, String wsdlName, String ip) throws AxisFault { Description description = null; // first find the correct wsdl definition Parameter wsdlParameter = getParameter(WSDLConstants.WSDL_20_DESCRIPTION); if (wsdlParameter != null) { description = (Description) wsdlParameter.getValue(); try { org.apache.woden.WSDLFactory factory = org.apache.woden.WSDLFactory.newInstance(); org.apache.woden.WSDLWriter writer = factory.newWSDLWriter(); writer.writeWSDL(description.toElement(), out); } catch (org.apache.woden.WSDLException e) { throw AxisFault.makeFault(e); } } } /** * find the defintion object for given name * * @param parentDefinition * @param name * @return wsdl definition */ private Definition getWSDLDefinition(Definition parentDefinition, String name) { if (name == null) return parentDefinition; Definition importedDefinition = null; Iterator iter = parentDefinition.getImports().values().iterator(); Vector values = null; Import wsdlImport = null; for (; iter.hasNext();) { values = (Vector) iter.next(); for (Iterator valuesIter = values.iterator(); valuesIter.hasNext();) { wsdlImport = (Import) valuesIter.next(); if (wsdlImport.getLocationURI().endsWith(name)) { importedDefinition = wsdlImport.getDefinition(); break; } else { importedDefinition = getWSDLDefinition(wsdlImport .getDefinition(), name); } if (importedDefinition != null) { break; } } if (importedDefinition != null) { break; } } return importedDefinition; } /** * this procesdue recursively adjust the wsdl imports locations and the * schmea import and include locations. * * @param definition */ private void changeImportAndIncludeLocations(Definition definition) throws AxisFault { // adjust the schema locations in types section Types types = definition.getTypes(); if (types != null) { List extensibilityElements = types.getExtensibilityElements(); Object extensibilityElement = null; Schema schema = null; for (Iterator iter = extensibilityElements.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { extensibilityElement = iter.next(); if (extensibilityElement instanceof Schema) { schema = (Schema) extensibilityElement; changeLocations(schema.getElement()); } } } Iterator iter = definition.getImports().values().iterator(); Vector values = null; Import wsdlImport = null; String originalImprotString = null; for (; iter.hasNext();) { values = (Vector) iter.next(); for (Iterator valuesIter = values.iterator(); valuesIter.hasNext();) { wsdlImport = (Import) valuesIter.next(); originalImprotString = wsdlImport.getLocationURI(); if (originalImprotString.indexOf("://") == -1 && originalImprotString.indexOf("?wsdl=") == -1){ wsdlImport.setLocationURI(this.getServiceEPR() + "?wsdl=" + originalImprotString); } changeImportAndIncludeLocations(wsdlImport.getDefinition()); } } } /** * change the schema Location in the elemment * * @param element */ private void changeLocations(Element element) throws AxisFault { NodeList nodeList = element.getChildNodes(); String tagName; for (int i = 0; i < nodeList.getLength(); i++) { tagName = nodeList.item(i).getLocalName(); if (IMPORT_TAG.equals(tagName) || INCLUDE_TAG.equals(tagName)) { processImport(nodeList.item(i)); } } } private void updateSchemaLocation(XmlSchema schema) throws AxisFault { for (XmlSchemaExternal xmlSchemaExternal : schema.getExternals()) { XmlSchema s = xmlSchemaExternal.getSchema(); updateSchemaLocation(s, xmlSchemaExternal); } } private void updateSchemaLocation(XmlSchema s, XmlSchemaExternal xmlSchemaExternal) throws AxisFault { if (s != null) { String schemaLocation = xmlSchemaExternal.getSchemaLocation(); if (schemaLocation.indexOf("://") == -1 && schemaLocation.indexOf("?xsd=") == -1) { String newscheamlocation = this.getServiceEPR() + "?xsd=" + schemaLocation; xmlSchemaExternal.setSchemaLocation(newscheamlocation); } } } private void processImport(Node importNode) throws AxisFault { NamedNodeMap nodeMap = importNode.getAttributes(); Node attribute; String attributeValue; for (int i = 0; i < nodeMap.getLength(); i++) { attribute = nodeMap.item(i); if (attribute.getNodeName().equals("schemaLocation")) { attributeValue = attribute.getNodeValue(); if (attributeValue.indexOf("://") == -1 && attributeValue.indexOf("?xsd=") == -1) { attribute.setNodeValue(this.getServiceEPR() + "?xsd=" + attributeValue); } } } } private String getServiceEPR() { String serviceEPR = null; Parameter parameter = this.getParameter(Constants.Configuration.GENERATE_ABSOLUTE_LOCATION_URIS); if ((parameter != null) && JavaUtils.isTrueExplicitly(parameter.getValue())) { String[] eprs = this.getEPRs(); for (int i = 0; i < eprs.length; i++) { if ((eprs[i] != null) && (eprs[i].startsWith("http:"))){ serviceEPR = eprs[i]; break; } } if (serviceEPR == null){ serviceEPR = eprs[0]; } } else { serviceEPR = this.name; } if (serviceEPR.endsWith("/")){ serviceEPR = serviceEPR.substring(0, serviceEPR.lastIndexOf("/")); } return serviceEPR; } /** * Produces a XSD for this AxisService and prints it to the specified * OutputStream. * * @param out * destination stream, NOTE: the stream is not closed after the operation, * it is the responsibility of the caller to close the stream after usage. * @param xsd * schema name * @return -1 implies not found, 0 implies redirect to root, 1 implies * found/printed a schema * @throws IOException */ public int printXSD(OutputStream out, String xsd) throws IOException { // If we find a SchemaSupplier, use that SchemaSupplier supplier = (SchemaSupplier) getParameterValue("SchemaSupplier"); if (supplier != null) { XmlSchema schema = supplier.getSchema(this, xsd); if (schema != null) { updateSchemaLocation(schema); schema.write(new OutputStreamWriter(out, "UTF8")); out.flush(); return 1; } } // call the populator populateSchemaMappings(); Map schemaMappingtable = getSchemaMappingTable(); ArrayList<XmlSchema> schemas = getSchema(); // a name is present - try to pump the requested schema if ((xsd != null) && (!"".equals(xsd))) { XmlSchema schema = (XmlSchema) schemaMappingtable.get(xsd); if (schema == null) { int dotIndex = xsd.lastIndexOf('.'); if (dotIndex > 0) { String schemaKey = xsd.substring(0, dotIndex); schemaKey = schemaKey.replace("./" , ""); schema = (XmlSchema) schemaMappingtable.get(schemaKey); } } if (schema != null) { // schema is there - pump it outs schema.write(new OutputStreamWriter(out, "UTF8")); out.flush(); } else { // make sure we are only serving .xsd files and ignore requests with // ".." in the name. if (xsd.endsWith(".xsd") && xsd.indexOf("..") == -1) { InputStream in = getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream( DeploymentConstants.META_INF + "/" + xsd); if (in != null) { IOUtils.copy(in, out, true); } else { // Can't find the schema return -1; } } else { // bad schema request return -1; } } } else if (schemas.size() > 1) { // multiple schemas are present and the user specified // no name - in this case we cannot possibly pump a schema // so redirect to the service root return 0; } else { // user specified no name and there is only one schema // so pump that out ArrayList<XmlSchema> list = getSchema(); if (list.size() > 0) { XmlSchema schema = getSchema(0); if (schema != null) { schema.write(new OutputStreamWriter(out, "UTF8")); out.flush(); } } else { String xsdNotFound = "<error>" + "<description>Unable to access schema for this service</description>" + "</error>"; out.write(xsdNotFound.getBytes()); out.flush(); } } return 1; } /** * Produces a WSDL for this AxisService and prints it to the specified * OutputStream. * * @param out * destination stream. The WSDL will be sent here. NOTE: the stream is not closed after the operation, * it is the responsibility of the caller to close the stream after usage. * @param requestIP * the hostname the WSDL request was directed at. This should be * the address that appears in the generated WSDL. * @throws AxisFault * if an error occurs */ public void printWSDL(OutputStream out, String requestIP) throws AxisFault { // If we're looking for pre-existing WSDL, use that. if (isUseUserWSDL()) { printUserWSDL(out, null, requestIP); return; } // If we find a WSDLSupplier with WSDL 1.1 content, use that WSDLSupplier supplier = getUserDefinedWSDLSupplier("wsdl"); if(supplier == null){ supplier = (WSDLSupplier) getParameterValue(Constants.WSDL_SUPPLIER_PARAM); if(supplier instanceof WSDL11SupplierTemplate){ ((WSDL11SupplierTemplate)supplier).init(this); } } if (supplier != null) { Object wsdlContent = supplier.getWSDL(this); if( wsdlContent instanceof Definition){ try { Definition definition = (Definition) wsdlContent; if (definition != null) { changeImportAndIncludeLocations(definition); printDefinitionObject(getWSDLDefinition(definition, null), out, requestIP); } } catch (Exception e) { printWSDLError(out, e); } // wsdlContent can be a OMElement } else if (wsdlContent instanceof OMElement) { OMElement wsdlElement = (OMElement) wsdlContent; QName wsdlName = wsdlElement.getQName(); if (wsdlName != null && wsdlName.getLocalPart().equals("definitions") && wsdlName.getNamespaceURI().equals("http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/")) { // TODO How to address port number/ ip name customization // here ? try { XMLPrettyPrinter.prettify(wsdlElement, out); out.flush(); } catch (Exception e) { throw AxisFault.makeFault(e); } } } return; } if (isSetEndpointsToAllUsedBindings()) { Utils.setEndpointsToAllUsedBindings(this); } // Otherwise, generate WSDL ourselves String[] eprArray = requestIP == null ? new String[] { this.endpointName } : calculateEPRs(requestIP); getWSDL(out, eprArray); } /** * users can use this parameter when they supply a wsdl file with the .aar file * but wants to generate the endpoints for all available transports. here it assume * that the user has not set the useOriginalwsdl * @return */ public boolean isSetEndpointsToAllUsedBindings() { Parameter parameter = getParameter("setEndpointsToAllUsedBindings"); if (parameter != null) { String value = (String) parameter.getValue(); if ("true".equals(value)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Print the WSDL with a default URL. This will be called only during * codegen time. * * @param out The output stream for the data to be written. NOTE: the stream is not closed after the operation, * it is the responsibility of the caller to close the stream after usage. * @throws AxisFault */ public void printWSDL(OutputStream out) throws AxisFault { printWSDL(out, null); } private AxisEndpoint getAxisEndpoint(String port) { // if service has a single endpoint, this will cause the [serviceName] address // to be used in wsdl instead of the [serviceName].[endpointName] if (endpointMap.size() == 1 && endpointMap.containsKey(getEndpointName())) { return null; } else { return (AxisEndpoint)endpointMap.get(port); } } private void setPortAddress(Definition definition, String requestIP) throws AxisFault { Iterator serviceItr = definition.getServices().values().iterator(); while (serviceItr.hasNext()) { Service serviceElement = (Service) serviceItr.next(); Iterator portItr = serviceElement.getPorts().values().iterator(); while (portItr.hasNext()) { Port port = (Port) portItr.next(); AxisEndpoint endpoint = getAxisEndpoint(port.getName()); List list = port.getExtensibilityElements(); for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { Object extensibilityEle = list.get(i); if (extensibilityEle instanceof SOAPAddress) { SOAPAddress soapAddress = (SOAPAddress) extensibilityEle; String existingAddress = soapAddress.getLocationURI(); if (existingAddress == null || existingAddress .equals("REPLACE_WITH_ACTUAL_URL")) { if (endpoint != null) { ((SOAPAddress) extensibilityEle) .setLocationURI(endpoint .calculateEndpointURL(requestIP)); } else { ((SOAPAddress) extensibilityEle) .setLocationURI(getEPRs()[0]); } } else { if (requestIP == null) { if (endpoint != null) { ((SOAPAddress) extensibilityEle) .setLocationURI(endpoint .calculateEndpointURL()); } else { ((SOAPAddress) extensibilityEle) .setLocationURI(getLocationURI( getEPRs(), existingAddress)); } } else { if (endpoint != null) { ((SOAPAddress) extensibilityEle) .setLocationURI(endpoint .calculateEndpointURL(requestIP)); } else { ((SOAPAddress) extensibilityEle) .setLocationURI(getLocationURI( calculateEPRs(requestIP), existingAddress)); } } } } else if (extensibilityEle instanceof SOAP12Address) { SOAP12Address soapAddress = (SOAP12Address) extensibilityEle; String exsistingAddress = soapAddress.getLocationURI(); if (requestIP == null) { if (endpoint != null) { ((SOAP12Address) extensibilityEle) .setLocationURI(endpoint .calculateEndpointURL()); } else { ((SOAP12Address) extensibilityEle) .setLocationURI(getLocationURI( getEPRs(), exsistingAddress)); } } else { if (endpoint != null) { ((SOAP12Address) extensibilityEle) .setLocationURI(endpoint .calculateEndpointURL(requestIP)); } else { ((SOAP12Address) extensibilityEle) .setLocationURI(getLocationURI( calculateEPRs(requestIP), exsistingAddress)); } } } else if (extensibilityEle instanceof HTTPAddress) { HTTPAddress httpAddress = (HTTPAddress) extensibilityEle; String exsistingAddress = httpAddress.getLocationURI(); if (requestIP == null) { if (endpoint != null) { ((HTTPAddress) extensibilityEle) .setLocationURI(endpoint .calculateEndpointURL()); } else { ((HTTPAddress) extensibilityEle) .setLocationURI(getLocationURI( getEPRs(), exsistingAddress)); } } else { if (endpoint != null) { ((HTTPAddress) extensibilityEle) .setLocationURI(endpoint .calculateEndpointURL(requestIP)); } else { ((HTTPAddress) extensibilityEle) .setLocationURI(getLocationURI( calculateEPRs(requestIP), exsistingAddress)); } } } else if (extensibilityEle instanceof UnknownExtensibilityElement){ UnknownExtensibilityElement unknownExtensibilityElement = (UnknownExtensibilityElement) extensibilityEle; Element element = unknownExtensibilityElement.getElement(); if (AddressingConstants.ENDPOINT_REFERENCE.equals(element.getLocalName())){ NodeList nodeList = element.getChildNodes(); Node node = null; Element currentElement = null; for (int j = 0; j < nodeList.getLength(); j++) { node = nodeList.item(j); if (node instanceof Element){ currentElement = (Element) node; if (AddressingConstants.EPR_ADDRESS.equals(currentElement.getLocalName())) { String exsistingAddress = currentElement.getTextContent(); if (requestIP == null) { if (endpoint != null) { currentElement.setTextContent(endpoint.calculateEndpointURL()); } else { currentElement.setTextContent(getLocationURI(getEPRs(), exsistingAddress)); } } else { if (endpoint != null) { currentElement.setTextContent(endpoint.calculateEndpointURL(requestIP)); } else { currentElement.setTextContent(getLocationURI(calculateEPRs(requestIP),exsistingAddress)); } } } } } } } } } } } /** * this method returns the new IP address corresponding to the already * existing ip * * @param eprs * @param epr * @return corresponding Ip address */ private String getLocationURI(String[] eprs, String epr) throws AxisFault { String returnIP = null; if (epr != null) { String existingProtocol = org.apache.axis2.util.Utils.getURIScheme(epr); if (existingProtocol != null) { for (int i = 0; i < eprs.length; i++) { if (existingProtocol.equals(org.apache.axis2.util.Utils.getURIScheme(eprs[i]))) { returnIP = eprs[i]; break; } } if (returnIP != null) { return returnIP; } else { throw new AxisFault( "Server does not have an epr for the wsdl epr==>" + epr); } } else { throw new AxisFault("invalid epr is given epr ==> " + epr); } } else { throw new AxisFault("No epr is given in the wsdl port"); } } /** * Retrieves the WSDL data associated with the given serviceURL. * @param out The output stream for the WSDL data to be written, NOTE: the stream is not closed after the operation, * it is the responsibility of the caller to close the stream after usage. * @param serviceURL The fist element of this array i.e. serviceURL[0] is taken in retrieving the target service. */ private void getWSDL(OutputStream out, String[] serviceURL) throws AxisFault { // Retrieve WSDL using the same data retrieval path for GetMetadata // request. DataRetrievalRequest request = new DataRetrievalRequest(); request.putDialect(DRConstants.SPEC.DIALECT_TYPE_WSDL); request.putOutputForm(OutputForm.INLINE_FORM); MessageContext context = new MessageContext(); context.setAxisService(this); context.setTo(new EndpointReference(serviceURL[0])); Data[] result = getData(request, context); OMElement wsdlElement; if (result != null && result.length > 0) { wsdlElement = (OMElement) (result[0].getData()); try { XMLPrettyPrinter.prettify(wsdlElement, out); out.flush(); } catch (Exception e) { throw AxisFault.makeFault(e); } } } /** * Prints generic WSDL error to the given output stream. * @param out The output stream the data to be written to. NOTE: the stream is not closed after the operation, * it is the responsibility of the caller to close the stream after usage. * @throws AxisFault */ private void printWSDLError(OutputStream out) throws AxisFault { printWSDLError(out, null); } /** * Prints WSDL error condition that is given in the exception. * @param out The output stream for the error message to be written. NOTE: the stream is not closed after the operation, * it is the responsibility of the caller to close the stream after usage. * @param e The exception describing the error condition. * @throws AxisFault */ private void printWSDLError(OutputStream out, Exception e) throws AxisFault { try { String wsdlntfound = "<error>" + "<description>Unable to generate WSDL 1.1 for this service</description>" + "<reason>If you wish Axis2 to automatically generate the WSDL 1.1, then please " + "set useOriginalwsdl as false in your services.xml</reason>"; out.write(wsdlntfound.getBytes()); if (e != null) { PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(out); e.printStackTrace(pw); pw.flush(); } out.write("</error>".getBytes()); out.flush(); } catch (IOException ex) { throw AxisFault.makeFault(ex); } } /** * Print the WSDL2.0 with a default URL. This will be called only during * codegen time. * * @param out The output stream for the data to be written for. NOTE: the stream is not closed after the operation, * it is the responsibility of the caller to close the stream after usage. * @throws AxisFault */ public void printWSDL2(OutputStream out) throws AxisFault { printWSDL2(out, null); } /** * Prints WSDL2.0 data for the service with the given host IP address. * @param out The output stream for the data to be written for. NOTE: the stream is not closed after the operation, * it is the responsibility of the caller to close the stream after usage. * @param requestIP The host IP address. * @throws AxisFault */ public void printWSDL2(OutputStream out, String requestIP) throws AxisFault { // If we're looking for pre-existing WSDL, use that. if (isUseUserWSDL()) { printUserWSDL2(out, null, requestIP); return; } AxisService2WSDL20 axisService2WSDL2 = new AxisService2WSDL20(this); // If we find a WSDLSupplier with WSDL 2.0 content, use that WSDLSupplier supplier = getUserDefinedWSDLSupplier("wsdl2"); if(supplier == null){ supplier = (WSDLSupplier) getParameterValue(Constants.WSDL_SUPPLIER_PARAM); if(supplier instanceof WSDL20SupplierTemplate){ ((WSDL20SupplierTemplate)supplier).init(this); } } if (supplier != null) { Object wsdlContent = supplier.getWSDL(this); if( wsdlContent instanceof Description){ try { Description definition = (Description) wsdlContent; if (definition != null) { //TODO -- Need to implement this method for WSDL 2.0 //changeImportAndIncludeLocations(definition); printDescriptionObject(definition, out, requestIP); } } catch (Exception e) { printWSDLError(out, e); } // wsdlContent can be a OMElement } else if (wsdlContent instanceof OMElement) { OMElement wsdlElement = (OMElement) wsdlContent; QName wsdlName = wsdlElement.getQName(); if (wsdlName != null && wsdlName.getLocalPart().equals("description") && wsdlName.getNamespaceURI().equals("http://www.w3.org/ns/wsdl")) { // TODO How to address port number/ ip name customization // here ? try { XMLPrettyPrinter.prettify(wsdlElement, out); out.flush(); } catch (Exception e) { throw AxisFault.makeFault(e); } } } return; } try { if (requestIP != null) { axisService2WSDL2.setEPRs(calculateEPRs(requestIP)); } OMElement wsdlElement = axisService2WSDL2.generateOM(); wsdlElement.serialize(out); out.flush(); } catch (Exception e) { throw AxisFault.makeFault(e); } } /** * Produces a WSDL2 for this AxisService and prints it to the specified * OutputStream. * * @param out * destination stream. NOTE: the stream is not closed after the operation, * it is the responsibility of the caller to close the stream after usage. * @param wsdl * wsdl name * @return -1 implies not found, 0 implies redirect to root, 1 implies * found/printed wsdl * @throws IOException */ public int printWSDL2(OutputStream out, String requestIP, String wsdl) throws IOException, AxisFault { // if the wsdl2 parameter is not empty or null in the requested URL, get the wsdl from the META-INF and serve. //else construct the wsdl out of axis service and serve. if ((wsdl != null ) && (!"".equals(wsdl))) { // make sure we are only serving .wsdl files and ignore requests with // ".." in the name. if (wsdl.endsWith(".wsdl") && wsdl.indexOf("..") == -1) { InputStream in = getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream( DeploymentConstants.META_INF + "/" + wsdl); if (in != null) { IOUtils.copy(in, out, true); } else { // can't find the wsdl return -1; } } else { // bad wsdl2 request return -1; } } else { printWSDL2(out, requestIP); } return 1; } /** * Method getClassLoader. * * @return Returns ClassLoader. */ public ClassLoader getClassLoader() { return this.serviceClassLoader; } /** * Gets the control operation which are added by module like RM. */ public ArrayList<AxisOperation> getControlOperations() { Iterator<AxisOperation> op_itr = getOperations(); ArrayList<AxisOperation> operationList = new ArrayList<AxisOperation>(); while (op_itr.hasNext()) { AxisOperation operation = (AxisOperation) op_itr.next(); if (operation.isControlOperation()) { operationList.add(operation); } } return operationList; } public URL getFileName() { return fileName; } public long getLastUpdate() { return lastupdate; } public ModuleConfiguration getModuleConfig(String moduleName) { return (ModuleConfiguration) moduleConfigmap.get(moduleName); } public ArrayList<String> getModules() { return moduleRefs; } public String getName() { return name; } /** * Method getOperation. * * @param operationName * @return Returns AxisOperation. */ public AxisOperation getOperation(QName operationName) { if (LoggingControl.debugLoggingAllowed && log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Get operation for " + operationName); AxisOperation axisOperation = (AxisOperation) getChild(operationName); if (axisOperation == null) { axisOperation = (AxisOperation) getChild(new QName( getTargetNamespace(), operationName.getLocalPart())); if (LoggingControl.debugLoggingAllowed && log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Target namespace: " + getTargetNamespace()); } if (axisOperation == null) { axisOperation = (AxisOperation) operationsAliasesMap .get(operationName.getLocalPart()); if (LoggingControl.debugLoggingAllowed && log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Operations aliases map: " + operationsAliasesMap); } //The operation may be associated with a namespace other than the //target namespace, e.g. if the operation is from an imported wsdl. if (axisOperation == null) { List namespaces = getImportedNamespaces(); if (LoggingControl.debugLoggingAllowed && log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Imported namespaces: " + namespaces); if (namespaces != null) { Iterator iterator = namespaces.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { String namespace = (String) iterator.next(); axisOperation = (AxisOperation) getChild(new QName( namespace, operationName.getLocalPart())); if (axisOperation != null) break; } } } if (LoggingControl.debugLoggingAllowed && log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Found axis operation: " + axisOperation); return axisOperation; } /** * Returns the AxisOperation which has been mapped to the given alias. * * @see #mapActionToOperation(String, AxisOperation) * * @param action * the alias key * @return Returns the corresponding AxisOperation or null if it isn't * found. */ public AxisOperation getOperationByAction(String action) { return (AxisOperation) operationsAliasesMap.get(action); } /** * Returns the operation given a SOAP Action. This method should be called * if only one Endpoint is defined for this Service. If more than one * Endpoint exists, one of them will be picked. If more than one Operation * is found with the given SOAP Action; null will be returned. If no * particular Operation is found with the given SOAP Action; null will be * returned. If the action is in the list of invaliad aliases, which means * it did not uniquely identify an operation, a null will be returned. * * @param soapAction * SOAP Action defined for the particular Operation * @return Returns an AxisOperation if a unique Operation can be found with * the given SOAP Action otherwise will return null. */ public AxisOperation getOperationBySOAPAction(String soapAction) { // Check for illegal soapActions if ((soapAction == null) || soapAction.length() == 0) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("getOperationBySOAPAction: " + soapAction + " is null or ''. Returning null."); } return null; } // If the action maps to an alais that is not unique, then it can't be // used to map to // an operation. if (invalidOperationsAliases.contains(soapAction)) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("getOperationBySOAPAction: " + soapAction + " is an invalid operation alias. Returning null."); } return null; } // Get the operation from the action->operation map AxisOperation operation = (AxisOperation) operationsAliasesMap .get(soapAction); if (operation != null) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("getOperationBySOAPAction: Operation (" + operation + "," + operation.getName() + ") for soapAction: " + soapAction + " found in action map."); } return operation; } // The final fallback is to check the operations for a matching name. Iterator children = getChildren(); // I could not find any spec statement that explicitly forbids using a // short name in the SOAPAction header or wsa:Action element, // so I believe this to be valid. There may be customers using the // shortname as the SOAPAction in their client code that would // also require this support. while (children.hasNext() && (operation == null)) { AxisOperation op = (AxisOperation) children.next(); if (op.getName().getLocalPart().equals(soapAction)) { operation = op; } } if (operation != null) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("getOperationBySOAPAction: Operation (" + operation + "," + operation.getName() + ") for soapAction: " + soapAction + " found as child."); } } return operation; } /** * Method getOperations. * * @return Returns HashMap */ public Iterator<AxisOperation> getOperations() { return (Iterator<AxisOperation>) getChildren(); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see org.apache.axis2.description.ParameterInclude#getParameter(java.lang.String) */ /** * Gets only the published operations. */ public ArrayList<AxisOperation> getPublishedOperations() { Iterator<AxisOperation> op_itr = getOperations(); ArrayList<AxisOperation> operationList = new ArrayList<AxisOperation>(); while (op_itr.hasNext()) { AxisOperation operation = (AxisOperation) op_itr.next(); if (!operation.isControlOperation()) { operationList.add(operation); } } return operationList; } /** * Method setClassLoader. * * @param classLoader */ public void setClassLoader(ClassLoader classLoader) { this.serviceClassLoader = classLoader; } public void setFileName(URL fileName) { this.fileName = fileName; } /** * Sets the current time as last update time of the service. */ public void setLastUpdate() { lastupdate = new Date().getTime(); } public void setName(String name) { this.name = name; } public ArrayList<XmlSchema> getSchema() { return schemaList; } public void addSchema(XmlSchema schema) { if (schema != null) { schemaList.add(schema); if (schema.getTargetNamespace() != null) { addSchemaNameSpace(schema); } } } public void addSchema(Collection<XmlSchema> schemas) { Iterator<XmlSchema> iterator = schemas.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { XmlSchema schema = iterator.next(); addSchema(schema); } } public boolean isWsdlFound() { return wsdlFound; } public void setWsdlFound(boolean wsdlFound) { this.wsdlFound = wsdlFound; } public String getScope() { return scope; } /** * @param scope - * Available scopes : Constants.SCOPE_APPLICATION * Constants.SCOPE_TRANSPORT_SESSION Constants.SCOPE_SOAP_SESSION * Constants.SCOPE_REQUEST.equals */ public void setScope(String scope) { if (Constants.SCOPE_APPLICATION.equals(scope) || Constants.SCOPE_TRANSPORT_SESSION.equals(scope) || Constants.SCOPE_SOAP_SESSION.equals(scope) || Constants.SCOPE_REQUEST.equals(scope)) { this.scope = scope; } } public boolean isUseDefaultChains() { return useDefaultChains; } public void setUseDefaultChains(boolean useDefaultChains) { this.useDefaultChains = useDefaultChains; } public Object getKey() { return this.name; } public boolean isActive() { return active; } public void setActive(boolean active) { this.active = active; } public String getSchemaTargetNamespace() { return schematargetNamespace; } public void setSchemaTargetNamespace(String schematargetNamespace) { this.schematargetNamespace = schematargetNamespace; } public String getSchemaTargetNamespacePrefix() { return schematargetNamespacePrefix; } public void setSchemaTargetNamespacePrefix( String schematargetNamespacePrefix) { this.schematargetNamespacePrefix = schematargetNamespacePrefix; } public String getTargetNamespace() { return targetNamespace; } public void setTargetNamespace(String targetNamespace) { this.targetNamespace = targetNamespace; } public String getTargetNamespacePrefix() { return targetNamespacePrefix; } public void setTargetNamespacePrefix(String targetNamespacePrefix) { this.targetNamespacePrefix = targetNamespacePrefix; } public XmlSchemaElement getSchemaElement(QName elementQName) { XmlSchemaElement element; for (int i = 0; i < schemaList.size(); i++) { XmlSchema schema = (XmlSchema) schemaList.get(i); if (schema != null) { element = schema.getElementByName(elementQName); if (element != null) { return element; } } } return null; } public boolean isEnableAllTransports() { return enableAllTransports; } /** * To eneble service to be expose in all the transport * * @param enableAllTransports */ public void setEnableAllTransports(boolean enableAllTransports) { this.enableAllTransports = enableAllTransports; eprs = calculateEPRs(); } public List<String> getExposedTransports() { return this.exposedTransports; } public void setExposedTransports(List transports) { enableAllTransports = false; this.exposedTransports = transports; eprs = null; // Do not remove this. We need to force EPR // recalculation. } public void addExposedTransport(String transport) { enableAllTransports = false; if (!this.exposedTransports.contains(transport)) { this.exposedTransports.add(transport); try { eprs = calculateEPRs(); } catch (Exception e) { eprs = null; } } } public void removeExposedTransport(String transport) { enableAllTransports = false; this.exposedTransports.remove(transport); try { eprs = calculateEPRs(); } catch (Exception e) { eprs = null; } } public boolean isExposedTransport(String transport) { return exposedTransports.contains(transport); } public void onDisengage(AxisModule module) throws AxisFault { removeModuleOperations(module); for (Iterator operations = getChildren(); operations.hasNext();) { AxisOperation axisOperation = (AxisOperation) operations.next(); axisOperation.disengageModule(module); } AxisConfiguration config = getAxisConfiguration(); if (!config.isEngaged(module.getName())) { PhaseResolver phaseResolver = new PhaseResolver(config); phaseResolver.disengageModuleFromGlobalChains(module); } } /** * Remove any operations which were added by a given module. * * @param module * the module in question */ private void removeModuleOperations(AxisModule module) { HashMap<QName, AxisOperation> moduleOperations = module.getOperations(); if (moduleOperations != null) { for (Iterator<AxisOperation> modOpsIter = moduleOperations.values().iterator(); modOpsIter .hasNext();) { AxisOperation operation = (AxisOperation) modOpsIter.next(); removeOperation(operation.getName()); } } } // ####################################################################################### // APIs to create AxisService // /** * To create a AxisService for a given WSDL and the created client is most * suitable for client side invocation not for server side invocation. Since * all the soap action and wsa action is added to operations * * @param wsdlURL * location of the WSDL * @param wsdlServiceName * name of the service to be invoke , if it is null then the * first one will be selected if there are more than one * @param portName * name of the port , if there are more than one , if it is null * then the first one in the iterator will be selected * @param options * Service client options, to set the target EPR * @return AxisService , the created service will be return */ public static AxisService createClientSideAxisService(URL wsdlURL, QName wsdlServiceName, String portName, Options options) throws AxisFault { try { InputStream in = wsdlURL.openConnection().getInputStream(); Document doc = XMLUtils.newDocument(in); String namespaceURI = doc.getDocumentElement().getNamespaceURI(); if (Constants.NS_URI_WSDL11.equals(namespaceURI)) { WSDLReader reader = WSDLUtil.newWSDLReaderWithPopulatedExtensionRegistry(); reader.setFeature("javax.wsdl.importDocuments", true); Definition wsdlDefinition = reader.readWSDL(getBaseURI(wsdlURL.toString()), doc); if (wsdlDefinition != null) { wsdlDefinition.setDocumentBaseURI(getDocumentURI(wsdlURL.toString())); } return createClientSideAxisService(wsdlDefinition, wsdlServiceName, portName, options); } else if (Constants.NS_URI_WSDL20.equals(namespaceURI)) { org.apache.woden.WSDLReader reader = org.apache.woden.WSDLFactory.newInstance() .newWSDLReader(); WSDLSource source = reader.createWSDLSource(); source.setSource(doc); source.setBaseURI(wsdlURL.toURI()); Description description = reader.readWSDL(source); return createClientSideAxisService(description, wsdlServiceName, portName, options); } else { throw new AxisFault("No namespace found : Invalid WSDL"); } } catch (IOException e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), e); throw AxisFault.makeFault(e); } catch (ParserConfigurationException e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), e); throw AxisFault.makeFault(e); } catch (SAXException e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), e); throw AxisFault.makeFault(e); } catch (WSDLException e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), e); throw AxisFault.makeFault(e); } catch (org.apache.woden.WSDLException e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), e); throw AxisFault.makeFault(e); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), e); throw AxisFault.makeFault(e); } } private static String getBaseURI(String currentURI) { try { File file = new File(currentURI); if (file.exists()) { return file.getCanonicalFile().getParentFile().toURI() .toString(); } String uriFragment = currentURI.substring(0, currentURI .lastIndexOf("/")); return uriFragment + (uriFragment.endsWith("/") ? "" : "/"); } catch (IOException e) { return null; } } private static String getDocumentURI(String currentURI) { try { File file = new File(currentURI); return file.getCanonicalFile().toURI().toString(); } catch (IOException e) { return null; } } public static AxisService createClientSideAxisService( Definition wsdlDefinition, QName wsdlServiceName, String portName, Options options) throws AxisFault { WSDL11ToAxisServiceBuilder serviceBuilder = new WSDL11ToAxisServiceBuilder( wsdlDefinition, wsdlServiceName, portName); serviceBuilder.setServerSide(false); AxisService axisService = serviceBuilder.populateService(); AxisEndpoint axisEndpoint = (AxisEndpoint) axisService.getEndpoints() .get(axisService.getEndpointName()); if (axisEndpoint != null) { options.setTo(new EndpointReference(axisEndpoint.getEndpointURL())); options.setSoapVersionURI((String) axisEndpoint.getBinding() .getProperty(WSDL2Constants.ATTR_WSOAP_VERSION)); } return axisService; } /** * To create an AxisService using given service impl class name first * generate schema corresponding to the given java class , next for each * methods AxisOperation will be created. If the method is in-out it will * uses RPCMessageReceiver else RPCInOnlyMessageReceiver <p/> Note : Inorder * to work this properly RPCMessageReceiver should be available in the class * path otherewise operation can not continue * * @param implClass * Service implementation class * @param axisConfig * Current AxisConfiguration * @return return created AxisSrevice the creted service , it can either be * null or valid service */ public static AxisService createService(String implClass, AxisConfiguration axisConfig) throws AxisFault { try { HashMap<String, MessageReceiver> messageReciverMap = new HashMap<String, MessageReceiver>(); Class inOnlyMessageReceiver = Loader .loadClass("org.apache.axis2.rpc.receivers.RPCInOnlyMessageReceiver"); MessageReceiver messageReceiver = (MessageReceiver) inOnlyMessageReceiver .newInstance(); messageReciverMap.put(WSDL2Constants.MEP_URI_IN_ONLY, messageReceiver); Class inoutMessageReceiver = Loader .loadClass("org.apache.axis2.rpc.receivers.RPCMessageReceiver"); MessageReceiver inOutmessageReceiver = (MessageReceiver) inoutMessageReceiver .newInstance(); messageReciverMap.put(WSDL2Constants.MEP_URI_IN_OUT, inOutmessageReceiver); messageReciverMap.put(WSDL2Constants.MEP_URI_ROBUST_IN_ONLY, inOutmessageReceiver); return createService(implClass, axisConfig, messageReciverMap, null, null, axisConfig.getSystemClassLoader()); } catch (Exception e) { throw AxisFault.makeFault(e); } } /** * messageReceiverClassMap will hold the MessageReceivers for given meps. * Key will be the mep and value will be the instance of the MessageReceiver * class. Ex: Map mrMap = new HashMap(); * mrMap.put("http://www.w3.org/ns/wsdl/in-only", * RPCInOnlyMessageReceiver.class.newInstance()); * mrMap.put("http://www.w3.org/ns/wsdl/in-out", * RPCMessageReceiver.class.newInstance()); * * @param implClass * @param axisConfiguration * @param messageReceiverClassMap * @param targetNamespace * @param schemaNamespace * @throws AxisFault */ public static AxisService createService(String implClass, AxisConfiguration axisConfiguration, Map messageReceiverClassMap, String targetNamespace, String schemaNamespace, ClassLoader loader) throws AxisFault { int index = implClass.lastIndexOf("."); String serviceName; if (index > 0) { serviceName = implClass.substring(index + 1, implClass.length()); } else { serviceName = implClass; } SchemaGenerator schemaGenerator; ArrayList excludeOpeartion = new ArrayList(); AxisService service = new AxisService(); service.setParent(axisConfiguration); service.setName(serviceName); try { Parameter generateBare = service .getParameter(Java2WSDLConstants.DOC_LIT_BARE_PARAMETER); if (generateBare != null && "true".equals(generateBare.getValue())) { schemaGenerator = new DocLitBareSchemaGenerator(loader, implClass, schemaNamespace, Java2WSDLConstants.SCHEMA_NAMESPACE_PRFIX, service); } else { schemaGenerator = new DefaultSchemaGenerator(loader, implClass, schemaNamespace, Java2WSDLConstants.SCHEMA_NAMESPACE_PRFIX, service); } schemaGenerator .setElementFormDefault(Java2WSDLConstants.FORM_DEFAULT_UNQUALIFIED); Utils.addExcludeMethods(excludeOpeartion); schemaGenerator.setExcludeMethods(excludeOpeartion); } catch (Exception e) { throw AxisFault.makeFault(e); } return createService(implClass, serviceName, axisConfiguration, messageReceiverClassMap, targetNamespace, loader, schemaGenerator, service); } /** * messageReceiverClassMap will hold the MessageReceivers for given meps. * Key will be the mep and value will be the instance of the MessageReceiver * class. Ex: Map mrMap = new HashMap(); * mrMap.put("http://www.w3.org/ns/wsdl/in-only", * RPCInOnlyMessageReceiver.class.newInstance()); * mrMap.put("http://www.w3.org/ns/wsdl/in-out", * RPCMessageReceiver.class.newInstance()); * * @param implClass * @param axisConfiguration * @param messageReceiverClassMap * @param targetNamespace * @throws AxisFault */ public static AxisService createService(String implClass, String serviceName, AxisConfiguration axisConfiguration, Map<String, MessageReceiver> messageReceiverClassMap, String targetNamespace, ClassLoader loader, SchemaGenerator schemaGenerator, AxisService axisService) throws AxisFault { Parameter parameter = new Parameter(Constants.SERVICE_CLASS, implClass); OMElement paraElement = Utils.getParameter(Constants.SERVICE_CLASS, implClass, false); parameter.setParameterElement(paraElement); axisService.setUseDefaultChains(false); axisService.addParameter(parameter); axisService.setName(serviceName); axisService.setClassLoader(loader); NamespaceMap map = new NamespaceMap(); map.put(Java2WSDLConstants.AXIS2_NAMESPACE_PREFIX, Java2WSDLConstants.AXIS2_XSD); map.put(Java2WSDLConstants.DEFAULT_SCHEMA_NAMESPACE_PREFIX, Java2WSDLConstants.URI_2001_SCHEMA_XSD); axisService.setNamespaceMap(map); Utils.processBeanPropertyExclude(axisService); axisService.setElementFormDefault(false); try { axisService.addSchema(schemaGenerator.generateSchema()); } catch (Exception e) { throw AxisFault.makeFault(e); } axisService.setSchemaTargetNamespace(schemaGenerator .getSchemaTargetNameSpace()); axisService.setTypeTable(schemaGenerator.getTypeTable()); if (targetNamespace == null) { targetNamespace = schemaGenerator.getSchemaTargetNameSpace(); } if (targetNamespace != null && !"".equals(targetNamespace)) { axisService.setTargetNamespace(targetNamespace); } Method[] method = schemaGenerator.getMethods(); PhasesInfo pinfo = axisConfiguration.getPhasesInfo(); for (int i = 0; i < method.length; i++) { Method jmethod = method[i]; String methodName = jmethod.getName(); AxisOperation operation = axisService.getOperation(new QName(methodName)); String mep = operation.getMessageExchangePattern(); MessageReceiver mr; if (messageReceiverClassMap != null) { if (messageReceiverClassMap.get(mep) != null) { Object obj = messageReceiverClassMap.get(mep); if (obj instanceof MessageReceiver) { mr = (MessageReceiver) obj; operation.setMessageReceiver(mr); } else { log .error("Object is not an instance of MessageReceiver, thus, default MessageReceiver has been set"); mr = axisConfiguration.getMessageReceiver(operation .getMessageExchangePattern()); operation.setMessageReceiver(mr); } } else { log .error("Required MessageReceiver couldn't be found, thus, default MessageReceiver has been used"); mr = axisConfiguration.getMessageReceiver(operation .getMessageExchangePattern()); operation.setMessageReceiver(mr); } } else { log .error("MessageRecevierClassMap couldn't be found, thus, default MessageReceiver has been used"); mr = axisConfiguration.getMessageReceiver(operation .getMessageExchangePattern()); operation.setMessageReceiver(mr); } pinfo.setOperationPhases(operation); axisService.addOperation(operation); } String endpointName = axisService.getEndpointName(); if ((endpointName == null || endpointName.length() == 0) && axisService.getAxisConfiguration() != null) { Utils.addEndpointsToService(axisService, axisService.getAxisConfiguration()); } return axisService; } public void removeOperation(QName opName) { AxisOperation operation = getOperation(opName); if (operation != null) { removeChild(opName); ArrayList<String> mappingList = operation.getWSAMappingList(); if (mappingList != null) { for (int i = 0; i < mappingList.size(); i++) { String actionMapping = (String) mappingList.get(i); operationsAliasesMap.remove(actionMapping); invalidOperationsAliases.remove(actionMapping); } } operationsAliasesMap.remove(operation.getName().getLocalPart()); invalidOperationsAliases.remove(operation.getName().getLocalPart()); } } /** * Get the namespace map for this service. * * @return a Map of prefix (String) to namespace URI (String) */ public Map getNamespaceMap() { return namespaceMap; } /** * Get the namespaces associated with imported WSDLs * * @return a <code>List</code> of namespace URIs (String) */ public List getImportedNamespaces() { return importedNamespaces; } /** * Set the namespaces associated with imported WSDLs * * @param importedNamespaces */ public void setImportedNamespaces(List importedNamespaces) { this.importedNamespaces = importedNamespaces; } public void setNamespaceMap(NamespaceMap namespaceMap) { this.namespaceMap = namespaceMap; } private void addSchemaNameSpace(XmlSchema schema) { String targetNameSpace = schema.getTargetNamespace(); String prefix = schema.getNamespaceContext().getPrefix(targetNameSpace); if (namespaceMap == null) { namespaceMap = new NamespaceMap(); } if (!namespaceMap.values().contains(targetNameSpace)) { // i.e this target namespace not exists in the namesapce map // find a non exists prefix to add this target namesapce while ((prefix == null) || namespaceMap.keySet().contains(prefix)) { prefix = "ns" + nsCount++; } namespaceMap.put(prefix, targetNameSpace); } } public Map populateSchemaMappings() { // when calling from other than codegen. i.e from deployment // engine we don't have to override the absolute http locations. return populateSchemaMappings(false); } /** * runs the schema mappings if it has not been run previously it is best * that this logic be in the axis service since one can call the axis * service to populate the schema mappings */ public Map populateSchemaMappings(boolean overrideAbsoluteAddress) { // populate the axis service with the necessary schema references ArrayList schema = this.schemaList; Map changedSchemaLocations = null; if (!this.schemaLocationsAdjusted) { Hashtable nameTable = new Hashtable(); Hashtable sourceURIToNewLocationMap = new Hashtable(); // calculate unique names for the schemas calculateSchemaNames(schema, nameTable, sourceURIToNewLocationMap, overrideAbsoluteAddress); // adjust the schema locations as per the calculated names changedSchemaLocations = adjustSchemaNames(schema, nameTable, sourceURIToNewLocationMap); // reverse the nametable so that there is a mapping from the // name to the schemaObject setSchemaMappingTable(swapMappingTable(nameTable)); setSchemaLocationsAdjusted(true); } return changedSchemaLocations; } /** * run 1 -calcualte unique names * * @param schemas */ private void calculateSchemaNames(List schemas, Hashtable nameTable, Hashtable sourceURIToNewLocationMap, boolean overrideAbsoluteAddress) { // first traversal - fill the hashtable for (int i = 0; i < schemas.size(); i++) { XmlSchema schema = (XmlSchema) schemas.get(i); for (XmlSchemaExternal externalSchema : schema.getExternals()) { if (externalSchema != null) { XmlSchema s = externalSchema.getSchema(); if (s != null && getScheamLocationWithDot( sourceURIToNewLocationMap, s) == null) { // insert the name into the table insertIntoNameTable(nameTable, s, sourceURIToNewLocationMap, overrideAbsoluteAddress); // recursively call the same procedure calculateSchemaNames(Arrays .asList(new XmlSchema[] { s }), nameTable, sourceURIToNewLocationMap, overrideAbsoluteAddress); } } } } } /** * A quick private sub routine to insert the names * * @param nameTable * @param s */ private void insertIntoNameTable(Hashtable nameTable, XmlSchema s, Hashtable sourceURIToNewLocationMap, boolean overrideAbsoluteAddress) { String sourceURI = s.getSourceURI(); // check whether the sourece uri is an absolute one and are // we allowed to override it. // if the absolute uri overriding is not allowed the use the // original sourceURI as new one if (sourceURI.startsWith("http") && !overrideAbsoluteAddress) { nameTable.put(s, sourceURI); sourceURIToNewLocationMap.put(sourceURI, sourceURI); } else { String newURI = sourceURI.substring(sourceURI.lastIndexOf('/') + 1); if (newURI.endsWith(".xsd")) { // remove the .xsd extention newURI = newURI.substring(0, newURI.lastIndexOf(".")); } else { newURI = "xsd" + count++; } newURI = customSchemaNameSuffix != null ? newURI + customSchemaNameSuffix : newURI; // make it unique while (nameTable.containsValue(newURI)) { newURI = newURI + count++; } nameTable.put(s, newURI); sourceURIToNewLocationMap.put(sourceURI, newURI); } } /** * Run 2 - adjust the names */ private Map adjustSchemaNames(List schemas, Hashtable nameTable, Hashtable sourceURIToNewLocationMap) { Hashtable importedSchemas = new Hashtable(); // process the schemas in the main schema list for (int i = 0; i < schemas.size(); i++) { adjustSchemaName((XmlSchema) schemas.get(i), nameTable, importedSchemas, sourceURIToNewLocationMap); } // process all the rest in the name table Enumeration nameTableKeys = nameTable.keys(); while (nameTableKeys.hasMoreElements()) { adjustSchemaName((XmlSchema) nameTableKeys.nextElement(), nameTable, importedSchemas, sourceURIToNewLocationMap); } return importedSchemas; } /** * Adjust a single schema * * @param parentSchema * @param nameTable */ private void adjustSchemaName(XmlSchema parentSchema, Hashtable nameTable, Hashtable importedScheams, Hashtable sourceURIToNewLocationMap) { for (XmlSchemaExternal xmlSchemaExternal : parentSchema.getExternals()) { XmlSchema s = xmlSchemaExternal.getSchema(); adjustSchemaLocation(s, xmlSchemaExternal, nameTable, importedScheams, sourceURIToNewLocationMap); } } /** * Adjusts a given schema location * * @param s * @param xmlSchemaExternal * @param nameTable */ private void adjustSchemaLocation(XmlSchema s, XmlSchemaExternal xmlSchemaExternal, Hashtable nameTable, Hashtable importedScheams, Hashtable sourceURIToNewLocationMap) { if (s != null) { String schemaLocation = xmlSchemaExternal.getSchemaLocation(); String newscheamlocation = customSchemaNamePrefix == null ? // use the default mode (this.getServiceEPR() + "?xsd=" + getScheamLocationWithDot( sourceURIToNewLocationMap, s)) : // custom prefix is present - add the custom prefix (customSchemaNamePrefix + getScheamLocationWithDot( sourceURIToNewLocationMap, s)); xmlSchemaExternal.setSchemaLocation(newscheamlocation); importedScheams.put(schemaLocation, newscheamlocation); } } private Object getScheamLocationWithDot( Hashtable sourceURIToNewLocationMap, XmlSchema s) { String o = (String) sourceURIToNewLocationMap.get(s.getSourceURI()); if (o != null && o.indexOf(".") < 0) { return o + ".xsd"; } return o; } /** * Swap the key,value pairs * * @param originalTable */ private Map swapMappingTable(Map originalTable) { HashMap swappedTable = new HashMap(originalTable.size()); Iterator keys = originalTable.keySet().iterator(); Object key; while (keys.hasNext()) { key = keys.next(); swappedTable.put(originalTable.get(key), key); } return swappedTable; } public boolean isClientSide() { return clientSide; } public void setClientSide(boolean clientSide) { this.clientSide = clientSide; } public boolean isElementFormDefault() { return elementFormDefault; } public void setElementFormDefault(boolean elementFormDefault) { this.elementFormDefault = elementFormDefault; } /** * User can set a parameter in services.xml saying he want to show the * original wsdl that he put into META-INF once someone ask for ?wsdl so if * you want to use your own wsdl then add following parameter into * services.xml <parameter name="useOriginalwsdl">true</parameter> */ public boolean isUseUserWSDL() { Parameter parameter = getParameter("useOriginalwsdl"); if (parameter != null) { String value = (String) parameter.getValue(); if ("true".equals(value)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * By default the port address in user WSDLs is modified, set the following * parameter to override this behaviour <parameter * name="modifyUserWSDLPortAddress">false</parameter> */ public boolean isModifyUserWSDLPortAddress() { Parameter parameter = getParameter("modifyUserWSDLPortAddress"); if (parameter != null) { String value = (String) parameter.getValue(); if ("false".equals(value)) { return false; } } return true; } public ServiceLifeCycle getServiceLifeCycle() { return serviceLifeCycle; } public void setServiceLifeCycle(ServiceLifeCycle serviceLifeCycle) { this.serviceLifeCycle = serviceLifeCycle; } public Map getP2nMap() { return p2nMap; } public void setP2nMap(Map p2nMap) { this.p2nMap = p2nMap; } public ObjectSupplier getObjectSupplier() { return objectSupplier; } public void setObjectSupplier(ObjectSupplier objectSupplier) { this.objectSupplier = objectSupplier; } public TypeTable getTypeTable() { return typeTable; } public void setTypeTable(TypeTable typeTable) { this.typeTable = typeTable; } /** * Find a data locator from the available data locators (both configured and * default ones) to retrieve Metadata or data specified in the request. * * @param request * an {@link DataRetrievalRequest} object * @param msgContext * message context * @return array of {@link Data} object for the request. * @throws AxisFault */ public Data[] getData(DataRetrievalRequest request, MessageContext msgContext) throws AxisFault { Data[] data; String dialect = request.getDialect(); AxisDataLocator dataLocator = null; int nextDataLocatorIndex = 0; int totalLocators = availableDataLocatorTypes.length; for (int i = 0; i < totalLocators; i++) { dataLocator = getDataLocator(availableDataLocatorTypes[i], dialect); if (dataLocator != null) { nextDataLocatorIndex = i + 1; break; } } if (dataLocator == null) { return null; } data = dataLocator.getData(request, msgContext); // Null means Data Locator not understood request. Automatically find // Data Locator in the hierarchy to process the request. if (data == null) { if (nextDataLocatorIndex < totalLocators) { data = bubbleupDataLocators(nextDataLocatorIndex, request, msgContext); } } return data; } /* * To search the next Data Locator from the available Data Locators that * understood the data retrieval request. */ private Data[] bubbleupDataLocators(int nextIndex, DataRetrievalRequest request, MessageContext msgContext) throws AxisFault { Data[] data = null; if (nextIndex < availableDataLocatorTypes.length) { AxisDataLocator dataLocator = getDataLocator( availableDataLocatorTypes[nextIndex], request.getDialect()); nextIndex++; if (dataLocator != null) { data = dataLocator.getData(request, msgContext); if (data == null) { data = bubbleupDataLocators(nextIndex, request, msgContext); } else { return data; } } else { data = bubbleupDataLocators(nextIndex, request, msgContext); } } return data; } /** * Save data Locator configured at service level for this Axis Service * * @param dialect- * an absolute URI represents the Dialect i.e. WSDL, Policy, * Schema or "ServiceLevel" for non-dialect service level data * locator. * @param dataLocatorClassName - * class name of the Data Locator configured to support data * retrieval for the specified dialect. */ public void addDataLocatorClassNames(String dialect, String dataLocatorClassName) { dataLocatorClassNames.put(dialect, dataLocatorClassName); } /* * Get data locator instance based on the LocatorType and dialect. */ public AxisDataLocator getDataLocator(LocatorType locatorType, String dialect) throws AxisFault { AxisDataLocator locator; if (locatorType == LocatorType.SERVICE_DIALECT) { locator = getServiceDataLocator(dialect); } else if (locatorType == LocatorType.SERVICE_LEVEL) { locator = getServiceDataLocator(DRConstants.SERVICE_LEVEL); } else if (locatorType == LocatorType.GLOBAL_DIALECT) { locator = getGlobalDataLocator(dialect); } else if (locatorType == LocatorType.GLOBAL_LEVEL) { locator = getGlobalDataLocator(DRConstants.GLOBAL_LEVEL); } else if (locatorType == LocatorType.DEFAULT_AXIS) { locator = getDefaultDataLocator(); } else { locator = getDefaultDataLocator(); } return locator; } // Return default Axis2 Data Locator private AxisDataLocator getDefaultDataLocator() throws DataRetrievalException { if (defaultDataLocator == null) { defaultDataLocator = new AxisDataLocatorImpl(this); } defaultDataLocator.loadServiceData(); return defaultDataLocator; } /* * Checks if service level data locator configured for specified dialect. * Returns an instance of the data locator if exists, and null otherwise. */ private AxisDataLocator getServiceDataLocator(String dialect) throws AxisFault { AxisDataLocator locator; locator = (AxisDataLocator) dataLocators.get(dialect); if (locator == null) { String className = (String) dataLocatorClassNames.get(dialect); if (className != null) { locator = loadDataLocator(className); dataLocators.put(dialect, locator); } } return locator; } /* * Checks if global level data locator configured for specified dialect. * @param dialect- an absolute URI represents the Dialect i.e. WSDL, Policy, * Schema or "GlobalLevel" for non-dialect Global level data locator. * Returns an instance of the data locator if exists, and null otherwise. */ public AxisDataLocator getGlobalDataLocator(String dialect) throws AxisFault { AxisConfiguration axisConfig = getAxisConfiguration(); AxisDataLocator locator = null; if (axisConfig != null) { locator = axisConfig.getDataLocator(dialect); if (locator == null) { String className = axisConfig.getDataLocatorClassName(dialect); if (className != null) { locator = loadDataLocator(className); axisConfig.addDataLocator(dialect, locator); } } } return locator; } protected AxisDataLocator loadDataLocator(String className) throws AxisFault { AxisDataLocator locator; try { Class dataLocator; dataLocator = Class.forName(className, true, serviceClassLoader); locator = (AxisDataLocator) dataLocator.newInstance(); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { throw AxisFault.makeFault(e); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw AxisFault.makeFault(e); } catch (InstantiationException e) { throw AxisFault.makeFault(e); } return locator; } /** * Set the map of WSDL message element QNames to AxisOperations for this * service. This map is used during SOAP Body-based routing for * document/literal bare services to match the first child element of the * SOAP Body element to an operation. (Routing for RPC and document/literal * wrapped services occurs via the operationsAliasesMap.) <p/> From section * 4.7.6 of the WS-I BP 1.1: the "operation signature" is "the fully * qualified name of the child element of SOAP body of the SOAP input * message described by an operation in a WSDL binding," and thus this map * must be from a QName to an operation. * * @param messageElementQNameToOperationMap * The map from WSDL message element QNames to AxisOperations. */ public void setMessageElementQNameToOperationMap( Map messageElementQNameToOperationMap) { this.messageElementQNameToOperationMap = messageElementQNameToOperationMap; } /** * Look up an AxisOperation for this service based off of an element QName * from a WSDL message element. * * @param messageElementQName * The QName to search for. * @return The AxisOperation registered to the QName or null if no match was * found. * @see #setMessageElementQNameToOperationMap(Map) */ public AxisOperation getOperationByMessageElementQName( QName messageElementQName) { return (AxisOperation) messageElementQNameToOperationMap .get(messageElementQName); } /** * Add an entry to the map between element QNames in WSDL messages and * AxisOperations for this service. * * @param messageElementQName * The QName of the element on the input message that maps to the * given operation. * @param operation * The AxisOperation to be mapped to. * @see #setMessageElementQNameToOperationMap(Map) */ public void addMessageElementQNameToOperationMapping( QName messageElementQName, AxisOperation operation) { // when setting an operation we have to set it only if the // messegeElementQName does not // exists in the map. // does exists means there are two or more operations which has the same // input element (in doc/literal // this is possible. In this case better to set it as null without // giving // a random operation. if (messageElementQNameToOperationMap.containsKey(messageElementQName) && messageElementQNameToOperationMap.get(messageElementQName) != operation) { messageElementQNameToOperationMap.put(messageElementQName, null); } else { messageElementQNameToOperationMap.put(messageElementQName, operation); } } /** * @deprecated use {@link AxisEndpoint#getEndpointURL()} */ public String getEndpointURL() { return endpointURL; } /** * @deprecated use {@link AxisEndpoint#setEndpointURL(String)} */ public void setEndpointURL(String endpointURL) { this.endpointURL = endpointURL; } // TODO : Explain what goes in this map! public Map<String, AxisEndpoint> getEndpoints() { return endpointMap; } public boolean isCustomWsdl() { return customWsdl; } public void setCustomWsdl(boolean customWsdl) { this.customWsdl = customWsdl; } public List getOperationsNameList() { return operationsNameList; } public void setOperationsNameList(List operationsNameList) { this.operationsNameList = operationsNameList; } public AxisServiceGroup getAxisServiceGroup() { return (AxisServiceGroup) parent; } public void setParent(AxisServiceGroup parent) { this.parent = parent; } public String toString() { return getName(); } public ExcludeInfo getExcludeInfo() { return excludeInfo; } public void setExcludeInfo(ExcludeInfo excludeInfo) { this.excludeInfo = excludeInfo; } public void registerPolicy(String key, Policy policy) { policyMap.put(key, policy); } public Policy lookupPolicy(String key) { return (Policy) policyMap.get(key); } /** * Add a ServiceContextListener * @param scl */ public void addMessageContextListener(MessageContextListener scl) { messageContextListeners.add(scl); } /** * Remove a ServiceContextListener * @param scl */ public void removeMessageContextListener(MessageContextListener scl) { messageContextListeners.remove(scl); } /** * @param cls Class of ServiceContextListener * @return true if ServiceContextLister is in the list */ public boolean hasMessageContextListener(Class cls) { for (int i=0; i<messageContextListeners.size(); i++) { if (messageContextListeners.get(i).getClass() == cls) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Signal an Attach ServiceContext Event * @param sc ServiceContext * @param mc MessageContext */ public void attachServiceContextEvent(ServiceContext sc, MessageContext mc) { for (int i=0; i<messageContextListeners.size(); i++) { messageContextListeners.get(i).attachServiceContextEvent(sc, mc); } } /** * Signal an Attach Envelope Event * @param mc MessageContext */ public void attachEnvelopeEvent(MessageContext mc) { for (int i=0; i<messageContextListeners.size(); i++) { messageContextListeners.get(i).attachEnvelopeEvent(mc); } } /** * returns a axisService given a input Stream of WSDL2.0 document. * * @param description * WSDL description * @param wsdlServiceName * @param endPoint * @param options * @return * @throws AxisFault */ public static AxisService createClientSideAxisService(Description description, QName wsdlServiceName, String endPoint, Options options) throws AxisFault { WSDL20ToAxisServiceBuilder serviceBuilder = new WSDL20ToAxisServiceBuilder(description, wsdlServiceName, endPoint); serviceBuilder.setServerSide(false); AxisService axisService = serviceBuilder.populateService(); AxisEndpoint axisEndpoint = (AxisEndpoint) axisService.getEndpoint(axisService .getEndpointName()); if (axisEndpoint != null) { options.setTo(new EndpointReference(axisEndpoint.getEndpointURL())); options.setSoapVersionURI((String) axisEndpoint.getBinding().getProperty( WSDL2Constants.ATTR_WSOAP_VERSION)); } return axisService; } private void printDescriptionObject(Description definition, OutputStream out, String requestIP) { //TODO - complete this method org.apache.woden.WSDLFactory fac; try { fac = org.apache.woden.WSDLFactory.newInstance(); org.apache.woden.WSDLWriter writer = fac.newWSDLWriter(); writer.writeWSDL(definition.toElement(), out); } catch (org.apache.woden.WSDLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } private WSDLSupplier getUserDefinedWSDLSupplier(String wsdlVersion){ WSDLSupplier wsdlSupplier = null; if("wsdl".equals(wsdlVersion)){ Parameter para = getParameter(Constants.WSDL_11_SUPPLIER_CLASS_PARAM); if (para != null) { try { wsdlSupplier = (WSDLSupplier) Class.forName((String) para.getValue()).newInstance(); if( wsdlSupplier instanceof WSDL11SupplierTemplate){ ((WSDL11SupplierTemplate)wsdlSupplier).init(this); } } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("Following exception occurred when generating WSDL using " + para); e.printStackTrace(); } } } else if("wsdl2".equals(wsdlVersion)){ Parameter para = getParameter(Constants.WSDL_20_SUPPLIER_CLASS_PARAM); if(para != null){ try { wsdlSupplier = (WSDLSupplier) Class.forName((String) para.getValue()).newInstance() ; if( wsdlSupplier instanceof WSDL20SupplierTemplate){ ((WSDL20SupplierTemplate)wsdlSupplier).init(this); } } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("Following exception occurred when generating WSDL using "+ para ); e.printStackTrace(); } } } return wsdlSupplier; } }