/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.apache.axis2.util; import org.apache.axiom.soap.SOAPBody; import org.apache.axiom.soap.SOAPEnvelope; import org.apache.axiom.soap.SOAPFault; import org.apache.axiom.util.UIDGenerator; import org.apache.axis2.AxisFault; import org.apache.axis2.Constants; import org.apache.axis2.ServiceObjectSupplier; import org.apache.axis2.context.ConfigurationContext; import org.apache.axis2.context.ConfigurationContextFactory; import org.apache.axis2.context.MessageContext; import org.apache.axis2.context.ServiceContext; import org.apache.axis2.context.ServiceGroupContext; import org.apache.axis2.description.AxisModule; import org.apache.axis2.description.AxisOperation; import org.apache.axis2.description.AxisService; import org.apache.axis2.description.Flow; import org.apache.axis2.description.HandlerDescription; import org.apache.axis2.description.InOnlyAxisOperation; import org.apache.axis2.description.InOutAxisOperation; import org.apache.axis2.description.OutInAxisOperation; import org.apache.axis2.description.Parameter; import org.apache.axis2.description.PhaseRule; import org.apache.axis2.description.Version; import org.apache.axis2.description.WSDL2Constants; import org.apache.axis2.engine.AxisConfiguration; import org.apache.axis2.engine.AxisError; import org.apache.axis2.engine.Handler; import org.apache.axis2.engine.MessageReceiver; import org.apache.axis2.i18n.Messages; import org.apache.axis2.receivers.RawXMLINOutMessageReceiver; import org.apache.axis2.transport.TransportListener; import org.apache.axis2.transport.http.HTTPConstants; import org.apache.axis2.wsdl.WSDLConstants; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import javax.xml.namespace.QName; import java.io.File; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.lang.reflect.Modifier; import java.net.InetAddress; import java.net.NetworkInterface; import java.net.SocketException; import java.security.AccessController; import java.security.PrivilegedAction; import java.security.PrivilegedExceptionAction; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; public class Utils { private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(Utils.class); public static void addHandler(Flow flow, Handler handler, String phaseName) { HandlerDescription handlerDesc = new HandlerDescription(handler.getName()); PhaseRule rule = new PhaseRule(phaseName); handlerDesc.setRules(rule); handler.init(handlerDesc); handlerDesc.setHandler(handler); flow.addHandler(handlerDesc); } public static AxisService createSimpleService(QName serviceName, String className, QName opName) throws AxisFault { return createSimpleService(serviceName, new RawXMLINOutMessageReceiver(), className, opName); } public static AxisService createSimpleServiceforClient(QName serviceName, String className, QName opName) throws AxisFault { return createSimpleServiceforClient(serviceName, new RawXMLINOutMessageReceiver(), className, opName); } public static AxisService createSimpleInOnlyService(QName serviceName, MessageReceiver messageReceiver, QName opName) throws AxisFault { AxisService service = new AxisService(serviceName.getLocalPart()); service.setClassLoader(getContextClassLoader_DoPriv()); AxisOperation axisOp = new InOnlyAxisOperation(opName); axisOp.setMessageReceiver(messageReceiver); axisOp.setStyle(WSDLConstants.STYLE_RPC); service.addOperation(axisOp); service.mapActionToOperation(Constants.AXIS2_NAMESPACE_URI + "/" + opName.getLocalPart(), axisOp); return service; } private static ClassLoader getContextClassLoader_DoPriv() { return (ClassLoader) org.apache.axis2.java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged( new PrivilegedAction<ClassLoader>() { public ClassLoader run() { return Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); } } ); } public static AxisService createSimpleService(QName serviceName, MessageReceiver messageReceiver, String className, QName opName) throws AxisFault { AxisService service = new AxisService(serviceName.getLocalPart()); service.setClassLoader(getContextClassLoader_DoPriv()); service.addParameter(new Parameter(Constants.SERVICE_CLASS, className)); AxisOperation axisOp = new InOutAxisOperation(opName); axisOp.setMessageReceiver(messageReceiver); axisOp.setStyle(WSDLConstants.STYLE_RPC); service.addOperation(axisOp); service.mapActionToOperation(Constants.AXIS2_NAMESPACE_URI + "/" + opName.getLocalPart(), axisOp); return service; } public static AxisService createSimpleServiceforClient(QName serviceName, MessageReceiver messageReceiver, String className, QName opName) throws AxisFault { AxisService service = new AxisService(serviceName.getLocalPart()); service.setClassLoader(getContextClassLoader_DoPriv()); service.addParameter(new Parameter(Constants.SERVICE_CLASS, className)); AxisOperation axisOp = new OutInAxisOperation(opName); axisOp.setMessageReceiver(messageReceiver); axisOp.setStyle(WSDLConstants.STYLE_RPC); service.addOperation(axisOp); return service; } public static ServiceContext fillContextInformation(AxisService axisService, ConfigurationContext configurationContext) throws AxisFault { // 2. if null, create new opCtxt // fill the service group context and service context info return fillServiceContextAndServiceGroupContext(axisService, configurationContext); } private static ServiceContext fillServiceContextAndServiceGroupContext(AxisService axisService, ConfigurationContext configurationContext) throws AxisFault { String serviceGroupContextId = UIDGenerator.generateURNString(); ServiceGroupContext serviceGroupContext = configurationContext.createServiceGroupContext(axisService.getAxisServiceGroup()); serviceGroupContext.setId(serviceGroupContextId); configurationContext.addServiceGroupContextIntoSoapSessionTable(serviceGroupContext); return serviceGroupContext.getServiceContext(axisService); } /** * Break a full path into pieces * * @return an array where element [0] always contains the service, and element 1, if not null, contains * the path after the first element. all ? parameters are discarded. */ public static String[] parseRequestURLForServiceAndOperation(String path, String servicePath) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("parseRequestURLForServiceAndOperation : [" + path + "][" + servicePath + "]"); } if (path == null) { return null; } String[] values = new String[2]; // TODO. This is kind of brittle. Any service with the name /services would cause fun. int index = path.lastIndexOf(servicePath); String service; if (-1 != index) { int serviceStart = index + servicePath.length(); if (path.length() > serviceStart + 1) { service = path.substring(serviceStart + 1); int queryIndex = service.indexOf('?'); if (queryIndex > 0) { service = service.substring(0, queryIndex); } int operationIndex = service.indexOf('/'); if (operationIndex > 0) { values[0] = service.substring(0, operationIndex); values[1] = service.substring(operationIndex + 1); operationIndex = values[1].lastIndexOf('/'); if (operationIndex > 0) { values[1] = values[1].substring(operationIndex + 1); } } else { values[0] = service; } } } else { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Unable to parse request URL [" + path + "][" + servicePath + "]"); } } return values; } /** * Gives the service/operation part from the incoming EPR * Ex: ..services/foo/bar/Version/getVersion -> foo/bar/Version/getVersion * @param path - incoming EPR * @param servicePath - Ex: 'services' * @return - service/operation part */ public static String getServiceAndOperationPart(String path, String servicePath) { if (path == null) { return null; } //with this chances that substring matching a different place in the URL is reduced if(!servicePath.endsWith("/")){ servicePath = servicePath+"/"; } int index = path.lastIndexOf(servicePath); String serviceOpPart = null; if (-1 != index) { int serviceStart = index + servicePath.length(); //get the string after services path if (path.length() > serviceStart) { serviceOpPart = path.substring(serviceStart); //remove everything after ? int queryIndex = serviceOpPart.indexOf('?'); if (queryIndex > 0) { serviceOpPart = serviceOpPart.substring(0, queryIndex); } } } return serviceOpPart; } /** * Compute the operation path from request URI using the servince name. Service name can be a * normal one or a hierarchical one. * Ex: ../services/Echo/echoString -> echoString * ../services/foo/1.0.0/Echo/echoString -> echoString * ../services/Echo/ -> null * @param path - request URI * @param serviceName - service name * @return - operation name if any, else null */ public static String getOperationName(String path, String serviceName) { if (path == null || serviceName == null) { return null; } int idx = path.lastIndexOf(serviceName + "/"); String operationName = null; if (idx != -1) { operationName = path.substring(idx + serviceName.length() + 1); } else { //this scenario occurs if the endpoint name is there in the URL after service name idx = path.lastIndexOf(serviceName + "."); if (idx != -1) { operationName = path.substring(idx + serviceName.length() + 1); operationName = operationName.substring(operationName.indexOf('/') + 1); } } if (operationName != null) { //remove everyting after '?' int queryIndex = operationName.indexOf('?'); if (queryIndex > 0) { operationName = operationName.substring(0, queryIndex); } //take the part upto / as the operation name if (operationName.indexOf("/") != -1) { operationName = operationName.substring(0, operationName.indexOf("/")); } } return operationName; } public static ConfigurationContext getNewConfigurationContext(String repositry) throws Exception { final File file = new File(repositry); boolean exists = exists(file); if (!exists) { throw new Exception("repository directory " + file.getAbsolutePath() + " does not exists"); } File axis2xml = new File(file, "axis.xml"); String axis2xmlString = null; if (exists(axis2xml)) { axis2xmlString = axis2xml.getName(); } String path = (String) org.apache.axis2.java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged( new PrivilegedAction<String>() { public String run() { return file.getAbsolutePath(); } } ); return ConfigurationContextFactory .createConfigurationContextFromFileSystem(path, axis2xmlString); } private static boolean exists(final File file) { Boolean exists = (Boolean) org.apache.axis2.java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged( new PrivilegedAction<Boolean>() { public Boolean run() { return new Boolean(file.exists()); } } ); return exists.booleanValue(); } public static String getParameterValue(Parameter param) { if (param == null) { return null; } else { return (String) param.getValue(); } } public static String getModuleName(String moduleName, String moduleVersion) { if (moduleVersion != null && moduleVersion.length() != 0) { moduleName = moduleName + "-" + moduleVersion; } return moduleName; } private static final String ILLEGAL_CHARACTERS = "/\n\r\t\0\f`?*\\<>|\":"; public static boolean isValidModuleName(String moduleName) { for (int i = 0; i < moduleName.length(); i++) { char c = moduleName.charAt(i); if ((c > 127) || (ILLEGAL_CHARACTERS.indexOf(c) >= 0)) { return false; } } return true; } /** * - if he trying to engage the same module then method will returen false * - else it will return true * */ public static boolean checkVersion(Version module1version, Version module2version) throws AxisFault { if ((module1version !=null && !module1version.equals(module2version)) || module2version !=null && !module2version.equals(module1version)) { throw new AxisFault("trying to engage two different module versions " + module1version + " : " + module2version); } return true; } public static void calculateDefaultModuleVersion(HashMap modules, AxisConfiguration axisConfig) { Iterator allModules = modules.values().iterator(); Map<String,Version> defaultModules = new HashMap<String,Version>(); while (allModules.hasNext()) { AxisModule axisModule = (AxisModule) allModules.next(); String name = axisModule.getName(); Version currentDefaultVersion = defaultModules.get(name); Version version = axisModule.getVersion(); if (currentDefaultVersion == null || (version != null && version.compareTo(currentDefaultVersion) > 0)) { defaultModules.put(name, version); } } Iterator def_mod_itr = defaultModules.keySet().iterator(); while (def_mod_itr.hasNext()) { String moduleName = (String) def_mod_itr.next(); Version version = defaultModules.get(moduleName); axisConfig.addDefaultModuleVersion(moduleName, version == null ? null : version.toString()); } } /** * Maps the String URI of the Message exchange pattern to a integer. * Further, in the first lookup, it will cache the looked * up value so that the subsequent method calls are extremely efficient. */ @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public static int getAxisSpecifMEPConstant(String messageExchangePattern) { int mepConstant = WSDLConstants.MEP_CONSTANT_INVALID; if (WSDL2Constants.MEP_URI_IN_OUT.equals(messageExchangePattern) || WSDL2Constants.MEP_URI_IN_OUT.equals(messageExchangePattern) || WSDL2Constants.MEP_URI_IN_OUT.equals(messageExchangePattern)) { mepConstant = WSDLConstants.MEP_CONSTANT_IN_OUT; } else if ( WSDL2Constants.MEP_URI_IN_ONLY.equals(messageExchangePattern) || WSDL2Constants.MEP_URI_IN_ONLY.equals(messageExchangePattern) || WSDL2Constants.MEP_URI_IN_ONLY .equals(messageExchangePattern)) { mepConstant = WSDLConstants.MEP_CONSTANT_IN_ONLY; } else if (WSDL2Constants.MEP_URI_IN_OPTIONAL_OUT .equals(messageExchangePattern) || WSDL2Constants.MEP_URI_IN_OPTIONAL_OUT .equals(messageExchangePattern) || WSDL2Constants.MEP_URI_IN_OPTIONAL_OUT .equals(messageExchangePattern)) { mepConstant = WSDLConstants.MEP_CONSTANT_IN_OPTIONAL_OUT; } else if (WSDL2Constants.MEP_URI_OUT_IN.equals(messageExchangePattern) || WSDL2Constants.MEP_URI_OUT_IN.equals(messageExchangePattern) || WSDL2Constants.MEP_URI_OUT_IN .equals(messageExchangePattern)) { mepConstant = WSDLConstants.MEP_CONSTANT_OUT_IN; } else if (WSDL2Constants.MEP_URI_OUT_ONLY.equals(messageExchangePattern) || WSDL2Constants.MEP_URI_OUT_ONLY .equals(messageExchangePattern) || WSDL2Constants .MEP_URI_OUT_ONLY.equals(messageExchangePattern)) { mepConstant = WSDLConstants.MEP_CONSTANT_OUT_ONLY; } else if (WSDL2Constants.MEP_URI_OUT_OPTIONAL_IN.equals(messageExchangePattern) || WSDL2Constants.MEP_URI_OUT_OPTIONAL_IN .equals(messageExchangePattern) || WSDL2Constants.MEP_URI_OUT_OPTIONAL_IN .equals(messageExchangePattern)) { mepConstant = WSDLConstants.MEP_CONSTANT_OUT_OPTIONAL_IN; } else if (WSDL2Constants.MEP_URI_ROBUST_IN_ONLY.equals(messageExchangePattern) || WSDL2Constants.MEP_URI_ROBUST_IN_ONLY .equals(messageExchangePattern) || WSDL2Constants.MEP_URI_ROBUST_IN_ONLY .equals(messageExchangePattern)) { mepConstant = WSDLConstants.MEP_CONSTANT_ROBUST_IN_ONLY; } else if (WSDL2Constants.MEP_URI_ROBUST_OUT_ONLY.equals(messageExchangePattern) || WSDL2Constants.MEP_URI_ROBUST_OUT_ONLY .equals(messageExchangePattern) || WSDL2Constants.MEP_URI_ROBUST_OUT_ONLY .equals(messageExchangePattern)) { mepConstant = WSDLConstants.MEP_CONSTANT_ROBUST_OUT_ONLY; } if (mepConstant == WSDLConstants.MEP_CONSTANT_INVALID) { throw new AxisError(Messages.getMessage("mepmappingerror")); } return mepConstant; } /** * Get an AxisFault object to represent the SOAPFault in the SOAPEnvelope attached * to the provided MessageContext. This first check for an already extracted AxisFault * and otherwise does a simple extract. * <p/> * MUST NOT be passed a MessageContext which does not contain a SOAPFault * * @param messageContext * @return */ public static AxisFault getInboundFaultFromMessageContext(MessageContext messageContext) { // Get the fault if it's already been extracted by a handler AxisFault result = (AxisFault) messageContext.getProperty(Constants.INBOUND_FAULT_OVERRIDE); // Else, extract it from the SOAPBody if (result == null) { SOAPEnvelope envelope = messageContext.getEnvelope(); SOAPFault soapFault; SOAPBody soapBody; if (envelope != null && (soapBody = envelope.getBody()) != null) { if ((soapFault = soapBody.getFault()) != null) { return new AxisFault(soapFault, messageContext); } // If its a REST response the content is not a SOAP envelop and hence we will // Have use the soap body as the exception if (messageContext.isDoingREST() && soapBody.getFirstElement() != null) { AxisFault fault = new AxisFault(soapBody.getFirstElement().toString()); fault.setDetail(soapBody.getFirstElement()); return fault; } // if axis2 receives an rest type fault for an soap message then message context // has not been set to isDoingREST() but in this case we can detect it by using // the message type. so if the message type is application/xml we assum it as an rest call if ((messageContext.getProperty(Constants.Configuration.MESSAGE_TYPE) != null) && messageContext.getProperty(Constants.Configuration.MESSAGE_TYPE).equals(HTTPConstants.MEDIA_TYPE_APPLICATION_XML)){ if (soapBody.getFirstElement() != null){ AxisFault fault = new AxisFault(soapBody.getFirstElement().toString()); fault.setDetail(soapBody.getFirstElement()); return fault; } else { return new AxisFault("application/xml type error received."); } } } // Not going to be able to throw new IllegalArgumentException( "The MessageContext does not have an associated SOAPFault."); } return result; } /** * This method will provide the logic needed to retrieve an Object's classloader * in a Java 2 Security compliant manner. */ public static ClassLoader getObjectClassLoader(final Object object) { if(object == null) { return null; } else { return (ClassLoader) AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction() { public Object run() { return object.getClass().getClassLoader(); } }); } } public static int getMtomThreshold(MessageContext msgCtxt){ Integer value = null; if(!msgCtxt.isServerSide()){ value = (Integer)msgCtxt.getProperty(Constants.Configuration.MTOM_THRESHOLD); }else{ Parameter param = msgCtxt.getParameter(Constants.Configuration.MTOM_THRESHOLD); if(param!=null){ value = (Integer)param.getValue(); } } int threshold = (value!=null)?value.intValue():0; if(log.isDebugEnabled()){ log.debug("MTOM optimized Threshold value ="+threshold); } return threshold; } /** * Returns the ip address to be used for the replyto epr * CAUTION: * This will go through all the available network interfaces and will try to return an ip address. * First this will try to get the first IP which is not loopback address ( If none is found * then this will return this will return * This will <b>not<b> consider IPv6 addresses. * <p/> * TODO: * - Improve this logic to genaralize it a bit more * - Obtain the ip to be used here from the Call API * * @return Returns String. * @throws java.net.SocketException */ public static String getIpAddress() throws SocketException { Enumeration e = NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces(); String address = ""; while (e.hasMoreElements()) { NetworkInterface netface = (NetworkInterface) e.nextElement(); Enumeration addresses = netface.getInetAddresses(); while (addresses.hasMoreElements()) { InetAddress ip = (InetAddress) addresses.nextElement(); if (!ip.isLoopbackAddress() && isIP(ip.getHostAddress())) { return ip.getHostAddress(); } } } return address; } /** * First check whether the hostname parameter is there in AxisConfiguration (axis2.xml) , * if it is there then this will retun that as the host name , o.w will return the IP address. */ public static String getIpAddress(AxisConfiguration axisConfiguration) throws SocketException { if(axisConfiguration!=null){ Parameter param = axisConfiguration.getParameter(TransportListener.HOST_ADDRESS); if (param != null) { String hostAddress = ((String) param.getValue()).trim(); if(hostAddress!=null){ return hostAddress; } } } return getIpAddress(); } /** * First check whether the hostname parameter is there in AxisConfiguration (axis2.xml) , * if it is there then this will return that as the host name , o.w will return the IP address. * @param axisConfiguration * @return hostname */ public static String getHostname(AxisConfiguration axisConfiguration) { if(axisConfiguration!=null){ Parameter param = axisConfiguration.getParameter(TransportListener.HOST_ADDRESS); if (param != null) { String hostAddress = ((String) param.getValue()).trim(); if(hostAddress!=null){ return hostAddress; } } } return null; } private static boolean isIP(String hostAddress) { return hostAddress.split("[.]").length == 4; } /** * Get the scheme part from a URI (or URL). * * @param uri the URI * @return the scheme of the URI */ public static String getURIScheme(String uri) { int index = uri.indexOf(':'); return index > 0 ? uri.substring(0, index) : null; } public static String sanitizeWebOutput(String text) { if(text != null){ text = text.replaceAll("<", "<"); } return text; } /** * Create a service object for a given service. The method first looks for * the {@link Constants#SERVICE_OBJECT_SUPPLIER} service parameter and if * this parameter is present, it will use the specified class to create the * service object. If the parameter is not present, it will create an * instance of the class specified by the {@link Constants#SERVICE_CLASS} * parameter. * * @param service * the service * @return The service object or <code>null</code> if neither the * {@link Constants#SERVICE_OBJECT_SUPPLIER} nor the * {@link Constants#SERVICE_CLASS} parameter was found on the * service, i.e. if the service doesn't specify how to create a * service object. If the return value is non null, it will always * be a newly created instance. * @throws AxisFault * if an error occurred while attempting to instantiate the * service object */ public static Object createServiceObject(final AxisService service) throws AxisFault { try { ClassLoader classLoader = service.getClassLoader(); // allow alternative definition of makeNewServiceObject Parameter serviceObjectSupplierParam = service.getParameter(Constants.SERVICE_OBJECT_SUPPLIER); if (serviceObjectSupplierParam != null) { final Class<?> serviceObjectSupplierClass = Loader.loadClass(classLoader, ((String) serviceObjectSupplierParam.getValue()).trim()); if (ServiceObjectSupplier.class.isAssignableFrom(serviceObjectSupplierClass)) { ServiceObjectSupplier serviceObjectSupplier = org.apache.axis2.java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged( new PrivilegedExceptionAction<ServiceObjectSupplier>() { public ServiceObjectSupplier run() throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { return (ServiceObjectSupplier)serviceObjectSupplierClass.newInstance(); } } ); return serviceObjectSupplier.getServiceObject(service); } else { // Prior to r439555 service object suppliers were actually defined by a static method // with a given signature defined on an arbitrary class. The ServiceObjectSupplier // interface was only introduced by r439555. We still support the old way, but // issue a warning inviting the user to provide a proper ServiceObjectSupplier // implementation. // Find static getServiceObject() method, call it if there final Method method = org.apache.axis2.java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged( new PrivilegedExceptionAction<Method>() { public Method run() throws NoSuchMethodException { return serviceObjectSupplierClass.getMethod("getServiceObject", AxisService.class); } } ); log.warn("The class specified by the " + Constants.SERVICE_OBJECT_SUPPLIER + " property on service " + service.getName() + " does not implement the " + ServiceObjectSupplier.class.getName() + " interface. This is deprecated."); return org.apache.axis2.java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged( new PrivilegedExceptionAction<Object>() { public Object run() throws InvocationTargetException, IllegalAccessException, InstantiationException { return method.invoke(serviceObjectSupplierClass.newInstance(), new Object[]{service}); } } ); } } else { Parameter serviceClassParam = service.getParameter(Constants.SERVICE_CLASS); if (serviceClassParam != null) { final Class<?> serviceClass = Loader.loadClass( classLoader, ((String) serviceClassParam.getValue()).trim()); int mod = serviceClass.getModifiers(); if (!Modifier.isPublic(mod) || Modifier.isAbstract(mod) || Modifier.isInterface(mod)) { throw new AxisFault("Service class " + serviceClass.getName() + " must have public as access Modifier"); } return org.apache.axis2.java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged( new PrivilegedExceptionAction<Object>() { public Object run() throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { return serviceClass.newInstance(); } } ); } else { return null; } } } catch (Exception e) { throw AxisFault.makeFault(e); } } /** * Get the service class for a given service. This method will first check * the {@link Constants#SERVICE_CLASS} service parameter and if that * parameter is not present, inspect the instance returned by the service * object supplier specified by {@link Constants#SERVICE_OBJECT_SUPPLIER}. * * @param service * the service * @return The service class or <code>null</code> if neither the * {@link Constants#SERVICE_CLASS} nor the * {@link Constants#SERVICE_OBJECT_SUPPLIER} parameter was found on * the service, i.e. if the service doesn't specify a service class. * @throws AxisFault * if an error occurred while attempting to load the service * class or to instantiate the service object */ public static Class<?> getServiceClass(AxisService service) throws AxisFault { Parameter serviceClassParam = service.getParameter(Constants.SERVICE_CLASS); if (serviceClassParam != null) { try { return Loader.loadClass(service.getClassLoader(), ((String) serviceClassParam.getValue()).trim()); } catch (Exception e) { throw AxisFault.makeFault(e); } } else { Object serviceObject = createServiceObject(service); return serviceObject == null ? null : serviceObject.getClass(); } } /** * this is to make is backward compatible. Get rid of this at the next major release. * @param messageContext * @return */ public static boolean isClientThreadNonBlockingPropertySet(MessageContext messageContext){ Object val = messageContext.getProperty( MessageContext.CLIENT_API_NON_BLOCKING); if(val != null && ((Boolean)val).booleanValue()){ return true; }else{ //put the string inline as this is to be removed val = messageContext.getProperty("transportNonBlocking"); return val != null && ((Boolean)val).booleanValue(); } } /** * This method is used to find whether an axis2service is declared as hidden using the * "hiddenService" param * * @param axisService - the service of interest * @return true if is declared as hidden, false if not */ public static boolean isHiddenService(AxisService axisService) { boolean hideService = false; Parameter hiddenServiceParam; hiddenServiceParam = axisService.getParameter(Constants.HIDDEN_SERVICE_PARAM_NAME); if (hiddenServiceParam != null) { hideService = !JavaUtils.isFalseExplicitly(hiddenServiceParam.getValue()); } return hideService; } }