/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.apache.axis2.util; import org.apache.axiom.om.OMElement; import org.apache.axiom.om.OMFactory; import org.apache.axiom.om.OMNamespace; import org.apache.axiom.om.OMNode; import org.apache.axis2.AxisFault; import org.apache.axis2.addressing.AddressingConstants; import org.apache.axis2.description.*; import org.apache.axis2.description.java2wsdl.Java2WSDLConstants; import org.apache.axis2.engine.AxisConfiguration; import org.apache.axis2.namespace.Constants; import org.apache.axis2.wsdl.HTTPHeaderMessage; import org.apache.axis2.wsdl.SOAPHeaderMessage; import org.apache.axis2.wsdl.SOAPModuleMessage; import org.apache.neethi.Policy; import org.apache.neethi.PolicyReference; import javax.xml.namespace.QName; import java.util.*; /** * Helps the AxisService to WSDL process */ public class WSDLSerializationUtil { public static final String CDATA_START = "<![CDATA["; public static final String CDATA_START_REGEX = "<!\\[CDATA\\["; public static final String CDATA_END = "]]>"; public static final String CDATA_END_REGEX = "\\]\\]>"; /** * Given a namespace it returns the prefix for that namespace * @param namespace - The namespace that the prefix is needed for * @param nameSpaceMap - The namespaceMap * @return - The prefix of the namespace */ public static String getPrefix(String namespace, Map<String, String> nameSpaceMap) { Set<String> keySet; if (nameSpaceMap != null && (keySet = nameSpaceMap.keySet()) != null) { Iterator<String> keys = keySet.iterator(); while (keys.hasNext()) { String key = (String) keys.next(); if (nameSpaceMap.get(key).equals(namespace)) { return key; } } } return null; } /** * Gets the correct element name for a given message * @param axisMessage - The axisMessage * @param nameSpaceMap - The namespaceMap * @return - The element name */ public static String getElementName(AxisMessage axisMessage, Map nameSpaceMap) { QName elementQName = axisMessage.getElementQName(); if (elementQName == null) { return WSDL2Constants.NMTOKEN_NONE; } else if (Constants.XSD_ANY.equals(elementQName)) { return WSDL2Constants.NMTOKEN_ANY; } else { String prefix = WSDLSerializationUtil.getPrefix(elementQName.getNamespaceURI(), nameSpaceMap); return prefix + ":" + elementQName.getLocalPart(); } } /** * Adds a soap header element to a given OMElement * @param omFactory - An OMFactory * @param list - The arraylist of soapHeaderMessages * @param wsoap - The WSDL 2.0 SOAP namespace * @param element - The element that the header should be added to * @param nameSpaceMap - The namespaceMap */ public static void addSOAPHeaderElements(OMFactory omFactory, ArrayList list, OMNamespace wsoap, OMElement element, Map nameSpaceMap) { for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { SOAPHeaderMessage soapHeaderMessage = (SOAPHeaderMessage) list.get(i); OMElement soapHeaderElement = omFactory.createOMElement(WSDL2Constants.ATTRIBUTE_HEADER, wsoap); QName qName = soapHeaderMessage.getElement(); soapHeaderElement.addAttribute(omFactory.createOMAttribute( WSDL2Constants.ATTRIBUTE_ELEMENT, null, getPrefix(qName.getNamespaceURI(), nameSpaceMap) + ":" + qName.getLocalPart())); soapHeaderElement.addAttribute(omFactory.createOMAttribute( WSDL2Constants.ATTRIBUTE_MUST_UNDERSTAND, null, Boolean.toString(soapHeaderMessage.isMustUnderstand()))); soapHeaderElement.addAttribute(omFactory.createOMAttribute( WSDL2Constants.ATTRIBUTE_REQUIRED, null, Boolean.toString(soapHeaderMessage.isRequired()))); element.addChild(soapHeaderElement); } } /** * Adds a soap module element to a given OMElement * @param omFactory - An OMFactory * @param list - The arraylist of soapModuleMessages * @param wsoap - The WSDL 2.0 SOAP namespace * @param element - The element that the header should be added to */ public static void addSOAPModuleElements(OMFactory omFactory, ArrayList list, OMNamespace wsoap, OMElement element) { for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { SOAPModuleMessage soapModuleMessage = (SOAPModuleMessage) list.get(i); OMElement soapModuleElement = omFactory.createOMElement(WSDL2Constants.ATTRIBUTE_MODULE, wsoap); soapModuleElement.addAttribute(omFactory.createOMAttribute( WSDL2Constants.ATTRIBUTE_REF, null, soapModuleMessage.getUri())); element.addChild(soapModuleElement); } } /** * Adds a HTTP header element to a given OMElement * @param omFactory - An OMFactory * @param list - The arraylist of HTTPHeaderMessages * @param whttp - The WSDL 2.0 HTTP namespace * @param element - The element that the header should be added to * @param nameSpaceMap - The namespaceMap */ public static void addHTTPHeaderElements(OMFactory omFactory, ArrayList list, OMNamespace whttp, OMElement element, Map nameSpaceMap) { for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { HTTPHeaderMessage httpHeaderMessage = (HTTPHeaderMessage) list.get(i); OMElement httpHeaderElement = omFactory.createOMElement(WSDL2Constants.ATTRIBUTE_HEADER, whttp); httpHeaderElement.addAttribute(omFactory.createOMAttribute( WSDL2Constants.ATTRIBUTE_NAME, null, httpHeaderMessage.getName())); QName qName = httpHeaderMessage.getqName(); httpHeaderElement.addAttribute(omFactory.createOMAttribute( WSDL2Constants.ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, null, getPrefix(qName.getNamespaceURI(), nameSpaceMap) + ":" + qName.getLocalPart())); httpHeaderElement.addAttribute(omFactory.createOMAttribute( WSDL2Constants.ATTRIBUTE_REQUIRED, null, Boolean.valueOf(httpHeaderMessage.isRequired()).toString())); element.addChild(httpHeaderElement); } } /** * Generates a default SOAP 11 Binding for a given AxisService * @param fac - The OMFactory * @param axisService - The AxisService * @param wsdl the WSDL namespace * @param wsoap - The WSDL 2.0 SOAP namespace * @param tns - The target namespace * @return - The generated SOAP11Binding element */ public static OMElement generateSOAP11Binding(OMFactory fac, AxisService axisService, OMNamespace wsdl, OMNamespace wsoap, OMNamespace tns, String serviceName) { OMElement binding = fac.createOMElement(WSDL2Constants.BINDING_LOCAL_NAME, wsdl); binding.addAttribute( fac.createOMAttribute(WSDL2Constants.ATTRIBUTE_NAME, null, serviceName + Java2WSDLConstants.BINDING_NAME_SUFFIX)); binding.addAttribute(fac.createOMAttribute(WSDL2Constants.INTERFACE_LOCAL_NAME, null, tns .getPrefix() + ":" + WSDL2Constants.DEFAULT_INTERFACE_NAME)); binding.addAttribute(fac.createOMAttribute(WSDL2Constants.ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, null, WSDL2Constants.URI_WSDL2_SOAP)); binding.addAttribute(fac.createOMAttribute(WSDL2Constants.ATTRIBUTE_VERSION, wsoap, WSDL2Constants.SOAP_VERSION_1_1)); binding.addAttribute(fac.createOMAttribute(WSDL2Constants.ATTRIBUTE_PROTOCOL, wsoap, WSDL2Constants.HTTP_PROTOCAL)); generateDefaultSOAPBindingOperations(axisService, fac, binding, wsdl, tns, wsoap); return binding; } /** * Generates a default SOAP 12 Binding for a given AxisService * @param fac - The OMFactory * @param axisService - The AxisService * @param wsdl the WSDL namespace * @param wsoap - The WSDL 2.0 SOAP namespace * @param tns - The target namespace * @return - The generated SOAP12Binding element */ public static OMElement generateSOAP12Binding(OMFactory fac, AxisService axisService, OMNamespace wsdl, OMNamespace wsoap, OMNamespace tns, String serviceName) { OMElement binding = fac.createOMElement(WSDL2Constants.BINDING_LOCAL_NAME, wsdl); binding.addAttribute( fac.createOMAttribute(WSDL2Constants.ATTRIBUTE_NAME, null, serviceName + Java2WSDLConstants.SOAP12BINDING_NAME_SUFFIX)); binding.addAttribute(fac.createOMAttribute(WSDL2Constants.INTERFACE_LOCAL_NAME, null, tns .getPrefix() + ":" + WSDL2Constants.DEFAULT_INTERFACE_NAME)); binding.addAttribute(fac.createOMAttribute(WSDL2Constants.ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, null, WSDL2Constants.URI_WSDL2_SOAP)); binding.addAttribute(fac.createOMAttribute(WSDL2Constants.ATTRIBUTE_VERSION, wsoap, WSDL2Constants.SOAP_VERSION_1_2)); binding.addAttribute(fac.createOMAttribute(WSDL2Constants.ATTRIBUTE_PROTOCOL, wsoap, WSDL2Constants.HTTP_PROTOCAL)); generateDefaultSOAPBindingOperations(axisService, fac, binding, wsdl, tns, wsoap); return binding; } /** * Generates a default HTTP Binding for a given AxisService * @param fac - The OMFactory * @param axisService - The AxisService * @param wsdl the WSDL namespace * @param whttp - The WSDL 2.0 HTTP namespace * @param tns - The target namespace * @return - The generated HTTPBinding element */ public static OMElement generateHTTPBinding(OMFactory fac, AxisService axisService, OMNamespace wsdl, OMNamespace whttp, OMNamespace tns, String serviceName) { OMElement binding = fac.createOMElement(WSDL2Constants.BINDING_LOCAL_NAME, wsdl); binding.addAttribute( fac.createOMAttribute(WSDL2Constants.ATTRIBUTE_NAME, null, serviceName + Java2WSDLConstants.HTTP_BINDING)); binding.addAttribute(fac.createOMAttribute(WSDL2Constants.INTERFACE_LOCAL_NAME, null, tns .getPrefix() + ":" + WSDL2Constants.DEFAULT_INTERFACE_NAME)); binding.addAttribute(fac.createOMAttribute(WSDL2Constants.ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, null, WSDL2Constants.URI_WSDL2_HTTP)); Iterator iterator = axisService.getChildren(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { AxisOperation axisOperation = (AxisOperation) iterator.next(); OMElement opElement = fac.createOMElement(WSDL2Constants.OPERATION_LOCAL_NAME, wsdl); binding.addChild(opElement); String name = axisOperation.getName().getLocalPart(); opElement.addAttribute(fac.createOMAttribute(WSDL2Constants.ATTRIBUTE_REF, null, tns.getPrefix() + ":" + name)); opElement.addAttribute(fac.createOMAttribute(WSDL2Constants.ATTRIBUTE_LOCATION, whttp, name)); } return binding; } private static void generateDefaultSOAPBindingOperations(AxisService axisService, OMFactory omFactory, OMElement binding, OMNamespace wsdl, OMNamespace tns, OMNamespace wsoap) { Iterator iterator = axisService.getChildren(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { AxisOperation axisOperation = (AxisOperation) iterator.next(); if (axisOperation.isControlOperation()) { continue; } OMElement opElement = omFactory.createOMElement(WSDL2Constants.OPERATION_LOCAL_NAME, wsdl); binding.addChild(opElement); String name = axisOperation.getName().getLocalPart(); opElement.addAttribute(omFactory.createOMAttribute(WSDL2Constants.ATTRIBUTE_REF, null, tns.getPrefix() + ":" + name)); String soapAction = axisOperation.getSoapAction(); if (soapAction != null) { opElement.addAttribute(omFactory.createOMAttribute(WSDL2Constants.ATTRIBUTE_ACTION, wsoap, soapAction)); } } } /** * Adds the namespaces to the given OMElement * * @param descriptionElement - The OMElement that the namespaces should be added to * @param nameSpaceMap - The namespaceMap */ public static void populateNamespaces(OMElement descriptionElement, Map nameSpaceMap) { if (nameSpaceMap != null) { Iterator keys = nameSpaceMap.keySet().iterator(); while (keys.hasNext()) { String key = (String) keys.next(); if ("".equals(key)) { descriptionElement.declareDefaultNamespace((String) nameSpaceMap.get(key)); } else { descriptionElement.declareNamespace((String) nameSpaceMap.get(key), key); } } } } public static void addWSAWActionAttribute(OMElement element, String action , OMNamespace wsaw) { if (action == null || action.length() == 0 || "\\\"\\\"".equals(action)) { return; } element.addAttribute("Action", action, wsaw); } public static void addExtensionElement(OMFactory fac, OMElement element, String name, String att1Name, String att1Value, OMNamespace soapNameSpace) { OMElement extElement = fac.createOMElement(name, soapNameSpace); element.addChild(extElement); extElement.addAttribute(att1Name, att1Value, null); } public static void addWSAddressingToBinding(String addressingFlag, OMFactory omFactory, OMElement bindingElement , OMNamespace wsaw) { // Add WS-Addressing UsingAddressing element if appropriate // SHOULD be on the binding element per the specification if (addressingFlag.equals(AddressingConstants.ADDRESSING_OPTIONAL)) { WSDLSerializationUtil.addExtensionElement(omFactory, bindingElement, AddressingConstants.USING_ADDRESSING, "required", "true", wsaw); } else if (addressingFlag.equals(AddressingConstants.ADDRESSING_REQUIRED)) { WSDLSerializationUtil.addExtensionElement(omFactory, bindingElement, AddressingConstants.USING_ADDRESSING, "required", "true", wsaw); } } public static void addWSDLDocumentationElement(AxisDescription axisDescription, OMElement omElement, OMFactory omFactory, OMNamespace wsdl) { OMElement documentation = generateDocumentationElement(axisDescription, omFactory, wsdl); if (documentation != null) { omElement.addChild(documentation); } } public static OMElement generateDocumentationElement(AxisDescription axisDescription, OMFactory omFactory, OMNamespace wsdl) { OMNode documentationNode = axisDescription.getDocumentationNode(); OMElement documentation; if (documentationNode != null) { documentation = omFactory.createOMElement(WSDL2Constants.DOCUMENTATION, wsdl); documentation.addChild(documentationNode); return documentation; } return null; } public static void addPoliciesAsExtensibleElement( AxisDescription description, OMElement descriptionElement) { PolicySubject policySubject = description.getPolicySubject(); Collection attachPolicyComponents = policySubject .getAttachedPolicyComponents(); ArrayList policies = new ArrayList(); for (Iterator iterator = attachPolicyComponents.iterator(); iterator .hasNext();) { Object policyElement = iterator.next(); if (policyElement instanceof Policy) { policies.add(policyElement); } else if (policyElement instanceof PolicyReference) { String key = ((PolicyReference) policyElement).getURI(); if (key.startsWith("#")) { key = key.substring(key.indexOf("#") + 1); } AxisService service = getAxisService(description); PolicyLocator locator = new PolicyLocator(service); Policy p = locator.lookup(key); if (p != null) { policies.add(p); } } } ExternalPolicySerializer filter = null; if (!policies.isEmpty()) { filter = new ExternalPolicySerializer(); AxisConfiguration axisConfiguration = description .getAxisConfiguration(); if (axisConfiguration != null) { filter.setAssertionsToFilter(axisConfiguration .getLocalPolicyAssertions()); } } for (Iterator iterator = policies.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { Policy policy = (Policy) iterator.next(); OMElement policyElement; try { policyElement = PolicyUtil.getPolicyComponentAsOMElement( policy, filter); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } OMNode firstChild = descriptionElement.getFirstOMChild(); if (firstChild != null) { firstChild.insertSiblingBefore(policyElement); } else { descriptionElement.addChild(policyElement); } } } private static AxisService getAxisService(AxisDescription description) { if (description == null || description instanceof AxisService) { return (AxisService) description; } else { return getAxisService(description.getParent()); } } public static String extractHostIP(String serviceURL){ String ip = null; if (serviceURL != null) { int ipindex = serviceURL.indexOf("//"); if (ipindex >= 0) { ip = serviceURL.substring(ipindex + 2, serviceURL.length()); int seperatorIndex = ip.indexOf(":"); int slashIndex = ip.indexOf("/"); if (seperatorIndex >= 0) { ip = ip.substring(0, seperatorIndex); } else { ip = ip.substring(0, slashIndex); } } } return ip; } }