/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.apache.axis2.description.java2wsdl; public interface Java2WSDLConstants { String SOAP11_PREFIX = "soap"; String SOAP12_PREFIX = "soap12"; String DEFAULT_WSDL_NAMESPACE_PREFIX = "wsdl"; String DEFAULT_SCHEMA_NAMESPACE_PREFIX = "xs"; String DEFAULT_TARGET_NAMESPACE_PREFIX = "axis2"; String TARGETNAMESPACE_PREFIX = "tns"; String SCHEMA_NAMESPACE_PRFIX = "ns"; String FORM_DEFAULT_QUALIFIED = "qualified"; String FORM_DEFAULT_UNQUALIFIED = "unqualified"; String DOC_LIT_BARE_PARAMETER ="doclitBare"; String DEFAULT_TARGET_NAMESPACE = "http://ws.apache.org/axis2"; String WSDL_NAMESPACE = "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/"; String AXIS2_XSD = "http://org.apache.axis2/xsd"; String URI_WSDL12_SOAP = "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap12/"; String URI_WSDL11_SOAP = "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap/"; String TRANSPORT_URI = "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/http"; String DEFAULT_LOCATION_URL = "http://localhost:8080/axis2/services/"; String WSAD_NS = "http://www.w3.org/2006/05/addressing/wsdl"; String HTTP_NAMESPACE = "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/http/"; String MIME_NAMESPACE = "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/mime/"; String HTTP_PREFIX = "http"; String MIME_PREFIX = "mime"; String URN_PREFIX = "urn"; String COLON_SEPARATOR = ":"; String BINDING_NAME_SUFFIX = "SOAP11Binding"; String SOAP12BINDING_NAME_SUFFIX = "SOAP12Binding"; String HTTP_BINDING = "HttpBinding"; String PORT_TYPE_SUFFIX = "PortType"; String PORT_NAME_SUFFIX = "Port"; String MESSAGE_LOCAL_NAME = "message"; String ATTRIBUTE_NAME = "name"; String REQUEST_MESSAGE = "RequestMessage"; String RESPONSE_MESSAGE = "ResponseMessage"; String FAULT_MESSAGE = "Message"; String MESSAGE_SUFFIX = "Request"; String REQUEST = "Request"; String RESPONSE = "Response"; String RESULT = "Result"; String PORT_TYPE_LOCAL_NAME = "portType"; String OPERATION_LOCAL_NAME = "operation"; String IN_PUT_LOCAL_NAME = "input"; String OUT_PUT_LOCAL_NAME = "output"; String SERVICE_LOCAL_NAME = "service"; String BINDING_LOCAL_NAME = "binding"; String PORT = "port"; String SOAP12PORT = "SOAP12port"; String SOAP11PORT = "SOAP11port"; String HTTP_PORT = "Httpport"; String PART_ATTRIBUTE_NAME = "part"; String ELEMENT_ATTRIBUTE_NAME = "element"; String FAULT_LOCAL_NAME = "fault"; String SOAP_ADDRESS = "address"; String LOCATION = "location"; String TRANSPORT = "transport"; String STYLE = "style"; String SOAP_ACTION = "soapAction"; String SOAP_BODY = "body"; String SOAP_USE = "use"; String DOCUMENT = "document"; String LITERAL = "literal"; // // Schema XSD Namespaces // String URI_2001_SCHEMA_XSD = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"; String ATTR_FORM_DEFAULT_OPTION = "afd"; String ATTR_FORM_DEFAULT_OPTION_LONG = "attributeFormDefault"; String CLASSNAME_OPTION = "cn"; String CLASSNAME_OPTION_LONG = "className"; String CLASSPATH_OPTION = "cp"; String CLASSPATH_OPTION_LONG = "classPath"; String DOC_LIT_BARE = "dlb"; String DOC_LIT_BARE_LONG = "doclitbare"; String ELEMENT_FORM_DEFAULT_OPTION = "efd"; String ELEMENT_FORM_DEFAULT_OPTION_LONG = "elementFormDefault"; String EXTRA_CLASSES_DEFAULT_OPTION = "xc"; String EXTRA_CLASSES_DEFAULT_OPTION_LONG = "extraClasses"; String JAVA_PKG_2_NSMAP_OPTION = "p2n"; String JAVA_PKG_2_NSMAP_OPTION_LONG = "package2Namespace"; String LOCATION_OPTION = "l"; String LOCATION_OPTION_LONG = "location"; String NAMESPACE_GENERATOR_OPTION = "nsg"; String NAMESPACE_GENERATOR_OPTION_LONG = "namespaceGenerator"; String OUTPUT_FILENAME_OPTION = "of"; String OUTPUT_FILENAME_OPTION_LONG = "outputFilename"; String OUTPUT_LOCATION_OPTION = "o"; String OUTPUT_LOCATION_OPTION_LONG = "output"; String SCHEMA_GENERATOR_OPTION = "sg"; String SCHEMA_GENERATOR_OPTION_LONG = "schemaGenerator"; String SCHEMA_TARGET_NAMESPACE_OPTION = "stn"; String SCHEMA_TARGET_NAMESPACE_OPTION_LONG = "schemaTargetnamespace"; String SCHEMA_TARGET_NAMESPACE_PREFIX_OPTION = "stp"; String SCHEMA_TARGET_NAMESPACE_PREFIX_OPTION_LONG = "schemaTargetnamespacePrefix"; String SERVICE_NAME_OPTION = "sn"; String SERVICE_NAME_OPTION_LONG = "serviceName"; String STYLE_OPTION = "st"; String STYLE_OPTION_LONG = "style"; String TARGET_NAMESPACE_OPTION = "tn"; String TARGET_NAMESPACE_OPTION_LONG = "targetNamespace"; String TARGET_NAMESPACE_PREFIX_OPTION = "tp"; String TARGET_NAMESPACE_PREFIX_OPTION_LONG = "targetNamespacePrefix"; String USE_OPTION = "u"; String USE_OPTION_LONG = "use"; String WSDL_VERSION_OPTION = "wv"; String WSDL_VERSION_OPTION_LONG = "wsdl-version"; String CUSTOM_SCHEMA_LOCATION = "csl"; String CUSTOM_SCHEMA_LOCATION_LONG = "custom-schema-location"; String SCHEMA_MAPPING_FILE_LOCATION = "mfl"; String SCHEMA_MAPPING_FILE_LOCATION_LONG = "mapping-file-location"; String DISABLE_BINDING_SOAP11 = "disableSOAP11"; String DISABLE_BINDING_SOAP12 = "disableSOAP12"; String DISABLE_BINDING_REST = "disableREST"; String PORT_TYPE_NAME_OPTION = "ptn"; String PORT_TYPE_NAME_OPTION_LONG = "portTypeName"; String SOAP11_BINDING_NAME_OPTION_LONG = "soap11BindingName"; String SOAP12_BINDING_NAME_OPTION_LONG = "soap12BindingName"; String REST_BINDING_NAME_OPTION_LONG = "restBindingName"; String DISALLOW_NILLABLE_ELEMENTS_OPTION = "dne"; String DISALLOW_NILLABLE_ELEMENTS_OPTION_LONG = "disallowNillableElements"; String DISALLOW_OPTIONAL_ELEMENTS_OPTION = "doe"; String DISALLOW_OPTIONAL_ELEMENTS_OPTION_LONG = "disallowOptionalElements"; String MESSAGE_PART_NAME_OPTION = "mpn"; String MESSAGE_PART_NAME_OPTION_LONG = "messagePartName"; String REQUEST_ELEMENT_SUFFIX_OPTION = "res"; String REQUEST_ELEMENT_SUFFIX_OPTION_LONG = "requestElementSuffix"; String DISALLOW_ANON_TYPES_OPTION = "dat"; String DISALLOW_ANON_TYPES_OPTION_LONG = "disallowAnonymousTypes"; String AXIS2_NAMESPACE_PREFIX = "ns1"; public static final String SOLE_INPUT = "SOLE_INPUT"; String WSDL_VERSION_2 = "2.0"; String WSDL_VERSION_2_OPTIONAL = "2"; String WSDL_VERSION_1 = "1.1"; String PARAMETERS = "parameters"; String JAX_WS_SERVICE_OPTION = "jws"; String JAX_WS_SERVICE_OPTION_LONG = "jax_ws_service"; }