/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.apache.axis2.engine; import junit.framework.TestCase; import org.apache.axis2.context.MessageContext; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.util.Arrays; public class MessageContextChangeTest extends TestCase { private FieldDescription[] knownList = { new FieldDescription("org.apache.commons.logging.Log", "log"), new FieldDescription("java.lang.String", "logCorrelationID"), new FieldDescription("java.lang.String", "logCorrelationIDString"), new FieldDescription("java.lang.String", "myClassName"), new FieldDescription("long", "serialVersionUID"), new FieldDescription("int", "REVISION_2"), new FieldDescription("int", "revisionID"), new FieldDescription("java.lang.ThreadLocal", "currentMessageContext"), new FieldDescription("org.apache.axis2.client.Options", "options"), new FieldDescription("int", "IN_FLOW"), new FieldDescription("int", "IN_FAULT_FLOW"), new FieldDescription("int", "OUT_FLOW"), new FieldDescription("int", "OUT_FAULT_FLOW"), new FieldDescription("java.lang.String", "REMOTE_ADDR"), new FieldDescription("java.lang.String", "TRANSPORT_ADDR"), new FieldDescription("java.lang.String", "TRANSPORT_HEADERS"), new FieldDescription("java.lang.String", "IN_MESSAGE_CONTEXT"), new FieldDescription("org.apache.axiom.attachments.Attachments", "attachments"), new FieldDescription("java.lang.String", "TRANSPORT_OUT"), new FieldDescription("java.lang.String", "TRANSPORT_IN"), new FieldDescription("java.lang.String", "CHARACTER_SET_ENCODING"), new FieldDescription("java.lang.String", "UTF_8"), new FieldDescription("java.lang.String", "UTF_16"), new FieldDescription("java.lang.String", "TRANSPORT_SUCCEED"), new FieldDescription("java.lang.String", "DEFAULT_CHAR_SET_ENCODING"), new FieldDescription("int", "FLOW"), new FieldDescription("java.lang.String", "CLIENT_API_NON_BLOCKING"), new FieldDescription("java.lang.String", "DISABLE_ASYNC_CALLBACK_ON_TRANSPORT_ERROR"), new FieldDescription("boolean", "processingFault"), new FieldDescription("boolean", "paused"), new FieldDescription("boolean", "outputWritten"), new FieldDescription("boolean", "newThreadRequired"), new FieldDescription("boolean", "isSOAP11"), new FieldDescription("java.util.ArrayList", "executionChain"), new FieldDescription("java.util.LinkedList", "executedPhases"), new FieldDescription("boolean", "doingREST"), new FieldDescription("boolean", "doingMTOM"), new FieldDescription("boolean", "doingSwA"), new FieldDescription("org.apache.axis2.description.AxisMessage", "axisMessage"), new FieldDescription("org.apache.axis2.description.AxisOperation", "axisOperation"), new FieldDescription("org.apache.axis2.description.AxisService", "axisService"), new FieldDescription("org.apache.axis2.description.AxisServiceGroup", "axisServiceGroup"), new FieldDescription("org.apache.axis2.context.ConfigurationContext", "configurationContext"), new FieldDescription("int", "currentHandlerIndex"), new FieldDescription("int", "currentPhaseIndex"), new FieldDescription("org.apache.axiom.soap.SOAPEnvelope", "envelope"), new FieldDescription("org.apache.axis2.context.OperationContext", "operationContext"), new FieldDescription("boolean", "responseWritten"), new FieldDescription("boolean", "serverSide"), new FieldDescription("org.apache.axis2.context.ServiceContext", "serviceContext"), new FieldDescription("java.lang.String", "serviceContextID"), new FieldDescription("org.apache.axis2.context.ServiceGroupContext", "serviceGroupContext"), new FieldDescription("java.lang.String", "serviceGroupContextId"), new FieldDescription("org.apache.axis2.context.SessionContext", "sessionContext"), new FieldDescription("org.apache.axis2.description.TransportOutDescription", "transportOut"), new FieldDescription("org.apache.axis2.description.TransportInDescription", "transportIn"), new FieldDescription("java.lang.String", "incomingTransportName"), new FieldDescription("java.util.LinkedHashMap", "selfManagedDataMap"), new FieldDescription("boolean", "needsToBeReconciled"), new FieldDescription("int", "selfManagedDataHandlerCount"), new FieldDescription("java.util.ArrayList", "selfManagedDataListHolder"), new FieldDescription("java.util.ArrayList", "metaExecutionChain"), new FieldDescription("java.util.LinkedList", "metaExecuted"), new FieldDescription("int", "metaHandlerIndex"), new FieldDescription("int", "metaPhaseIndex"), new FieldDescription("org.apache.axis2.util.MetaDataEntry", "metaAxisOperation"), new FieldDescription("org.apache.axis2.util.MetaDataEntry", "metaAxisService"), new FieldDescription("org.apache.axis2.util.MetaDataEntry", "metaAxisServiceGroup"), new FieldDescription("org.apache.axis2.util.MetaDataEntry", "metaTransportOut"), new FieldDescription("org.apache.axis2.util.MetaDataEntry", "metaTransportIn"), new FieldDescription("org.apache.axis2.util.MetaDataEntry", "metaAxisMessage"), new FieldDescription("boolean", "reconcileAxisMessage"), new FieldDescription("boolean", "executedPhasesReset"), new FieldDescription("java.lang.String", "selfManagedDataDelimiter"), // new FieldDescription("java.lang.Class", // new String[] {"class$org$apache$axis2$context$MessageContext","class$0"}), // new FieldDescription("java.lang.Class", // new String[] {"class$org$apache$axis2$context$SelfManagedDataManager","class$1"}), new FieldDescription("java.lang.Exception", "failureReason"), new FieldDescription("boolean", "DEBUG_ENABLED"), }; public MessageContextChangeTest(String arg0) { super(arg0); } public void testChange() throws Exception { StringBuilder messages = new StringBuilder(); MessageContext mc = new MessageContext(); Class mcClass = mc.getClass(); Field [] fields = mcClass.getDeclaredFields(); int numberFields = fields.length; int numberKnownFields = knownList.length; if (numberKnownFields != numberFields) { messages.append("ERROR: number of actual fields [" + numberFields + "] in MessageContext does not match the expected number [" + numberKnownFields + "]\n"); } // first check the expected fields with the actual fields for (int i = 0; i < numberKnownFields; i++) { // see if this entry is in the actual list String[] names = knownList[i].getNames(); Field actualField = null; for (int j = 0; actualField == null && j < names.length; j++) { String name = names[j]; actualField = findField(fields, name); } if (actualField == null) { messages.append("ERROR: MessageContext is missing field [" + Arrays.asList(names) + "]\n"); } else { String knownType = knownList[i].getType(); String actualType = actualField.getType().getName(); if (!knownType.equals(actualType)) { messages.append("ERROR: MessageContext field [" + Arrays.asList(names) + "] expected type [" + knownType + "] does not match actual type [" + actualType + "]\n"); } } } // next, check the actual fields with the predefined, known fields for (int j = 0; j < numberFields; j++) { String description = fields[j].toString(); // see if this entry is in the predefined list String name = fields[j].getName(); FieldDescription fd = findFieldDescription(name); if (fd == null) { messages.append("ERROR: MessageContext has new field [" + description + "] that needs to be assessed for message context save/restore functions\n"); } else { String knownType = fd.getType(); String actualType = fields[j].getType().getName(); if (!knownType.equals(actualType)) { messages.append("ERROR: MessageContext field [" + name + "] expected type [" + knownType + "] does not match actual type [" + actualType + "]\n"); } } } if (messages.length() > 0) { fail(messages.toString()); } } private Field findField(Field[] fields, String name) { //System.out.println("findField: looking for ["+name+"]"); for (int k = 0; k < fields.length; k++) { String fieldName = fields[k].getName(); //System.out.println("fieldName["+k+"] = ["+fieldName+"]"); if (fieldName.equals(name)) { return fields[k]; } } return null; } private FieldDescription findFieldDescription(String name) { for (int k = 0; k < knownList.length; k++) { String[] fieldName = knownList[k].getNames(); for (int i = 0; i < fieldName.length; i++) { if (fieldName[i].equals(name)) { return knownList[k]; } } } return null; } private class FieldDescription { String type = null; String[] name = null; // constructor public FieldDescription() { } // constructor public FieldDescription(String t, String n) { type = t; name = new String[]{n}; } // constructor public FieldDescription(String t, String[] n) { type = t; name = n; } public String getType() { return type; } public String[] getNames() { return name; } public void setType(String t) { type = t; } } }