package; import com.jivesoftware.os.amza.api.IoStats; import com.jivesoftware.os.amza.api.filer.UIO; import com.jivesoftware.os.amza.api.partition.VersionedPartitionName; import com.jivesoftware.os.amza.api.scan.RowStream; import; import; import; import; import com.jivesoftware.os.amza.api.wal.PrimaryRowMarshaller; import com.jivesoftware.os.amza.api.wal.WALHighwater; import com.jivesoftware.os.amza.api.wal.WALKey; import com.jivesoftware.os.amza.api.wal.WALTx; import com.jivesoftware.os.amza.api.wal.WALValue; import; import; import; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong; import org.apache.commons.lang.mutable.MutableInt; import org.apache.commons.lang.mutable.MutableLong; /** * @author jonathan.colt */ public class DeltaWAL implements WALRowHydrator, Comparable<DeltaWAL> { private final long id; private final long prevId; private final OrderIdProvider orderIdProvider; private final PrimaryRowMarshaller primaryRowMarshaller; private final HighwaterRowMarshaller<byte[]> highwaterRowMarshaller; private final WALTx wal; private final AtomicLong updateCount = new AtomicLong(); private final Object oneTxAtATimeLock = new Object(); private final AtomicLong referenceCount = new AtomicLong(); public DeltaWAL(long id, long prevId, OrderIdProvider orderIdProvider, PrimaryRowMarshaller primaryRowMarshaller, HighwaterRowMarshaller<byte[]> highwaterRowMarshaller, WALTx wal) { = id; this.prevId = prevId; this.orderIdProvider = orderIdProvider; this.primaryRowMarshaller = primaryRowMarshaller; this.highwaterRowMarshaller = highwaterRowMarshaller; this.wal = wal; } void acquire() { long count = referenceCount.incrementAndGet(); //System.out.println("acquired: " + count); } void release() { long count = referenceCount.decrementAndGet(); //System.out.println("released: " + count); } @Override public void closeHydrator() { release(); } void awaitDerefenced() throws InterruptedException { long count = referenceCount.get(); //System.out.println("await: " + count); while (count > 0) { Thread.sleep(1000); //TODO config if we care count = referenceCount.get(); //System.out.println("await: " + count); } } long getId() { return id; } long getPrevId() { return prevId; } public void load(IoStats ioStats, RowStream rowStream) throws Exception { wal.tx(io -> { io.scan(ioStats, 0, true, rowStream); return null; }); } public void flush(boolean fsync) throws Exception { wal.flush(fsync); } // TODO IOC shift to using callback private byte[] appendHighwaterHints(byte[] value, byte[] hintsBytes) throws Exception { if (hintsBytes != null) { byte[] bytes = new byte[4 + (value != null ? value.length : 0) + 1 + 4 + hintsBytes.length]; int offset = 0; offset += UIO.writeInt(value != null ? value.length : -1, bytes, offset); offset += UIO.writeBytes(value, bytes, offset); bytes[offset] = 1; //hasHighwaterHints offset++; offset += UIO.writeInt(hintsBytes.length, bytes, offset); offset += UIO.writeBytes(hintsBytes, bytes, offset); return bytes; } else { byte[] bytes = new byte[4 + (value != null ? value.length : 0) + 1]; int offset = 0; offset += UIO.writeInt(value != null ? value.length : -1, bytes, offset); offset += UIO.writeBytes(value, bytes, offset); bytes[offset] = 0; // doesn't have hasHighwaterHints return bytes; } } private int sizeWithAppendedHighwaterHints(byte[] value, WALHighwater hints) { if (hints != null) { return 4 + (value != null ? value.length : 0) + 1 + 4 + highwaterRowMarshaller.sizeInBytes(hints); } else { return 4 + (value != null ? value.length : 0) + 1; } } public DeltaWALApplied update(IoStats ioStats, RowType rowType, VersionedPartitionName versionedPartitionName, Map<WALKey, WALValue> apply, WALHighwater highwaterHint) throws Exception { MutableLong txId = new MutableLong(); int numApplies = apply.size(); KeyValueHighwater[] keyValueHighwaters = new KeyValueHighwater[numApplies]; long[] fps = new long[numApplies]; int index = 0; for (Map.Entry<WALKey, WALValue> entry : apply.entrySet()) { byte[] prefix = entry.getKey().prefix; byte[] key = entry.getKey().key; WALValue value = entry.getValue(); WALHighwater highwater = (index == numApplies - 1) ? highwaterHint : null; keyValueHighwaters[index] = new KeyValueHighwater(rowType, prefix, key, value.getValue(), value.getTimestampId(), value.getTombstoned(), value.getVersion(), highwater); index++; } wal.tx(io -> { long transactionId; MutableInt fpIndex = new MutableInt(0); synchronized (oneTxAtATimeLock) { transactionId = (orderIdProvider == null) ? 0 : orderIdProvider.nextId(); int estimatedSizeInBytes = 0; for (KeyValueHighwater kvh : keyValueHighwaters) { int pkSizeInBytes = WALKey.sizeOfComposed(versionedPartitionName.sizeInBytes(), WALKey.sizeOfComposed(kvh.prefix != null ? kvh.prefix.length : 0, kvh.key.length)); int valueSizeInBytes = sizeWithAppendedHighwaterHints(kvh.value, kvh.highwater); estimatedSizeInBytes += primaryRowMarshaller.maximumSizeInBytes(rowType, pkSizeInBytes, valueSizeInBytes); } io.write(ioStats, transactionId, rowType, keyValueHighwaters.length, estimatedSizeInBytes, rowStream -> { for (KeyValueHighwater kvh : keyValueHighwaters) { byte[] pk = WALKey.compose(versionedPartitionName.toBytes(), WALKey.compose(kvh.prefix, kvh.key)); byte[] value = appendHighwaterHints(kvh.value, highwaterRowMarshaller.toBytes(kvh.highwater)); byte[] row = primaryRowMarshaller.toRow(rowType, pk, value, kvh.valueTimestamp, kvh.valueTombstone, kvh.valueVersion); if (! { return false; } } return true; }, indexKeyStream -> { for (KeyValueHighwater kvh : keyValueHighwaters) { if (!, kvh.key, kvh.value, kvh.valueTimestamp, kvh.valueTombstone, kvh.valueVersion)) { return false; } } return true; }, (rowTxId, prefix, key, value, valueTimestamp, valueTombstoned, valueVersion, fp) -> { fps[fpIndex.intValue()] = fp; fpIndex.increment(); return true; }, true, false); } txId.setValue(transactionId); return null; }); updateCount.addAndGet(numApplies); return new DeltaWALApplied(txId.longValue(), keyValueHighwaters, fps); } public void hackTruncation(int numBytes) { wal.hackTruncation(numBytes); } public interface ConsumeTxFps { boolean consume(TxFpsStream txFpsStream) throws Exception; } boolean takeRows(IoStats ioStats, ConsumeTxFps consumeTxFps, RowStream rowStream) throws Exception { return wal.tx(io -> primaryRowMarshaller.fromRows( txFpRowStream -> consumeTxFps.consume(txFps -> ioStats, fpStream -> { for (long fp : txFps.fps) { if (! { return false; } } return true; }, (rowFP, rowTxId, rowType, row) ->, rowFP, rowType, row))), (txId, fp, rowType, prefix, key, hasValue, value, valueTimestamp, valueTombstoned, valueVersion, row) -> { int o = 0; byte[] valueValue = UIO.readByteArray(value, o, "value"); o += 4 + (valueValue == null ? 0 : valueValue.length); byte[] deltaRow = primaryRowMarshaller.toRow(rowType, key, valueValue, valueTimestamp, valueTombstoned, valueVersion); if (!rowStream.row(fp, txId, rowType, deltaRow)) { return false; } if (value[o] == 1) { // hasHighwaterHints o++; if (!rowStream.row(-1, -1, RowType.highwater, UIO.readByteArray(value, o, "highwaterHints"))) { return false; } } return true; })); } @Override public WALValue hydrate(long fp) throws Exception { try { byte[] typeByteTxIdAndRow = wal.tx(io -> io.readTypeByteTxIdAndRow(fp)); RowType rowType = RowType.fromByte(typeByteTxIdAndRow[0]); byte[] value = primaryRowMarshaller.valueFromRow(rowType, typeByteTxIdAndRow, 1 + 8); byte[] deltaValue = UIO.readByteArray(value, 0, "value"); return new WALValue(rowType, deltaValue, primaryRowMarshaller.timestampFromRow(typeByteTxIdAndRow, 1 + 8), primaryRowMarshaller.tombstonedFromRow(typeByteTxIdAndRow, 1 + 8), primaryRowMarshaller.versionFromRow(typeByteTxIdAndRow, 1 + 8) ); } catch (Exception x) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to hydrate fp:" + fp + ", WAL length:" + wal.length(), x); } } @Override public boolean hydrate(IoStats ioStats, Fps fps, FpKeyValueStream fpKeyValueStream) throws Exception { try { return WALKey.decompose( decomposeStream -> { return primaryRowMarshaller.fromRows( fpRowStream -> wal.tx(io ->, fps, (rowFP, rowTxId, rowType, row) ->, rowType, row))), (fp, rowType, prefix, key, value, valueTimestamp, valueTombstoned, valueVersion) -> { byte[] deltaValue = UIO.readByteArray(value, 0, "value"); return, fp, rowType, key, true, deltaValue, valueTimestamp, valueTombstoned, valueVersion, null); }); }, (txId, fp, rowType, prefix, key, hasValue, value, valueTimestamp, valueTombstoned, valueVersion, entry) -> { return, rowType, prefix, key, value, valueTimestamp, valueTombstoned, valueVersion); }); } catch (Exception x) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to hydrate fps, WAL length:" + wal.length(), x); } } public boolean hydrateKeyValueHighwaters(IoStats ioStats, Fps fps, FpKeyValueHighwaterStream stream) throws Exception { return primaryRowMarshaller.fromRows( fpRowStream -> wal.tx( io ->, fps, (rowFP, rowTxId, rowType, row) ->, rowFP, rowType, row))), (txId, fp, rowType, prefix, key, hasValue, value, valueTimestamp, valueTombstoned, valueVersion, row) -> { try { int o = 0; byte[] hydrateValue = UIO.readByteArray(value, o, "value"); o += 4 + (hydrateValue == null ? 0 : hydrateValue.length); WALHighwater highwater = null; if (value[o] == 1) { // hasHighwaterHint o++; highwater = highwaterRowMarshaller.fromBytes(UIO.readByteArray(value, o, "highwaters")); } return, rowType, prefix, key, hydrateValue, valueTimestamp, valueTombstoned, valueVersion, highwater); } catch (Exception x) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to hydrate fp:" + fp + " length:" + wal.length(), x); } }); } void destroy(File baseKey) throws Exception { synchronized (oneTxAtATimeLock) { wal.delete(baseKey); } } @Override public int compareTo(DeltaWAL o) { return,; } public static class KeyValueHighwater { public final RowType rowType; public final byte[] prefix; public final byte[] key; public final byte[] value; public final long valueTimestamp; public final boolean valueTombstone; public final long valueVersion; public final WALHighwater highwater; public KeyValueHighwater(RowType rowType, byte[] prefix, byte[] key, byte[] value, long valueTimestamp, boolean valueTombstone, long valueVersion, WALHighwater highwater) { this.rowType = rowType; this.prefix = prefix; this.key = key; this.value = value; this.valueTimestamp = valueTimestamp; this.valueTombstone = valueTombstone; this.valueVersion = valueVersion; this.highwater = highwater; } } public static class DeltaWALApplied { public final long txId; public final KeyValueHighwater[] keyValueHighwaters; public final long[] fps; public DeltaWALApplied(long txId, KeyValueHighwater[] keyValueHighwaters, long[] fps) { this.txId = txId; this.keyValueHighwaters = keyValueHighwaters; this.fps = fps; } } }